I and S Assessment

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Social Aspect:

Explorers are people who travel from one place to another in search of new lands, resources and gold. They want to
explore further lands in order to find more trade and communication routes. In the movie, the main goal for the
explorers when they went to America was to get more gold and money in order to become rich, wealthy and
powerful. Once they have enough power, it will result in them expanding their nations and having the native people
as their slaves. The reason why people usually become slaves is that they are either weak, do not have enough
supply or lost in a war. In my opinion, explorers had a belief that they can easily conquer any land that they come
across. As observed in the movie, the Britians just started to live normally without even thinking about the privacy
or the family and cultural heritage of others.
Technological Aspect:
Technology plays a major role when it comes to explorations. They help us to find our way, or even fight against
other people. Examples of maps, compass, swords, cannons, guns and other means of technological devices can be
observed throughout the movie. Like John Smith and Pocahontas using the compass to find their way when they
were lost in the jungle, the Governor using the map to locate Virginia or the explorers using the canons and guns to
fight against the native people. The needed advanced technology in order to find what they desired more faster so
that no one else could. If it wasn’t for these technological devices the explorers would have a hard time finding
their way to go or even . They would have to depend on the old methods like calculating the direction from the
stars to find their way. The way they needed these technological devices in the past is the same way as how we
need them today to survive.
Economic Aspect:
Since England was a very powerful and influential nation at that time, it left a great impact on other countries.
England wanted to expand and rule over as many possible nations as they can to become more powerful and
independent and because of this, many wanted to make great discoveries in order to convince the people and
become the ruler of Britain. They mainly wanted to find gold as it had a very high value and was great to impress
the emperors. In order to do such, they started finding trade routes during their journey. Once they arrived at any
land, they would develop communication methods to be able to reach their hometown. Since it was back in the
17th centuries, the world wasn’t that fully developed, and so they would map their journey out and travel back and
forth to transfer and trade all the goods they would find to earn money. Also as they would enslave people, they
wouldn’t have to do work and much of the resources were put in. Meaning that the explorers themselves didn’t
have to work and they can earn money easily without doing anything. All these and the incomes would annually
increase the country’s economy.
Environmental Aspect:
By looking at the movie as a reference, once the explorers arrived in Virginia, they quickly started building their
homes and facilities in order for them to adapt there as quick as possible. And for this, they cut down hundreds of
trees which made all the natural habitats to lose their homes. They lit up fire at night to keep themselves warm
which caused a lot of smoke and air pollutants to be released into the air, leading to air pollution. Since the native
people were environment-friendly and cared for nature, a sudden change in the environment can affect its
Legal Aspect:
I think the rule the British followed was that you must kill any savages that you meet during your voyage. This is
because once you kill the natives you are able to have full control over the land and the resources, As for the
people you can enslave them and they can work for you. Even though the British and American were from
different territories and lands, they followed the same rule as they knew that every intruder will bring great harm to
their land and families.
Ethical Aspect:
From my point of view, I do see a lot of mortalities in the process of exploration and conquering. They way the
Britians just invaded their lands without their permission and started harming shows that they weren’t
mannered/ethical. They came with the intentions of killing any Indian that they find on the island. This way they
are actually destroying the quality life, cultural values, traditions and the family generations that has been passing
down of the people.
In the movie, while preparing for the fight you can hear lyrics in the ritual cheer mentioning ‘that they (explorers)
are different from us and therefore should be killed. These types of thoughts and beliefs can actually bring injustice
and inequality between people of different races in today’s world.

Based on the movie, they are morality in their process of exploration and conquer. Some morality of the
explorations are correct but some are incorrect. The reason that it is correct because when they are about to start a
war, the native Americans chose to listen to others first in order to reduce conflict. What is incorrect is that the
English people started to dig lands that belongs to others without any permission. The evidence is the king claims
that the land is his when he reach America and he even gave a name to it.
Moreover, the English people also tried to start a fight because they can’t find any gold. Lastly, the ruler of the
English people chose not to listen to others but to start a fight. Explorations have the intention to improve people’s
quality of life in Europe. However, if they used the wrong method for example starting a fight without listening to
others, it will only bring more damage to the country.

Political Aspect:
The main intentions of the English monarchy were to rule over as many territories as possible so that people will
praise them for who they are and respect them. These explorations can benefit the government to earn money on a
long-term basis as it will generate more job opportunities. As well as by exploring more, we can find an unlimited
amount of natural resources that can last for a long time. For example, a country that has a lot of natural coal
present can actually earn a lot by trading with other countries. They can trade and sell it for a very long time
because it is present in an unlimited amount.

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