Artificial Intelligence Industry in The UK - Landscape Overview 2021

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Artificial Intelligence

Industry in the UK
Landscape Overview 2021:
Companies, Investors,
Influencers and Trends
Introduction 2 ‘Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK Landscape Overview 2021:
Companies, Investors, Influencers and Trends (Second Edition)’,
Methodology 3 produced by Innovation Eye and powered by Big Innovation Centre and
Deep Knowledge Analytics, presents an updated overview of the entire
Executive Summary 4
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Industry Ecosystem in the United Kingdom. It
AI Industry in the UK Landscape Overview 2021 9 serves as a comprehensive follow-up to Innovation Eye’s ‘AI in UK
Landscape Overview 2018 (First Edition)’, produced in collaboration with
Funding and Geographical Distribution of AI Companies by Sector 11 the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI).
Key Influencers and Experts 24 This report (and its associated interactive mind maps linking AI
companies to their investors) constitutes the most comprehensive
The UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers 37 survey of the UK AI Industry conducted to date, categorising and
The UK’s National AI Strategy 2021: Overview 44 profiling almost 4,000 distinct AI-centric entities in the UK. It considers
the funding of various UK AI projects and the geographical distribution of
Government Initiatives on AI: History and Main Features 49 AI companies. It provides an overview of the most promising directions
of AI development and application in the UK. For example, it identifies
Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 58
who invests in which AI companies and in which UK cities the AI
AI Policies and Ethics: COVID-19, Facial Recognition, and Education 66 research and entrepreneurship is located. Using text, graphics, figures,
and analytics, it tells the story of the innovation landscape of AI in the UK
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports on AI (2019-2021) 72 and its main trends, including an overview of Government initiatives on
AI in the period 2019-2021.
Conclusion 80
It answers questions such as: Does the UK have the required resources
About Us 83 to become a global hub for Artificial Intelligence? Has the UK marshalled
Sources 88 enough resources across the industry, government, academia and
thought leadership to build an innovation and investment ecosystem for
Disclaimer 89 AI development, applications, and cooperation? Does the UK's AI
strategy have the resources, political will, and suitable regulation to
Appendix 90
cement a global leadership position for our AI Industry?
Innovation Eye 2
The present case study seeks to provide an extensive overview of the AI
Industry in the UK. It achieves this by profiling all relevant entities and AI Industry in the UK Landscape Overview 2021
exploring the key trends and developments driving AI growth in the country. Main Parameters
The report analyses 2,000+ companies, 1,500+ investors, and 90+ AI Hubs
with AI programmes (including think tanks, tech-hubs, doctoral training
centres, and events companies) which have, in turn, been categorised into
20 specific industry subsectors. 2,000+ 1,500+
The report also identifies more than 150 influencers and experts in the AI
space (divided into specific areas of practical application, including AI Companies Investors
Policy, Business, Academia, and Think Tanks).
The selection of the AI-centric entities (see figure to the right) aims to
deliver a comprehensive and up to date overview of the AI forefront in the
UK across a wide variety of private and public sector domains. 150+ 20+
The entities have been selected by using public domain databases,
open-source search engines, public and private sector reports, and media
reports. Influencers Prominent AI Reports
The data and calculations on the main trends of the AI Industry in 2021 in
the UK featured in this report have been aggregated from a wide variety of
reputable and public data sources, including general and industry-specific
databases, media and news reports, and conferences and government 90+ 20
While the information presented herein is believed to be reliable, the AI Hubs and Think Tanks AI Categories
report's authors make no representation as to the accuracy or
completeness of its constituent materials, information, and data.

Innovation Eye 3
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The AI revolution is enormous. Increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) The UK – and London, in particular – is becoming a true innovation and
can bring major social and economic benefits to the UK, but there are also investment epicentre for everything related to Artificial Intelligence.
risks which need mitigation. Today, AI-based systems can already do things
Our quantitative and qualitative analysis leads to this conclusion, finding
humans will simply never be able to accomplish. This has led to the AI
combined efforts across all segments of business, investment, research,
Industry catching the focused attention of investors, entrepreneurs,
society and ‘political will’ to:
researchers, and legislators at the government level.
For example, to increase AI readiness and skills, the UK is creating new ● Ensure AI readiness through the UK’s human capital, skills and diversity.
training and educational opportunities led by UK universities. Specific Evident from our AI training and skills programmes.
recommendations relating to staff training programs are part of these ● Accelerate R&D and Innovation and speed up its adoption to market,
ongoing efforts. through investment in entrepreneurship and AI applications, in an ethical
and sustainable way. Evident from our investment strategies.
In a similar vein, investors invest in startups, a large proportion of which are ● Build ecosystems and networks that attract foreign talents to enhance
based in London. Incidentally, 65% of the UK’s AI companies are collaborations on AI between academia, industry, and government.
headquartered in the UK's capital, making it the most attractive city for Evident from our network organisations and talent pool enablers.
investment and talent. Total investment in the UK’s AI companies is in ● Engage experts, stakeholders and citizen, participation through
excess of £13bn. However, the AI sector was not unaffected by COVID-19. multiple, ongoing, open government consultations to build public trust in
In 2018-2019, investments in AI increased by 200%, while in 2020 they the decisions around the regulation and adoption of AI so we can realise
decreased by 64%, but recovered in 2021. The funding over these three the benefits and minimise the risks.
periods stands at £9bn. ● Lead AI governance and regulation though stimulating ethical business
If AI starts to make ethical and political decisions for us, this means that models on AI-driven implementations and use. This underpins how we
the study of ethics and ethics training is now more important than ever. We think and who we are.
are currently witnessing transmission trends from ethical discussions on AI ● Invest in the UK’s digital infrastructure, including data and cyber
adoption into real-world usage, so governance in this area is vital. security. Here we are operating in catch-up.
The UK has the potential to become the world's leader in advanced AI Our analysis underpinning these results finds three facts that encapsulate
systems, developing and using Machine Learning, computer vision, this. They are described on the next three pages, but the reader must
chatbots and AI assistants, robotic, Internet of Things, predictive consult the entire report for full evidence, analysis, illustrations, and
analytics, search engines and language processing as well as intelligent graphics.
data analytics.
Innovation Eye Source: publications.parliament.u 5
Executive Summary

The UK is the host of a highly sophisticated AI innovation ecosystem bringing together investment confidence, talent, industry growth, and an
AI-community spirit. The UK, and especially London, has unique potential to become a true epicentre of purposeful, innovative, and safe international
Blockchain integration and cooperation.

The 2021 analysis and report identify and profile more than The majority of investments in the UK AI space have been in FinTech (25.84%),
2,000 AI-centric companies across 20 AI sectors and 50 cities Marketing and Advertising (22.85%), Healthcare (12.54%), and Entertainment (6.46%).
in the UK. In particular, the 2021 UK AI landscape overview There is also significant investment in Security (5.88%) and Data Analytics companies
breaks down, on a company-by-company basis, more than (5.24%). Investment in GovTech (0.86%), Energy (0.29%), and Transportation (1.85%)
£13 billion worth of investments from 1,500 investors into is much lower. This relatively small investment in AI GovTech and the likes indicates
these AI companies. how there is still underinvestment in public-purpose sectors compared to their huge
Additionally, it profiles hundreds of UK AI experts across more
than 90 AI-centric hubs including think tanks, tech-hubs, But we can still identify several government-related bodies involved in AI initiatives
doctoral training centres, and AI events. Finally, it provides a such as the Office for AI and the AI Council, Innovate UK, the UK Home Office, the
rundown of AI-friendly government initiatives and policy Intellectual Property Office, the Information Commissioner’s Office, Government
bodies that create AI initiatives, which include creating and Digital Services, NHSX, and more.
delivering the National AI Strategy.

One could conclude that the entrepreneurial AI community is located close to finance,
We see how the UK – and, in particular, London – is becoming
marketing, and regulatory bodies that are needed to grow the AI community. London,
a true innovation and investment epicentre for everything
as Europe’s marketing and advertisement centre and financial capital, is now also
AI-related. Almost 1,300 (or 65%) of the UK’s 2,000+ AI
innovating a new ecosystem in AI investment, development, deployment, and
companies are headquartered in London.

Innovation Eye 6
Executive Summary

The UK hosts a highly sophisticated AI innovation ecosystem integrating the ingredients for a vibrant and dynamic AI Industry: science, technology,
talent, business models, and entrepreneurship with financial backing.

Thus, the UK’s Artificial Intelligence innovation and The highly networked AI talent pool comes from a network of AI initiatives including:
investment ecosystem brings together:
1. Both research and teaching programmes at UK universities (in excess of 16 doctoral
● An entrepreneurial AI Industry system which is becoming training programmes, most of which are receiving grants from UK Research and
a magnet for entrepreneurial finance. Innovation [UKRI] including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
● A top-talent and AI science system from our education [EPSRC])
system, research base, and universities. 2. AI networking and events companies (such as CogX, Wearable Technology Show, and
● Industry, finance, and talent systems are mixed with a Big Data and AI World.),
network of AI think tanks and events companies that are 3. Think-tanks (including the Ada Lovelace Institute, Big Brother Watch, Institute for the
building the UK’s world-leading AI communities. Future of Work, Teens in AI, and Big Innovation Centre)
4. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI (APPG AI) functions as the permanent
Thus, in the UK we are closing the gap between the research authoritative voice within the UK Parliament (the House of Commons and House of
base, AI business models, and market-adoption. We are also Lords) on all AI-related matters, while engaging with the entire network to bring
closing the gap between a growing AI Industry and experts and use cases to inform parliamentarians. It is accompanied by a video and
entrepreneurial finance. report series, plus a community platform (online and onsite).

The UK is the host of hundreds of AI experts and influencers across businesses,

A nation of AI experts
academia, think tanks, and policy.

Innovation Eye 7
Executive Summary

The UK government’s AI strategy must catalyse some of these opportunities.

The fast growth in AI development and adoption needs to be accompanied by increased regulatory
engagement in this space, stimulating institutional bodies and engagement to co-create AI strategies,
The UK has recognised AI as a huge
as well as rules, norms, and standards in the AI implementation space.
opportunity and indeed the UK government’s
Industrial Strategy white paper identified AI
Examples of government-related bodies that make AI initiatives include the Office for AI co-producing
and Data as one of four Grand Challenges
the AI Strategy, through the AI council publication consultation as a follow up to the AI Roadmap.
(together with Future of Mobility, Clean
Other initiatives include the Online Harms White paper from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media
Growth, and Ageing Society). This was
and Sport and the Home Office, also produced through public consultation. Other AI-related strategies
followed up by a range of government
and papers co-produced though open consultations since 2019 include those on the ‘UK National Data
initiatives, leading to the AI strategy
Strategy (NDS)’ by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport with the aim of enabling the UK
published towards the end of 2021.
to build a world-leading data economy while ensuring public trust in data use. The open consultation
for ‘Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: copyright and patents’ is a current initiative by the
There is strong ‘political will’ for AI
Intellectual Property Office. The House of Lords Liaison Committee produced its own consultation of
technology and adoption, but the UK’s AI
‘AI in the UK’, published with the sub-title ‘No Room for Complacency’.
markets and industry are moving fast.
There is also commissioned research to inform on ‘The Automated Facial Recognition Guide to Ethical
The UK is a leader in Ethical AI.
and Legal Use’, designed by the British Security Industry Association to improve people’s safety and
wellbeing. The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation’s ‘review into bias in algorithmic decision making’
is a similar example.

Innovation Eye 8
Companies - 2000+
AI Industry in the UK FinTech
Investors - 1500+
Landscape Overview 2021 Hubs - 90+

Supply Chain


Marketing & Advertising

Real Estate



Companies Industrial


Consulting &




Data Analytics
International Hubs Government Related Agencies

Centre for Doctoral Training Hubs AI Events Companies

Innovation Eye 10
Funding and Geographical
Distribution of AI Companies by Sector
Comparison of ‘AI in the UK’ First and Second Editions

Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK 2018 Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK 2021

£1.6bn +93% £3.1bn

Annual funding of the UK’s AI Industry

600 +154% 1,500+

Total Number of Investors in AI Industry

1,000 + more than 1000 2,000+

New AI Companies

Innovation Eye 12
Key Findings

£13.8bn+ 1500+ 15 2000+ 65%

The number of UK AI
companies that of UK AI start-ups and
Total AI funding of Total number of
received ca. 26% of Total AI companies in scale-up companies
the UK’s AI Industry investors in UK’s AI
total AI funding in the the UK’s AI Industry are headquartered in
to date Industry to date
past 3 years London

+£9bn +900 Top 3 +1000 Top 3

AI sectors by number
is the total growth in is the total growth in AI sectors by of all time is the total growth in of AI companies are
the AI funding to the the number of Total AI Funding are the number of AI Marketing &
UK’s AI Industry over investors in the AI FinTech, Marketing & companies in the Advertising, FinTech,
past 3 years Industry over the past Advertising, and Health past 3 years and Consulting
(2019-2021) 3 years (2019-2021) (ca. 60% of total AI (2019-2021) (ca. 47% of total AI
funding) companies)

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 13
Breakdown of AI Companies in the UK by Sector
Marketing & Advertising 28.04%
FinTech 11.08%
Consulting & Outsourcing 8.23%
Data Analytics 7.53%
Developers 4.69%
Entertainment 3.94%
Education 3.74%
Security 3.54% In the UK, there are more than 2,000 companies that
Human Resources (HR) 3.54% have AI in their strategic toolset. More of these
Healthcare 3.14%
belong to the Marketing & Advertising sector
(28.04%) than any other sector. In the Top 5 sectors,
Marketing & Advertising is followed by FinTech,
GovTech 2.00%
Consulting & Outsourcing, Data Analytics, and
Industrial Engineering 1.60%
LegalTech 1.30%
Transportation 1.30%
Real Estate 0.95%
Agriculture 0.95%
Energy 0.90%
Supply Chain Management 0.45%

Innovation Eye 14
AI in the UK: Geographic Distribution
London is the world-leading hub of the UK Artificial Intelligence industry. After London, Cambridge is the second enterprise hub for AI in the UK.
Almost 1,300 high-growth AI companies are located in the capital. In that Other locations with some of the highest concentrations of AI enterprises
regard, London is a centre for growing talent as well as an attractor of it. in the UK include Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford, and Bristol.

Cities with the Highest Concentration of AI Companies

(except London)
More than

65% 2.40%

of the UK’s AI companies are

1.63% 1.63%
headquartered in London 1.48%

0.87% 0.82%
0.76% 0.76%

Innovation Eye 15
Total Funding* Amount for Companies by Sector
FinTech £3.57bn (25.84%)
Marketing & Advertising £3.15bn (22.84%)
Healthcare £1.73bn (12.54%)
Entertainment £892M (6.46%)
Security £812M (5.88%)
Data Analytics £724M (5.24%)
Human Resources (HR)
Consulting & Outsourcing
£515M (3.73%)
£381M (2.76%)
£376M (2.72%)
Others £327M (2.37%)
Total Funding
InsurTech £266M (1.93%)
LegalTech £222M (1.61%) Funding is concentrated in the FinTech and
Transportation £207M (1.50%)
Marketing & Advertising sectors.
Developers £189M (1.37%)
GovTech £112M (0.81%)
Industrial Engineering £105M (0.76%)
Energy £87M (0.63%)
Supply Chain Management £64M (0.46%)
Agriculture £51M (0.37%)
Real Estate £25M (0.18%)

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 16
Funding* Amount for Companies by Sectors for the last 3 years
FinTech £2.77bn (30.64%)
Healthcare £1.77bn (19.59%)
Marketing & Advertising £1.32bn (14.61%)
Data Analytics £519M (5.73%)
Security £447M (4.94%)
Consulting & Outsourcing
£359M (3.97%)
£324M (3.58%)
£252M (2.79%)
Human Resources (HR) £248M (2.73%)
Total Funding for the last 3 years
Others £206M (2.27%)
InsurTech £191M (2.11%) The FinTech sector is the clear leader in funding
Transportation £149M (1.64%) amount for AI companies, collecting more than
Developers £142M (1.57%) £2.7bn in the 2019-2021 period. Funding levels in
GovTech £115M (1.27%) Healthcare sector has remained strong over the past
LegalTech £76M (0.84%)
year, notably bucking a general downward trend for
AI Industry funding during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industrial Engineering £47M (0.52%)
Agriculture £38M (0.42%)
Supply Chain Management £25M (0.27%)
Energy £24M (0.27%)
Real Estate £13M (0.15%) 2019 2020 2021

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 17
Quarterly Change in the Flow of Funding, 2018-2021
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


£3bn The flow of funding shows
£2.6bn fluctuating seasonal dynamics
during the 2018-2021 period.
The third quarter is traditionally
£2bn the hottest investment season.
£1.6bn Overall, the biggest year for
funding was 2019, during which
£1bn the AI sector raised over £3bn.

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 18
Quarterly Change in the Flow of Funding, 2018-2021




£1.0bn £945M

£532M £720M
£500M £421M

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2018 2019 2020 2021

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 19
Dynamic of Funding by Top 5 AI Sectors
Healthcare Entertainment FinTech Marketing & Advertising Security











Q1 2014 Q1 2015 Q1 2016 Q1 2017 Q1 2018 Q1 2019 Q1 2020 Q1 2021 Q1 2022

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 20
Top 15 UK AI Companies by Total Funding

The UK’s AI market has been blossoming over the

last three years; businesses continue to develop,
while new startups have also continued to emerge.
The Top 15 UK AI Companies account for 26.21% of
total UK AI funding. OakNorth, the cloud software
provider, stands out as the top funded company,
receiving more than £791M.

5.6% 3.7% 3.4% 2% 1.9% 1.6% 1.3% 1.2% 0.98% 0.97% 0.8% 0.73% 0.7% 0.68% 0.65%

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Oak Grap
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en Mar a rktra l ue P Onfi
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Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 21
Top 30 UK AI Companies by Funding* Amount
1 OakNorth £791M 11 Privitar £114M 21 XMOS £72M

2 Graphcore £518M 12 Blippar £104M 22 Cera £69M

3 Babylon Health £479M 13 Wejo £99M 23 Partnerize £68M

4 Exscientia £283M 14 Moneyfarm £97M 24 Oxbotica £68M

5 Molo £267M 15 Behavox £92M 25 Quantexa £67M

6 BenevolentAI £222M 16 ComplyAdvantage £82M 26 FiveAI £60M

7 IHS Markit £190M 17 Featurespace £81M 27 CloudFactory £59M

8 Darktrace £175M 18 Thought Machine £80M 28 Infinity SDC £58M

9 Blue Prism £139M 19 Digital Surgery £74M 29 FintechOS £57M

10 Onfido £138M 20 Touch Surgery £74M 30 Qubit £57M

Innovation Eye
*Funding includes investments, donations, grants and subsidies. 22
Top 30 UK Investors in AI Companies
1 AI Seed 11 Episode 1 21 Plug and Play

2 AlbionVC 12 Founders Factory 22 Seedcamp

3 Amadeus Capital Partners 13 Future Fifty 23 SFC Capital

Guinness Asset
4 Anthemis Group 14 24 Startupbootcamp

5 Ascension Ventures 15 Innovate UK 25 Tech Nation Fintech

Techstars London
6 Atomico 16 L Marks 26

7 Barclays Accelerator 17 Level39 27 The Future Fund

8 Crowdcube 18 LocalGlobe 28 Upscale

London Co-Investment
9 Downing Ventures 19 29 Venrex

10 Entrepreneur First 20 Notion Capital 30 Wayra

Innovation Eye 23
Key Influencers and Experts
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Academia (1/2)

Dr. Aidan O'Sullivan Sir Anthony Seldon Dr. Carl Benedikt Prof. Chris Reed Dame Wendy Hall Dr. Daniel Susskind Prof. David Barber Prof. Edgar Whitley
UCL and UNESCO University of University of Oxford University of University of Balliol College, UCL Centre for London School of
Buckingham Dundee Southampton University of Oxford Artificial Economics

Prof. Huw Price Prof. Ivan Tyukin Prof. Jonathan Prof. Kaska Lindsey Chiswick Prof. Luciano Prof. Maggie Boden Prof. Martin Innes
Haskel Porayska-Pomsta Floridi
Centre for the Visual Intelligence Imperial College UCL Institute of Metropolitan Police University of University of Crime and Security
Study of Existential Lab, University of Education (IOE) Service Oxford - Oxford Sussex Research Institute,
Risk, University of Leicester Internet Institute Cardiff University

Innovation Eye 25
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Academia (2/2)

Prof. Michael Prof. Mike Prof. Nadia Prof. Nick Bostrom Prof. Nigel Crook Sir Nigel Shadbolt Perdita Fraser Prof. Phoebe
Thomas Wooldridge Berthouze Moore
Future of Humanity Institute for Ethical
Birkbeck, University University of Oxford UCL Interaction University of Oxford The University of University of
Institute, University AI at Oxford
of London Centre Edinburgh Leicester
of Oxford Brookes University

Prof. Rose Luckin Prof. Ryan Abbott Prof. Sandra Prof. Seeta Peña Prof. Shannon Dr. Stephen Cave Prof. Tim Spector Dr. Zeynep Engin
Wachter Gangadharan Vallor
UCL Knowledge Lab University of Surrey University of Oxford London School of Ethics of Data and Leverhulme Centre King's College UCL
- Oxford Internet Economics Artificial for the Future of London
Institute Intelligence at the Intelligence
Edinburgh Futures
Institute (EFI)
Innovation Eye 26
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Business (1/3)

Adrian Joseph OBE Ali Parsa Amy Challen Andy Pardoe Azeem Azhar Caroline Gorski Charles Kerrigan

BT Group Babylon Health Shell Wisdom Works Exponential View Rolls Royce CMS Tax Law

Charles Radclyffe Dr. Chris Francis Dr. Christine Chow Cori Crider David Short Del Alibocus Demis Hassabis

EthicsGrade SAP HSBC Foxglove BAE Systems DRE DIGITAL DeepMind

LIMITED Technologies

Innovation Eye 27
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Business (2/3)

Eileen Burbidge Euan Cameron Filomena La Porta German Bencci Baroness Joanna Jacob Turner John Buyers
MBE Shields OBE
Passion Capital PwC Enzen Code Your Future BenevolentAI Fountain Court Osborne Clarke

Joseph George Justin Anderson Dr. Keith Grimes Dr. Laura Douglas Lucy Holmes Malika Malik Maria Axente

