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Civil Law and Practical Exercises Reviewer for the 2022 Bar

Tabl of Content Part I private laws;

2. Presidential decrees and executive orders promulgated
Preliminary Title 2
I Preliminary Title by the President in the exercise of legislative powers;

Persons and Family Relations 5 3. Administrative rules and regulations, if their purpose is
E ect and Application of Laws
to enforce or implement existing law pursuant also to a
Human Relations valid delegation.
Succession 59
4. The charter of a city;
A E ect and Application of Laws
Obligations and Contracts 81 5. The circulars issued by the Monetary Board, if they are
When does an ordinary law take effect? meant not merely to interpret but to " ll in the details" of
Sales 131 ART 2. Laws shall take e ect after fteen days following the the Central Bank Act which that body is supposed to
completion of their publication either enforce.

Lease 143 1. in the O cial Gazette OR When publication NOT required

2. in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, 1. Interpretative regulations and those merely internal in
Partnership 146 unless it is otherwise provided. xxxx nature;

Is publication needed? 2. Letters of instructions;

Agency 159
3. Municipal ordinances are not covered by this rule but by
Tañada v. Tuvera the Local Government Code.
Credit Transactions 167
The clause "unless it is otherwise provided" refers to the date of The publication must be in full or it is no publication at all
e ectivity and not to the requirement of publication itself, which since its purpose is to inform the public of the contents of the
Torts and Damages 176
cannot in any event be omitted. This clause does not mean that the laws.
legislator may make the law e ective immediately upon approval, or
Property 185 on any other date without its previous publication. Publication is
indispensable in every case, but the legislature may in its discretion Fariñas v. Executive Secretary
Credit Transactions 221 provide that the usual fteen-day period shall be shortened or
extended. The "E ectivity" clause (Section 16) of Rep. Act No. 9006 which
provides that it "shall take e ect immediately upon its
Land Titles and Deeds 226 What needs to be published? approval," is defective.
1. All statutes, including those of local application and
Practical Exercises 241 Following Article 2 of the Civil Code and the doctrine enunciated in

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Tañada, Rep. Act No. 9006, notwithstanding its express statement, in a manner consistent with justice and good faith. At the instance of a clear violation of Article 21 of the Civil Code.
took e ect fteen days after its publication in the O cial Gazette or petitioner, it was done in a swift, unconscionable manner, giving the
In the Manila Gas Corporation case, the Court held that
a newspaper of general circulation. occupants of the house no time at all to remove their belongings
respondents’ default in the payment of his bills “cannot be utilized
therefrom. No damage worth mentioning would have been
by petitioner to defeat or nullify the claim for damages. At most, this
sustained by petitioner if their men, led by the Sheri , had been
circumstance can be considered as a mitigating factor in
B Human Relations instructed to allow said occupants to remove their personal
ascertaining the amount of damages to which respondent is
properties, considering that this would not have taken a considerable
Principle of Abuse of Rights length of time.

ART 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in
the performance of his duties, Go v. Cordero 2010
Velayo v. Shell Co. Phil.
a) act with justice, The failure of Robinson, Go, Tecson and Landico to act with
The Defendant schemed and a ected the transfer of its credits (from fairness, honesty and good faith in securing better terms for the
b) give everyone his due, and
which it could derive practically nothing) to its sister corporation in purchase of high-speed catamarans from AFFA, to the prejudice of
c) observe honesty and good faith. the United States where CALI's plane C-54 was then situated, Cordero as the duly appointed exclusive distributor, is further
The principle of abuse of rights sets certain standards which succeeding by such swift and unsuspected operation in disposing of proscribed by Article 19 of the Civil Code.
must be observed not only in the exercise of one's rights but also in said insolvent's property by removing it from the possession and
ownership of the insolvent. The elements of abuse of rights are the following:
the performance of one's duties.
We hold Defendant liable to pay to the plainti , for the bene t of 1) There is a legal right or duty;
When a right is exercised in a manner which does not conform
with the norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in damage to the insolvent CALI and its creditors, as compensatory damages a 2) which is exercised in bad faith;
another, a legal wrong is thereby committed for which the sum equivalent to the value of the plane at the time aforementioned
3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring another.
wrongdoer must be held responsible. and another equal sum as exemplary damages.
When Article 19 is violated, an action for damages is proper under
But while Article 19 lays down a rule of conduct for the Articles 20 or 21 of the Civil Code. Article 20 pertains to damages
government of human relations and for the maintenance of social arising from a violation of law. Article 21 refers to acts contra
Meralco v. CA
order, it does not provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an bonus mores and has the following elements:
action for damages under either Article 20 or Article 21 A prior written notice to the customer is required before 1) There is an act which is legal;
would be proper. disconnection of the service. Failure to give such prior notice
amounts to a tort. 2) but which is contrary to morals, good custom, public order,
Albetz Investment Inc. v. CA or public policy; and
The prematurity of the action is indicative of an intent to cause
additional mental and moral su ering to private respondent. This is 3) it is done with intent to injure.
The demolition complained of in the case at bar was not carried out

