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Religion in Ethiopia

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Religion in Ethiopia (2007)[1][needs update?]

  Ethiopian Orthodoxy (43.5%)
  Islam (33.9%)
  Pentay (Protestantism) (18.6%)
  Traditional faiths (2.6%)
  Roman Catholicism (0.7%)
  Others (0.7%)

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia was one of the first regions in the world to adopt Christianity.

Religion in Ethiopia consists of a number of faiths. Among these mainly Abrahamic

religions, the most numerous is Christianity (Ethiopian Orthodoxy, Pentay, Roman
Catholic) totaling at 62.8%, followed by Islam at 33.9% . There is also a longstanding
but small Jewish community. Some adherents of the Bahá'í Faith likewise exist in a
number of urban and rural areas. Additionally, there are a few followers of traditional
faiths, who mainly reside in the southwestern part of the country.
According to the national census conducted in 2007, over 32 million people or 43.5%
were reported to be Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, over 25 million or 33.9% were
reported to be Muslim, 13,7 million, or 18.6%, were Protestants, and just under two
million or 2.6% adhered to traditional beliefs. [1] Neither in the 2007 census, nor in the
1994 census, were responses reported in further detail: for example, those who
identified themselves as Hindus, Jewish, Baha'i, agnostics or atheists were counted as
The Kingdom of Aksum in present-day Ethiopia and Eritrea was one of the first Christian
countries in the world, having officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the
4th century.[2] Ethiopia was the only region of Africa to survive the expansion of Islam as
a Christian state.[3]

 1Geography
 2Abrahamic religions
o 2.1Christianity
o 2.2Islam
o 2.3Judaism
o 2.4Bahá'í faith
 3Traditional faiths
 4Views on the emperors
 5Religious politics and tensions
o 5.1Orthodox Christian-Muslim Relations
 6Adherents
 7See also
 8References
 9External links

In general, most of the Christians (largely members of the non-Chalcedonian Ethiopian
Orthodox Tewahedo Church) live in the highlands, while Muslims and adherents of
traditional African religions tend to inhabit more lowland regions in the east and south of
the country.[citation needed] The numerous indigenous African religions in Ethiopia operate
mainly in the far southwest and western borderlands.

Abrahamic religions[edit]

A mosque in Jimma.
A church in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia has close historical ties to all three of the world's major Abrahamic religions.
Christians form the majority of the population.[4] Islam is the second most followed
religion, with 33.9% of the population being adherents. 2.6% of the population (mainly in
the far south and southwest) follow traditional religions; other religions (Bahá'í, Judaism,
etc.) make up the remaining 0.6%.[1] Ethiopia is the site of the first hijra in Islamic history
and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash. Until the 1980s, a substantial
population of Ethiopian Jews resided in Ethiopia. The country is also the spiritual
homeland of the Rastafari religious movement.
Main article: Christianity in Ethiopia

The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, rumored to hold the original Ark of the Covenant

Ethiopia is one of the oldest Christian states in the world. The Ethiopian Orthodox
Church is an Oriental Orthodox Church, which is the largest Christian denomination in
Ethiopia. It was part of the Coptic Orthodox Church until 1959, and is the only pre-
colonial Orthodox church in Sub-Saharan Africa. The apostle St. Matthew is said to
have died in Ethiopia.[5]

The rock-hewn Church of Saint George in Lalibela is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

According to the government's 1994 census (which the CIA World Factbook follows),
61.6% of the Ethiopian population was Christian: 50.6% of the total were Ethiopian
Orthodox, 10.1% were various Protestant denominations (such as P'ent'ay and
the Lutheran Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus), and Roman
Catholics constituted 0.9% of the population). [6] The U.S. State Department estimates
that just over 50% of the country is Christian (40 to 45% of the population belongs to the
Ethiopian Orthodox Church, about 10% are members of Christian evangelical and
Pentecostal groups).[7][8] Orthodox Ethiopian Christians are predominant in
the Tigray (95.6%) and Amhara (82.5%), while the majority of Protestants live in
the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region or SNNPR (55.5% of the
inhabitants) and the Oromia Region (4.8 million or 17.7%).[1] According to the
government's most recent census from 2007, Christians constitute 62.8% of the total
population, with the largest group being Ethiopian Orthodox Christians at 43.5%,
followed by Protestants 18.6% and Catholics at 0.7%.[1] A 2015 study estimates some
400,000 Christian believers from a Muslim background in the country, most of them
belonging to some form of Protestantism.[9]

A leather painting depicting Ethiopian Orthodox priests playing sistra and a drum.