Dufrain Anderson Strategy Babylon Health My Levels Omni Telemetry Microsoft PwC

Innovation Eye 28
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Business (3/3)

Matt Celuszak Murray Morrison Peter Scott Dr. Peter Waggett Dr. Priya Lakhani Raja Sharif
Element Human Tassomai Author IBM Research CENTURY Tech Farma Trust

Richard Chiumento Rob McCargow Dr. Scott Steedman Sulabh Soral Tamara Quinn Dr. Tirath Virdee

Rialto PwC British Standards Deloitte Osborne Clarke Capita


Innovation Eye 29
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Think Tanks (1/2)

Dr. Abigail Gilbert Sir Adrian Smith Dr. Adrian Weller Andrew Pakes Anna Thomas Dr. Bertie Müller Prof. Birgitte Carly Kind Charlie Muirhead
FRS Andersen
The Society for the
Institute for the The Alan Turing The Alan Turing Prospect Institute for the Big Innovation Ada Lovelace CognitionX
Study of AI and
Future of Work Institute Institute Future of Work Centre Institute
Simulation of
Behaviour (AISB)

Dame Ottoline David Petrie Dr. Desiree Elena Sinel Dr. Florian Ostmann Hayaatun Sillem Ivana Bartoletti Jacqueline de James Farrar
Leyser Remmert CBE Rojas CBE
UK Research and ICAEW Big Innovation Teens in AI The Alan Turing Royal Academy of Women Leading in TechUK Worker Info
Innovation (UKRI) Centre Institute Engineering AI Network Exchange

Innovation Eye 30
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Think Tanks (2/2)

James Kingston Dr. Jeni Tennison Dr. Jeremy Silver John Tasioulas Sir Mark Walport Mary Towers Mike Reddington Naomi Climer CBE Dr. Natalie Banner
British Security
Dataswift Open Data Institute Digital Catapult The Institute for Imperial College Trades Union Institute for the Wellcome Trust
Ethics in AI AHSC Congress (TUC) Future of Work

Olly Buston Pauline Norstrom Roger Taylor Shirin Bahain Silkie Carlo Simon McDougall Sue Daley Tabitha Goldstaub Uday Nagaraju

Future Advocacy British Security Accenture Harris Federation Big Brother Watch Information techUK CognitionX AI Policy Labs
Industry Commissioner’s
Association (BSIA) Office

Innovation Eye 31
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI (APPG AI – since 2019) – Actively engaged

Baroness Kate Baroness Baroness Susan Carol Monaghan Chris Green Christopher Holmes Darren Jones Justin Madders Layla Moran MP
Rock McGregor-Smith Kramer
(Conservative) (Conservative) (Liberal Democrat) (SNP) (Labour) (Conservative) (Labour) (Labour) (Liberal Democrat)
Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Member

Lord Broers Lord Lord Haskel Lord Janvrin Lord Willetts Mark Hendrick MP Stephen Metcalfe The Earl of Erroll The Rt Revd
Clement-Jones Dr Steven Croft
(Crossbench) (Liberal Democrat) (Labour) (Crossbench) (Conservative) (Labour) (Conservative) (Crossbench) (Bishop)
Vice-Chair Co-Chair Member Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Vice-Chair APPG AI Co-Chair Member Vice-Chair

Innovation Eye 32
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
House of Lords Liaison Committee on AI 2020 (Chair and Members)

Baroness Hayter of Baroness Joan Frederick Curzon Lord Bradley Lord Davies of Lord Judge
Kentish Town Walmsley Oldham
(Labour) (Liberal Democrat) (Conservative) (Labour) (Labour) (Crossbench)
Member Member Member Member Member Member

Lord Lang of Lord Low of Dalston Lord McFall of Lord Smith of Lord Tyler
Monkton Alcluith Hindhead
(Conservative) (Crossbench) Parliament (Conservative) (Liberal Democrat)
Member Member Chair Member Member

Innovation Eye 33
Key Influencers and Experts 2020 / 2021
Government and Shadow Cabinet AI Engaged Civil Servants

Amanda Solloway Chris Philp MP Chi Onwurah MP Julia Lopez MP Elizabeth Denham Ellis Parry Dr. Indra Joshi Dr. James Hadlow Joanna Davinson
Department for Department for Labour Party Department for Information Information NHSX NHS UK Home Office
Business, Energy Digital, Culture, Digital, Culture, Commissioner's Commissioner's
and Industrial Media and Sport Media and Sport Office Office

Nadine Dorries MP Paul Willmott MP Tanmanjeet Singh The Rt Hon Kwasi Lorna Gratton Sana Kharegani Sanu de Lima Tom Read
'Tan' Dhesi MP Kwarteng MP
Department for UK Government Labour Party Department for UK Government Government Office Department for Government Digital
Digital, Culture, Central Digital and Business, Energy Investments
for AI Business, Energy Service
Media and Sport Data Office and Industrial and Industrial
Strategy Strategy
Innovation Eye 34
All Mentions of AI in Parliamentary Speeches: House of Commons
House of Commons: 8 to 45 occurrences
7 occurrences
Chi Onwurah MP (Labour)
Tan Dhesi MP (Labour)
● Chris Green MP (Conservative) ● Gillian Keegan MP (Conservative)
Matthew Hancock MP (Conservative) ● Des Browne MP (Labour) ● Elizabeth Truss MP (Conservative)
Margot James MP (Independent) ● Boris Johnson MP (Conservative) ● George Freeman MP (Conservative)
Greg Clark MP (Conservative) (Commons) ● Tam Dalyell MP (Labour)
Nadine Dorries (Conservative)
Alan Mak MP (Conservative)
6 occurrences
Chris Skidmore MP (Conservative)
Claire Perry MP (Conservative)
● David Davis MP (Conservative) ● Daniel Zeichner MP (Labour)
Amanda Solloway MP (Conservative) ● Jackie Doyle-Price MP (Conservative) ● Lee Rowley MP (Conservative)
Darren Jones MP (Labour) ● Caroline Dinenage MP (Conservative) ● Theresa May MP (Conservative)
Sam Gyimah MP (Independent) ● Susan Kramer MP (Conservative) ● Stephen Metcalfe MP (Conservative)
Jim Shannon MP (DUP) ● Sadiq Khan MP (Labour) ● Victoria Atkins MP (Conservative)

Matt Warman MP (Conservative)

Chris Stephens MP (Scottish National Party)
5 occurrences
Kirsten Oswald MP (Scottish National Party)
Richard Harrington MP (Independent)
● Oliver Dowden MP (Conservative) ● Robert Buckland MP (Conservative)
Justin Madders MP (Labour) ● Jim Knight MP (Labour) ● Henry Smith MP (Condervative)
Jo Swinson MP (Liberal Democrat) ● Bob Seely MP (Condervative) ● Nicola Blackwood MP (Conservative)
Sajid Javid MP (Conservative) ● Paul Flynn MP (Labour) ● Graham Stuart MP (Conservative)
Andrew Griffith MP (Conservative)
● David Prior MP (Condervative) ● Oliver Letwin MP (Independent)
● Kemi Badenoch MP (Conservative) ● Eddie Hughes MP (Conservative)
Aneurin Bevan MP

Innovation Eye Source: TheyWorkForYou 35

All Mentions of AI Parliamentary Speeches: House of Lords
House of Lords: 5 to 26 occurrences
4 Occurrences
Lord Clement-Jones (Liberal Democrat)
Lord Haskel (Labour)
Lord Ashton of Hyde (Conservative)
● Lord Agnew of Oulton (Conservative) ● Viscount Younger of Leckie
Lord Holmes of Richmond (Conservative)
● Lord Houghton of Richmond (Conservative)
Lord Taylor of Warwick (Non-affiliated)
(Crossbench) ● Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle
Lord Henley (Conservative) ● Baroness Blackwell (Labour) (Green)
Lord Baker of Dorking (Conservative) ● Lord Austin of Dudley (Non-affiliated) ● Lord Coaker (Labour)
Baroness Rock (Conservative) ● Lord Wallace of Saltaire (Liberal ● Lord Tunnicliffe (Labour)
Lord Bethell (Conservative) Democrat) ● Lord Young of Cookham
Baroness Barran (Conservative) ● Lord Hunt of Kings Heath (Labour) (Conservative)
Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts (Conservative) ● Lord Scriven (Liberal Democrat)
Lord O'Shaughnessy (Conservative) ● Lord Kakkar (Crossbench)
Lord McNally (Liberal Democrat)
Lord Stevenson of Balmacara (Labour)
Lord St.John of Bletso (Crossbench)
3 Occurrences
Lord Browne of Ladyton (Labour)
Lord Howell of Guildford (Conservative)
● Lord Rees of Ludlow (Crossbench) ● Baroness Warnock (Crossbench)
The Bishop of Oxford (Bishop)
● Lord Mann (Non-affiliated) ● Lord Tyler (Liberal Democrat)
Baroness Grender (Liberal Democrat)
● Lord Johnson of Marylebone (Conservative) ● Lord Warson of Invergowrie (Labour)
Baroness Goldie (Conservative)
● Lord Patten (Conservative) ● Lord West of Spithead (Labour)
Baroness Kramer (Liberal Democrat)
● Lord Mair (Crossbench) ● Lord Patel (Crossbench)
Baroness Finlay of Llandaff (Crossbench)
● Lord Campbell of Pittenweem (Liberal ● Lord Freyberg (Crossbench)
Baroness Blackwood of North Oxford (Conservative)
Democrat) ● Lord Mitchell (Labour)
Viscount Ridley (Conservative)
● Lord Alton of Liverpool (Crossbench) ● Lord Blunkett (Labour)
Lord Knight of Weymouth (Labour)
● Baroness Thornton (Labour) ● Lord Davies of Stamford (Labour)
Baroness Hamwee (Liberal Democrat)
● Lord Paddick (Liberal Democrat)
Lord Prior of Brampton (Non-affiliated)
Lord Callanan (Conservative)

Innovation Eye Source: TheyWorkForYou 36

The UK’s AI Network and
Talent Pool Enablers
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

90+ Events Companies Hosting
Total Hubs in UK’s AI Network Global Conferences
and Talent Pool Enablers
40 International Bodies
Think Tanks and Research Hosting AI Initiatives
Government Related

Doctoral Training

Innovation Eye 38
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

Think Tanks and Research Hubs

Ada Lovelace Artificial Intelligence

AI Policy Labs Applications Institute (AIAI) Big Brother Watchdog Big Innovation Centre

British Security Industry Centre for Intelligent

Bristol Intelligent British Interactive Systems and Their Centre for the Study of
Systems Lab Media Association Association (BSIA) Existential Risk

Deep Knowledge Earlham Institute Edinburgh Centre for

Demos Future Advocacy
Analytics Robotics

Future AI and Robotics for Future of Humanity Institute for Adaptive and Institute for the Future Institute of Perception,
Space Hub (FAIR-SPACE) Institute Oxford Neural Computation of Work Action and Behaviour

Innovation Eye 39
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

Think Tanks and Research Hubs

Leverhulme Centre for the National Centre for Oxford Internet

Nesta Nuffield Foundation
Future of Intelligence Nuclear Robotics Institute

Robotics and Artificial Society for the Study of

Intelligence for Nuclear (RAIN) Royal Academy of Artificial Intelligence and
Oxford Robotics Institute The Royal Society
Hub Engineering Simulation of Behaviour

Strategic AI The Alan Turing

Tech Nation Tech UK Teens in AI
Research Centre Institute

UKRI Centre for Doctoral

UCL Centre for The Institute for Women in Tech in
Training in Interactive Artificial
Artificial intelligence Ethics in AI London

Innovation Eye 40
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

Doctoral Training Centres

Mathematics for Real-World UKRI Centre for Doctoral UKRI Centre for Doctoral
Foundational Artificial AI-enabled Healthcare UKRI Centre for Doctoral
Systems II Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Training in AI for Medical
Intelligence Systems Training in Interactive AI
Training Processing Diagnosis and Care

UKRI Centre for Doctoral UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training
UKRI Centre for Doctoral UKRI Centre for Doctoral UKRI Centre for Doctoral
Training in Environmental in AI, Machine Learning and in Speech and Language
Training in AI and Music Training in Safe and Trusted AI Training in AI for Healthcare
Intelligence Advanced Computing Technologies

UKRI Centre for Doctoral UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training EPSRC Centre for Doctoral EPSRC Centre for Doctoral
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral
Training in AI for the Study of in Accountable, Responsible and in Soft Matter for Formulation and Training in the Advanced Training in Geometry and
Training in Cybersecurity
Environmental Risks (AI4ER) Transparent AI Industrial Innovation Characterisation of Materials Number Theory at the Interface

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training EPSRC Centre for Doctoral EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training EPSRC Centre for Doctoral EPSRC Centre for Doctoral
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral
in Computational Statistics and Training in Future Propulsion in Mathematical Modelling, Training in Modern Statistics Training in Future Infrastructure
Training in Distributed Algorithms
Data Science (COMPASS) and Power (TURBO) Analysis and Computation and Machine Learning and Built Environment

Innovation Eye 41
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

Government / Policy Bodies That Produce AI Initiatives

All-Party Parliamentary Centre for Data Ethics Competition and Government Office
Digital Catapult
Group on AI and Innovation Markets Authority for AI

House of Lords Liaison Industrial Strategy Challenge Information

Innovate UK Open Data Institute
Committee on AI Fund: AI and Data Economy Commissioner’s Office

Surveillance Camera The Artificial Intelligence The Biometrics and

The AI Council The British Academy
Commissioner in Health and Care Award Forensics Ethics Group

The Committee on UK Research and

Standards in Public Life Innovation (UKRI)

Innovation Eye 42
UK’s AI Network and Talent Pool Enablers

International Bodies Hosting AI Initiatives With UK AI Events Companies Hosting Global Conferences
Links to the UK Policy Sector (at least 1 per year or more)

Council of EU and AI G20 CogX AI World Congress 2021

Global Partnership on AI
OECD Innovation Digital Health World Congress The AI Summit

OECD Network of Experts —

UNESCO London Tech Week Big Data & AI World
Classification of AI

Women in AI (WAI) World Economic Forum Wearable Technology Show

Innovation Eye 43
The UK’s National AI Strategy 2021:
General Outlines
The National AI Strategy builds on the UK’s current strengths and represents the start of a step-change for AI in the UK, recognising that maximising the
potential of AI will increase resilience, productivity, growth and innovation across the private and public sectors. Building on the strengths in AI will take a
whole-of-society effort that will span the next decade. This is a top-level economic, security, health, and wellbeing priority.

Future Impact Outcomes

Investing in the long-term needs Ensuring AI benefits all sectors Governing AI effectively
Benefits of AI adoption shared of the AI ecosystem and regions
across every region and sector

A growing UK supplier base Public sector as exemplar for AI Improved public trust in AI
UK maintains its position procurement and ethics
as a global leader in AI R&D
Reduced competition for AI skills Certainty for the UK AI
Wider AI adoption in industries ecosystem
and regions
Growth in the UK’s AI sector, New AI scientific breakthroughs
contributing to UK GDP growth
Greater UK AI exports
Greater workspace diversity UK maintains its position as a
Protecting and promoting global leader in AI
fundamental British values Applied AI technologies to new Increased diversity in applied AI
use cases
Strong domestic AI capabilities
to address National Security Increased investment in UK AI Greater public value for money Increased responsible innovation
issues companies

Innovation Eye Sources: 45

Government Investments

Up to £100M Over £46M

Over £2.3bn has been pledged in support 16 new AI
Centres for Doctoral Training at universities
has been invested in the Alan Turing
Institute to support the Turing AI
across the country and delivering 1,000 Fellowships to develop the next generation
has been invested in Artificial of top AI talent.
new PhDs over 5 years.
Intelligence by the government
across a range of initiatives since
£250M £250M
has been granted to develop the NHS AI
has been invested in Connected and
Lab at NHSX to accelerate the safe
Autonomous Mobility (CAM) technology to
adoption of Artificial Intelligence in health
develop the future of mobility in the UK.
and care.

Up to 2,500 places Over £372M £172M

Have been offered in a new industry-funded
has been invested in UK AI companies has been invested in the Hartree National
AI Masters programme for AI and data
through the British Business Bank for the Centre for Digital Innovation through the
science conversion courses. This includes
growing AI sector. UKRI.
up to 1,000 funded scholarships.

Innovation Eye Notes: *This portfolio of investment includes, but is not limited to 46
Challenges and Opportunities

A system’s autonomy raises unique

questions around liability and fairness as Ensuring people from all backgrounds and
Regulations well as questions of transparency and bias Morality parts of the UK participate and thrive in this
which arise from decisions made by AI new AI economy.

Compliance with infrastructural

Representative data that is not perpetuating
requirements is a challenge as they are
new forms of bias in society. People's
Infrastructural often greater for AI services than in
Cloud/Software as Service systems. Also, Society participation from diverse backgrounds in
Requirements the development and deployment of AI
some models require access to expensive,
systems is essential.
high-performance computing.

Multiple skills are required to develop,

validate, and deploy AI systems, and the Increasing the UK’s human capital from a
Skills and
commercialisation and product journey can Economy diverse labour supply; creating a wider
Commercialisation be longer and more expensive because so range of AI services; etc.
much starts with fundamental R&D.

Innovation Eye Sources: 47

Government Interconnected Programmes
The Plan for Growth and the recent Innovation Strategy both The upcoming National Resilience Strategy will, in part, focus
recognise the need to develop a diverse and inclusive pipeline on how the UK will stay on top of technological threats.
of AI professionals with the capacity to supercharge

The National Data Strategy sets out the UK Government’s A new Defence AI centre will form a key piece of the
vision to harness the power of responsible data use to boost modernisation of Defence.
productivity, create new businesses and jobs, improve public
services, support a fairer society, and drive scientific
discovery, positioning the UK as the forerunner of the next
wave of innovation.
The Integrated Review will help to discover new paths for UK
The Digital Strategy will build on Department for Digital, excellence in AI to deliver prosperity and security at home and
Culture, Media and Sport’s (DCMS) Ten Tech Priorities to abroad and shape the open international order of the future.
further set out the Government’s ambitions in the digital

The National Security Technology Innovation exchange The Plan for Digital Regulation sets out the UK government’s
(NSTIx) is a data science and AI co-creation space that pro-innovation approach to regulating digital technologies in a
brings together National Security stakeholders, industry and way that drives prosperity and builds trust in their use.
academic partners to build better national security
The upcoming National Cyber Strategy will continue the drive
to secure emerging technologies, including integrating security
into the development of AI.

Innovation Eye Sources: 48

Government Initiatives on AI:
History and Main Features
Government Initiatives on AI in 2019-2021
The UK is making great efforts to maintain its current position as the #3 international AI
leader behind the USA and China, and to optimise its potential to climb further up the UK Strategic Policy Areas of the AI Sector
ladder of the Global AI Race. By PwC’s estimation, AI technologies are set to contribute
£11.9T to the world economy by 2030, and to increase UK GDP by up to 10.3% by 2030. In
order to convert this potential into reality, the UK government has formulated strategic
industry development initiatives in five key areas (following the EU member states’ Human Capital Area
monitoring scheme): Human Capital, Lab to the Market Developments, Networking, 1 Provide AI-skilled employees for a new jobs market
Regulation and Infrastructure.

● Human capital policy targets the UK educational system to create a supply of AI specialists Lab to the Market Development Area
that meets the nation’s demands. The UK has initiated a National Retraining Scheme to 2 Foster an innovative economy by accelerating
encourage lifelong learning for adults and let them enter new niches in the workforce. AI-related research
● The ‘Lab to the market development’ policy area focuses on accelerating the development
of AI-related technologies and the journey from prototype to market-ready products and
services. To hasten product development lifecycles, the UK government has committed Networking Area
substantial investments to research programs focused on ‘data science and AI’ (£300 3 Attract foreign talents, enhance collaborations on AI
million) as well as sponsoring institutions that deal with AI-related investigations. Among between academia, industry, and government.
them are the Alan Turing Institute and the recently established Centre for Industrial
Digitisation, Robotics and Automation.
● Meanwhile, networking policies aim to attract highly skilled workers for simplified Regulation Area
immigration paths. As part of its networking development initiative, the UK has established 4 Ethical policy on AI-driven implementations
the AI Council, an independent expert committee that facilitates collaboration between
experts in AI technologies in academia, industry, and Government institutions.
● In order to develop regulations for data-based technologies, including AI, the UK has also
established a Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI). The CDEI advises the Infrastructure Area
government on risks and opportunities relating to the adoption of AI and data use in the UK 5 Implement huge updates to the UK’s infrastructure
and has power to influence policy-making.
● Finally, infrastructure policies focus on supporting optimal technology environments that
affect the development of new technology implementation. As part of this fifth
development area, the UK has made large investments in 5G, full-fibre networks, and
transportation projects.
Innovation Eye Sources:, (AI Watch: National Strategies on Artificial Intelligence, European Commission 2019 ), 50
AI Main Trends: Human Capital Transformation
The UK is investing heavily in the creation of new training and educational
opportunities centered on AI in order to increase the number of AI specialists, Examples of Government Initiatives
technologists, and technicians. This is to help the nation’s supply of AI
expertise meet actual real-world demands.

Additionally, these efforts are also partly aimed at increasing demand for AI 1 Human Capital Transformation
specialists, given that supply also, to some extent, influences demand, and a
larger quantity of AI specialists available helps to create jobs where their
services will be needed.
Teacher Development funding (£42
16 New Centres for Doctoral Training
A wide range of AI specialties have been created throughout UK universities, million)
coupled with specific recommendations relating to staff training programs
within businesses (and across a large number of industries).
Industry-funding for new AI Masters
AI Turing Fellowships
In order to help accommodate qualifications and skill sets to match market
needs, a number of funding initiatives for educational, research degree
programs and industry placements in data science companies have been Funding in foster skills in STEM
launched in the UK. These include the AI Turing Fellowships, funding in foster National Retraining Scheme
areas (£406 million)
skills in STEM areas (£406 million), and industry-funding for new AI Masters

Meanwhile, the UK government’s National Retraining Scheme focuses on

requalification programs for employees to help create a new wave of Data
Science professionals, as well as to increase the overall earning power of the
UK populace.

