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Kenrick Cleveland The Dark Side Call 6

Kenrick: Okay, welcome to lesson six. We have really piled on a lot of material.
There’s been a tremendous amount of strategies I’ve detailed for you and
there’s been a lot I’ve modeled for you, and so the more that you actually
spend time listening to this--when I say modeled, let me get out of that
damn terminology and do it a little different--there’s been a lot I’ve
demonstrated and there’s been certainly what we’ve talked about, and
then there’s been more. And so my suggestion to you is, recognize that
there’s an awful lot you probably didn’t hear. If you’re at mastery level of
some sort already, which I don’t even hold myself out to be, and I say that
a bit tongue and cheek, I say it because if I allowed myself to think that,
then I wouldn’t progress any further, so I consistently make myself believe
that there’s just an infinite amount more to learn and there really is, so it’s
not hard to believe that for me, and when I do, I realize how much I don’t
know and so I retain the student mindset. So, if you’ll all adopt the same
as you hear this, regardless of your level of expertise or lack thereof, it
doesn’t matter, what you’re going to find is there’s a tremendous amount
here, and not only is there a tremendous amount that I’ve talked about
and that I’ve demonstrated and haven’t talked so much about, but there’s
a tremendous amount more that you can do as a result of pairing things
together that I didn’t even yet do.

So, you can combine one and three and one and four and one and five to
make new things that I haven’t even talked about. So, that’s something
that’s, I think, really important that you can do and would be a lot of fun
for you. So, my goal is, is that you listen to this repeatedly. This is not a
one time and you get it all. This is a many, many times and you still are
getting more. So, keep that in mind as you think about all that we’ve done
and all that you’ll be continuing to do with the program as time moves

All right, patterns, they’re so profound, and before we’re introduced to the
idea of patterns, you know, we know they exist, we hear them in our
language every day and other people’s language, we see them in visual
shapes and patterns, we see them in movies, you know, if you’ve never
studied, for example, the hero’s journey, I absolutely recommend a study
of that. You know, I go over it extensively in my coaching program to help
people understand the power of it and how to use it. Very, very, very in
depth exploration. By the same token, once you just get the basic hang of
it, every movie that you see, you’ll see aspects of the hero’s journey, every
single movie. It almost gets to the point where I see a movie and I think,
okay, ooop, there’s that part, ooop, now we’re going to go into the cave,
now we’re going to emerge better. It’s sort of like, I’m chuckling as I see
the movie--I’m like, oh, my god, here goes the pattern, and I can tell, oop,
this person’s going to die. They pretty much have to. And sometimes I’m
pleasantly surprised to find out that they don’t, they changed up the
pattern on me, but it’s interesting.

So, we have to really keep in mind that patterns are by definition

something that recurs more than once. And pattern recognition is
something we have to get good at, so recognizing the pattern in other
peoples’ lives will help us to use that to our advantage, to either saddle up
with that pattern, in other words, do that pattern with them, to gain an
unconscious level of rapport.

You know, I’m thinking seriously of putting out some information on

some of my new discoveries on rapport that show basically how useless it
is, believe it or not, and how people that chase after it are often doing
themselves and their presentations more damage than people who do
something very, very different. And if I get the chance I’ll put that out in a
report one day or in a program or something, but--and this knowledge
came about as a result of focusing on patterns and realizing that, you
know, this ability that we have as human beings to recognize patterns, in
ourselves and others, is paramount to a lot of success in the world of

We all persuade, every single person persuades, and this course is about
the dark side, how to defend yourself primarily and how to recognize and
utilize the power of these patterns in every area of your life where it
applies, where it’s appropriate, and also so you can, A, stop it from
happening to you, and B, use the parts of it positively where applicable,
and if need be, have a series of strategies in your back hip pocket, so to
speak, ready to pull out whenever need be.

So, the kind of things that we’re going to talk about today are especially--
this pattern kind of thing is especially important. So, as we’ll go through,
I think you’ll start to understand.

