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Princess Caroline A. Vivar#, Pinky P. Salvador* and
Ferdinand T. Abocejo*
Department of Public Governance, College of Arts and Sciences,
Center for Research and Development,
Cebu Normal University


There are a lot of human activities that contribute to waste generation. These
waste materials if failed to be disposed in the proper manner and in the proper
place create a serious problem to humans and threat to nature. Solid Waste
Management plays a big role on the preservation of life and nature. Managing
wastes has become a problem especially in highly urbanized areas. Philippines
is considered as the tiger economy of Asia for its fast growth and development.
This advancement comes together with problems of solid waste management.
Republic Act 9003 of the Philippines addresses different issues regarding Solid
Waste Management. It mandates Local Government Units to implement policies
to promote proper solid waste management. This study is concerned on the
SWM of Barangay Lahug, Cebu City. It examines the ordinances and
implementation enforced by the local government unit (LGU) and the status of
practices and compliance the residents in the barangay make regarding solid
waste management. It will also investigate the municipal solid waste
management in a barangay level. In conducting this study, interview
questionnaires were answered by 107 household residents and 21
business/commercial establishments’ respondents. An interview with the Lahug
LGU representative was held. The survey was conducted to gather information
on the knowledge and practices respondents have on solid waste management.
This paper concludes that solid waste management in Barangay Lahug
implements solid waste management through enforcing Cebu City Ordinance
No. 2031 known as Solid Waste Segregation. The awareness of the residents
and business establishments in the barangay about solid waste management is
high. The practices and compliance of residents indicates the knowledge and
training they have acquired. Solid waste management is a human obligation to
fulfill. The inefficiency and failure to sustain proper solid waste management is a
societal, environmental, economical, and political issue.

Keywords: Solid Waste Management, Municipal Solid Wastes, Local

Government Unit, Republic Act 9003, City Ordinance 2031, Lahug

I. INTRODUCTION jurisdiction of local government units such as

industrial, commercial and household
The Republic Act 9003 defines wastes. Municipal Solid Wastes is the
Municipal Solid Wastes as generated concern of this study.
wastes out of the behaviors of the people
inside the

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

Population and economic growth are generation of the Philippines in 2012 was
the results of development or modernization. 106 million tones which is expected to
To cater the increasing population, more double in 2025 (DOST, 2012). Local
establishments and institutions are built to government units (LGUs) are responsible for
meet the demands of the people. The high managing solid wastes. The Philippines has
consumption of the people is simultaneous 71 provinces, 116 cities, 1,502
to economic development but lefts the municipalities, and 41,392 barangays.
environmental development behind. Rapid
increase of population, urbanization, social The status of Solid Waste
and economic progress result to mass Management (SWM) is a critical to set what
production of waste. Therefore these should be done by the government and
developments may cause much private sectors for better results and better
environmental pollution and waste which can policy making. Solid waste management
affect the sound environment. The solid contributes to the progress in economic,
wastes have become a major consequence social and public health of one‟s community
of development, modernization and and country. Solid waste management
urbanization. The solid waste affects the keeps business to take place, attracting
natural environment and is a serious threat investors to trust the country and community
as these materials remain unless removed, in the success of their ventures. It keeps the
burned or washed away (Anand, community clean and the people disciplined.
2010). Impacts on problems concerning SWM avoids chaos between individuals with
health and setting of the people will arise regards to each other‟s‟ waste disposal. The
without proper management and planning. health of the citizens should be prioritized.
According to Mustaq (2010), eradicating risk The most important resource the country has
of community health and protecting the is human resource, without people working,
locale are the significant endeavors of Solid the country cannot generate income. The
Waste Management (SWM). Solid waste is children whose health is most delicate at a
a waste a person considers to dispose. young age can also be affected with solid
Managing waste is one of the most waste management. With this, the
expensive public service the government researchers found the need and urge to
offers. Collecting, transporting, treating and study solid waste management.
disposing waste that doesn‟t harm the
environment came to be a problem because The city of Cebu is a notable urban
of the increasing of waste production levels city in the Philippines; out of its 80
as the outcome of urbanization and growth barangays 50 are considered as urban
in economic. The countries that face the making only 30 barangays rural (World
worst scenarios of managing wastes are the Bank, 2001). There are two (2) systems of
ones developing because their revenue to waste management in Cebu City, the
enforce is limited (Mustaq, 2010). Municipal Solid Waste Management system
that covers some industrial, commercial and
In the Philippines, developing and residential solid wastes excluding the
implementing SWM is an obligation vested hazardous ones and Hazardous Wastes
under LGUs such as provinces, cities, Management which covers hazardous and
municipalities and barangay (World Bank, hospital care waste (Policy and Regulations
2001). Philippines as a developing country Cebu, 2009). Lahug is the study area which
has a growing number of advancing cities is one of the biggest and highly urbanized
which constitutes to its global barangay in Cebu City. Barangay Lahug
competitiveness. Different establishments, has a total population of 36,648, land area of
amount of inhabitants and source of income 443 hectares and 7,259 number of
generate solid wastes. The annual waste households. When it comes to commercial

