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Civil Law and Practical Exercises Reviewer for the 2022 Bar

which he is otherwise not lawfully entitled, or any detriment,

Object ii) Those agreed upon in representation of absentees, if
prejudice, loss, or disadvantage su ered or undertaken by the
the latter su er the lesion stated in the preceding
Requisites promisee other than to such as he is at the time of consent bound
number; (Art 1381[2])
1) The thing or service must be within the commerce of man; to su er.
iii) In partition, when any one of the co-heirs received
2) Must be transmissible; Requisites
things whose value is less, by at least one-fourth,
3) Must not be contrary to law, morals, good customs, public 1) Must be present at the time the contract was entered into; than the share to which he is entitled. (Art 1098)
order, or public policy; 2) Must be true;
Cojuangco, Jr. v. Republic 2012 En Banc
4) Must not be impossible (Art 1348); 3) Must be lawful.
The presumption that a contract has sufficient consideration
5) Must be determinate as to its kind or determinable without Motive distinguished from Cause
cannot be overthrown by the bare uncorroborated and self-serving
the need of a new contract or agreement (Art 1349).
assertion of petitioners that it has no consideration. To overcome the
Motive Cause
presumption of consideration, the alleged lack of consideration must
De Belen Vda De Cabalu v. Tabu & Laxamana 2012
May vary although he enters Always the same be shown by preponderance of evidence.

Paragraph 2 of Article 1347, characterizes a contract entered into into the same contract Inadequacy of the consideration, however, does not render a
upon future inheritance as VOID. The law applies when the contract void under Article 1355. While one may posit that the
May be unknown to the other Always known
following requisites concur: PCA-Cojuangco Agreement puts PCA and the coconut farmers at a
Di cult to separate from cause Its absence cannot be cured by disadvantage, the facts do not make out a clear case of violation of
1) the succession has not yet been opened;
presence of motive any law that will necessitate the recall of said contract.
2) the object of the contract forms part of the inheritance; and
While consideration is usually in the form of money or property, it
3) the promissor has, with respect to the object, an expectancy Lesion — It is the inadequacy of cause.
need not be monetary. This is clear from Article 1350.
of a right which is purely hereditary in nature. GR: Lesion does NOT invalidate a contract.
In this case, at the time the deed was executed, Faustina’s will was not EXC:
yet probated; the object of the contract, the 9,000 square meter Sta. Fe Realty Inc., et al. v. Sison 2016
a) When there has also been fraud, mistake or undue in uence;
property, still formed part of the inheritance of his father from the
Gross inadequacy of price does not even a ect the validity of a
estate of Faustina; and Domingo had a mere inchoate hereditary b) In cases expressly provided by law:
contract of sale, unless it signi es a defect in the consent or that the
right therein. i) Those which are entered into by guardians whenever parties actually intended a donation or some other contract.
the wards whom they represent su er lesion by more Inadequacy of cause will not invalidate a contract unless there has been
Cause than one-fourth of the value of the things which are fraud, mistake or undue influence.
A consideration, in the legal sense of the word, is some right, the object thereof; (Art 1381[1])
Petitioners are assailing the deeds of sale for being absolutely
interest, bene t, or advantage conferred upon the promisor, to

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breach or violation of the law or contract to which it