But what I’d like to suggest, and I’d like to suggest it in so many ways and
I’d like you to pick the one that works best for you, is that the better you
get at recognizing patterns, the more profound your ability to persuade
will become, the more control you’ll have over your own life, and the
easier it will be to spot the misuse of these patterns should someone try.
To that end, again I recommend, become a pattern seeking machine.
Literally tell yourself, morning, noon, and night, I am a pattern
recognition machine. I see, recognize, and utilize patterns to my
advantage always.

That’s just going to go so far to help you that you’ll be blown away by what
can be as a result.
All right, I want to talk a little bit more in depth now with some of the sub
modality patterns that we started talking about from our last lesson.
Again I want to remind you that sub modalities are just the elements of
each of the five senses. So, we can talk about the visual sense and we can
talk about distance, size, shape, color, black and white--there’s a whole
bunch of distinctions, millions of them probably--well, I don’t’ know if
there’s millions, but what I want to do is I want to give you the biggest
ones, the ones that in my opinion can make giant differences really, really

You know, I heard a great statement the other day. People do not want
information. They don’t want to buy it and they don’t care about it. What
they want is advice. Everybody’s in information overload as it is right now
and as a result they don’t want more of it. They want to be told how to use
what they know or how to do something with some information that’s
going to make them successful, or is going to give them a decided
advantage. They want advice, they want to know how to do something,
anything, and not just another encyclopedia of data. And so I want to give
you some of these patterns, these sub modality patterns, that I think will
just be so easy. There’s more. Certainly you can come up with others, but
I want to give you a couple of distinctions that will help you a lot. All

So, in the visual grouping of patterns there is distance, which is how close
or how far away is the image to you in your field of vision; there is
brightness, how bright or dim is the picture; and there’s size, how big or
little is the picture. Those three right there are three of the biggest
distinctions. You can hear hundreds of others, and there’s lots of trainers
and people out there that are going to want to give you lists and lists and
lists of these things. That’s another great truism I’ve heard. Yeah, people
like lists. Dan Kennedy says, people love lists. But you know what else?
Lists overwhelm and lists confuse because then you get to look at all those
words and go, but I’m not using an awful lot of those. But you can use
brightness, size, and distance. They’re three things you can use. Let me
add a fourth one, and that’s associated or disassociated. Very simply, it’s
looking through your own eyes or seeing this as an observer, looking at
yourself in the picture.

Okay, so if you see yourself, you can’t be in yourself looking through your
own eyes. If you see yourself in the picture, you’re disassociated. If you’re
seeing the perspective of being there and looking through your own eyes,
that’s associated. If you’re associated in an image, you can feel the image.
If you’re disassociated from the image, you can’t feel the image. Now,
from a dark side perspective, let me give you a couple of places where
association versus disassociation can happen. Imagine something like sex
that would be very enjoyable. If someone wanted to mess with you, they
could ask you to disassociate, meaning, they could say, now look at
yourself in that image doing what it is that you liked--liked, past tense--so
much. That in and of itself would be enough to start a very bad process in
your mind. Look at a picture of yourself in an image of what you liked.

So, in that short little sentence, I’ve disassociated you from the pleasure.
Now, if you’re not feeling anything, how can you respond? Try this. Try
having sex and stepping out of what you’re feeling and look at yourself
having it and see how you respond. Don’t do it for long, I caution you,
step back in and feel it. That’s the strategy of non-completion, shall we
say, to keep things nice.

So, imagine if someone suggested that you disassociate and then they
turned down the pleasure responders. For example, it became less bright,
it became smaller and farther away. See, you’re feeling less. What if they
grayed out everything as well like you would on a cloudy, rainy day? So
now whatever it was that was giving you pleasure is now pretty much just
not existent and if they were to quickly future pace that, what would
happen? Right. You might have performance issues, male or female, it
doesn’t matter.

So, why do I bring that up? Why do I talk about sex so much? Because
that’s an area that people attack in the dark side. It’s because it’s so
frequently used as a place of attack.