Innovation Eye Sources: 51

AI Main Trends: Acceleration of AI-Driven R&D
AI is one of the most significant drivers of economic growth, productivity,
and increases in GDP. Many high-profile reports published within the first half Examples of Government Initiatives
of 2021 predict that the implementation, development, and industrialisation
of AI technologies have the potential to boost the UK economy by 20-30%.

Meanwhile, the overall volume of investment in the AI Industry in the UK Acceleration of AI-Driven Research
surpasses AI-focused investments in all other EU member states combined and Development
across the full scope of the UK investment community, including venture
capital, private equity, and M&A.
An Investment Fund of £2.5 billion
Funding for research in ‘data science
to help firms to adjust to innovative
In tandem with these trends, the current COVID-19 pandemic has also given and AI’ (£300 million)
business models
a significant boost to advanced AI techniques such as Machine Learning,
which has proved to be the most effective method of monitoring infectious AI programmes on engineering,
Funding of Alan Turing Institute (£42
disease generally (and COVID-19 transmission in particular), providing urban planning, and healthcare (£79
million in the period 2015-2020)
tangible proof of the capacity for AI to rapidly and efficiently tackle real-world million)
issues of great national concern.
Launch of centres of medical
179 AI grants in AI Research Area
imaging and digital pathology
(£157 million)
using AI

Robotics and AI in Extreme

£50 million in funding for launching
Environments Programme (£93
of a Centre for Industrial Digitisation,
million) (part of Industrial Strategy
Robotics and Automation
Challenge Fund)

Innovation Eye Sources: 52

AI Main Trends: Intensification of Networking
AI training and business sustainable partnerships. The large-scale
implementation and industrialisation of AI requires specific infrastructural Examples of Government Initiatives
support mechanisms. It also requires the long-term development of optimally
structured and sustainable economic, policy, and industrial ecosystems in
order to evolve in an effective manner. This includes bottom-up resources,
such as educational systems capable of educating large numbers of AI 3 Intensification of Networking
specialists and specific systems that facilitate and incentivise strategic
partnerships and cross-sector, cross-domain partnerships between industry
and academia, product and service providers, and individual AI companies
Increasing the amount of Simplified migration rules for
The essential role of development and monitoring institutions in creating Exceptional Talent visas (up leading scientists and
and maintaining AI leadership potential. Creating specialised institutions to 2,000 per year) researchers
dedicated to formulating and executing AI policy; recommendations;
cross-sector and public-private sector partnerships and collaborations;
dialogue between Government, industry, and academia; and other forms of Establishment of the AI
guidance, regulatory infrastructure, and systems for facilitating cooperation Creation of data-driven hubs Council, which facilitates
among different stakeholders are pivotal to both establishing and – for example, a Bayes dialogue between academia,
maintaining international AI leadership positions, and the UK is an excellent industry, government (AI
centre for data science and AI
proof of concept for this. policymakers), and the
(£30 million) in Edinburgh
Providing simplified migration regulations to attract foreign talent in Data
Science is a fast way to fulfil lacks and lags in domestic AI specialists in the
UK. While educational reforms and requalification programmes take time to
foster their actual results, Exceptional Talent visas (of which up to 2,000 are
given per year) present a very efficient solution to solving gaps between
labour market supply and demand for Data Scientists and Researchers.
Innovation Eye Sources: 53
AI Main Trends: Focus on AI Policy Implementation
AI technologies must be used in an ethical manner. Mandatory public
disclosure of how new technologies may affect human lives is expected to Examples of Government Initiatives
build a high degree of public trust in the AI sector.

AI decision-making should include human involvement. Decision-making

processes that fail to include public engagement and feedback can quickly 4 Focus on AI Policy Implementation
lead to large losses in public confidence.

The establishment of ethical standards is essential for confidence-building.

Implementing clear ethical standards around AI may accelerate rather than
delay the adoption of new technologies among public officials and service Establishing the Centre for Strengthening the Data
users. Data Ethics and Innovation Protection Act to determine
(CDEI) to offer advice for the the rules for collection,
AI-related human rights violations must be avoided. AI-related privacy safe, sustainable, and ethical storage, and use
concerns are becoming increasingly important as the potential for use of AI personal data
technology to facilitate intrusions on privacy continues to increase. The AI
Industry may need additional, tailored, sector-specific guidance on minimum
and best-practice ethical principles relating to human rights in relation to AI in
general, and privacy protection in an increasingly technologically
sophisticated world in particular.

Successful AI governance requires clear and transparent legal frameworks.

Transparent, sensible, and easy-to-understand regulations serve to establish
proper controls for understanding, managing, and mitigating risks in order to
achieve better AI governance.

Innovation Eye Sources: 54

AI Main Trends: Infrastructure Updates
Enhancing and upgrading foundational instructure that supports the UK AI
Industry is fundamental to establishing data-driven AI leadership positions. Examples of Government Initiatives
5G upgrades to standard and full fibre networks as an element of digital
infrastructure enhancements will give both citizens and institutions access to
high-speed data-exchange systems, and will facilitate ancillary upgrades to
other processes such as data collection. 5 Infrastructure Updates
Investments by the UK government of £176 million in 5G technology and
£200 million for full-fibre networks are just two examples of how supporting
The establishment of the New Transforming Cities
upgrades to the technological infrastructure supporting the UK’s AI Industry
Geospatial Commission to fund to upgrade intra-city
is critical to maintaining a competitive international edge in the global AI
improve access to geospatial transport connections (£1.7
data for the public billion)
The UK has also seen the establishment of a £1.7 billion transportation
infrastructure fund to improve intra-city and city-region commuting and As a part of data infrastructure,
£176 million in funding for
transportation. UK government is funding the
5G and £200 million for
Open Data Institute and the
full-fibre networks
In order to further improve digital infrastructure and facilitate secure data Open Data Research Forum
sharing without violating personal rights and privacy laws, while
simultaneously simplifying the availability and quality of data, the UK
government has invested in its Open Data Institute and the Open Data
Research Forum. Both of these initiatives are focused on cultivating
collaboration and partnership networks between business, government,
academia and the public. The Open Data Institute also provides courses on
data science, conducts its own internal research, supports the conversion of
data science into tangible social impacts.

Innovation Eye Sources: 55

Government Initiatives on AI: Summary
Focus on AI policy Acceleration of AI-Driven Research
Human Capital Transformation and Development
Funding for research in An Investment Fund of £2.5 billion to
16 New Centres for Teacher Development ‘data science and AI’ help firms to adjust to innovative
Doctoral Training funding (£42 million) (£300 million) business models

Establishment of AI programmes on engineering, urban

Funding of Alan Turing Institute
Centre for Data Ethics Strengthening the planning, and healthcare
(£42 million in the period 2015-2020)
and Innovation (CDEI) Data Protection Act to (£79 million)
Industry-funding for
AI Turing Fellowships to advise on the safe, determine the rules for
new AI Masters places
sustainable, and collection, storage, 179 AI grants in the AI Research Area Launch of centres of medical imaging
ethical use of AI and use personal data (£157 million) and digital pathology using AI

Funding in foster skills

National Retraining £50 million in funding for the launching Robotics and AI funding in extreme
in STEM areas
Scheme of a Centre for Industrial Digitisation, environments programme
(£406 million) Robotics and Automation (£93 million)

Intensification of Networking Infrastructure updates

Increasing the number of Exceptional Simplifying immigration rules for leading Establishing the Geospatial Commission to New Transforming Cities fund to upgrade
Talent visas (up to 2,000 per year) scientists and researchers improve access to geospatial data for intra-city and transport connections (£1.7
public billion)

Establishing the AI Council, which

Creating data-driven hubs – for example, As a part of data infrastructure, UK
facilitates dialogue between academia, £176 million for 5G and £200 million for
a Bayes centre for data science and AI government is funding the Open Data
industry, Government (AI policymakers), full-fibre networks
(£30 million) in Edinburgh Institute and the Open Data Research Forum
and the public

Innovation Eye Sources:,,, hdruck 56

Government Initiatives on AI: Summary

The Three Main Policy and Ethics Advisory Organisations in the UK UK’s Data Ethics Framework

► An independent advisory body set up and assigned The Data Ethics Framework aims to guide the appropriate and responsible use of
Centre for Data by the UK government data in the public sector.
Ethics and ► Aims to connect policymakers, industry, civil society, 1 5 Ensuring consistent practice, working
Innovation and the public to develop the right regime for Understanding a user's needs and
within existing skill sets while
data-driven technologies what is in the public interest.
designing data-driven projects.

► Joint BEIS-DCMS unit responsible for controlling the 2 Understanding the relevant laws and 6
Making work transparent and
Office for Artificial implementation of the AI and Data Grand Challenge codes of practice for addressing those
Intelligence ► Responsible for driving the implementation of AI
technologies for the benefit of everyone in the UK
3 7
Discolsing personal data only much as Ensuring the appropriate and
is necessary. responsible use of data.
► An independent expert committee set up to advise
Artificial the government and high-level stakeholders in the AI
Intelligence ecosystem 4 Understanding the limits of data
Council ► Aims to support and promote the growth of AI applicability and the appropriateness
adoption and use in businesses and society of its use.

Innovation Eye Sources:;;;; 57

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap
UK AI Council: AI Roadmap
In recent years, the UK has been the home of a large number of initiatives and
start-ups aimed at developing and deploying AI across the economy for the Directions of Opening AI Potential
benefit of society. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, AI will be integral to
tackling the major challenges of rebuilding and leveling the UK economy by
creating jobs and prosperity beyond London and the South East, providing new
forms of health and social care, achieving net-zero carbon emissions, and
ensuring resilience to future economic, health, and environmental shocks. AI
will also create completely new opportunities for humanity to flourish. The UK
has earned a place among global leaders in many areas of AI, from
accelerating drug discovery to helping businesses factor climate volatility into R&D and Skills and
their decisions. Innovation Diversity
As governments around the world have already established and financed
national plans for cross-sector AI application and financed them, the UK
government is now also being called for action.
In 2021, the UK AI Council, an independent AI expert committee that provides
advice to the UK Government for building a national AI ecosystem, published
an independent report on building an AI Roadmap for the UK. In this report,
four pillars on which to build the UK's future in AI are described. It invites National, Data,
action across government to keep the UK at the forefront of safe and Cross-sector Infrastructure and
responsible AI. It emphasises the importance of ‘doubling down’ on recent Adoption Public Trust
investment the UK has made in AI, while at the same time shifting the efforts
on integrating existing approaches to ethics, security, and social impacts.
The strategy must be carefully designed, building on the country’s strengths.
With this purpose, the following page details the recommendations given by
UK AI Council.

Innovation Eye Sources: 59

AI Roadmap: Research, Development, and Innovation

1. Scaling Up:
➔ Make sustainable public sector investments in AI
➔ Ensure consistent access to top talent from around the world
➔ Find new ways to bring researchers, disciplines, and sectors together

➔ Provide AI-skilled employees for a new jobs market

2. The Alan Turing Institute as a Truly National Institute:
➔ Move from local leadership to global
➔ Provide assured long-term public sector funding that will give the
Turing Institute and others the confidence to plan and invest in
strategic leadership for the UK in AI research, development, and

3. Ensure Moonshots:
3 ➔ Ensure challenge-led, high-risk, scalable programmes that are both
advancing and leveraging AI
➔ Tackling fundamental challenges such as creating ‘explainable AI’ or
important goals in any area where AI can contribute strongly

Innovation Eye Sources: 60

AI Roadmap: Skills & Diversity

Make Diversity and Inclusion a Priority

It was suggested to benchmark and forensically

track levels of diversity to make data-led decisions
about where to invest. This will also ensure that
underrepresented groups are given equal
opportunity and included in all programs.

10-Year Programme of Commit to Achieving AI and

High Level AI Skillbuilding Data Literacy for the Public

The public needs to understand the risks and

rewards of AI so they can become confident and
This would include research fellowships,
informed users. An online academy for
AI-relevant PhDs across disciplines, industry-led
understanding AI, with trusted materials and
Masters courses, and level 7 apprenticeships.
initiatives, would support teachers, school pupils,
and the public in lifelong learning about AI.

Innovation Eye Sources: 61

AI Roadmap: Data, Infrastructure, and Public Trust

Consolidate and accelerate the The goal: Invest in the relevant organisations, link general principles
infrastructure needed to increase to specific applications, and pursue initiatives for pump priming
access to data for AI innovation and enabling safe data sharing for valuable uses

Lead the development of data

The goal: The UK should lead in developing appropriate standards to
governance options and their
frame the future governance of data.

The goal: The UK must lead in finding ways to enable public scrutiny
Ensure public trust through public
of, and input into, automated decision-making and help ensure that
scrutiny the public can trust AI.

The goal: Building on its strengths, the UK has a crucial opportunity

Positioning the UK with respect to become a world leader in good governance, standards, and
to other major AI nations frameworks for AI and enhance bilateral cooperation with key

Innovation Eye Sources: 62

AI Roadmap: Digital Twins Programme

Digital Twin as a Real-Life Laboratory

Realistic representation of real-life physical assets,

processes, artifacts (e.g., documents), and
interactions in a simulated environment are
recognised as the key novel innovation for a fast,
accurate, reliable, and scrutinised approach for
modeling the impact of developed AI systems.

Exposure of Complex Risks

The National Digital Twin Programme in a Simulated Environment

Currently in development by the Centre for Digital Extensive exploitation of open synthetic data in
Built Britain, with the end goal of creating an order to expose complex and hidden risks in
Information Management Framework. The Digital simulated environments before the
Twin Programme would force the extensive implementation of AI systems in real life. Enabling
exploitation of open synthetic data in order to fast and safe development, testing, and
expose complex and hidden risks in simulated demonstration in a simulated environment will
environments prior to the implementation of AI provide an ability to gather all necessary
systems in a real life. information for the regulatory decision.

Innovation Eye Sources: 63

AI Roadmap: National, Cross-Sector Adoption

Increase buyer
confidence and AI Enable robust
capability across public sector
all sectors and all investments in AI
sizes of company

Support the UK’s Use AI to help

AI start-up vendor keep the country
community safe and secure

Lead the way in

Use AI to meet using AI to
the challenges of improve
Net Zero carbon outcomes and
emissions create value in

Innovation Eye Sources: 64

AI Policies and Ethics

Three Main AI Policy and Ethics Advisory Organisations in the UK UK’s Data Ethics Framework

► An independent advisory body set up and assigned The Data Ethics Framework aims to guide the appropriate and responsible use of
Centre for Data by the UK government data in the public sector.
Ethics and ► Aims to bring together policymakers, industries, civil 1 5 Ensuring consistent practice, working
Innovation society, and the public to develop the right regime for Understanding the public interest and
within existing skill sets while
data-driven technologies users’ needs.
designing data-driven projects.

► Joint BEIS-DCMS unit responsible for controlling the 2 Understanding the relevant laws and 6
Making work transparent and showing
Office for Artificial implementation of the AI and Data Grand Challenge codes of practice for addressing those
Intelligence ► Contribute and drive the implementation of AI
technologies for the benefit of everyone in the UK
3 7
Disclosing personal data only to the Ensuring the appropriate and
extent that is necessary. responsible use of data.
► An independent expert committee set up to advise
Artificial the government and high-level stakeholders of the AI
Intelligence ecosystem 4 Understanding the limits of data
Council ► Support and promote the growth of AI adoption and applicability and the appropriateness
use in businesses and society of its use.

Innovation Eye Sources:;;;; 65

AI Policies and Ethics:
COVID-19, Facial Recognition, and Education
Towards a Policy Framework for AI to Combat COVID-19

AI adoption to combat COVID-19 Health Data Policy Framework Mobile Health (mHealth)
applications: Current trends

AI adoption has garnered special AI policy needs to support two segments: 1) COVID-19 has reshaped the possibility of ‘mHealth’ as
consideration in our efforts to combat data policy; and 2) mechanisms such as a policy initiative. mHealth refers to personal health
COVID-19. AI can: mobile applications, which can feed into and care over mobile phone applications (Apps) or
● Assist in preventing or slowing the monitor citizen’s data. Good AI policy relies wearable technology.
spread of COVID-19 through heavily on the following: ● The technological sophistication necessary
surveillance and contact tracing. (AI ● Cross-border (international) data for mHealth is steadily rising for mHealth
for analytics, Blockchain for tracing). infrastructure possibilities, with the adoption of digital and
● Detect and diagnose the virus and ● Fair and responsible use of AI technology combined with mobile phone
predict its evolution. behavioural data penetration.
● Respond to the health crisis through ● Trust on the part of the public that ● There is increased diversification in mHeath
providing personalised information their data will be used fairly and applications covering a range of areas from
(Precision Healthcare). anonymously. symptom tracing, health assistants (advice),
● Monitor recovery and improve early ● An independent oversight body (a and pandemic spread (track and trace).
warning tools. watchdog-type organisation), ● Government policies worldwide are using
● Help researchers to understand the responsible for the fair and ethical mHealth applications to control the current
virus and accelerate medical research application of any data-driven public COVID-19 pandemic.
on drugs and treatments. health measures

● All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) (May 2020) 'Public Health: How can AI help in the fight against COVID-19?' Parliamentary Brief, Big Innovation Centre
● All Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain (APPG AI) (June 2020): 'How can Blockchain help in the time of Covid-19?' Parliamentary Brief, Big Innovation Centre
● Big Innovation Centre and Deep Knowledge Analytics (November 2020): 'Global mHealth Industry Landscape Overview', Innovation Eye
Innovation Eye 67
Case Examples: Use of AI to Combat COVID-19
AI-Driven Applications Solutions to Fight COVID-19
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to accelerate scientific discoveries through
faster data processing. The scientific and research communities hope to fill gaps in
their understanding of COVID-19 by utilising intelligent AI algorithms and Machine Quarantine
Learning. enforcement
The usual pace of of drug development is too slow to meet the challenges of the
Analysis of virus Identifies people
COVID-19 pandemic, and thus BenevolentAI, a UK Machine Learning-based drug
spread and with severe risk
discovery platform, has been developed to rapidly identify already existing drugs that mutation rate of complications
demonstrate anti-COVID activity. This platform identifies promising candidates that
may inhibit COVID-19 infection. These include Baricitinib, a drug available on the Advanced
market and approved for rheumatoid arthritis. Baricitinib is now in the late stage of diagnostics
Supply chains
clinical trials as a potential treatment of COVID-19. TeleHealth:
during COVID-19:
AgriTech for
Another essential benefit of AI-based algorithms during the pandemic has been crop-monitoring
overload on the
AgriTech developments that increase food security. The pandemic situation has healthcare
solution for food
revealed a weakness in food supply chains worldwide and in the UK. Start-up Mantle security Prediction of the
Labs is aiming to help UK farmers and retailers improve crop-monitoring by AI-based evolution of the
analysis of satellite images of farmlands. pandemic
Pattern analysis
Drug discovery
Mobile applications have rapidly taken on a pivotal role in public health management. of medical
For example, the Babylon app, developed by the UK company Babylon Health, is an imaging for early
AI-based alternative chatbot acting as a medical helpline. It aims to reduce pressure diagnostics
on healthcare helpline systems as well as provide more accurate patient diagnosis. screening of
This app performs a range of TeleHealth functions: automotive symptom checker, research paper
fully-qualified consultant therapist, and so on. In 2020, the NHS also launched a data set
contact tracing app, while the COVID Symptom Study app, an epidemiological
research app, helps shed light on the spread of the virus and explores ways to fight Public health Solutions for organisations Accelerate research
the pandemic. management to scale and adjust and treatment

Innovation Eye Sources: weforum, internetofbusiness, nature,, APPG AI Evidence Sessions 68
Case Examples: AI-based COVID-19 Apps
AI algorithms in COVID apps have various uses in public health management. They
monitor, and potentially slow the spread of the virus through the population by
tracing people`s contacts (Contact tracing apps). They allow users to
self-diagnose for covid symptoms (Self diagnostics). They track virus mutation
rate, and a range of other symptoms as well (Medical recording). They provide
tools for keeping populations secure from potentially infected individuals
(Quarantine enforcement). Alerting apps and Information apps, a resource
provided by government and health organization officials, allow citizens an
overview of the COVID19 pandemic landscape.
The following infographic data contains a statistical breakdown of app production
by country. Those countries leading app production have made 3+ covid apps
including the UK (2 covid apps). Those covid apps are developed exclusively for Governmental Private Multistakeholder
users who are not medical or NHS workers, and are primarily oriented on the
citizens of the following countries: Australia (3 apps), Canada (3 apps), France (3
apps), Germany (3 apps), India (10 apps), Italy (6 apps), South Korea (3 apps) ,
Spain (3 apps), United Kingdom (2 apps), and United States (8 apps).
The government is a leading COVID apps producer for the countries indicated. In
the United Kingdom half of COVID app producers are private developers. At the
date depicted, the United States remains outside the 'government dominance
trend' of app development and 75% of their COVID apps are made by
Multi-stakeholders. Contract tracing is the predominant type of COVID-related
apps for each of the listed countries.
UK has a pretty low number of COVID-oriented apps by number, and by
specialization. Howhere, this statistic excludes TeleHealth apps, which are a Medical
Information Self Diagnostic Contact Tracing
generally useful tool in cases of coronavirus infection.
Innovation Eye Sources: с; tableau.publiс, Health Innovation Eye 2020 69
Towards a Policy Framework for AI in Facial Recognition
for National Security
Policy discussions have A Guide to Deliver Effective and Ethical Use Sources
touched upon a variety of
approaches, but it has of AI in Facial Recognition for National
Security ● All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) (July
become very clear that
2020) 'Face and Emotion Recognition Technologies: How can regulation
facial recognition Summary of published guidances
protect citizens and their privacy?' Parliamentary Brief, Big Innovation
deployment must
guarantee data protection,
● Big Innovation Centre (2020): 'Will Face and Emotion Recognition change
not discriminate, and be
the UK?' At the UK Political Party Conferences', Big Innovation Centre
used responsibly.
Purposeful ● Andersen, Birgitte (2022) ‘Public Policy and Government’, in Kerrigan,
use Charles (ed) Artificial Intelligence, Law and Regulation, Edward Elgars
A policy framework should
● Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) (November 2020) 'Review into
(i) ensure the quality and Not
Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making', CDEI
applicability of data sets participation
against ● Clement-Jones, Tim (March 2020): 'The Potential Role of GovTech and Its
used for the training of by design
POLICY citizens Governance' (March 2020), Provocation, APPG AI and Big Innovation
facial recognition
technologies, (ii) regulate
Facial ● The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) (February 2021):
audits and compliance recognition for 'Automated Facial Recognition: A guide to ethical and legal use', The British
checks, and (iii) outline national Data Security Industry Association (BSIA)
rules for the collection, security
Transparency governance on ● Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) (2021): 'Pioneering a
processing, and storage of and collection, New National Security: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.' Artificial
citizens’ biometric data for accountability storage and Intelligence at GCHQ.
public and commercial use of data
Watchdog on ● National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (2021): 'Final
use. Transparency technology Report.' National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.
(enforced by a watchdog) application ● The Surveillance Camera Commissioner (December 2020)- Facing the
and accountability is vitral and use camera - the guidance is for forces to follow when considering the
for risk mitigation.
deployment of Live Facial Recognition (LFR) surveillance camera

