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Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

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Forensic Science International: Genetics

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Review article

Forensic molecular biomarkers for mixture analysis T

Fabio Oldoni , Daniele Podini
Department of Forensic Sciences, The George Washington University, 2100 Foxhall Road NW, Washington, DC 20007, United States


Keywords: The deconvolution of DNA mixtures has gathered the attention of forensic DNA scientists for over two decades.
Forensic mixture profiling To enhance mixture deconvolution capabilities, a new generation of sensitive DNA-typing approaches has been
Genetic markers recently proposed. In this review, we describe novel, forensically relevant multi-SNP loci (i.e., microhaplotypes
Autosomal STR or microhaps), compound markers (i.e., DIP-STRs, SNP-STRs and DIP-SNPs) and lineage markers (i.e., rapidly
mutating Y chromosome STRs) that improve the deconvolution of two and more than two-person mixtures typed
Rapidly mutating Y-STR
using conventional STR, binary and non-binary loci. We explore the features and applications of these emerging
SNP molecular biomarkers with respect to their ability to forensically detect same-or-opposite sex donors. Finally, we
Microhaplotype discuss the impact of initial massively parallel sequencing (MPS) investigations of STR, microhaplotype and
Compound markers SNP/indel assays for DNA mixture profiling.
Capillary electrophoresis
Massively parallel sequencing

1. Introduction deconvolution capabilities of mixed-DNA source samples. In this review

we provide a detailed description of the features of these novel nuclear
1.1. Forensic context: challenges of mixture detection and deconvolution biomarkers and their applications, and also discuss the impact of initial
MPS evaluations of STR, microhaplotype and SNP/indel assays for
The development of DNA-typing tools for mixture deconvolution mixture detection and deconvolution.
has been extensively documented by the forensic DNA community [1].
Crime scene samples recovered from body fluids such as blood, saliva, 2. Capillary electrophoresis (CE)-DNA mixture analysis
or semen, tissues and contact-type traces originated following criminal
disputes (e.g., sexual and physical assault, and murder) can generate 2.1. The “gold standard” autosomal STR marker
DNA profiles of two or more same-or-opposite sex donors [2].
In an attempt to enhance mixture deconvolution capabilities of Short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphisms have been the mainstay
conventional autosomal and Y chromosome short tandem repeat (STR) genetic markers for forensic DNA analysis [2] (Fig. 2). Since they are
polymorphism analysis, a new generation of highly sensitive supple- highly polymorphic and discriminative among individuals, they were
mental DNA typing approaches has been recently introduced (Fig. 1). adopted as reference loci for the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
Notably, compound biomarkers including insertion and deletion poly- and also facilitated the worldwide implementation of the crime Na-
morphism closely linked to STR (DIP-STR), single nucleotide poly- tional DNA Databases (NDNADs) [3]. A variety of commercial and non-
morphism closely linked to STR (SNP-STR) and insertion and deletion commercial capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based autosomal STR am-
polymorphism closely linked to single nucleotide polymorphism (DIP- plification kits have been developed and used for human identification,
SNP) were specifically developed for resolving imbalanced two-source paternity/maternity/kinship relationship, missing-persons identifica-
mixtures and rapidly mutating STRs on the Y chromosome (Y-STRs) for tion, familial searching and mixture deconvolution [4–20]. Albeit STRs
discriminating closely related males. By taking advantage of massively are useful for addressing forensically relevant DNA-oriented questions,
parallel sequencing (MPS) technology, emerging microhaplotypes also they display serious limitations for the deconvolution of complex mix-
display similarly promising characters to further enhance the tures (i.e., more than two person mixed samples) such that only a

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Oldoni).
Received 21 November 2018; Received in revised form 6 March 2019; Accepted 17 April 2019
Available online 30 April 2019
1872-4973/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