Have you heard it said, the greatest thing to fear is fear itself--or the only
thing to fear is fear itself, I think is the better quote. It’s true because
anyone who’s really good at manipulating others, especially fear, can very
quickly and easily figure out what you’re afraid of, either assume what
you’re afraid of or figure out what you’re afraid of, and then manipulate
that to your advantage. Let’s take a look at how police interrogators do
this. They know if they’re interrogating you, they have a set of
presuppositions that they’re probably--that they know are probably true.
One, you’re afraid that they’re not going to let you go. Two, maybe you
did something, maybe you didn’t, and maybe if you did, they’ll find out.
Or three, maybe you know good and well you didn’t do anything and
therefore you have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, but you know that
a good percentage of police out there are corrupt and manipulative and
you’re, therefore, afraid that they’ll pin something on you in a hope to get
a bust or an arrest of some sort.

And by the way, if you disagree with me on that, if you think that police
are so absolutely wonderful people, well, that’s great. Keep your belief,
I’m not here to try to change you of anything. I’ve seen otherwise. I’ve
trained police departments and saw them misuse the very skills I gave
them in an instant. They immediately set about using what I’d taught
them to do to coerce confessions out of people and I immediately stopped
training them and will not train them even though I have--quite a number
of my trainings are in use in police facilities I’ve learned, unfortunately,
and even worse in trainings to attorneys, but especially prosecuting
attorneys. Attorneys I'm okay with having the information, prosecuting
attorneys, I’m not, but such is life. The internet’s a free place and
anybody can buy anything pretty much. But that said, any of those people
that are listening to this can certainly become well aware very quickly of
some of the negative consequences of these patterns and perhaps their
sense of right and wrong, if it still exists within them, will somehow kick
in and they can limit the use of these to only defending themselves from
them. What a great world it would be if people actually did that.

So, for the rest of us, we have to know that this is a place where people use
these things, so that’s why I’m bringing it up, not just because it’s on my
mind all the time. There might be some presupposition there too that
would be interesting to figure out, but it would be no more true for me
than everybody else which is why this is such a bloody powerful pattern.
That’s the truth.

There’s something I’ve said a lot in this training I’d like to clear up with
you as well. I’ve mentioned, and what if someone were to future pace
that? So, let’s talk about future pacing that. What is a future pace? Very
simply stated, it is talking about something in the here and now,
describing it in such a way that people are relatively compelled, or the
more compelled the better, to actually rehearse it in their mind as a result
of the way you’re describing it, thus we’re using the law of imagination
like we talked about in our last lesson, and as a result of their imagining it,
then you attach it to something that’s going to happen in their future.

What happens is, when they imagine--and so you attach it, for example to,
on the way home from work they obviously pass certain road signs that
they’re aware of at one level of consciousness or lack thereof, but that
indicate that they’re on the right road. There might be one in particular
that flashes into some semblance of consciousness even if it’s immediately
dismissed and put back into the unconscious. Listen to the pattern I’m
using, folks. And as a result of that, when that happens, they can be
reminded of what you’ve just been talking about. That is sufficient

Now, what does the brain do with that? Well, for a second it pulls up
some street sign or building or point of recognition on the way to the
house or to their home, whatever it is. And it pairs that with the pattern
you just ran because you told it to do that, so that when the time comes
and they’re on their way home, they can’t help but pass that sign,
landmark, or what have you, and the passing of it will trigger the brain to
run that pattern and you can always say, and each and every subsequent
passing of that same landmark can reinforce that pattern, many, many
fold and times over while at the same time driving it further and further
outside of consciousness. Who knows why, but that’s the result of what
I’ve just told you.

Now, I want you to hear, as well, in my language, a sense of authoritarian

commanding that I’m doing. Okay? I have gone from the passive
bystander, the permissive--well, it might be and it might not be, and it’s
possible to a much more authoritarian stance when I use this level of
things. Consider that it’s something you could do too. Now, when I just
did that, consider, I weakened my authoritarian stance and went to a little
bit more permissive. Permissive is phenomenal. There’s nothing wrong
with permissive, but there is at a certain point, when you sort of stand up
tall with your back erect and your chest sticking out somewhat and you
simply state the obvious that you know to be true, and you’re saying that
based on your experience of dealing with people and therefore you can
100 percent congruently state that this is what’s going to happen.

