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World History & Geography – Chapter 2 - Early River Dynasty - In-class

Document Based Question Essay Project

Dirctions: Look at the following documents, and then answer the questions in the attached lines. You will then
have to use three of these documents to answer a question based on the documents.
Grading Rubric
A. Thesis/Claim - 2 Points- Responds to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis/claim that establishes a
line of reasoning. 

B. Contextualization - 2 Points - Describes a broader historical context relevant to the question or prompt. 

C. Evidence – 0 - 4 Points – 2 Points -  Uses the content of three documents to address the topic of the prompt.
2 Points – Supports an argument in response to the prompt using three documents.  

D. Reasoning – 0 – 2  Points – 2 Points – Demonstrates a complex understanding of the historical development
that is the focus of the prompt, using evidence to corroborate, qualify of modify an argument that addresses the
question or prompt.

To earn the reasoning point, the response must demonstrate a complex understanding. This can be accomplished
in a variety of ways, such as:

1) Explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables

2) Explaining both similarity and difference, or explaining both continuity and change, or explaining
multiple causes, or explaining both causes and effects

3) Explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods

4) Confirming the validity of an argument by corroborating multiple perspectives across themes

5) Qualifying or modifying an argument by considering diverse or alternative views or evidence

This understanding must be part of the argument, not merely a phrase or a reference.

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