The Cavite Mutiny of 1872

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Chapter 8- The

Cavite Mutiny of
2 Faces of 1872
Cavite Mutiny
► 2 major events happen in
1. 1872 Cavite Mutiny
2. Martyrdom of 3 martyr
priest name Mariano
Gomez, Jose Burgos and
Jacinto Zamora
A. Spanish Version: Planned
B. Filipino Version: A
Response to Injustice
A. Spanish Version: Planned

► Jose Montero y Vidal-

highlight as attempt of
Indios to overthrow Spanish
► Gov Gen. Rafael Izquierdo-
use it to implicate the
native clergy who was
Active in call for
► Main reason of revolution-
Scored that the abolition of
privileges enjoyed by Cavite
arsenal workers like
non-payments of tributes
and labor force exemption
► Gen. Izquierdo- report to
King of Spain that the rebels
want to throw Spanish
government and install a new
“hari” in the likes of Father
Burgos and Zamora
► Native clergy enticed other
participant by giving
charismatic assurance that
fight will not fail because
God is them and promise
reward of enjoyment, wealth
and army rank
► Firing of rockets in
Intramuros- signal of
► January 20,1872- feast of
Virgin of Loreto in Sampaloc
celebrated with fireworks
► Those in Cavite mistook
that fireworks is the sign so
200 men lead by Lieutenant
Lamadrid launch attack
targeting Spanish authority
in arsenal
► Iron-fisted Gen. Izqueirdo-
order reinforcement to
quell the revolution
► Lieutenant Lamadrid- killed
► Other were sentence to
death, suspended from law
practice, life imprisonment
in Marianas Island
Filipino Version- A Response
to Injustice

► Dr. Trinidad Herminigildo

Pardo de Tavera- wrote the
Filipino version of this
bloody tragedy in Cavite
► Action of Filipino soldiers
and workers who is
dissatisfied in abolition of
Of their privilege
► He blamed Gov. Izquierdo
for his cold-blooded policies
like abolition of privilege
and native army members
and prohibition of founding
of school of arts and trade
for the Filipinos
► January 20, 1872- 200 men
Lead by Lieutenant Lamadrid
rose in arms and assassinated
the commanding officer and
Spanish soldiers
► Gen. Izquierdo- order
reinforcement, after 2 days
the mutiny is declared
► Used by Izquierdo and
Spanish friars as conspiracy
To overthrow the government
► During that time, Central
Government in Madrid announce
its intention to deprive the friars
all the powers in civil
government and educational
institution management
► Friars do something drastic to
maintain power in the Philippines
► Central Government of
Spain- welcome an
educational decree
authored by Segismundo
Moret promoted the fusion
of sectarian school run by
friars into a school called
Philippine Institute
► It propose the improvement
Of Philippine education by
acquiring teaching position
► Native clergy zest for
► The friars fearing that their
influence would be a thing
of the past present the
incident in Spanish
► Madrid Government- believe
that the scheme was true
without any investigation
► Participants in the Mutiny
were sentenced life
imprisonment while native
clergy headed by
GOMBURZA were tried and
executed by garrote
► Awake the nationalism and
outbreak of Philippine
Revolution of 1896
► Edmond Plauchut-
compliment Tavera for
confirming that the event
happen due to
discontentment of arsenal
workers and soldiers in
Cavite Fort
Unvarying Truth

1. Dissatisfaction among
workers in arsenal after
privilege were drawn back
by Gen. Izquierdo
2. Strict and rigid policies of
Gen. Izquierdo
3. Central Government failed
to conduct investigation
4. Happy days of friars were
numbered when Central
Government in Spain decide
to deprive them from
government affairs and
educational management
5. Filipino clergy members
Actively participate in
secularization to allow
Filipino priest to hold
6. Filipinos are active
participants and they
deemed it as injustice
7. GOMBURZA execution was
a blunder on Spanish part

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