Now, I realize I’m talking a bit in the abstract so what I’m saying to you is,
when you do an association or disassociation pattern like this, you can
then state with certainty that this is going to happen, that this pattern--
they understand the pattern, that means, in order to understand the
pattern, what do you have to do? Run it. And then--so you can first run
the pattern, whatever it is that you’re running, and then you can attach it
to that event in the future.

So all I have to do pretty soon is say, so, you know, you can run the
pattern again and then again. See, it becomes interesting because pretty
soon the pattern just runs and runs and runs, with each time forcing a
groove ever deeper and making it even easier. It’s like a greased shoot so
that the pattern just runs and runs and runs.

So, every time I say pattern, pattern, pattern, run, run, run, guess what?
Your brain runs it again, runs it again, runs it again, why? Because you
have to make sense of my words. This is a level of anchoring that is
extraordinary and very, very, very difficult to hear coming unless you’re
trained like this. I’ve probably just succeeded in knocking everybody out
into an altered state but let me take a deep breath. I know it’s coming at
you hard and fast tonight in this lesson, so all right, everyone take a deep
breath, and let’s fully associate into that joyful, happy state of sexual
arousal--of course, you don’t need to be that way now--but you could
happily, joyfully make sure that you can do that, all right, because that’s
important. I don’t want to leave anyone in a different one so let’s make
sure we can fully associate, see through your own eyes, and feel everything
bright and big and close, and now with that let me ask for any questions
about what I’ve just talked about, any questions, anything that you want
clarified, I think I just opened up the fire hose at you for a little bit.

Caller: Kenrick, I have a question. I’m thinking that the future pacing and
everything is not new information, obviously, perhaps the application of
the future pacing, you know, attaching it to something on the dark side,
somebody with that intent, but it seems to me with elections coming and
politicians, that might be a target rich environment to listen and see
patterns and hear for when they’re asking you to fire off those patterns in
the future, being election day.

Kenrick: Yeah, okay, and the thing of it is, this is going out all over the world and so
there will be elections coming and elections going and the great thing is, is
that that is a rich environment where we can see these kinds of things at
work, but we can also see the opposite, we can also see where people don’t
understand these and end up really, really slammed as a result. All right?
So, one of the best things that you could ever do is imagine yourself a
political strategist. Pick a side, it doesn’t really matter, and evaluate the
other side, and evaluate how could these guys use what it is that we’ve
been talking about? How could they use this degree of anchoring? Or this
degree of pattern recognition? How could they do that?

I’ll never forget Reagan and Mondale--I believe it was Mondale he was up
against--was it Mondale?--I think so--where Reagan was asked, well, look,
with all due respect, you’re older and do you feel that your advanced age
would harm you in your duties as a president? And he said, well, I won’t
hold your youth and inexperience against you if you don’t hold my age
against me. That pattern single handedly won him the election. If that
man weren’t so good at recognizing patterns and reframing him, it
probably would have crushed him, so he was able to flip that on its head
really fast.

So, you know, you --I frequently ask myself what I might have done had I
been the opposing side, you know, if I’d stepped in a hole that big, you
know, how could I have repaired it, and it could have been repaired, but
boy, you know, not all the way. It would have been like breaking your leg.
You know, you could still hobble, but it was pretty much a one-two shot.
And in his good style he just chuckled and laughed and he also did the
whole crowd and that was the end of his opponent, so you don’t get to be
the president of any country anywhere by being a complete idiot. I realize
that could be somewhat argued in today’s day and age but in any event--
there’s many countries out there that might say otherwise, but bottom
line, to wield that kind of power you’ve got to have something going for
So, where are people using things like this? Now, in terms of--it’s
interesting you mention that it’s not new, and so your criteria is highly
coming to bear. There are a lot of new things here in one sense, in
another sense, my goal isn’t to give you new things, my goal is to teach
you how to defend yourself from what people are already doing. If we
look at persuasion as a whole, there’s little new in anything to do with
persuasion. Okay? It’s not like it’s new. The problem is, is that if we--it’s
one of those things where if you don’t know about it, it can hurt you. So,
there’s so much that we’re exposed to on a day by day basis, but we don’t
stop and categorize it. We don’t stop and come up with how it’s done, we
don’t put a pattern on it. And as a result, you know, if somebody else has
done it, then they’re in a superior position than we are and they can hurt
us and so my goal is to show you the ways in which that’s most likely to
happen so that you can then defend against them, and secondarily, if it
ever becomes appropriate, you have additional tools with which to arm
yourself, that many others will never have thought about, even those that
are trained in some of these different modalities and disciplines.

