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9/7/2020 Schemes Current Affairs 2020 - Current Affairs Today

PMJDY completes six years of successful implementation

10 days ago

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) successfully completed 6 years

on 28th August 2020. Under the scheme, 63.6% Rural PMJDY accounts
and 55.2% Women PMJDY accounts have been created. The PMJDY
scheme has been the foundation stone for the Modi government’s
people-centric economic initiatives. Highights: ♦ The PMJDY scheme was
launched on 28th August 2014 by teh Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The main aim of the
scheme is to provide poor people access to financial services, namely, Banking/ Savings &
Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. ♦ The
scheme ensures access of financial products and services at an affordable cost and the use
of technology to lower cost and widen reach. So far, about 8 crore PMJDY accountholders
receive Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from the Government under various schemes. ♦ The
scheme was extended with new features and the focus was shifted from Every Household to
Every Unbanked Adult. ♦ Under this initiative, Jan Dhan Darshak App, a mobile application,
was launched with an aim to provide a citizen centric platform for locating banking touch
points such as bank branches, ATMs, Bank Mitras, Post Offices, etc. in the country.  ♦ Over 8
lakh banking touchpoints have been mapped on the Geographic Information System (GIS)
App. The facilities under Jan Dhan Darshak App could be availed as per the need and
convenience of common people. The web version of this application could be accessed at
the link
Month: Current Affairs August 2020

Chattisgarh CM launch Padhai Tuhar Para Scheme for School Students

21 days ago

The Chief Minister of Chattisgarh Bhupesh Baghel has announced the

launch of the Padhai Tuhar Para Scheme (Education up to your locality), a
new scheme on 15th August, Independence Day. Under the scheme, the
students will be able to study in their own neighbourhoods as classes
were suspended due to the outbreak of covid-19. Padhai Tuhar Para
Scheme: ♦ Padhai Tunhar Para scheme aims to teach children with the help of the community
in the villages. ♦ The scheme was launched to take the Padhai Tunhar Duar scheme, an
online education platform further.  ♦ The state government launched the scheme to benefit
around 2.2 million children are getting its benefit. ♦ Also, the CM has launched a Bluetooth-
based programme called Bultu ke Bol with an aim to introduce to provide study materials to
students in remote areas with no access to the Internet.
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PM Narendra Modi launched National Digital Health Mission

23 days ago

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the National Digital Health

Mission on the 74th Independence day. It is expected that the mission
would revolutionize India’s health sector.  Highlights: ♦ Under the National
Digital Health Mission, every Indian will receive a unique health identity
card. ♦ The mission features Tele-consultation and E-Pharmacies. ♦ Every
citizen who holds the cards shall allow one-time access to the doctors and health care
providers during their visit to the hospitals. ♦ National Digital Health Mission  Mission allows
patients to access health services remotely.  ♦ The card will ensure permission to access
confidential medical data which will be provided for every visit by the patient himself. It will
assure the privacy and maintenance of the patient. Also, the control of access to the digital
records ♦ will be completely in the hands of the patient and the doctors will be able to access
the medical record every time only at the will of the patients.
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Odisha topped in implementing AMRUT scheme

23 days ago

Odisha has topped in the implementation of the Atal Mission for

Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme. As per the data
provided by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Odisha has
secured a score of 85.67%. Also, Chandigarh and Telangana have
secured the second and third positions followed by Gujarat and
Karnataka. AMRUT scheme: ♦ AMRUT scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi in June
2015. ♦ The scheme aims to establish an infrastructure that will ensure robust sewage
networks and water supply for urban transformation. ♦ Under the mission, efforts have been
made towards universal coverage of water supply, construction of sewage treatment plants,
and improving green spaces in the 9 AMRUT cities of Odisha. ♦ The nine cities are Balasore,
Bhubaneswar, Baripada, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Rourkela,  Bhadrak, Berhampur, and Puri. These
cities are covered under the AMRUT scheme in Odisha. ♦ A total of 191 projects are grounded
in the state. Out of the total 1919 projects, 148 projects have been implemented and the rest
are likely to be completed by March 2021. ♦ Under the scheme, the Universal coverage of
piped water supply has been completed by laying or replacing 400 km of pipeline to date,
and all the nine AMRUT cities will have 100 percent network coverage by December 2020. ♦
Also, several parks with well-conceived landscaping and rejuvenation facilities, open gyms,
and jogging trails have been developed.
Month: Current Affairs August 2020

Assam launched Orunodoi scheme for womens financial empowerment

25 days ago

Assam State Government launched "Orunodoi scheme", a mega scheme

for women's financial empowerment. Under the mega scheme, a district-
wise selection of beneficiaries will begin from August 17. The beneficiaries
will receive the amount in the bank account of a female family member on
the first day of every month. The scheme will begin from the month of
October 2020. Orunodoi scheme: ♦ The scheme will provide Rs.830 per month each to 17
lakh poor families under the ambitious “Orunodoi” scheme. ♦ The Assam state government
has allocated a sum of Rs.280 crore for the new scheme. ♦ It is expected that this will be the
biggest scheme in Assam which will initially benefit at least 17 lakh families and the number
would subsequently increase to 25 lakh. ♦ The Orunodoi scheme focuses on empowering
women while contributing to economic development. ♦ The scheme aims to help the poor
households to meet their medical, nutritional, and academic needs besides to meet the
additional spending during various festivals. ♦ Under the Orunodoi scheme, priority will be
given to households with widows, divorced, unmarried or separated women, and disabled
persons. ♦ Inorder to avail the benefits of the scheme, the beneficiary should be a permanent
resident of Assam, and their composite household income should be less than Rs.2 lakh per 4/39
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annum. ♦ People who have certain movable and immovable assets including land, big
houses, vehicles, electronic gadgets, and most government and semi-government
employees, would be excluded benefitting from the scheme.
Month: Current Affairs August 2020

Chhattisgarh CM launched Indira Van Mitan Yojana

26 days ago

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched Indira Van Mitan

Yojana on the occasion of World Tribal Day. The scheme aims to make the
forest dwellers in the state self-reliant.  Indira Van Mitan Yojana: ♦ Under
the Indira Van Mitan Yojana, youth groups will be formed in 10,000 villages
of tribal area of the state. All forest-based economic activities will be
conducted through these groups. The groups will work to provide self-employment and
prosperity of the forest dwellers through these groups.  ♦ The groups will also ensure
arrangements for procurement, processing and marketing of forest produce.  ♦ The scheme
aims to add 19 lakh families from scheduled areas.  ♦ The groups will manage trees. They will
collect the forest produce from the trees of the forest areas and get economic benefits.  ♦
The estimated cost of a unit would be around Rs.10 lakh. An amount of Rs.8.50 crore will be
made available for the establishment of forest produce processing units in 85 development
blocks of scheduled areas.  ♦ Inorder to increase the income of forest dwellers fruit and
vegetation plants will be planted instead of timbers in the forests.
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Union HRD Minister to launch Manodarpan to provide psychosocial support to

48 days ago

Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal

‘Nishank’ is to launch virtually the Manodarpan initiative of Ministry of
Human Resource Development (MHRD) 21 July 2020. Manodarpan is an
initiative under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, to provide psychosocial
support to students for their Mental Health and Well-being. Highlights: ♦
The initiative is launched due to the need to focus on continuing education on the academic
front and the mental well-being of the students.  ♦ Manodarpan will cover a wide range of
activities to provide Psychosocial Support to the students for their Mental Health and Well-
being during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. ♦ All the students, teachers, and parents
across India have been directed to join the initiative to keep a healthy lifestyle and lead a
stress-free life. ♦ The Manodarpan initiative has been included in the Atma Nirbhar Bharat
Abhiyan. ♦ The initiative is a part of strengthening human capital and increasing productivity
and efficient reform and initiatives for the Education sector. ♦ Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
was launched on 12th May 2020 by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a stimulus package
for revitalising the economy of India post COVID-19 outbreak. 
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People Availing Healthcare Services under Ayushman Bharat Yojana Hits 8.8
57 days ago

Ayushman Bharat Yojana Under February 2020 to 30th Ayushman Bharat

Yojana at the Health and Wellness Centers across the country, around 8.8
crore Indian people have taken advantage of healthcare services since
ISt June 2020. At the time of the COVID-19 Lockout, the country-wide
health and wellness centers conducted 6.53 lakh yoga and wellness
sessions.  Once the ATL App Development Modules are implemented, it will be the largest
App learning initiative at school level around the world. Currently 5100 Atal Tinkering Labs
have already been built in over 660 districts across the country.  8.8 Crore Hits Highlights
from All India Data Available (from 1st February 2020 to 30th 2020) Of the 8.8 crore
population: 1.41 crore population with hypertension 1.34 crore were found with diabetes oral,
breast, or cervical cancer 1.12 crore.  In June 2020: 5.62 lakh patients were dispensed with
hypertension medicines while 3.77 lakh medicines were dispensed through the Health and
Wellness Centers for patients with diabetes. Step Taken by the government during the
COVID-19 pandemic to ensure medical services under the Yojana Until December 31 , 2020,
29,365 health and wellness centers were located across the country. In the first half of 2020
(from January to June) 12,425 new Health and Wellness Centers throughout the country were
operationalised. The total number of health and wellness centers offering treatment as of 1st
July 2020 under Ayushman Bharat Yojana was 41,790.
Month: Current Affairs July 2020

National Fish Farmers Day 2020 Obseved on 10th July

58 days ago

63rd National Fish Farmers Day India celebrates 10th July every year as
the "National Fish Farmers Day" to honor the fish farmers, aquapreneurs&
fisher folks in recognition of their accomplishments in the field and their
contribution in the growth of the fisheries sector in the country. This year it
was 63rd National Fish Farmer's Day. On July 10th, the Department of
Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in association with the
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) hosted a webinar on the occasion of National
Fish Farmers Day. Background History: Every year, on 10 July, the National Fish Farmer's Day
is celebrated in memory of scientists Dr. K. H. Alikunhi and Dr. H.L. Chaudhury who
successfully demonstrated induced breeding (Hypophysation) technology in Indian Major
Carps on 10 July 1957 at the former CIFRI Pond Culture Division in Cuttack, Odisha. (presently
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, CIFA, Bhubaneswar). The event aims to draw
attention to changing the way the country manages fisheries resources to ensure sustainable
stocks and healthy ecosystems. The event is celebrated every year by congratulating
outstanding farmers, aquapreneurs, and farmers in appreciation of their accomplishments in 7/39
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the field and their contribution to the development of the country's fisheries sector. Apart from
officials, scientists, professionals, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders, fishermen, and fish
farmers from across the nation will participate in the event. About NFBD Webinar: On   July
10th the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying in
association with the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) hosted a webinar on the
occasion of National Fish Farmers Day. Shri Giriraj Singh, Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal
Husbandry and Dairying, Shri P. C. Sarangi, Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry
and Dairying, Dr. Rajeev Ranjan, Secretary, Department of Fisheries, Government of India and
senior officials from the Department of Fisheries graced the occasion. Interacting with
fishermen, officials, scientists, entrepreneurs at various locations across the country, Union
Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Shri Giriraj Singh observed that to
consolidate the achievements of the Blue Revolution and pave the way from NeeliKranti to
ArthKranti, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi  The "Pradhan
MantriMatsyaSampadaYojana" (PMMSY) has been launched with the highest investment ever
of Rs. 20,050 crore over the next five years in order to realize its goal of doubling the farmer
's income.  This scheme would tackle critical gaps in fish production and sustainability,
efficiency, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, improving and enhancing
the value chain, traceability, creating a comprehensive system for fisheries management and
welfare for fishermen. Shri Giriraj Singh said that providing ‘Quality Seed’ of fish is very
important in enhancing production and productivity in the country.    On the occasion of
'National Fish Farmers Day,' Shri Giriraj Singh announced that the NFDB, in collaboration with
the NBFGR, will undertake the work of developing 'Fish Cryobanks' in various parts of the
world, which will promote the availability of 'fish sperms' of desired species to fishermen at all
times. This will be the first time in the world when "Fish Cryobank" will be created, which can
bring a revolutionary change in the country's fisheries sector to boost fish production and
productivity, thereby enhancing prosperity among the fishermen.  
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GoI launched Accelerate Vigyan to strengthen scientific research mechanism

67 days ago

GoI launched Accelerate Vigyan to strengthen the scientific research

mechanism. The new scheme was launched by the Science and
Engineering Research Board (SERB). The scheme aims to provide a single
platform for research internships, capacity building programs, and
workshops across the country. Accelerate Vigyan: ♦ The main objective of
the Accelerate Vigyan scheme is to give more thrust on encouraging high-end scientific
research and preparing scientific manpower, which can lead to research careers and
knowledge-based economy.  ♦ It aims to recognize that all research has its base as the
development of quality and well-trained researchers. ♦ AV will initiate and strengthen
mechanisms to identify research potential, training, mentoring, and hands-on workshop on a
national scale. ♦ It aims to expand the research base, with three broad goals, namely, 
consolidation/aggregation of all scientific programs initiating high-end orientation workshops
creating opportunities for research internships for those who do not have access to such
resources/facilities ♦ The AV plans to work on a mission mode with respect to its component
dealing with consolidation/aggregation of all major scientific events in the country. ♦ Also, an
Inter-Ministerial Overseeing Committee (IMOC) that involves all the scientific
ministries/departments and a few others has been constituted for the purpose of supporting
SERB in implementing the AV scheme in a successful manner.
Month: Current Affairs July 2020

Centre launched PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme

70 days ago

Centre launched the PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing

Enterprises (PM FME) scheme as a part of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. It
was launched by Union Minister for Food Processing Industries Harsimrat
Kaur Badal on 29 June.  PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing
Enterprises (PM FME): ♦ Centrally Sponsored PM Formalisation of Micro
food processing Enterprises scheme was launched by the Ministry of Food Processing
Industries (MoFPI). ♦ The scheme aims to provide financial, technical, and business support for
the upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises. ♦ The PM FME Scheme will
generate a total investment of Rs.35,000 crore. ♦ It will also generate 9 lakh skilled and semi-
skilled employment and benefit 8 lakh units through access to information, training, better
exposure, and formalization. ♦ The scheme will be implemented over a period of five years
from 2020-21 to 2024-25 with an outlay of Rs.10,000 crore. ♦ The expenditure for the scheme
will share a 60:40 ratio between Central and State Governments, in 90:10 ratio with North
Eastern and the Himalayan States, 60:40 ratio with UTs with the legislature, and 100% by
Centre for other UTs.
Month: Current Affairs June 2020 9/39
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Tripura launched Mukhyamantri Matru Pushti Uphaar scheme

72 days ago

Tripura State government announced the  Mukhyamantri Matru Pushti

Uphaar scheme. The scheme aims to provide nutrition kits to pregnant
and lactating women. The scheme is expected to benefit 40,000 women
from the state. The initiative was launched as many pregnant women and
infants in the state suffer from malnutrition. Mukhyamantri Matru Pushti
Uphaar scheme: ♦ Under the scheme, nutrition kits will be provided to the pregnant &
lactating women. Each kits cost around Rs.500. ♦ Each kit will have food items and grocery
supplies, such as peanuts, soya beans, mixed pulses, jaggery, and ghee.  ♦ The state
government has estimated to incur an expenditure of Rs.8 crore every year for the initiative. ♦
Under this initiative, the pregnant women will be tested four times at a nearby Primary Health
Centers (PHC). After the check-up, the beneficiaries will be given a nutrition kit after each test.
♦ The scheme will be in addition to the Pradhan Mantri Matru Bandana Yojana.  ♦ Previously,
the state had allocated Rs.5,000 each under the Matru Bandana Yojana to 58,996
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PM Narendra Modi launched Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan on 20 June

78 days ago

PM Narendra Modi launched Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan on 20 June.