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A common theme runs through Articles 19 and 21, and that is, the No rights to the prizes may be asserted by the contestants, because However, while petitioner was guilty of negligence and thus
act complained of must be intentional. theirs was merely the privilege to compete for the prize, and that liable to respondent for the latter’s actual damages, we hold that
privilege did not ripen into a demandable right unless and until they respondent should not have been awarded moral damages.
were proclaimed winners of the competition by the appointed
At the very least, it behooved on respondent to verify for himself
Cebu Country Club v. Elqueizaga arbiters or referees or judges.
whether he has completed all necessary requirements to be eligible
Error and wrong do not mean the same thing. "Wrong" as used in for the bar examinations.
In rejecting respondent’s application for proprietary membership,
the aforesaid legal principle is the deprivation or violation of a right.
we nd that petitioners violated the rules governing human relations. Willful acts that are contrary to law causing damage to another
Petitioners committed fraud and evident bad faith in disapproving Granting that Imperial su ered some loss or injury, yet in law there
respondent’s applications. This is contrary to morals, good custom are instances of "damnum absque injuria". This is one of them. If ART 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to
or public policy. Hence, petitioners are liable for damages pursuant fraud or malice had been proven, it would be a di erent proposition. another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs
to Article 19 in relation to Article 21 of the same Code. But then her action should be directed against the individual judge or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage.
or judges who fraudulently or maliciously injured her. Not against Breach of promise to marry, is it actionable?
As to petitioners’ reliance on the principle of damnum absque
the other judges. The judiciary has no power to reverse the
injuria or damage without injury, su ce it to state that the same is "Mere breach of a promise to marry" is NOT an actionable wrong.
award of the board of judges of an oratorical contest.
misplaced. In Amonoy v. Gutierrez, we held that this principle
What kind of damage can be recovered?
does not apply when there is an abuse of a person’s right, as in
this case. Per express provision of Article 2219 (10) of the New Civil Code,
University of the East v. Jader moral damages are recoverable in the cases mentioned in Article
Under Article 2219, moral damages may be recovered, among
others, in acts and actions referred to in Article 21. May an educational institution be held liable for damages for
misleading a student into believing that the latter had satisfied all the
Acts contrary to law done willfully or negligently causing Cecilio Pe v. Alfonso Pe
requirements for graduation when such is not the case?
YES. Educational institutions are duty-bound to inform the The circumstances under which defendant tried to win Lolita's
ART 20. Every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or students of their academic status and not wait for the latter to a ection cannot lead to any other conclusion than that it was he
negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the inquire from the former. Want of care to the conscious disregard of who, thru an ingenious scheme or trickery, seduced the latter to the
latter for the same. civil obligations coupled with a conscious knowledge of the cause extent of making her fall in love with him. Defendant not only
naturally calculated to produce them would make the erring party deliberately, but through a clever strategy, succeeded in winning the
No right impaired, no basis for damages
liable. Petitioner’s liability arose from its failure to promptly inform a ection and love of Lolita to the extent of having illicit relations
respondent of the result of an examination and in misleading the with her. The wrong he has caused her and her family is indeed
Felipe v. Leuterio, et al.
latter into believing that he had satis ed all requirements for the immeasurable considering the fact that he is a married man.
Whether the courts have the authority to reverse the award of the board course. Verily, he has committed an injury to Lolita's family in a manner
of judges of an oratorical competition.