So, you know, one of Erikson’s biggest fears was that this be trained like
we’re doing right now. He’s turning over in his grave probably. He did
not want this taught to anyone that was not at least at the level of a
medical doctor or a psychologist or a psychiatrist, and that’s because he
felt that these things were so all fired manipulatable, that people could use
them extraordinarily manipulatively and he didn’t want that to happen
and he felt that the training to become a medical doctor, psychologist or
psychiatrist, would put people in a good enough position that they could
overcome that. Of course we know nowadays that that’s not true or at
least not necessarily true.

All right, good. Hope that helps. Anybody else with any questions about
what I’ve just talked about?

Caller: Kenrick, I would just recommend anybody that wants to learn how to do
everything we’ve been doing and you’ve been telling us about, to listen to
everything you’ve been doing since the moment lesson six started. It is a
master class. If you listen to your patterns, you’re constantly putting us
with embedded commands like, use everything I’m telling you--there’s so
many of them coming at us and your elegance of reframing and the very
subtle use of two or three things you’re doing verbally to anchor us back
into state--I would just say, I will want to listen to this many more times,
as you suggested I should, so that I get the nuances even further than the
ones I’m picking already. So, I would just say, a hose pipe extraordinaire
on turbo charge. Thank you.

Kenrick: Thank you. You know, it was funny, I was talking to Kim the other day
and she says, my god, what’s got into you? She goes, you know, you’re
going a mile a minute, I’m feeling funny. I said, well, you know, I’m
preparing for this class, so duck. So, it’s fun. Great. Well, thank you so
much. I appreciate it and let’s rock. I want to go back to my fire hose, so
let’s go back to it.

All right, guys, look, next thing is that these sub modalities, starting with
the visual ones that I gave you--and again, we’re going to look at distance-
-closeness or far away, how close is it, how far away is it; size--big or little;
brightness--bright or dim; and are you seeing through your own eyes or
are you seeing yourself in the picture, so associated or disassociated.
Okay? Those right there are absolutely giant in terms of what you can do
with them and what can be done in general.

So, if you can--even if that’s all you know, if that’s all you get, let me tell
you, you’ve got, I don’t know, man, close to 90 percent, you’ve got the
giant work horses of that sub modality thing--okay, of that sub modality
pattern. Second of all, the visual sub modalities are just giant as it relates
to quickly changing people and installing or uninstalling whatever you
want, okay, as I’ll show you in just a moment. All right?

So, what I’ll show you is that there’s another level of this that isn’t usually
talked about and that is that the minute that you start asking people to
really focus on whatever it is that you’re eliciting, and you start looking at
it from the filters of these sub modalities, what happens is, they start
getting very clear about what it is that you’re talking about. Another way
to say that is, it elicits the state very fully.

If the state’s being elicited very, very fully, then what’s happening is,
you’ve got huge manipulation power with that state. All right? So, if you
just lock in on those patterns--and I want you to start really locking into
them, and asking people about emotions, and asking them, as you think
about that, tell me, where is it located? By the way, the last one is
location, and location is a combination of a few of those other things, or it
can be. Consider location to be a separate one and it is my first and
foremost--the one I love to go after the most. Where is it located? Point.