The scheme is to empower and provide livelihood opportunities in areas/
villages that witness a large number of returnee migrant workers affected
by the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign was flagged off by the PM
from village Telihar, Block Beldaur, district Khagaria, Bihar through Video-
Conference. PM announced that an amount of Rs.50,000 crores will be spent for building
durable rural infrastructure under the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan. Garib Kalyan Rojgar
Abhiyaan: ♦ Under Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan, a campaign of 125 days will work in mission
mode.  ♦ The mission is coordinated by 12 different Ministries/Departments, including
Panchayati Raj, Road Transport & Highways, Mines, Rural Development, Drinking Water &
Sanitation, Environment, Railways, Petroleum & Natural Gas, New & Renewable Energy,
Border Roads, Telecom and Agriculture. ♦ A total of 116 districts will be undertaken by Garib
Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan. The districts are: Bihar - 32 districts Uttar Pradesh - 31 districts
Madhya Pradesh - 24 districts Rajasthan - 22 districts Odisha - 4 districts Jharkhand - 3
districts ♦ The list of 25 works and activities that are targeted to be taken up are: Construction
of Community sanitation centre (CSC) Construction of cattle sheds Construction of Gram
Panchayat Bhawan Construction of poultry sheds Works under 14th FC funds Construction of
Goat Shed Construction of National Highway works Construction of Vermicompost structures
Water conservation & Harvesting works Railway Construction of Wells RURBAN Plantation
works PM Kusum Horticulture Bharat Net Construction of Anganwadi Centers CAMPA
plantation Construction of rural housing works PM Urja Ganga Project Rural connectivity
works KVK training for Livelihoods Solid and liquid waste management works District Mineral
Foundation Trust (DMFT) works Construction of farm ponds ♦ The initiative will provide
livelihood opportunity to returning migrants and similarly affected rural citizens ♦ Saturate
villages with public infrastructure and create livelihood opportunities viz. Roads, Housing,
Anganwadis, Panchayat Bhavans, various livelihood assets, and Community Complexes
among others.
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Centre approves Annual action plan for Bihar under Jal Jeevan mission
99 days ago

Centre has approved the Bihar State's Jal Jeevan Mission Annual Action
Plan. As per the plan, the State has provided 100% coverage of all
households with functional tap water connections by 2020-21. The plan
was approved by the Ministry of Jal Shakti. Highlights: ♦ Bihar State is
planning to provide tap connections to the remaining 1.50 Crore
households in 2020-21.  ♦ The government of India has allocated Rs.1832.66 Crore for this
during 2020-21. ♦ The State Government is all set with the roadmap to implement the target. ♦
A proper plan is in place for 100% coverage of all 38 districts during 2020-21 has been
prepared by the State government.  ♦ Bihar Government is giving special attention to
providing 100% of Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTCs) in Aspirational districts,
quality-affected habitations, and SC/ST villages.   ♦ The move initiated by the state is due to
the abundance of groundwater and surface water in Bihar.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana aims to enhance fish production in the
104 days ago

The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) has announced its
plan to enhance fish production to 220 lakh metric tons (MT) by 2024-25
from 137.58 lakh MT in 2018-19 at an average annual growth rate of about
9%. The announcement was made by the Union Minister for Fisheries,
Animal Husbandry and Dairying Giriraj Singh.  Pradhan Mantri Matsya
Sampada Yojana: ♦ The scheme will bring about Blue Revolution through the sustainable and
responsible development of the fisheries sector in India. ♦ PMMSY scheme will be
implemented over a period of 5 years from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 in all States/Union
Territories. ♦ The scheme aims to double export earnings to Rs.1,00,000 crore. ♦ It also aims
to generate about 55 lakh direct and indirect employment opportunities in the fisheries
sector. ♦ The scheme is dedicated to aiding the fishers, fish farmers, fish workers, fish
vendors, and other stakeholders associated with the fisheries sector. ♦ The scheme will
envisage an estimated investment of Rs.20,050 crores comprising a Central share of Rs.9,407
crore, the State share of Rs.4,880 crore, and Beneficiaries contribution of Rs.5,763 crore.  ♦
The PMMSY aims to infuse new and emerging technologies like Re-circulatory Aquaculture
Systems, Biofloc, Aquaponics, Cage Cultivation, etc. to enhance production and productivity,
productive utilization of wastelands and water for Aquaculture.
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Madhya Pradesh to launch Everybody will get employment scheme

108 days ago

Madhya Pradesh State Government is to launch Everybody will get

employment scheme. The scheme will be inaugurated by Madhya
Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan through video conferencing. Under
this scheme, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MNREGA) job cards will be distributed to the labourers. Everybody will
get employment scheme: ♦ The scheme aims to provide employment to migrant labourers
and those labourers who have gone out of the state in search of employment, in their village
and gram Panchayat area itself. ♦ For the implementation of the scheme, a large number of
employment-oriented activities have been started under the MNREGA scheme. Under this,
new labourers will be engaged in these activities. ♦ As per the data provided by the state
official, over 19 lakh 92 thousand labourers are working in 22,695 gram Panchayats in the
state.  ♦ From 1 April 2020 till now, more than 35.45 lakh labourers have been provided
employment under MNREGA amid the COVID-19 crisis. The employment included 42.2% of
women also.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020

GoI launches scheme to solarise entire Konark Temple

108 days ago

GoI has launched a scheme for the solarisation of Konark Sun Temple and
Konark town in Odisha. The announcement was made by the Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy. The main objective of the scheme is to
develop the historical Sun temple town of Konark in Odisha as 'Surya
Nagri'. Highlights: ♦ Under the scheme, the Centre aims to set up the 10-
MW grid-connected solar project and various solar off-grid applications such as solar drinking
water kiosks, solar trees, and off-grid solar power plants with battery storage. ♦ It will be set
up with a 100% central financial assistance (CFA) support of around Rs.25 crore from the
Government of India through the MNRE. ♦ The implementation of the project will be done by
the Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA). ♦ The scheme is expected to
meet all the energy requirements of Konark town with solar energy.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020 13/39
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Cabinet approves Special Liquidity Scheme for NBFCs, HFCs to address their
Liquidity Stress
109 days ago

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved

the proposal of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) to launch a new Special
Liquidity Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and
Housing Finance Companies (HFCs). The scheme aims to improve the
liquidity position of the NBFCs/HFCs. Proposed Scheme: ♦ The
Government has proposed a framework for addressing the liquidity constraints of
NBFCs/HFCs through a Special Liquidity Scheme.  ♦ As per the scheme, a Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV) would be set up to manage a Stressed Asset Fund (SAF) whose special
securities would be guaranteed by the Government of India (GoI) and purchased by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) only. ♦ The SPV will proceed with the sale of such securities to
acquire short-term debt of NBFCs/HFCs.  ♦ The Scheme will be administered by the
Department of Financial Services, MoF. GoI will issue the detailed guidelines. ♦ A large public
sector bank would set up an SPV to manage a stressed asset fund that would issue interest-
bearing special securities guaranteed by the Government of India, to be purchased by RBI
only.  ♦ The SPV would issue securities as per requirement subject to the total amount of
securities outstanding not exceeding Rs.30,000 crore to be extended by the amount required
as per the need.  ♦ The securities that are issued by the SPV would be purchased by RBI. And
the proceeds would be used by the SPV to acquire the debt of at least investment grade of
the short duration of eligible NBFCs/HFCs.  
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Cabinet approves extension for the welfare of Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana
110 days ago

The Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the
extension for the welfare of Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
(PMVVY). It aims to enable old age income security for Senior Citizens:
Highlights: ♦ As per the approval, the scheme is extended up to 31 March
2023 for a further period of three years beyond 31 March 2020. ♦ It also
allowed initially an assured rate of return of 7.40% per annum for the year 2020-21 per annum
and thereafter to be reset every year. ♦ Annual reset of the assured rate of interest with effect
from 1 April of the financial year in line with the revised rate of returns of Senior Citizens
Saving Scheme (SCSS) up to a ceiling of 7.75% with a fresh appraisal of the scheme on breach
of this threshold at any point. ♦ It also approved the expenditure to be incurred on account of
the difference between the market rate of return generated by LIC (net of expenses) and the
guaranteed rate of return under the scheme. ♦ The extension also includes capping
Management expenses at 0.5% p.a. of funds of the scheme for the first year of scheme in
respect of new policies issued and thereafter 0.3% p.a. for the second year onwards for the
next 9 years.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020

Cabinet approves Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana

110 days ago

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved

the implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
(PMMSY) on 20 May 2020. The scheme aims to boost investments in the
fisheries sector and increase of competitiveness of fish and fisheries
products. Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana: ♦ The Pradhan Mantri
Matsya Sampada Yojana scheme aims to bring about Blue Revolution through sustainable
and responsible development of the fisheries sector in India under two components namely,
Central Sector Scheme (CS) and Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS).  ♦ The total estimated
investment for the scheme is Rs.20,050 crore comprising of the Central government share of
Rs.9,407 crore, State government share of Rs.4,880 crore, and Beneficiaries' share of
Rs.5,763 crore. PMMSY Scheme will be implemented during a period of 5 years from FY
2020-21 to FY 2024-25. ♦ The scheme aims to address the critical gaps in the fisheries sector
and realize its potential. ♦ The main objective of the scheme is the doubling of fishers, fish
farmers, and fish workers' incomes by 2024. ♦ It will ensure the availability of certified quality
fish seed and feed, traceability in fish, and including effective aquatic health management.
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Ayushman Bharat beneficiaries touch 1 crore

110 days ago

Ayushman Bharat beneficiaries set a milestone by touching 1 crore count

across the country. The scheme is meant only for poor and economically-
deprived people in India. The eligible families to avail the benefits of the
scheme are fixed based on the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC).
Ayushman Bharat: Ayushman Bharat or the National Health Protection
Mission (AB-NHPM) was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September 2018 in
Ranchi, Jharkhand. The mission is popularly known as Modicare. The flagship health
insurance programme of GoI aims to provide Rs.5 lakh hospitalization cover to up to 107.4
million poor and vulnerable families. Under the mission, over 1.5 lakh sub-centres were
converted into wellness centres with an aim to cater to the majority of services such as
detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, screening for common cancers, mental
health, care of the elderly, eye care, etc. The wellness centres under the mission also offer a
set of services including mental health services, maternal and child health services, and
vaccinations against selected communicable diseases.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020

Madhya Pradesh launched Charan Paduka initiative for migrant labourers

111 days ago

Madhya Pradesh state government launched the Charan Paduka initiative.

