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Post-secondary Educational Opportunities

Michael A. Arthur Department of Geosciences College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Pennsylvania State University

Gas & Oil Drilling Permits to 9/08/09 (source: PA DEP)

Keeping Pennsylvanians in Pennsylvania? Marcellus well permits for 2009 in red. Even with economic challenges, activity is strong

What specific jobs are required?

Engineers Inspectors 1% 3% X-Ray Tech 1% Supervisors X-Ray 5% 1% Welders-Helpers 1% Welders 1% Timber Logging 1% Cartog/GIS 1% Paralegal 1% Lawyers 4% Geologists 3% Heavy Equipment 17% General Labor 20% Semi-Skilled Tech. 6% Landmen
Realty 5%

General Office 20%

CDL 10%

Natural Gas Workforce Requirements By Category


Geoscience Job Opportunities

Exploration Geologist (MS-level) Well-site Geologist (BS-level) Geohydrologist (BS/MS levels) Starting Salaries: BS--$55k; MS--$90k+ Are there geoscience-oriented jobs that require only an AA Degree or equivalent?

What do Petroleum Geologists Need to Know?

Sedimentary geology --description of sed rx.; geometry of rk. bodies Fluid flow and chemistry --pore fluids and fluid/rock interaction; regional flow patterns. Geophysical Techniques --downhole log interpretation --seismic reflection profiling and interpretation Petroleum Geology --hydrocarbons, behavior, source, migration, traps

Training for Geoscience Jobs

BS Programs in Geoscience Geosciences BS General Option (also Geophysics) Geosciences BS Hydrogeology Option Earth Sciences BS (no field camp required) Geobiology BS Integrated BS/MS in Geoscience (5 yrs)

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Bill Craddock, PhD LaMichelle Arnold, BS Jonathan Schueth, MS Marco Finotello, MS Matt Gentoso, BS

Qu i c k Ti m e a n d a d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .

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QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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Andy Rathbun, PhD Enrique Perez, BS Rachel Shaak, BS

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QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Geoscience Graduate Programs leading to industry employment

Individual MS Programs in Sedimentary Geology, Geohydrology, and Exploration Geophysics Petroleum Geosystems MS Program (collaborative between Geosciences and EME)--a team approach to exploration

State Game Lands 252 Penn State Marcellus Shale Well, Elimsport, PA (industry and endowment funded)

Undergraduate Degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (PNGE) Drilling Engineer Production Engineer Reservoir Engineer PNGE BS ca. $90k/y starting salary

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (P N G)

P N G 489 Engineering Evaluation of Oil and Gas Properties (3) Application of present worth and rate-of-return analysis; reserve calculations; decline curve analysis; uncertainty and risk analysis to engineering project design and evaluation. The objective of this course is to introduce to students the application of present worth and rate-of-return analysis to problems peculiar to oil and gas evaluation. The course is divided into four sections: introduction to present worth and rate-ofreturn analysis; the calculation of oil and gas reserves; the analysis of decline curves; and the application of uncertainty and risk analysis to engineering project design and evaluation. This course is the first course of a four-course sequence (P N G 489, 490, 491, 492) that culminates in a capstone engineering design project and is intended to be taken during the first semester of the junior year. As such the application of these principles elucidated above to engineering design will be emphasized. This course is a pre-requisite for most of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Major Courses. It is an elective course for majors such as Environmental Systems Engineering. It will be offered every Fall semester.

Related Undergraduate Programs at Penn State in Earth and Mineral Sciences

Energy, Business and Finance Major Minors/Options Energy Engineering Global Business Strategies for Earth, Energy, & Materials Industrial Health and Safety

Butwhats new?
How do we respond quickly to industry needs?
[Secondary-level Earth Science. Take this seriously!] This is where we would like to have audience interaction in the discussion. 1) Modular one-credit courses by elective in Yr. 4 of BS Program to prepare for industry employment 2) Training/Retraining using World Campus (online) curriculum. Petroleum Technologist? Mudlogger? Possible 1 to 2-yr intensive program with certification for HS graduates. Require short residency for practicum (e.g. 4 weeks). 3) Use 2- and 4-year regional campuses for special training programs in areas of high unemployment.

What is Needed?
instructors and instructional resources Appropriate industry datasets

Industry buy in
Curricular approval Supporting internships or brief experiences in the field
Access to drilling/production sites Interactions with industry personnel in the classroom, etc.

Recruiting graduates of programs Geosciences Earth & Mineral Engineering The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State

Earth and Environmental Systems Institutes spring 2009 EarthTalks seminar series
Online resource of talks covering the geology, technology, economics, water impacts and social costs of developing the Marcellus Shale resource.

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