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Activity 1:

In your own words, state what "self:" is for each of the following philosophers. After doing so,
explain how your concept of "self" is compatible with how they conceived of the "self."
1. Socrates- According to Socrates “if a person can have a meaningful and happy life he
becomes virtuous and knows how to value himself”, which is the same as my concept of
a self because you can no one is perfect and all you have to do is to make your life
meaningful so you will able to enjoy life.
2. Plato- also believed that the “Soul is residing in the body temporarily”. and in my
perspective that our body decomposes but our soul remains and it is eternal.
3. St. Augustine –said, “The body is of the soul because we are created in the image of
God, and worshipping means we are able to know ourselves”. As a Christian religion, I
believed that we are created by God and he is our source of life.
4. Aristotle- believed that “Reality is not hylomorphic but one”, he believed that body and
soul are not separated. It is aligned with my concept because how can a body work and
feel without a soul?
5. Descartes- said that the “Act of thinking about self or being self-conscious is proof that
there is the self”. My understanding about self is being aware of your existence is enough
proof that you are alive and aligned with Descartes’s concept.
6. Hume- he that “There is no self”, he believes that reality is we are able so to see and
touch. In my perspective is that we are able to feel when and experience different as we
7. Kant - said that “Our mind organizes our experience” which in my perspective is that our
mind is connected when we are born and with our experiences we are slowly forgetting
the things in the past.
8. Ryle- said that defining yourself is where how you show yourself and it is true because
that is how you are showing who you really are.
9. Merleau-Ponty- said that ourselves is created through our experience and I think that we
are built through our experiences in life.

Activity 2: Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.

1. How would you describe yourself?
Answer: I describe myself as approachable, I am willing to listen and give my attention to
someone who needs it. I am a happy and adventurous person, I enjoy exploring new
things and appreciating nature.

2. What are the influences of family on your development as an individual?

Answer: What my parents taught me that I am able to apply until now is to be strong no
matter what challenges or problems you encounter in life find hope and strengthen your
faith in God.
3. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self.” What made you think you
were indeed who you are during this time of your life?
Answer: I think I’m with my true self when I am a fangirl, I watch Korean dramas
and idolize kpop stars, it really helps me stay motivated and helps me cope with stress
and anxiety, listening to their songs made me calm. I am back at school and have a lot
of work to complete, I always find a way to be able to listen and watch them even for
a short time to make.

4. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not
living your “true self”? Why did you have to live a life like that? What did you do
about it?
Answer: During the pandemic, I have so many questions about my life and l don’t
even know what to do. I have struggled with what school would I enroll in college or
what course should I take. I take a lot of advice from my friends and family, and they
were able to comfort me. I realized that I will choose something that will help me
grow and enhance my self-confidence.

5. What social pressure help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?
Answer: Being under social pressure really lose your self-confidence and it leads to
poor academic performance and increases anxiety and depression. I am in this kind of
situation because thinking my family and friends would judge me but luckily they
were able to support and encourage me that I am able to do it.

6. What aspects of yourself do you think may be changed, or would you like to
Answer: The aspect of myself that I want to change and improved was my self-
confidence, I have a lack of self-confidence that leads to missed opportunities. I
experience social anxiety because I am afraid of being judged I know that there is
space for development and I am willing to learn to help me grow and boost my

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