The first of its kind of initiative is for the migrant labourers passing through
the Madhya Pradesh. Charan Paduka Initiative: ♦ Under the Charan
Paduka campaign, the migrant labourers who are heading back to their
native land will be provided shoes and slippers to reduce their pain.  ♦
The campaign is being conducted by the police in most places. It aims to send the labourers
to their homes respectfully amid COVID-19. ♦ The Charan Paduka campaign started from the
Rau Police Station of Indore. ♦ The new initiative to support migrant labourers has spread in
many cities of Madhya Pradesh including Damoh, Umaria, and Sagar.
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Chhattisgarh to launch Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana

114 days ago

Chhattisgarh State government is to launch Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay

Yojana on 21 May on the commemoration of the death anniversary of
former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The scheme is aimed to stimulate the
rural economy in the state, amid the slowdown caused by by the COVID-
19 pandemic. Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana: ♦ Under the scheme, the
state government will inject Rs.5100 crore into the state's rural economy by directly
transferring the grant amount through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) into the accounts of
farmers.  ♦ For this scheme, the state had made the provision for the scheme in the Budget
2020-21. ♦ The farmers would be paid Rs.10,000 per acre for paddy, corn, and sugarcane
crops, based on the registered and procured area for the Kharif season.  ♦ The scheme will
benefit over 1.87 million farmers.  ♦ The state government also plans to provide a fixed
amount per acre based on the registered and notified areas for pulses and oilseed crops.
Month: Current Affairs May 2020

Andhra Pradesh CM launched Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme

132 days ago

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S.Jaganmohan Reddy launched the

Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme on 287 April.  Jagananna Vidya
Deevena Scheme: ♦ Under the scheme over Rs.4,000 crore of funds
have been released along with Rs.1880 crore towards the pending
amount left by the earlier government. ♦ Under this scheme, fee
reimbursement will be credited directly to mothers' accounts instead of college accounts in
the coming academic year 2020-21. ♦ The state government will provide Fee reimbursement
for ITI, B.Tech, B. Pharmacy, MBA, MCA, and B.Ed Courses.  ♦ An amount of Rs.15,000 to
Rs.20,000 will be offered for the eligible candidates through the Jagananna Vidya Deevena
Scheme.                     ♦ Orders have been issued to the colleges to reimburse the entire fee
amount paid by all the parents during the year 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Month: Current Affairs April 2020 17/39
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Cabinet approved the continuation of RoSCTL scheme from 1 April

166 days ago

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved for
continuation of Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL)
scheme from 1 April 2020. Until then, the scheme will be merged with the
Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP). It is
expected to make the textile sector competitive by rebating all taxes and
levies that are currently not being rebated under any other mechanism. RoSCTL Scheme: ♦
RoSCTL Scheme is an export incentive that is offered on the basis of the Freight on Board
(FOB) value of the export. ♦ It will replace the Rebate of State Levies (RoSL) scheme.  ♦ The
introduction for RoSCTL was notified by the Ministry of Textiles in March 2019. ♦ RoSCTL will
be implemented through a scrip-based system on the export of garments and made-ups.  ♦
Under the scheme, the rates were notified in four schedules. Schedules 1 and 2 specify the
Central and State taxes and levies for apparel and made-ups. Schedules 3 and 4 will give the
Central and State taxes applicable for apparel export when the fabric has been imported
duty-free under the Special Advance Authorisation Scheme. ♦ The scheme was introduced
due to the increasing international pressure on export incentives provided by the Indian
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Around 1.5 lakh SSAs covered with at least one bank branch under PMJDY
173 days ago

Ministry of Finance reported that all villages were mapped by banks into
1.59 lakh Sub-Service Areas (SSAs) under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan
Yojana (PMJDY). One SSA caters to 1,000 to 1,500 households. The report
was submitted by Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, Minister of State for Finance
& Corporate Affairs in Rajya Sabha. Highlights: ♦ Over 0.33 lakh SSAs
have been covered with bank branches, and 1.26 lakh SSAs are covered by the deployment
of interoperable Business Correspondents (BCs) so far.  ♦ Banking outlets are being rolled out
in uncovered areas, and the process is looked after by State Level Bankers' Committees, in
consultation with the concerned State Government, member banks and other stakeholders.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana seeks to integrate the
poorest of the poor with bank accounts. The implementation of the scheme done in 3 phases
so far.  The 3 phases are: ♦ Phase I: 15 August 2014-14 August 2015 ♦ Phase II: 15 August 2015-
14 August 2018 ♦ Phase III: After 14 August 2018
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Health Ministry placed Draft National Policy for Rare Diseases in its website
173 days ago

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has finalized and placed the Draft
National Policy for Rare Diseases on its official website. It was announced
by the Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar
Choubey.  Highlights: ♦ A component of rare diseases has been included
in the draft. It was made effective from 1 January 2019. ♦ Under the
Umbrella Scheme of Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi, the Ministry has included one-time financial
assistance up to Rs.15 lakh to patients belonging to families living below the threshold poverty
line for treatment of specified Rare Diseases amenable to one-time treatment in Government
hospitals.   ♦ The financial assistance covers disorders amenable to treatment with
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), including such Lysosomal Storage Disorders
(LSDs) for which Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) is presently not available and severe
form of Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type I within first two years of age. Rashtriya Arogya
Nidhi: Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi was established as a society registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860. It is also called the National Illness Assistance Fund. The scheme
provides financial assistance to patients, living below the poverty line, who suffers life-
threatening diseases in the form of a 'one-time grant.'
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

More the Rs.20 crore has been sanctioned under the Stand Up India Scheme
173 days ago

Ministry of Finance reported that more than Rs.20,466.94 crores of loans

had been sanctioned under Stand Up India Scheme to over 91,000
accounts up to 10 March 2020. The information was shared by Shri
Anurag Singh Thakur, Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs.
Stand Up India Scheme: Stand Up India Scheme was launched by the
Government of India on 5 April 2016 by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is a part of the
Department of Financial Services' (DFS) to promote entrepreneurial projects. Aim: The main
objective of the Stand Up India Scheme is to promote entrepreneurship among the
scheduled caste (SC), scheduled tribes (ST), and women by loaning money to start a new
business. The scheme will lend bank loans between Rs.10 lakh and Rs.1 crore to at least one
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank
branch of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs). The loan will facilitate the borrower to set up
greenfield enterprises in the manufacturing, services, or the trading sectors. The people who
avail the benefits of the scheme will be informed about the online platforms, other resources
of e-marketing, web-entrepreneurship, factoring services, and registration.
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Mission Solar Charkha of Ministry of MSME

174 days ago

The Solar Charkha Mission was initiated by the Ministry of Micro, Small &
Medium Enterprises (MSME). The Khadi and Village Industries
Commission (KVIC) implemented the program. Aim: The Scheme aims to
ensure inclusive growth by the generation of employment, especially for
women and youth, and sustainable development through solar charkha
clusters in rural areas. The Scheme will boost the rural economy and help in arresting
migration from rural to urban areas. It also leverages low-cost, innovative technologies and
processes for sustenance. Mission Solar Charkha: ♦ The target of the mission is to cover 50
solar clusters across the country. Under the Scheme, approximately 1,00,000 beneficiaries are
to be covered.  ♦ So far, ten projects have been approved under Mission Solar Charkha.  ♦
The total cost for one cluster of Solar Charkha would involve a maximum subsidy of Rs.9.599
crore. ♦ It aims to generate direct employment to nearly one lakh persons.` A pilot project was
implemented in 2016 at Khanwa village, Nawada District of Bihar. 
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Union Government implements POSHAN Abhiyaan

175 days ago

Government of India is implementing POSHAN Abhiyaan across the

country to address the problem of malnutrition. The campaign aims to
reduce malnutrition in the country. The abhiyaan will be implemented in a
phased manner through a life cycle approach. It also aims to reduce
combat under-nutrition, anemia among young children, women and
adolescent girls and reduce low birth weight. POSHAN Abhiyaan: POSHAN (Prime Minister’s
Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition) Abhiyaan or National Nutrition Mission is the
Government of India's flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children,
pregnant women, and lactating mothers. It was launched by Prime Minister Modi on the
International Women's Day on 8 March 2018 in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. The scheme has
directed the attention of the country towards the problem of malnutrition and addresses it in a
Month: Current Affairs March 2020 20/39
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Manipur government announced schemes for sportspersons, artistes

175 days ago

The Manipur State government is to provide benefits to sportspersons

and artistes of the state and the country. The announcement was made
by the Chief Minister N Biren Singh on 15 March. It was declared that it
was the biggest ever scheme for the welfare of the sportspersons and
artistes of the state. Highlights: CMAST scheme: ♦ For the Chief Ministers
Akhannaba Sanaroisingi Tengbang (CMAST) scheme, around Rs.7.36 crore will be required. ♦
Under the CMAST scheme, suitable employment in government services would be provided
to sportspersons winning medals in international events, on the basis of criteria laid down by
the state government. ♦ It will also support the sportspersons for purchasing costly sporting
items.  ♦ Cash awards will be awarded for Olympians who bag gold, silver, bronze, and the
winners will be given Rs.1 crore, Rs.75 lakh, and Rs.50 lakh  respectively. ♦ The government
will provide incentives of up to Rs.2 lakh per annum to around 250 local clubs of the state. ♦
The scheme includes a lifetime pension scheme for unemployed sportspersons and coaches
of 50 years and above who have represented the state or the country either in national or
international tournaments. CMAT: ♦ The newly announced Chief Ministergi Artiste Singgi
Tengbang (CMAT) schemes will require around Rs.5.70 crore. ♦ The CMAT scheme has been
designed for renowned artistes. It encourages them to performing arts, literary arts, and visual
arts. The scheme will benefit around 4,000 artistes a year. ♦ Pension will be extended to
around 1,000 artistes who are 60 years and above under the scheme. ♦ The pensioners
under the scheme include awardees, gurus, and non- awardees who have contributed to
preserving the tradition, culture, and art forms of Manipur. ♦ The scheme will provide financial
assistance to the award winners in the national competition and festivals.
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Cabinet approved the Scheme for RoDTEP

177 days ago

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) led by PM Narendra

Modi approved the introduction of the Scheme for Remission of Duties
and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP). The Scheme will create a
mechanism that will create for reimbursement of taxes/ duties/ levies at
the central, state, and local levels. The Scheme will be in line with "Digital
India." Provision: ♦ Currently, the reimbursement of taxes/ duties/ levies are not being
refunded under any other mechanism, but which are incurred in the process of manufacture
and distribution of exported products.  ♦ The Scheme will boost the domestic industry and
Indian exports providing a level playing field for Indian producers in the International market
so that domestic taxes/duties are not exported. ♦ An inter-ministerial committee will determine
the rates and items for which the reimbursement of taxes and duties would be provided.  ♦ A
refund under the Scheme will be in the form of transferable duty credit/electronic scrip that
will be issued to the exporters, which will be maintained in an electronic ledger.  ♦ The
Scheme will be implemented with end to end digitization. ♦ The Scheme will be a step
towards zero-rating of exports, along with refunds such as Drawback and Integrated Goods
and Service Tax (IGST).  ♦ It is expected that the scheme would lead to the cost
competitiveness of exported products in international markets and better employment
opportunities in export-oriented manufacturing industries.   ♦ It aims to increase their
productivity, boost exports, and contribute to the overall economy.
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

UP launched schemes for skill development, employment generation for youths

178 days ago

Uttar Pradesh State government has launched three schemes, namely

Kaushal Satrang, Yuva Hub, and an apprenticeship scheme for skill
development and employment generation for youths in the state. It also
has announced to depute Arogya Mitras at all primary health centres to
inform people about govt health schemes. The schemes were launched
by Chief Minister of state Yogi Adityanath. Highlights: ♦ The state's industrial sector had
received private and public sector investment of nearly Rs.3 trillion in the past 3 years. ♦ All
three schemes are dedicated to generating employment and self-employment opportunities
for the youth of the state.  ♦ Kaushal Satrang scheme has seven components that will provide
opportunities to the youth. ♦ The state has allocated Rs.1,200 crore for the Yuva Hub scheme
in the state budget. The scheme aims to provide employment to thousands of skilled youth
by assisting in project concept and financial help for one year of operation.  ♦ CM
apprenticeship scheme will provide a stipend of Rs.2500 to the youth of the state.
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TIFAC launched Vigyan Jyoti scheme

182 days ago

Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)

launched the Vigyan Jyoti scheme on 8 March 2020. The scheme aims to
encourage women to pursue science.  Vigyan Jyoti: Vigyan Jyoti is an
initiative that will create a level-playing field for the meritorious girls in
high school to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) in their higher education.  Under the scheme, Selected women from
more than 500 districts will be given opportunities to attend science camps at Indian
Institutes of Technology (IITs), NITs, and other leading institutions of science and technology
education where women are not adequately represented. TIFAC: TIFAC was set up in 1988. It
functions under the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology. It
foresees the technological innovation in select technology areas that were of national
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Centre to set up at least one PMBJP Kendra in every block of the country
182 days ago

Government plans to set up at least one Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya

JanAushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) Kendra in every block of India by the
end of 2020. The announcement was made by the Union Minister of
Development of North Eastern Region Dr.Jitendra Singh at the Jan
Aushadhi Diwas celebration in Kathua, J&K.  The government for Jammu
& Kashmir launched the PMBJP to promote affordable and quality generic medicines among
the people. The speed of development in UT of J&K has increased manifold after the creation
of Union Territory (UT) as all the progressive Central laws have been directly implemented
without any hindrance. PMBJP: Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP)
campaign was launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) in 2008. It was
launched under the name Jan Aushadi Campaign. Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) is
the implementation agency of the scheme. PMBJP aims to provide quality medicines at
affordable prices to the masses. PMBJP stores were set up by GoI to provide generic drugs at
lesser prices but with equal quality and efficacy as expensive branded drugs. It focuses on
bringing down the healthcare budget of every citizen of India by providing Quality generic
Medicines at Affordable Prices.
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Poshan Abhiyaan celebrated its second anniversary

182 days ago

The second anniversary of the Centre's Poshan Abhiyaan Poshan

Pakhwada was celebrated on 8 March. The focus of the two-week-long
Poshan Pakhwada 2020 is 'Men for Nutrition.' The aim is to increase male
engagement in Poshan Abhiyaan. It aims to improve Nutritional Indicators.
NITI Aayog's data states that Andhra Pradesh ranked first in the overall
implementation of Poshan Abhiyan. As part of the program, the State has trained all Angan
Wadi Workers on modules created based on lifecycle approach with the support of
incremental learning Approach (ILA). Tamil Nadu State has topped the list of the states in
terms of the number of participants in the program. The Integrated Child Development
Scheme has been rejuvenated with the Centre's Poshan Abhiyaan mission. The program is
revitalizing India by reaching out to the children and mothers across the nation. POSHAN
Abhiyaan: Prime Minister's Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan or
National Nutrition Mission is the Government of India's flagship program. It improves
nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. The scheme
reduces malnutrition in the country in a phased manner, through a life cycle approach, by
adopting a synergized and result oriented approach.   The program was launched by Prime
Minister Modi on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March 2018. The scheme
will address the problem of malnutrition and addresses it in a mission-mode. The goals of
Poshan Abhiyan are to achieve improvement in the Nutritional status of children from 0-6
years, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers in a time-bound manner.
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Monitoring cell inaugurated under Mission Bhagiratha