simulated and for inadequacy of the price. However, these two but the deed did not express the true intention of the parties due to
grounds are incompatible. If there exists an actual consideration mistake in the designation of the lot subject of the deed. There is no
for transfer evidenced by the alleged act of sale, no matter how When Instrument may be Reformed dispute as to the intention of the parties to sell the land to Alejandra
inadequate it be, the transaction could not be a simulated sale. Del no but there was a mistake as to the designation of the lot
1) When a mutual mistake of the parties causes the failure of the
intended to be sold.
instrument to disclose their real agreement; (Art 1361)
3 Reformation of instruments 2) If one party was mistaken and the other acted fraudulently or
inequitably in such a way that the instrument does not show
1. Reformation is that remedy in equity by means of which a Bentir v. Leanda
their true intention; (Art 1362)
written instrument is made or construed so as to express or
Whether the complaint for reformation of instrument has prescribed.
conform to the real intention of the parties. 3) When one party was mistaken and the other knew or believed
that the instrument did not state their real agreement, but YES. Respondent corporation had ten (10) years from 1968, the
2. An action for reformation is in personam, not in rem, xxx
concealed that fact; (Art 1363) time when the contract of lease was executed, to le an action for
even when real estate is involved.
reformation. Sadly, it did so only on May 15, 1992 or twenty-four
4) When through the ignorance, lack of skill, negligence or bad
3. May prosper only upon the concurrence of the following (24) years after the cause of action accrued, hence, its cause of action
faith on the part of the person drafting the instrument or of
requisites: has become stale, hence, time-barred.
the clerk or typist, the instrument does not express the true
a) there must have been a meeting of the minds of the intention of the parties; (Art 1364)
parties to the contact; 4 Interpretation of contracts
5) If two parties agree upon the mortgage or pledge of real or
b) the instrument does not express the true intention personal property, but the instrument states that the property
The "interpretation" of a contract is the determination of the
of the parties; and is sold absolutely or with a right of repurchase. (Art 1365)
meaning attached to the words written or spoken which make the
c) the failure of the instrument to express the true When Reformation NOT Allowed contract.
intention of the parties is due to mistake, fraud,
1) Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition is imposed;
inequitable conduct or accident. Kasilag v. Rodriguez
2) Wills;
4. The onus probandi is upon the party who insists that the The cardinal rule in the interpretation of contracts is to the e ect
contract should be reformed. 3) When the real agreement is VOID; (Art 1366) that the intention of the contracting parties should always prevail
5. The prescriptive period for actions based upon a written 4) When one of the parties has brought an action to enforce the because their will has the force of law between them.
contract and for reformation of an instrument is ten (10) instrument; (Art 1367) The terms, clauses and conditions contrary to law, morals and public
years under Article 1144. order should be separated from the valid and legal contract when
Sarming v. Dy, et al. such separation can be made because they are independent of the
6. Under Section 1, Rule 64, an action for the reformation of an
instrument is instituted as a special civil action for There was a meeting of the minds between the parties to the contract valid contract which expresses the will of the contracting parties.
declaratory relief. It may be entertained only before the

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valid, by means of the restoration of things to their condition

entitled to liquidated damages. Substantial completion of the
at the moment prior to the celebration of said contract.
project equates to achievement of 95% project completion which
Sy v. CA
excuses the contractor from the payment of liquidated damages. 2. It is a relief allowed for the protection of one of the
In order to judge the intention of the parties, their contemporaneous contracting parties and even third persons from all injury and
As expressly stated under Articles 1234 and 1376, and in
and subsequent acts shall be principally considered. damage the contract may cause, or to protect some
jurisprudence, the construction industry's prevailing practice
incompatible and preferent right created by the contract.
may supplement any ambiguities or omissions in the stipulations
of the contract. 3. Rescission implies a contract which, even if initially valid,
Angeles v. Calasang produces a lesion or pecuniary damage to someone that
The Four Kinds of Defective Contracts in decreasing validity justi es its invalidation for reasons of equity.
The contract to sell, being a contract of adhesion, must be construed
against the party causing it. Validity Reason for Defect Rati able 4. The action for rescission is subsidiary; it cannot be instituted
except when the party su ering damage has no other legal
Extrinsic, consisting
Valid until means to obtain reparation for the same. (Art 1383)
of economic damage ✘
Century Properties, Inc. v. Babiano, et al 2016 or lesion 5. The acquisition by a third person of the property subject of
The rule is that where the language of a contract is plain and the contract is an obstacle to the action for its rescission
Valid until Intrinsic, as in vitiated
unambiguous, its meaning should be determined without reference Voidable
annulled consent
✔ where it is shown that such third person is in lawful possession
to extrinsic facts or aids. The intention of the parties must be of the subject of the contract and that he did not act in bad
gathered from that language, and from that language alone. faith. (Art 1385)
Lack of authority;
Thus, in the interpretation of contracts, the Court must rst Has no Failure to comply 6. The kinds of rescissible contracts, according to the reason for
determine whether a provision or stipulation therein is ambiguous. Unenforceable e ect for with Statute of ✔ their susceptibility to rescission, are the following:
Absent any ambiguity, the provision on its face will be read as it is now Frauds; Both parties a. first, those which are rescissible because of lesion or
written and treated as the binding law of the parties to the contract. lack capacity prejudice;
Void or No e ect b. second, those which are rescissible on account of
Inexistent at all
Various, see Art 1409 ✘ fraud or bad faith; and
Werr International Corporation v. Highlands Prime 2017
c. third, those which, by special provisions of law, are
Deemed incorporated into every contract are the general provisions 5 Rescissible contracts susceptible to rescission.
on obligations and interpretation of contracts found in the Civil
1. Rescission is a remedy granted by law to the contracting Requisites for Rescission
parties and even to third persons, to secure reparations for 1) There must be at the beginning either a valid or voidable
In previous cases, we applied Articles 1234 and 1376 in
damages caused to them by a contract, even if this should be contract;
construction agreements to determine whether the project owner is