Innovation Eye 70
Towards a Policy Framework for AI in Education and Schools
AI offers a new approach to learning A Guide to Deliver Effective and Ethical Use of AI
methods, where interdisciplinarity and Sources
problem-solving is at the heart of learning Education and Schools
environments. This will integrate soft skills Summary of published guidances ● All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial
(creative) and hard STEM (science, Intelligence (APPG AI) (October 2020) ‘AI
technology, engineering, and mathematics) in Education: Embedding AI tools into
skills, and enhance the experience and Safely deploy teaching curricula’. Parliamentary Brief,
purpose of education. Emerging technology AI-based Big Innovation Centre
can also offer a new approach to student assessment
Put ● All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial
assessment, feedback, and performance. AI Provide all systems
school children interdisciplinari- Intelligence (APPG AI) (November 2020)
has the capacity to improve each of these ty and problem-
with computers ‘AI in Education: Designing fair and robust
through the interactive nature of technology. for solving at the
AI also offers opportunities for precision AI-based assessments systems’.
AI-supported heart + New Parliamentary Brief, Big Innovation Centre
learning and for each student to follow their POLICY
education subjects
interests and skills. This can also free up FRAMEWORK:
AI adoption in
● Big Innovation Centre, APPG AI and KPMG
time for teachers to foster class (2018): ‘Learning to Learn: The
education and
community. ‘Train the schools
Create Future-Proof Skill’, Big Innovation Centre
trainers' on AI
To ensure that software is developed to fit learning and ● Andersen, Birgitte (2022) ‘Public Policy
their purpose, educators must be involved in free up time to and Government’, in Kerrigan, Charles (ed)
Involve foster class Artificial Intelligence, Law and Regulation,
the shaping of AI tools. However, for the and risks
educators in community Edward Elgars
adoption of AI in education to be the software
successful, policy must also focus on ‘train shaping of AI ● DCMS Department of Education (January
the trainers’ to enhance the successful and tools 2021): ‘Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning
speedy transformation of schools. Physical for Opportunity and Growth’. London,
barriers to adoption, including access, Department of Education
physical infrastructure, and costs should be
assessed and categorised, so that an Success requires that learners, teachers, assessment and
infrastructure investment plan can be teaching material, and the physical environment are futureproof.
prepared for policy.
Innovation Eye 71
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports
on AI (2019-2021)
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports on AI (2019-2020)

Name: Understanding Name: The Aletheia Name: The Role of Emerging Name: Guidance on AI and Name: Facing the Camera: the
Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework Technology in Transforming Data Protection Protection of Freedoms Act
and Safety Government in the UK 2012 & the Surveillance
By Lord Clement-Jones CBE Camera Code of Practice
Editors: The Alan Turing Editors: Rolls Royce Editors: Provocation, APPG AI, Editors: Information
Institute, Office for Artificial and Big Innovation Centre Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Editors: The Surveillance
Intelligence, Government Camera Commissioner
Digital Service

Date: 2019 Date: 2020 Date: March 2020 Date: July 2020 Date: November 2020

Innovation Eye 73
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports on AI (2020-2021)

Name: Review Into Bias in Name: AI in the UK: No Room Name: UK AI Council: AI Name: Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Name: Automated Facial
Algorithmic Decision-Making for Complacency Roadmap Learning for Opportunity and Recognition: a Guide to Ethical
Growth and Legal Use

Editors: Centre for Data Ethics Editors: House of Lords Editors: The UK AI Council Editors: Department for Editors: The British Security
and Innovation Liaison Committee Digital, Culture, Media and Industry Association (BSIA)
Sport (DCMS)

Date: November 2020 Date: December 2020 Date: January 2021 Date: January 2021 Date: February 2021

Innovation Eye 74
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports on AI (2021)

Name: Government Response Name: The CMA's Digital Name: Regulating Artificial Name: Algorithms: How They Name: Pioneering a New
to the House of Lords Select Markets Strategy: February Intelligence: Where Are We Can Reduce Competition and National Security: the Ethics
Committee on Artificial 2021 Refresh Now? Where Are We Harm Consumers of Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence Heading?
Editors: Department for Editors: Competition & Editors: Technology’s Legal Editors: Competition and Editors: Government
Digital, Culture, Media and Markets Authority (CMA) Edge (online) Markets Authority (CMA) Communications
Sport (DCMS) Headquarters (GCHQ)

Date: February 2021 Date: February 2021 Date: March 2021 Date: 2021 Date: 2021

Innovation Eye 75
AI in the UK: Prominent Reports on AI (2021)

Name: Centre for Applied Data Name: Artificial Intelligence, Name: Final Report Name: Transforming Our Name: Data Governance in the
Ethics Strategy: Enabling Human Rights, Democracy World With AI: UKRI’s role in Post-Brexit Era: Is the National
Ethically Appropriate and the Rule of Law Embracing the Opportunity Data Strategy Ambitious
Research and Statistics for Enough?
the Public Good
Editors: UK Statistics Editors: The Council of Editors: National Security Editors: UK Research and Editors: The Open Data
Authority Europe, The Al and Turing Commission on Artificial Innovation Institute
Institute Intelligence
Date: 2021 Date: 2021 Date: 2021 Date: 2021 Date: 2021

Innovation Eye 76
Prominent UK Reports/Books on AI (2020-2021)

Name: The Reasonable Name: The Government Name: Understanding the Name: National AI Name: Online Harms Name: Data Alchemy: the
Robot: Report on Transparency UK AI Labour Market: Strategy White Paper: Full Genesis of Business
Artificial Intelligence and Reporting in Relation to 2020 Government Response to Value
the Law Online Harms the Consultation
by Tirath Virdee and Doug
by Ryan Abbott Brown
Editors: Cambridge Editors: HM Government Editors: HM Government Publisher: Lid Publishing
Editors: Ipsos MORI Editors: HM Government
University Press

Date: 2020 Date: March 2021 Date: May 2021 Date: September 2021 Date: December 2021 Date: 2021

Innovation Eye 77
Prominent Non-UK Reports on AI (2019-2021)

Name: The Age of Name: The Role of Name: A First Look at Name: Ad Hoc Name: AI Advocates Name: State of Name: Global AI
Digital Artificial Intelligence the OECD’s Committee on Seek Vast Expansion Implementation of the action alliance
Interdependence in Achieving the Framework for the Artificial Intelligence of New National OECD AI Principles:
Sustainable Classification of AI (CAHAI): Feasibility Initiative Insights From
Development Goals Systems, Designed to Study National AI Policies
Editors: UN Editors: Nature Give Policymakers Editors: EU Council of Editors: Science Editors: World
Secretary-General’s Communications Clarity Europe Policy News from AIP Economic Forum
High-Level Panel on Editors: OECD.AI Editors: OECD Digital
Digital Cooperation Policy Observatory Papers
Date: June 2019 Date: January 2020 Date: November 2020 Date: December 2020 Date: March 2021 Date: 2021 Date: 2021

Innovation Eye 78
AI Community Contributions
Law and Regulation
Series of APPG AI Policy Briefs: Publisher: Edward Elgars
Forthcoming March 2022
c 496 pages
Selected reports and articles:
● Data Governance: Beyond GDPR ★ Understanding AI (by Tirath Virdee)
● Face and Emotion Recognition Technologies ★ Corporate Governance (by Martin Petrin)
★ Regulation (by Hannah Yee-Fen Lim)
● AI in Public Health ★ Commercial Contracts (by Iain Sheridan)
★ Commercial Trade (by Minesh Tanna and William Dunning)
● 2022-23 Programme ★ Agency and Liability (by Jason G Allen)
★ Data and Data Protection (by Peter Church & Richard Cumbley)
★ Competition Law (by Suzanne Rab)
★ Intellectual Property (by Rachel Free)
★ Employment (by Dana Denis Smith)
★ Disputes and Litigation (by Vanessa Whitman and Kushal Gandhi)
★ Financial Services (by Richard Hay & Sophia Le-Vesconte)
★ Insurance (by Stephen Kenny)
★ Retail and Consumer (by Matthew Bennett)
★ Healthcare (by Roland Wiring)
★ Telecoms and Connectivity (by Suzanne Rab, Serle Court)
★ Real Estate (by Nick Doffman, Nick Kirby & Alastair Moore)
★ Ethics (by Trish Shaw)
★ Bias and Discrimination (by Minesh Tanna and William Dunning)
★ Public Policy and Government (by Birgitte Andersen)
★ Education (by Stefano Barazza)
★ Taxonomy of AI (by Tirath Virdee)
★ Automation and Fairness (by Emre Kazim, Jeremy Barnett, Adriano Koshiyama)
★ Risk Management (by Stephen Ashurst)
★ Business Models and Procurement (by Petko Karamotchev)
★ Explainable AI and Responsible AI (by Oliver Vercoe and Charles Kerrigan)
★ Legaltech (by Richard Tromans)

Innovation Eye 79

The UK has a virtuous circle of growth in AI development, investment, deployment, and adoption.
NEW FINANCE: Investment confidence in the UK and London is high and growing, and the UK’s AI innovation and investment ecosystem is
becoming a magnet for entrepreneurial finance. In addition, the UK’s high-tech AI fintech companies are located in its own financial centre of
London that are needed to grow it.

NEW BUSINESS BRANDS: As Europe’s marketing and advertising hub, London is now also a hub for the innovation of new AI marketing and
advertising businesses for AI development, deployment, and adoption.

MORE TALENT: The UK has a highly integrated AI innovation ecosystem of talent including an AI science base, a technological foundation, and a
tradition of digital entrepreneurship. These industry, finance, and talent systems are mixed with a talent-enabling network of AI think tanks, hubs,
doctoral training centres, and events companies that are turning the UK into a world-leading AI community.

ENGAGED REGULATORS: The UK’s AI entrepreneurship, talent, investment, and branded businesses are in close proximity with regulators, which are
increasingly playing a pivotal role in the promotion of dialogue and the shaping of the AI Industry (in discussion with firms) to become ethical and
purposeful. Examples of institutions and strategies include the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI), the Office for AI, the All-Party
Parliamentary Group on AI, and the AI Strategy published this autumn, to name a few.

Overall, we can see how AI entrepreneurship activity in the UK is located close to finance, marketing, and regulatory bodies that are needed to grow
it and the AI community.

Innovation Eye 81

Key numbers
The UK’s AI funding landscape:

● The total amount of funding received by the UK’s AI Industry to date is £13.8bn, and the total growth in the funding to the UK’s AI Industry
over the past three years (2019-2021) is £9bn.
● The total number of investors that have provided this funding now exceeds 1,500, and this number has grown by 900 over the past 3 years
● The Top 3 most funded AI sectors are FinTech, Marketing & Advertising, and Health, which together have received ca. 60% of total AI
funding in the UK. meanwhile, the Top 15 most funded UK AI companies have received ca. 26% of the funding provided over the past 3 years

*Funding includes investments, donations, grants, and subsidies.

UK’s AI Industry Demographics:

● The total number of AI companies (start-ups and scale-ups) in the UK now exceeds 2,000, which is double that of three years ago, as 1,000
new AI companies have appeared over the past 3 years (2019-2021).
● Some 65% of the UK’s AI start-ups and scale-up companies are headquartered in London.
● The Top 3 AI sectors by number of companies are Marketing & Advertising, FinTech, and Consulting, which together constitute ca. 47% of
the UK’s total number of AI companies.

Innovation Eye 82
About Us
About Innovation Eye

Innovation Eye was jointly founded in March 2019 by Big Innovation Centre and Deep
Knowledge Analytics to provide sophisticated market analytics, industry intelligence,
comparative industry classification frameworks, and benchmarking case studies.

The company develops advanced tools for analysis and visualization of technology and innovation ecosystems through reports, custom-made
consultancy products and services, and a dynamic interactive online IT-platform with the aim of optimising the strategic agendas of international
corporations and technocratic governments seeking to implement, stabilise and optimise their global positions in advanced technology-driven
Big Innovation Centre has substantial expertise in these areas, having run cross-industry task forces since 2011 on building innovation and
investment ecosystems, future proofing corporate businesses models, and being the secretariat company for the UK All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Blockchain and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile, Deep Knowledge Analytics has established itself
as the leader of sophisticated DeepTech Industry intelligence and analytics relating to DeepTech sectors including AI, FinTech, and GovTech.
By combining AI-driven Big Data analytics with advanced infographic mindmaps and the production of state-of-the-art data visualisation and
dynamic data analytics, industry intelligence platforms, Innovation Eye aims to provide multinational corporate and governmental clients with an
advanced, user-friendly suite of tools, frameworks, and solutions for formulating, optimising, and stabilising the development and execution plans
underlying their strategic interests. In summary, Innovation Eye:
● implements advanced ecosystem mapping projects relating to interactive online IT-platforms using dynamic infographic mindmaps and
smart-matching capabilities for industry stakeholders;
● provides tangible technological forecasting of advanced tech-driven industries and innovation economies; and
● informs international corporations and governments on how to become and remain competitive and utilise their resources in a maximally
efficient and synergetic manner.

Innovation Eye 84
About Big Innovation Centre

Big Innovation Centre is one of the biggest, best, and most exclusive technology and
innovation consultancy networks in the world. Launched in September 2011, the
company exists to build a global innovation hub by 2025, create great companies, and
make the world more purposeful and inclusive through the enormous potential of
technology, creativity, and innovation.
Big Innovation Centre’s technology and innovation consultancy brings together world leaders, regulators, and executives of the world’s biggest
companies and key decision-makers to shape the future with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and digital transformation. Twice-awarded the title
of Think Tank of the Year by the PRCA, Big Innovation Centre is the founding Secretariat of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Groups on Artificial
Intelligence and Blockchain (APPG AI and APPG Blockchain) and is at the centre of mapping global and regulatory trends in these areas.

Big Innovation Centre is featured in the prestigious 2020 listing of the Top 5 Digital Transform Consulting/Service Companies in UK by CIO
Applications Europe Magazine, and it has received the Greater London Enterprise Award for its communication services. In 2021, the centre
became accredited by the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) standardisation body of the UK as professional training provider.


Humane Transformational Sustainable Expansive

We drive the ways that society will AI, Blockchain, and digital are Our mission is to ensure that AI, We think big. The global benefits of
benefit from AI, Blockchain, and changing the world, and our network Blockchain, and digital advance the AI, Blockchain, and digital are
digital transformation while is at the forefront of shaping that sustainability of our natural, social, endless. Wherever we find a limit to
managing the risks to social transformation. and cultural environments. the benefits of these technologies,
cohesion. we find a way to push beyond.

Join our AI and Blockchain networks on our Pavilion | Website | Twitter

Innovation Eye 85
About Deep Knowledge Analytics
Deep Knowledge Analytics is a DeepTech-focused agency producing advanced
analytics on DeepTech and frontier-technology industries. We do this using
sophisticated multi-dimensional frameworks and algorithmic methods that combine
hundreds of specially-designed and specifically-weighted metrics and parameters to
deliver sophisticated market intelligence, pragmatic forecasting, and tangible industry

Deep Knowledge Analytics is an analytical subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, an international consortium of commercial and nonprofit
organisations focused on the synergetic convergence of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, MedTech, FinTech, GovTech),
applying progressive data-driven InvestTech solutions with a long-term strategic focus on AI in Healthcare, Longevity, and Precision Health. Deep
Knowledge Group aims to achieve a positive impact through the support of progressive technologies for the benefit of humanity via scientific
research, investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, and philanthropy.

The Digital UK Ecosystem Dashboard provides the most relevant information Digital UK Ecosystem Dashboard: General Overview
regarding the state of different industries in the United Kingdom by region as
well as in the country as a whole. The dashboard is divided into five main
categories: Digital Ecosystem, COVID-19 Analytics, Government Investment
Initiatives and Programs, Longevity Initiatives, and Investment Digest.
Our company is building a sophisticated cloud-based engine for advanced
market and business intelligence in the pharmaceutical and healthcare
industries. It includes a data mining engine, infrastructure for expert data
curation, and advanced visualisation dashboards, including mindmaps,
knowledge graphs, and 3D visualisations.

Innovation Eye 86
About APPG AI*
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) functions as the
permanent authoritative voice within the UK Parliament on all AI-related matters. Its
methods of working include research, round tables, webinars, showcasing, and events.

Our AI community (of business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, academics, politicians,

policymakers, and civil society) brings evidence, use cases, and future policy scenarios to
the UK Parliament to consider the economic, social, and ethical implications of developing
and deploying AI. We have a special focus on policy, business, and society.
We elucidate the term Artificial Intelligence; gather evidence to better understand it; assess its impact; and, ultimately, empower decision-makers
to engage in policymaking within the sphere of AI.


● Automated reasoning and ● Data policy and governance ● AI Strategy taskforce

decision-making (public, business, personal) ● Data strategy consultation
● Autonomous systems ● Health – climate change – sustainability ● Corporate governance consultation
● Face and emotion recognition ● Education – skills – jobs – the future of ● Intellectual Property Consultation
● Machine Learning work
● Multi-agent systems ● Accountability and ethics
● Natural language understanding ● Citizen participation
● Semantic web ● Face recognition – national security –
● Smart living (e.g., cities) cyber crime
● Voice recognition ● Innovation and entrepreneurship
● Digital and physical infrastructure

*All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal all-party groups in the UK Parliament. They are run by and for MPs and members of the House of
Innovation Eye Lords. Big Innovation Centre is the appointed Secretariat and research hub for the APPG on Artificial Intelligence. 87
Selected Sources
1. How AI and machine learning are helping to fight COVID-19. World 22. AI-2019 Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. BCS, The
Economic Forum. chartered Institute for IT
2. UK’s NHS trials AI app as alternative to medical helpline. Internet of 23. Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety. The Alan Turing Institute
business. 24. Data Ethics Framework. Government Digital Service
3. Artificial Intelligence and the control of COVID-19. Council of Europe. 25. Artificial-intelligence tools aim to tame the coronavirus literature. Nature research
4. Covid-19 Apps - Extended dashboard. Tableau public journal
5. Artificial Intelligence in the United Kingdom: Prospects and challenges. 26. Doctors are using AI to triage COVID-19 patients. The tools may be here to stay. MIT
McKinsey Global Institute Technology Review
6. Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security. Policy Considerations. Royal 27. APPG-AI Events. All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence
United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies 28. Research network for ethical AI launched in the UK. Ada Lovelace Institute,
7. Artificial Intelligence and Public Standards. A Review by the Committee on Arts and Humanities Research Council
Standards in Public Life. The Committee on Standards in Public Life 29. Responsible development of AI. The Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning
8. Transforming Paradigms. A Global AI in Financial Services Survey. 30. A guide to using. Government Communication Service
Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (University of Cambridge. Judge 31. The public sector. Government Digital Service, Office for Artificial Intelligence
Business School) 32. Data Ethics Framework. Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
9. A guide to using artificial intelligence in the public sector. Department for 33. Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety. Government Digital Service,
Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Government Digital Service Office for Artificial Intelligence
10. Thirtieth British Machine Vision Conference. Cardiff University 34. CDEI AI Barometer independent report. Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport,
11. AI in Retail & Advertising Summit. RE Work TEAM Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation
12. AI, ML and Analytics Conference. Minds Mastering Machines 35. Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security. Royal United Services Institute for
13. AI Council. Government Communication Service Defence and Security Studies
14. Office for Artificial Intelligence. Government Communication Service 36. 4 Powerful Examples Of How AI Is Used In The NHS. Bernard Marr & Co
15. Artificial Intelligence Council. Government Communication Service 37. Thinking on its own. Reform
16. Data ethics and AI guidance landscape. Government Communication 38. Artificial Intelligence and Public Standards A Review by the Committee on Standards
Service in Public Life. The Committee on Standards in Public Life
17. Automation and the future of work. UK Parliament 39. Transforming Paradigms. A Global AI in Financial Services Survey. Cambridge Centre for
18. AI Watch: National strategies on Artificial Intelligence A European Alternative Finance
perspective in 2019. European Commission 40. Transforming our world with AI: UKRI’s role in embracing the opportunity. UK
19. National Retraining Scheme. Government Communication Service Research and Innovation
20. Bayes Centre. The University of Edinburgh’s Bayes Centre 41. The CMA’s digital markets strategy: February 2021 refresh. UK Research and
21. National AI Strategy. Office for Artificial Intelligence; Department for Digital, Innovation
Culture, Media & Sport

Innovation Eye 88
E-mail: Website:

Innovation Eye 89
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/8)
1. 10x 26. Ai Build 51. Appsumer
2. 2CV Research 27. AI Prescience 52. Apteco Limited
3. 4CM 28. AI Technologies 53. Arabesque AI
4. 60 Decibels 29. 54. Arachnys
5. ABA Research 30. aiHit 55. Arete Research
6. Accent 31. AINews 56. Ariel AI
7. 32. Airfinity 57. Armfield Limited
8. Acuate 33. Airnow 58. Aroq
9. Acuigen 34. Aistemos 59. Artelligen
10. Acumen Fieldwork 35. Akari 60. Artesian Solutions
11. Ad-Lib Digital 36. Aker Systems 61. Artios
12. Adarga 37. Alana 62. Artlogic
13. Adbrain 38. Alana AI 63. Ascential Plc
14. ADDS Corporation 39. Alban Digital 64. askporter
15. Adestra 40. Alchemetrics 65. Asset Monitoring Solutions
16. Admedo 41. Algorithm X Lab 66. Atass
17. Adnow 42. Allegra Insights 67. Attest
18. Adoreboard 43. Alpha Deal Group 68. Audacia
19. Adthena 44. Alscient 69. Audiense
20. ADTYPE 45. AMA Research 70. Audio Analytic
21. Adverttu 46. Ampliphae Ltd 71. AuditCall Inc.
22. AdviceRobo 47. Analytics Intelligence 72. AURA Insight
23. Advisory Excellence 48. 73. Aura Vision
24. Aflorithmic Labs 49. Answermatic 74. Authoritas
25. After Digital 50. AnyData Solutions 75. Autographic Insight