182 days ago

A dedicated monitoring cell was inaugurated under Mission Bhagiratha in

Bhongir Circle, Telangana. It was inaugurated by the Superintending
Engineer of Mission Bhagiratha. The cell invites grievances and issues in
the supply of the tapped drinking water. About the Monitoring cell: ♦ The
aim of the cell is to prevent water scarcity and increase preparedness for
summer. ♦ The officials in the cell will record complaints and redress them in a time-bound
manner. ♦ Consumers and local representatives in the area can report the issue, along with
sufficient details, directly to the staff of the cell. Mission Bhagiratha: Mission Bhagiratha was
implemented in 1998 by Chief Minister Shri K. Chandrasekhar Rao. The Mission aims to
ensure safe and sustainable piped drinking water supply from surface water sources. It also
aims to provide each household with a tap connection. Under the Mission, 10% of the water in
all Irrigation sources reserved for Drinking Water.
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JK government launched Student Health Card scheme for school children

186 days ago

Jammu and Kashmir government has launched Student Health Card

scheme in Jammu on 5 March. It was launched by Lt. Governor G.C.
Murmu at a programme organized by Directorate of Mid Day Meal, School
Education Department in association with National Health Mission at
Teachers Bhavan Jammu. Student Health Card scheme: ♦ The scheme
will ensure regular checkups of school-going children. ♦ It is expected that regular health
checkup facilities at the school level will ensure the good health of students. ♦ The aim of the
scheme will ensure the good health of every school-going children and parents who should
be made aware of the benefits of this scheme. ♦ Previously, the government has launched
MidDay meal for the needy school-going children so that malnutrition can be prevented.
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Gajendra Singh Shekhawat launched Phase II of Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen

187 days ago

The Union Minister for Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh Shekhawat launched
Phase II of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) (SBM(G)) at a National
Dissemination and Consultation workshop on 4 March in New Delhi. The
move comes after the approval of cabinet for the Phase II of the Mission is
a great recognition to the signification achievements made under SBM (G)
under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Phase-II of the SBM(G): ♦
Phase II of the Mission SBM(G) will focus on sustaining the gains made under the programme
in the last five years in terms of toilet access and usage. ♦ It aims to ensure that no one is left
behind.  ♦ It will also ensure that effective solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) is
instituted in every Gram Panchayat of the country. ♦ The scheme aims to provide universal
coverage and access to safe sanitation in rural areas in five years. It was launched on 2
October 2014. Participants: The Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Social Justice &
Empowerment Rattan Lal Kataria, Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
(DDWS) Parameswaran Iyer, Principal Secretaries/Secretaries-in-charge of Rural Sanitation,
Mission Directors (SBMG) of States/UTs, senior officials from the Ministry (GoI), and other
invited state nodal officers engaged with SBM(G) participated in the event.
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UGC develops Jeevan Kaushal scheme to upgrade life skills for UG students
188 days ago

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has developed "Jeevan

Kaushal" (life skills) curriculum for undergraduate students at Universities
and Colleges. The information was passed by the Union Minister for
Human Resource Development Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'. Jeevan
Kaushal: ♦ The Jeevan Kaushal Curriculum covers the courses on
communication skills, professional skills, leadership and management skills, and universal
human values.  ♦ The life skills curriculum is available at
book/SKILL%20ENG/mobile/index.html. ♦ The life skills curriculum is suggestive. The UGC has
requested Vice-Chancellors of all Universities to consider the curriculum for introduction in
Universities and affiliated Colleges/institutions at the undergraduate level. ♦ It is aimed to
enhance an individual's ability to be fully self-aware by helping oneself to overcome all fears
and insecurities and to grow fully from inside out and outside in. ♦ It will increase knowledge
of a person and raise awareness of emotional competency and emotional intelligence at
place of study or work. ♦ The skills will develop interpersonal skills and adopt good
leadership behaviour for the empowerment of self and others. ♦ It will set appropriate goals,
manage stress and time effectively.
Month: Current Affairs March 2020

Suposhit Maa Abhiyan was launched in Kota, Rajasthan

188 days ago

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla launched "Suposhit Maa Abhiyan" from Kota,
Rajasthan. The aim is to create malnutrition-free India.  Suposhit Maa
Abhiyan: ♦ Suposhit Maa Abhiyan will provide nutritional support to
pregnant women and adolescent girls.  ♦ The move is essential as it
provides nutrients to a pregnant lady.  ♦ The scheme aims to provide
essential nutrients to every mother and their offspring. ♦ The campaign plan to support 1000
women by providing food for 1 month for 12 months. Also, the child's health, including medical
examination, blood, medicine, delivery, will be taken care of.  ♦ 17 kg Nutrition kit will be for 9
months. It will include wheat, gram, maize, and millet flour, large soybean, ghee, groundnut,
roasted gram, jaggery, oatmeal, lentils, dates, and rice.
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GoI successfully installed 10 lakh smart meters under SMNP

195 days ago

Government has successfully installed 10 lakh smart meters across India

under the Government of India's Smart Meter National Programme
(SMNP). The announcement was made by the Union Minister of State (IC)
for Power, New & Renewable Energy R.K. Singh. The Minister inaugurated
commissioning of 100 MW decentralized solar power plants connected to
agriculture feeders in Maharashtra. Highlights: ♦ The smart meters are operational in Bihar,
Delhi, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. ♦ The aim of the programme is to bring efficiency in the
distribution system leading to better service delivery.  ♦ In every substation, the capacity of
the solar power plants ranges from 0.5 MW to 10 MW.  ♦ The programme is being
implemented through Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL). ♦ The SMNP aims to replace
250 million conventional meters in India with smart meters. EESL: EESL is an energy service
company of GoI. It functions under the Ministry of Power, India.  Minister responsible: R. K.
Singh Chairman: Rajeev Sharma MD: Saurabh Kumar It is a joint venture of state-owned NTPC
Limited, Power Finance Corporation, Rural Electrification Corporation, and POWERGRID. 
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission completed 4 years

195 days ago

The Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Agriculture and
Farmers' Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar inaugurated the 4th Anniversary
celebration of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission at Dr. Ambedkar
International Centre in New Delhi on 24 February. The theme of the event
was 'Aatma Gaon Ki, Suvidha Sheher Ki'. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Rurban Mission: ♦ The Mission was launched on 21 February 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi. ♦ The aims of the mission are to deliver catalytic interventions to rural areas on the
threshold of growth.  ♦ The focus is to develop the clusters by providing all the basic
amenities, infrastructure, and economic development opportunities in an integrated and time-
bound manner. ♦ Under the mission, 300 clusters have been allocated by the Ministry out of
which 296 have been approved so far.  ♦ The mission leads to convergence of the schemes
of Union and State government that leads to the overall development of the region in a
planned and organized manner.  ♦ The mission has provided good employment
opportunities, basic and urban facilities to rural India such as waste management, smart
classrooms, piped water supply, Roads, Agro-processing and value addition to primary
produce, etc. It is critical for holistic development.
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PM-KISAN completed the first year on 24 February

196 days ago

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) celebrated the first

anniversary of the new Central Sector Scheme on 24 February 2020. The
Central Government has released more than Rs.50850 crores so far. The
total number of beneficiaries covered under the scheme, based on
estimates of the Agriculture Census 2015-16, is about 14 crore. PM-KISAN
scheme: ♦ The scheme was aimed to augment the income of the farmers, with less than 2
hectares of land, by providing income support to all landholding farmers' families across the
country.  ♦ The scheme will enable the farmers to take care of expenses related to agriculture
and allied activities and domestic needs.  ♦ Under the Scheme, an amount of Rs.6000 per
year is transferred in three 4-monthly installments of Rs.2000. The amount will be directly
transferred to the bank accounts of the farmers, subject to certain exclusion criteria relating to
higher-income status.  ♦ The PM-KISAN Scheme was formally launched on 24 February 2019
by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. ♦ The scheme was
announced in Piyush Goyal's interim budget 2019-20 and is completely funded by the central
government. ♦ The State/UT Governments are responsible for the identification of
beneficiaries. A special web-portal has been launched for the Scheme.  ♦
The financial benefits are released to the beneficiaries on the basis of the data of farmers
prepared and uploaded by the state/UT governments on the PM-Kisan web-portal.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020 28/39
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TN CM announces 5 schemes for children living in government-run homes

196 days ago

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami announced 5

schemes for children living in government-run homes on the birth
anniversary of former Tamil Nadu CM J. Jayalalithaa. The aim is to honour
the late leader CM J. Jayalalithaa's birthday. 5 Schemes: ♦ The state
government announced special financial assistance for girls who face
difficulties after leaving government-run homes on completion of 18 years of age. The scheme
will ensure the social and financial safety of the girls.  ♦ The TN State Government has
increased the monthly amount paid to the foster parents of the girls to Rs.4,000 from
Rs.2,000. ♦ The state government will deposit Rs.2 lakh to an orphan girl residing in
government-run homes when she completes 21 years of age. The aim is to help them get a
better life in society after they leave government homes. ♦ The government also announced
employment for the destitute children from government homes in social welfare, social justice,
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) departments, the categories of C and D, which
would not fall in the purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. From now, they
will also be prioritized in jobs in noon meal centres and anganwadis. ♦ The govt would award
gold, silver and bronze medals and certificates to three district collectorates who improve
child sex ratio, given that ratio was lesser than the average in those districts. ♦ The state has
also announced a 50% subsidy for "Ulemas" to buy two-wheelers, and increase their pension
to Rs.3,000. Tamil Nadu: Formed on: 1 November 1956 Governor: Banwarilal Purohit Chief
Minister: Edappadi K. Palaniswami Capital: Chennai Literacy (2011): 80.33%
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

Shyama Prasad Mukherji National Rurban Mission completed four years on 21

197 days ago

The fourth Anniversary of the launch of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban

Mission (SPMRM) was observed on 21 February 2016.  Shyama Prasad
Mukherji Rurban Mission: ♦ The scheme was launched by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi. The aim of the vision is to deliver catalytic interventions to
rural areas on the threshold of growth.  ♦ The Mission was aimed to
transform the Rurban clusters by stimulating local economic development. ♦ It also focused
on enhancing basic services and creating well planned Rurban clusters.  ♦ This will lead to the
holistic development of the region and encourage integrated and inclusive rural
development.  ♦ Upon the successful implementation of Rurban clusters, NITI Aayog has
recently proposed a new and extended programme for over 1,000 clusters in the next three
years. In Sikkim, three such clusters are being developed in the South, East and West districts.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020 29/39
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Haryana government to open Atal Kisan-Majdoor canteens to provide meals

197 days ago

Haryana state government is to open Atal Kisan-Majdoor canteens in all

mandis and sugar mills across the state. The announcement was made by
Governor Satyadeo Narain Arya at the Budget Session of State Assembly
which commenced in Chandigarh. Atal Kisan-Majdoor canteens: ♦ The
aim of the move is to provide affordable and cheap meals to farmers and
labourers at a concessional rate of Rs.10 per plate. ♦ 25 Atal Kisan-Majdoor canteens will be
established in 2020 in the state. ♦ Haryana government will also provide free and
concessional travel facility to 41 different categories of residents in the ordinary buses of
Haryana Roadways. ♦ Also, under a new initiative, the women and girls belonging to 11 lakh
BPL families will be given sanitary napkins free of cost during the year 2020-2021.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

Soil health card Scheme completes 5 years as on 19 February

203 days ago

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare reported that so far 6954

villages have been identified by the States/UTs in which against the target
of 26.83 lakh samples, 20.18 lakh samples have been collected, 14.65 lakh
samples have been analyzed and 13.54 lakh cards have been distributed
to farmers. The Soil health card scheme completes 5 years on 19
February 2019.  Soil health card scheme: ♦ Soil health card scheme was launched by PM Modi
on 19 February 2015.  ♦ The scheme aims to assess the nutrient status of every farm holding
in the country. ♦ So far, a total of Rs.751.42 crore has been released under the scheme.  ♦ The
scheme aims to issue soil health cards to farmers every 2 years so as to provide a basis to
address nutritional deficiencies in fertilization practices. ♦ Soil testing is developed to promote
soil test based on nutrient management. ♦ The scheme will assist State Governments to issue
soil health cards to all farmers in the country.  ♦ Soil health will lead to Sustainable Farming. ♦
Soil health card provides information to farmers on nutrient status of their soil along with
recommendation on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for improving soil health
and its fertility.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020 30/39
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UP to introduce Internship scheme for students

210 days ago

Uttar Pradesh state government is to introduce an internship scheme for

students of class 10th and 12th and those pursuing graduation. The
announcement was made by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath on 9 February at a job fair organized by the Department of
Labour and Employment Exchange at Gorakhpur University Internship
scheme: ♦ Under the scheme, the students will be linked to various technical institutes and
industries. ♦ The students who do an internship for 6 months and 1 year will be given
Rs.2,500 as honorarium every month, out of which Rs.1,500 will be given by the central
government and Rs.1,000 by the state government. ♦ After the completion of the internship,
the government will help the youth in getting jobs.  ♦ An HR cell will be created for this
purpose. ♦ The state government announced that 20% of girls will be compulsorily recruited
in the police department in the state so that they can contribute towards the state's security. ♦
Also, the UP government is taking various measures to open an ITI and skill development
centre in each tehsil. The centre will give a platform to the youth for their skills.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

Govt approved proposals under Atal Bhujal Yojana

213 days ago

Government has approved proposals for  Atal Bhujal Yojana for

sustainable management of groundwater resources with community
participation in water-stressed blocks of Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The
announcement was made by the Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti &
Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Rattan Lal Kataria. Atal Bhujal Yojana: ♦ Atal Bhujal
Yojana is a groundwater management scheme of the Central government. ♦ It was launched
by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 December 2019. ♦ Government allocated Rs.6000
crore for the Scheme. ♦ The scheme will be implemented from 2020-21 to 2024-25. ♦ The
financial assistance is provided by the World Bank with a sharing pattern of 50:50 between
the Indian Government and the World Bank. ♦ There are two components under the scheme
namely: 1) Institutional Strengthening & Capacity Building component with an outlay of Rs.1400
crore 2) Incentive component with an outlay of Rs.4600 crore
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

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Karnataka government launched the Janasevaka scheme