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2) But there is an economic prejudice to a party or third person; 5) That the third person who received the property conveyed, if b) In case of onerous alienations — when made by persons
by onerous title, has been an accomplice in the fraud. against whom
3) Requires mutual restitution. (Art 1385)
An accion pauliana presupposes the following: i) some judgment has been rendered in any instance; or
Enumeration of Rescissible Contracts
1) A judgment; ii) some writ of attachment has been issued.
ART 1381. The following contracts are rescissible:
2) the issuance by the trial court of a writ of execution for the The decision or attachment need not refer to the property
1) Those which are entered into by guardians whenever
satisfaction of the judgment, and alienated, and need not have been obtained by the party
the wards whom they represent su er lesion by more
3) the failure of the sheri to enforce and satisfy the judgment of seeking the rescission.
than one-fourth of the value of the things which are
the object thereof; the court. Badges of Fraud
2) Those agreed upon in representation of absentees, if The following successive measures must be taken by a creditor before In the early case of Oria v. Mcmicking, the Supreme Court considered
the latter su er the lesion stated in the preceding he may bring an action for rescission of an allegedly fraudulent sale: the following instances as badges of fraud:
number; 1) exhaust the properties of the debtor through levying by 1. The fact that the consideration of the conveyance is ctitious
3) Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when the attachment and execution upon all the property of the debtor, or is inadequate.
latter cannot in any other manner collect the claims except such as are exempt from execution;
2. A transfer made by a debtor after suit has begun and while it
due them; 2) exercise all the rights and actions of the debtor, save those is pending against him.
4) Those which refer to things under litigation if they personal to him (accion subrogatoria); and
3. A sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor.
have been entered into by the defendant without the 3) seek rescission of the contracts executed by the debtor in fraud
knowledge and approval of the litigants or of 4. Evidence of large indebtedness or complete insolvency.
of their rights (accion pauliana).
competent judicial authority; xxxx 5. The transfer of all or nearly all of his property by a debtor,
Premature Payments Made in a State of Insolvency (Art 1382)
Requisites for an Accion Pauliana to Accrue (Par 3 of Art 1381) especially when he is insolvent or greatly embarrassed
Two requisites must concur: nancially.
1) That the plainti asking for rescission has a credit prior to
the alienation, although demandable later; 1) The debtor-payer must have been insolvent; 6. The fact that the transfer is made between father and son,
2) The debt was not yet due and demandable. when there are present other of the above circumstances.
2) That the debtor has made a subsequent contract conveying a
patrimonial bene t to a third person; Presumptions of Fraud (Art 1387) 7. The failure of the vendee to take exclusive possession of all
the property.
3) That the creditor has no other legal remedy to satisfy his a) In case of gratuitous alienations — when the debtor did
claim, but would bene t by rescission of the conveyance to the not reserve su cient property to pay all debts contracted Rosencor Development Corporation v. Inquing, et al.
third person; before the donation.
May a contract of sale entered into in violation of a third party's right
4) That the act being impugned is fraudulent;