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age or other handicap, the courts must be vigilant for his

contrary to morals, good customs and public policy as contemplated which followed thereafter. It is essential, however, that such
in Article 21 of the new Civil Code. injury should have been committed in a manner contrary to
morals, good customs or public policy. Damages Against Public O cials and
for Unfair Competition
Wassmer v. Velez Unjust Enrichment ART 27. Any person su ering material or moral loss because a
public servant or employee refuses or neglects, without just
Solutio Indebiti and Accion en rem verso
Hermosisima v. CA, as reiterated in Estopa v. Piansay, ruled that cause, to perform his o cial duty may le an action for
"mere breach of a promise to marry" is not an actionable wrong. ART 22. Every person who through an act of performance by damages and other relief against the latter, without prejudice
another, or any other means, acquires or comes into possession to any disciplinary administrative action that may be taken.
This here is not a case of mere breach of promise to marry. To
of something at the expense of the latter without just or legal
formally set a wedding and go through all the above-described ART 28. Unfair competition in agricultural, commercial or
ground, shall return the same to him.
preparation, and publicity, only to walk out of it when the industrial enterprises or in labor through the use of force,
matrimony is about to be solemnized, is quite di erent. This is Requisites for an Accion in rem verso intimidation, deceit, machination or any other unjust,
palpably and unjusti ably contrary to good customs, for which a) Defendant has been enriched; oppressive or highhanded method shall give rise to a right of
defendant must be held answerable in damages in accordance with action by the person who thereby su ers damage.
Article 21 aforesaid. b) Plainti su ered a loss;
c) Enrichment of defendant is without just or legal ground; and
d) Plainti has NO other action based on contract, II Persons and Family Relations
Gashem Shookat Baksh v. CA quasi-contract, crime, or quasi-delict.
Whether or not damages may be recovered for a breach of promise to Even without fault one is liable for damages if benefited
marry on the basis of Article 21. Civil Personality
ART 23. Even when an act or event causing damage to
Where a man's promise to marry is in fact the proximate another's property was not due to the fault or negligence of Use of Surnames
cause of the acceptance of his love by a woman and his the defendant, the latter shall be liable for indemnity if Entries in the Civil Registry and
representation to ful ll that promise thereafter becomes the through the act or event he was bene ted.
proximate cause of the giving of herself unto him in a sexual Clerical Error Law
congress, proof that he had, in reality, no intention of marrying her Parens Patriae Absence
and that the promise was only a subtle scheme or deceptive device to Meaning of court’s vigilance for the protection of the poor
Civil Code Provisions
entice or inveigle her to accept him and to obtain her consent to the ART 24. In all contractual, property or other relations, when
sexual act, could justify the award of damages pursuant to Article 21 Presumptive death of absent spouse under the Family
one of the parties is at a disadvantage on account of his moral
not because of such promise to marry but because of the fraud and dependence, ignorance, indigence, mental weakness, tender Code
deceit behind it and the willful injury to her honor and reputation

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Requisites of marriage Domestic Adoption (RA 8552) ART 41. For civil purposes, the foetus is considered born if it is
Exemption from license requirement Who may adopt alive at the time it is completely delivered from the mother's
Marriages solemnized abroad and foreign divorce Who may be adopted
However, if the foetus had an intrauterine life of less than
Void and voidable marriages Rights of an adopted child seven months, it is not deemed born if it dies within
Annulment under Article 36 Instances and e ects of rescission twenty-four hours after its complete delivery from the
maternal womb.
Legal Separation Inter-country Adoption (RA 8043)

Rights and Obligations Between Spouse When allowed Geluz v. CA

Property Relations Between Spouse Who may adopt Whether the husband of a woman, who voluntarily procured her
General provisions Who may be adopted abortion, could recover damages from the physician who caused the
Donations by reason of marriage Support
NO. Since an action for pecuniary damages on account of personal
Absolute Community of Property Parental Authority
injury or death pertains primarily to the one injured, if no action for
Conjugal Partnership of Gains Emancipation such damages could be instituted on behalf of the unborn child on
account of the injuries it received, no such right of action could
Separation of property and administration of common Retroactivity of the Family Code
derivatively accrue to its parents or heirs. In fact, even if a cause of
property by one spouse during the marriage action did accrue on behalf of the unborn child, the same was
A Persons
Regime of separation of property extinguished by its pre-natal death, since no transmission to
anyone can take place from one that lacked juridical
Property regime of unions without marriage 1 Civil Personality personality.
Family Home
Natural Persons Recovery can not be had for the death of an unborn child. This is
Paternity and Filiation not to say that the parents are not entitled to collect any damages at
ART 40. Birth determines personality; but the conceived child
all. But such damages must be those in icted directly upon
Legitimate children shall be considered born for all purposes that are favorable to
them, as distinguished from the injury or violation of the rights of
Proof of liation it, provided it be born later with the conditions speci ed in the
the deceased, his right to life and physical integrity.
following article.
Illegitimate children
Commencement of civil personality Extinguishment of civil personality
Legitimated children
ART 42. Civil personality is extinguished by death.