The Kingdom of Aksum was one of the first nations to officially accept Christianity, when

St. Frumentius of Tyre, called Fremnatos or Abba Selama ("Father of Peace") in
Ethiopia, converted King Ezana during the 4th century AD. Many believe that the
Gospel had entered Ethiopia even earlier, with the royal official described as being
baptised by Philip the Evangelist in chapter eight of the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 8:26–
39). Orthodox Christianity has a long history in Ethiopia dating back to the 1st century,
and is dominant in northern and central Ethiopia. Both Orthodox and Protestant
Christianity have large representations in southern and western Ethiopia. A small
ancient group of Jews, the Beta Israel, live in northwestern Ethiopia, though most
emigrated to Israel in the last decades of the 20th century as part of the rescue
missions undertaken by the Israeli government, Operation Moses and Operation
Solomon.[10] Some Israeli and Jewish scholars consider these Ethiopian Jews as a
historical Lost Tribe of Israel. Today, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, part
of Oriental Orthodoxy, is by far the largest denomination, though a number
of Protestants (P'ent'ay) churches have recently gained ground. Since the 18th century
there has existed a relatively small (uniate) Ethiopian Catholic Church in full
communion with Rome, with adherents making up less than 1% of the total population. [1]
The name "Ethiopia" (Hebrew Kush) is mentioned in the Bible numerous times (thirty-
seven times in the King James version). Abyssinia is also mentioned in
the Qur'an and Hadith. While many Ethiopians claim that the Bible references of Kush
apply to their own ancient civilization, pointing out that the Gihon river, a name for
the Nile, is said to flow through the land, some scholars believe that the use of the term
referred to the Kingdom of Kush in particular, or Africa outside of Egypt in general. The
modern name Ethiopia is from the Greek term Aethiopia used to translate Kush, and
was applied to all of Sub-Saharan Africa, including what is now Sudan, but with a few
classical geographers giving more detailed descriptions of present-day Ethiopia and
Eritrea (e.g. Adulis) as well.
Main article: Islam in Ethiopia

A mosque in Mekelle.

Islam in Ethiopia dates back to the founding of the religion; in 615, when a group of
Muslims were counseled by Muhammad to escape persecution in Mecca and travel to
Ethiopia via modern-day Eritrea, which was ruled by Ashama ibn Abjar, a pious
Christian king. Bilal ibn Ribah, the first Muezzin, the person chosen to call the faithful to
prayer, and one of the foremost companions of Muhammad, was born in Mecca to an
Abyssinian mother. Moreover, the largest portion of non-Arab Companions of
Muhammad belonged to Ethiopian ethnic groups.
According to the most recent 2007 CSA governmental data, Muslims are 33.9% of the
population,[1] up from 32.8% in 1994 (according to the census data of that year). [6]
 Before the publication of the 2007 census results, however, the U.S. State
Department estimated that "approximately 45 percent of the population is Sunni
Muslim."[7][12] Roughly 68% of Ethiopian Muslims are Sunni, whilst 23% are non-
denominational Muslims, whilst another 2% adhere to other sects such
as Shia, Quranist, Ibadi etc.[13] and some belonging to various Sufi orders. Islam first
arrived in Ethiopia in 614 with the First Migration to Abyssinia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's
capital city, is home to about 443,821 Muslims or 16.2%. [14] While Muslims can be found
in almost every community, Islam is most prevalent in the Somali (98.4%), Afar (95.3%)
and Oromia (47.5%) Regions.[1] Haile Selassie's government reportedly concealed the
actual figures of the Muslim population in order to present Ethiopia as a Christian nation
to the outside world.[15] The writers of Ethiopia: a country study claimed that Islam made
up 50% of the total population in 1991 based on the 1984 census commissioned by
the Derg regime.[15] Some web columnist even say the Muslim population are the
majority and disagree with the current Ethiopian governments claims. [16]
Main article: Beta Israel
Areas inhabited by the Beta Israel before their mass aliyah.

