वसुदेव सुतं देवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम्र । देवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगदुरुम् (AutoRecovered)

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वसुदेव सुतं दे वं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम्र ।

दे वकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगदरु ु म् I

bow down to Krishna who is the
master of the universe, who is the son
of Vasudev who killed the demons
Kansa and Chanura who brings
immense joy to his mother Devaki.
Krishna you are the master of the
universe. You told the right way to
become a human. He is the universe.
He is every particle of the universe. He
is only the sun and the moon. He is a
guru, father, child, and he is a real
friend that’s why he is called as the
master of the universe. He is the
conscience in their heart of all
creatures. He is the beginning and the
end. He is the mind of the scenes. He is
the radiant sun among lights. He is the
song in sacred lore. He is the king of
deities. He is the priest of great seers.
He is the great soul. Only the person
who have gone through the life of
Krishna can understand the Krishna so
what is a master let me give you
example of Sachin Tendulkar like he is
the master of the world there is no
place where Sachin Tendulkar is not
famous like that Krishna was a master
no one can beat him this is a master
the person who can beat anyone and
know how to live life is called master
like this Krishna was he was not master
of this world he was the master of the
universe so this is our today’s topic
based on that कृष्णं वन्दे जगदरु
ु म्
Krishna is the master of the universe as
people say that Krishna is a guru but
do you know who is real guru. Guru
means he have infinity complex so now
lets see his teachings he always says
that when you help your friend then
he will also support you have you saw
banyan tree if you have saw a banyan
tree first when the banyan tree is small
it can handle its weight but when it
grows there comes small rope like
thread called parambya and after that
it grows and grow and can’t handle the
weight of parambya but the parambya
goes big and big touch the ground and
support the whole banyan tree the
thounds of parambya supports the
tree so what do you see that the tree
help the parambya to grow and grow
and when the tree is in danger the
parambya supports him like that
Krishna helped his friend and when the
Krishna is in danger they also helped
them to do it now lets see Krishna’s
second teaching that Krishna always
that everything happen for a cause In
Bhagavad-Gita Lord Krishna said that
everything happens for a cause or
good reason. Whatever happens in life
happen for good and there is always a
cause or reason behind that. He also
mentioned that we all are children of
God, the one creator. God is supreme
power and this world is governed by
him. And since, we all are god’s
children, nothing evil can happen to
us. Hence, it is best to not cry over
things that have happened or over
things that we do not have control of.
We need to let go and accept things.
That’s why Krishna always says that
whatever have happened have
happened for the best whatever is
happening is happening for the best
whatever will happen will happen for
the best now let’s see his third
teachings he third teaching is time is
most valuble thing mor valuable than
the gold or any valuable thing on this
world I think you have saw hourglass
the sand which has fallen down is you
past the sand which is remaining in the
glass is your future and the sand which
is falling down on every moment is
your present you have to live that
moment its in your hand how to use
that time don’t wait for the next day to
arise to do a new thing start from now
do everything from now because you
can turn that hourglass upside down
but you can’t get the time you have
lost before so don’t wait for anything
start the work from now because time
doesn’t wait for anyone now let’s see
the fourth teaching is sacrifice this
thing is the most wonderful thing in
Krishna he was born in jail the night he
was born was separated by his birth
parents he always heard the sound of
cows goats his life always full of
sacrifice the most powerful sacrifice of
Krishna is he was seprated by the birth
parents at that time he wanted them
this sacrifice no one can do that’s why
he is called master of the universe his
life only was of sacrifice and the main
thing is that he didn’t cry for it he
happily accepted it if there is no
sacrifice in any one’s life then it thing
the that is not a life the person who
have sacrificed will surely be a
successful man you should sacrifice
your whole body to that work this is
the most useful learning from Krishna
now let’s see his fifth teaching and my
most favorite teaching this quality is
most important let me first give you
one example when the karna got
arrow on his back and was going to die
and he said to Krishna that my mother
left me the moment I was born is It my
fault I was born an illegitimate child? I
didn’t got education from
dhronacharya because I was
considered a non-kshatriya Parshu-
raam taught me but then gave me the
curse forget everything since I was a
kshatriya a cow was accidently hit by
my arrow & its owner cursed me for no
fault of mine I was disgraced in
Draupadi’s swayamvar even Kunti
Mata finally told me the truth only to
save her other sons. Whatever I
received through Duryodhana’s charity
so how am i wrong in taking his side ?
karna I also live like you with problems
in front of me but karna life’s
unfairness does not give you the
license to walk the wrong path of
dharma remember one thing everyone
everybody has challenges in life. life is
not fair on anybody if you learn this
skill to change problems into solutions
you are a true human now lets see
how can you become Krishna only
follow these three things first
1)hard work
Krishna becomes strong by his mind
because of his hard work
Krishna won Dwarka because of his
hard work
2) Always smile
Shree Krishna lose is birth mother and
father but didn’t lose his smile
After some time he lose Radha,
Yashoda ,nandji ,Vrindavan but not
lose his smile
Krishna lose everything but didn’t lose
his smile
3)Follow truth
Most important how strong
punishment you will get don’t think
about it always tell the truth
Follow These 3 Things You Are Krishan
Thank you very much

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