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The e ect of death upon the rights and obligations of the capacity, which is the tness to be the subject of legal relations, was Reading Article 364 of the Civil Code together with the State's
deceased is determined by law, by contract and by will. lost through death. declared policy to ensure the fundamental equality of women and
men before the law, a legitimate child is entitled to use the surname
ART 43. If there is a doubt, as between two or more persons of either parent as a last name.
Rallos v. Felix Gochan & Sons Realty who are called to succeed each other, as to which of them died
Indeed, the provision states that legitimate children shall
rst, whoever alleges the death of one prior to the other, shall
Is the sale of the undivided share of Concepcion Rallos in lot 5983 "principally" use the surname of the father, but "principally" does
prove the same; in the absence of proof, it is presumed that
valid although it was executed by the agent after the death of his not mean "exclusively." This gives ample room to incorporate into
they died at the same time and there shall be no
principal? Article 364 the State policy of ensuring the fundamental equality of
transmission of rights from one to the other.
women and men before the law, and no discernible reason to ignore
By reason of the very nature of the relationship between principal
Juridical Persons it.
and agent, agency is extinguished by the death of the principal or of
the agent. It follows a fortiori that any act of an agent after the Kinds of juridical persons
Adopted Children
death of his principal is void ab initio unless the same falls under ART 44. The following are juridical persons:
the exceptions provided for in Articles 1930 and 1931. ART 365. An adopted child shall bear the surname of the
1) The State and its political subdivisions; adopter.
Here, the agent, Simeon Rallos, knew of the death of his principal at
2) Other corporations, institutions and entities for public Illegitimate Children
the time he sold the latter's share in Lot No. 5983 to respondent.
interest or purpose, created by law; their personality
Thus, Article 1931 of the Civil Code is inapplicable. ART 368. Illegitimate children referred to in Article 287 shall
begins as soon as they have been constituted according to
bear the surname of the mother.

People v. Tirol 3) Corporations, partnerships and associations for private Alba v. CA

interest or purpose to which the law grants a juridical
personality, separate and distinct from that of each Substantial corrections or cancellations of entries in civil registry
Death extinguishes criminal liability. Civil liability however generally
shareholder, partner or member. records a ecting the status or legitimacy of a person may be e ected
through the institution of a petition under Rule 108 of the Revised
2 Use of Surnames Rules of Court, with the proper RTC. Being a proceeding in rem,
acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of petitioner is therefore
Dumlao v. Quality Plastic Product Legitimate and Legitimated Children not required in the present case. It is enough that the trial court is
As far as Oria was concerned, the lower court's judgment against him ART 364. Legitimate and legitimated children shall principally vested with jurisdiction over the subject matter.
in Civil Case No. T-662 is void for lack of jurisdiction over his use the surname of the father. An in rem proceeding is validated essentially through publication.
person. He was not, and he could not have been, validly served The absence of personal service of the order to Armi was therefore
with summons. He had no more civil personality. His juridical Alanis III v. CA 2020 cured by the trial court's compliance with Section 4, Rule 108,