The Beta Israel, also known as the Falashas (though this term is considered

derogatory), are a long-isolated group of African Jews who have lived in Ethiopia since
antiquity. Their existence was not widely known to the outside world for many years,
and they likewise were not aware of other Jewish groups outside of their own
community.[17] They became known to the West during the 19th and 20th centuries, and
were accepted as Jews by the Israeli government in 1975. After this, Operation
Moses and Operation Solomon, conducted in 1984 and 1991, respectively, airlifted the
vast majority of the Ethiopian Jewish population to Israel, where there is currently a
population of 150,000 Beta Israel. A small Jewish community still exists in Ethiopia,
although it is mostly composed of Falash Mura, Ethiopian Jews who converted to
Christianity in the past, and as such have not been recognized as Jews by the State of
Israel, but have returned to Judaism (the Falash Mura now number some 22,000).
Bahá'í faith[edit]
Main article: Bahá'í Faith in Ethiopia
The Bahá'í Faith in Ethiopia begins after `Abdu'l-Bahá wrote letters encouraging taking
the religion to Africa in 1916.[18] Mr. Sabri Elais, then a 27-year-old Bahá'í from
Alexandria, Egypt, introduced the Bahá'í Faith to Ethiopia in 1933. [19] A year later, in
November 1934, the first Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assembly of the country was formed
in Addis Ababa.[20] In 1962, Ethiopia Bahá'ís had elected a National Spiritual Assembly.
 By 1963, there were seven localities with smaller groups of Bahá'ís in the country.
 The Association of Religion Data Archives estimated that there were around 27,000
Bahá'í adherents in 2005.[23] The Ethiopian community celebrated its diamond jubile in
January 2009.[24] As of 2016 the largest Bahá'í community is in Addis Ababa.[25] A number
of towns (such as Awassa, Nazareth, Mekele, Zway and Shashemenie) and rural areas
in Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNPR) have
active and growing Bahá'í communities.[citation needed]

Traditional faiths[edit]
See also: Waaq
An estimated 2.6% of Ethiopia's population adheres to various traditional faiths,
according to the 2007 census (down from 4.6% in the 1994 census data). The largest
numbers of practitioners of traditional religions are in the SNNPR (about 993,000
people) and Oromia (895,000).[1]

Views on the emperors[edit]

Ethiopia is the spiritual homeland of the Rastafari movement, whose adherents believe
Ethiopia is Zion. The Rastafari view Emperor Haile Selassie as Jesus, the human
incarnation of God. The Emperor himself was the defender of the Ethiopian Orthodox
Church, that also has a concept of Zion, although it represents a unique and complex
concept, referring figuratively to St. Mary, but also to Ethiopia as a bastion of
Christianity surrounded by Muslims and other religions, much like Mount Zion in the
Bible [citation needed]. It is also used to refer to Axum, the ancient capital and religious centre of
Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, or to its primary church, called Church of Our Lady Mary
of Zion.[26][full citation needed]

Religious politics and tensions[edit]

Freedom of religion is provided by the constitution of 1995, and freedom of worship had
also been guaranteed by the 1930 and 1955 Constitutions of Ethiopia, although in
certain localities this principle is not always respected in practice. There is no state
religion, and it is forbidden to form political parties based upon religion; all religious
groups are required to register with the government, and renew their registration once
every three years. It is a crime in Ethiopia to incite one religion against
another. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church published works by an unknown author
written in Ge'ez and translated to Amharic in 1986 which claimed Habesha should
refrain from sexual intercourse with Oromo, Muslims, Shanqella, Falasha and animals
because it was an abomination.[27] Discrimination against Muslims have been rampant
since the creation of modern Ethiopia, Muslims were marginalized in the Haile Selassie
era.[28] Haile Selassie actually came to power during the rise of opposition to Muslims in
government positions.[29] U.S ambassador David H. Shinn stated in 2005 that the
Ethiopian leadership continued to be largely Christian. [30] Tension between Christian and
Muslim Oromo were witnessed during the 2005 Ethiopian general election, when
Muslim Arsi Oromo denounced the Shewa Oromo for participating in political nepotism.
 There is some tension between members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and
Protestant Christians, as well as between the Ethiopian Orthodox and Muslims in
general. According to the Barnabas Fund, 55 churches were torched in March 2011 in
the Jimma Zone by Muslims after a dispute. In December 2019 several mosques and
Muslim owned businesses were attacked in the Christian dominated Amhara Region.[32]
Orthodox Christian-Muslim Relations[edit]
In the Hadith, Prophet Mohammed explicitly prohibited jihad against the Abyssinians as
long as they were not hostile to Muslims. [33] This is because Abyssinia's (present-day
Ethiopia) Aksumite monarch embraced a group of Muslims embarking on the first Hijrah
from Arabia, fleeing persecution from their homeland. [34] The founder of Solomonic
dynasty, Yekuno Amlak was heavily assisted by Muslim Sultanate of Showa in his
struggle against the Zagwe dynasty.[35] Yekuno Amlak paid back this favor when the
Sultan of Shewa appealed to him to put down an insurrection in Showa. [36] These friendly
and collaborative relations between Muslim and Christian states would soon deteriorate
in the following centuries. In the early fourteenth century Emperor Amda
Seyon launched a crusade against the neighboring Muslim state of Ifat Sultanate,
several mosques were demolished.[37] In the early fifteenth century Emperor Zara
Yaqob invaded the Muslim state of Hadiya Sultanate and married the captured Hadiya
princess Eleni which was condemned by Muslims.[38] In the late fifteenth century Adal
Sultanate invaded Abyssinia led by Imam Mahfuz, his defeat brought about the early
16th century Jihad of the Adalese Imam Ahmed Gran against Ethiopia, where several
churches were demolished.[39]

