ACI564 MINUTES Spring2021 VirtualConvention

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Spring 2021 Convention, Virtual Convention

Monday, March 29 t h , 2021, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
Chair: Scott Jones Secretary: Raissa Ferron


1. Welcome and call to order:

12:08 pm

2. Attendance: See last page for roster of those present

3. Committee Business
.1. Review and Approval of Minutes
• Last meeting: Fall 2020, Virtual Convention
• Minutes approved with minor revisions (4 names misspelled and was corrected).
.2. Membership Update:
• As of March 29, 2021 we have 32 VOTING MEMBERS, 73 associate members, 3 consulting members.
o This is an increase of 1 voting members, 17 Associate members, and no change in consulting.
• Raissa reminded everyone that the committee membership for voting members are locked.

.3. TAC Update

• TAC Contact Kamal Khayat stated that This is an important committee for ACI. ACI is looking at this
committee to take the work into the building review. New concrete Durability Code Committee and Precast
Code Committee. Committees 319, 320.
• Eric asked about connecting with ACI 318. Kamal recommended contacting the chair of ACI 318 if we
want connections. He recommended that we have documents first though. stated we need documents first.
Bui 318, 319, 320, 321
• TACC has 4 review sessions so that documents

4. Old Business
• Adjusting Workability for Successful 3D Concrete Printing, Part 1 Sun, March 28, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:30
PM EDT (UTC-4). Part 2 Sun, March 28, 2021 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT (UTC-4): Scott Jones
o Shiho Kawashima: organized the session. 120- 130 people per session.
• Rethinking Reinforcement for 3D Printed Cementitious Composites, Parts 1 Wed, March 31, 2021 4:00 PM
- 6:00 PM EDT (UTC-4). Part 2 Thu, April 1, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4): Eric Kreiger


• Computer Simulations and Analytical Methods for Concrete 3-D Printing, Fall 2021, Atlanta, GA:
Gianlucas Cusatis
o Preliminary TAC approval. 3 confirmed presenters. Contact if
interested in participating. Need to send abstract by Wednesday
• Test Methods and Characterization for 3D printing: Kejin Wang and Narayanan Neithalath
o Spring 2022 in Atlanta. Has 9 abstracts, can take 3 more. Please email Narayanan Neithalath by
Wednesday if interested.
• Jon proposed a session to focus on industry work in 3D printing. Tentative title: Progress of 3D printing in
industry: Labcrete to Realcrete: Raissa Ferron stated she will work on it with JonB. And Raissa to co-chair.
o Looking at 3 conventions down the line. Focus is on industry.

5. Technote Updates
• Shrinkage and Durability; Authors: Jan Vosahlik, Nathan Tregger, Kejin Wang;
o Jan Vosahlik stated there have been no progress, but will work on it. Jan will get a document request
submitted for this tech note to TAC. Will need title, abstract, and outline for TAC approval
• Scott Jones stated that the following topics have moved to Emerging Technology Report.
o Reinforcements
o 3-D printing Polymer Concretes, Mahmoud Taham, Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon
o Analytical Methods, Gianlucas Cusatis, Narayanan Neithalath
o Why Concrete Printing, Jon Belkowitz, Kejin Wang

6. Emerging Technology Report

Scott stated the goal is to get good comments from the committee. Chapter coordinators are indicated by *

CH 1 - Introduction
Leads: Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon*, Kelley Menendez, Jon Belkowitz, Kejin Wang, Sameh Elashri,
Jeneé Jagoda
Scott said the chapter is progressing and moving forward. It is posted on chapter webpage for members to review.
CH 2 – Terminology
Leads: Kejin Wang, Scott Jones*, Kemal Celik, Matthew Troemner
• Stated that no major changes to document since last meeting, except for revising some definitions to be a
one-word sentence.
• 34 definitions currently.
o Change to filament definition
• Chapter will be on hold until other chapters are developed. Once a chapter is developed they will look at it
to update definitions.
• Scott asked the committee if there is are any terms missing.
o Mohammad Sonebi encouraged authors to look at ACI committee 238 to make sure the terms are
consistent. In response to that, Jan Vosahlik said he will present the chapter to Committee 238 at
their chapter meeting to see if there are any comments.

CH 4 - Ink Development
Leads: Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon*, Daniel Heras Murcia, Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon, Mahmoud Reda Taha
• Nathan Tregger mentioned that Committee 212 put together a small chapter on admixtures on use. He will
send Claudiane work from the committee
• Kamal Khayat mentioned ACI Committee 238 has a Tech Note on thixtotropy
• Comments from the membership that fibers and aggregates should be included.
• Narayanan Neithalath asked about testing for the fresh state performance. Raissa stated Chapter 5 discusses
Quality Control and Testing. Scott stated that some testing methods should be included in this chapter.
• Mohammed recommended to include information about the requirements to print concrete.
• Peter Stynoski: Asked if the document has appropriate reference to Committee 211. Specifically, Committee
211.1 and 211.19 that talks about proportioning and pumpability. He gave a presentation on this. 211.9 looks
at basics and look at aggregates, versus the aggregates.
• Kamal Khayat stated that it would be a good idea for everyone in the committee to review the document prior
to balloting. Scott stated he will arrange meeting with chapter authors to discuss incorporating comments and
then have many in committee review.