214 days ago

The Karnataka State government has launched the Janasevaka scheme

in a few municipal corporation wards on 4 February. The scheme was
earlier implemented in Dasarahalli area on a pilot basis. It will be
extended to Mahadevapura, Bommanahalli and Rajajinagar areas.
Janasevaka scheme: ♦ Janasevaka scheme was launched by Karnataka
Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa. ♦ The scheme will ensure home delivery of various services
like ration cards, health cards, and senior citizen identity.  ♦ The scheme will pertain to 53
services and involve 11 departments. The programme aims to avail the benefits of government
schemes at the doorstep.  ♦ The scheme aims to make the lives of the citizens of Karnataka
easy by launching this scheme. ♦ It will ensure the on-time delivery of government services to
citizens by practising innovative and efficient management systems through capacity. ♦ The
scheme will benefit the senior citizens in the state. ♦ Under the scheme, one volunteer will be
allocated for each ward. These volunteers have been outsourced.  ♦ A toll-free helpline was
set up for the scheme. It will work from 8 am to 8 pm.  ♦ Under the scheme, Rs.115 will be
charged to provide the home delivery services.  ♦ The Karnataka government has decided to
seek information under the RTI Act easy by making it online. People can now apply from
home by paying the fee online. This will make the process hassle-free.
Month: Current Affairs February 2020

Centre to introduce new scheme to empower NGOs to provide care to the senior
214 days ago

The government is to introduce a new programme which will allow the

NGOs to take care of senior citizens, who are living alone, in their homes.
The announcement was made by the Union Minister of Social Justice and
Empowerment Thaawar Chand Gehlot on 5 February 2020. The new law
is different from the Maintenance and Welfare of Senior Citizens (MWPSC)
Act, 2007 and Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana (RVY) which has the provision for taking care of all
senior citizens. A New Scheme for Senior Citizens: ♦ As per the 2011 census, there are about
10.38 crore senior citizens in the country. ♦ The new law will ensure the senior citizens who
are living alone will be taken care of in a better way. ♦ Daycare centres will be set up for
these purposes under the law. ♦ These centres will have a canteen, libraries, and other
facilities. Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana (RVY): Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana was launched in March
2017. Under the scheme, Rs.7,000 will be provided to each person. So far, 1,24,142 senior
citizens have been covered under the scheme. The government aims to reach out to 5.20
lakh beneficiaries under the scheme.  
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Karnataka launches Janasevaka program to provide Govt services at Home

215 days ago

The Karnataka government on 4th February propelled the Janasevaka

scheme in a couple of metropolitan organization wards to guarantee
home conveyance of different administrations like proportion cards,
senior resident personality, and wellbeing cards.  The plan, which was
propelled by Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa, will relate to 53
administrations, including 11 divisions.  Janasevaka Janasevaka, under the Sakala Plan, is a
program to profit the advantages of government plans at the doorstep, especially for the
assistance of Senior Residents. Chief Minister referenced that the goal is to make the lives of
the residents of Karnataka simple by propelling this plan. Sakala intends to guarantee in-time
conveyance of taxpayer driven organizations to residents by rehearsing inventive and
proficient administration frameworks through limit working in government and enabling
residents to practice their entitlement to support.  On the off chance that the plan functions
admirably, it will be executed across Bengaluru in all the 27 get together fragments, Kumar
stated, including that based the analysis in Bengaluru, it will stretch out to Mysuru, Mangaluru,
and Hubballi-Dharwad.  Under the plan, there will be one volunteer in each ward.  These
volunteers have been re-appropriated.  Cost Free Help Line A cost-free helpline planned to
set up for this plan, which will work from 8 am to 8 pm. An entirety of Rs 115 charged to give
the home delivery administrations. Notwithstanding it, the Karnataka government has likewise
chosen to look for data under the RTI Act simple by making it on the web.  Individuals can
apply from home by paying the charge on the web. This will make the procedure bother free,
as mentioned by the Chief Minister.
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Current Affairs: Maharashtra government launched Shiv Bhojan scheme

224 days ago

Maharashtra government launched the "Shiv Bhojan" scheme on the

occasion of the 71st Republic Day on 26 January 2020. It has been
launched on a pilot basis. Aim: Shiv Bhojan scheme aims to provide a
meal to the poor for just Rs.10. Shiv Bhojan scheme: ♦   Under the Shiv
Bhojan scheme, the thalis or lunch plates will be available to people at
designated centres and canteens during a stipulated time in all the districts. ♦   District
Guardian Minister Aslam Shaikh inaugurated the Shiv Bhojan Thali canteen at the civic-run
Nair Hospital in Mumbai. ♦ Another centre was inaugurated by Tourism Minister and Mumbai
suburban district Guardian Minister Aaditya Thackeray at the Collector's office in Bandra.
♦ Under the scheme, at least one canteen has been started at district the headquarters the
state on a pilot basis.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

India joins Reskilling Revolution scheme at the WEF annual meet

228 days ago

India joined the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Reskilling Revolution on

22 January which is being held in Davos, Switzerland. The 50th WEF
Annual Meeting is being held from 21-24 January 2020.  Aim: The
Reskilling Revolution scheme aims to train workers from technological
change and help economies by providing new skills for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. WEF's Reskilling Revolution: ♦ The scheme will act as a public-private
platform to generate new employment opportunities. ♦ The initiative plans to provide one
billion people with better education, skills, and jobs by 2030. ♦ WEF released a report titled
Jobs of Tomorrow: Mapping Opportunity in the New Economy. ♦ LinkedIn will act as a data
partner for the Reskilling Revolution scheme. WEF: The World Economic Forum (WEF) was
founded in 1971. It is located in Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland. WEF aims to improve the state
of the world by engaging business, academic, political, and other leaders of society to shape
regional, global, and industry agendas. WEF hosts an annual meeting in the month of January
in Davos.  The founding governments of WEF include India, Brazil, France, Pakistan, the
Russian Federation, the UAE, and the US. The Business partners include Salesforce, PwC,
Infosys, The Adecco Group., ManpowerGroup, LinkedIn, and Coursera Inc.
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UP govt. to provide financial assistance under Mukhyamantri Krishak Durghatna

Kalyan Yojana
229 days ago

Uttar Pradesh state Government has launched Mukhyamantri Krishak

Durghatna Kalyan Yojana. The scheme was launched after the cabinet
meeting which was held on 21 January 2020. The announcement was
made by the UP Power Minister Shrikant Sharma. The government also
announced that it is to implement Mukhyamantri Paryatan Samvardhan
Yojana. Mukhyamantri Krishak Durghatna Kalyan Yojana: ♦ The scheme will provide financial
assistance of Rs.5 lakh to the family of farmers who die or become handicapped while
working in fields. ♦ The scheme also includes Bataidars for the first time. ♦ The scheme will
cover farmers and their family members in the age group of 18-70 years. ♦ The scheme was
implemented on 14 September 2019 in the state. Mukhyamantri Paryatan Samvardhan Yojana:
♦ The scheme aims to boost tourism in the state.  ♦ Under the scheme, one tourist point will
be developed with a fund of Rs.50 lakh in each and every assembly segment of the state.
Note: Bataidars are people who work in the field of other persons and share the crop after it
is harvested.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

One Nation, One Ration Card scheme to be implemented by 1 June

230 days ago

The One Nation, One Ration Card scheme will be implemented by 1 June
2020 in India. The announcement was made by the Union Minister Ram
Vilas Paswan on 20 January. Earlier, the scheme was announced to be
launched by 30 June 2020. One Nation, One Ration Card scheme: ♦
Under the scheme, the beneficiaries can avail of the benefits across the
country using the same ration card. ♦ The scheme allows the portability of food security
benefits across India, that is, poor migrant workers can buy subsidized rice and wheat from
any ration shop in the country. ♦ This will overcome the issue when one person moe from one
place to the other across India. When a person migrates, it takes around 2-3 months to get a
ration card. A person's identity will be ensured on the basis of Aadhaar authentication and
validated data. ♦ On 1 January 2020, the facility was started in 12 states in India. ♦ Under this
facility, the beneficiaries of the public distribution system (PDS) of these states can get their
share of rations in any of the 12 states in which they are residing.
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CM Arvind Kejriwal launched a guarantee card to provide free bus rides

231 days ago

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal released a guarantee card on 19 January

2020. The card promises free bus rides for students and deployment of
mohalla marshals for women's security.  Guarantee card: ♦ The 10
guarantees of the Kejriwal card will continue the scheme for free
electricity up to 200 units and free health facilities. ♦ The scheme also
includes the planting of two crore saplings in the national capital over the next five years. ♦
The state government has also launched a comprehensive manifesto in 7-10 days. ♦ The
guarantee card approves more than 11,000 buses and to increase the length of the Delhi
Metro network to over 500 km.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

Smriti Irani launches welfare scheme for women in Goa

236 days ago

Union Minister for Women and Child Development and Textiles, Smriti
Irani launched 3 welfare Schemes namely the Yashaswini Scheme for
Women entrepreneurship,  Swasthya Sahayak Project and breast cancer
screening initiative for women  in Goa in the presence of Goa Chief
Minister Pramod Sawant and State Health Minister Vishwajit Rane.
Yashaswini scheme: Under the Yashaswini scheme, women self-help groups (SHGs) will be
given interest-free loans of up to Rs.5 lakh for business. Also, Adarsha Satari Mahila Mandal
Guleli -Sattari, Phoenix Women's Wing Self-Help Group, Umang Self-Help Group, Salcete,
Valpoi -Sattari were also given loans under the scheme. It aims to support women
entrepreneurs in the state. Swasthya Sahayak scheme: Under the Swasthya Sahayak scheme,
primary healthcare workers and Anganwadi workers will be given a diagnostic kit. It will help
them to conduct basic diagnostic tests at people's doorstep so that every individual will be
given basic health care. The diagnostic kit was developed by the Public Health Foundation of
India, in association with Procter and Gamble to manufacture and supply the kits using
corporate social responsibility (CSR) fund.  Breast cancer screening initiative: Under the breast
cancer screening initiative, the Anganwadi and healthcare workers will screen women for
breast cancer using handheld devices. The initiative aims to reach out to the women in rural
parts of the state. It is expected that the delivery of health services will become more
accessible and affordable. Using this device, 20,000 women will be screened for breast
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AP govt. launched Amma Vodi scheme to support low-income families

240 days ago

The Andhra Pradesh State government launched the Amma Vodi scheme.
It was launched by the Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Jagan Mohan
Reddy on 9 January 2020. Amma Vodi can be translated as 'mother's lap'
in Telugu. The scheme will be implemented on 26 January 2020. Aim:
Amma Vodi scheme aims to support low-income families in educating
their children. Amma Vodi scheme: ♦ Under the scheme, mothers and guardians of school-
going children from lower-income groups will receive financial assistance of Rs.15,000
annually. ♦ The scheme will be available to ration cardholders, who fall under the Below
Poverty Line (BPL) and clear a few more criteria related to their economic status. ♦ The state
government has allocated a budget of around Rs.6,455 crore for 2019-20 under the scheme.
The fund nearly 20% of the total education budget of Rs.32,618 crore of the state. ♦ The state
government has also taken funds from other departments to support the scheme.  ♦ It has
released the final list of all the beneficiaries of the scheme. ♦ The applicants who have
registered for this scheme can check the Jaganna Amma Vodi eligibility list now on the official
website of the AP government.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

Forest Advisory Committee approved the Green Credit Scheme to trade in forests
241 days ago

The Forest Advisory Committee approved a Green Credit Scheme that

will allow the forest to be traded as a commodity.  Green Credit Scheme:
♦ Under the Green Credit Scheme, the Forest Department is allowed to
outsource to non-government/private agencies. ♦ The scheme is in line
with the Green India Mission that aims to achieve its target of 2.523 billion
tonnes of carbon by 2020-30. It involves adding 30 million hectares in addition to an existing
forest. ♦ Green Credit Scheme allows agencies they could be private companies, village
forest communities to identify land and begin growing plantations. ♦ If they met the forest
department criteria, after three years, they will be eligible to consider compensatory forest
land. Industry need forest land could then approach the agency and pay it for parcels of such
forested land, and this will be transferred to the Forest Department and be recorded as forest
land. ♦ The scheme will encourage plantation by individuals outside the traditional forest area
and help in meeting international commitments, such as sustainable development goals
(SDGs) and nationally determined contributions.
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Kerala government unveiled a wage subsidy scheme for ventures

241 days ago

Kerala State Government launched a wage subsidy scheme for the first
five years for new ventures getting registered from 1 April 2020. The
scheme was unveiled by the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on 9 January
2020 at the Global Investor Summit ASCEND 2020. Provisions: ♦ The
initiative will enhance the ease of doing business in the state ♦ It is
expected to subsidize a part of the wage commitment of newly-set up industries for the first
five years.  ♦ Only Units that provide Employees' State Insurance (ESI) and Provident Fund (PF)
benefits to workers will benefit under the scheme.  ♦ Women employees will get at least
Rs.2,000 more than their men counterparts under the proposed scheme.  ♦ It is expected the
over 37 lakh people will benefit under the scheme.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

Andhra Pradesh government launched the Dr. YSR Aarogyasri scheme

244 days ago

Andhra Pradesh state government launched the Dr. YSR Aarogyasri

scheme. It was inaugurated by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan
Mohan Reddy at Eluru in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. This is
the second welfare scheme that the government has launched in 2020
Aim: The scheme aims to provide free medical treatment to the poor. The
services will be extended to each district from April 2020 onwards.  Dr. YSR Aarogyasri
scheme: ♦ YSR Aarogyasri scheme will benefit people having an annual income of up to Rs.5
lakh and the eligible people will be given Aarogyasri cards. ♦ The scheme benefits the
people whose treatment amount crosses Rs.1,000. ♦ Under the scheme, the government will
distribute 1.42 crores cards with QR codes across the state. ♦ Free treatment will be given to
cancer patients from February 2020 onwards. ♦ The scheme provides one Asha worker for
every 350 houses. 150 super-specialty hospitals located in Bangalore, Hyderabad, and
Chennai will also be included in the Aarogyasri network.  ♦ The patients will be provided
financial aid of Rs.225 per day, to a maximum of Rs.5000 per month, during the recovery or
resting period after the operation.  ♦ Around 510 medicines will be made available in
government hospitals. ♦ Medicines with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards will
be distributed from April 2020.  ♦ The state government has also announced that it is to
provide pensions ranging from Rs.3,000 to Rs.10,000 to patients depending upon their
disease ♦ The salaries of the sanitation employees in hospitals will be increased from
Rs.8,000 to Rs.16,000.  ♦ Nearly 1056 ambulances will be made available by March and
vacant posts of doctors and nurses will be filled by the end of May.
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Third edition of Sukanya project began in West Bengal