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of first refusal be rescinded in order that such third party can exercise like creditors. The status of creditors could be validly accorded the These contracts are binding, unless they are annulled by a
said right? YES. But not in this case. Bonnevies for they had substantial interests that were prejudiced by proper action in court. They are susceptible of ratification.
the sale of the subject property to the petitioner without recognizing
The acquisition by Rosencor of the property subject of the right of Rescission distinguished from Annulment
their right of rst priority under the Contract of Lease.
rst refusal is an obstacle to the action for its rescission where, as in
this case, it was shown that Rosencor is in lawful possession of the Rescission Annulment
subject of the contract and that it did not act in bad faith. (Art 1385)
Ada v. Baylon 2012 Basis is lesion Basis is vitiated consent or
Respondents’ remedy is not an action for the rescission of the Deed incapacity to consent
of Absolute Sale but an action for damages against the heirs of the The rescission of a contract under Article 1381(4) only requires the
spouses Tiangco for the unjusti ed disregard of their right of rst concurrence of the following: Defect is external or intrinsic Defect is intrinsic
1) first, the defendant, during the pendency of the case, enters
Subsidiary action Principal action
into a contract which refers to the thing subject of litigation;
and Remedy Sanction
Khe Hong Cheng v. CA
2) second, the said contract was entered into without the
Private interest governs Public interest governs
When did the four (4) year prescriptive period as provided for in knowledge and approval of the litigants or of a competent
Article 1389 for Philam to file its action for rescission of the subject judicial authority. Equity predominates Law predominates
deeds of donation commence to run?
Rescission under Article 1381(4) is not preconditioned upon the
Plainti may be a party or third Plainti must be a party whether
Philam only learned about the unlawful conveyances made by Khe judicial determination as to the ownership of the thing subject of
person bound principally or subsidiarily
Hong Cheng in January 1997. There they found that he no longer litigation.
had any properties in his name. It was only then that respondent There must be damage to Damage to plainti immaterial
Philam's action for rescission of the deeds of donation accrued plainti
6 Voidable contracts
because then it could be said that Philam had exhausted all legal
means to satisfy the trial court's judgment in its favor. ART 1390. The following contracts are voidable or annullable, If plainti indemni ed, cannot Indemnity is no bar to action
even though there may have been no damage to the prosper
contracting parties:
Compatible with the perfect A defect is presupposed
Guzman, Bocaling and Co., Inc. v. Bonnevie 1) Those where ONE of the parties is incapable of validity of contract
The respondent court correctly held that the Contract of Sale was giving consent to a contract;
Rati cation is NOT required to Rati cation required to prevent
not voidable but rescissible. Under Article 1380 to 1381(3) of the 2) Those where the consent is vitiated by mistake,
prevent rescission annulment
Civil Code, a contract otherwise valid may nonetheless be violence, intimidation, undue in uence or fraud.
subsequently rescinded by reason of injury to third persons, Prescriptive Period (Art 1391)

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The action for annulment shall be brought within four years. This ART 1399. When the defect of the contract consists in the c) An agreement made in consideration of
period shall begin: incapacity of one of the parties, the incapacitated person is marriage, other than a mutual promise to marry;
not obliged to make any restitution d) An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or
Ground From the time things in action, at a price not less than ve
Exception to the exception
hundred pesos, unless the buyer accept and
In cases of intimidation, violence the defect of the consent ceases except insofar as he has been bene ted by the thing or price
receive part of such goods and chattels, or the
or undue in uence received by him.
evidences, or some of them, of such things in
In case of mistake or fraud of discovery of same action or pay at the time some part of the
7 Unenforceable contracts purchase money; xxxx;
Entered into by minors or other the guardianship ceases
Kinds of Unenforceable Contracts e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer
incapacitated persons
a) Unauthorized contracts; period than one year, or for the sale of real
Ratification; Effects property or of an interest therein;
b) Those that fail to comply with the Statute of Frauds;
a) The action to annul is extinguished (Art 1392); f) A representation as to the credit of a third
c) Those where BOTH parties are incapable of giving consent to
b) Cleanses the contract from all its defects from the moment it a contract.
was constituted. (Art 1396) 3) Those where BOTH parties are incapable of
ART 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless giving consent to a contract.
Ratification; Requisites they are rati ed:
General Rules of Application Concerning Statute of Frauds
1) The contract must be voidable; 1) Those entered into in the name of another person by
one 1) Applies only to executory contracts where no performance
2) The person ratifying must know the reason for the contract
has yet been made.
being voidable; a) who has been given no authority or legal
representation, or 2) Cannot apply if the action is neither
3) The cause must not exist or continue to exist anymore at the
time of rati cation; b) who has acted beyond his powers; a) for damages because of the violations of an agreement
4) Must have been made expressly or by an act implying a 2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of
waiver of the action to annul; Frauds as set forth in this number. xxxx: b) for the speci c performance of said agreement.

