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PRAYER FOR Brother Pastor Dacanay

Leader: In the Name of the

Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit.Amen.
ALL: Merciful Lord Jesus! Listen to
the prayers of the souls in
purgatory.Listen to our prayers for
the soul of the faithful
departed/especially for thesoul of
Brother Pastor
Dacanay_________/through the
infinite merit of your life/passion
anddeath/we beseech You to
grant ______ pardon for all his
shortcomings onearth.

Leader: O God/You alone are ever

merciful and sparing of punishment.
ALL: Humbly we pray in behalf of the
soul of _______ whom You
havecommanded to go forth from this
world. Do not forget him but
command that hissoul be taken up by
the holy angels and brought to
paradise. So that since hehoped and
believed in You/ he may share the
joys of Your eternal kingdom.

Leader: Absolve/O Lord/the soul of

Your faithful servant ______ from
every bondof sin.
ALL: So that _____ may rise again to
life in the glory of the resurrection
withyour saints. May the angels
welcome ______ to paradise where
there is everlastingpeace. AMEN.
Leader: By Your Holy Incarnation.
ALL: Have Mercy on the soul
By Your Holy Birth.By Your
Baptism.By Your Suffering on
the Cross.By Your Death and
Burial.By Your Resurrection.By Your
Ascension.By Your Coming of the
Holy Spirit.Leader: Christ have mercy
on us.
All: Christ have mercy on us.
Leader: Lord have mercy on us.
All: Lord have mercy on us.
Leader: To You O God our Father/ we
humbly commend_____/in his
mortallife on earth/You loved him
with great love. Now that he has
been freed from
thesufferings/trials/and evils of
earth/grant that your mercy and
goodness will bringhim to Your
paradise/where there is no more
grief or suffering/questioning/
ortemptations/but only peace and
joy/with Your Son and the Holy
Spirit/forever andever.
ALL: Blessed be God/ the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ/a gentle Father
andthe God of comfort and joy/who
comforts us in our sorrows and
pains/so that wecan offer to
others/in their sorrows and
pains/the comfort we have received
f r o m God
ourselves. Let us trust him. Through
His Son who invites us/saying, “Come

me/all you who labor and

burdened/and I will give you eternal
Leader: Most merciful Father
into your hands we entrust the
soul of______. For weare
sustained with the sure hope
that he/she will rise again on
the last day/atthe
resurrection/with all those who
have died in Christ.
All: We give you thanks O
Lord/for all the good
things /which You gave
Yourservant_____/during his
mortal life/as signs of Your
infinite goodness andlove for him
and of the communion of saints in
Christ. In Your great mercy/
OLord / accept our prayers that
the gates of paradise may now be
opened to him.In our turn/may we
be comforted by the
faith/until one day we hasten to
meetJesus Christ/where we may
all be together forever/united
with the Lord/and withour loved
Leader: Dear _____ may the
angels lead you into paradise.
May the martyrs andsaints
await your coming/and escort
you to the holy city. May
the choirs of angels welcome
you/and with the poor man
Lazarus/and all your
dearones/may you enjoy
everlasting rest
and happiness.Let us pray...
ALL: Merciful Father/ into
your hands we commend the soul
of_____. We areconfident that
with all who died in grave, he
will be raised to life and live
withChrist forever. We thank you
for all the blessings you gave him
in this life. Lord /hear our
prayers. Welcome _______ to
heavenly paradise and help us to
comforteach other with the
assurance of our faith in Jesus
Leader: Lord Jesus/You wept
for Your friend Lazarus.
ALL: Comfort us in our sorrow.
You raised the dead to life. Grant
______ eternalrest. He was
washed clean at baptism and
anointed with the oil of
salvation.Receive him to
the company of the saints. He was
nourished with Your
body andblood at the Holy
Leader: And now let us pray
with confidence to the Father in
the words that ourSavior taught
Our Father……..

(The Lord’s Prayer)

Lead: Eternal rest grant unto
_______ O Lord.
ALL: And let perpetual light
shine upon him/her.
Leader: May the soul
of _______ rest in peace.
Friends/let us first think of God’s
living and loving
presence in ourmidst/ here and
now... and let us think of our
beloved _____ as still very
alive in another and happier
Leader: Lord have mercy on us.
ALL: Lord have mercy on usAll: M
ay the faith which is our greatest
treasure on earth/be now
ourconsolation. May our belief in
Jesus Christ be our guarantee of
eternal life/forHe promised
us: “I am the resurrection and
life. Whoeve
r believes in me/eventhough he
dies/shall live again. Every living
person who believes in me
shall neverdie/ but shall posses
s everlasting life.”