Ch 6 – Structural Reinforcements and Anchorage: Leads: Eric Kreiger and others

Liberato Ferrara, Ashley Thrall, Amir (Yaghoob) Farnam, Kamal Khayat, Joe Klatt, and Sriram Kasyap, Costantino Menna
(fib TG 2.11).
• Eric mentioned that one of the goals is to use terminology commonly used currently in structural design, e.g.,
whythe, addititive construction. Vicktor Mechtcheinre encourage chapter authors to look at a recent paper he
published that discusses the terminology. See below. Also stated that additive construction is a fuzzy term
• Raissa had a comment about detailing and asked whether the chapter will include any? Eric stated assistance
is needed on this part.
• Scott Jones encouraged chapter authors to include a comment stating that testing standards are still in
• Mohammad Sonebi suggested paper on fibers. He also encouraged authors to discuss the bonding is a big
issue and how bars are introduced. He also mentioned a bridge that was post-tensioned.
• Discussion about additive manufacturing versus additive construction and what is the term ensued.
• Ali Kazemian (Louisiana State University) stated he will be willing to help out on the chapter.
• Raissa Ferron mentioned that print stabilizer section could be better explained.
• Scott Jones mentioned talking about challenges of installation. Erik said that may be more of a guidance
• Salah asked about polymer reinforcement, like FRP and fiber meshes
• Atta Ur Rehman asked if topology optimization integrated with reinforcement strategies is being considered.
Eric stated it is not included in the chapter. Scott stated he should include it in his chapter.
• Marlou Rodriguez asked if there will information about post-installation of rebar or anchors is discussed. Eric
stated yes rebar is mentioned but anchors is not. Marlou stated he can help to write-up a section. Eric stated
he will add him in the list.
• Atta Ur Rehman suggested adding a summary table that states which reinforcement strategy is intended
• Email: if you have any images you would like included or would like to help
out with reinforcement for large scale construction.

Reference suggestion from committee members on papers for chapter authors to look at:
• V. Mechtcherine, R. Buswell, H. Kloft, F.P. Bos, N. Hack, R. Wolfs, J. Sanjayan, B. Nematollahi, E. Ivaniuk,
T. Neef: Integrating reinforcement in digital fabrication with concrete: A review and classification framework.
Cement and Concrete Composites 119 (2021) 103964. DOI: /10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2021.103964
• Perrot, Y. Jacquet, D. Rangeard, E. Courteille, M. Sonebi “Nailing of Layers: A Promising Way to Reinforce
Concrete 3D Printing Structures”, Materials 2020, 13, 1518; doi:10.3390/ma1307151
• M. Bohuchval, M. Sonebi, S. Amziane, A. Perrot, Effect of metakaolin and natural fibres on three-dimensional
printing mortar, ICE Proceedings of Construction Materials,, Online
July 2020
• Rubio, M. M., Sonebi, M., Amziane, Perrot, A “Mechanical properties of 3D bio-printing cement-based
materials”, Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, Special Issue Vol. 37, No 2, 2020, pp. 256-261.

CH 3 - 3DP processing platforms

Leads: Reza Moini*, Scott Jones, Jan Olek
Chapter is progressing. Introduction and several sections are complete. Reza Moini asked if there are sections on
pumping, please send them. There are a couple of sections that still need to be written. Help is needed on slicing (CAD
to G-code programming), programming pathways (CAD to g-code) and safety sections. Send image with paragraph
on any pumping systems, printers, etc., specifically, Gantry.
Claudiane has offered to help.
Reza Moini will send copy of document to Claudiane, Raissa and Scott.
Jan Olek wanted to know if there are any manufacturers on the committee. If so, please email Reza if you are a
manufacturer or know of any.
Pete Stynoski said that he wants to help on the USACE printer but many are proprietary.

3.2.1 CH 5 - Quality Control Testing

Leads: Kevin Copeland*, Ali Kazemian (Fresh Properties), Roman Wan-Wender, Narayanan Niethalath, &
Yaghoob Farnam (Hardened Properties)
Ali Kazemian has offered to take the lead on the chapter. Scott mentioned that next focus will be this chapter.
3.2.2 CH 7 - Case Studies
Leads: Jon Belkowitz*, Kho Verian, Sameh Elashri
No update.

7. New Business
3.3.1 Two proposals in ICC: G195-21, G202-21.
There is a proposal to add an appendix to the International Building Code (IBC) for 3D Printing, see attached (G202-21-
3D Printing). Individuals interested in providing testimony must register as a participant at:


8. 3 subcommittees will be formed. The idea is that work will be done at the subcommittee level.

9. Structural Design and Testing (Chair: Eric Kreiger)l Materials Testing and Formulation (Chair: Raissa Ferron)
Question about intent of structural design and testing.  could be mechanical properties and structural wall.
Reza suggested changing name of 3rd committee to "Materials Design, Testing, and Formulation" as this will help to include
the opportunities in design at the materials level.