Innovation Eye 91
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (2/8)
76. Automated Intelligence 101. Blue Donkey Intelligent Telemarketing 126. CSR
77. Avantra 102. Blue Monkey Marketing 127. Cablato
78. Avnio 103. Blue Yonder Research 128. CallTracks
79. AVUXI 104. BlueVenn 129. Campfire Marketing
80. Axonix 105. BOLDMIND 130. CANDDi
81. B2B International 106. Bond Radar 131. Capital Access Group
82. B2M Solutions 107. Bonnington Plastics 132. Capito Systems
83. BankBI 108. BOON 133. Captini
84. Bar Analytics 109. Boxclever 134. Carat
85. BARO Vehicles 110. Brainpool AI 135. Carbon
86. Bdifferent 111. Brand Red Dog 136. CARD Group Research
87. Beatchain 112. Branding Science 137. Cascade3d
88. Beaufort Research 113. BrandsEye 138. Caterlyst
89. Beauty Matching Engine 114. Brandwatch 139. Celebrus
90. BEETc 115. Breaking Blue 140. Celerity
91. Being Guided 116. Bright Blue Day 141. Centegra
92. BeMyEye 117. Brightblue Consulting 142. Chatterbox Labs
93. Bibblio 118. BrightTarget 143. Chattermill
94. Bick Green Associates 119. Browsa 144. Cheerfy
95. Bidnamic 120. Bubblo (BubbleScene Ltd.) 145. Christies Direct
96. Biosite Systems 121. Bulbshare 146. Cite
97. Black Cube 122. Bunting 147. Citizenme
98. Black Square Media 123. Buzz Radar 148. City Signs
99. Black Swan Data 124. BuzzSumo 149. ClarITeam
100. Blis 125. Bx 150. Clear Returns

Innovation Eye 92
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (3/8)
151. Click Consult 176. Coppelia 201. datasine
152. Clicksco 177. Copperchase 202. Datasmoothie
153. Clicktools 178. Corebridge 203. DBS Data
154. ClickZ 179. Countly 204. DCSL Software
155. cloud.IQ 180. Covenant Review 205. DeepCrawl
156. CloudINX Cloud Independent Network Exchange 181. Creation Interactive 206. DeepInspire
157. Clusters 182. Creative Virtual 207. DeltaDNA
158. Cocoon 183. Creativebrief 208. Design Culture
159. Codec 184. Credence Research 209. Dexi
160. Cognism 185. Criteria Fieldwork 210. Diginius
161. Colourtext 186. Critical Research 211. Digital Barriers
162. Comidor Digital Automation Platform 187. CROSS Network Intelligence 212. Digital Innovation Group
163. Commanders Act 188. Croud 213. Digital Taxonomy
164. Commetric Ltd. 189. Crystal Apps Ltd. 214. DigitalGenius
165. Comparesoft 190. cube19 215. Direct Approach Marketing
166. Competera 191. Cultivation Marketing 216. DMR
167. CONCURED 192. Cursor Insight 217. DragonGate
168. Coniq 193. CyberQ Group 218. Dream AI Ltd T/A Dream Agility
169. Consumer Intelligence 194. D J S Research 219. Dressipi
170. ContactEngine 195. D S C Telemarketing 220. Duco
171. Contentive 196. dadzclub 221. DueDil
172. Contexxt 197. Data Catalyst 222. Duel
173. Conversion Works 198. Data2Decisions 223. Dufrain
174. 199. Databroker 224. dunnhumby
175. Conversity Ltd 200. Dataloft 225. ESA

Innovation Eye 93
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (4/8)
226. E-MAILiT 251. FibreCRM 276. Global Data
227. E-Tabs 252. Fieldwork Assistance 277. Global Database
228. Eaten 253. Fifty 278. Gobaba Ventures
229. Ebiquity 254. FindTheRipple 279. GottaBe
230. Echobox 255. Firedrop 280. Graphcore
231. Econsultancy 256. Five Cool 281. Green 4 Solutions
232. EDITED 257. Focal Research 282. GreenShoot Labs
233. Enapps 258. Focaldata 283. Grip
234. Enders Analysis 259. Forcive 284. Growth Intelligence
235. Engaged Solutions 260. Fospha 285. GrowthEnabler
236. Enterprise Bot 261. Fountain Partnership 286. Gusto Research
237. eSales Hub 262. Freemavens 287. GWI
238. Expert Market 263. Fresh Relevance 288. HBD
239. Explain Market Research 264. FreshGeo 289. Happy Creative
240. EyeQuant 265. FreshMail Email Marketing 290. Harlands Accountants
241. FactEntry 266. FrontM 291. Harrison Carloss
242. Factmata 267. FuelsPricing 292. Hatchster
243. fatBuzz 268. Funderbeam 293. Hazy
244. Fedr8 Ltd 269. Fuzed Innovations Ltd 294. Heawood Research
245. Feebi 270. GMA 295. HFS Research
246. Feedback Ferret 271. Geeks 296. Hive Marketing Cloud
247. Feedback Market Research 272. Generation 7 Group 297. Hook Solutions
248. FeedbackRig 273. Genisys Group 298. Horse Scout
249. FeedSpark 274. GIS Cloud 299. Horsefly
250. Feref 275. Glenigan 300. Household

Innovation Eye 94
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (5/8)
301. HOWZ 326. iotec 351. Logically
302. Hoxton Analytics 327. IPONWEB 352.
303. Humanise.AI 328. Jiminny 353. London Speech Therapy
304. Hurree 329. Kamua 354. LoopMe
305. Hyphen 330. Keakie 355. Lumen Research
306. i-4business 331. Keelvar 356. Lumiere Property
307. ICM 332. KisanHub 357. Lumilinks
308. ICS.AI 333. Kluster Intelligence 358. M&C Saatchi
309. Idio 334. Klydo 359. Made in Studios
310. IFF Research 335. Knexus 360. Maido
311. Ignition Ai 336. Kognitio 361. makepositive
312. Ikroh SEO UK 337. Kudan 362. Mallzee
313. Illuma 338. Kumulos 363. Manas AI
314. Inc & Co Group 339. Limbic 364.
315. Incite Marketing Planning 340. Limitless 365. Market Location
316. Increasingly 341. Link Telemarketing 366. Market Publishers
317. Indiefield Ltd 342. Linkdex 367. Marketii
318. Infiniti Research 343. 368. Marketing Data Solutions
319. Infinity 344. LivePinch 369. Masmi Research Group
320. infloAi 345. LivingLens 370. MASS Analytics
321. Inlinks 346. LMC Automotive 371. Maybe*
322. INSIDER 347. Lobster 372. Measmerize
323. Intelistyle 348. Localistico 373. MediaBase Direct
324. IntelliAgent 349. Locomizer 374. MediaGroup Worldwide
325. Intent HQ 350. Locowise 375. Mediatel Limited

Innovation Eye 95
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (6/8)
376. Medicine Man 401. MOXI AI 426. Oscobo
377. MeetCute 402. Mustard 427. Oxford BioChronometrics
378. MEL Research 403. My Customer Lens 428. Oxford Metrics
379. Meniscus 404. My Market Insight 429. Oxtractor
380. Merrehill 405. Mystery Shoppers Inc 430. Panintelligence
381. Meshh 406. Napier 431. Paparico
382. Metageni 407. NatCen Social Research 432. Partnerize
383. MeVitae 408. Natterbox 433. Peak
384. Mezzo Labs 409. Netmera 434. Perfect Channel
385. Miappi 410. Neurence 435. Permutive
386. Microsaic Systems plc 411. Neurocreate 436. Personalyze
387. MIDiA Research 412. Novatiq 437. Personify XP
388. Mimica Automation 413. NowMe Infinity Limited 438. Perspective Research Services
389. MindMover 414. nToklo 439. Photolemur
390. MiQ 415. NumberEight 440. Phrasee
391. Miraget 416. Odore 441. Picfair
392. Mirriad 417. Offtek 442. Pimloc
393. MM-Eye 418. Omenics 443. Pisano
394. Mobysoft 419. Onalytica 444. Planet N Group of Companies
395. Momentum Data 420. OnAudience 445. Plyable
396. Monetizer 421. onefourzero 446. Pobuca
397. Moosend 422. Onzo 447. PolyAI
398. Mopapp 423. OpenWeather 448. Popcorn Metrics
399. Motif 424. OptimizeSmart 449. Powr of You
400. Moving Brands 425. Orpiva 450. Precise TV

Innovation Eye 96
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (7/8)
451. Presence Orb 476. RevLifter 501. SPARKLANE
452. Previse 477. 502. SPC International
453. Price Trakker 478. Sanctum Technologies 503. SpeechKit
454. Primafelicitas Ltd 479. Save Your Wardrobe 504. Speechmatics
455. Prodsight 480. Scoota 505. Spirable
456. Profusion 481. Search Laboratory 506. Spixii
457. Prospex 482. Semantic Evolution 507. Squelo
458. PSYKHE 483. Sensing Feeling 508. Starcount
459. PublishCheck 484. Sensitrust 509. Stellar Search
460. Pynk 485. Sentient Machines 510. StoryStream
461. QuantumBlack 486. Sentiment Search 511. Streamhub
462. Qubit 487. SessionCam 512. Streetbees
463. 488. SharemyInsight 513. Sweet Pricing
464. Radius Tech 489. Shopcade 514. SwiftERM
465. Rais 490. Shoppar Ltd 515. SwiftKey
466. re:infer 491. Signal AI 516. Swogo
467. Realeyes 492. Skein 517. Synaptiv
468. RecordSure 493. SmartMedia 518. Synthesia
469. Red Octopus Innovation 494. Smartology 519. Synthetix
470. Redmill Solutions 495. Smartpipe Solutions 520. Tactful
471. RedZebra Ltd. 496. Snap Vision 521. Tamoco
472. Relative Insight 497. Snowplow Analytics 522. TankTastic
473. Remora 498. SoAmpli Ltd. 523. Tavolos
474. reportbrain 499. Social Media Status 524. TBG Digital
475. Retechnica 500. Sonantiс 525. Tecnia

Innovation Eye 97
AI Companies in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (8/8)
526. Tenderlake 551. We Build Bots
527. The Bot Platform 552. Whichit
528. Thunderhead 553. Whitehat Analytics
529. Transfon 554. Wi-5
530. Trapeze 555. Wine Intelligence
531. TruConversion 556. Worldacquire
532. TUMRA 557. Wrapidity
533. UCROWDME 558. Xenesis
534. UCW Industries Ltd. 559. YouthSight
535. Unruly 560. Zapnito
536. 561. Zappi
537. V-Nova 562.
538. Vable 563. Zeo Agency
539. VAIX 564. zetasoftware
540. vendi 565. ZINE
541. Verbo AI 566. Zynk Software Limited
542. Verchable
543. VexPop
544. Vimma
545. Visii
546. VisualDNA
547. VividQ
548. Volume
549. Vyking
550. Waive

Innovation Eye 98
AI Companies in the UK by Category
FinTech (1/3)
1. 9fin 26. AutoRek 51. CourtCorrect
2. Abaka 27. Autto Limited 52. CoVi Analytics
3. Accountagility 28. Beauhurst 53. CreditEnable
4. Accountancy Cloud 29. Big Data Scoring 54. CUBE
5. Acritas 30. BigData4Analytics 55. Data Quarks Limited
6. Acuity Trading Ltd 31. Bird.i 56. Datactics
7. Admiral Markets 32. Blue Lion Research 57. DataMine Lab
8. Agrimetrics 33. BMLL Technologies 58.
9. AI-XPRT 34. BrightSun 59. Dealogic
10. aire 35. Butterwire 60. DecisionForest
11. Akoni Hub 36. Cambridge Intelligence 61. Despatch Cloud
12. AlgoDynamix Ltd. 37. Cambridge Quantum Computing 62. DevicePilot
13. AlliedCrowds 38. Capital Economics 63. DF2020 Limited
14. Allocator 39. causaLens 64. Digital Peninsula
15. Alpima 40. CHIP 65.
16. Alva 41. CityFalcon 66. Duuzra
17. Apomatix 42. 67. EasyAsk
18. Aria Networks 43. ClusterSeven 68. Eigen Technologies
19. Arkera 44. Cognia 69. Ember
20. Array 45. Cognino AI 70. Enabling Tech Capital
21. ArrayStream Technologies 46. Cognitiv+ 71. Envision World
22. Arria NLG 47. Cognitive Finance 72. Equant Analytics
23. Asset Control 48. Coinfirm 73. Ernest
24. AtHashtags 49. Continuum Economics 74. Essentia Analytics
25. AuditWare Systems Limited 50. Corizance 75. FeedStock Ltd

Innovation Eye 99
AI Companies in the UK by Category
FinTech (2/3)
76. Fetch.AI 101. Hadean 126. Maxatta Limited
77. Finage 102. Hantec Markets 127. MCO Europe
78. Fincloud 103. HeapX 128. MDOTM
79. Findr 104. Herrmann Global 129. Memgraph
80. 105. Hertzian 130. Metafused
81. Finnovate Research 106. HiveMind 131. Metapraxis
82. FintechOS 107. Ignitho Technologies 132. MICROBLINK
83. Float 108. Iliad Solutions 133. Migacore Technologies
84. Flux Systems 109. Imandra Inc. / Aesthetic Integration 134. Mind Foundry
85. FNA 110. IMGeospatial 135. Molo
86. Fortuitapps 111. Infinian 136. Money Guru
87. FriendlyScore 112. Kensai 137. Moneyfarm
88. Frugl 113. Kiroku 138. MQube
89. Fusion Global Capital 114. KITE EDGE LTD 139. Mucho
90. G-Research 115. Klood 140. Multiply
91. Gardenia Technologies 116. Knowsis 141. Neudata
92. GB Group 117. Knox EA 142. Neville & Rowe Ltd.
93. GIDE International Limited 118. Krzana 143. Nexus FrontierTech
94. Globacap 119. LeftBrain 144. Nobly POS - Point of Sale
95. Global Risk Insights 120. LIFEdata.AI 145. Novum Insights
96. Gospel Technology 121. Limitless Insight 146. OakNorth
97. GraniteShares 122. Loqate GBG 147. Ometria
98. Grapedata 123. Lowell Group 148. OTAS Technologies
99. Growth Squared 124. Loyalize 149. Pace
100. Habito 125. Massive Analytic 150. Plandek

Innovation Eye 100

AI Companies in the UK by Category
FinTech (3/3)
151. Plum Fintech 176. Shift Commerce 201. Uhura Solutions
152. Plural AI 177. Signol 202. UniQreate
153. Polymatica 178. Simply POS 203. Unlisted Ltd
154. Precise Prediction 179. Singular Intelligence 204. Upside Technologies
155. Privitar 180. Skarvi Systems Limited 205. Urban Hawk
156. Proportunity 181. smartKYC 206. Util
157. Purple 182. Socital 207. Validata Group
158. Quantum Data Analytics 183. Sonin App Development 208.
159. Quorso 184. SPIN Analytics 209. Value Xd Ltd
160. QwertyBit 185. Spotlight Data 210. Venturespring
161. Ravelin 186. Startup Network 211. Vortexa
162. RCloud 187. Station10 212. WealRo
163. REalyse 188. SteelEye 213. Web7 Direct UK
164. Regvolution 189. Stuffstr 214. WilmotML
165. RemitRadar 190. Synthesized 215. Win FX Technologies
166. Resurgo Genetics 191. TAINA Technology 216. Wiserfunding
167. Reward Insight 192. TatvaSoft UK 217. Woodseer Global
168. Rezatec 193. Techwisely Ltd 218. WOW Intelligence
169. Riskopy 194. Teebly 219. Xecced
170. Ropnoy 195. Telectic 220. Yapily
171. Rotageek 196. The Waay 221. YayPay
172. Runagood 197. Thought Machine 222. Zenith One
173. SAP 198. Titan Alpha Systems
174. Satoshi Systems Limited 199. Tradeteq
175. Savage Vines 200. Traydstream

Innovation Eye 101

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Consulting & Outsourcing (1/3)
1. 67 Bricks 26. Beecham Research 51. Cognitive Business
2. Absolute Strategy Research 27. Berkshire Consultancy 52. Conjura
3. Aconite Technology 28. Beyond Words Studio 53. Corporate Systems Associates
4. Acuity Knowledge Partners 29. Big Sofa Technologies 54. Cripps Sears
5. Adatis 30. Bluechess Technology 55. CS Global Partners
6. Addria 31. BMG Research 56. Custos Group
7. Advancing Analytics 32. BQu 57. Dacian Consulting
8. Advantedge Commercial Finance 33. BrightMinded Ltd 58. Darwinex
9. Aelm Ltd 34. Building Blocks 59. Data Management & Warehousing
10. Agile Solutions Ltd 35. Business Data Partners 60. DataSpartan
11. Agilysis 36. Business Partnership 61. Devtech
12. Aiimi 37. Butterfly London 62. Differentia Consulting
13. AJBurgess Ltd 38. BVA BDRC 63. Digital Mycelium
14. Alder Consulting 39. Byng 64. Digital-i
15. Alpha Quants 40. C2 Cyber 65. Diligence
16. Alphalake AI 41. Calibrate Consulting 66. dividiti
17. Ampere Analysis 42. Cambridge IP 67. Doo Prime
18. AMR International 43. CAMRADATA 68. DPI Partners
19. AquaQ Analytics 44. Carbon8 Systems 69. Durbin Metal Industries
20. Artos Systems 45. Centelli 70. Dutytaker
21. Aryusoft Corporation Limited 46. CGA Enterprise Solutions Ltd 71. E4tech
22. ASI Data Science 47. Clariti AI 72. eBECS
23. Aurora-AI 48. Clockworx 73. Ebuiteq Limited
24. Avora 49. Cloud Fulfilment 74. Elzware
25. BAE Systems Applied Intelligence 50. CloudFactory 75. Entalysis

Innovation Eye 102

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Consulting & Outsourcing (2/3)
76. Envika Consultancy 101. Holland Mountain 126. NeuralRays AI
77. Epimorphics Ltd 102. Humley 127. OpenCredo
78. Ernst & Young 103. Huntswood 128. Photon Interactive
79. Estafet 104. IOM 129. Porism
80. Excel in Business 105. IHS Markit 130. Precision Business Insights
81. Exprodat Consulting 106. Inawisdom 131. proSapient
82. FD Works 107. Incling 132. Pubrica Healthcare
83. FGH 108. InnoGage Limited 133. Repstor
84. Find A Wealth Manager 109. InstaDeep 134. Revcelerate Ltd.
85. firemind 110. JustCoded 135. Rittman Analytics
86. Forensic Analytics Ltd 111. Kortical 136. Roirobot
87. Freshminds 112. Leap Three 137. Selfhood Studios Inc
88. Future Market Insights 113. 138. Semantechs Consulting Ltd
89. Future Proof 114. LOVIS 139. SentiSum
90. Futuresource Consulting 115. Mandant 140. Seren
91. Generic AI 116. Market Measures 141. Simudyne
92. GISi Indoors 117. Mastodon C 142. Smarter Human
93. Global Enterprise Networks 118. MBN Solutions 143. Spectra Analytics
94. Goldstein Market Intelligence 119. Mind Senses Global 144. Stelae Technologies
95. GraphAware 120. MistLayer 145. Symilarity
96. GYANA 121. Moveout Data 146. Symphony Ventures
97. Hash Analytic 122. Mudano 147.
98. Headstart 123. MUSO 148. Teens in AI
99. Helyx Secure 124. N4Stack 149. ThinJetty
100. Hemisphere West Europe 125. Netetude UK 150. Timeo

Innovation Eye 103

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Consulting & Outsourcing (3/3)
151. Trac Consultancy
152. True AI
153. TrueLayer
154. Trust Elevate
155. Umbrella
156. Unai
157. VentureRadar
158. Verv
159. We Predict
160. Whitespace Global Limited
161. Winterwell
162. Yonder
163. Zenitech
164. Zipabout

Innovation Eye 104

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Data Analytics (1/2)
1. 2ndQuadrant 26. brightsolid 51. Data Quality Pro
2. 51Degrees 27. Bronze 52. Data Relish
3. AC Database Services 28. brytlyt 53. Data8
4. ActiveViam 29. Carbon Analytics 54. Dataform
5. Actual Experience 30. 55. Datalytyx
6. Adetiq 31. Cawood Scientific 56. Datatecnics
7. Adqura 32. Cazana 57. Datavisual
8. Aerogility 33. Centre4 Testing 58. Dayshape
9. Akixi 34. Cervest 59. Deep Knowledge Analytics
10. Alamein Ltd 35. ChAI 60. Deep Pharma Intelligence
11. All About Response 36. Chainvine 61. Deeper Insights
12. Amadeus Software 37. Cobalt Sky 62. Dexon Software
13. AMPLYFI 38. ComplyAdvantage 63. Digital Catapult
14. Anaeko 39. Concentra 64. Dynamon
15. Analytics Engines 40. Conundrum 65. e.fundamentals
16. Anaylin 41. Core UK 66. Ecometrica
17. Aquila Insight 42. Corethree 67. Econophysica
18. Atheon Analytics 43. Crowd Connected 68. Elastacloud
19. Avoidance of Mass Extinctions Engine 44. Cutover 69. ElizaSixtyFour
20. Bamm 45. CVEDIA 70. encompass
21. baresquare 46. Cyclops 71. Epitiro
22. Behavox 47. Cyclr 72. Equine Register
23. BlackSwan Technologies 48. Dark Blue Labs 73. Esri UK
24. Board Intelligence 49. Data Interchange 74. Euromonitor International
25. Brainnwave 50. Data Language 75. Fetchify (previously known as Crafty Clicks)