Leader: O God/Your days

are without end. Your
mercies are too many
to count.Cause us never to
forget that our life is very
short and uncertain. Let
YourHoly Spirit guide us
through this present life.
Giving justice and charity to
people we meet from day to
day/so that at the end/we may
be accountedworthy to enter
into your eternal kingdom/our
final home.
ALL: Lord/open our lips and
enflame our hearts/ and cleanse
them of uselessand evil thoughts.
Enlighten our minds/that we may
seriously meditate on
Thysufferings and death/ and the
pains endured by Thy most
glorious Mother/anddeign to hear
and receive us before Thy great
majesty. Thou liveth
and reignethforever. AMEN.
(Pray the Apostles Creed, 1
Our Father,
3 Hail Mary’s, 1 Glory Be)

I BELIEVE in God, the Father

almighty, creator of heaven and
earth. I believe inJesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord.He was
conceived by the power of the
Holy Spiritand born of the
Virgin Mary.He suffered under
Pontius Pilate,was crucified,
died, and was buried.He
descended to the dead.On the
third day he rose again.He
ascended into heaven,and is
seated at the right hand of the
Father.He will come again to
judge the living and the dead.I
believe in the Holy Spirit, the
holy catholic Church,the
communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins,the
resurrection of the body, and
life everlasting. Amen.Leader:
Prays the Sorrowful Mysteries1.
T h e A g o n y i n t h e G a r d e n .2 .
T h e S c o u r g i n g a t t h e P i l l a r .3 .
T h e C r o w n i n g w i t h T h o r n s .4 .
T h e C a r r y i n g o f t h e C r o s s .5 .
TheCrucifixion and Death on the
(In the decades of the Rosary; for
the Our Father, say the following)
ALL: My most merciful
Jesus/look down with eyes of pity
on the faithful soulOf _______ for
whom Thou suffered and died on
the cross. Amen.
(On the beads for the Hail Mary, say
the following: )
*Response: Have mercy
on the soul
My Jesus/through Thy bloody sweat
in the garden…
My Jesus/through Thy
blow thou received on Thy sacred

My Jesus/through Thy cruel

scourging Thou endured…

My Jesus/through Thy crown of

thorns that pierced thy head…

My Jesus/through Thy carrying of

the cross on the path of
My Jesus/through Thy face
covered with blood which thou
allowed to be
imprinted on the veil of veronica…
My Jesus/through Thy bloody
garments which were cruelly
removed from thy
wounded body…

My Jesus/through Thy holy

body nailed on the cross…
My Jesus/through Thy hands
and feet
pierced with cruel nails…
My Jesus/through Thy sacred
side pierced with a lance and
from which
flowed blood and water…

Hail Mary full of grace........

(10 Hail Marys)

Leader: Eternal Rest Grant
unto_____________, O Lord.
All: And let perpetual light shine
upon him.
Leader: May he rest in peace.
All: AMEN.
Leader: Glory be to the Father,
to the Son, And to the Holy
All: As it was in the beginning/ is
now and ever shall be world
without end. AMEN.
(Repeat for each sorrowful
mystery) (After the 5 sorrowful
mysteries, say the following)
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of
Mercy,Hail our life, our
sweetness and our hope.To thee
do we cry, poor banished
children of Eve;to thee do we
send up our sighs,mourning and
weeping in this valley of
tears.Turn then, most gracious
advocate,thine eyes of mercy
toward us;and after this our
exile,show unto us the blessed
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.O
clement, O loving, O sweet
Virgin Mary.Leader: Pray for us
O holy Mother of God,
All: That we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ.
Leader: Let us Pray
All: Most sweet Jesus/ who in Thy
desire to redeem the world/
deigned to beborn/ circumcised/
mocked by the Jews/ to fall into
the hands of Thy enemies/through
the treacherous kiss of Judas/ to
be bound and brought to the place
ofsacrifice like a lamb/ brought
before Caiphas/ Pilate/ and
Herod. Spat on/accused and
condemned with false witnesses/
to be slapped and have Thy
sacredbody covered with wounds/
from the cruel scourgings. To be
crowned withthorns/ Thy face
covered with a purple cloth in
Mockery/ stripped of
Thygarments/ nailed and elevated
on the cross between two thieves/
as if Thou wereone of them.
Offered gall and vinegar to drink/
and to be pierced in Thy sidewith
a lance/ deliver, O Lord, the soul
of______________/ from his
great sufferingsthrough Thy most
bitter passion/ bring him to Thy
glory/ and deliver him fromthe
pains of hell/ through the merits
of Thy holy passion and death on
thecross/ so that he may be
worthy to enter that
kingdom/ where Thou brought
thegood thief/ who was crucified
with Thee/ who liveth and
reighneth with the Fatherand the
Holy Spirit forever/ AMEN..
Litany for the Faithful Departed
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Hear us
Graciously Hear us
God the Father of Haven
Have mercy on the soul
God the son, Redeemer of the
Have mercy on the soul
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on the soul
Holy Trinity, One God
Have mercy on the soul