244 days ago

Kolkata Police has started the third edition of the Sukanya project on 6
January 2020. The project aims to provide girls studying in schools and
colleges in the city with self-defence training.  Sukanya project: ♦ The
third batch of the project started at 100 city-based schools and colleges
situated in Kolkata Police jurisdiction.  ♦ Girl students from classes VIII, IX,
XI and girls studying in the first year at educational institutions will be trained under the
project. ♦ Sukanya project was initiated by the Kolkata Police's Community Policing Wing with
an aim to provide self-defence training to girl students of city-based schools, colleges, and
universities.  ♦ The project is funded by Women and Child Development and Social Welfare
Department of the West Bengal state government.
Month: Current Affairs January 2020

UJALA scheme marked the fifth anniversary on 5 January

245 days ago

Government's flagship programme Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All

(UJALA) and LED Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP), marked its
fifth anniversary on 5 January 2020. The schemes are being implemented
and monitored by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint
venture of PSUs under the Power Ministry. UJALA: UJALA initiative was
launched on 5 January 2015 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Under the scheme around
36.13 crore LED bulbs have been distributed across India. This has resulted in an estimated
energy savings of 46.92 billion kilowatt-hour (kWh) per year. This measure avoided peak
demand of 9,394 MW, and estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction of 38 million
tonnes CO2 annually. SLNP: Over 1.03 crore smart LED streetlights have been installed under
the SLNP programme so far. It enables an estimated energy savings of 6.97 billion kWh per
year with an avoided peak demand of 1,161 MW and an estimated GHG emission reduction of
4.80 MT CO2 annually. The scheme has also helped in generating approximately 13,000 jobs
to support the Central government's Make in India initiative.
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Around 171 hospitals de-empanelled and 4.5 cr fine imposed under Ayushman
Bharat Scheme
247 days ago

Around 171 already de-empanelled and the list of hospitals imposed

penalty by the central government. More than INR 4.5 crore levied on
hospitals indulging in malpractices. Hospitals Scheme The cover provided
under PM-JAY is ₹5 lakh per family and not ₹5 lakh per e-card. There are
individual packages, especially abuse-prone packages, which are
reserved for government hospitals by the state authorities.The private hospitals were
performing these government reserved procedures and blocking/submitting the same under
a different package name or as an unspecified package. In Chhattisgarh, such cases were
detected initially in May 2019, and the cards disabled. In Madhya Pradesh, cases were
detected in August 2019 and shared with the state disabled the cards, and the concerned
hospital issued show-cause notice. The cases in Punjab were detected in Oct 2019 and
shared with the state, which disabled the cards. Ayushman Bharat - National Health Protection
Mission Ayushman Bharat is National Health Protection Scheme, which will cover over 10
crore poor and vulnerable families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries) providing coverage
up to 5 lakh rupees per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization.
Ayushman Bharat - National Health Protection Mission will subsume the on-going centrally
sponsored schemes - Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) and the Senior Citizen Health
Insurance Scheme (SCHIS).
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Indian Railways introduces New Passenger friendly Information System at

Anakapalle Station in Vijayawada Division
251 days ago

Indian Railways introduced a new Passenger Information System at

Anakapalle Railway Station of the Vijayawada Division in South Central
Railway.  The Passenger Information system comprises of a Board that
provides the Coach Composition position of a train. The main objective of
this application is to provide better features and an easy guide to the
passengers and thereby providing satisfactory user experience. Passenger Information
System The Passenger Information System provided at Anakapalle Station, modern
technology adopted by which the estimated arrival of the trains at the station is taken based
on the real-time location of the passengers. The system provides an electronic display of
information about the passengers expected at the station in the next two hours in a Trilingual
form.The system includes a facility for the operator to modify the data instantly in case of any
emergencies. The cost of the equipment is Rs 10 lakhs consists of the supply, installation,
commissioning, and onsite warranty of 3 years. They consist of 3 to 5 lines used for displaying
information of upcoming trains at the station. The station can identify the trains reaching the
station in the next two hours from the display and gets information about Arrival/Departure
time of particular train number/name, expected time of arrival, location of his coach from
engine based on Up direction or Down direction. This system provides crucial information to
passenger about the direction of the train.  Technology - Passenger Information System The
Passenger can identify the train direction, train engine location, coach position easily as the
entire train composition. The Coach numbers of the train from the engine, general, sleeper,
AC, and other coaches displayed according to the placement of particular coaches. This
information is displayed after the announcement and before the arrival of the train. The
introduction of the new Passenger Information System, the performance of these boards
found to be good, and passengers have the new facility provided to them. The technology for
the benefit of the passengers and advised them to continually monitor its performance so that
the same can be extended to some more stations.
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Adityanath announces yearly pension of Rs 6,000 for Triple Talaq Victims

252 days ago

Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh announced to give an

annual pension of Rs 6,000 per year to Muslim women who have been
given triple talaq by their husbands. The state government should look
more into the education of children and their problem of housing, which
will be better than giving Rs 500 as pension to triple talaq victims. The
government's initiative is good, but the amount is meager. It will be difficult to meet the basic
needs with Rs 6,000 annual pension. Parliament of India declared the practice of Triple Talaq
as illegal, unconstitutional and made it punishable act from 1 August 2019 which is deemed to
be in effect from 19 September 2018. Parliament of India declared the practice of Triple Talaq
as illegal, unconstitutional made it punishable act from 1 August 2019 which is deemed to be
in effect from 19 September 2018.The use and status of triple talaq in India has been a subject
of controversy and debate  
Month: Current Affairs December 2019

Digit Insurance Launches Health Insurance approves DIY Doctor Approved and
Simplified by Kids
254 days ago

Digit Insurance awarded the General Insurance Company of the Year

2019 in Singapore by Asia Insurance Review Award named the Fastest
Growing General Insurance Company in the world with a 1% market share
(Q2 FY2019-20) fortified their product portfolio with the launch of retail
Health Insurance product Digit Health Care Plus. The uniqueness of this
launch is that the benefits in this health insurance product customized for different age
groups and their health needs, along with the help & approval of an Ex-AIIMS Director.  The
Digital Work collaborated with 15-year old kids sought their help to simplify the health
insurance documents so that the coverages and exclusions are explained in simple terms
without jargons and is easy to read and comprehend.   Health Insurance Health
Insurance offered as a one size fits all cover with standard products. This look at the health
needs of different age groups and customizing the benefits accordingly, almost like a DIY
Health Insurance wherein people can choose the coverages that make sense to them. To
help us further in this relevance check, we also roped in doctors, including an Ex All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Director.
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Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal launches welfare scheme for students

255 days ago

Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal launched the state

government's Abhinandan scheme during a programme held at Srimanta
Sankardev Kalakshetra in Guwahati. Abhinandan scheme This scheme
emphasis on one-time subsidy against education loans availed by the
students for an amount of Rs 50,000 each to 1,546 students. Abhinandan
scheme extend cooperation to students in pursuing higher education and to fulfil the dreams.
The students to work towards putting Assam in the list of front-ranking states of the country
with their hard work, knowledge and their service to society. Their academic activities
seriously to shine in today's competitive world. The united efforts to develop a positive and
healthy environment in the society. The Numaligarh Refinery Limited from 3 MMT to 9 MMT
opened new opportunities for the youth in Assam and urged the youth to avail the benefits
through improving their skills. The students who did not apply under this scheme can avail the
benefit of the government subsidy by applying now.
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Maharashtra Cabinet approves farm loan waiver, meal scheme for poor
256 days ago

Shiv Sena-led government in Maharashtra approved the farm loan waiver

scheme announced a subsidized meal scheme for the poor. The state
cabinet approved the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Farmer Loan Waiver
Scheme under which crop arrears pending till September 30, 2019, will be
waived. The cabinet gave its approval to launch the Shiv Bhojan
programme, Chief Minister's Office(CMO), short-term crop loan up to Rs 2 lakh taken by
farmers between April 1, 2015-March 31, 2019, and short-term restructured crop loan arrears
up to September 30, 2019, will be waived under the scheme. The government seek
information from banks on accounts where crop loan and restructured crop loans. Shiv
Bhojan scheme The Shiv Bhojan scheme incur an expenditure of Rs 6.4 crore for starting a
pilot project that will run for three months. The canteen will be started at district headquarters.
The canteen will serve 500 thalis (plates), the statement. Shiv Bhojan thali available at Rs 10
each consist of two chapatis, one vegetable, rice and dal.The scheme will be extended to
other parts of the state. The customer will have to pay just Rs 10 per thali, the actual cost of
the food will be Rs 50 each in urban centres and Rs 35 in rural areas. The balance amount
will be given as grant to the district collectorate. These canteens will function at places where
poor persons work or live like markets, district hospitals, bus stations, railway stations, and
government offices. A high-powered committee headed by the chief secretary will monitor
the implementation of the scheme. To make the scheme a success, cross-subsidy and public-
private partnerships will be considered by the panel.The Sena-led government had
announced a loan waiver of up to Rs 2 lakh for farmers with the cut off date of September 30,
2019. The new scheme comes over two years. The 34,000-crore loan waiver announced by
the then BJP-Sena government in June 2017. The chief minister promised the scheme will
require minimum documentation and will be hassle-free. The waiver will need to approach
their bank only with the Aadhaar card. Members of Parliament, legislators, and government
employees will not receive the benefit of loan waiver, Patil had said, adding the scheme will
cover farmers who cultivate fruit trees and sugarcane as well as conventional crops.
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Narendra Modi launches Atal scheme on groundwater

256 days ago

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation the world’s longest
mountain tunnel and launched a groundwater conservation mission after
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, on the latter’s 95th birth anniversary. Atal tunnel Atal
tunnel, an underground passage of strategic importance beneath
Rohtang Pass in Himachal Pradesh cuts the road distance between Leh in
the Union territory of Ladakh and Himachal’s Manali by 46 hours and reduces travel time
between Leh and Manali by five hours. It will increase the country’s all-weather access to Leh,
Ladakh, Kargil and other remote parts of Jammu Kashmir.   Construction The decision to
construct a strategic tunnel below Rohtang Pass was taken on June 3, 2000. The 8.8-km-long
tunnel is the world’s longest, and located above an altitude of 3,000 meters took over 19
years to complete. The tunnel will facilitate the quicker movement of material and manpower
across destinations in Jammu and Kashmir. Atal Bhujal Yojana will be known by its shorthand
Atal Jal, which Modi announced, is a centrally sponsored project to improve groundwater
levels in seven critically water-depleted states. These are Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The Atal Jal Yojana is an
important step in the direction of fulfilling the Jal Jeevan mission of water for all by 2024. The
government has identified 1,592 blocks in 256 districts that face a menacing water shortage.  
The Atal Bhujal Yojana approved by the Cabinet on the outlay of 6,000 crores to be
implemented over a period of five years (2020-21 to 2024-25). The total outlay, 50% in the
form of a World Bank loan by the Centre. The remaining 50% shall be through Central
Assistance from budgetary support. The World Bank’s loan component and Central
Assistance shall be passed on to States as Grants.
Month: Current Affairs December 2019

CM Gehlot inaugurated first Janta clinic in Jaipur

263 days ago

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot inaugurated the first Janta clinic at
Valmiki Basti in Malviya Nagar, Jaipur on 18 December 2019. The chief
minister had announced Janta clinics during the state budget.  Janta
clinic: ♦ Janta clinic will provide free primary health care to poor people
living in city slums. ♦ In the first phase, 12 Janta clinics are to be opened
where people will get free medicines as well as free medical examination in some cases. ♦
The move is to make healthcare facilities accessible to everyone in the state.  ♦ If the Janta
Clinics run successfully for a period of three months, the state government will tie-up with the
private companies who have funds to spare under Corporate social responsibility (CSR). ♦
The state government will also launch Nirogi Rajasthan to support the Janta clinic service.
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Odisha launched the Jalsathi programme

263 days ago

Odisha state government unveiled the "Jalsathi" programme. It was

launched by the Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. He also
distributed water quality testing kits and point of sale (POS) machines to
the women volunteers "Jalasathis". Aim: The Jalsathi programme aims to
ensure the supply of safe drinking water to all households in the state.
Jalsathi programme: ♦ The Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO) and women federations in
Bhubaneswar signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the implementation of the
Jalsathi programme. ♦ It is expected that the inclusion of woman volunteers from Mission
Shakti for piped water supply will boost the state's economic empowerment. ♦ The Jalasathis
will act as links between consumers and WATCO or the Public Health Engineering
Organisation (PHEO).  ♦ Jalasathis will be responsible to test water quality, facilitate new water
connections, regularise connections, reassessment of demands, meter reading, bill delivery,
bill generation, collection of water charges and facilitating complaints redressal.
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Centre to begin Phase III of PMGSY

263 days ago

Centre to begin Phase III of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

