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Scientific Writing Articles

Submitted to fulfill the final project Simple Report

English Semester 2

Arranged By :
XI OTKP (07)


Jalan Raya, Dusun Pojok Cajuk Kec. Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo,
Jawa Timur 61274
2021 / 2022
The writer's gratitude goes to the presence of God Almighty. For His grace
and guidance, the author was able to complete a scientific article entitled
The author realizes that the writing of this scientific paper is still far from
perfect, and the success in compiling this paper cannot be separated from the
direct and indirect assistance of various parties. In this opportunity, the author
would like to express his deepest gratitude to:
1. God Almighty.
2. Mrs. Khusnul Khotimah, S.Pd. As an English teacher at SMK PGRI 1 Porong.
3. Parents and people who always pray for every step of the author.
4. Friends at SMK PGRI 1 who have provided prayers, support and useful input
for the writing of this work.
Article This scientific work provides benefits for reducing waste in the city of
Medan so that Medan Berhias is created. With the manufacture of flowers and
jars, it can increase the income of Medan residents by selling the products
produced from this utilization.
The author realizes that there are shortcomings in this scientific article.
Therefore, suggestions and criticisms are always expected for the improvement of
this scientific paper. The author also hopes that this scientific work can provide
knowledge about the use of waste for everyone.

Porong, 16 June 2022

Ekky Nastiti Desyanti


A. Background of the problem

According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) waste is
something that is not used, not used, not liked or something that is thrown away
that comes from human activities and does not happen by itself (Chandra, 2006).
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 18 of 2008
concerning Waste Management, waste is the residue of human daily activities
and/or natural processes in solid form. Garbage can come from human, animal
and natural activities.

Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) The KBBI says that garbage is an item that
is thrown away by its owner because it is no longer used or is no longer
refrigerated, for example, dirt, drink cans, leaves, paper.

Garbage is part of the environmental problem because the increase in the

volume of waste is correlated with population growth and efforts to reduce waste
are still limited (Soemarwoto, 2001).

According to SK SNIT-13-1990 F, waste is solid waste, both consisting of

organic and inorganic substances that are managed with subsystem components
that support, interact and relate to each other.

In the midst of the density of human activities, waste management is still a

serious problem that cannot be handled completely, especially in big cities. The
reason is, on average each person per day can produce 1-2 kg of waste and will
continue to grow in line with the increasing welfare and lifestyle of the

Garbage that does not get serious treatment can cause pollution, both air pollution,
water pollution, and soil pollution (Hadisuwito, 2007).

Medan city is one of the big cities in Indonesia. As the capital city of North
Sumatra Province, Medan City is a rapidly growing center of trade, industry and
services. Medan City has an area of 265.1 km2, which consists of 21 sub-districts
and 151 sub-districts.

Medan is one of the most densely populated metropolitan cities in North

Sumatra, the increase in population greatly affects the amount of waste.
According to 2009 data from the Medan City Sanitation Servis, residents of
Medan city produce 5,616 m3/day or 1,404 tons/day (Khairunnisa, 2011). To
overcome these problems, sustainable environmental conservation efforts are
In this paper, I provide a solution in dealing with the waste problem in the city
of Medan by utilizing inorganic waste, especially plastic and boxes into flowers
and jars as table decorations. With the existence of this scientific paper, it is hoped
that it will be able to overcome the waste problem in the city of Medan properly
so that a BERHIAS (Clean, Green, Beautiful, and Healthy) field is realized.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the description of the background, identification and limitation of the

problem, the formulation of the research problem is obtained, namely:

1. What is the meaning of inorganic waste and can this organic waste be used as
flowers and urns?
2. Which organic waste can be used as Flowers and Urns?
3. How is the process of making Flowers and Urns from inorganic waste?
4. What are the benefits of Making Flowers and Urns?

C. Theoretical Framework

Garbage is residual material from both animals and humans that is no longer
used and released into nature in the form of solid, liquid or gas (Wikipedia, 2011).
Garbage is solid or semi-solid waste material produced from human or animal
activities that is unwanted or not used anymore (Tchobanoglous, et al. 1993).
(Basriyanta) believes that waste is material that is no longer needed and no longer
useful, so the owner throws it away. Even so, waste can still be reused if it is
recycled to produce something new.

Based on its nature, waste is divided into 2, namely organic waste and non-
organic waste. Organic waste, namely waste that easily decomposes such as food
scraps, vegetables, dry leaves, and so on.