range of 1–5 bases and less often up to ˜25 bases (Fig. 2). These are of
particular interest in forensics because they display higher sensitivity
than binary SNPs for the detection of two-component mixtures because
they can be analysed through a direct PCR-to-CE typing approach.
Recently, Liu et al [62] proposed an allele-specific indel-based method
that requires two separate primer-specific reactions by real-time PCR
that can be used for exclusion of non-related donors in imbalanced two-
person mixtures. This proof-of-concept method uses a difference Ct
value for two real-time PCR reactions to determine the corresponding
indel genotypes of each individual even though it requires final typing
confirmation by CE fragment separation. The authors evaluated the
performance of 14 loci, which were found to be highly polymorphic in
the Chinese Han population, with a variable level of specificity reported
across different loci. The ratio of mixture detection ranged from 1:50 to
1:100 for five indels and from 1:500 to 1:1000 for the remaining loci
using ˜1–10 ng of input DNA. These results indicated that the sensitivity
of this method allows the detection of imbalanced two-person mixtures
similar to Y-STRs and emerging compound markers, irrespective of the
sex of donors (Table 1). However, further marker development and
analysis of trace evidence are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness
of this new supplemental indel-based typing method for mixture de-
Fig. 1. Forensic molecular biomarkers for detection and deconvolution of two convolution [62].
and more than two-person DNA mixtures. Additionally, SNPs are short loci resulting from base substitutions
(i.e., transitions or transversions) that allow allele detection of small
limited range of mixture contribution ratios can be resolved routinely PCR amplicon sizes (down to ˜50 bases) (Fig. 2) using single-base ex-
[21]. Mixture interpretation can also be challenging due to the low tension (SBE) assays (SNaPShot™). Due to their binary nature and low
sensitivity level of STR loci, which enable the detection of the minor level of mixture resolution, they are not considered optimal candidates
donor in the presence of between ˜10- and 19-fold excess (i.e., 5–10% of for mixture analysis as it is much more challenging to resolve into their
the total STR profile) of the major donor (Table 1). DNA background individual contributors using CE fragment analysis. Nonetheless, tri-
masks the alleles of the minor donor at higher mixture ratios [22–24]. and tetra-allelic SNPs were identified and advocated, as they can pro-
The presence of additional donor(s) from the major or minor DNA vide valuable information on mixture deconvolution. Two initial mix-
fraction adds an extra level of complexity to the mixtures, and thus ture investigations of tri and tetra-allelic SNPs revealed the possibility
seriously impacts the downstream interpretation of STR profiles. to detect a mixture via additional alleles and disrupted peak-height
Moreover, it is plausible that obtaining DNA results can be hindered by ratios. Simulations of a series of mixed samples at ˜0.05–50 ng input
the low quantity of DNA available and also the restricted multiplex DNA enabled the identification of some tri-allelic SNPs, which further
capability of CE detection systems that accommodate extensive allele confirmed the presence of a second donor down to a 1:8 ratio similar to
size ranges. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology, formerly standard STR analysis (Table 1) [63,64].
referred to as next-generation sequencing (NGS), can help overcome
some of the aforementioned (STR) mixture constraints and enhance the
analytical capabilities of challenging mixed samples (refer to para- 2.3. Factors influencing the interpretation of mixed (STR) DNA profiles
graphs 5.1–5.2) [25–31].
The interpretation of CE-DNA profiles can be influenced by nu-
merous factors including allele drop-out/drop-in, allele sharing among
2.2. Alternative markers: mini-STRs, indels and SNPs contributors, pull-up of signal from dye colour, biological artefact of
PCR amplification (stutter), and split peak caused by incomplete ade-
Environmental degradation can drastically reduce the size of longer nylation [2,21,65–67]. Low levels of template DNA corresponding to
(STR) alleles and make interpretation of mixed DNA profiles difficult approximately 15 diploid copies of cells/genomes (˜100 pg of DNA) can
[2]. To address this, alternative genetic markers were developed, in- result in the failure to detect heterozygous alleles, and stochastic effects
cluding the valuable and complementary mini-STR markers, char- can cause the disruption of STR profile inter-locus balance [68–73]. In
acterized by short PCR amplicons (< 150 bp). Primer-binding sites can addition, the failure to detect a single allele, referred to as allele drop-
also be moved closer to the repeat region of interest to improve the out, can lead to false homozygosity while the presence of additional
success rate of amplifying degraded samples [32–35]. Similarly, short alleles or allele drop-in can be the result of contamination event(s).
binary or di-allelic (i.e., simple nucleotide polymorphism) markers can Stutter peak is a PCR by-product typically one repeat unit shorter than
be used to analyse degraded samples [36]. These markers are char- the true allele arising during PCR due to DNA strand-slippage that can