ISSN 2449-4577 (online) 2408-283X

areas, the barangay has a number of Rational-Choice Theory is an

establishments including Cebu City approach to interpret the decision-making
Waterfront Hotel & casino, Cebu City Civic and behavior of people (Kesselman et al.,
Trade Center, Cebu Marco Polo Plaza 2013). According to Sodaro, 2004 Rational
Hotel, Cebu Parklane Intl. Hotel, Petron, Choice Theory believes that the behavior of
Shell, JY Square, Honda Philippines, Ford human beings is motivated by self-interest
Philippines, Asia Town I.T. Park and more.. seeking to increase gains and reduce costs.
The study shall investigate the local Therefore, actions and decisions made by
government of barangay Lahug as to how every person is a product of thinking what
solid waste management is implemented in can give him more favor or benefit.
a barangay level and the problems there are
challenging solid waste management. This Waste management did not pose a
study shall contribute to readers‟ knowledge threat and problem not until urbanization,
that shall educate them on the kind of increase in population and decrease of land
system LGU and residents have in solid mass occur. Through Green Politics, the
waste management and will encourage and world fronts serious environmental issues
lead for further studies to undertake. that if neglected will definitely be at the
human races‟ disadvantage. Upon realizing
The Local Government Unit plays a these, under the Rational-Choice Theory,
big role in implementing Solid Waste the disasters that go with improper waste
Management. This paper provides the status management, actions and different
of compliance of both the residents and the measures were taken by institutions
barangay Lahug LGU on the ordinances and particularly the government.
laws on Solid Waste Management.
The lawmakers of the Philippines
1.1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework authored and passed Ecological Solid Waste
Management (ECOSWAM) also known as
This study is anchored on the Green Republic Act 9003. ECOSWAM presented a
Politics (Naess, 1989) ideology and complete pursuit to the dilemmas of SWM. It
Rational-Choice Theory (Becker, 1976). provides the plan of the government “to
Green Politics or ecologism is an ideology in adopt a systematic, comprehensive and
global politics that concerns the continuity ecological solid waste management program
and sustainability of nature, conservation of that will ensure the protection of public
ecol ogy and the balance between the health and environment” (RA 9003, Art. 1,
growth of economic progress to the Sec. 2). The act led the creation of Solid
environmental development through social Waste Management and Board National
justice and grassroots democracy. Green Solid Waste Management Commission in
Politics resulted to the formation of NGO‟s every Local Government Unit (LGU) making
like Greenpeace and other „ecological LGUs accountable in implementing services
warriors‟ campaigning for the issues of of ECOSWAM (Corinthia & Tucsan, 2008).
pollution and environmental movements. It mandates the SWM of the provincial/city,
Moreover, Green Politics addresses three municipality and barangay level to
major problems; Resource, Sink and Ethical. implement, require reduction, segregation,
Sink Problems, to which this study is recycling and recovery of waste. Local
concerned attempts to address the issues government units are also ordered to collect,
done by waste generation through pollution transfer, treat and dispose solid wastes.
reduction, increased recycling and develop This law was enacted by the Philippine
new technologies that are less likely to give Government and was signed into law by
off pollution (Heywood, 2011). former president Gloria M. Arroyo during her
administration. This law is in accordance to