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which requires notice by publication. surname in her passport, she may not revert to the use of her Change of Name
maiden name, except in the cases enumerated in Section 5(d) of RA
ART 376. No person can change his name or surname without
Married Women 8239. These instances are:
judicial authority.
ART 370. A married woman may use: 1) death of husband,
1) Her maiden rst name and surname and add her 2) divorce, Republic v. Vicencio
husband's surname, or
3) annulment, or In Republic v. Hernandez, we have recognized inter alia, the
2) Her maiden rst name and her husband's surname or following as su cient grounds to warrant a change of name:
4) nullity of marriage.
3) Her husband's full name, but pre xing a word a) when the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or extremely
Since petitioner's marriage to her husband subsists, she may not
indicating that she is his wife, such as "Mrs." di cult to write or pronounce;
resume her maiden name in the replacement passport. Otherwise
stated, a married woman's reversion to the use of her maiden name b) when the change is a legal consequence of legitimation or
Remo v. Secretary of Foreign Affairs 2010
must be based only on the severance of the marriage. adoption;
A married woman has an option, but not a duty, to use the c) when the change will avoid confusion;
surname of the husband in any of the ways provided by Article Legally Separated Wife
370 of the Civil Code. d) when one has continuously used and been known since
ART 372. When legal separation has been granted, the wife
childhood by a Filipino name and was unaware of alien
The con ict between Article 370 of the Civil Code and Section 5(d) shall continue using her name and surname employed before
of RA 8239 is more imagined than real. RA 8239, including its the legal separation.
implementing rules and regulations, does not prohibit a married e) when the change is based on a sincere desire to adopt a
woman from using her maiden name in her passport. In fact, in Laperal v. Republic Filipino name to erase signs of former alienage, all in good
recognition of this right, the DFA allows a married woman who faith and without prejudice to anybody; and
The language of the statute is mandatory that the wife, even after the
applies for a passport for the rst time to use her maiden name. Such f) when the surname causes embarrassment and there is no
legal separation has been decreed, shall continue using her name and
an applicant is not required to adopt her husband's surname. showing that the desired change of name was for a
surname employed before the legal separation. This is so because her
In the case of renewal of passport, a married woman may either fraudulent purpose, or that the change of name would
married status is una ected by the separation, there being no
adopt her husband's surname or continuously use her maiden name. prejudice public interest.
severance of the vinculum.
If she chooses to adopt her husband's surname in her new passport, The touchstone for the grant of a change of name is that there be
Even, however, applying Rule 103 to this case, the fact of legal
the DFA additionally requires the submission of an authenticated ‘proper and reasonable cause’ for which the change is sought. A
separation alone which is the only basis for the petition at
copy of the marriage certi cate. Otherwise, if she prefers to continue legitimate child generally bears the surname of his or her father. It
bar—is, in our opinion, not a su cient ground to justify a
using her maiden name, she may still do so. The DFA will not must be stressed that a change of name is a privilege, not a matter
change of the name of herein petitioner, for to hold otherwise
prohibit her from continuously using her maiden name. of right, addressed to the sound discretion of the court.
would be to provide an easy circumvention of the mandatory
However, once a married woman opted to adopt her husband's provisions of the said Article 372. More confusion with grave legal consequences could arise if we allow

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private respondent to bear her step-father’s surname, even if she is her husband may be enjoined by the latter's present wife from Entries in the Civil Registry and
not legally adopted by him. While previous decisions have allowed using the surname of her former husband.
3 Clerical Error Law
children to bear the surname of their respective step-fathers even
There is no usurpation of the petitioner's name and surname in this R.A. No. 9048 as amended by R.A. No. 10172
without the bene t of adoption, these instances should be
case so that the mere use of the surname Tolentino by the private
distinguished from the present case.
respondent cannot be said to have injured the petitioner's rights. Acts, Events and Matters to be Registered
In Calderon v. Republic, and Llaneta v. Agrava, this Court
The following are the elements of usurpation of a name: ART 407. Acts, events and judicial decrees concerning the civil
allowed the concerned child to adopt the surname of the step-father,
1) there is an actual use of another's name by the defendant; status of persons shall be recorded in the civil register.
but unlike the situation in the present case where private respondent
is a legitimate child, in those cases the children were not of 2) the use is unauthorized; and Civil Registrar's Books are Public Documents
legitimate parentage. ART 410. The books making up the civil register and all
3) the use of another's name is to designate personality or
identify a person. documents relating thereto shall be considered public
documents and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts
Yasin v. Shari'a District Court, None of these elements exists in the case at bar and neither is there a therein contained.
Third Sharia Judicial District claim by the petitioner that the private respondent impersonated
her. In fact, it is of public knowledge that Constancia Tolentino is Republic v. Olaybar 2014
When the marriage ties or vinculum no longer exists as in the case of the legal wife of Arturo Tolentino so that all invitations for Senator
death of the husband or divorce as authorized by the Muslim Code, and Mrs. Tolentino are sent to Constancia. Consuelo never Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides the procedure for
the widow or divorcee need not seek judicial con rmation of the represented herself after the divorce as Mrs. Arturo Tolentino but cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry. The
change in her civil status in order to revert to her maiden simply as Mrs. Consuelo David-Tolentino. The private respondent proceedings may either be summary or adversary.
name as use of her former husband's is optional and not obligatory has legitimate children who have every right to use the surname 1. If the correction is clerical, then the procedure to be
for her. When petitioner married her husband, she did not change Tolentino. adopted is summary.
her name but only her civil status. Neither was she required to secure
judicial authority to use the surname of her husband after the 2. If the recti cation a ects the civil status, citizenship or
marriage as no law requires it. nationality of a party, it is deemed substantial, and the
Ursua v. CA
procedure to be adopted is adversary.
Usurpation of Name
The use of a ctitious name or a di erent name belonging to another Here, respondent sought, not the nulli cation of marriage as there
ART 377. Usurpation of a name and surname may be the person in a single instance without any sign or indication that the was no marriage to speak of, but the correction of the record of such
subject of an action for damages and other relief. user intends to be known by this name in addition to his real name marriage to re ect the truth as set forth by the evidence. Otherwise
from that day forth does not fall within the prohibition contained stated, in allowing the correction of the subject certi cate of
Tolentino v. CA in C.A. No. 142 as amended. marriage by cancelling the wife portion thereof, the trial court
did not, in any way, declare the marriage void as there was no
Whether or not a woman who has been legally divorced from