acterized by the presence of two and sometimes three or more allelic influence the interpretation of STR data [74]. This generally results in a
variants and include small-scale insertion/deletion polymorphisms higher signal (peak) for di- and tri-nucleotides than tetra- and penta-
(indels or DIPs) [37] and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) nucleotide STR repeat motifs. Such an artefact can severely impact the
[38–41]. Binary markers characterized on autosomal and sex chromo- deconvolution of mixed DNA profile(s) and affect their downstream
somes display desirable forensic features including the absence of a interpretation [75] when peaks from the minor donor are in the stutter
stutter peak, lower mutation rates than STRs and short amplicon size. range position of alleles from the major donor [2,76,77]. In addition,
These features are of the utmost importance for addressing the analysis mixed samples characterized by the presence of more than two con-
of degraded samples [33,42–44], human identification [45–49], pa- tributors can make the interpretation of the resulting profiles more
ternity and relationship-deficient cases [50–54], inference of biogeo- difficult. To assist DNA analysts in the interpretation of complex pro-
graphic ancestry [55–59], and prediction of visible human phenotypic files multiple probabilistic genotyping software were developed.
traits (exclusively by SNP typing) [60,61].
Indels are loci with an average allele (i.e., insertion or deletion) size

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the structure and features of conventional and novel forensic biomarkers for mixture DNA profiling.

2.4. Probabilistic genotyping software models for assisting in mixture Overall, commercial [81–83] and open-source [84–87] probabilistic
interpretation genotyping software packages reduce the subjectivity in the inter-
pretative analysis of complex low-level and high-order mixed profiles
Initial approaches for interpretation of forensic DNA profiles in- enhancing overall consistency in the conclusions. However, a feature
cluded binary methods, which assigned a value of zero (exclusion of deserving further development is the estimation of the number of
genotype) or one (inclusion of genotype) to the probability of evidence contributors to a mixture, which is a parameter assigned by the analyst
given the observed genotypes. These approaches used quantitative in almost all current probabilistic software programs in use [88].
(peak height) or qualitative (not peak heights) information and also a A growing number of forensic laboratories worldwide have recently
series of thresholds (analytical and stochastic, peak height ratio, and started implementation of probabilistic genotyping in casework. Such a
mixture proportion) to define the possible combinations of genotypes trend is likely to increase in the upcoming years in light of the possi-
from donors contributing to a mixed profile. However, their utilization bility to also analyse Y-chromosome STR, bi-allelic [89] and multi-al-
was restricted by the inability to handle multi-source low-level DNA lelic SNP MPS mixture data.
profiles and make full use of peak heights information [78].
Complex mixtures have become more frequent given the increased 3. Y-STR profiling
sensitivity of typing technologies [79], which fostered the development
of new probabilistic genotyping (PG) approaches that enable the in- 3.1. Standard and rapidly mutating (RM) Y-STR markers for mixture
corporation of the probabilities of allele/locus dropout/dropin, pre- analysis
ferential amplification of smaller alleles, DNA degradation, and PCR
artefacts such as stutter into the likelihood ratio (LR) statistic. Prob- Beside autosomal STR markers, STR polymorphisms located on the
abilistic genotyping generally relates to the use of bio-statistical mod- X- and Y-chromosome generate forensically informative haplotypes
elling and theory to calculate a likelihood ratio and predict the geno- [90]. While X-STRs are considerably less useful for mixture analysis
types of the different contributors to a DNA profile from the evidence [91,92], Y-STRs play a pivotal role in male detection [2,93–96]. These
[78,80]. are of great utility for the investigation of sexual and other biological
These software programs can be categorized into two main groups mixed samples with one (or more) male donor(s) mixed into a female
according to the specific mathematical algorithm used: semi-continuous background. Though the discriminatory power of Y-STR analysis is
or fully continuous. The first, also defined as discrete software models, significantly lower than autosomal STRs, these markers are highly
can factor in the probability for allele/locus dropout and dropin; sensitive down to ˜0.1 ng input DNA and specific at > 12,800:1 female
however, they are unable to incorporate quantitative information (peak major:male minor and < 19:1 male major:male minor mixture ratios
heights) and model artefacts (stutter). The second type of software uses [97,98] (Table 1). Since the first Y-STR casework applications in the
a continuous distribution, which allows the modelling of allele/stutter early 1990s [99–102], different commercial and non-commercial Y-STR
peaks since it enables the incorporation of the peak heights behaviour kits have been developed and successfully applied to solve challenging
given the all-possible genotype combinations for each contributor. cases [97,103–108]. Y-STRs are helpful for the identification of