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

Figure 1. A schema on the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Section 15 of Article II in the Philippine

Constitution that the „State shall protect and three variables are vital to achieve the
promote the people‟s right to health and effective and efficient execution of SWM.
instill health consciousness‟. Moreover,
Section 16 states that „the State shall 1.2 Study Objectives
protect and advance the right of the people
to a balanced and healthful ecology in This study investigated the municipal
accord with the rhythm and harmony of solid waste management in Baragay Lahug,
nature‟. Cebu City. Specifically, this study aims to
achieve is (a) to examine the Cebu City
With Green Politics and Rational- ordinances and its implementation on Solid
Choice Theory, as the theories, and RA Waste Management in Barangay Lahug ,
9003 (ECOSWAM), as the legal basis, solid (b) practices and compliance and (c) the
waste management is produced. The Local awareness and satisfaction of Household
Government Unit/LGU is responsible for and Commercial respondents in Barangay
enacting and securing the proper solid Lahug concerning the Solid Waste
waste management. The National Management.
Government in vested local autonomy to
LGU‟s to make them effective partners in 1.3 Literature Review
achieving national goals includes LGU‟s to
facilitate solid waste management. Unused material which is of no value
Household, Institutional and Commercial to its owner is called waste, where the owner
Generators or can be generally coined as is the waste generator. Solid Waste is
the generators of Municipal Solid Waste generated from household, commercial or
which are the primary stakeholders to the institutional activities (Maria et al., 2011).
waste lessening. Municipal Solid Waste Individual houses compose the Residential/
Generators must attain and maintain good Household Wastes while
solid waste management. Commercial/Institutional Wastes comes from
hotels, offices, schools and other institutions
SWM in barangay level can be (Hoomweg et al., 1999). According to World
investigated through the ordinances and its Bank, 2001 wastes can be identified into
implementation made by the City-LGU, three sources; first are the Municipal Solid
practices and compliance of residents in the Waste (MSW) which includes wastes from
barangay towards SWM and the awareness residences, commercial and business
and satisfaction they have on SWM. These

ISSN 2449-4577 (online) 2408-283X

establishments and institutions, and Non- management involves a lot of people who
Hazardous industrial process and carry out different duties to aid in sustaining
agricultural wastes, and sewage waste. hygienic and secured surroundings for
Second are the Industrial waste which is a people so that there will be protection to the
mixture of different components from an welfare of the populace and environment.
industrial operation and lastly the Hazardous However, effective solid waste management
waste which poses as great harm to the in many countries is still a test to the
environment and human health. governments, particularly to unindustrialized
ones (Othchere et al., 2014). Eradicating risk
European Environment Agency of community health and protecting the
(2013) found out that the progress of a surroundings of the community are the
country can be accessed through its significant purposes of SWM (Mustaq,
municipal waste management. Municipal 2010).
Waste partakes a big part on the fulfillment
of a Solid Waste Management since it takes Visuanathan et al., (as cited in
up almost 75% of the waste being Chiemchairisi et al., 2007) said that the
generated. composition of solid waste in some Asian
Countries are highly biodegradable and
There are six (6) main components of mainly composed of organic materials which
solid waste management ,(Nemerow, 2009) can easily be broken down. In addition, large
stated that Solid Waste Management is the communities such as cities have developed
organized management of actions that strong foundation for more efficient
attend to the accumulation, separating municipal solid waste management while the
sources, depository, removal, transport, small and average-sized areas are still
treatment (including recycling), operation struggling to the challenge of limited funds
and dumping of solid wastes. Moreover, and technology, absence of awareness
Asase et. al, (as cited in Othchere et al., concerning environmental issues, efficiency
2014), also stated that the production of of implementing policies and regulations,
waste, composition of waste, accumulation and not enough cooperation (Xue et al.,
and transportation of waste, and waste 2012).
process and riddance are the essential
features of the system of SWM. In 2011, Linden et al., (as cited in Othchere et
World Bank (cited in Zurbrugg, 2002) stated al, 2014) mentioned that there are ten (10)
plenty of local governments in the common challenges to solid waste
Philippines are applying a unified system of management in Asia. These are: unsuitable
waste management which includes treatment, insufficient administration, illegal
reducing, recycling, composting and re-using disposal, financial problems, shortage of
wastes. human power, lack of political support, lack
of policy making, policy problems, rapid
Mustaq (2010) mentioned that waste generation, no information
managing waste is one of the most dissemination to the mass and inadequate
expensive public service the government land areas to become landfills. Furthermore,
offers. Collecting, transporting, treating and according to Atienza (2008), for the past
disposing waste that doesn‟t harm the seven decades, several policies have
environment came to be a problem because already been implemented by the Philippine
of the increasing of waste production levels Government to address the dangers of
as the outcome of urbanization and growth SWM. But problems regarding different
in economic. The countries who face the issues continued to resurface, several
worst scenarios of managing wastes are the factors such as lack of command and
ones developing because their revenue to ineffective monitoring contributed to the
enforce is limited. Consequently, waste

