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Golden Ratio in design and architecture

The art world has felt the influence of

the Golden Ratio for centuries. Also known as
the Golden Section or the Divine Proportion,
this mathematical principle is an expression of
the ratio of two sums whereby their ratio is
equal to the larger of the two quantities.
During the Renaissance, painter and draftsman
Leonardo Da Vinci used the proportions set
forth by the Golden Ratio to construct his
masterpieces. Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo,
Georges Seurat, and others appear to have
employed this technique in their artwork.
The purpose of the golden ratio is to create a strong
visual through balance and proportion. The golden
ratio is simply a shape with a proportion of 1 to
Scope of Subject
 R&D on different design compositions used by
great masters
 Difference in golden ratio and other design
 How the Golden Ratio help to build a design for
artist and architecture’s
Background / History of Subject

 Golden ratio used by great masters

 understand how we found golden ratio in
ancient paintings and architecture
Chapters Scheme / Index
 Introduction of Golden ratio
 Golden ratio in Leonardo da Vinci’s art work
 Mona Lisa
 Golden ratio in ancient architecture
 Greek architecture
 Egyptian architecture
 Golden ratio in graphic design
Reference List

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