Innovation Eye 105

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Data Analytics (2/2)
76. Formisimo 101. Littledata 127. Rapporter
77. Frontier Labs 102. Logikk 128. Satalia
78. Futr 103. Mammoth Analytics 129. SATAVIA
79. Galytix 104. Market Inside 130. Sharktower AI
80. Geckoboard 105. Marketing File 131. Sky-Futures
81. Genestack 106. Marketscan 132. Spinview
82. Geospatial Insight 107. Match2Lists 133. SuccessData
83. Gephi 108. Matchbox Mobile 134.
84. Gepsoft 109. MetadataWorks 135. Temporall
85. Glassbox 110. MHR Analytics 136.
86. Gluru 111. Mindtrace 137. Trampoline Systems
87. GMV NSL 112. Mindzilla 138. TurinTech
88. Green Park Content 113. Mydex Data Services Community Interest Company 139. Untrite
89. Green Sea Guard 114. MyLife Digital 140. Vertica
90. HoverPin 115. Neon 141. Vuzo
91. HPI Research 116. Neural Technologies 142.
92. Humio 117. Nightingale HQ 143. Wejo
93. iKVA 118. NLSQL 144. Wordnerds
94. IMS Evolve 119. Octopus 145. World Programming
95. Infinite Lambda 120. Olvin 146. Xceptor
96. Insource 121. Open Data 147. Xenomorph
97. ipushpull 122. OpenCapacity 148. XpertRule Software
98. 123. OpenMined 149. Xynomix Ltd: The Database specialists
99. 124. Outra 150. Yambina Limited
100. Liquid Voice 125. Oworkers 151. Zegami
126. Rainbird Technologies 152. Zizo

Innovation Eye 106

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Others (1/2)
1. 4dface 26. Constellation AI 51. Greenwall Environmental Innovation
2. Acronotics 27. Cotlook 52. Grid Edge
3. Aerial Power 28. Crowdfunding Centre 53. Headlight AI
4. Airrow ltd 29. CXPORTAL 54. HELPFUL
5. Altered Carbon Ltd 30. Cyanapse 55. Hero Labs
6. Amber Programmable Design 31. datatrack 56. HighCastle
7. Animal Dynamics 32. Deep Innovations 57. Houseprice.AI
8. Anything World 33. Deep Render 58. Houzen
9. Approved Business 34. Dendra Systems 59. Humaware
10. Arcade Analytics 35. Detego 60. I-Brain
11. Artech 2000 36. Disk Archive 61. illumr
12. Artlimes 37. Eatron Technologies 62. impact RI Ltd
13. Asteroid Mining Corporation Ltd 38. EF EVE 63. IntelliFactory
14. Atchai 39. Eligible 64. Intelligent Voice
15. Automorph 40. Erudus 65. jClarity
16. Barwick of Bradford 41. Evolution AI 66. Karakuri
17. Beauty Labs 42. Explore UG 67. KeyPoint Technologies
18. BigHand 43. EY Seren 68. Keysight Technologies Inc
19. ByteSumo 44. Fieldontrack 69. Kreo Software
20. Cambrian Intelligence 45. FIRST CLASS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LIMITED 70. Let's Enhance
21. Cardinality 46. Flicktek Ltd 71. Limejump
22. Clear Path Analysis 47. Focal Point VR 72. Lokulus
23. CloudNC 48. Freee Wifi 73. Luxury Promise
24. Cognesia 49. Fusionex 74. Maaind
25. Cognio Digital 50. Global Surface Intelligence Ltd. 75. Maanch

Innovation Eye 107

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Others (2/2)
76. Marwell Zoo 101. ROBOLAB 126. Trint
77. Mentat Innovations 102. RoboSavvy 127. ubisend
78. Mindi 103. Rovco 128. Unmanned Life
79. MindVisionLabs 104. SegmentStream 129. Verisart
80. MOF Technologies 105. Senseye 130.
81. Moley Robotics 106. ServicePower Technologies 131.
82. Monolith AI 107. Shadow Robot 132. Vizibl
83. myTamarin 108. Shapes AI 133. Volatile
84. NativeLOOK 109. Silobreaker 134. Warwick Analytics
85. Near Future Labs Ltd. 110. SMAP Energy 135. Whishworks
86. Nebuli 111. Smart-cot 136. WIFIPLUG
87. Ntropy Network 112. Smartlingual 137. Wild
88. Observe Technologies 113. Spot Intelligence 138. Winnow
89. OKRA Technologies 114. Startable 139. Wluper
90. Oritain 115. StatusToday 140. Wootzano
91. Oval Money 116. Stellium Datacenters 141. YouCanBookMe
92. 117. Switch Concepts 142. Yumpingo
93. PerchPeek 118. 143. Zanran
94. 119. The Cotswold Group 144. Zeus Group
95. Popsa 120. The Outset Studio Ltd 145. ZOA Robotics
96. PredictX 121. ThingCo
97. Pupil 122. ThirdEye
98. Quorate Technology 123. Thread
99. Reply 124. TouchByte
100. RoboK 125. Trackener

Innovation Eye 108

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Healthcare (1/2)
1. 11derma 26. Cardiolyse 51. Evaluate
2. Abacus International 27. Causaly 52. Exscientia
3. Abtrace 28. Causeway Sensors 53. Eyoto
4. Actual Analytics 29. Center Health 54. FabRx
5. Adkins Medical Group 30. Cera 55. Feebris
6. Advanced 31. Chatable 56. Felcana
7. Aigenpulse 32. Chief.AI 57. Fitpack
8. Almac Discovery 33. Circadia Health 58. Fitwell
9. Amiko 34. Circular1 59. Foorme AI
10. Antiverse 35. Clinithink 60. G S A Techsource
11. Arctoris 36. Cognetivity Neurosciences 61. GPrX Data
12. Automata 37. Creavision Technologies Ltd 62. Granta Innovation
13. AutonoMe 38. Cydar Medical 63. Harley Therapy
14. Avalon AI 39. Deep Med IO 64. Healthily by Your.MD
15. Babylon Health 40. DeepMatter Group 65. Healx
16. 41. DeepMind 66. Huma
17. BeneTalk 42. Dendrite Clinical Systems 67. IAG Image Analysis Group
18. BenevolentAI 43. DEONTICS 68. iLoF - Intelligent Lab on Fiber
19. BioBeats 44. 69. Innersight
20. Biorelate 45. Digital Surgery 70. Insilico Medicine
21. Blackford Analysis 46. Domainex 71. Intellegens
22. Bounce 47. Edge Health 72. Intoolab
23. Brainminer Ltd 48. Emteq 73. Ixico
24. Brainomix 49. EnvisionIt Deep AI 74. Jiva
25. Capri Healthcare Ltd 50. EQL 75. Juno Bio

Innovation Eye 109

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Healthcare (2/2)
76. Kheiron 101. Onaria Technologies 126. Synthace
77. Kirontech 102. Optellum 127. SyntheticGestalt
78. Kokoon Technology 103. Outcomes Based Healthcare Ltd 128. ThinkSono
79. Kolabtree 104. Oxford Heartbeat 129. Tictrac
80. LabGenius 105. Pangaea Group 130. Touch Surgery
81. Lifebit 106. Peak Analysis & Automation 131. TrainAsONE
82. Linguamatics 107. Peptone - The Protein Intelligence Company 132. Transformative AI
83. Litha Group 108. Perfect Ward 133. Ultromics
84. London Cognition 109. PinPoint Data Science 134. Unmind
85. Machine Medicine Technologies 110. RaySpec 135. Vamstar
86. Malvern 111. Renalytix AI 136. VITL
87. Manchester Imaging 112. Repositive 137. Well Good
88. MedCircuit 113. Repositive Ltd 138. Zeno Vision Ltd
89. MedicBank 114. Rosa Biotech
90. Medimsight 115. RowAnalytics Ltd
91. Meniga 116. Scalpel
92. Mindset 117. Sensio Air
93. Mogrify 118. Sime Diagnostics
94. Mujo Mechanics 119. Skin Analytics
95. Musemantik 120. Smiletronix
96. Nanna Therapeutics 121. snap40
97. NanoSight 122. Soter Analytics
98. NetScientific 123. Spectra Analytics
99. Nuritas 124. Spoon Guru
100. OME Health 125. Suisse Life Science

Innovation Eye 110

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Developers (1/2)
1. A V A Computing Services 26. Comice Computing Associates 51. helpIT
2. Academy of Robotics 27. CoMind 52. iDeals
3. Access IS 28. Computer Disposals 53. iKnowChurch
4. Adactus 29. Contentyze 54. Indigo Telecom Group
5. Additive Flow 30. Count 55. IT Researches
6. Air Control Entech 31. Covenco 56. ITESOFT UK
7. Airts 32. Cyferd 57. Just AI
8. Altinity 33. D4t4 Solutions 58. Kompli Global
9. Apperception 34. Data H Q 59. LoMaRe Technologies
10. Application Performance 35. Data Laboratories Limited 60. MICT
11. Applied Cytometry 36. Datasym 61. Magic 5 Software
12. Asimilar Group 37. Desap 62. Meetupcall
13. Aspi Grow 38. Distributed 63. Mobica
14. Astuta 39. Dotmatics 64. Mobilus Labs
15. Audiogum UK Limited 40. Eclipse Computing 65. MooD International
16. Azquo 41. EthosData 66. Navenio
17. Bellrock Technology 42. Evolve-IT Consulting 67. Neuron soundware
18. Bluecurve 43. Existor 68. Neurons Lab
19. Calipsa 44. Fleksy 69. O C F Plc
20. Calyo 45. Fuzzelogic Solutions 70. Pav I.T Services
21. Cambridge Touch Technologies Ltd. 46. Gardner Systems 71. Platinum Informatics
22. Chillblast 47. Global App Testing 72. Q-Bot
23. Circuit Mind 48. Go Free Range 73. Qorex
24. Codeplay Software 49. Gravitas AI 74. Quadrature Capital
25. Cognitochain 50. Heller Machine Tools 75. Rahko

Innovation Eye 111

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Developers (1/2)
76. Reality Games London
77. rFpro
78. Semiwise
79. Skyscape
80. Spark EV Technology
81. Sparkle cs
82. Stepsize
83. Sunlight.Io
84. Telesens International
85. Tentacle Solutions
86. U-Linc
87. Vet-AI
88. Vision Factory
89. Wayve
90. webRunes
91. Wooservers
92. Xantura Limited
93. XMOS
94. Xytron

Innovation Eye 112

AI Companies in the UK by Category
1. 15th Club 27. Cricviz 53. Interactive Tech
2. 3rd Street Group 28. CueSongs 54. iSize Technologies
3. ah! media 29. DAM Good Media Limited 55. Jellybooks
4. AI Business 30. DatacenterDynamics 56. Kubik Records
5. AI Music 31. Deep Zen 57. Kythera
6. AI Personal Trainer 32. DeepAR 58. LuckyTrip
7. Art World Insights 33. DICE 59. Mogees
8. AudioScenic 34. DigitalBridge 60. MXX
9. AWOL Adventure Limited 35. Dream Reality Interactive 61. MyPC Backup
10. Bet-Buddy 36. Dynamify 62. Oxia Palus
11. BeTomorrow 37. Echoborg 63. PetaCrunch
12. Blippar 38. Eiconic Games 64. Pitchero
13. boomApp 39. Evolve Dynamics 65. PromoMii
14. Bossa Studios 40. Featurespace 66. Real Metric Analytics
15. BotsAndUs 41. Fitu App 67. Rhythm.Ai
16. CaptionHub 42. Football Fan 68. Roborace
17. CartoonStock 43. FootfallCam 69. Selerio
18. Carv 44. GameAnalytics 70. SMARTIFY
19. Citispotter Limited (UK) 45. GFAIVE 71. Snaptivity
20. Cleo 46. GigList 72. Sonalytic
21. Coats Digital 47. Gower Street Analytics 73. Spirit AI
22. Coffee Cloud 48. Greendeck 74. Sportable
23. CombiTrip 49. Hotelmize 75. Statmetrix
24. Common Objective (CO) 50. I-LAPS 76. TITAN REALITY
25. Corinium Global Intelligence 51. Improbable 77. Vochlea Music
26. Creditflux 52. IntelligentX 78. WIREWAX
79. Wishdates
Innovation Eye 113
AI Companies in the UK by Category
1. Adam Matthew Digital 26. Facesoft 51. PORGiESOFT
2. Adama Robotics 27. Faculty Science 52. Potentially
3. ai nutrition 28. Filament AI 53. Quirkos
4. AICore 29. Filisia 54. Qumodo
5. Arbor Education 30. Filtered 55. Rainbirdsoft Limited
6. Arch Sciences 31. Fluidly 56.
7. Aridhia Informatics 32. GoSay 57. Rocky
8. Auquan 33. gweek 58. Seldon
9. Auris Tech Limited 34. InfoSum 59. Sentireal
10. Bigstep 35. JollyDeck 60. Solutionpath Limited
11. Blue Prism 36. K2 Partnering Solutions 61. Sparrho
12. Bodyswaps 37. Kwiziq 62. Surreal Vision Ltd
13. BridgeU 38. Lingos 63. Synap
14. Cambridge Spark 39. Mendeley 64.
15. CENTURY Tech 40. 65. Up Learn
16. Class Charts 41. Monergie 66. V7
17. Consequential Robotics 42. Mrs Wordsmith 67. Vaice
18. Cronycle Ltd 43. MyPocketSkill Ltd 68. Vaticle
19. daden 44. Nurturey 69.
20. Datatonic 45. Optalitix 70. Wallscope
21. Decoded 46. Optalysys 71. Wonde
22. Digital Insight 47. Optimise Consultancy 72. Yellow Submarine
23. EdAid 48. Persontyle 73. Zoom Abroad
24. Edbridg 49. Pi-Top 74. Ztudium
25. Edgify 50. Pivigo 75. Zzish

Innovation Eye 114

AI Companies in the UK by Category
1. AimBrain 26. FCase 51. Ripjar
2. AML Analytics 27. Fraugster 52. Risk Trade
3. Applied Blockchain 28. GPSLive 53. SafeToNet
4. Avecto 29. Gravicus 54. Salviol Global Analytics
5. Bewica 30. Halma 55. Sauron Security
6. Biolink Tech 31. Heliocor 56. Scentrics Information Security Technologies Ltd
7. BlackDice 32. Hugslock 57. Secure I.T Services
8. Callsign 33. IDscan Biometrics 58. Seers
9. Cawamo 34. 59. Senseon
10. Circadian 35. iProov 60. Spherical Defence Labs
11. Covenco Recovery Services 36. M C C Computers 61. Sumsub
12. CrowdVision 37. MeSince 62. Unitary
13. Cube Intelligence 38. Mindway AI 63. Visio Ingenii Ltd
14. CyberOwl 39. Modex 64. Vision Semantics
15. Cybertonica 40. Moonshot CVE 65. Vivacity Labs
16. Darktrace 41. Nerodata 66.
17. DeepView 42. Netacea 67. WeSee
18. Diffblue 43. Onfido 68. XAIN Group
19. Elemendar 44. OpenQuery 69. Xelix
20. Elliptic 45. OTR 70. Zobi
21. Empiric 46. Page Computers 71. Zoolz
22. Encode 47. Panaseer
23. EthicsGrade 48. Perpetual Encryption
24. EyesClear 49. Quantexa
25. Falanx Group Ltd 50. Red Sift

Innovation Eye 115

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Human Resources (HR)
1. activ8 Intelligence 26. Grad DNA 51. Sigma Polaris
2. AI-Adam 27. hackajob 52.
3. Anycareer 28. Hanson Regan 53. SourceBreaker
4. Applaud 29. Head Light 54. Talent Ticker
5. Arctic Shores 30. Hibob 55. Teem Recruitment | Software Sales Specialists
6. Aspirant Analytics 31. 56. The Square Tech Group
7. Ava 32. HireXtra 57. Third Republic
8. Beamery 33. HUMDEX 58. TribePad
9. Big Cloud 34. Instrumental 59. tweedle
10. Cirrus 35. Jobily 60. Untapped AI
11. Codility 36. Jobs The Word 61. We Love Work
12. Cognisess 37. LaunchPad Recruits 62. Wevolve
13. CognitionX 38. Link Humans 63. Worklytics
14. Complygate 39. Marketing Sciences Unlimited
15. Cyra 40. Marlin Green
16. DA Languages 41.
17. Daxtra Technologies 42. Oleeo
18. Debut 43. Oxygen Digital Recruitment
19. ECA International 44. Peakon
20. Eclipse 45. ProFinda
21. Emolument 46. Qlearsite - Organisational Science
22. EVA.AI 47. Recruitment Smart Technologies
23. fuseAware 48. reshufl
24. Gapsquare 49. RoboRecruiter inc
25. gigl 50. Saberr

Innovation Eye 116

AI Companies in the UK by Category
InsurTech LegalTech
1. Action 365 26. Insurwave 1. Aggregion
2. Altviz 27. Kudo Insurance 2. Amplifi
3. Anorak Technologies 28. Link Big 3. CourtQuant
4. Artificial Labs 29. Marmalade 4. Croner-i
5. Assero Insurance 30. Matrix Solutions 5. Curvestone AI
6. Axioma 31. Oseven Telematics 6. Denovo Business Intelligence
7. Celaton 32. PassportCard 7. Dez Rez Legal
8. Collective Benefits 33. Pedalcover 8. DoNotPay
9. Concirrus 34. Photocert 9. Fluence World
10. CoverForYou 35. Pluto 10. Genie AI
11. ctrlio 36. Quantemplate 11. Growthcurve
12. Cytora 37. Quotall 12. Inflexion Analytics
13. deephound 38. Resilio 13. Juro
14. DFP 39. Rnwl 14. LawPanel
15. Digital Clipboard 40. Rooster 15. Lineal
16. Direct Gap 41. RSA Insurance Group 16. Luminance
17. Emerge 42. SafeShare 17. Nalytics
18. Flock Ltd. 43. SiriusInsight.AI 18. Napier AI
19. Get Indemnity 44. Skyline Partners 19. OnCorps
20. Guardhog 45. Tällt 20. Resolver
21. Hipla 46. Tractable 21. Rossum
22. 47. Trak Global Group 22. Scissero
23. iCede 48. Trakz 23. Seal Software
24. InsureandGo 49. UnderwriteMe 24. Summize
25. InsureX Technologies 50. Xyenta 25. ThoughtRiver
51. Zoral 26. Waymark Tech

Innovation Eye 117

AI Companies in the UK by Category
GovTech Transportation
1. 1Spatial 26. LGN 1. Cipher
2. Advizzo 27. NCTech 2. Cirium
3. Ally Chatbot 28. NquiringMinds 3. Citi Logik
4. AppyParking 29. PositionDial 4. CNS
5. Archangel Imaging 30. 5. Coastr
6. Ascalia 31. Rafiqi 6. CommuterHive
7. Bunt Ltd 32. Sandtable 7. Conigital
8. CamIn - Cambridge Innovation Consulting 33. SeeQuestor Ltd 8. Creativity Software
9. Chorus Intelligence 34. SolarWinds MSP 9.
10. City Science 35. SpaceVee 10. Esoterix Systems Ltd
11. City.AI 36. Terrabotics 11. FiveAI
12. CityMaaS 37. Thingful 12. Graylaw Freight Group
13. Denver Technologies 38. UrbanTide Limited 13. Immense
14. Envitia 39. Urbix 14. Ito World
15. Flexciton 40. Wildcard Networks 15. Latent Logic
16. Focal Point Positioning 16. Lloyd's List Intelligence
17. GeoSpock 17. Machines With Vision
18. Geoteric 18. Neurobotx
19. GeoUniq 19. Oxbotica
20. Glass 20. Prospective
21. GoodVision 21. RAVIN
22. Greyparrot 22. Texxi Global
23. HelloDone 23. Third Space Auto
24. Humanising Autonomy 24. Westfield Technology Group
25. Imetrum 25. Zencargo

Innovation Eye 118

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Industrial Engineering Supply Chain Management
1. Albora Technologies 26. Nasmyth Group 1. 7bridges
2. Alchera Technologies 27. nPlan 2. arc-net
3. AMFG 28. QiO Technologies 3. BLC Leather Technology Centre Ltd
4. Arieso 29. Sensat 4. Circulor
5. ARWAY 30. SLAMcore 5. CONTEXT
6. CelluComp 31. Smartia 6. Diligencia
7. Clear Mobitel 32. ThingTrax 7. EVRYTHNG
8. Contilio 8. Hanhaa
9. Continuum Industries 9. Helixtap
10. Correvate
11. CorrosionRADAR
14. Emu Analytics
15. Eurofins CML
16. Exergy Devices
17. GSMA Intelligence
18. HyBird Technologies
19. Inspection2
20. Location Sciences Group
21. Mafic
22. Materialize.X
23. Metis Labs
24. MOV.AI
25. Multi Suite Software

Innovation Eye 119

AI Companies in the UK by Category
Agriculture Real Estate Energy

1. Agricompas 1. Arloid Automation 1. ARROE

2. Agrolabs 2. Avasa AI 2. BloombergNEF
3. Agxio 3. Beekin 3. Clesse UK
4. Apiary Book 4. Blyng 4. Electron
5. BigSis 5. Byoot 5. Emitwise
6. CropSafe 6. Coretrax Technology 6. Energy Aspects
7. CyStellar 7. Foxtons 7. Energyst Management
8. Drone Ag 8. HARNESS Data Intelligence 8. Enian
9. Dynium Robot 9. Hometrack 9. Epidote
10. Eliminatore 10. Hubble 10. Equiwatt
11. Hummingbird Technologies 11. Local Data Company 11. Infinity SDC
12. Hypha Discovery 12. One & Only Pro 12. Infogrid
13. IceRobotics 13. PRODA 13. Lytt
14. Open Dynamics 14. Property Detective 14. Modularity Grid
15. SKY ENGINE 15. Regeo 15. OilX
16. The Small Robot Company 16. SearchSmartly 16. OrxaGrid
17. WeatherSafe 17. Travtus 17. Pavegen
18. Wefarm 18. Wondrwall 18. Wood MacKenzie
19. Xihelm 19. WREX (World Real Estate Xchange)

Innovation Eye 120

AI Initiatives and Events in the UK by Category
Government Initiatives Events
1. All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI (APPG AI) 1. AI World Congress 2021
2. Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation 2. Big Data & AI World
3. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) 3. CogX
4. Digital Catapult 4. Digital Health World Congress
5. Government Office for AI 5. London Tech Week
6. House of Lords Liaison Committee on AI 6. The AI Summit
7. Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: AI and data economy 7. Wearable Technology Show
8. Information Commissioners Office
9. Innovate UK
10. Open Data Institute
11. Surveillance Camera Commissioner
12. The AI Council
13. The Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award (AI Award)
14. The Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group
15. The British Academy
16. The Committee on Standards in Public Life
17. UKRI - UK Research and Innovation