Christian Ethiopian Protestant Catholic
Year Muslims Traditional faiths Other
s Orthodox s s

1994 61.6% 50.6% 10.1% 0.9% 32.8% 4.6% 1.0%

2007 62.8% 43.5% 18.6% 0.7% 33.9% 2.6% 0.7%

1.2% -7.1% 8.5% -0.2% 1.1% -2.0% -0.3%

Ethiopian Protestant Catholic Traditional

Year Christians Muslims Other
Orthodox s s faiths

1994 32,689,482 26,844,932 5,366,360 478,190 17,406,087 2,444,085 531,323

2007 46,420,822 32,154,550 13,748,842 517,430 25,058,373 1,921,881 517,430

Growt 13,731,34
5,309,618 8,382,482 39,240 7,652,286 -522,204 -13,893
h 0
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
19 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
94 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7

Ethiopian Traditiona
Region Christians Protestants Catholics Muslims Other
Orthodox l faiths

Addis 86.6 83.0 82.0 74.7 3.9 7.8 0.8 0.5 12.7 16.2 0.8
Ababa 5% % % % % % % % % % %

4.7 3.9 3.9 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.1 95.6 95.3

 Afar 4.4%
% % % % % % % % %

 Amh 81.6 82.7 81.5 82.5 0.1 0.2 18.1 17.2 0.1
ara % % % % % % % % %

40.6 46.5 34.8 33.0 5.8 13.5 44.1 45.4 13.1 7.1
% % % % % % % % % %

Dire 36.7 28.8 34.5 25.7 1.5 2.8 0.7 0.4 63.2 70.9 0.1 0.3
Dawa % % % % % % % % % % % %

 Gam 71.3 90.2 24.1 16.8 44.0 70.0 3.2 3.4 5.15 4.9 10.3 3.8 1.1
bela 5% % % % % % % % % % % % %

 Hara 39.4 30.8 38.1 27.1 0.9 3.4 0.5 0.3 60.3 69.0 0.2
ri 9% % % % % % % % % % %

 Oro 49.9 48.2 41.3 30.5 8.6 17.7 44.3 47.5 4.2 3.3 1.1
mia % % % % % % % % % % %

 Som 0.5 0.9 0.6 98.7 98.4 0.3 1.0

ali % % % % % % %
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
19 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
94 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7

Ethiopian Traditiona
Region Christians Protestants Catholics Muslims Other
Orthodox l faiths

 SNN 65.4 77.8 27.6 19.9 34.8 55.5 3.0 2.4 16.7 14.1 15.4 6.6 1.5
PR % % % % % % % % % % % % %

 Tigra 95.9 96.1 95.5 95.6 0.1 0.4 0.4 4.1 4.0
y % % % % % % % % %

See also[edit]
 Baháʼí Faith in Ethiopia
 Buda (folklore)
 Catholic Church in Ethiopia
 Christianity in Ethiopia
 Demographics of Ethiopia
 Ethiopian Catholic Church
 Ethiopian Jews
 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
 Islam in Ethiopia
 P'ent'ay (Ethiopian Evangelicalism)
 Zār