10. Included a simple procedure to propose new subcommittees.

11. Justification should be Title, Justification for committee, Mission Statement, and Goal.

12. Ballot will be posted. Left open for 30 days. Would like to have committees set up at the next convention.
Viktor Mechtcherine mentioned RILEM is doing a similar process. Would be good if there were a liaison between the ACI
and RILEM. ACI Kamal Khayat mentioned that you can have liaison seats. Note: Liaison members have voting rights in
subcommittees but nonvoting rights on the main committee unless they are ACI members. Erick Kreiger said he has
someone that he is working with on reinforcements and is interested in having them be a liaison member.

13. Announcements
Reports from other committees to ACI 564

2 new RILEM TCs starting their work shortly:

• RILEM TC PFC: Performance Requirements and Testing of Fresh Printable Cement-based Materials (Chair: N.
Roussel, Vice-Chair: D. Lowke)
Kick-off Meeting: 9. April, 2021, 9:00 – 13:00 CEST
• RILEM TC ADC: Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials
and Structures (Chair: V. Mechtcherine, Vice-Chair: F. Bos)
Kick-off Meeting: 9. April, 2021, 13.30 – 17.00 CEST


14. Presentation on UAE Concrete Printing

Presentation Title: MEET 3D Concrete Printing.
Speaker: Haidar Alhaidary / Project Executive / Middle East Engineering Technologies / ACI UAE Chapter member.
Presentation Abstract: An introduction to Middle East Engineering Technologies (MEET), a 3D concrete printing
company in the United Arab Emirates and to 3D concrete printing in general. The presentation shall look into 3D printing
in construction and the types of robots and materials used. Some benefits and challenges shall be discussed as well as a look
at the first 3D printed house in the UAE. The house is a sustainable, solar powered two-bedroom hall with all its walls 3D
printed in just over two weeks.

15. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 3:42 pm (Khamal Khayat moved to adjourn, Eric Kreiger seconded)

Attendance Roster

Status (Type: Voting,

Name Organization Associate or Visitor)
Scott Jones NIST Voting
University of Texas
Raissa Ferron at Austin Voting
Janet Doe
(EXAMPLE) Connie Meets Associate
Doe(Example) Connie Meets Visitor
Politecnico di
Liberato Ferrara Milano voting
Scott Campbell NRMCA
Gabriel Carrera WJE Associate Member
President, DYP-ACI
Student Chapter,
Ranjit Kekan India Associate Member
Matthew Northwestern
Troemner University Voting
Jon Belkowitz Intelligent Concrete Voting
Louisiana State
Ali Kazemian University Voting
Reza Moini Princeton University Voting
Gianluca Cusatis University
Mohammed Rensselaer
Alnaggar Polytechnic Institute Associate
Univesity of
Salah Altoubat Sharjah, UAE Associate
Claudiane ETS Montreal
Ouellet- (University of
Plamondon Quebec) Voting
University of
Osman Ozbulut Virginia Associate
Roman Wan-
Wendner Ghent university Voting
Jan Olek Purdue University Voting
University of New
Maryam Hojati Mexico Voting
Penn State
Zhanzhao Li University Visitor
Nathan Tregger GCP Voting
Ahmad Mhanna ACI visitor
Eric Kreiger CERL Voting
Sriramya D Nair Cornell University Associate
Namakiaraghi Drexel University Visitor
Louisiana State
Gabriel Arce University
Rodriguez Purdue University Associate
Hadi S Esmaeeli Purdue University Associate
Heidi helmink Sika
Master Builders
Lesley Ko Solutions US LLC voting
khalil Construction
ALmbaidheen Chemicals Associate
Mohammed The University of
Abdellatef New MExico Visitor
Miguel Angel University of
Vicente Burgos (Spain) Visitor
University of
Hunain Alkhateb Mississippi
International Code
Mahmut Ekenel Council Visitor
Politecnico di
Sriram Kompella Milano associate
Karthik Pattaje University of Illinois Associate
Narayanan Arizona State
Neithalath Univesity Voting
Working on simulation of
3D printing, would be
Cervenka interested in joining this
Jan Cervenka Consulting s.r.o. committee
Muhammad University of New
Saeed Zafar Mexico Visitor
University of British
Cristina Zanotti Columbia Visitor
Jan Vosahlik CTLGroup Associate
Dr Mohammed Green Quality
Alhaj Hussein Engineering office Associate
Yonsei University, Visitor, interested to
Atta Ur Rehman Seoul, South Korea contribute in this group
Mohammed Queens University
Sonebi Belfast Voting
Arizona State
Sooraj Nair University Associate
Ivan Navarrete Catolica de Chile Visitor
Rami Al- University of
Sughayer Mississippi Visitor
Jacobs Engineering Visitor, interested to
Zhu Liu Group contribute in this group
Rahil University of
Khoshnazar Calgary Visitor
Aayushi Texas A&M
Bajpayee University Visitor
Kamal KHayat Missouri S&T voting, TAC liason

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