Innovation Eye 121

AI Hubs in the UK by Category
National Hubs International Hubs
1. Ada Lovelace Institute 21. Level39 1. Council of EU and AI
2. AI Policy Labs 22. Leverhulme Centre for the Future 2. G20
3. Artificial Intelligence of Intelligence 3. Global Partnership on AI (GPAI)
Applications Institute (AIAI) 23. Materials Nexus 4. OECD Innovation
4. Big Brother Watchdog 24. National Centre for Nuclear Robotics 5. OECD Network of Experts - Classification of AI
5. Big Innovation Centre 25. Nesta 6. UNESCO
6. Bristol Intelligent Systems Lab 26. Nuffield Foundation 7. Women in AI (WAI)
7. British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) 27. Oxford Internet Institute 8. World Economic Forum
8. British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 28. Oxford Robotics Institute
9. Centre for Intelligent Systems29. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for
and their Applications Nuclear (RAIN) Hub
10. Centre for the Study of Existential Risk 30. Royal Academy of Engineering
11. Deep Knowledge Analytics 31. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence
12. Demos and Simulation of Behaviour (SSAISB)
13. Earlham Institute 32. Strategic Artificial Intelligence
14. Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Research Centre
15. Future Advocacy 33. Tech Nation
16. Future AI and Robotics34. TechUK
for Space Hub (FAIR-SPACE) 35. Teens in AI
17. Future of Humanity Institute Oxford 36. The Alan Turing Institute
18. Institute for Adaptive and Neural37. The Institute for Ethics in AI
Computation (ANC) 38. The Royal Society
19. Institute for the Future of Work 39. UCL Centre for Artificial intelligence
20. Institute of Perception, Action40. Women in Tech in London
and Behaviour (IPAB)

Innovation Eye 122

AI Centres for Doctoral Training in the UK

1. AI-enabled Healthcare Systems 13. Mathematics for Real-World Systems II Centre for Doctoral Training
2. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Computational 14. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and
Statistics and Data Science (COMPASS) Transparent AI
3. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity 15. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare
4. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed 16. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for the Study of Environmental
Algorithms Risks (AI4ER)
5. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure 17. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music
and Built Environment 18. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Medical
6. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Propulsion Diagnosis and Care
and Power (TURBO) 19. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine
7. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geometry and Learning and Advanced Computing
Number Theory at the Interface 20. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence
8. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematical 21. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Interactive Artificial Intelligence
Modelling, Analysis and Computation (MAC-MIGS) 22. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Processing
9. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modern Statistics 23. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial
and Machine Learning (STATML) Intelligence (STAI)
10. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Soft Matter for 24. UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies
Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2) (SLC)
11. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Advanced
Characterisation of Materials (ACM)
12. Foundational Artificial Intelligence

Innovation Eye 123

Investors in the UK by Category

1. 212 26. ABN AMRO Ventures 51. Ahren Innovation Capital

2. 415 27. Accel 52. AI Music
3. &vest 28. Accel-KKR 53. AI Seed
4. 01Ventures 29. Acceleprise 54. Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd
5. 11.2 Capital 30. Accelerasia Ventures 55. Air Street Capital
6. 1818 Venture Capital 31. Accenture 56. Air Ventures
7. 24 Haymarket 32. Accenture Ventures 57. Airbus Ventures
8. 33. Access Capital Partners 58. Akamai Technologies
9. 31Ventures 34. ACE & Company 59. AKVA group
10. 360 Capital 35. Acequia Capital (AceCap) 60. Al Dhow Capital
11. 365.fintech 36. ACF Investors 61. AlbionVC
12. 3i Group 37. Acrobator Ventures | 62. Alfabeat
13. 3TS Capital Partners 38. Act Venture Capital 63. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
14. 408 Ventures 39. Acumen 64. Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund
15. 4Founders Capital 40. Adcock Private Equity 65. Alicorn
16. 5 Tech Group 41. Addition 66. AllBright
17. 500 Istanbul 42. Adjuvo 67. AllegisCyber
18. 500 Startups 43. ADV 68. Allianz
19. 5Lion Ventures 44. Advance Venture Partners 69. Allianz X
20. 7percent Ventures 45. AFG Partners 70. Alma Mundi Ventures
21. 83North 46. AfricInvest 71. Almaworks
22. 8point Capital 47. AfterWork Ventures 72. Almington Capital Inc.
23. 8VC 48. Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) 73. Alter Global
24. A-Level Capital 49. AgFunder 74. Alumni Ventures
25. Abbey Road Red 50. Agile Accelerator 75. Alumni Ventures Group

Innovation Eye 124

Investors in the UK by Category

76. Alvarium 101. Arbor Ventures 126. Aurora Private Equity

77. Amadeus Capital Partners 102. Arcadis City of 2030 Accelerator (by Techstars) 127. AV8 Ventures
78. Amazon 103. Arch Grants 128. AVANT
79. Ambient Sound Investments 104. Archangels 129. Avis Budget Group
80. AME Cloud Ventures 105. Archimedia 130. Aviva Ventures
81. Ameren Accelerator 106. ArcTern Ventures 131. Avnet
82. Amplifier Ventures 107. Ardian 132. Avolta Partners
83. Ananda Impact Ventures 108. Arete Ventures 133. Avonmore Developments
84. Andenes Investments 109. Arm Accelerator 134. AXA Venture Partners
85. Andreessen Horowitz 110. Armada Ventures 135. Axa XL
86. Andurance Ventures 111. Artesian VC 136. Axel Investments
87. Angel Academe 112. Ascension Ventures 137. Axel Springer Digital Ventures
88. Angel Investment Network 113. Ascential Plc 138. AXM Venture Capital
89. AngelPad 114. Aslanoba Capital 139. Azini Capital Partners
90. Angels 5K 115. Aspect Ventures 140. b-ventures
91. Angels Den 116. Astanor Ventures 141. Backcast Partners
92. Angelsquare 117. Astellas Venture Management 142. BACKED VC
93. Anglia Capital Group 118. Aster 143. Baidu Ventures
94. Animatrix Capital 119. Astia Angels 144. Baillie Gifford
95. Anthemis Group 120. At One Ventures 145. Bain Capital Ventures
96. Antler 121. Atlantic Bridge 146. Balderton Capital
97. Apax Digital 122. Atlas Venture 147. Ballpark Ventures
98. Apax Partners 123. Atomico 148. Barclays
99. Apeiron Investment Group 124. Augmentum Fintech 149. Barclays Accelerator (by Techstars - London)
100. Apex Black 125. Auriens 150. Barclays Ventures

Innovation Eye 125

Investors in the UK by Category

151. BASF Venture Capital 176. BillerudKorsnäs Venture 201. BP Ventures

152. Battery Ventures 177. Bioeconomy Capital 202. Bpifrance
153. Baxendale 178. Birchmere Ventures 203. Brand Capital
154. Bayer 179. Black Pearl Capital Partners 204. Branded Hospitality Ventures
155. BDB Ventures 180. BlackFin Capital Partners 205. Branded Strategic Hospitality
156. Beacon Capital 181. BlackFin Tech 206. Brandenburg Kapital
157. Beacon Equity Partners 182. Blackfinch Ventures 207. Breed Reply
158. Beast Ventures 183. BlackRock 208. Bridges Fund Management
159. Beechbrook Capital 184. BlackRock Innovation Capital 209. BrightCap Ventures
160. Begin Capital 185. Blackstone Group 210. Brighton Park Capital
161. Benchmark 186. Blenheim Chalcot 211. Brilliance Ventures
162. Berggruen Holdings 187. blisce/ 212. Brinc
163. Beringea 188. Bloc Ventures 213. Bristol Private Equity Club
164. Berkeley SkyDeck 189. Blockwall Management 214. Bristol-Myers Squibb
165. Berkeley SkyDeck Fund 190. Bloomberg Beta 215. Bristow Group
166. Berti Investments 191. Blueprint Health 216. British Business Bank
167. Bessemer Venture Partners 192. BMS Finance 217. British Patient Capital
168. BetaAngels Management 193. BMW i Ventures 218. British Robotics Seed Fund
169. Bethnal Green Ventures 194. BMW Innovation Lab 219. BSH Future Home Accelerator Power (by
170. Better Collective 195. Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund Techstars)
171. BGF Ventures 196. Bold Capital Partners 220. btov Partners
172. BHL Holdings 197. BOOST&Co 221. Buckthorn Partners
173. BHLP 198. Bootstrapped Debt Financing 222. Bullingdon Capital
174. Big Pi Ventures 199. Born Capital 223. Business Growth Fund
175. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 200. Boundary Capital Partners LLP 224. C ENTREPRENEURS
225. C4 Ventures

Innovation Eye 126

Investors in the UK by Category

226. C5 Capital 251. Cedar Mundi Ventures 276. Cisco

227. Cabot Square Capital 252. Celgene 277. Citi
228. Calculus Capital 253. Cell Capital 278. City & Guilds Group New Venture Fund
229. Calibrate Management 254. Ceniarth 279. City Developments
230. Calibrate Ventures 255. CentreGold Capital 280. City Securities Corp.
231. Calm/Storm Ventures 256. Centrica 281. CitySprint Group
232. CAM Capital 257. Centrica Innovations 282. Clarendon Fund Managers
233. Cambridge Angels group 258. Century Capital Partners LLP 283. Claret Capital Partners
234. Cambridge Capital Group 259. Cerca Partners 284. Claverley Group
235. Cambridge Enterprise 260. Cerebrum Tech Partners 285. Clearly Social Angels
236. Cambridge Innovation Capital 261. CFV Ventures 286. Clermont Group
237. Canadian Pacific Railway 262. Champion Hill Labs 287. Climate-KIC Accelerator London
238. Candy Capital 263. Charamida Investment Group 288. Clocktower Technology Ventures
239. Cantora 264. Charlotte Street Capital 289. CloudScale Capital Partners
240. Capability and Innovation Fund 265. CheBanca! 290. Clydesdale Bank
241. Capagro 266. Chelverton Asset Management 291. CM Venture Capital
242. Caphaven Partners 267. Cherubic Ventures 292. CME Ventures
243. Capital Invent 268. Chicago Booth Angels 293. CMFG Ventures
244. Capnamic Ventures 269. Chimera Partners 294. Coatue
245. Casdin Capital 270. Chiratae Ventures 295. CodeBase Edinburgh
246. Caspian Capital 271. Chivas Venture 296. CoinShares
247. Cass Entrepreneurship Fund 272. Chrysalis Investments 297. Collider
248. Cassius Capital 273. CIBC 298. Coltrane Asset Management
249. Catapult Ventures 274. Cipio Partners 299. Columbia Lake Partners
250. CE Ventures (CEIIF) 275. Circularity Capital 300. Comba Telecom Systems Holdings

Innovation Eye 127

Investors in the UK by Category

301. Comhar Capital 326. Crowdcube 351. Department for International Development
302. CommerzVentures 327. Cultivian Sandbox Ventures 352. Designer Fund
303. Committed Capital 328. CXO Fund 353. Development Bank of Wales
304. Compound 329. CyLon 354. DG Ventures
305. Concentric 330. D Moonshots 355. Dig Ventures
306. Concrete Venture Capital 331. D-Ax Corporate Venture Capital 356. Digital Currency Group
307. Conister Bank 332. D5 Capital 357. Digital Future
308. Connect Ventures 333. Daedalus Partners 358. Digital Garage
309. Contour Venture Partners 334. Daily Mail and General Trust 359. Digital Science
310. Conversion Capital 335. Dale Ventures 360. Digital Space Ventures
311. Cool Initiatives 336. Danish Research Foundation 361. Digital Venture Builder
312. Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Investment Fund 337. DARPA 362. Digital+ Partners
313. Cortado Ventures 338. Data Pitch 363. DIP Capital
314. Cosmova 339. 364. Direct Line Insurance
315. Counterview Capital 340. Dawn Capital 365. DN Capital
316. Coutts 341. Day One Ventures 366. DocuSign
317. CP Ventures 342. Dcode 367. Doğan Holding
318. Craigie Capital 343. Deep Knowledge Ventures 368. Döhler Ventures
319. Crane Venture Partners 344. Deepbridge Capital 369. Dolma Impact Fund
320. Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) 345. Delin Ventures 370. dotforge
321. Creative England 346. Dell Technologies Capital 371. Downing Ventures
322. Crédit Agricole 347. Deloitte 372. Doxa Partners
323. CreditEase Fintech Investment Fund 348. Delta Partners 373. DRÆM VENTURES
324. Credo Ventures 349. Delta Partners Capital Limited 374. Draper Associates
325. Crescent Capital 350. Department for Culture Media Sport 375. Draper Esprit

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Investors in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/2)
376. Draper Venture Network 401. Eight Roads Ventures 426. Envestnet Yodlee Incubator
377. dRx Capital 402. EIT Digital Accelerator 427. Envestors
378. DTRIBE Capital 403. EIT Health 428. Eos Advisory
379. Dubai Angel Investors 404. Elderstreet Investments 429. Eos Venture Partners
380. DuKlaw Ventures 405. Eldridge 430. Epidarex Capital
381. Dunamis Ventures 406. Elemental Excelerator 431. Episode 1
382. Durrants 407. Elephant 432. EQT Ventures
383. Earlsfield Capital 408. Elevator Ventures 433. Equity Gap
384. EarlyBird 409. Elliott Management Corp. 434. Eram Capital Advisors
385. Earlybird Digital East (Fund I) 410. Emerge Education 435. ESA Business Applications
386. Earlybird Venture Capital 411. EMV Capital 436. ESM Investment Ltd
387. Earlymarket 412. Endeavor Catalyst 437. ESRG Investments
388. Earthworm Group 413. Endeavour Ventures 438. ETF Partners
389. EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs 414. Endeit Capital 439. Eurazeo
390. Eastern Pacific Accelerator 415. Endure Capital 440. Eurizon Capital
391. EATON HILL ADVISORY LIMITED 416. Eneco group 441. European Bank for Reconstruction and
392. EBRD (Investment Firm) 417. Eniac Ventures Development
393. EC1 Capital 418. Enterprise Equity 442. European Commission
394. ECI Partners 419. Enterprise Ireland 443. European Data Incubator
395. Eclipse Ventures 420. Enterprise M3 444. European Investment Bank
396. EDBI 421. Enterprise Ventures 445. European Space Agency Business Incubation
397. Eden Rock Capital Management LLP 422. Entrée Capital Centre, Noordwijk
398. Edenred Capital Partners 423. Entrepreneur First 446. European Union
399. Edge VC 424. Entrepreneur Venture 447. EuropeanPioneers
400. efu Investment 425. Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator 448. EV Private Equity
449. Evolution Equity Partners
450. Evotec
Innovation Eye 129
Investors in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/2)
451. Excelsa Ventures 476. FinTech Sandbox 501. Forward Partners
452. Exor Seeds 477. FinTLV Ventures 502. Foundamental
453. Experian 478. Firestartr 503. Foundation Capital
454. Expon Capital 479. First Derivatives 504. Foundation for Technological Innovation (FIT)
455. Exponential Partners 480. First Eastern Investment Group 505. Founder Collective
456. F-Prime Capital 481. FirstMark 506.
457. F10 FinTech Incubator & Accelerator 482. Firstminute Capital 507. Founders Factory
458. Fabric Ventures 483. FITEC 508. Founders Factory Africa
459. Falmouth Launchpad 484. Five Elms Capital 509. Founders Fund
460. Farallon Capital Management 485. FJ Labs 510. FoundersX Ventures
461. FastVentures 486. Flint Capital 511. fourteen17
462. Felicis Ventures 487. FLIR Systems 512. Fraser McCombs Capital
463. Felix Capital 488. Floreat 513. Fresco Capital
464. Fernbrook Capital Management LLC 489. Flow Capital 514. Frog Capital
465. ff Venture Capital 490. Fluxunit - Osram Ventures 515. Frontier IP Group plc
466. Fidelity International 491. Fly Ventures 516. Frontline Ventures
467. Fidelity International Strategic Ventures 492. Flying Kiwi Angels 517. Frumtak Ventures
468. Fifth Third Capital 493. FM Capital 518. FTV Capital
469. Fifty Years 494. Folklore Ventures 519. Fuel Ventures
470. Fil Rouge Capital (FRC) 495. Fondazione di Sardegna 520. FundersClub
471. Fin Venture Capital 496. Force Over Mass Capital 521. Funding Circle
472. Finance Birmingham 497. Foresight Group 522. Fushia Investments
473. Finch Capital 498. Foresight Williams 523. Futaba
474. Finext Startup 499. Formic Ventures 524. Future Energy Ventures
475. FINTECH Circle 500. Fortify Ventures 525. Future Fifty

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Investors in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/2)
526. Future Fund 551. GETTYLAB 576. GRIL Ventures
527. Future Planet Capital 552. GGV Capital 577. Groupe BPCE
528. Future Positive Capital 553. GIC 578. Grouport Ventures
529. Future Shape 554. GK-Plug and Play Indonesia 579. GroVentive
530. G. K. Goh 555. Global Brain Corporation 580. GROWWS
531. G1 Ventures 556. Global Founders Capital 581. Grupa Pracuj
532. Gaingels 557. Globalive Capital 582. Gruppo Bertoldi
533. Galata Business Angels 558. GM&C Life Sciences Fund 583. GS Caltex
534. Galaxy Interactive 559. GMG Ventures 584. GS Growth
535. Galvanise Capital 560. GoBeyond 585. GT Healthcare Capital Partners
536. Gapminder VC 561. Goldacre 586. GTR Ventures
537. Gauss Ventures 562. Goldman Sachs 587. Guardian Media Group
538. GDA Group 563. Goldman Sachs Investment Partners 588. Guinness Asset Management
539. Gecad Ventures 564. Google for Startups 589. GV
540. Gefen Capital 565. 590. GW Asia Capital
541. GEIF Ventures 566. GP Bullhound 591. H&M CO:LAB
542. gener8tor 567. GP Ventures 592. Haatch
543. General Atlantic 568. GPS Ventures 593. Hack VC
544. General Motors 569. Graph Ventures 594. Halma
545. Generation Ventures 570. Graphene Ventures 595. Hambro Perks Ltd.
546. Generis Capital Partners 571. Greater London Investment Fund 596. Hangar 51
547. Genesys 572. Green Angel Syndicate 597. Hansa Capital
548. GENIUS NY 573. Green shores Capital 598. Harbert Management Corporation
549. Georgian 574. Gresham House Ventures 599. HardGamma Ventures
550. Geovation 575. Greycroft 600.

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Investors in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/2)
601. Harlequin Corporate Finance 626. Horizon 2020 651. Idinvest Partners
602. Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of
627. Horizons Ventures 652. IFG.VC
Greater NY 628. Hostplus 653. Ignite Accelerator
603. Harwell Capital 629. Hot DesQ 654. Ignite Group
604. HAT Technology & Innovation Fund 630. Hotspur Capital 655. Ignite Social Enterprise
605. HATCHER+ 631. Houghton Lane 656. Ignition Partners
606. HAX 632. HOWZAT Partners 657. iLexIR
607. Headline 633. Hoxton Ventures 658. Illuminate Financial
608. Healthbox 634. HR TECH Partnership 659. Imperial Create Lab
609. Hearst Ventures 635. HSBC 660. Imperial Innovations
610. Heartcore Capital 636. HSBC Principal Investments 661. Imprimatur Capital
611. Heavybit 637. HSBC Venture Capital Coverage Group 662. Impulse VC
612. Henley Business Angels 638. HTC Vive 663. In-Q-Tel
613. Hermes GPE 639. Huawei Technologies 664. Index Ventures
614. Heuristic Capital 640. HV Capital 665. India DeepTech
615. Hewlett Packard Enterprise 641. Hydra 666. Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited
616. Hi Inov - Dentressangle 642. i4i-connect 667. Indigo Capital Partners
617. Highland Capital Partners 643. IA Ventures 668. Industrifonden
618. Highland Europe 644. Ibex Investors 669. Infineon Technologies
619. Hinduja Group 645. IBM Ventures 670. Infinity Ventures Japan
620. Hirschvogel Ventures 646. ic@3401 671. Inflexion Private Equity
621. Hitachi Ventures 647. Iceni Seedcorn Fund 672. Information Venture Partners
622. Holt Accelerator 648. ICM 673. ING Ventures
623. Honeywell Venture Capital 649. Id4 ventures 674. Ingenious Media
624. Hong Kong X-Tech 650. IDC Ventures 675. Ingka Group
625. Hongyou Investment

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Investors in the UK by Category
Marketing & Analytics (1/2)
676. InHealth Ventures 701. Investible 726. Johannesburg Stock Exchange
677. Initial Capital 702. Investo 727. John Lewis & Partners
678. InMotion Ventures 703. Invex Capital LLP 728. Join Capital
679. InnoEnergy 704. Invoke Capital Partners 729. Joyance Partners
680. Innova Kapital 705. IP Group Plc 730. JPIN
681. Innovacom 706. Ipsos 731. JPMorgan Partners (JPMP)
682. Innovate UK 707. IQ Capital 732. JRJ Group
683. Innovation Capital 708. Iratel Ventures 733. JSR Corp
684. Innovation Lab 709. Islandsbanki 734. June Fund
685. Innovation Nest 710. Isomer Capital 735. Juno Capital Partners
686. Innvotec 711. Israel Growth Partners 736. Jupiter Venture
687. Inovia Capital 712. Italian Angels for Growth 737. Juvenescence
688. INSEADAlum Ventures 713. Ithaca Investments 738. K5 Ventures
689. Insight Catastrophe Group 714. ITV 739. K50 Ventures
690. Insight Partners 715. IW Capital 740. Kairos
691. Insurtech Gateway 716. J&T Ventures 741. Kaluza
692. Intel Capital 717. Jakala Group 742. KAR Global
693. InterGlobe Technology Quotient 718. JamJar Investments 743. Karma Ventures
694. InterWest Partners 719. January Ventures 744. KDDI Open Innovation Fund
695. Intesa Sanpaolo 720. Jenson Solutions 745. Kei Aar
696. INV Fintech 721. Jerusalem Global Ventures 746. Keiretsu Forum
697. Inven Capital 722. JFE Accelerator 747. Kennet Partners
698. Inventure 723. Jigsaw 748. Kernel Capital
699. Inventure Partners 724. Jigsaw VC 749. Khazanah Nasional
700. Inveready 725. JLL Spark 750. Kiğılı