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

failure of these policies to address the II. METHODOLOGY

Survey questionnaire was made and
Loge et al. (as cited in Hardeep et al., used to inquire the respondents. There are
2013), after conducting a research found out two interview guides: one for the household
that the success of any solid waste and the other for the commercial/business
management plan rest on on the people of establishment respondents. The questions in
the community. Abdella and Balla in their the interview guide for the households were
study on domestic SWM and its impact on prepared to find out the respondents‟ profile,
human health and the environment in Sharg the information they know about SWM, the
El Neel, Khartoum State, Sudan, added that types of solid waste they generate, the
the low educational background of the practices and compliance they have in
residents reflect their poor practices and putting away solid waste, schedule of
attitudes towards solid waste management. collection and its application, and to know
(Abdella and Balla, 2013). Moreover, their opinion on the performance of the LGU
according to Sphores et el., (as cited in Lahug in implementing solid waste
Massawe et al., 2014) income and status of management. The questions asked to the
employment which are products of the level commercial/business establishment
of education are good indicators to the respondents aimed to answer the same as
degree of willingness and participation in the households except for their profile. A
recycling. personal interview with a Barangay LGU
Lahug representative was held to inquire the
In the Philippines, several laws and amount of waste production in Barangay
ordinances were passed to address the Lahug, the collection services available in
issue of Solid Waste Management. Republic the barangay, resolutions made by the
Act No. 9003 or as Ecological Solid Waste barangay council addressing solid wastes,
Management was signed by Former the equipments and automobiles used in
President Gloria Arroyo on 2001. collecting solid wastes, collection rules,
(ECOSWAM)(Corinthia & Tucsan, 2008). disposal practices, and problems faced with
Ordered by RA 9003, Cebu City formed the the management system.
City Solid Waste Management Board
(CMSWMB) that shall organize, present and The respondents are the households
execute projects for an ensured and clean and commercial/business establishments of
management of solid wastes in areas under Barangay Lahug and the Local Government
its command. Unit of Lahug. The researchers used quota
sampling method to achieve the exact
The current status of SWM in Cebu amount of respondents from the Lahug
City are as follows: collects not lower 350 Households and Establishments. Out of 7,
tons of garbage every day, implementation 259 households of the barangay, 107
of “No Segregation, No Collection” Policy residents from different households were
but lack of enforcement in segregating in surveyed. Out of 210 commercial/business
most barangays (DOST, 2006). Moreover, establishments, 21 were surveyed. The
there is a inefficient coordination and linkage researchers interviewed 107 household
between the city and the barangays. Poor respondents and 21 commercial/business
maintenance of equipments, garbage trucks establishments which were derived via quota
that are not suitable for segregating wastes sampling. Moreover, the researchers
into different compartments according to interviewed 1 representative from the
their kind, and wastes collectors that are not Barangay Lahug LGU.
diligently following collection schedule are The household interview guide has 6
present questions for their profile and 15 questions