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

Table 1
Summary features of autosomal STR, Y-STR and rapidly mutating Y-STR, SNP and indel/DIP, microhaplotypes, DIP-STR, SNP-STR, DIP-SNP markers used for forensic
DNA mixture profiling on CE and MPS platforms.
Autosomal marker Lineage marker

Type of marker CODIS Binary/non- Binary Multi-SNP Compound Multi-allelic

binary STR

Sensitivity (ng)
˜ 0.05 – 0.1 ˜ 0.05 – 50 ˜ 0.05 – 10 ˜ 0.05* ˜ 0.1 – 10 ˜ 0.03 – 0.1 ˜ 0.05 – 10 ˜ 0.0625 ˜ 0.0625

< 19:1 ˜ 8:1 ˜ 50:1 – > 19:1* ˜ 50:1 – 1000:1 ˜1000:1 ˜ 19:1 – > 10,000:1 > 10,000:1
1000:1 1000:1 (F:M) (F:M)
< 19:1 (M:M) < 19:1 (M:M)

Mutation rate ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ DIP, SNP ↓ DIP ↑ STR ↓ SNP ↑ ↑ ↗
Two-person mixture ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
More than two-person ✓ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✓
Power of discrimination ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓

Stutter ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Core marker ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✓
Commercially available kit ✓ ✓ (binary ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✓
(s) only)
Reference database ✓ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✕

Technology used
CE ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MPS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕** ✕** ✕** ✓ ✓

Other applications
Identification ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Paternity/kinship testing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕** ✕** ✕** ✓ ✓
Prenatal paternity testing ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (1/2 X) ✓ (1/2 X)
Familial searching ✓ – – – – – – ✓ –
Missing-person ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – ✓ ✓
Degraded sample ✓ (CE mini- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ancestry inference ✕ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕** ✓ ✕** ✓ –

F: female; M: male; ↑: high; ↓:low; ↗: improved discriminating power; - nd; 1/2 X: only if foetus is male.
* Ongoing evaluation.
** Potential implementation.

individuals from the same paternal lineage of an unknown male culprit Altogether the rapidly mutating Y-STR sets are as sensitive and specific
and unless a mutation occurs, individuals within the same paternal as standard Y-STRs, and enable the improved differentiation among
lineage will share the same Y-STR haplotype. To date, Y-STR profiling male close relatives, compared to results obtained using only 13 loci.
has been applied for the analysis of imbalanced mixtures as well as in Overall, rapidly mutating Y-STR is a powerful test used for mixed
paternity and kinship testing, paternal lineage identification and fa- samples (Table 1) and the analysis of compromised skeleton remains
milial searching, and paternal biogeographic ancestry inference. (i.e., bones and teeth) [127]. However, further development of geo-
On top of Y-STRs, the recently developed rapidly mutating (RM) Y- graphically exhaustive Y-reference databases is essential for expanding
chromosomal STRs offer the opportunity to improve the identification the probability of a Y-haplotype match [128].
and discrimination of single individuals descending from same paternal
lineage both closely and distantly related [105,109]. Since rapidly
mutating Y-STRs are characterized by higher mutation rate than stan- 4. Compound biomarker profiling
dard Y-STRs they significantly improve differentiation among male
relatives within the same paternal lineage [110]. A rapidly mutating Y- 4.1. Compound biomarkers for solving imbalanced two-person mixtures
STR multiplex assay was developed to simultaneously amplify the first
set of 13 loci [111,112], two and seven of which were also included in The development of a specific PCR amplification method targeting
the PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System kit [113] and Yfiler® Plus PCR Am- unique genomic regions (i.e., alleles) of the minor donor represents an
plification kit [106], respectively. A comprehensive pedigree study on alternative typing approach to untangle the detection and deconvolu-
the endogamous Pakistan population [114] and additional worldwide tion of mixtures. To overcome the constraints associated with the
populations [115–125] were further conducted to gather global hap- analysis of autosomal STRs (refer to section 2.1), a new category of
lotype diversity datasets useful for differentiation among male relatives, forensic molecular biomarkers named compound markers has been
estimation of the discrimination power and statistical weight of a ra- recently introduced to specifically target imbalanced mixtures of two
pidly mutating Y-STR haplotype match observed in an evidence sample. DNA contributors.
To further increase the differentiation among male relatives, an Initially, Hall et al. developed the analytical DIP-STR (i.e., deletion
expanded set of rapidly mutating Y-STRs has been recently developed insertion polymorphism-short tandem repeat) profiling approach [129].
[126] and shown to perform similarly to the first established markers. This new marker relies on pairing a DIP (i.e., target sequence) with a
closely linked STR locus, which provides additional informational

