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1. obstinate - adjective

: stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion

ob·sti·nate | \ ˈäb-stə-nət \

- My younger sibling remain as obstinate as ever.

2. replica - noun

: an exact reproduction (as of a painting) executed by the original artist

: a copy exact in all details

rep·li·ca | \ ˈre-pli-kə \

-We toured a replica of the ship.

3. scorched - adjective

: parched or discolored by scorching.

\ ˈskȯrcht \

-I eat scorched rice yesterday.

4. raucous - adjective

: disagreeably harsh or strident : HOARSE

: boisterously disorderly

rau·cous | \ ˈrȯ-kəs \

-I heard raucous shout in my neighborhood last night.

5. recalcitrant - adjective

: obstinately defiant of authority or restraint

re·cal·ci·trant | \ ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt \

- My boss worried that our recalcitrant employee would try to undermine his authority.

6. hypochondriac - noun
: a person who is often or always worried about his or her own health : a person affected by
hypochondria or hypochondriasis

hy·po·chon·dri·ac | \ ˌhī-pə-ˈkän-drē-ˌak \

- My mother is a real hypochondriac because every time she encounter some videos about that
disease, she thinks she needs to take action to prevent that to happen.

7. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - noun

: a pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust

pneu·mo·no·ul·tra·mi·cro·scop·ic·sil·i·co·vol·ca·no·co·ni·o·sis | \ ˈn(y)ü-mə-(ˌ)nō-ˌəl-trə-ˌmī-krə-ˈskäp-
ik-ˈsil-i-(ˌ)kō-väl-ˈkā-nō-ˌkō-nē-ˈō-səs \

- Before I had trouble breathing and my doctor diagnosed me with


8. voracious - adjective

: having a huge appetite : RAVENOUS

: excessively eager : INSATIABLE

vo·ra·cious | \ vȯ-ˈrā-shəs , və- \

-When I was a little back then I had a voracious appetite.

9. indolent -

: averse to activity, effort, or movement : habitually lazy

: showing an inclination to laziness

: conducive to or encouraging laziness

in·do·lent | \ ˈin-də-lənt \

-My colleague fired for being indolent about filling orders.

10. respite - noun

: a period of temporary delay

: an interval of rest or relief

re·spite | \ ˈre-spət also ri-ˈspīt, British usually ˈre-ˌspīt \

-Last week the bad weather has continued without respite.

11. augment - verb

: to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense

aug·ment | \ ȯg-ˈment \

-The impact of the tweet was augment.

12. remorse - noun

: a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : SELF-REPROACH

re·morse | \ ri-ˈmȯrs \

-I felt remorse for having bad attitude back then.

13. exorbitant - adjective

: not coming within the scope of the law

: exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size

ex·or·bi·tant | \ ig-ˈzȯr-bə-tənt \

-I buy “between 1 & 2” album in exorbitant price because of the overseas shipping fee.

14. incorrigible - adjective

: incapable of being corrected or amended

in·cor·ri·gi·ble | \ (ˌ)in-ˈkȯr-ə-jə-bəl , -ˈkär- \

-I had an incorrigible habit of doing house hold chores.

15. thrive - verb

: to grow vigorously : FLOURISH

: to gain in wealth or possessions : PROSPER

: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances —often used with on

\ ˈthrīv \

-I was amazed when my plants thrive with relatively little sunlight.

16. cosmopolitan - adjective

: composed of persons, constituents, or elements from all or many parts of the world

cos·mo·pol·i·tan | \ ˌkäz-mə-ˈpä-lə-tən \

-A city with a cosmopolitan population.

17. multifarious - adjective

: having or occurring in great variety : DIVERSE

mul·ti·far·i·ous | \ ˌməl-tə-ˈfer-ē-əs \

-I am not the type of person who participated in multifarious activities.

18. fleeting - adjective

: passing swiftly : TRANSITORY

fleet·ing | \ ˈflē-tiŋ \

-I had a fleeting moments of happiness.

19. sumptuous - adjective

: extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent

sump·tu·ous | \ ˈsəm(p)(t)-shə-wəs , -shəs, -shwəs \

-The interior in the wedding reception was sumptuous.

20. ratification - noun

: the act or process of ratifying something (such as a treaty or amendment) : formal confirmation or

: the act or process of giving legal approval to

rat·i·fi·ca·tion | \ ˌra-tə-fə-ˈkā-shən \

-I am waiting for my ratification about my case from the court.

21. forlorn - adjective


for·lorn | \ fər-ˈlȯrn , fȯr- \

-I was forlorn when I found out the class had been suspended due to the storm.

22. sesquipedalian - adjective

: having many syllables : LONG

ses·qui·pe·da·lian | \ ˌse-skwə-pə-ˈdāl-yən \

-The cell theory has sesquipedalian terms.

23. phenomenon - noun

Definition of phenomenon

1 plural phenomena : an observable fact or event

2 plural phenomena

a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition

b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon

c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation

3 a: a rare or significant fact or event

b: plural phenomenons : an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence

-Squid game become global cultural phenomenon worldwide.

24. onomatopoeia - noun

: the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz,

on·o·mato·poe·ia | \ ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə , -ˌma- \

- I finally found an appropriate onomatopoeia for the play tommorrow.

25. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - adjective

:extraordinarily good; wonderful

su·per·ca·li·fra·gil·is·tic·ex·pi·a·li·do·cious | /ˌso͞opərˌkaləˌfrajəˌlistikˌekspēˌaləˈdōSHəs/
-The Disney movie I watch back then was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

26. Worcestershire -

: a county in the West Midlands of England.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, skip pronouncing the first “r” altogether, and the “ce”
while you're at it, and barely say the second “r.” Start the word off by saying “Wooster” and then
finish off with the British “shire.”

- Mrs. Adamson moved to a new house in the Worcestershire countryside.

26. Worcestershire sauce - noun

: a pungent sauce whose ingredients include soy, vinegar, and garlic

— called also Worcestershire

Worces·ter·shire sauce | \ ˈwu̇ -stər-ˌshir- , -stə-, -shər- also -ˌshī(-ə)r- \

-I enjoy eating fried squid with worcestershire sauce.

27. abstruse - adjective


: difficult to comprehend : RECONDITE

ab·struse | \ əb-ˈstrüs , ab- \

-I find cell’s theory abstruse.

28. bilk - noun

: an untrustworthy tricky individual : CHEAT

\ ˈbilk \

-My colleague lost money in the scheme discovered that the investment company that the “owner”
just a bilk.

29. bombastic - adjective

: marked by or given to speech or writing that is given exaggerated importance by artificial or empty
means : marked by or given to bombast : POMPOUS, OVERBLOWN

bom·bas·tic | \ bäm-ˈba-stik \
-Some aspirant wants to become government officials make bombastic speech intended to impress
the voters in their campaign.

30. bereft - adjective

: lacking something needed, wanted, or expected

be·reft | \ bi-ˈreft \

- I booked to cheap public bath completely bereft of all their amenities.

31. calumny - noun

: the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm another's

cal·um·ny | \ ˈka-ləm-nē also ˈkal-yəm- \

-Adam was the target of calumny for his unpopular beliefs.

32. camaraderie - noun

: a spirit of friendly good-fellowship

ca·ma·ra·de·rie | \ ˌkäm-ˈrä-d(ə-)rē , ˌkam-, ˌkä-mə-, ˌka-, -ˈra- \

-My friends and I develop a real camaraderie after being classmates for two years.

33. candor - noun

: unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : FORTHRIGHTNESS

can·dor | \ ˈkan-dər , -ˌdȯr \

-Attorney Woo spoke about and I was impressed by the candor of her statement.

34. capitulate - verb

: to surrender often after negotiation of terms

ca·pit·u·late | \ kə-ˈpi-chə-ˌlāt \

-The enemy was warned to capitulate.

35. carouse - verb

caroused; carousing

: to drink liquor freely or excessively

ca·rouse | \ kə-ˈrau̇ z \

-My friends and I went out corousing last night.

36. carp - noun

: a deep-bodied freshwater fish, typically with barbels around the mouth. Carp are farmed for food in
some parts of the world and are widely kept in large ponds.


-I saw a little carp swimming swiftly in the pond.

37. caucus - noun

: a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to
select candidates or to decide on policy

cau·cus | \ ˈkȯ-kəs \

-Supreme court had a caucus about de Lima’s case.

38. cavort - verb

cavorted; cavorting; cavorts

: to engage in extravagant behavior

ca·vort | \ kə-ˈvȯrt \

-The son of the president was critized for cavorting with an actress.

39. circumlocution - noun

: the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea

cir·cum·lo·cu·tion | \ ˌsər-kəm-lō-ˈkyü-shən \

-I had no patience with political circumlocutions.

40. cogent - adjective

: appealing forcibly to the mind or reason : CONVINCING

co·gent | \ ˈkō-jənt \

-The prosecutor finds a cogent evidence about the case I am working.

41. cognizant - adjective

: knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience

also : MINDFUL

cog·ni·zant | \ ˈkäg-nə-zənt \

-I am still not fully cognizant about the details of the trade agreement.

42. commensurate - adjective

: corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : PROPORTIONATE

com·men·su·rate | \ kə-ˈmen(t)s-rət , -ˈmen(t)sh-; -ˈmen(t)-sə-, -shə- \

- I was given a commensurate job with my capabilities.

43. concomitant - adjective

: accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way

con·com·i·tant | \ kən-ˈkä-mə-tənt , kän- \

- the facilities led to a concomitant improvement.

44. conflagration - noun



- The conflagration between Philippine and Japan lasted for over three years.

45. connive - verb

: to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose

con·nive | \ kə-ˈnīv \
- The government connived in the rebels' military buildup.

46. contravene - verb

contravened; contravening

: to go or act contrary to : VIOLATE

con·tra·vene | \ ˌkän-trə-ˈvēn \

-The driver contravene a law.

47. dearth - noun

: an inadequate supply : LACK

\ ˈdərth \

-They not win the case because they dearth of evidence.

48. debacle - noun

: a great disaster

de·ba·cle | \ dē-ˈbä-kəl , di-, -ˈba- ; nonstandard ˈde-bə-kəl \

variants: or less commonly débâcle \ dē-ˈbä-kəl , di- , -ˈba- ; also dā-ˈbäk(lᵊ) , -ˈbä-kəl , \

-Back 2009, the financial debacle caused to collapse the housing market.

49. debauch - verb

debauched; debauching; debauches

: to corrupt by intemperance or sensuality

de·bauch | \ di-ˈbȯch , -ˈbäch, dē- \

- They stay on a tropical isle had debauched the ship's crew to the point where they no longer acted
like naval professionals.

50. debunk - verb

debunked; debunking; debunks

: to expose the sham or falseness of

de·bunk | \ (ˌ)dē-ˈbəŋk \

- The article debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.

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