ISSN 2449-4577 (online) 2408-283X

for solid waste management. The and 81 years old as the oldest. In addition,
commercial/business establishment the educational background of the
interview guide has 16 questions inquiring respondents as seen in the above table,
about solid waste management. A different 7% were graduates in elementary level, 5%
set of questions were made for the barangay were undergraduates in high school, 68%
LGU representative. were high school graduates, 5% were able
to enroll their selves to college and were
The gathering of data was conducted not able to finish and there are 15% of the
upon approval of the submitted letter of respondents who are graduates in college
intent by the researchers to the barangay with a degree of accountancy, education,
captain of Lahug. The researchers find and computer science and among others.
interview a prescribed number of people in Moreover, most of the respondents are
each of the categories. The household employed with 57% rate, 30% are not
respondents were grouped according to employed, 7% deals with business and 6%
sitio while the Establishments were grouped are among others. Among those who are
according to the street where it is located. employed, 92% are working in private/NGO
The researchers interviewed the and 8% are in the government.
respondents using the questionnaires to be
answered by the owner of the house in each Table 1
household and commercial/business Profile of Household Respondents
establishment representative and asked
voluntary participation from these Variable Value
respondents with written consent. Male-60% 60%
Data generated from the survey Female-40% 40%
interviews were used to generate graphs Mean Age-44.71 44.71 yrs
and charts by analysis and interpretation. Youngest Age 19 yrs
The data were encoded and decoded in the Age
S.D.- 14.5 yrs
Microsoft Excel 2007 Software in measuring
the percentage of the responses from Oldest Age 81 yrs
household and commercial/business Elementary Graduate 7%
respondents. Descriptive analyses were Highschool Level 5%
performed; tables and graphs were Educational Highschool Graduate 68%
generated to highlight salient findings. Attainment
Simple percentage was calculated to College Level 5%
describe the profile of respondents as to College Graduate 15%
age, gender and educational attainment. All Accountancy 24%
data gathered are based on the answers Education 19%
from the interview, survey and meetings Degree
with sectors who take part in working and Computer Science 10%
decision-making in the scope of SWM. Criminology 10%
Others 42%
Employed 57%
Source of
3.1 Profile of Household Respondents Income Business 7%
Others 6%
Among the research respondents, Private/NGO 92%
Nature of
40% are female and 60% are males. The Government 8%
youngest respondent is 19 years of age

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

Table 2
Ordinance of Cebu City on Solid Waste Management

Ordinance No. and Title
Section Focused in the Study
2017-Creation of the Cebu City
Solid Waste Management Board Section 2- Mandates Barangay LGU in
(SWMB) making a barangay committee on Solid
Waste Management

1361- No Segregation, No
Section 40- Provides the No Segregation, No
Collection 1990 Collection Policy

Section 2-Requires different storage

depending on the nature of waste
2031- Segregation at Source 2004 Section 2C-Provides the regulations for
waste reduction through segregation at
source where waste generators should first
segregate before dumping wastes

Table 3
Performance of Barangay Lahug LGU on Solid Waste Managemet

Particular Practices
Each individual generates 0.5 kilogram of solid waste per
Garbage Generation per day. While, the barangay produces approximately 18,324
Day kilograms per day.
Per Sitio is once a week
Schedule of Collection of
4 dump trucks.
Equipment used by the
Barangay LGU

Collection Policy No segregation No collection.