Now, if they point at their head, then one of the things you can do is say,
just imagine--I understand, but just shrink yourself down to a little bitty
pea that’s inside your own head and now point, where is it located? And
they’ll point. And all you have to do is now you can point right along with
them, so they point off in space to where it’s located and you point too.
Look at their eyes and you can generally tell if it’s far away or close, and if
you can’t, simply put your hand out and say, I’m not sure if I can tell
about how far away it is. Is it out quite a ways or is it in close? They’ll go,
well, no, it’s kind of close, it’s kind of like right here--and they may be out
five feet, but for them that’s close. So, go, ah, yeah, exactly, absolutely.
Now, you’re pointing out five feet away and they’re looking, what are they
looking at? Where that emotional state’s located. Then you ask them how
big is it, and they’ll tell you--they’ll show you or they’ll tell you, and you’ll
say, is it very bright or dark? How do you see the brightness? They’ll go,
yeah, it’s medium, or kind of bright. And you go, okay, excellent, great.
Kind of bright.

Now, you know where that emotion is located and believe you me,
anything you stick into that area or any time you even just point at that
area, you will re-elicit that emotion and then you can use it for whatever
you want. Okay? So let me talk about one of the most fun to use, and you
can do this--this is not a really nasty pattern but it sure can be a really
nasty pattern, and that is ask somebody the ‘no longer true’ question. And
this is, what is something that’s no longer true but used to be? So, if you
guys think about it, what’s something that’s no longer true but it used to
be true? And it’s better if you can come up with something really
powerful like, you know, well, man, I used to smoke and now I don’t or I
used to be fat and now I’m not, or I used to be broke and now I’m rich, or
I used to be--whatever, but if they can’t come up with anything that’s
profound, then go, well, I don’t know, man. Then think about where you
used to live but you don’t anymore. They’ll go, yeah, that’s easy. Okay,
well, where did you used to live? They go, this other city. Do you
remember the house? They go, yeah. So, do you still live there? They go,
no. You say, so it’s no longer true, you don’t live there anymore, right?
They go, right. But you used to. They go, yeah, absolutely. And when you
think about that as you look at that house and you realize it’s no longer
true, where do you see that? Where’s it located? Point. And they’ll just

Now, here’s the thing. Let me tell you how I got good at this. It started
with the realization that I could ask these silly questions and people would
actually give me answers. Okay? And second of all, with something I did
many years ago in which I walked out into the middle of downtown
Portland, Oregon and I went up to people and I said, hi, I’m Kenrick, and
you’re? And I stuck my hand out and they looked at me strangely but
oftentimes stuck their hand out, and I grabbed their hand and stuck it in
their face and said, look at your hand. Notice the lines and the coloring of
your hand. And you might say, well, why on earth did you do that? And
my answer is, to see if I could because I was told that you could do that
and it would interrupt someone’s pattern hugely and guess what? It’s
right, it does. Okay? So I went out to actually put it into use. I was just
young enough and dumb enough and wild enough that I wanted to go and
prove if this pattern really worked, if you could really do it on people you
didn’t know. I felt it was cheating to do it in a seminar where obviously I
paid you to teach me what it is that I want to learn so if you want to
demonstrate by showing me some trick, well, that’s not really fair because
I don’t know you--sure, I trust you enough to let you try something like
that on me, but if I can do this to someone who doesn’t know me, never
met me, and it still works, then I thought, wow, I’ve really got something,
and it did.

And what I really figured out from all that is that you can do these things.
Even if you don’t think you can, you can. So, I realized that I could ask
people these questions and they’ll answer me, and if they answer me,
they’re toast. If that were my intention. Or they’re greatly helped, if that’s
my intention. All right?

So, start with the no longer true but used to be. What’s something that’s
no longer true but used to be? And then you’re going to get the location,
you’re going to get the size, the brightness, the distance, whether they’re
associated or disassociated, and that’s it, that’s really all you have to do.
You don’t have to do much else. Okay?