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

content, and facilitates the detection of a specific minor donor when forensic DNA analyst, a blind interpretation of DNA profiles must also
mixed with a foreign DNA in an imbalanced two-person mixture be performed to comply with standard DNA testing procedures and
[130,131]. This compound marker is characterized by a given haplo- avoid post hoc rationalization of results. The use of this molecular ap-
type including DIP and STR alleles targeted with highly specific PCR proach for typing of imbalanced mixtures of two donors, along with
primers (Fig. 2). The full marker region is amplified using a forward constraints associated with the assay customization required for each
primer that overlaps upstream of the deleted/inserted sequence and a specific case scenario, however, tend to seriously lessen their applica-
reverse primer that anneals downstream of the STR region. The forward tion in casework. Nonetheless, these markers are an effective added
primer is specific for the DNA sequence of interest (insertion or dele- value marker system useful to complement the analysis of conventional
tion) and covers either the insertion (long or “L” allele) or deletion STR loci when these fail to produce a DNA profile suitable for com-
(short or “S” allele) allele sequence by targeting unique DIP alleles of parison. This is due to their high sensitivity, specificity, and ability to
the minor donor. The reverse primer is not allele specific and, along target any type of two-person DNA mixture, regardless of the sex of the
with the forward primer, enables full STR region coverage and gen- individuals. Maternally and paternally related individuals, and also
eration of a polymorphic haplotype, which is produced by the specific unrelated male and female donors, can potentially be differentiated in a
amplification of S/L DIP alleles of the minor donor in the presence of up mixture accordingly.
to 1000-fold excess of the major donor (Table 1). The specificity in
primer design and allele amplification renders this novel marker ap- 4.2. Development and evaluation of marker sets
proximately one hundred times more sensitive than standard autosomal
STR loci. A direct PCR-to-CE typing approach is used for the amplifi- For DIP-STRs, Castella et al. [130] originally developed a proof-of-
cation of these markers that can be either informative or uninformative concept set of nine markers, characterized by DIPs closely linked to well
according to the specific S/L allele DIP mismatch between major and characterized STRs. Though the linked STR loci were known, the for-
minor donor. Readers are referred to [130,132] for a detailed descrip- ensic utility of this marker-set was severely restricted due to some
tion of different case scenarios. disadvantageous features that included long PCR products (with three
As with DIP-STR, the SNP-STR marker type was also developed to loci over 650 bp), di-nucleotide repeat motif in seven of the nine loci,
aid deconvolution of imbalanced two-person mixtures. These markers high stutter peak of di- and tri- nucleotide repeat motif and skewed
are known for sequence-specific amplification and are characterized by allele frequencies of some DIPs, which lead to low probabilities of de-
the presence of a bi-allelic SNP closely linked to a polymorphic STR tecting informative haplotypes [130]. To partially overcome these
locus [133–136]. SNP-STRs enable the detection of different subtypes of limitations and increase the number of informative markers available
STR alleles based on the linked SNP allele observed in the flanking STR for testing, Oldoni et al. [131] developed an additional set of nine
region. To prevent common PCR bias in mixture analyses, Zhang et al. markers selected according to forensic technical standards. This ex-
[137] proposed an amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) panded set of markers, spreading across the genome, was characterized
PCR method for the amplification of the DNA sample of interest with a by tri-, tetra- and penta-nucleotide motifs of non-core STR loci that
specific target SNP [138] (Fig. 2). This is an unconventional amplifi- drastically lowered the susceptibility to stutter peaks. As also noted by
cation strategy where sequence-specific PCR primers are designed to the authors, the nine-loci set included new STRs, which can severely
discriminate among DNA templates that differ by a single nucleotide. restrict its global application in casework. However, these nine loci
These loci are PCR amplified using two forward allele-specific primers proved highly polymorphic and informative on a set of 103 Swiss in-
labelled with different fluorescence and one reverse primer positioned dividuals [131] with a total of six to 15 haplotypes and observed het-
flanking the core-STRs linked to the target SNP of interest. The primers erozygosity > 0.64. When the markers were tested in the Southwest
enable the amplification of selected sequences whose 3′ends is com- Chinese Han population [140], five to 16 haplotypes and hetero-
plementary to the SNP allele of interest by the addition of a deliberate zygosity > 0.50 were also observed. This marker-set including loci of
mismatch at the 3′ends of the primers. The generated SNP-STR fluor- reduced size between 146 and 271 bp, was sensitivite between 0.03 and
escently labelled amplicons are genotyped using the same techniques as 0.1 ng, specific down to a 1:1000 ratio and informative (hetero-
for STR profiling. However, the ARMS primers for these markers can zygosity > 0.25), and also potentially useful for the analysis of cell-free
target the unique SNP allele of the minor donor when the genotype of and degraded two-person mixtures (Table 1).
the major donor is different at the SNP location. For SNP-STRs, Wang et al [136] reported an early initial proof-of-
More recently, Liu et al [139] have proposed a third type of mole- concept set of loci including one locus with a SNP linked to a widely
cular compound biomarker named DIP-SNP, which combines a DIP used STR, another locus characterized by a SNP linked to an Extended
locus of 3–7 bp and a downstream SNP locus within a short expanse of European Standard Set STR and a third to a US core STR locus [141].
DNA amplified using allele-specific primers. This is specifically de- These loci showed specificity at a 1:40 ratio and 0.025 ng of DNA input
signed to target unique alleles of the minor donor similar to DIP-STR when amplified in a single multiplex PCR reaction, thus making them
and SNP-STR primers. In particular, the 3′end of the primers is designed potentially useful for complementing standard STR analysis (Table 1).
to pair with the deletion (S-primer) or insertion (L-primer) of the up- Tan et al [142] developed an additional set of eight short loci with
stream DIP locus while the reverse primer (R-primer) anneals to a SNPs located closer than 250 bp from the core STR locus displaying
shared base position downstream of the SNP locus (Fig. 2). Two PCR minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.1 and high levels of polymorphism in
amplifications are performed before minisequencing with the SNaP- the Chinese Han population. However, these markers were only tested
shot™ assay: one for the L-reaction containing L- and R-primers and one in singleplex reaction on artificially prepared mixtures at 10 ng input
for the S-reaction containing S- and R-primers. The genotyping of the DNA and with the minor donor (heterozygous for the SNP) in the
mixed sample is the result of the typing combination of L- and S-reac- presence of 10-, 20-, 50- and 100-fold excess of major donor (homo-
tions. zygous for the SNP). The discrimination power reported was low even
In essence, the allele-specific amplification process characterizing though the minor donor was detected at the 1:100 ratio using all pri-
compound biomarkers is an alternative PCR method that uses primer mers. The combined informativeness value showed approximately a
pairs specifically tailored to the detection of the unique alleles of the 93% chance to discriminate a mixture using seven loci.
minor donor. Consequently, these markers suffer from the requirement To further expand the number of loci available for testing, Tan et al.
of using reference DNA samples to select and target informative loci also developed three additional loci [143] that were included in a final
from the expected minor donors [130]. However, in common forensic 11-locus set. These included four known STRs (i.e., D5S2500,
practice the reference samples from alleged perpetrators are often un- D11S4463, D6S474, D20S482) from commercial AGCU 17 + 1 multi-
available for DNA testing. Provided that these are available to the plex kits (Wuxi AGCU ScienTech Incorporation, Wuxi, China).