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marriage to speak of. Babiera v. Catotal proceedings.

The present action involves the cancellation of petitioner's Birth 4) It is outside the commerce of man, and, therefore,
Certi cate; it does not impugn her legitimacy. Thus, the prescriptive inalienable and intransmissible by act inter vivos or mortis
Republic v. Kho causa.
period set forth in Article 170 of the Family Code does not apply.
What surfaces as an issue is whether the failure to implead Marivel Verily, the action to nullify the Birth Certi cate does not prescribe, 5) It is imprescriptible.
and Carlito's parents rendered the trial short of the required because it was allegedly void ab initio.
This citation does not make any reference to middle names, but this
adversary proceeding and the trial court's judgment void. Barco v. does not mean that middle names have no practical or legal
Court of Appeals has ruled that the publication of the order of signi cance. Middle names serve to identify the maternal
hearing under Section 4 of Rule 108 cured the failure to implead an Chuc Siu v. Local Civil Registrar of Manila lineage or liation of a person as well as further distinguish him
indispensable party. from others who may have the same given name and surname as he
A summary petition as authorized by Article 412 of the New Civil
Code does not lie where the matter "concerns the citizenship not
only of petitioner but of his children." There is need for its being Here, the only reason advanced by petitioner for the dropping his
Onde v. The Office of the Local
2014 "threshed out in an appropriate action." middle name is convenience. However, how such change of name
Civil Registrar of Las Piñas
would make his integration into Singaporean society easier and
Under Section 1 of R.A. No. 9048, clerical or typographical errors convenient is not clearly established. That the continued use of his
on entries in a civil register can be corrected and changes of rst In Re Petition for Change of Name Julian middle name would cause confusion and di culty does not
name can be done by the concerned city civil registrar without need Carulasan Wang v. Cebu City Civil Registrar constitute proper and reasonable cause to drop it from his registered
of a judicial order. complete name.
Petitioner sought to drop his middle name and have his registered
In Silverio v. Republic, we held that under R.A. No. 9048, name changed from Julian Lin Carulasan Wang to Julian Lin Wang.
jurisdiction over applications for change of rst name is now
primarily lodged with administrative o cers. The remedy and the Does the law allow one to drop the middle name from his registered Republic v. Vergara 2015
proceedings regulating change of rst name are primarily name? We have to answer in the negative.
The Court has held that not all alterations allowed in one's name are
administrative in nature, not judicial. A name is said to have the following characteristics: con ned under Rule 103 and that corrections for clerical errors may
Correcting the entry on petitioner’s birth certi cate that his parents 1) It is absolute, intended to protect the individual from being be set right under Rule 108.
were married on December 23, 1983 in Bicol to “not married” is a confused with others. Here, respondent never had any intention to change her name and
substantial correction requiring adversarial proceedings. Said
2) It is obligatory in certain respects, for nobody can be sex. What she seeks is simply the removal of the clerical fault or
correction is substantial as it will a ect his legitimacy and convert
without a name. error in her registered sex and given name, and to set aright
him from a legitimate child to an illegitimate one.
the same to conform to her real sex and the name she grew up
3) It is xed, unchangeable, or immutable, at least at the start,
and may be changed only for good cause and by judicial

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