This waste can be further processed into compost. Inorganic waste, namely
waste that does not decompose easily, such as plastic, food wrapping containers,
paper, plastic toys, bottles and drinking glasses, cans, wood, and so on. This waste
can be used as commercial waste or waste that can be sold to be used as other

Some of the inorganic waste that can be sold is plastic food packaging
containers, used beverage bottles and glasses, cans, glass, and paper, both
newsprint, HVS, and cardboard (
The city of Medan is a province of North Sumatra which has a large population
due to the increasing population and the need for more and more residents which
causes the waste population to grow, this causes an unbalanced situation and there
must be a movement to utilize waste into something of value. , with this
utilization can reduce the level of waste around us.

In this table, it can be seen that every year the waste population increases
because the population in the city of Medan also increases so that the demand also
increases which causes the waste product to increase as well.

The Medan city government has also made a policy by formulating the Medan
City Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM) for 2006 – 2010 one of which is
about improving and controlling the environment, namely improving the
management of development impacts (Enviromental Impact Management),
implementing environmental impact analysis for each activity carried out.
expected to have a significant impact on the environment.

This effort must of course be accompanied by community participation,

including the private sector.

In 2009, the Green and Clean program was launched in the city of Medan. This
program is a program initiated by PT. Unilever Tbk from the private sector in
collaboration with the Medan City Government, Harian Waspada and the Bumi
Hijau Lestari Foundation.

This step is based on the commitment of PT Unilever Tbk in contributing to

environmentally sound development (MdGC Guide, 2010). However, the Medan
City government's efforts only lasted a few months and not all regions
implemented the Green and Clean Program.

The amount of waste heap in 2004 reached 596,775 tons/year. The Sanitation
Department noted that the current pile of garbage in the city of Medan can be seen
in the table below.

From the table it can be seen that the amount of waste is still a lot and it is
necessary to overcome this waste so that it is reduced. Plastic is an artificial
inorganic material composed of chemicals that are quite harmful to the

"To decompose plastic waste itself it takes approximately 100 to 500 years for
it to be completely degraded (I Made Arcana, 2009)". In everyday life, especially
in Indonesia, the use of plastic materials can be found in almost all life activities.
The substances contained in plastics are vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile.

This substance can cause thyroid, uterine and liver cancer in animals. It can
also cause birth defects in mice that eat it. Other monomers in plastics such as
acrylate, styrene and methacrylate can cause irritation to the digestive tract.
The impacts of plastic waste are numerous. Plastic waste contaminates soil,
groundwater and underground animals. Toxins from plastic particles that enter the
soil will kill decomposing animals in the soil such as worms, thereby reducing soil
fertility because plastic also blocks air circulation in the soil and the space for
these creatures to fertilize the soil.

Plastic waste also disrupts the path of water that seeps into the ground so that
water absorption becomes blocked. Plastic waste also pollutes rivers. Plastic waste
that clogs the flow of river water causes flooding in the rainy season. In addition,
plastic waste releases substances that are harmful to animal organisms in the
water, causing the animals to die.

Plastic waste that is allowed to accumulate will become a breeding ground for
various kinds of diseases. Therefore, there is a need for further handling of this
problem in order to create a BERHIAS (Clean, Green, Beautiful and Healthy)


A. Inorganic Waste
Inorganic waste is waste that does not decompose easily, such as plastic food
packaging containers, paper, plastic toys, bottles and drinking glasses, cans, wood,
and so on. This waste can be used as commercial waste or waste that can be sold
to be used as other products.
Some of the inorganic waste that can be sold is plastic food packaging
containers, used beverage bottles and glasses, cans, glass, and paper, both
newsprint, HVS, and cardboard. To decompose plastic waste itself, it takes
approximately 100 to 500 years for it to be completely degraded (I Made Arcana,
This garbage is very often encountered in various places, its nature is difficult
to decompose by microorganisms so it takes a long time to decompose.
Seeing this condition, it will have a bad impact on us if there is no management
for this waste problem. The data obtained also shows that the population of waste
is increasing every year so a strategy or method is needed to deal with this waste
so that it can be reduced. In general, ways to overcome inorganic problems can be
done in the following ways, namely:
 Reduce (Pengurangan Penggunaan)
Reducing use can be done by living a simple way by paying attention to the
following things, namely determining priorities before buying goods, buying
durable products and reducing or avoiding goods that cannot be recycled by
 Reuse (Menggunakan Ulang)
A lot of waste that has been used can be reused like if we buy a water bottle,
we can use it again by refilling the drinking bottle again. This way it will
reduce waste.
 Recycle (Daur Ulang)
This method is one of the most effective waste management strategies, which
consists of selecting, collecting, processing, distributing, and manufacturing
products. Apart from being economically profitable, it is also ecologically
In this scientific paper, waste management is carried out by recycling by
utilizing plastic waste and paper waste made into flowers and jars as table

B. Characteristics of waste in making Flowers and Urns

Inorganic waste that can be used as flowers, such as plastic waste that we often
use so far, while for the manufacture of garbage jars what is needed is paper waste
such as cigarette boxes, mosquito repellent boxes, or boxes that are not thick. This
is so that the jar is easily formed with a thin box thickness.