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Investors in the UK by Category

751. Kima Ventures 776. Lead Ventures 801. Loric Ventures

752. Kindred Capital 777. LeadX Capital Partners 802. Low Carbon Innovation Fund
753. Kinnevik AB 778. LEAF Investments 803. Lowercarbon Capital
754. Kjölfesta 779. Leap Ventures 804. Lowercase Capital
755. KL10CH 780. Leaps by Bayer 805. Loyal VC
756. Kleiner Perkins 781. Lepe Partners 806. LRJ Capital
757. Knight Enterprise Fund 782. Lerer Hippeau 807. Lumia Capital
758. Knightsgate Ventures 783. Level39 808. Luminous Ventures
759. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 784. LG Capital 809. Lundbeck
760. Kokusai Kogyo 785. Lifeline Ventures 810. Lux Capital
761. Kreos Capital 786. Lightbird 811. Luxembourg Ministry of Economy
762. Kureha Corporation 787. Lightspeed Venture Partners 812. LVP
763. L Marks 788. Lilly Asia Ventures 813. Lyall Ventures
764. La Famiglia 789. Lionheart Ventures 814. M&G Investments
765. Lakestar 790. Livingbridge 815. M12
766. Lamex Group 791. Lloyds Banking Group 816. M31 Italia Srl
767. Lansdowne Partners 792. LocalGlobe 817. M7 Real Estate
768. Larsen Ventures 793. London & Scottish Investment Partners 818. m8 Capital
769. Last Mile Ventures 794. London Capital Investment Partners 819. Macquarie Bank
770. Latitude 795. London Co-Investment Fund 820. Macquarie Group
771. LAUNCHub Ventures 796. London Seed Capital 821. Magnesium Capital
772. Laurion Capital Management 797. London Startup Society 822. Makers Fund
773. LDC 798. Long Ridge Equity Partners 823. Malta Enterprise
774. LDV Capital 799. Longbow Capital 824. Manchester Tech Trust Angels
775. Le Studio VC 800. Longevity Vision Fund 825. Manchester Venture Partners

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Investors in the UK by Category

826. Mangrove Capital Partners 851. Merck 876. Mirabaud Asset Management
827. Manta Ray Ventures 852. Mercury Fund 877. Mirai Creation Fund
828. Marathon Venture Capital 853. Merian Ventures 878. Miroma Ventures
829. Marbruck 854. Meridian Growth Capital 879. MissionOG
830. Marchmont Ventures 855. Meridian Venture Partners 880. Mistletoe
831. MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund 856. Merseyside Special Investment Fund 881. Mithril Capital Management
832. Marshall Wace 857. Metaplanet Holdings 882. MITON
833. Martlet Capital 858. MetaProp 883. Mitsui & Co
834. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 859. MetaQuotes Software 884. MMC Ventures
835. MassChallenge 860. Metavallon VC 885. Mobeus Equity Partners
836. MassChallenge Switzerland 861. MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars 886. Mobile TeleSystems OJSC
837. Mastercard 862. METRO Xcel 887. Moffu Labs
838. Mastercard Start Path 863. Meyvn 888. MOHARA
839. Maven Capital Partners 864. Microsoft 889. Mojo Capital
840. Maxfield Capital 865. Microsoft Accelerator 890. Momenta Ventures
841. Mayfair Equity Partners 866. Microsoft Accelerator Bangalore 891. Momentum London
842. Mayfield Fund 867. Microsoft Accelerator London 892. Monashees
843. Measure 8 Venture Partners 868. MID Venture Capital 893. Moore Strategic Ventures
844. MEIF Proof-of-Concept & Early Stage Fund 869. Middlegame Ventures 894. Mopapp
845. Melo7 Tech Partners 870. Middleland Capital 895. Morgan Stanley
846. Meltwind Advisory 871. Midlands Engine Investment Fund 896. Mosaic
847. Mercia Asset Management 872. Midven 897. Motorola Solutions Venture Capital
848. Mercia Asset Management PLC 873. Miele Venture 898. Mouro Capital
849. Mercia Fund Managers 874. Militello Capital 899. MOX
850. Mercia’s EIS funds 875. Minerva Business Angel Network 900. MPGI

Innovation Eye 135

Investors in the UK by Category

901. MS&AD Ventures 926. Neue Fund 951. Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund
902. Mubadala Investment Company 927. Neva Finventures 952. Northern Stars
903. Munich Re Ventures 928. New Enterprise Associates 953. Northstar Ventures
904. Munich Re/ERGO Corporate Venture Fund 929. New Wave Ventures 954. Northzone
905. Mustard Seed 930. New Zealand Venture Investment Fund 955. Notion Capital
906. National Bank of Greece 931. Newable 956. Novator
907. National Grid Partners (NGP) 932. Newable Private Investing 957. Novel TMT Ventures
908. Nationwide Building Society 933. Newark Venture Partners 958. Novo Holdings
909. Nauta Capital 934. Newchip 959. NPIF – Mercia Equity Finance
910. Nautilus Venture Partners 935. Newgen Venture Partners 960. NPIF Maven Equity Finance
911. NCA 936. NEX Opportunities 961. NTT DoCoMo
912. nChain 937. NEXT Canada 962. NTT DOCOMO Ventures
913. NCL Technology Ventures 938. Next Fifteen Communications Group 963. NVM Private Equity
914. NCSC Cyber Accelerator 939. Next Wave Partners 964. NWS Holdings
915. NDRC 940. NextAI 965. Nyca Partners
916. NEO Ventures 941. Nexus Investment Ventures 966. O2h Ventures
917. NEON Adventures 942. NFX 967. Oak Investment Partners
918. Neptune Investment Management 943. NFX Ventures 968. Obvious Ventures
919. Nesta 944. NIBC Bank N.V. 969. OCA Ventures
920. Nesta Impact Investments 945. NightDragon Security 970. Ocado Group
921. Nesta Ventures 946. Nina Capital 971. OCEAN Accelerator
922. Net Capital Ventures 947. NJF Capital 972. Octopus
923. NetApp 948. Norcliffe Capital 973. Octopus Investments
924. Netcetera AG 949. NordicNinja VC 974. Octopus Labs
925. NetEase 950. Norrsken VC 975. Octopus Ventures

Innovation Eye 136

Investors in the UK by Category

976. OKS Group 1001. NOxx 1026. Perscitus LLP

977. Old College Capital 1002. Oxygen Accelerator 1027. Perwyn
978. Oliver Wyman 1003. P101 1028. Phoenix Equity Partners
979. OMERS Ventures 1004. Pacific Star Express 1029. Phystech Ventures
980. One Peak Partners 1005. Paladin Capital Group 1030. Pi Labs
981. OneAdvent 1006. Pandan Ventures 1031. PICO Venture Partners
982. OneLiberty Ventures 1007. Par Equity 1032. Picus Capital
983. Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan 1008. Parkwalk Advisors 1033. Pioneer Fund
984. Open Data Incubator for Europe (ODINE) 1009. Parrot 1034. Pitango Venture Capital
985. OpenDoor Venture Capital 1010. Partech 1035. Pitch@Palace
986. OpenOcean 1011. Particular Ventures 1036. Pivotal bioVenture Partners
987. Origin Capital 1012. Partnership Fund for New York City 1037. Playfair Capital
988. Orkla Ventures 1013. Passion Capital 1038. Plug and Play
989. OTB Ventures 1014. Patron Capital Partners 1039. Plug and Play Insurtech
990. Outlier Ventures 1015. Paua Ventures 1040. Point Nine
991. Outlier Ventures Base Camp 1016. Pavilion Capital 1041. Point72 Ventures
992. Outrun Ventures 1017. PayPal Ventures 1042. Polar Light Ventures
993. Overkill Ventures 1018. PeakSpan Capital 1043. Pontaq
994. Oxford Capital Partners 1019. Pecunio 1044. Portag3 Ventures
995. Oxford Investment Consultants LLP 1020. Pembroke VCT 1045. PortfoLion Capital Partners
996. Oxford Investment Opportunity Network 1021. Pentech Ventures 1046. Portugal Ventures
997. Oxford Sciences Innovation 1022. Pentland Brands 1047. Poste Italiane S.p.A.
998. Oxford Seed Fund 1023. Pentland Ventures 1048. Potential VC
999. Oxford Technology Management 1024. Permira Debt Managers 1049. Practica Capital
1000. Oxford University Innovation 1025. Perpetual Investors 1050. Praetura Ventures

Innovation Eye 137

Investors in the UK by Category

1051. PreSeed Ventures 1076. Quayle Munro 1101. Revolt Ventures

1052. Presidio Ventures 1077. Queen’s Park Equity 1102. Revolutionary (ad)Ventures
1053. Presight Capital 1078. Quester Capital 1103. Rewired
1054. Pretiosum Ventures 1079. Quint Group 1104. Rhodium
1055. Prime Ventures 1080. QVentures 1105. Rianta Capital
1056. Principia SGR 1081. R Ventures 1106. Ribbit Capital
1057. Private investors 1082. R/GA Accelerator 1107. Richmond View Ventures
1058. PROfounders Capital 1083. R/GA IoT Venture Studio UK 1108. Right Click Capital
1059. Project A Ventures 1084. R/GA Ventures 1109. Right Side Capital Management
1060. Promus Ventures 1085. Rabo Frontier Ventures 1110. RightVentures
1061. Propel Venture Partners 1086. Rancilio Cube 1111. Rising Stars
1062. ProVen VCT 1087. RBV Capital 1112. Riverwood Capital
1063. PRYTEK 1088. Reach Capital 1113. RLC Ventures
1064. PTB Ventures 1089. Real Ventures 1114. Robert Bosch Venture Capital
1065. Public 1090. RebelBio 1115. Robotunion
1066. Publicis Groupe 1091. RECAPEX 1116. Rockefeller Foundation
1067. Puhua Capital 1092. Reciprocal Ventures 1117. Rocketmakers
1068. Puma Private Equity 1093. Reckitt 1118. Rockshield Capital
1069. QBE Ventures 1094. Redbus Group 1119. Rockspring
1070. QBN Capital 1095. Redline Capital 1120. Romulus Capital
1071. QED Investors 1096. RedSeed Ventures 1121. Ropart Asset Management
1072. Qiming Venture Partners 1097. Reefknot Investments 1122. Round Hill Ventures
1073. QNBEYOND Ventures 1098. Renaissance Capital 1123. Route 66 Ventures
1074. Quake Capital Partners 1099. Renaissance Capital Partners 1124. Rowan Dartington
1075. Qualcomm Ventures 1100. REV 1125. Royal Academy of Engineering

Innovation Eye 138

Investors in the UK by Category

1126. Royal Mail 1151. Sapphire Ventures 1176. Sente Foundry

1127. RRE Ventures 1152. Satellite Applications Catapult 1177. Sequoia Capital
1128. Rt Capital Management 1153. Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund 1178. Sequoia Capital India
1129. RT Ventures 1154. Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures 1179. Seraphim Capital
1130. Run Capital Investment Fund 1155. Savills 1180. Serendipity Capital
1131. Runa Capital 1156. SBI 1181. SET Ventures
1132. Runway Venture Partners 1157. SBI Group 1182. SFC Capital
1133. RYSE Asset Management 1158. SBI Investment 1183. SGH CAPITAL
1134. SaaSgarage 1159. SBRI Healthcare 1184. Shackleton Ventures
1135. SAATCHiNVEST 1160. SBT Venture Capital 1185. Shawbrook Bank
1136. Saber Growth Partners 1161. Scale Venture Partners 1186. Shell Ventures
1137. Saïd Business School 1162. Schroders 1187. SICTIC
1138. Saint-Gobain 1163. Scottish Development International 1188. SiEBEN
1139. Salesforce Ventures 1164. Scottish Enterprise 1189. Sigma Capital Group
1140. SALIC 1165. Scottish Equity Partners 1190. Sigma Partners
1141. Saltwater Capital 1166. Scottish Investment Bank 1191. Sigma Prime Ventures
1142. Samos Investments 1167. SEB (Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken) 1192. Signal Ventures
1143. Samsung Catalyst Fund 1168. seed + speed Ventures 1193. SignalFire
1144. Samsung NEXT 1169. Seedcamp 1194. Silicon Valley Bank
1145. Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center 1170. 1195. Silicon Valley Bank UK
1146. Samsung Ventures 1171. SeedInvest 1196. Silversmith Capital Partners
1147. San Celso Partners 1172. SeedRocket 1197. Simile Venture Partners
1148. Sandbox Industries 1173. Seedrs 1198. Simpleweb
1149. Sandstone Capital 1174. SEEK 1199. Sinai Ventures
1150. Santander Corporate & Commercial 1175. Seneca Partners 1200. Singularity Investments

Innovation Eye 139

Investors in the UK by Category

1201. Sinovation Ventures 1227. SOSV 1253. Startupbootcamp

1202. SIRIUS Program 1228. South Central Ventures 1254. Startupbootcamp Amsterdam
1203. SIS Ventures 1229. South East Growth Fund & Management 1255. Startupbootcamp Digital Health Berlin
1204. Sistem Global 1230. Sovereign Capital 1256. Startupbootcamp FinTech & CyberSecurity
1205. Sistema_VC 1231. Sovereign’s Capital 1257. Startupbootcamp FinTech London
1206. SIX FinTech Ventures 1232. SPARK VCT 1258. Startupbootcamp InsurTech London
1207. Skylake Capital 1233. Sparkbox Ventures 1259. Startupbootcamp IoT & Data Tech
1208. Slaughter and May 1234. Sparklabs Cultiv8 1260. Startupbootcamp IoT London
1209. Slow Ventures 1235. Spearhead Capital 1261. Startupbootcamp Smart City & IoT Amsterdam
1210. SLS Journey 1236. Spectrum Equity 1262. StartupYard
1211. Smart Anchor Ventures 1237. Speedinvest 1263. Starwood Capital Group
1212. SmartHub 1238. Spider Capital 1264. State of Mind Ventures
1213. Smedvig Capital 1239. Spire Ventures 1265. Statkraft Ventures
1214. SMH Venture Finance Limited 1240. Spring Ventures 1266. Stoic Capital
1215. SMRK VC Fund 1241. Springboard 1267. Strathdon Investment
1216. Social Impact Capital 1242. SSE 1268. StreetEdge Capital
1217. Social Starts 1243. St. John's College 1269. Stride.VC
1218. Social Tech Trust 1244. Staenberg Venture Partners 1270. Stripes
1219. Sofina 1245. Stanford Angels of the United Kingdom 1271. STV Group
1220. Sofinnova Investments 1246. Starr Global Holding 1272. Suffolk Technologies
1221. Sofinnova Partners 1247. Start Capital 1273. Sumaria
1222. SoftBank 1248. StartPlanetNI 1274. Summa Digital
1223. SoftBank Vision Fund 1249. Startup Collider by Pwc 1275. Summit Action
1224. Solon Ventures 1250. Startup Loans UK 1276. Summit Partners
1225. Sonae IM 1251. Startup Sesame 1277. Supernode Global
1226. Sony Innovation Fund 1252. Startup Wise Guys 1278. SuperSeed Ventures

Innovation Eye 140

Investors in the UK by Category

1279. Sure Valley Venture 1305. Techstars Boston Accelerator 1331. The FSE Group
1280. Surplus Invest 1306. Techstars Connection 1332. The Future Fund
1281. Susquehanna Growth Equity 1307. Techstars London Accelerator 1333. The Garage Soho
1282. Sussex Place Ventures 1308. Techstars Mobility Accelerator 1334. The Ingenious Group
1283. Sustainable Ventures 1309. Techstars Montreal AI Accelerator 1335. The New York Times
1284. Sway Ventures 1310. Techstars Smart Mobility 1336. The North West Fund
1285. Swedbank 1311. Techstars Starburst Space Accelerator 1337. The R-Group, LLC
1286. Swisscom Ventures 1312. Techstart Ventures 1338. The Royal Society of Edinburgh
1287. Symvan Capital 1313. Telefonica 1339. The Sentient Group
1288. Synapse Partners 1314. Telefónica Innovation Ventures 1340. The Social Entrepreneurs Fund (TSEF)
1289. SyndicateRoom 1315. Telefónica Open Innovation 1341. The Venture Collective
1290. System.One 1316. Telelink Investments 1342. The Young Foundation
1291. SYSTEMIQ 1317. TELUS Ventures 1343. Thomson Reuters
1292. Taiwan Startup Stadium 1318. Temasek Holdings 1344. Tiger Infrastructure Partners
1293. Talipot Holdings 1319. TempoCap 1345. Time Inc.
1294. Talis Capital 1320. Tenaya Capital 1346. Time Ventures
1295. Tamar Capital 1321. Tencent 1347. Times Business Solutions Limited
1296. Tanarra Credit Partners 1322. TenEleven Ventures 1348. Tin Fu Fund
1297. Taylor Brothers 1323. Tera Ventures 1349. Tiny Super Computer Investment Company
1298. TD Veen 1324. Tern 1350. Tiny VC
1299. Tech Nation Fintech 1325. Terranova 1351. TMT Investments
1300. TechNexus Venture Collaborative 1326. TFK CAPITAL PARTNERS 1352. Toba Capital
1301. Technology Development Fund 1327. The Associated Press 1353. Tokyo Electric Power
1302. Technology Venture Capital 1328. The Boston Consulting Group 1354. Toscafund Asset Management
1303. Techstars 1329. The Capital Fund 1355. Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures
1304. Techstars Adelaide Accelerator 1330. The Difference Engine 1356. Touchstone Innovations

Innovation Eye 141

Investors in the UK by Category

1357. Toyota AI Ventures 1383. Ubon Partners 1409. Upfront Ventures

1358. TPG Growth 1384. UCL Entrepreneurs 1410. Upscale
1359. TR.PE 1385. UCL Technology Fund 1411. Upsher Smith Laboratories
1360. Tracsis 1386. UCLB 1412. UST
1361. Transamerica Ventures 1387. Ufi Ventures 1413. UTEC - The University of Tokyo Edge Capital
1362. Trend Investment Group 1388. UIL Limited Partners
1363. Tribe Capital 1389. UK Innovation & Science Seed Fund 1414. Valar Ventures
1364. Tribeca Early Stage Partners 1390. UK Research and Innovation 1415. Valley Venture Mentors
1365. TRICAPITAL 1391. UK Space Agency 1416. Valuta Capital Partners
1366. Trifork 1392. UniCredit EVO 1417. Vanguard Atlantic
1367. Triple Point Ventures 1393. UniCredit Group 1418. VAS Ventures
1368. TriplePoint Capital 1394. Unilever Ventures 1419. VCDE Venture Partners
1369. Trucks Venture Capital 1395. Union Square Ventures 1420. Veddis
1370. True Ventures 1396. Unison Family Office 1421. Velcourt
1371. True. 1397. United Capital Partners 1422. Velocity Capital Fintech Ventures
1372. TrueSight Ventures 1398. United Utilities Innovation Lab 1423. Velocity Venture Capital
1373. Trustbridge Partners 1399. United Ventures 1424. Venrex
1374. Tsingbay Venture Capital 1400. University of Bristol Enterprise Fund 1425. Ventech
1375. TT Capital Partners 1401. University of Cambridge 1426. venture / science
1376. TTV Capital 1402. University of Cambridge Enterprise 1427. Venture Capital Trust
1377. Tudor Investments 1403. University of Oxford 1428. Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs)
1378. Tuesday Capital 1404. University of Strathclyde 1429. Venture Catalysts
1379. Tusholdings 1405. University of Surrey 1430. Venture Kick
1380. Twenty Ten Capital 1406. UNTITLED 1431. VentureForGood
1381. Twister Capital 1407. UP21 1432. VentureFounders
1382. U+I 1408. Updata Partners 1433. VentureFriends
1434. VenturesOne
Innovation Eye 142
Investors in the UK by Category

1435. VentureSouq 1461. Warburg Pincus 1487. Worldpay

1436. Venturian 1462. Washington Post 1488. Worldview Technology Partners
1437. VeriSign 1463. Wavecrest Growth Partners 1489. Worth Capital
1438. Veritas Investments 1464. Wayra 1490. Wren Capital
1439. 1465. Wealth Club 1491. WuXi AppTec
1440. Verve Ventures 1466. Weatherford Capital 1492. Wyvern Seed Fund
1441. Vestel Ventures 1467. Wellcome Trust 1493. Xacti
1442. VGC Partners 1468. Wellington Partners 1494. Xandr
1443. Village Global 1469. Wells Fargo Strategic Capital 1495. XAnge
1444. Vinci Venture Capital 1470. Welsh Development Agency 1496. xénos
1445. Viola Ventures 1471. Wesley Clover 1497. Xilinx
1446. Virgin Media Accelerator 1472. West Coast Capital 1498. XTX Ventures
1447. Visionaries Club 1473. West Hill Capital 1499. Y Combinator
1448. Visionplus 1474. WestTech Ventures 1500. Yabeo Capital
1449. VisVires New Protein 1475. WestWave Capital 1501. Yarrow Capital
1450. Vitruvian Partners 1476. Wheatsheaf Group Limited 1502. YFM Equity Partners
1451. Viventures Partners SA 1477. White Star Capital 1503. Yorkshire Bank
1452. VNV Global 1478. Wild Blue Cohort 1504. You & Mr Jones Brandtech Ventures
1453. Vodafone 1479. William Currie Group 1505. Zag (BBH)
1454. Vodafone Ventures 1480. Winton Capital Management 1506. Zebra Ventures
1455. Volvo Cars Tech Fund 1481. Winton Labs 1507. Zelkova Ventures
1456. W23 1482. Winton Ventures 1508. Zennström Philanthropies
1457. Wadi Makkah Ventures 1483. Wisconsin Investment Partners 1509. ZENRIN DataCom
1458. Walking Ventures 1484. WndrCo 1510. Zetta Venture Partners
1459. Walnut Venture Associates 1485. Woodford Investment Management 1511. ZhenFund
1460. Wamda Capital 1486. Working Capital Telecom Italia 1512. Zynik Capital Corp.

Innovation Eye 143

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