Pray for the soul

Holy MaryHoly Mother of
GodHoly Virgin of VirginsSaint
MichaelAll Ye Angels
and ArchangelsAll Orders or
Blessed SpiritsSaint John the
BaptistSaint JosephAll Ye
Holy Patriarchs and
ProphetsSaint PeterSaint
PaulSaint JohnAll Ye Holy
Apostles and EvangelistsSaint
StephenSaint LawrenceAll Ye
Holy MatyrsSaint GregorySaint
AmbroseSaint AugustineSaint
JeromeAll Ye Holy Bishops and
ConfessorsAll Ye Holy
DoctorsAll Ye Holy Priests and
LevitesAll Ye Holy Monks and
HermitsSaint Mary
MagdaleneSaint BarbaraAll Ye
Holy Virgins and WidowsAll Ye
Saints of God
Be Merciful…

Spare ______________. O,
LordALL: O, Lord deliver _______
From All EvilsFrom the Rigor of
JusticeFrom the Power of the
DevilFrom the Gnawing worm of
conscienceFrom Long-Enduring
SorrowFrom Eternal FlamesFrom
Intolerable ColdFrom Horrible
DarknessFrom Dreadful Weeping
and WailingThrough Thine
Admirable ConceptionThrough
Thy Holy Nativity
Leader: Most merciful Father
into your hands we entrust the
soul of______. For weare
sustained with the sure hope
that he/she will rise again on
the last day/atthe
resurrection/with all those who
have died in Christ.
All: We give you thanks O
Lord/for all the good
things /which You gave
Yourservant_____/during his
mortal life/as signs of Your
infinite goodness andlove for him
and of the communion of saints in
Christ. In Your great mercy/
OLord / accept our prayers that
the gates of paradise may now be
opened to him.In our turn/may we
be comforted by the
faith/until one day we hasten to
meetJesus Christ/where we may
all be together forever/united
with the Lord/and withour loved
Leader: Dear _____ may the
angels lead you into paradise.
May the martyrs andsaints
await your coming/and escort
you to the holy city. May
the choirs of angels welcome
you/and with the poor man
Lazarus/and all your
dearones/may you enjoy
everlasting rest
and happiness.Let us pray...
ALL: Merciful Father/ into
your hands we commend the soul
of_____. We areconfident that
with all who died in grave, he
will be raised to life and live
withChrist forever. We thank you
for all the blessings you gave him
in this life. Lord /hear our
prayers. Welcome _______ to
heavenly paradise and help us to
comforteach other with the
assurance of our faith in Jesus
Leader: Lord Jesus/You wept
for Your friend Lazarus.
ALL: Comfort us in our sorrow.
You raised the dead to life. Grant
______ eternalrest. He was
washed clean at baptism and
anointed with the oil of
salvation.Receive him to
the company of the saints. He was
nourished with Your
body andblood at the Holy
Leader: And now let us pray
with confidence to the Father in
the words that ourSavior taught
Our Father……..

(The Lord’s Prayer)

Lead: Eternal rest grant unto
_______ O Lord.
ALL: And let perpetual light
shine upon him/her.
Leader: May the soul
of _______ rest in peace.
Friends/let us first think of God’s
living and loving
presence in ourmidst/ here and
now... and let us think of our
beloved _____ as still very
alive in another and happier
Leader: Lord have mercy on us.
ALL: Lord have mercy on usAll: M
ay the faith which is our greatest
treasure on earth/be now
ourconsolation. May our belief in
Jesus Christ be our guarantee of
eternal life/forHe promised
us: “I am the resurrection and
life. Whoeve
r believes in me/eventhough he
dies/shall live again. Every living
person who believes in me
shall neverdie/ but shall posses
s everlasting life.”