C. Flower and Urn making process

Before making flowers and jars, the tools and materials used are prepared, such
as a knife (to cut plastic horizontally), scissors (to cut paper waste), sweet
potatoes, wire (for flower stalks), plastic rope (to tie flowers), candles, etc. plastic
waste (as material for making flowers), and paper waste (as material for making

C.1 Flower Making Process

 First, the plastic waste is selected and then collected (so that the flowers look
beautiful, try to make the plastic waste in various colors so that there are many
 After collecting, first clean the plastic waste and then dry it.
 The dried plastic was cut with a width of 10cm-20 cm with a length according
to the size of the plastic.
 Then the plastic that has been cut earlier is folded into 2 parts then the ends
(top) are made like small circles on the edges.
 Then the plastic is rolled horizontally and slowly so that there is a flower
 The bottom of the flower that has been formed is tied with a plastic string and
the flower stalk is formed from the plastic waste itself.
 After that, do it again in the next flower making with another plastic color.
 After a lot has been made then enter into the process of merging the flowers
and in this merger a wire is needed as the main stem of the flower.

C.2 Jar Making Process

 What is done in the first stage is the selection of boxes with the existing
 Then do the collection of the box.
 The collected boxes are cut into 8 equal sizes, namely length x width: 10cm x
 The cut box is folded to form 2 triangles (when viewed from the front and 1
triangle when viewed from the back) of the same size.
 The bottom (the paper left over from making the triangle) of the box is folded
back (the front we have 2 triangles of the same size) and the sides are
flattened again by folding the remaining parts.
 Then you will find an isosceles triangle from the previous process, then the
triangle is folded again until it becomes 2 parts which will form a right
triangle (the front of us are 2 triangles of the same size).
 All the boxes were made like that, then the next step was to unite the boxes
by inserting the right triangle shape into the hole part of the triangle.
 Form the base pattern of the jar by uniting the triangular squares and
arranging them continuously upwards until a jar is formed.
 Vary the color of the box to get a beautiful jar with an attractive color.

D. Benefits of Making Flowers and Urns

o With the activity of utilizing inorganic waste, it can reduce waste in the city
of Medan so as to create a decorated field like the theme in this paper.
o From an economic point of view, the production of flowers and jars can
increase the income of Medan residents by selling the products produced
from this use.

From the description above, it can be concluded that inorganic waste can also
be used as home decoration such as flowers and jars. With this utilization, it can
reduce the population of waste in the city of Medan so that Medan Berhias is
Characteristics of waste that can be used as material in the manufacture of
flowers and jars are plastic waste and paper waste. In this case, you must first
choose plastic waste and paper waste and then collect them after it is processed to
make flowers and jars, it will produce a product that can be sold which can
increase income for the citizens of Medan.
Making flowers and jars can be beneficial in terms of economy as well as in
terms of ecology.
Alamanda, 2009. Dampak Plastik Terhadap Lingkungan.
Efendi,F,dkk,, 2010. Jurnal Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik dan Limbah Marmer
Sebagai Bahan Baku Ornamen Bangunan Untuk Solusi Penanganan
Pencemaran Lingkungan.
Hartono, 1998. Kompoisi Sampah Atau Limbah.
Nugroho, A,dkk., 2006. Jurnal Studi Pustaka Pemanfaatan Proses Biokonversi
Sampah OrganikSebagai Alternatif Memperoleh Biogas. Surabaya: FMIPA
UNS Pemko Medan, 2013. Kajian Model Pengelolaan Sampah dan SDM
Kebersihan di Kota Medan.
Wikipedia, 2009. Daur- Ulang.

Website :

Author Profile
Full Name : Ekky Nastiti Desyanti
Address : Ds. Pamotan RT 06/Rw 02 Porong, Kab. Sidoarjo, East Java
Email :
Expertise : Manuscript Writer
Higher Education History and Years of Study :
Department of Office Automation and Governance, SMK PGRI 1 Porong (2020-

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