1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i 2007 Ethiopian census, first draft, Ethiopian
Central Statistical Agency (accessed 6 May 2009)
2. ^ S. C. Munro-Hay, Aksum: An African Civilization of Late
Antiquity (Edinburgh: University Press, 1991), p. 77. ISBN 0-7486-
4. ^ "CIA – The World Factbook – Ethiopia". Retrieved 16
March  2009.
6. ^ Jump up to:a b "Population and Housing Census of 1994:
Religion" Archived 7 December 2008 at the Wayback
Machine (accessed 6 May 2009)
7. ^ Jump up to:a b Ethiopia: International Religious Freedom Report,
2007 U.S. State Department (accessed 6 May 2009)
8. ^ Ethiopia: International Religious Freedom Report 2006 U.S. State
Department (accessed 6 May 2009)
9. ^ Johnstone, Patrick; Miller, Duane (2015). "Believers in Christ from a
Muslim Background: A Global Census".  IJRR.  11: 14.
10. ^ "The History of Ethiopian Jews".
Retrieved 16 March  2009.
11. ^ CIA Factbook – Ethiopia
12. ^ Ethiopia (03/08)
13. ^
14. ^ Summary and Statistical Report of the 2007 Population and Housing
Census Results. [ONLINE] Available
t/pdf/Cen2007_firstdraft.pdf. [Accessed 19 January 2017]
15. ^ Jump up to:a b Levtzion, Nehemia. The History of Islam in Africa.
Ohio University Press. pp. 240–241.
16. ^ Prunier, Gérard. Understanding Contemporary Ethiopia: Monarchy,
Revolution and the Legacy of Meles Zenawi. Oxford University Press.
17. ^ Mark Shapiro, "Return of a Lost Tribe" Archived 6 January 2009 at
the Wayback Machine
18. ^ `Abdu'l-Bahá (1991) [1916–17].  Tablets of the Divine
Plan  (Paperback ed.). Wilmette, IL: Bahá'í Publishing Trust. pp. 47–
59.  ISBN  0-87743-233-3.
19. ^ Hassan, Gamal (2008). Moths Turned Eagles, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia; The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ethiopia.
20. ^ Hassall, Graham.  "Ethiopia".  Research notes. Asia Pacific Bahá'í
Studies. Retrieved 21 December 2008.
21. ^ Rabbani, Ruhiyyih, ed. (1992). The Ministry of the Custodians
1957–1963. Bahá'í World Centre. p.  398. ISBN 0-85398-350-X.
22. ^ Compiled by  Hands of the Cause Residing in the Holy Land.  "The
Bahá'í Faith: 1844–1963: Information Statistical and Comparative,
Including the Achievements of the Ten Year International Bahá'í
Teaching & Consolidation Plan 1953–1963". pp. 28, 55.
23. ^ "Most Baha'i Nations (2005)".  QuickLists > Compare Nations >
Religions >. The Association of Religion Data Archives. 2005.
Retrieved 4 July  2009.
24. ^ multiple (January 2009). "North American Bahá'í Choir in Ethiopia
2009". Retrieved 30 August  2009.
25. ^ "Families and youth identified as keys to reducing poverty". Retrieved 16 March  2009.
26. ^ Taddesse Tamrat, Church and State.
27. ^ Jalata, Asafa. Fighting Against the Injustice of the State and
Globalization: Comparing the African American and Oromo
Movements. Springer. p.  99.
28. ^ Loimeier, Roman.  Islamic Reform in Twentieth-Century Africa.
Edinburgh University Press.
29. ^ Knight, Michael.  Journey to the End of Islam. Soft Skull Press.
p. 160.
30. ^ Angore, T. Reconstruction of Ethiopia's Collective Memory by
Rewriting its History(PDF). Tilburg University. p.  103.
31. ^ Contested Power in Ethiopia: Traditional Authorities and Multi-Party
Elections. BRILL. p. 189.
32. ^ "Five arrested for attack on mosques in Ethiopia's Amhara region".
Al Jazeera.
33. ^ Ghunaimi, Mohammad. The Muslim Conception of International Law
and the Western Approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
p. 203.
34. ^ Budge, E. A. Wallis (1 August 2014).  A History of Ethiopia: Volume I
(Routledge Revivals): Nubia and Abyssinia. Routledge.  ISBN  978-1-
35. ^ Oromo of Ethiopia with special emphasis on the Gibe region  (PDF).
p. 4.
36. ^ Selassie, Sergew. Ancient and Medieval Ethiopian History to 1270.
p. 290.
37. ^ Budge, E.A.  A History of Ethiopia: Volume I (Routledge Revivals):
Nubia and Abyssinia. Routledge. p.  297.
38. ^ Hassen, Mohammed.  Oromo of Ethiopia with special emphasis on
the Gibe region(PDF). University of London. p. 22.
39. ^ "Adal".  Encyclopædia Britannica.

  This article incorporates public domain material from

the CIA World Factbook document: "2006 edition".

External links[edit]
 Berhanu Abegaz, "Ethiopia: A Model Nation of Minorities"

Ethiopia articles


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