Leader: O God/Your days

are without end. Your
mercies are too many
to count.Cause us never to
forget that our life is very
short and uncertain. Let
YourHoly Spirit guide us
through this present life.
Giving justice and charity to
people we meet from day to
day/so that at the end/we may
be accountedworthy to enter
into your eternal kingdom/our
final home.
ALL: Lord/open our lips and
enflame our hearts/ and cleanse
them of uselessand evil thoughts.
Enlighten our minds/that we may
seriously meditate on
Thysufferings and death/ and the
pains endured by Thy most
glorious Mother/anddeign to hear
and receive us before Thy great
majesty. Thou liveth
and reignethforever. AMEN.
(Pray the Apostles Creed, 1
Our Father,
3 Hail Mary’s, 1 Glory Be)

I BELIEVE in God, the Father

almighty, creator of heaven and
earth. I believe inJesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord.He was
conceived by the power of the
Holy Spiritand born of the
Virgin Mary.He suffered under
Pontius Pilate,was crucified,
died, and was buried.He
descended to the dead.On the
third day he rose again.He
ascended into heaven,and is
seated at the right hand of the
Father.He will come again to
judge the living and the dead.I
believe in the Holy Spirit, the
holy catholic Church,the
communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins,the
resurrection of the body, and
life everlasting. Amen.Leader:
Prays the Sorrowful Mysteries1.
T h e A g o n y i n t h e G a r d e n .2 .
T h e S c o u r g i n g a t t h e P i l l a r .3 .
T h e C r o w n i n g w i t h T h o r n s .4 .
T h e C a r r y i n g o f t h e C r o s s .5 .
TheCrucifixion and Death on the
(In the decades of the Rosary; for
the Our Father, say the following)
ALL: My most merciful
Jesus/look down with eyes of pity
on the faithful soulOf _______ for
whom Thou suffered and died on
the cross. Amen.
(On the beads for the Hail Mary, say
the following: )
*Response: Have mercy
on the soul
My Jesus/through Thy bloody sweat
in the garden…
My Jesus/through Thy
blow thou received on Thy sacred

My Jesus/through Thy cruel

scourging Thou endured…

My Jesus/through Thy crown of

thorns that pierced thy head…

My Jesus/through Thy carrying of

the cross on the path of
My Jesus/through Thy face
covered with blood which thou
allowed to be
imprinted on the veil of veronica…
My Jesus/through Thy bloody
garments which were cruelly
removed from thy
wounded body…

My Jesus/through Thy holy

body nailed on the cross…
My Jesus/through Thy hands
and feet
pierced with cruel nails…
My Jesus/through Thy sacred
side pierced with a lance and
from which
flowed blood and water…

Hail Mary full of grace........

(10 Hail Marys)

Leader: Eternal Rest Grant
unto_____________, O Lord.
All: And let perpetual light shine
upon him.
Leader: May he rest in peace.
All: AMEN.
Leader: Glory be to the Father,
to the Son, And to the Holy
All: As it was in the beginning/ is
now and ever shall be world
without end. AMEN.
(Repeat for each sorrowful
mystery) (After the 5 sorrowful
mysteries, say the following)
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of
Mercy,Hail our life, our
sweetness and our hope.To thee
do we cry, poor banished
children of Eve;to thee do we
send up our sighs,mourning and
weeping in this valley of
tears.Turn then, most gracious
advocate,thine eyes of mercy
toward us;and after this our
exile,show unto us the blessed
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.O
clement, O loving, O sweet
Virgin Mary.Leader: Pray for us
O holy Mother of God,
All: That we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ.
Leader: Let us Pray
All: Most sweet Jesus/ who in Thy
desire to redeem the world/
deigned to beborn/ circumcised/
mocked by the Jews/ to fall into
the hands of Thy enemies/through
the treacherous kiss of Judas/ to
be bound and brought to the place
ofsacrifice like a lamb/ brought
before Caiphas/ Pilate/ and
Herod. Spat on/accused and
condemned with false witnesses/
to be slapped and have Thy
sacredbody covered with wounds/
from the cruel scourgings. To be
crowned withthorns/ Thy face
covered with a purple cloth in
Mockery/ stripped of
Thygarments/ nailed and elevated
on the cross between two thieves/
as if Thou wereone of them.
Offered gall and vinegar to drink/
and to be pierced in Thy sidewith
a lance/ deliver, O Lord, the soul
of______________/ from his
great sufferingsthrough Thy most
bitter passion/ bring him to Thy
glory/ and deliver him fromthe
pains of hell/ through the merits
of Thy holy passion and death on
thecross/ so that he may be
worthy to enter that
kingdom/ where Thou brought
thegood thief/ who was crucified
with Thee/ who liveth and
reighneth with the Fatherand the
Holy Spirit forever/ AMEN..
Litany for the Faithful Departed
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Hear us
Graciously Hear us
God the Father of Haven
Have mercy on the soul
God the son, Redeemer of the
Have mercy on the soul
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on the soul
Holy Trinity, One God
Have mercy on the soul

