Leopold's Maneuver Retdem

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Leopold’s Maneuver Checklist


Performance Points 4 3 2 1 0
1. Defines Leopold’s Maneuver and Taking FHT
2. State the purposes
3. Enumerate special considerations.
4. Identify materials/equipment needed
5. Identify the client.
6. Explain the procedure
7. Instruct patient/client to void or empty the bladder.
8. Assist client and position in dorsal recumbent.
9. Drape client to provide privacy.
10. Expose the abdomen from the level of xyphoid process down to
symphysis pubis
11. Warm two hands by rubbing against the other before placing them on the
12. Perform the four maneuvers. During the three maneuvers, the examiner
stands at the side of the (client) bed and faces the client.
13. First Maneuver
A. With both hands, palpate upper abdomen and fundus for:
Consistency – head is round, hard, breech is well defined.
Mobility – head moves independently, breech lees mobile.
14. Second Maneuver
A. With both hands moving down; palpate the sides of the uterus from the top
to bottom.
One side – smooth, hard, resistant surface (back)
Other side – angular modulation (knees and elbows)
15. Third Maneuver
A. With the right hand over the symphysis pubis, identify the presenting part
by grasping the lower abdomen with
thumb and fingers.
Assess whether the presenting part is engaged in the pelvis (if head is
engaged, it will not move. If it is soft, it is the back
16. Fourth Maneuver
The nurse alters position by turning toward the patient’s feet, with both hands;
assess the descent of the presenting part by locating the
cephalic prominence of brow.
A. Place your fingers on both sides of the uterus, about two inches above the
inguinal ligament. Press downwards and inward.
B. If the fetal back is palpated, it meets no obstruction.
C. The other hand will meet obstruction, the fetal brow is palpated
17. If the uterus is not contracting, place the bell of the stethoscope over the
quadrant of the mother’s abdomen where the fetal back is located
18. Listen for and count the fetal heart tone in one full minute. Take note of
the rate, regularity, strengths and any deviation of the fetal heart tone.
19. Make the client comfortable.
20. Record/chart any abnormal observation and findings on the mother and
baby. Chart the characteristics of the fetal heart tone along the position on the
abdomen where fetal heart tone was obtained.
21. Demonstrate preparedness, readiness and confidence in the performance
of the procedure.
22. Answers questions politely and tactfully
23. Shows respect and consideration of the recipient of care.
24. Observe proper decorum and behave as a mature student nurse.

Competency Rate
0 - Unsatisfactory 3 - Very Satisfactory
1 - Fair 4 - Outstanding
2 - Satisfactory

Name of the Clinical Instructor

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