True NLP practitioners, master practitioners and trainers, well, they may
want to go off the deep end and ask things like, is it moving or still? Is it
in 3-D or 2-D? Does the top of it curl off or tilt? And on they go, but I’m
telling you, that’s 99 percent wasted time. So, yes, if you’re really, really
good at this kind of thing, yes, you can make some distinctions, but if
you’re doing this for dark side purposes, then all you have to do is what
I’ve told you. And here’s the other thing, if others are doing it for dark
side purposes, all they’ve got to know is what I’ve just taught you. So, the
rest of it is superfluous for the sake of what we’re trying to do here.

All right? So, now you’ve got that location. Now let’s go for the opposite,
something that is absolutely true. And here you want something that’s
indisputable. The sun will come up tomorrow, gravity works whether you
believe in it or not, absolutely true. Drop something out of your hand, it
will hit the ground or hit whatever is beneath it. Okay?

There you go. Now, some good ways to use this, hey, you can put any
objection or disagreement into the no longer true but used to be place.
And you can put whatever you want someone to do into the place that’s
absolutely true and it just kicks butt, it really, really works. Try it and see
how powerful it is.

Now, how can you use it? All right, well I get a lot of people asking, how
can we do that? I don’t know how to do that. I’m uncomfortable doing
that. Nonsense. Start looking at what close up magicians do. They learn
a patter and the patter has a function, it’s not to waste time. That is not
its function. The purpose of patter to a close up magician is to distract
you, to engage you in a story and thus whatever the magician is doing as
he’s laying out his tools and his stuff--he’s really distracting you so he’s
calling your attention to one location which means it’s not in another, and
while your attention is over on the right, on the left, he’s hiding stuff or
making other things appear or disappear, and when all of the sudden you
see it, you’re like, oh, my god, it just came out of thin air.

You can recall the first time, probably, that you saw someone pull a
quarter out of their ear. And the minute you saw that quarter coming out
of your ear you were like blown away as a kid. Oh, my god, I didn’t feel
anything in my ear, so how could it be in my ear?

So, the idea is that there’s a distraction going on.

So, that is the--that is a thing that you can do forever, you can find out
where these things are and then you can immediately use them to your
advantage, and I was starting to tell you exactly how, and maybe now I
shouldn’t. No, I will. So, what you can do is you can tell somebody, hey, I
want to show you a way of thinking about something so that I can help
you form a really good decision today. It’s really useful to know when you
think something is true versus when it’s not, so let’s just analyze these two
qualities for a moment. I’d like you to think about something that’s
absolutely true.

Now, see what I just did? I used the equivalent of patter to distract you,
and you’re like, oh, yeah, I guess it would be useful to know if something’s
true like that, okay. And I just charged right forward assuming that you
felt the same, and then I’m going to elicit something that’s absolutely true
or something that’s no longer true but used to be, I’ll go to both sides of it,
and I’ll say to you, now--and let’s say I used my left hand and my right
hand, so I gestured with my left hand for the thing that’s no longer true
but used to be, and I gestured with my right hand for the thing that’s true,
so I go, now folks, when you think about something that’s no longer true--
and I put my left hand out, and I’m gesturing with my left hand--you’ll
know how it feels in your head. For example, I’ve frequently suggested to
people that just hearing my voice, my logical arguments, and my way of
presenting simply causes each and every objection you might have had or
didn’t even know you had, even before you were conscious of it, to go into
that location.

Now, I’ve had people chuckle and say to me, wow, is that something
you're doing? And I say, of course not. And it just happens, and I don’t
know why. And on the other hand, there’s the location of what you know
to be true. For example, people know they want to work with me, they
know that the kinds of things I teach are powerful and profound and
without a doubt superior--and I’m gesturing with my right hand, and I
say, you know, and of course, you can make your own decision as to which
of those you choose to believe. I’m gesturing with my right hand.
So, all of these things can be done. If you have ears to hear, you’ll know
what I’m talking about here, and if not, listen to this over and again until
your ears start to hear it.