5) The person ratifying must be the injured party. a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be 3) Exclusive — applies only to the agreements or contracts
performed within a year from the making enumerated above.
There Must be Mutual Restitution, Except
thereof; 4) The defense of the Statute of Frauds may be waived.
b) A special promise to answer for the debt,
default, or miscarriage of another;

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5) A personal defense — a contract infringing it cannot be 8 Void or inexistent contracts parties directly a ected
assailed by third persons. (Art 1408)
Voidable distinguished from Void Contracts Enumeration of Void Contracts
6) Concerns itself with the admissibility of evidence and not its
credibility or weight. Voidable Void ART 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void
from the beginning:
7) Does not apply if it is claimed that the contract does not
May be rati ed Cannot be rati ed
express the true agreement of the parties. 1) Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to
Produces e ects until annulled Generally, e ects are not law, morals, good customs, public order or public
Ratification of Contracts Infringing the Statute of Frauds (Art
produced at all policy;
2) Those which are absolutely simulated or ctitious;
a) By the failure to object to the presentation of oral evidence to Defect is due to incapacity or Ordinarily, public policy is
prove the same, or vitiated consent militated against 3) Those whose cause or object did not exist at the
time of the transaction;
b) By the acceptance of bene t under them.
Valid until annulled Generally, no action required to
4) Those whose object is outside the commerce of
set aside, unless has already been
Rosencor Development Corporation v. Inquing, et al men;
5) Those which contemplate an impossible service;
A right of rst refusal is NOT among those listed as unenforceable
May be cured by prescription Cannot be cured by prescription
under the statute of frauds. 6) Those where the intention of the parties relative to
Defense may be invoked only by Defense may be availed of by the principal object of the contract cannot be
the parties or their successors in anybody whose interest is ascertained;
Carbonell v. Poncio interest and privies directly a ected (Art 1421) 7) Those expressly prohibited or declared void by law.

The Statute of Frauds is applicable only to executory contracts, not Relative or conditional nullity Absolute nullity These contracts cannot be rati ed. Neither can the right to set
to contracts that are totally or partially performed. up the defense of illegality be waived.
Unenforceable distinguished from Void Contracts
Lone Instance Where Recovery Can Be
Unenforceable Void Had Even in the Presence of Pari Delicto
Western Mindanao Lumber Co. v. Medalle
ART 1414. When money is paid or property delivered for an
May be rati ed Cannot be rati ed
An agreement creating an easement of right-of-way is NOT one of illegal purpose, the contract may be repudiated by one of the
those contracts covered by the statute of frauds since it is not a sale of There is a contract but cannot No contract at all parties
real property or of an interest therein. be enforced by a court action a) before the purpose has been accomplished, or

Cannot be assailed by third Can be assailed by anybody b) before any damage has been caused to a third person.

