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Assault Squad

Iceland is one of the countries that has one of

the lowest crime rates in the world. Due to this,
there was always peace and harmony among the
citizens. But one day, strange things triggered
off. Cybercrime, physical assaults, felonious
assaults, robberies, and thefts were triggered.
The government was very confused and
perturbed about the sudden series of unfortunate
events and wanted to put an end to it. The
police were informed of the situation and
started prowling the streets. Some did day shifts
and some did night shifts, but no matter how
hard they tried to capture the hooligans, they
were unsuccessful. Two more troubled weeks
passed, but no hair or hide of the criminal Guild
was seen anywhere.
In the third week, when a record of 22 physical
assaults, 3 stolen vehicles, and $2.2 million was
snatched from the wealthy through hacking, a
video was released by them on YouTube. The
title was Lucky Number 3. A masculine voice
with an Irish accent spoke up: ‘Well hello.
Whoever’s watching this video knows who we
are. We are known as the Assault Squad. So as
your incredibly pathetic government has been
informing you, we are physically assaulting
your citizens, taking your money with the
assistance of my genius IQ hackers. I, myself,
am the leader, and I am Saburo but that is just
my code name. Just so you know, we are Irish
ourselves, but that won’t stop us from making
this darn country go bankrupt! Peace! We out!’
That’s how the video ended. When the video
reached the government, the Prime Minister,
Katrin Jakobsdottir, she tore her beard and said:
“These hooligans have gone way too far, they
have to be stopped at all costs! We are left with
our last option! Summon Detective Sherlock!”
Detective Sherlock was an incredibly sharp-
witted person. He reached the government
office and sat in his office. He played the video
and analyzed the place. The background was
covered with a backdrop and the man speaking
was wearing a mask to hide his identity. So,
there was no basic thing in sight. But then
something caught his eye. A part of a tall tower
was visible in a window behind the background
which looked like Café Loki, a famous
restaurant in Reykjavik, Iceland. Sherlock
immediately darted to the P. M’s office and
hastily told her that their hideout was near Café
Loki. Then he showed her the evidence on
which she immediately agreed upon. She
dispatched her police personnel to capture those
‘Rolihlahla’s’ before her.
The police did reach their well-hidden hideout,
but capturing them was no easy task. All of
them were experts in Martial Arts, and pinning
down Martial Artists is no walk in the park.
They were handcuffed and brought before the
P.M. Feeling intense triumph, she boldly spoke:
‘Assault Squad! You have been committing
immeasurable crimes in Reykjavik.
Cybercrime, physical assaults, felonious
assaults, robberies, and thefts have been
reported. What would you say in your defense?’
The leader, Saburo stepped forward and said in
a light voice: ‘Honestly nothing, except for the
fact that these will remain the most memorable
memories of my life.’ ‘Hear, hear! said his
companions. ‘Well, if you have nothing to say
then would you please tell us why did you start
this rampage and there is also a murder
reported, please explain.’
‘Minister, the main reason is that…… my
father and mother, were innocent, god-loving
citizens. They were born in Ireland, then shifted
here. Here their neighbors didn’t treat them
well. They soon started a business of jams and
jellies. They both worked honestly, but then one
day, a bug got in one of the jam bottles. The
person who bought the bottle sued them and
they got bankrupt. Shortly, my mother gave
birth to me and died. My father faced a lot of
difficulties and hardships alone. To earn money
to feed me, he got a job in a toothpaste factory
where he screwed caps on toothpaste tubes all
day. Later, he found that the idiot who sued us
was the owner. He fired my father and he
couldn’t get a job anywhere. He left me at an
orphanage and died when I was nine. I
promised myself that I will get vengeance for
my mother and father’s life. I told all the boys
of my age about my story and said that they
would join me in getting vengeance. And now,
the deed is done. He is killed. I am satisfied
with my life now. Oh, and one more thing, all
the money we looted has been donated to our
loving orphanage.’ The P.M finally spoke:
‘Dear me Saburo, you certainly had a terrible
childhood, being an orphan. Giving money to
the orphanage is a very decent gesture, but
punishment will still be given. I hereby send the
Assault Squad to prison for 1 year. Charges are
cybercrime, physical assaults, felonious
assaults, robberies, and thefts. That will be all.

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