Conducting seminars and Creation of a Solid Waste

Programs Management Cooperative
The dump trucks are often under repair because these
Problems Faced are old trucks already but still are in use.
Cebu City Ordinance No. 2031-Segregation at source.
Upon the collection, the households shall already
City Ordinances implemented by segregate their garbage because failure to do so results
the barangay to no collection of their garbage or complying with

in accordance to the Section 2 of the

3.2 Solid Waste Management Ordinances City‟s

Cebu City Ordinance No. 2017

creates Cebu City Solid Waste Management
Board and appropriates its finances. This is

ISSN 2449-4577 (online) 2408-283X

policy in ensuring conservation of public health

and ecosphere by practicing environmental
waste management. It also takes recognizance
to NGO‟s and private sector to develop and in
the implementation of unified, inclusive and
eco-friendly Solid

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

Waste Management necessary acts. This barangay. The barangay LGU in rendering
mandates barangays to make a committee their service in implementing solid waste
on Solid Waste Management. management uses four dump trucks. These
dump trucks are old that oftentimes have
Cebu City Ordinance No. 1361 mechanical malfunction and are under
establishes garbage collection system, repair. The garbage collection of Barangay
imposes charges, and expropriates budget Lahug happens every day but because of
on Solid Waste Management. The ordinance the number of sitios or areas to be catered in
at the same time groups urban barangays of the collection and the travel time required for
Cebu City into 21 zones. Each of the zones a dump site two towns away from the city
are designated with street sweepers, a team makes the current garbage collection of the
of garbage collectors, a garbage truck and a barangay per sitio is collected once a week.
driver, and a public service manager. DOST, (2006) on a study on Solid Waste
Specifically, this is applied to all the Management in Cebu City found out that the
barangays in the city thus failure to follow common problems faced by the barangays
the garbage collection system can be in the city are poor maintenance of
imposed fees. equipments, garbage trucks that are not
suitable for segregating wastes into different
Pursuant to RA 9003, Cebu City compartments according to their kind, and
Ordinance No. 2031 is for the implementing wastes collectors that are not diligently
Source Segregation, giving sanctions and following collection schedule are present.
making a special source for money intended The distance of dump sites and unreliable
to be incentives to those who practice dump trucks are the problems that the
segregation. It intensifies RA 9003 or the barangay LGU of Lahug face in the
ECOSWAM. The ordinance implements the operation of SWM. Because of unavailability
“No Segregation, No Collection Policy”. It of dump trucks, the city is forced to collect
classifies wastes into 5 major groups which the wastes of the barangay thus the
wastes should be segregated according to collection schedule is not followed
its source which are the Biodegradable / accordingly. DOST (2006) found out that
compostable wastes, Non-biodegradable there is a inefficient coordination and linkage
waste, Reusable / Recyclable waste, between the city and the barangays.
Hazardous or special waste and the Bulky Upon the collection of garbage, the
wastes. It presents the hierarchy of Solid garbage collector sees to it that there is
Waste Management where waste segregation before collecting the garbage.
generators should follow in order to reduce Policy and Regulations Cebu (2006) on the
wastes, which involves source reduction, study of the current status of SWM in Cebu
Re-use, Recycle, Composting and Disposal. City showed that implementation of “No
Furthermore the ordinance specifically Segregation, No Collection” Policy is the
provides the designated containers of waste only ordinance implemented by the
according to the waste generated. barangays in the city. Evidently, Lahug LGU
also has the Cebu City Ordinance No. 2031
3.3 Implementation of Solid Waste or the Segregation at Source as the only city
Management by Barangay Lahg ordinance being implemented by the
LGU barangay. Lahug also has a council on SWM
that caters the demands and inquiries of
Barangay Lahug‟s garbage residents on their solid wastes as per
generation per day of an individual is 0.5 mandated by RA 9003. But unlike the
kilogram making the whole barangay provisions of City Ordinance No. 2031,
produce 18, 324 kg of solid waste per day Barangay Lahug residents do not solely
and amounting to approximately 500 tons practice segregation (See Figure 2). There is
per month with the total population of the