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In such case, the courts may, if the public interest will thus be the direct consequence and result of a previous illegal contract, the Peña v. Delos Santos, et al 2016
subserved, allow the party repudiating the contract to recover Management Contract itself is null and void as provided in Article
The judicial action over the subject lots was still in the appellate
the money or property. 1422 of the Civil Code.
proceedings stage when they were conveyed to Jesus and Rosita's
Contracts Merely Prohibited counsel, Atty. Robiso.
1. Those forbidden because of private interests, as opposed to Under Article 1409, contracts which are expressly prohibited or
Homena v. Casa
those that are illegal per se that are forbidden due to public declared void by law are considered inexistent and void from the
interests. The plainti s’ supposed cause of action rests upon the deed of sale beginning. There is no need to bring a separate action for the
executed by defendants in their favor wherein the latter sold a declaration of the subject deeds of conveyance as void.
2. Recovery is permitted, provided that:
two-hectare portion of the homestead which they were applying for
a) The contract is not illegal per se; to the plainti s on the understanding that the actual conveyance of
b) The prohibition is designed for the protection of the the said portion to plainti s would be made only after the lapse of
Guillermo, et al. v. PIA 2017
plainti ; and the ve-year period during which, under the Public Land Act, the
homestead owner was prohibited from transferring his rights. The The Administrative Code of 1987 expressly prohibits the entering
c) Public policy would be enhanced by allowing the
agreement is clearly illegal and void ab initio; it is intended to into contracts involving the expenditure of public funds unless two
circumvent and violate the law. As parties to a void contract, the prior requirements are satis ed. First, there must be an
plainti s have no rights which they can enforce and the court can not appropriation law authorizing the expenditure required in the
Marin v. Adil
lend itself to its enforcement. contract. Second, there must be attached to the contract a
It is evident from the deed of exchange that the intention of the certi cation by the proper accounting o cial and auditor that funds
parties relative to the lots, which are the objects of the exchange, have been appropriated by law and such funds are available. Failure
cannot be de nitely ascertained. We hold that this circumstance Sps Abella v. Sps Abella 2015 to comply with any of these two requirements renders the contract
renders the exchange VOID or inexistent. The instant rescissory VOID.
The imposition of an unconscionable interest rate is void ab initio
action may be treated as an action to declare void the deed of
for being "contrary to morals, and the law."
C Natural Obligations
Sps Jonsay, et al. v. Solidbank Bank Corp 2016 1. Natural obligations, not being based on positive law but
Razon, Inc. v. PPA
on equity and natural law, do not grant a right of action to
An escalation clause in a loan agreement granting the lending bank
The transfer of the control of petitioner E. Razon, Inc. from enforce their performance, but after voluntary ful llment by
authority to unilaterally increase the interest rate without prior
petitioner Enrique Razon to Alfredo “Bejo” Romualdez, which We the obligor, they authorize the retention of what has been
notice to and consent of the borrower is VOID.
have resolved to be null and void, served as the direct link to delivered or rendered by reason thereof. (Art 1423)
petitioner company's obtaining the Management Contract. Being

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2. Voluntary fulfillment means that the debtor complied with intentionally or through culpable negligence, induces another 7. Estoppel by Record. Only applies as between the same parties
the same even if he knew that he could not have been legally to believe certain facts to exist, and such other rightfully relies or their privies and can neither be used against strangers.
forced to do so. and acts on such belief, so that he will be prejudiced if the
Estoppel by record, to the extent that they bind parties, will
former is permitted to deny the existence of such facts.
3. Natural Obligations in Wills and Succession: also bind their privies; but they can exist only as between
4. Estoppel by laches or the unreasonable delay in bringing a the same parties or those in legal privity with them, and can
a. When a testate or intestate heir voluntarily pays a debt of
court action requires four elements be used neither by nor against strangers. (Beltran v. Escudero)
the decedent exceeding the value of the property which he
received by will or by the law of intestacy from the estate a. conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one 8. Agency by Estoppel. For an agency by estoppel to exist, the
of the deceased, the payment is valid and cannot be under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation of following must be established:
rescinded by the payer. (Art 1429) which complaint is made and for which the complaint
1) the principal manifested a representation of the
seeks a remedy;
b. When a will is declared void because it has not been agent's authority or knowingly allowed the agent to
executed in accordance with the formalities required by b. delay in asserting the complainant's rights, the assume such authority;
law, but one of the intestate heirs, after the settlement of complainant having had knowledge or notice of the
2) the third person, in good faith, relied upon such
the debts of the deceased, pays a legacy in compliance with defendant's conduct and having been a orded an
a clause in the defective will, the payment is e ective and opportunity to institute a suit;
irrevocable. (Art 1430) 3) relying upon such representation, such third person
c. lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the
has changed his position to his detriment.
defendant that the complainant would assert the right
D Estoppel on which he bases his suit; and An agency by estoppel, which is similar to the doctrine of
apparent authority, requires proof of reliance upon the
1. Estoppel is a bar which precludes a person from denying or d. injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event
representations, and that, in turn, needs proof that the
asserting anything to the contrary of that which has, in relief is accorded to the complainant, or the suit is not
representations predated the action taken in reliance.
contemplation of law, been established as the truth, either by held to be barred.
(Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corporation)
the acts of judicial or legislative o cers or by his own deed or 5. Estoppel by deed or Technical Estoppel is a bar which
representation, either expressed or implied. precludes a party to a deed and his privies from asserting as E Trusts
2. May be in pais or by deed (Art 1433). against the other and his privies any right or title in derogation
of the deed, or from denying the truth of any material fact 1. Trust is the right to the bene cial enjoyment of property, the
3. Estoppel in pais or Equitable Estoppel arises when one, legal title to which is vested in another.
asserted in it.
by his
6. Sale of After-acquired Property. When a person who is It is a fiduciary relationship concerning property which obliges
a. acts, the person
not the owner of a thing sells or alienates and delivers it, and
b. representations or admissions, or later the seller or grantor acquires title thereto, such title passes 2. Trusts are either express or implied.
c. by his silence when he ought to speak out, by operation of law to the buyer or grantee. (Art 1434)