It was launched by the Union Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture
and Farmers Welfare and Panchayati Raj, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar.
Phase III- PMGSY: ♦ The Phase-III of PMGSY is aimed to consolidate
1,25,000 Kms through routes and major Rural links that connect
habitations to Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs), Higher Secondary Schools and Hospitals.
♦ The estimated cost of the project is Rs.80,250 crores. Of the total cost, the Central
government will share Rs.53,800 crores for the period 2019-20 to 2024-25.  ♦ The funding
pattern for the PMGSY-III will be 60:40 between Centre and the States, except North Eastern
and Himalayan States.  ♦ For NE and Himalayan States that are applicable for Central
sponsored schemes, the share will be 90:10. ♦ All the States have been directed to monitor
and ensure effective implementation of Phase III of the scheme. ♦ The government reported
that a total of 1,53,491 rural road works have been completed under the PMGSY Scheme. It
provides a connection to 97.27% of the eligible and feasible habitations and adding up a road
length of 6,07,900 Kms across India. Of the 6,07,900 Kms road, a length of 36,063 Kms was
constructed using green technologies in which a major portion included Waste plastic and
cold mix technology. PMGSY: Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched on
25 December 2000   by the Government of India. The main objective of the scheme is to
provide All-Weather road connectivity to the eligible unconnected habitations in rural areas of
the country. The State Governments took a survey to identify Core Network under the PMGSY
programme. It reported that about 1.67 lakh unconnected Habitations are eligible for
coverage under the programme. It involves the construction of about 3.71 lakh km of roads for
New Connectivity and 3.68 lakh km under the implementation process.
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Centre to extend 2 years for AMRUT scheme

264 days ago

The Centre has decided to extend the mission period of the flagship
initiative Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
by two more years. The government was unable to meet the set targets
for urban renewal in 500 cities. AMRUT: ♦ AMRUT was launched on 25
June 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The initiative will complete
its mission period in March 2020.  ♦ The initiative aimed to provide 139 lakh water
connections by March 2020, 145 lakh sewer connections, stormwater drainage projects,
parks, and green spaces and LED streetlights.  ♦ It allocated a total outlay of Rs.77,640 crore,
including central assistance of Rs.35,990 crore.  ♦ The Ministry of housing and urban affairs
reported that over the last five years, only 2,316 projects worth Rs.7,195 crore, which is 9.2% of
the total outlay, have been completed.  ♦ Currently, 2,962 projects worth Rs.64,541 crore were
awarded and the work is in progress.  ♦ From June 2015 to December 2019, only about 46%
of water connections and 28.3% of sewer connection targets.  ♦ The Ministry of housing and
urban affairs has now decided to extend the mission by two more years till March 2022.
Month: Current Affairs December 2019

Centre launched the National Broadband Mission

264 days ago

The government has launched the National Broadband Mission on 17

December. It was launched by the Union Minister for Communications Shri
Ravi Shankar Prasad. The mission aims to provide broadband access to
all villages by 2022. Aim: The mission aims to provide universal and
equitable access to broadband services in India, especially in rural and
remote areas.  National Broadband Mission: ♦ The mission aims to provide broadband access
to all villages by 2022. ♦ The mission includes laying of incremental 30 lakhs route km of
Optical Fiber Cable (OFC).  ♦ It also plan to increase the tower density from 0.42 to 1.0 tower
per thousand of the population by 2024. ♦ It will develop innovative implementation models
for Right of Way (RoW)  ♦ It will work with States/UTs to implement policies to expand the
digital infrastructure including for RoW approvals required for laying of Fiber-optic cable. ♦
The mission plans to develop a Broadband Readiness Index (BRI) in order to measure the
availability of digital communications infrastructure and a conducive policy ecosystem within a
State/UT. ♦ Under the mission, a digital fiber map of the Digital Communications network and
infrastructure, including Optical Fiber Cables and Towers, across India will be created. ♦ The
Mission has acquired investment from the stakeholders of $100 billion including Rs.70,000
crore from the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
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Kerala launched schemes to support differently-abled people

265 days ago

The Kerala state government launched two social welfare schemes to

honour differently-abled people and NSS, NCC and Student Police Cadet
(SPC) units working for their care and welfare. The schemes are
Vijayamritham and Sahachari. Vijayamritham scheme: ♦ The
Vijayamritham scheme was introduced to provide financial assistance for
differently-abled people who fought the odds and scored high marks in degree, PG and
professional courses. ♦ Differently-abled students of government or government-approved
educational institutions, and students of parallel colleges and distance education
programmes, are eligible under the scheme.  Eligibility: ♦ Such students should have passed
degree, PG or professional courses in the first chance. For degree courses, the candidate
should have scored at least 60%, for arts subjects, and 80%, for science subjects. For PG and
professional courses, the students should have scored at least 60% marks.  ♦ A total of 15
persons will be selected from each district.  ♦ Students who have passed degree courses
with the above criteria will be given cash awards of Rs.8,000. For those who have passed PG
or professional courses will be given Rs.10,000.  Sahachari Scheme: ♦ The scheme aims to
honour groups that assist people, with over 40% disability, in their studies and other tasks. ♦
National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC), and Student Police Cadet (SPC)
units that assist the differently-abled students in their studies at their respective educational
institutions are considered for the award. ♦ It will conduct various programmes such as
medical camps for their welfare.  ♦ Under the scheme, three best NSS, NCC or SPC units will
be selected for the award with each being given a cash award of Rs.10,000 each besides
certificates and plaques. ♦ The Department of Social Justice of the State government has
earmarked an amount of Rs.40,000 for each district.
Month: Current Affairs December 2019

First Pashu Kisan credit cards were launched in Haryana

275 days ago

The First Pashu Kisan credit cards in India were distributed to 101 animal
farmers in Bhiwani, Haryana on 6 December at the Animal Farmers Credit
Card Scheme launching ceremony. The State government has set a target
to issue 10 lakh Pashu Kisan Credit cards by March 2021. The State aims
to double the income of farmers in the state.  First Pashu Kisan credit
cards: ♦ Using the cards, one can buy cow-buffalo and other animals. ♦ TVs, mobile phones
and fridges can also be purchased ♦ Under the Scheme, banks will give Rs.40783 for a cow
and Rs.60249 for a buffalo.   ♦ The credit amount for goat and sheep each is Rs.4063.  ♦ The
credit amount for pig under the scheme is Rs.16337 per pig.  ♦ For Hens, it is to give Rs.720
per layer and Rs.161 per broiler hen.
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Odisha to merge Kalia scheme with PM Kisan scheme

276 days ago

The Odisha government is to merge the State's Krushak Assistance for

Livelihood and Income Augmentation (Kalia) scheme with the Centre's
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) yojana due to financial
constraint. KALIA Scheme: ♦ KALIA Chhatravritti scheme was launched by
the Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in December 2018. ♦ Under the
scheme farmers, mostly small and marginal cultivators will get Rs.10,000 in two installments for
two crops in a year. The landless agricultural farmers eligible to get Rs.12,000 per annum for
three years. PM-Kisan scheme: ♦ Under the PM-Kisan scheme, the central government is
providing annually Rs.6,000 in three equal installments to about 14 crore farmers. New
guidelines: Of the announced annual financial assistance of Rs.10,000, the state government
will give Rs.4,000 to farmers while the rest will be provided from the Centre's scheme.
Landless farmers will get Rs.12,000 per year under the Kalia scheme.
Month: Current Affairs December 2019

Government launched the 4th phase of Regional Connectivity Scheme

278 days ago

The government launched the fourth phase of the Regional Connectivity

Scheme (RCS) to stimulate air connectivity in an affordable way. Ministry of
Civil Aviation has invited bids for the 4th round of Regional Connectivity
Scheme UDAN. The scheme was launched by the Ministry of civil aviation
(MoCA). The scheme is a part of the government's vision to operationalize
over 100 airports in smaller towns and cities over the next five years. Aim: The scheme
focuses to introduce connectivity to priority areas like North East India, UT Jammu and
Kashmir, UT Ladakh, hilly states in other parts of the country, and islands. Regional
Connectivity Scheme: ♦ The scheme was launched in 2017.  ♦ The Regional Connectivity
Scheme is also known as UDAN or Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik. ♦ The airlines compete to win
subsidies to operate flights that link small airports with bigger airports in the country. ♦ In the
fourth phase, the operation of the helicopter and seaplane would be allowed ♦ It also
promotes short-haul routes in the fourth phase of the scheme. ♦ In this phase, the
government will develop airports and operationalize the routes that were auctioned during
the previous phase of the RCS scheme ♦ Under the RCS Scheme, currently, only 232 routes
across 43 cities and towns of the 688 routes have been connected with 137 small cities.
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Centre to set up Atal Innovation Mission

283 days ago

The Government has set up the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) at NITI
Aayog. It encourages the schools to provide exposure to science and
technology to students so that they can be acquainted with futuristic
technology platforms. It was announced by the Union Minister for Human
Resource Development, Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'. Aim: The main
objective of establishing AIM is to create scientific character and innovative thoughts among
the young minds of the country.  AIM-Atal Tinkering Laboratories: ♦ AIM is to establish Atal
Tinkering Laboratories (ATL) across the country for students between grade 6th to 12th ♦ The
lab will be equipped with the latest emerging technologies such as electronics, Internet of
things (IoT), 3D printing, Robotics, etc. ♦ In schools, AIM will facilitate to set up a network of
ATL in India.  ♦ ATL: ATL initiative aims to Cultivate 1 Million children in India as Neoteric
Innovators. It aims to foster creativity, curiosity, and imagination in young minds and inculcate
skills including computational thinking, design mind-set, adaptive learning, rapid calculations,
physical computing, measurements, etc.  Implementation: So far, ATL has selected 8878
schools and 4680 schools have been given the ATL grant in aid for the establishment of ATL.
The government has announced a total of Rs. 1000 crores for AIM up to the financial year
2019-20. There is no direct allocation of funds by AIM at a state and district level. The funds
will be directly allocated by AIM to the beneficiaries and administered centrally.
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Government to construct nearly 3.31 lakh houses under PMAY U

284 days ago

The government of India approved the construction of nearly 3.31 lakh

more houses under Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana (Urban) at the 49th
Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC)
under PMAY(U). The move comes after the implementation of a total
number of 96.5 lakh houses under Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana (Urban). 
Proposed houses: ♦ The approval includes six lighthouses projects (LHPs) for construction of
6,368 units across six states.  ♦ The states include 1,144 in Gujarat, 1,008 in Jharkhand, 1,024 in
Madhya Pradesh, 1,152 in Tamil Nadu, 1,000 in Tripura and 1,040 in Uttar Pradesh. ♦ The
committee approved the 606 proposals from the six participating states for the construction
of 3,31,075 houses. The overall investment estimated for the construction process is Rs.15,125
crore, involving central assistance of Rs.5,092 crore Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY):
PMAY is an initiative by the Government of India. The scheme was launched in June 2015.
Under the scheme, affordable housing will be provided to the urban poor with a target of
building 20 million affordable houses by 31 March 2022. It has two components:  ♦ Pradhan
Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) (PMAY-U) for the urban poor ♦ Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana
(Gramin) (PMAY-G/PMAY-R) for the rural poor The Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry
has sanctioned more than 96.50 lakh houses under PMAY(U) against the validated demand of
1.12 crore houses, so far.
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

Andhra Pradesh launched YSR Matsyakara Bharosa

290 days ago

Andhra Pradesh State government launched YSR Matsyakara Bharosa on

21 November. The scheme will extend the benefits of the scheme to
fishermen who have already benefited from Rythu Bharosa, Vahana Mitra
and pension schemes. YSR Matsyakara Bharosa: ♦ Under the YSR
Matsyakara Bharosa scheme, the financial assistance to fishermen
operating mechanized, motorized and non-motorised fishing nets will be enhanced to
Rs.10,000. Earlier Rs.4,000 was provided for the annual fishing ban period between April 15
and June 14.    ♦ The scheme includes Komanapalli in Mummidivaram of East Godavari district.
♦ The beneficiaries will get an increased diesel subsidy of Rs.9 per litre. Earlier, the subsidy
was Rs.6.03 per litre.  ♦ It is expected that a total of 1,32,332 families would benefit from this
scheme. ♦ The ex gratia given to families of fishermen who died while hunting has also been
enhanced from Rs.5 lakh to Rs.10 lakh. This is applicable only to the fishermen in the 18 to 60
age group.
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Assam government released the 2019 new Land Policy

290 days ago

Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal released the new Land Policy
2019. It was prepared by the Revenue and Disaster Management
Department. Chief Minister also released the Hand Book of Circulars,
Volume-V. It contains the Government Circulars, Office Memorandum, etc.
from 1 May 2007 to 30 August 2019. Assam Land Policy 2019: ♦ The Land
Policy 2019 was approved by Cabinet on 21 October 2019. ♦ It was prepared by the
department after 30 years. It was last prepared in the year 1989.  ♦ The state government has
put a lot of effort into preparing the Land Policy to safeguard the interest of the indigenous
people. ♦ The Land Policy would remove complications regarding land allotments and
settlements.  ♦ The Revenue and Disaster Management Department has been recommended
to make the Hand Book available to all levels of officials of the department.
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

Assam Cabinet approved Rs.800 crore per year under the Arundhati scheme
290 days ago

The Assam Cabinet approved the  Rs.800 crore per year  under
the  Arundhati scheme.  The scheme will come to effect from 1 January
2020. The announcement was made by Assam Finance minister Dr
Himanta Biswa Sarma. Arundhati scheme: ♦ The State aims to reduce
child marriage and strengthen women empowerment.  ♦ The scheme also
aims to have a society which is full of educated boys and girls. ♦ Under the scheme, every
bride in the state will get Rs.30,000 from the state government to purchase gold. ♦ The
scheme will provide one tola (10gm) of gold to the bride if a marriage is solemnized and
registered. ♦ To avail the benefit from the scheme, the minimum age should be 18 years for
the bride and 21 years for the bridegroom and should have a matriculate (Class 10 pass). The
minimum educational qualification to avail the scheme was initially relaxed for the tea garden
and Adivasi tribes. ♦ Also, to avail the scheme, the bride and her guardians (father, mother)
annual income should be maximum Rs.5 lakh. ♦ The benefit under the scheme can be availed
upon formal registration of the marriages under the Special Marriage (Assam) Rules, 1954 and
will reach the beneficiaries right in time for the social marriage. ♦ The scheme will be confined
in first marriage only. Note: A survey says that in Assam an average of 3 lakh marriages take
place every year. Out of these marriages in Assam, only 50,000-55,000 marriages are being
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Uttarakhand government launched Virtual Classroom Project