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

Amplicons of the 11 loci ranged between 141 bp and 313 bp and were and Y chromosome STR profiling [145]. The second study tested the
tested on 154 unrelated individuals from a southwest Chinese Han two currently published sets of DIP-STRs on a series of real casework
population. The number of observed haplotypes for all markers ranged contact- and intimate-type traces [146]. Evidence DNA samples in-
between 9 and 19, the MAF varied from 0.09 to 0.46 and the hetero- cluded same and opposite sex individual pairs, low total DNA amounts
zygosity was > 0.700. On average, the probability of detecting in- and/or high major/minor DNA ratios, and trace samples collected on
formative genotypes among the 11 loci increased up to 0.297, with a suspects that masked the DNA of the victim. Overall, this initial case-
98% probability of detecting at least one informative allele of the minor work study indicated that DIP-STR loci can complement the analysis of
donor. All tested allele-specific primers (positive detection at 0.025 ng) autosomal and Y chromosome STRs. Such a technique may provide
specifically amplified the minor donor down to a 1:100 ratio in a two- additional probative value to the only evidence available in support of
person mixture using 10 ng of combined DNA. Probative results of an the propositions from prosecution or defence. DIP-STR profiling may
in-silico mixture case generated an RMP value of 2.9 × 10−8 for the also benefit the analysis of imbalanced mixtures occurring in vivo (i.e.,
minor DNA based on the informative alleles. As suggested by the au- DNA micro-chimerism) in a much broader sense. These loci can be
thors, a larger panel of SNP-STR loci is needed to increase the number applied as peripheral biomarkers for non-invasive patient care in pre-
of informative alleles from the minor donor. natal genetics [147], and also in transplant-induced DNA chimerism.
In addition, Wei et al. developed a new multiplex set of eight loci The latter can originate through the transient circulation of minute
[144], including SNPs linked to commonly used STR loci from com- quantities of foetal DNA into the maternal blood during pregnancy
mercially available CODIS-based loci kits, NIST miniSTR 26plex, [148,149] or transient of low quantities of donor’s DNA into biological
AmpFlSTR Sinofiler™ (Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA) and Power- fluids (e.g., blood and urine) of organ-transplanted patients [150–153].
Plex®21 (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). The assay was sensitive down to A recent investigation of 28 DIP-STRs typed from circulating maternal
50 pg of input DNA. The number of haplotypes observed for the eight blood samples collected during early pregnancy of gestational age en-
loci, varying from eight to 20, was higher than the number of alleles abled to target sequence-specific paternally inherited foetal alleles
observed for the corresponding STR loci when tested on 350 unrelated [147]. In addition, the low and fast evolving DIP-STR haplotypes are
individuals of Chinese Han population in Hubei province. Overall the likewise promising markers for targeting and predicting the ancestry
combined PD (power of discrimination) and PE (power of exclusion) inference of a donor in a DNA sample, as recently shown in a pre-
were 0.9999 and 0.9996, respectively. The multiplex PCR assay was liminary evaluation of a set of 23 DIP-STRs across the worldwide
specific down to 0.05 ng with all SNP-STR haplotypes of minor com- HGDP-CEPH reference population panel [154].
ponents reported at 1:20 ratio in imbalanced DNA mixtures from two In general, SNP-STRs are more abundant in the human genome than
individuals. The detection ratio of the minor DNA increased down to DIP-STRs, for which no reference data of DIP-linked STR loci [131] are
1:50, 1:100 and 1:1000 for some SNP-STRs when typed with separate available, and can be used for different forensic applications including
SNP allele-specific primers. Further application to forensic casework- paternity testing [155]. As reported in an initial alleged father-son duo,
like samples would be useful to evaluate the utility of SNP-STRs in investigation where one inconsistency was reported at the CSF1PO STR
mixture analysis. locus, the characterization of a SNP-CSF1PO locus enabled the attain-
The high abundance of DIP and SNP loci across the human genome ment of a higher PD value than STR and SNP alone [155]. Similarly, in
also justifies the effort to search and characterize additional informative a non-invasive prenatal paternity testing investigation [156], six in-
compound biomarkers. Liu et al developed a proof-of-concept set of 14 formative SNP-STRs (< 210bp) were screened based on the Expanded
DIP-SNP loci and implemented the assay on the CE detection system. U.S. Core STR loci from maternal and paternal reference profiles. Po-
The short amplicon size ranging between 80 and 300 bp makes these sitive detection of the cell-free foetus (cff) DNA circulating in maternal
loci useful for the analysis of degraded DNA samples. [139]. Overall plasma of ten pregnant women at 16 to 22-weeks was confirmed by
these markers show high sensitivity in singleplex and multiplex PCR informative SNP-STRs. The widespread localization of SNP-STRs and
reactions and enable detection of the minor donor down to 0.1 ng DNA, different mutation rate of SNPs and STRs make these loci also poten-
though a minimum input amount of 1–10 ng was suggested for optimal tially useful for the evolutionary analysis of human [136,157], and non-
results. This 14-locus set allowed the detection of the minor donor human DNA [158,159]. As with other compound loci, DIP-SNPs can
down to a 50-100-fold excess of the major donor in multiplex and at also be used for the analysis of mixtures occurring in vivo (e.g., foetus
1000-fold of the major donor in singleplex reactions (Table 1). Most loci free DNA circulating in pregnant women’s plasma).
showed a high level of heterozygosity on a set of 60 Chinese Han in- Overall, these initial investigations of compound biomarkers high-
dividuals from Shanxi province and balanced distribution of alleles in lighted the need for further marker development in compliance with
all but one marker (rs558727698-rs71436264) for which no insertion current forensic technical standards in order to increase the detection of
allele was observed in the population tested. The overall combined informative haplotypes. In addition, more robust application-oriented
power of discrimination for the DIP-SNPs (rs558727698-rs71436264 studies on real evidence and casework-like samples are needed along
excluded) was 0.99 and no linkage disequilibrium among loci located with a rigorous update of the statistical framework for the evaluation of
on the same chromosome was observed. In addition, the probability of compound biomarker DNA profiling [160].
markers being informative for the minor donor was < 0.374 for 14 loci
with an average I value of 0.33 for 13 loci (rs558727698-rs71436264 5. Emerging MPS strategies for mixture deconvolution
5.1. Impact of MPS STR profiling
4.3. Mixture application in forensic scenarios
Massively parallel sequencing provides extensive high-throughput
Thus far the application of compound biomarkers to forensic-like data and the ability to rapidly and inexpensively (on a per-base fashion)
and real evidence samples has been evaluated in few studies. For DIP- interrogate a large battery of forensically relevant markers of up to 400
STRs, Oldoni et al. designed two specific mixture studies to compare the nucleotides in length, in parallel, and with no problems with alleles
performance of DIP-STRs to standard autosomal STR and Y STR ana- from different loci overloading. Since multiplex assays for MPS are no
lysis. One aimed to target the minor donor on casework-like trace longer constrained by the number of available fluorescent labels, pri-
biological material transferred through handling (“touch” DNA), re- mers can be designed to PCR amplify a panel of STR loci within a si-
gardless of sex [145]. Selected DIP-STRs from the original marker set milar size range.
were tested in singleplex PCR reaction and showed an improved per- Such features make MPS particularly suitable for simultaneously
formance in mixture detection compared to conventional autosomal- addressing different forensic questions in a single targeted workflow