ISSN 2449-4577 (online) 2408-283X

Table 4
Disposal Practices of Respondents

Practice on Putting-Away Solid Wastes who do not use Public Bins

Respondents Waste Valley, Lake-side, By Road or Whole in Hang in

Van River Street Compound fence
Household 86% 1% 6% 2% 5%
Establishment 100% - - - -

a penalty or fine sanctioned to the offenders. solid waste management. Among the
The representative of the barangay LGU of household respondents, 44% throws
Lahug admitted that even upon the strict garbage to public bins while 56% do not. For
implementation of collection policies, some those household respondents that do not
residents still fail to follow instructions and use public bins, they use waste van, throw it
show no discipline in segregating wastes. in valley, lake-side, river, by the road or
This implicates that there is a weak street, whole in the compound or hang in
enforcement of laws by the barangay LGU. fence. On the other hand, among the
The policy applied in collecting garbage to commercial/business establishments, 48%
barangay residents goes the same to the throws their garbage to public bins and all
business/commercial establishments. the remaining 52% put away their garbage
Furthermore, the initiative of the barangay on waste van.
LGU is conducting seminars to their
constituents in relation to Solid Waste
100% 90% 95% 95%
Management. 76%

100% 91% 85% 60%

80% 65% 40%




Figure 3. Awareness, Compliance on

Segregation and Satisfaction of Establishments‟
Respondents (n=107)
Figure 2. Awareness, Compliance on Barangay Lahug LGU in
Segregation and Satisfaction of Households‟ implementing Solid Waste Management
Respondent (n=107) produced the following data: 91% of the
households said that they have heard about
solid waste management and 85% were
The respondents were asked to trained on the proper SWM. The source of
where they throw their garbage in relation to information about SWM were heard and

An official peer-reviewed journal published by SAMAR STATE
CDRJ Vol 3 Issue 1 (2015)

learned by the household respondents came waste management is not only an

mainly from the public meetings held by the environmental issue but also as political and
barangay LGU, others from schools, radio, economical. The challenges of solid waste
television and posters (see appendix 5). The management shall continue to be an issue if
training acquired by household respondents not taken into consideration and planning.
also came from the actions, programs and
seminars of the barangay Lahug LGU. The Anchored on the results, the
65% of the Households were practicing researchers recommend in order to answer
segregation and 63% are satisfied with SWM, the strict implementation and
Barangay Lahug LGU‟s Solid Waste following of segregation at source (ordinance
Management implementation. In No. 2031), government investments on
commercial/business establishments, 90% SWM equipments and sufficient allocation of
said that they have heard about solid waste budget to LGUs, subjects in school should
management and 76%were trained on the include educating students on detailed topics
SWM by the efforts of companies, about solid waste management and the
employers and business owners. The 95% involvement, participation and cooperation of
of commercial/business establishments communities and local government. The
practice segregation and 95% are satisfied government shall have to exert more effort
with Barangay Lahug LGU‟s Solid Waste as financial assistance shall be needed to
Management implementation. educate people and raise awareness on
solid waste management, implement solid
Loge et al. (as cited in Hardeep et waste management with commitment for a
al., 2013), revealed that the achievement of long-term, and aide the LGUs all over the
each plan in managing solid wastes is on the Philippines to the support they require for the
hands of people in the community. Actions complete and satisfying delivery of the
of local government can‟t succeed without service of the government in their action
the cooperation of the people. The high towards solid waste management. A
percentage of household respondents to partnership between public and private
whether or not they have been trained on corporations is also highly recommended.
the matters of Solid Waste Management
does not indicate that there is also high REFERENCES
compliance to segregate their garbage
unlike the result of business/commercial Abdellah, A. M., & Balla,, Q. I. (2013).
establishments respondents who have a Domestic Solid Waste Management
lesser percentage on being trained but the and its Impacts on Human Health
compliance on segregation is higher than of and the Environment in Sharg El
the households. This implicates that the Neel Locality, Khartoum State,
Barangay Lahug LGU has done an efficient Sudan. Pakistan Journal of
implementation in the process of solid waste Biological Sciences . Retrieved from
IV. CONCLUSIONS human-health-environment-sharg-
Barangay Lahug LGU has a weak sudan
enforcement of city ordinances but showed
effectiveness and efficiency through the high Anand (2010). Solid Waste Management.
satisfaction by the respondents. From the Mittal Publications, New Delhi,
above statements, information gathered and India. Retrieved
results shown, the conclusion is that solid from

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