294 days ago

The Uttarakhand State government started the Virtual Classroom Project,

an online method of teaching, on 16 November. It was launched by Chief
Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat. He also inaugurated the first studio in
Dehradun. The project was launched under the Information and
Communication Technology scheme of Samagra Sikshar Abhiyan in
Uttarakhand.  Virtual Classroom Project: ♦ The project is expected to around 1.90 lakh
students from classes 6-12. ♦ The initial phase will cover 150 schools. It will then be expanded
to 500 schools within a month. ♦ The project will help to interact with students from different
schools from remote areas using the technology. ♦ Under the project, teachers sitting in
specials studios in Dehradun will teach students to live. ♦ The virtual classrooms use the
Satellite Interactive Technology (SIT) and Receive only Terminal (ROT) technologies for two-
way seamless interactivity. ♦ Using these technologies will be used for teaching different
subjects by experts and teachers from the four central studios constructed in Dehradun. 
Samagra Sikshar Abhiyan: The scheme was proposed in the 2018-2019 Union budget, to treat
school education holistically without segmentation from pre-nursery to Class 12. The scheme
aims to improve the effectiveness of schools measured in terms of equal opportunities for
schooling and equitable learning outcomes. It contains three sub-schemes, namely: ♦ Shiksha
Abhiyan (SSA) ♦ Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) ♦ Teacher Education (TE)
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

National Mission NISHTHA was launched in Jammu and Kashmir

295 days ago

National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement

(NISHTHA) was launched in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It
was inaugurated by Commissioner Secretary, School Education
Department, Sarita Chauhan. Participants: Around 300 teachers, Key
Resource Persons (KRPs) and Chief Education Officers, District Institute for
Education and Training (DIET) Principals and Educational Administrators participated in the
event. NISHTHA: ♦ NISHTHA is a National Mission that aims to improve learning outcomes at
Elementary level through integrated Teacher Training.  ♦ It is a pioneering scheme being
launched across the country, with a total of 86000 Elementary teachers of Government
Schools being trained in J&K under the programme. ♦ It aims to build the capacities of 42 lakh
participants covering all teachers and Heads of Schools at the elementary level in all
Government Schools across the country, faculty members of SIEs/SCERTs, DIETs, etc.
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Delhi CM launched Mukhyamantri Septic Tank Safai Yojana

296 days ago

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced Mukhyamantri Septic Tank Safai

Yojana on 15 November.  Aim: The scheme aimed to help the people
living in unauthorized colonies where sewer lines are yet to be laid.
People in such areas depend on manual scavengers for cleaning the
tanks, which is an illegal act. Under the scheme, the Delhi government will
clean the septic tanks for free. Mukhyamantri Septic Tank Safai Yojana: ♦ Nearly 45 lakh
citizens in the authorized and unauthorized colonies of Delhi do not have sewer pipelines
and depend on septic tanks. The process of installing sewage pipelines across all the
unauthorized colonies is going on. Also, it is important to ensure the cleanliness of the septic
tanks through safe means.  ♦ The scheme will help to collect waste from the septic tanks of
the illegal colonies. It will ensure the safe disposal of waste in sewage treatment plants and
the safety of people. ♦ Under the scheme, trained staff with all the safety equipment will be
used for the work of septic tank cleaning.
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

WCD to announce the Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh

296 days ago

Ministry of Women and Child Development is to announce the Bharatiya

Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK) on 18 November 2019 in New Delhi. The
announcement will be made by the Union Minister of Women and Child
Development (WCD) and Textiles, Smriti Zubin Irani, in a function. It will be
Co-chaired by Mr. Bill Gates. Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh: ♦ It aims to
reduce malnutrition through a multi-sectoral results-based framework. ♦ It aims to address
malnutrition and reinforce healthy dietary behaviours both at the individual and community
level, including the variation in such practices across India. ♦ It will create the first-ever
database that links relevant agro-food system data at the district to map the diversity of native
crop varieties that will be more cost-effective and sustainable over the long run. Food Atlas:
Ministry of WCD has requested Harvard Chan School of Public Health through India Research
Center and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to document and develop a food atlas on
regional agro-food systems. It will mobilize the diverse sectors of society. The project team
will select 12 high focus states which are representative of the economic, cultural,
geographical, social,   and structural diversities of India. It will identify a local partner
organization that has relevant work experience in Social and Behavior Change
Communication (SBCC) and nutrition for developing the food atlas.
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Assam government announced new schemes for Pathsala

297 days ago

The Assam State Government has allocated Rs.30 crore for the
development of Assam's Pathsala town. The allocated funds will be spent
on construction of a flyover, roads and other schemes. The
announcement was made by State PWD Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma
while laying the foundation stone of the Tihu-Dumni road at Kenduguri.  
Pathsala scheme: ♦ Under the scheme, the state plans to develop roads in order to improve
infrastructure in the State. ♦ Under the new initiative, a slew of developmental activities will be
carried out in Pathsala.  ♦ The State Government has already released Rs.20 crore for
repairing of Pahumora dyke.
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy launched Mana Badi Nadu Nedu

297 days ago

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy launched Mana

Badi Nadu Nedu, which means our school then and now, programme on
the occasion of the National Children's day on 14 November 2019. The
programme was launched at PVR Boys High School, Andhra Pradesh.
Aim: The Mana Badi Nadu Nedu program aims to reform Telugu people to
compete with the world. The State aims to develop by educating the people of the State. The
state government is expecting that education can eradicate poverty. Mana Badi Nadu Nedu: ♦
Under the initiative, the state government will provide Rs.12,000 crores for infrastructure
development in schools.  ♦ The programme will provide all the facilities like drinking water,
toilets, tube lights, furniture, labs in schools. ♦ The initiative will introduce English Medium in
all government schools from 1 to 6 classes, and Telugu will be a compulsory subject. ♦ Parents
committees will be constituted in all schools.  ♦ The state government will provide bridge
courses, and teachers will be provided with the training.  ♦ From the next academic year, the
students up to Class 6 in government schools will be taught only in English. Gradually, Grades
above six will also be converted into English medium institutions.
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Andhra Pradesh State to introduce English medium in govt. school

306 days ago

Andhra Pradesh state government is to introduce English medium from

standard first to standard eight in government schools from the next
academic year. It was announced by the Andhra Pradesh School
Education Department. The move aims to revive the English Language
Teaching Centers and District English Centers (DECs) and relocate them
to District Institutes for Education and Training (DIETs). Implementation: ♦ As per the
announcement, all government, MPP, and Zilla Parishad schools and all classes will be
converted into English medium. It will be implemented for I to VIII standards from the
academic year 2020-21 and for IX and X standards from the academic year 2021-22. ♦ The
State government has empowered the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh,
to open parallel English Medium sections in existing high schools for classes VI to X. ♦ The
Commissioner of School Education will also take measures to implement Telugu or Urdu as a
compulsory subject depending on the current medium of instruction in the schools. ♦
Teachers will be trained and equipped to teach in English, and new teachers will be recruited
based on tests for their proficiency in English.
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Centre plans to adopt several measures to tackle Stubble burning incidents

306 days ago

Centre is planning to adopt several measures to tackle Stubble burning

incidents. ICAR’s Creams Laboratory recorded a reduction of 12.01% in
incidents of Stubble burning compared to the year 2018 as of 4
November 2019. Report details: ♦ Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab
have recorded a reduction of 48.2%, 11.7%, and 8.7%, respectively, as of 4
November 2019.  ♦ A total of 31,402 burning incidents were detected in the three states
between 1 October 2019 and 3 November 2019, among which 25366 in Punjab, 4414 in
Haryana, and 1622 in Uttar Pradesh. Government's measure: Committee: In 2017, the Prime
Minister’s Office (PMO) set up a committee under Secretary of the Department of Agricultural
Research, and Education (DARE) regard to the pollution caused in Delhi NCR due to stubble
burning in States surrounding. After the survey and analysis, the committee recommended
adopting mechanized crop residue management.  Scheme implementation: As per the
recommendations by the committee, the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has
formulated a "Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ Management of Crop
Residue in the State of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh & NCT of Delhi" Scheme which was
included in the 2018-19 Budget. Benefits of the scheme: Under the scheme, the Central
government allocated Rs.1151.80 crores for the period from 2018-19 to 2019-20. The scheme
aims to combat air pollution. It also subsidizes machinery that is required for in-situ
management of crop residue in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and NCT of
Delhi. The scheme will provide financial assistance of 50% of the cost to the farmers who
purchase the in-situ crop residue management machines on an individual ownership basis.
Also, during the year 2018-19, the Central government released funds of Rs.273.80 crores to
Punjab, Rs.192.06 crores to Haryana, and Rs.105.29 crores to Uttar Pradesh.
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Patnaik announced financial assistance to childcare institutions under 5T initiative

311 days ago

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik announced financial assistance to

all childcare institutions in the State. Under the announcement, the district
Redcross Societies will be given an amount of Rs.10 lakh each for this
purpose. For the additional requirements in the districts like Mayurbhanj,
Keonjhar, Sundergarh, Ganjam, Balasore, and Sambalpur, an additional
amount of Rs.10 lakh will be given to these districts. The amount will be given from the Chief
Minister’s Relief Fund (CMRF) and other sources. Mr.Patnaik also directed the Secretary,
District Collectors, and other senior officers to visit local childcare institutions under the 5-T
initiatives of the State government. 5-T initiatives: The Odisha government follows the 5-T
initiative for the welfare of the people. 5T stands for Technology, Transparency, Teamwork,
Transformation, and Time. The initiative aimed at making governance people-centric.
Month: Current Affairs November 2019

Delhi to extend free ride scheme to senior citizens and all students
314 days ago

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the free-ride scheme
for women on Delhi public buses might be extended to senior citizens
and all students.  Free-ride scheme: ♦ The scheme aims to help in women
empowerment by bridging the gender gap that exists in society. This will
help the girls and women who had to drop out of schools and colleges
because of high transportation costs. They can now take buses to good schools and colleges
which are away from their homes. ♦ Women taking Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and
cluster buses issued pink tickets of the face value of Rs.10 by conductors under the scheme.
The government will reimburse transporters based on the number of such tickets issued. ♦
Delhi has also approved a grant of Rs.150 crore for the implementation of the scheme in
metro trains.
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Yogi Adityanath launched Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana

318 days ago

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched the Mukhya Mantri
Kanya Sumangala Yojana in Uttar Pradesh on 25 October. He launched by
transferring the amount to the account of beneficiaries. He also launched
the Kanya Sumangala web portal and gave away certificates and symbolic
cheques to some beneficiaries. Aim: Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala
Yojana aims to empower the girl child. The scheme of state government will help in achieving
the goals set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana: ♦
Under the scheme, cash amount of Rs.15,000 will be provided to every family in which a girl
child takes birth.  ♦ The state government will direct transfer funds in the account of the
registered girls in a phased manner when a girl child will complete various achievements, like
vaccination, admission in class 1, 5, and 9, graduation.
Month: Current Affairs October 2019

Odisha approved Rs.3,208 crore under ABADHA scheme

318 days ago

Odisha cabinet approved projects worth Rs.3,208 crore under

Augmentation of Basic Amenities and Development of Heritage and
Architecture (ABADHA) scheme. ABADHA scheme: Under the scheme for
Odisha's Puri to develop as World-class Heritage city. The number of
pilgrims who are visiting Puri is expected to increase in number. The state
aims to provide better and affordable facilities for pilgrims and tourists. Temple needs to be
protected from all possible threats to ensure the safety and security of pilgrims.  The project
will be implemented in three years. Of the allocated Rs.3,208 crore, Rs.719 crore will be spent
in 2019-20, Rs.1402 crore in 2020-21, and Rs.1087 crore for the financial year 2021-2022. 
State's measure for Puri: The move by the State comes after the announcement made by the
CM Naveen Patnaik Post Cyclone Fani that Puri will be developed into world-class Heritage
City.  Earlier, Odisha State Government has approved 12 projects worth Rs.2308 crore, apart
from these projects, the government has approved the projects of worth Rs.900 crore, and
the total amount of Rs.3208 crore will be spent in three years.
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Centre launched Indradhanush 2 to cover low immunization pockets

319 days ago

The central government launched Indradhanush 2 to cover low

immunization pockets.  Mission Indradhanush 2.0: ♦ The Mission has been
scheduled to be launched on 31 October by the Union Health Minister
Harsh Vardhan on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Pulse Polio
Program. ♦ Under Mission Indradhanush 2.0, the Union Health Ministry will
carry out a massive immunization program in the areas that are identified as low immunization
pockets.  ♦ The Ministry has identified 271 districts across the nation and 652 blocks located
in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. ♦ The total vaccination program is dedicated for children up to 2
years of age and for all pregnant women ♦ Vaccines of 12 various kinds are included under
the mission. 10 out of the 12 vaccine categories will be used nationwide, and the other two
vaccines will be put under sub-vaccination levels. ♦ The two vaccines that are placed under
the sub-vaccination level are for diseases like Japanese Encephalitis and the Pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine, which occurs in high-end endemic areas.
Month: Current Affairs October 2019

BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO scheme to empower women launched in Rajouri

325 days ago

Rajouri District administration started an awareness campaign under the

central government's flagship scheme BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHA. Aim
To empower women who belong from remote and far-flung areas of the
District. Rajouri District administration is organizing women empowerment
campaigns in far-flung hilly areas of the District under the BETI BACHAO
BETI PADHAO scheme. The campaign aims at encouraging women to acquire skills and
become independent. Women of Rajouri are rejoicing as 25 Handicraft centers have been set
up by the central government. These centers are functioning in different areas of the District.
The centers have been opened up in cities like Manjakote, Dharhal, Thanna, Mandi,
Nowshera, Sunderbani, Kotranka, Budhal for training women. These centers have been
established not just at the district or tehsil headquarters but in far-flung villages. For example,
this particular Center is functioning in the remote Guardian community. More than 25 students
are under training at this Center. Training is provided free of cost here. Each student under
instruction here gets a stipend of Rs. 700 per month. The campaign is widening the horizons
of women of the area would open up new opportunities for them.
Month: Current Affairs October 2019

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