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

and may in turn enhance the resolution of mixture deconvolution System, however, enabled the detection of more alleles than CE frag-
analysis by increasing the discrimination power of DNA evidence. ment analysis with partial profiles of the minor contributor reported up
Current MPS platforms allow sequencing of relatively short sequence to 19:1 ratio.
reads, which cover most core STR loci except those characterized by Van der Gaag investigated a prototype version of the PowerSeq™
long repetitive stretches [26,27]. Some early MPS investigations at- (Promega) system on the MiSeq™ sequencer. The kit includes 17 auto-
tempted to evaluate the resolution limit of conventional STRs by tar- somal STRs and the Amelogenin locus [166] and was tested on a series
geting the minor donor in two-source mixtures of known ratios, and of mixture ratios (1:99, 5:95, 10:90, 20:80, 50:50, 80:20, 90:10, 95:5
proved that the interpretation of STR sequence data is not as straight- and 99:1) using a total DNA input varying from 0.5–6 ng, with a
forward as initially anticipated [74]. This was also due to the un- minimum of 60 pg of the minor donor. The sequence reads representing
desirable presence of stutter peaks of similar height to the minor allele the minor contributor down to 1% of the total DNA profile could only
peaks in STR amplifications, which can be detected in stutter range be recovered for a few STR loci. This was due to the presence of extra
position of the parental alleles of the major contributor(s), further PCR amplification or sequence error variants for some of the loci that
complicating the analysis of STR profiles. The stutter formation is in- could complicate the interpretation of STR profiles, without prior
fluenced by different characteristics of a given sequence that comprises knowledge of the mixture ratio, and also stutter issues [166]. Stutter
the A/T content of the specific repeat unit and the number of unin- ratios of sequence-based STR alleles generally resemble those of sized-
terrupted repeat units within the specific STR locus [161]. based STR allele aside from complex STR loci for which CE alleles can
While the generation of stutter peaks is more straightforward for be separated into their sequenced alleles.
simple STR loci, additional attention must be given to those STR loci Moreover, Guo et al. tested the performance of ForenSeq™ DNA
characterized by compound and complex repeat structure (e.g., D21S11 Signature Prep Kit from MiSeq FGx™ Forensic Genomics (Illumina)
and D12S391), which are the most polymorphic and informative loci System in a mixture study using 2800 M and 9947 A Control DNA
[74]. Stutter occurrence can be proportional to the length of the longest samples. Mixtures at various ratios (1:49, 1:19, 1:9, 1:1, 9:1, 19:1 and
uninterrupted stretch (LUS) of repeats occurring within an STR locus 49:1) were prepared at 1 ng of input DNA [167]. Robust performance in
[77,162]. typing the minor alleles was reported at 1:9 and 9:1 ratios, and also at
To help determine the characteristics of stutter of sequenced STR 19:1 ratio, but it was not confirmed at 1:19 ratio. However, a decrease
alleles, Hoogenboom et al. developed the Forensic DNA Sequencing in the number of minor alleles was reported significantly at 1:49.
Tools (FDSTools) open-source software solution. [162] This uses a large Though the ForenSeq Kit™ showed better performance than conven-
empirical dataset to predict (train) stutter and additional PCR or se- tional CE-STR kits to generate the full profile of the minor contributor,
quencing artefacts for each STR allele. Moreover, specific stutter models mixture deconvolution was challenging without using reference DNA
can be generated for a given repeat element to predict stutter artefacts profiles.
that are not encompassed in the reference set. In particular, Promega Similarly, the EU funded project DNASeqEx (DNA-STR Massive
Powerseq™ Auto System data, generated from a set of 450 reference Sequencing & International Information Exchange) investigated the
samples and a series of 31 two-DNA mixtures, indicated that FDSTools Forenseq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit on the MiSeq FGx™platform. A series
correction module lowers the stutter ratio from > 20% to < 3%. of male:female (1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 20:1, 15:1, 10:1, 5:1 ratios) as
Recently, Vilsen et al. proposed an alternative approach to predict well as male:male (1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20 ratios) and male:female
the stutter ratio, called block length of the missing motif (BLMM) [163]. (1:100, 1:500 and 1:1000 ratios) mixtures was prepared using 1–2 ng of
This model can be made dependent on both the STR locus and motif. DNA. Overall, the minor DNA’s profile (shared and unshared, obligate
Understanding the origin of stutter within a specific sequence and how or unique) was detected down to a ratio of 1:20 in all female-male and
various repeat motifs influence the formation of stutter peaks may male-male while no allele could be detected at more extreme ratios
provide additional useful information on the interpretation of mixed- (1:1000) using either MPS or CE platforms, as previously reported by
source DNA profiles. Consequently, “poly-stuttering” of complex STR Jäger et al. [168]. When comparing the results of extreme mixtures
structure and the sensitivity of MPS may introduce an additional level using the Forenseq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit to CE (NGM Select™ PCR
of complexity and uncertainty to the deconvolution of imbalanced STR Amplification Kit and PowerPlex® Y23 System) more alleles of the
mixtures. minor donor could be reported using the sequence-based STR kit. When
comparing the performance of the comprehensive MPS multiplex Kit
5.2. Initial evaluation of MPS STR mixture profiling (autosomal STRs, Y-STRs and X-STRs, and individual identification
SNPs) to CE methods, the separate PowerPlex® Y23 kit could detect
This section provides a general overview of the mixture perfor- most of the male minor alleles at severely underrepresented male
mance of both early and recent panels of STRs on MPS platforms, and mixture contributions. However, this could not be reported by se-
also a comparison to CE analysis; however, it is not meant to be an quenced-STRs because of the potential primer competition (preferential
exhaustive description of all MPS STR kits. To date, MiSeq™ (Illumina) amplification) between female and male donors.
and Ion Torrent™ (Thermo Fisher Scientific) are the two most-estab- For sequence-based STR analysis on the Ion Torrent platform,
lished MPS platforms for forensic applications. Different STR panels, Fordyce et al. initially evaluated the human identification STR 10-plex
including the expanded CODIS, the ESS core STR loci, and additional on the Ion PGM [169] platform. The panel was tested on a series of
autosomal and Y chromosome STR loci, are commercially available mixtures that covered balanced and imbalanced ratios (1000:1, 100:1,
[164]. 50:1, 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, 2:1, and 1:1) and using specific input DNA amount
For sequence-based STR analysis on the MiSeq™ platform, Zeng variable from 1 ng to 10 ng. The authors reported on the ability to de-
et al. reported on the use of the prototype PowerSeq™ Auto System of 22 convolute mixtures up to 20:1 ratio akin to CE-STR analysis. However,
STR loci, one Y-STR and the Amelogenin locus [165]. They compared the reads from the minor contributor proved difficult to distinguish
the results to mixtures generated using the PowerPlex Fusion System from sequences related to stutter and baseline noise for more extreme
(Promega) on a CE platform. Mixtures at 19:1, 9:1, 6:1, 4:1, 2:1, 1:1, mixture ratios
1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:9 ratios were amplified using 0.5 ng input of DNA along Wang et al. evaluated the mixture performance of the Precision ID
with mock forensic casework samples (blood/saliva and saliva/semen GlobalFiler™ NGS 32-plex STR Panel (Thermo Fisher Scientific) on the
mixtures). Overall, the MPS results indicated that the prototype Pow- Ion PGM platform. The kit enables the multiplex amplification of 29
erSeq™ STR multiplex system could provide results that are concordant autosomal STRs, one Y-STR locus and Y-indel, and Amelogenin. A series
and comparable in performance with CE fragment analysis for inter- of mixtures (i.e., 29:1, 19:1, 9:1, 4:1, 1:1, 1:4, 1:9, 1:19 and 1: 29) at a
pretation of two-person DNA mixtures. The MPS PowerSeq™ Auto total amount of 1 ng was created [170]. All non-overlapping minor