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made to the lender or payor to secure the payment of the

a. Express trusts are created by the intention of the trustor The same rule applies for Resulting trusts.
debt. (Art 1450) [Constructive Trust]
or of the parties.
b. Constructive trusts do prescribe.
d. When land passes by succession to any person and he
b. Implied trusts come into being by operation of law. (Art
causes the legal title to be put in the name of another. (Art
1441) There are two kinds:
1451) [Resulting Trust]
F Quasi-Contracts
i. Resulting trust — There is an intent to create a
e. If two or more persons agree to purchase property and by Quasi-contracts are lawful, voluntary, and unilateral acts
trust but it is not e ective as an express trust.
common consent the legal title is taken in the name of one which generally require a person to reimburse or compensate
ii. Constructive trust — No intention to create a of them for the bene t of all. (Art 1452) [Resulting Trust] another in accordance with the principle that no one shall be
trust is present. i.e. unjustly enriched or bene ted at the expense of another.
f. When property is conveyed to a person in reliance upon
If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, his declared intention to hold it for, or transfer it to Unjust Enrichment
the person obtaining it is, by force of law, another or the grantor. (Art 1453) [Resulting Trust] For the rule on unjust enrichment to apply, two conditions must
considered a trustee of an implied trust for the
g. If an absolute conveyance of property is made in order to concur:
benefit of the person from whom the property comes.
secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor 1) A person is unjustly bene ted; and
(Art 1456)
toward the grantee. (Art 1454) [Constructive Trust]
3. Instances of Implied Trust 2) Such bene t is derived at another’s expense or damage.
h. When any trustee, guardian or other person holding a
a. When property is sold, and the legal estate is granted to duciary relationship uses trust funds for the purchase of Included in the Concept of Implied Contracts
one party but the price is paid by another for the purpose property and causes the conveyance to be made to him or Quasi-contracts fall within the concept of implied contracts that
of having the bene cial interest of the property. (Art to a third person. (Art 1455) [Constructive Trust] must be included in the claims required to be led with the judicial
1448) [Resulting Trust] settlement of the deceased’s estate under Section 5, Rule 86 of the
i. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud. (Art
However, if the person to whom the title is conveyed is a 1456) [Constructive Trust] Rules of Court. (MBTC v. Absolute Management 2013)
child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying the price
of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being disputably
4. How Trust be Proven A. Negotiorum Gestio
presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child. a. No express trusts concerning an immovable or any interest ART 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge of the agency or
therein may be proved by parol evidence. (Art 1443) management of the business or property of another, without
b. When a donation is made to a person but it appears that
any power from the latter, is obliged to continue the same
although the legal estate is transmitted to the donee, he b. An implied trust may be proved by oral evidence. (Art
until the termination of the a air and its incidents, or to
nevertheless is either to have no bene cial interest or only 1457)
require the person concerned to substitute him, if the owner is
a part thereof. (Art 1449) [Resulting Trust]
5. Prescription of Trusts in a position to do so. xxxx
c. If the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid by one
a. Express trusts are IMPRESCRIPTIBLE unless there has Essential Requisites
person for the bene t of another and the conveyance is
been repudiation of the trust.
1) No meeting of the minds;

By RGL 130 of 245

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