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Environmental Management- Summer Intervention

Name of Student: William Nadeem Iqbal

Year: 10 Sec: C Date: __/ ___/2022

Please go through chapters 1 to 4 from your textbook and then try to answer these questions.

Q1. Chickpeas-
• Grow well in a hot climate (16–30 °C) with dry periods
• Grow well in soil unsuitable for trees
• Stem elongation slowed by low temperatures
• Grown up to 8 years without rotation
Using the information and your own knowledge describe a ten year sustainable farming plan for a
As chickpeas grow well in hot climates and relatively infertile soil compared to soil required by
trees, it would be sustainable and advisable to grow chickpeas in a semi arid climate as it appreciates
both heat and dry periods. This is sustainable because the requirement for frequent watering is
reduced. In the first year a layer of compost can be applied to the topsoil as a slow release of
nutrients that will likely last about 8 years. This is also helpful as less effort is required because you
don’t have to till very often. After 8 years crop rotation can be used and as chickpeas are considered
legumes and are nitrogen fixing plants, this paves the way for planting cereals after the 8 years as
there will be a sufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil.

Q2. South Africa is the world’s leading producer of gold. This mining industry employs many
people. Rocks bearing gold are crushed and the gold extracted. The crushed rock usually becomes an
industrial waste. However a chemical, sodium cyanide, can be washed through the waste rock to
extract more of the finest particles of gold. The used chemical is then held in large ponds lined with
plastic. The procedure is shown in Fig

A. Suggest two risks the gold miners face using this chemical extraction method.
Since there is rock crushing there may be toxic substances in powder form in the air which can be
inhaled causing respiratory issues. Sodium cyanide is a toxic liquid which can evaporate or be
accidentally ingested causing health problems.
B. The chemical may only extract another 3% of gold from the rock but the mining companies still
want to buy the chemical. Explain why.
Gold is expensive so even a miniscule amount of gold more will mean a considerable increase in
revenue by the mining company.[1]

C. Mining companies claim they check all their stored waste regularly and there is no risk to the
environment or local people. They claim the cyanide breaks down when exposed to sunlight and
(i) Suggest two reasons why the chemical ponds should be covered.
They should be covered because if they are exposed to sunlight or oxygen they could decompose into
a gaseous form making it easier for the toxic substance to spread in the environment, effectively
poisoning the locals and other wildlife around. [2]

(ii) Describe the likely sequence of events following a break in the plastic lining.
As there is a leakage it can seep into the soil and wash off into rivers or nearby watter supplies
thereby contaminating it and making it unsafe to drink. This can have a domino effect on the locals
making them more susceptible to health issues associated with sodium cyanide.
Q3 The photograph below shows a water tower by a house in a tropical country. The water that is
stored in the tower is obtained from rain running off roofs of houses. The water in the rain comes
from ponds, lakes and the sea.

(i) Describe how the water from a pond, a lake or the sea becomes rain. .
Through the water cycle, the sun heats up the water making it evaporate; when the vapour goes
higher it condenses as it is cooler and forms clouds which then rain down upon the Earth.2]
(ii) It would be easier for the people in this area to use water from ponds and lakes. Explain why this
is not a good idea.
This is not a good idea because lakes and ponds are stagnant water which means they’re breeding
ground for bacteria such as cholerae bacteria therefore increasing the likelihood of contracting
cholera which can be fatal. [3]
(iii) Small-scale schemes such as the water tower may not be possible in some communities.
Describe one other way of supplying safe water to people.
Wells can be drilled into the ground, desalination of sea water, as well as providing bottled water to
the people.

Revision links- – search ‘How do the properties of soils affect plant growth?’ – search for ‘farming in rural environments’ – search ‘types of water pollution’ and ‘causes of water pollution’.

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