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

alleles (i.e., control DNA samples 007 and 9947 A) were detected at 1:4 be delayed by the laborious and time-consuming workflow of MPS,
and 1:9 ratio while partial minor STR profiles (8–10 of the 25 non- which requires appropriate pipelines for data assembly and analysis
overlapping alleles) were detected at approximately 1:19 ratio. No [179]. Microhaps are selected on the basis of two main statistics: high
minor alleles could be detected at most loci at higher order mixture effective number of alleles (Ae) within a population and informative-
(1:29 or 29:1). ness across different populations (In). For mixture deconvolution, larger
More recently, Wang et al. [171] reported on the first mixture in- Ae values correlate with a greater ability of microhap loci to detect and
vestigation of an early access 25-plex STR panel (Thermo Fisher Sci- deconvolute two or more than two-person DNA mixtures, and de-
entific) on the Ion S5 XL™ system. A series of balanced, moderately and termine the number of donors.
highly imbalanced two-person mixtures (1:49, 1:19, 1:9, 1:6, 1:3, 1:1,
3:1, 6:1, 9:1, 19:1, and 49:1) at 1 ng of total DNA was prepared. Similar 6.2. MPS panels of microhaps for mixture analysis
to the aforementioned studies, alleles from the minor donor could be
reliably genotyped within a 1:9 to 9:1 ratio range and with most minor An initial assessment of microhaps for mixture deconvolution was
alleles reported at 19:1 when no overlapping alleles between the two performed on the Kidd proof-of-concept set of 31 loci [180], which
DNA contributors were analysed. showed an overall average Ae range of 1.9−2.8. The additional Kidd
Overall, these preliminary MPS investigations of STR mixtures in- panel of 130 microhaps includes 21 loci with Ae values from 3.0–3.9,
dicated that, if properly applied and interpreted, MPS could be con- five loci from 4.0–4.9, and only two loci of Ae > 5.0 and with a prob-
sistently more sensitive, powerful, informative, and perform better in ability of mixture detection of 99.99956%, 99.52% and 94.62%, re-
mixture detection and deconvolution than conventional CE fragment spectively. The Kidd subset of 65 microhaps also includes 22 promising
analysis. Indeed, MPS displays the potential of improving further mix- loci with Ae > 3.0.
ture deconvolution by enabling the detection of specific intra-repeat A proof-of-concept Kidd set of 36 microhap loci, selected from a
variations within STR allelic variants of the minor contributor(s) in larger panel of 130 microhaps [181], potentially useful for forensic
mixed samples. However, these initial studies also highlighted the applications, has been recently developed and its effectiveness on
current limitations in detecting the minor alleles due to the undesirable mixture deconvolution evaluated on both CE size analysis and a beta
preferential amplification of the major’s allele prior to library pre- version of MPS AmpliSeq™ kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) [182]. The
paration [25–27,166]. The benefit of mega multiplex MPS kits, in- interpretation of STR mixtures using CE was questionable because
cluding multiple classes of DNA markers, is, however, counterbalanced minor DNA donor(s) were under the analytical/stochastic threshold and
by the lack of flexibility shown by conventional CE-STR typing kits. in stutter range position. Conversely, MPS-microhap typing of the same
mixed samples enabled the detection of several contributors in two,
6. Microhaplotype profiling three, and four mixed source-samples at different contributor ratios,
respectively, as well as in some representative forensic-type traces using
6.1. Marker features low input of DNA [182]. Additionally, preliminary results on a novel
extended Kidd 74MHplex MPS panel sensitive down to approximately
Microhaplotypes (i.e., microhaps or MHs) are novel genetic markers 50 pg of input DNA confirmed the ability to deconvolute highly im-
recently introduced to complement conventional STR analysis used in balanced mixtures of sister alleles from two contributors at > 19:1 ratio
mixture profiling [172]. They are short loci with an expanse of DNA and using both 1 and 10 ng of input DNA, though uneven performance
that is generally < 300 nucleotides in size (i.e., “micro”) consisting of among microhap loci was observed [183,184]. The same study also
two or more closely linked SNPs associated in three or more allelic displayed the potential of using the same panel to simultaneously detect
combinations (i.e., “haplotypes”). Since the SNPs are clustered, re- and infer the biogeographic ancestry of the minor contributor [172].
combination rates are extremely low [173–175] and because microhaps These findings were confirmed in an independent study on two-person
are single-copy multi-SNP loci, they can provide, on a per locus basis, DNA mixtures at an approximate 1:10 ratio, which demonstrated the
more information than a single SNP (Fig. 2). Sanger sequencing has possibility to recover the full set of alleles from 11 loci of both DNA
historically been the mainstay methodology for DNA sequencing; donors [185].
however, it does not allow the determination of the cis/trans relation- Moreover, Chen et al. developed a panel of 26 tiny microhaps
ship among individual SNP alleles (i.e., process referred to as phase) (< 50bp) on the Hiseq X® Sequencer® (Illumina) platform [186]. These
from genomic DNA when two or more SNP sites are heterozygous. On markers presented a high effective number of alleles (Ae) and high
the contrary, massively parallel sequencing overcomes such limitation heterozygosity. However, only 14 out of 26 were successfully multi-
by clonal sequencing of each DNA strand, and thereby distinguishing plexed and tested for mixture analysis. The performance of the assay
the parental haplotypes at one specific locus and unambiguously re- was evaluated on two simulated two-donor mixtures at a 1:1 ratio and
vealing the SNP phase [176,177]. 600 ng input of DNA. The preliminary results indicated that one-third of
Microhaps present some advantages over standard STRs that include the loci displayed three or more haplotypes in the artificially prepared
by definition their multi-allelic nature, absence of an STR sequence, mixtures, thereby suggesting their promise for mixture deconvolution.
which prevents Taq polymerase slippage and stutter peak generation. Van der Gaar et al. [187] developed a set of 16 short loci that showed
The preferential PCR amplification of shorter alleles, which commonly that the power to detect a third allele in a two-person mixture for at
occurs with STRs, is absent as microhap amplicons are the same size least one of the 16 microhaps ranged from 0.995 to 0.9989 in Asian and
within each locus. In addition, lower mutation rates than STRs render Dutch populations, respectively and up to 0.99992 in African popula-
microhaps a potentially effective tool for relationship testing and tion.
missing-persons identification. However, microhaps also display some Finally, Voskoboinik et al. also suggested the use of additional
disadvantages, including the presence of fewer alleles than most STRs polymorphic haplotypes (Ae > 15) for mixture analysis [188]. They
and consequently, the requirement for a larger panel of microhaps to selected 10 loci that included > 10 SNPs and performed a simulation
reach comparable values to STRs. The generation of artificial haplo- analysis using sequence reads from mixtures simulated to replicate the
types not observed among the DNA sample donors can occur due to reads from the MinION sequencing platform (Oxford Nanopore). Mix-
technical sequencing issues. Moreover, since allele frequencies vary tures were prepared by mixing a fixed number of contributors at dif-
across different populations [178], population-specific allele fre- ferent ratios and with each contributor resulting from randomly sam-
quencies are needed to calculate the random match probability or the pled haplotypes at each locus. Although marker development and
likelihood ratio in forensic caseworks. The implementation of this novel validation is required, preliminary results suggested the potential of
DNA-typing approach within the global forensic DNA community could using these hypervariable loci to include one contributor to a four or

F. Oldoni and D. Podini Forensic Science International: Genetics 41 (2019) 107–119

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