Pray for the soul

Holy MaryHoly Mother of
GodHoly Virgin of VirginsSaint
MichaelAll Ye Angels
and ArchangelsAll Orders or
Blessed SpiritsSaint John the
BaptistSaint JosephAll Ye
Holy Patriarchs and
ProphetsSaint PeterSaint
PaulSaint JohnAll Ye Holy
Apostles and EvangelistsSaint
StephenSaint LawrenceAll Ye
Holy MatyrsSaint GregorySaint
AmbroseSaint AugustineSaint
JeromeAll Ye Holy Bishops and
ConfessorsAll Ye Holy
DoctorsAll Ye Holy Priests and
LevitesAll Ye Holy Monks and
HermitsSaint Mary
MagdaleneSaint BarbaraAll Ye
Holy Virgins and WidowsAll Ye
Saints of God
Be Merciful…

Spare ______________. O,
LordALL: O, Lord deliver _______
From All EvilsFrom the Rigor of
JusticeFrom the Power of the
DevilFrom the Gnawing worm of
conscienceFrom Long-Enduring
SorrowFrom Eternal FlamesFrom
Intolerable ColdFrom Horrible
DarknessFrom Dreadful Weeping
and WailingThrough Thine
Admirable ConceptionThrough
Thy Holy Nativity
A Christian View of Death
We picture death as coming to
destroy; Let us rather see it
as Christ coming to serve.We think of
death as ending; Rather think of it
as a new life beginning.We think of
it as losing; Rather let us think of
it as winning a final victory.We think
of death as parting; Rather think of
it as meeting of love ones.We think
of death as going away; Rather think
of it as arriving home at last.
Death is not extinguishing the
It is putting out the lamp
because the day,the eternal day has

ALL: Lord/ help us to see death

for what it truly is/ the end of
poverty and thebeginning of
riches/ the end of frustration
and the beginning of fulfillment/
theend of fear and the beginning
of peace/ the end of weakness
and the beginningof strength/ the
end of pains and hurts and the
beginning of joy and love.O Lord
Jesus/ whose rich and
unforgettable life/ was lived in
the faith/ that thelove which
surrounds us/ is a real dependable
as that of a father/ let the
samesense of trust and hope
steady us at this time.Let not grief
overwhelm us/ or a sense of loss
embitter us/ but out of
oursadness/ let there arise a new
joy for so much given to us.Help
us to see/ that what we love
becomes a part of us/ interfused
within ourlives/ blended with
mind and memory/ hollowed
forever within our soul/ let
nottake away our hope. Or
bereavement blind us/ to what
always remains good andlovely
and indestructible.O gracious
Spirit of Peace/ come alive within
our experience and hurt/ within
oursorrow and isolation/ within
the sadness of today and the
loneliness oftomorrow/come alive
as the peace and trust/ which
nothing in life or death cankill.
Cast out our fears/ and let not our
hearts be troubled/ knowing that
thisworld remains
our Father’s
Leader: O God our Father/ from
whom we came and to whom we
return/ let usbe convinced by
the sight of earth/ that is only
the body which dies
andcorrupts/ but the more
important half of a person/ his
spirit and soul/ bywhich he
thinks and loves/ is not touched
by death/ but transfer to a new
andendless life beyond the
grave. So now/ O Lord/ help us
believe that
is indeed just “departed” to
a better world/ where at this
moment he/she is alive/ is
conscious and full of love for
each of us/ and awaitsour
coming one by one!
ALL: Farewell dear TATAY.
Pray for us as we pray for you.
Until we are togetheragain and
home at last!
In the name of the Father/ and
of the Son/ and of the Holy

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