So, these patterns can be used with great power to do whatever you want
and you can get rid of objections--so, someone could say to you, yeah, but,
Kenrick, I don’t know why you’re saying this because I’m not sure that I
really--that I think the same. And I go, well, of course you’re not sure--and
I gesture with my left hand. It’s no longer true, but used to be. You’re not
sure, of course you’re not sure. And you want to be sure, and since we
know that being sure of something is equal to something that’s absolutely
true and you can remember something that’s absolutely true just like we
went through a few moments ago, then like you to begin to connect the
dots that need to be connected so that you can see what it is that I’m
talking about--I’m gesturing with my right hand.

You’ll be amazed, I’ve had people stop dead in their tracks and go, well,
yeah, of course. Now I get it. The objection disappears and they’re all of
the sudden going along with you. It’s magic, really, really magic. What if
you wanted to be a lot more manipulative or someone wanted to be that
way to you? What could happen? Well, let’s look at it. What if they put in
your sense of self confidence in the no longer true but used to be position?
What if they put your self esteem in no longer true but used to be? What
if they put doubt about what you can do with your future into the
absolutely true position and what if they future paced? See? I mean, this
can be really, really, really profound. Let me suggest that if someone is
eliciting no longer true but used to be and something that’s absolutely
true, your detectors should be on high alert and deciding whether or not
that’s something that is appropriate or that you want to deal with or what
have you. Okay? So, you know, what if they put your ability to perform in
no longer true but used to be?

What if they put absolute doubt or--since doubt’s not absolute, what if
they put a sense of doubt into your future, future paced and then fired off
the--something that’s absolutely true position. What if, in future pacing,
you simply fired the something that’s absolutely true as you do each of the
future paces? See? You can use this for good or bad, okay? This doesn’t
have to be just negative. But it is profound and powerful and it is very
easy to cross the line with this.

What if you were really, really, really devastatingly angry at somebody or

someone was at you, would be even better, and what if they put in things
like, you know, what if they started to ask you if you really felt that you
knew enough to do the kind of work that you do, and when you began to
have a little bit of doubt, they put that doubt in the absolutely true
position, and they put your entire business in the no longer true but used
to be position? Do you think it might have an impact on somebody?

It could be devastating. It could knock them out of business. It could

literally shut down their brain and they wouldn’t have a way to continue.
It could be that devastating, if you’d just think about that. And if someone
were doing that to you, you would want to be able to defend and the best
way to do it is to either, A, walk out the door, or simply turn it back on
them. If you’re extraordinarily skilled, you could turn it back on them.

How could you turn it back on them? Not so hard. When they go, so
you’re thinking about something that’s absolutely true, then I would say,
and of course, I could because I know how just like you do. And there is a
position that’s absolutely true in your head. Yeah, there it is--and I point-
-all I have to do is point anywhere. I say, as I point to your head, you
know in your head where this is located. I don’t even have to point to
where it’s located because you already know, instinctively, since you train
this material, yeah?

Now, pointing at their head elicits the absolutely true position. Now, at
that point, anybody is going to not mess with you because they’re going to
think, oh, man, how does this person respond--that’s like Reagan
preempting the question that’s thrown at him, I mean, just destroying it,
smashing it to smithereens, and the debate was over. The debate’s done.
And that’s the same as responding like that. So, if you’re exceptionally
talented with your words and your quickness, then you could respond like
that. I would be inclined, for the majority of people, if you are that highly
skilled, then you have to decide, well, do I want to respond like that and
tip my hand and let them know, or you could just defending it in your
own head and go, yeah, I know what’s true and I know what’s not true and
I know that this guy doesn’t know anything about what’s true and not true
for me and I’m not going to answer their questions. So you can
immediately go into a defensive posture, which is what I would do. Be
ready to defend. All right? Because now you know some really sneaky
stuff that people can do.

Let’s go to even more sneaky things, all right? The definition of a

compulsion is what? Something you can’t help but do, right? So,
everybody has things that are compulsive, whether or not they’re fully
compulsed or not, they’re obsessed and compulsed, okay, but the
obsession and compulsion, okay, can--you can ask about something that
they’re compelled to do. Now, everybody has something they’re
compelled to do, okay? For example, you can walk by a doughnut shop
and you’ll probably want to just take a deep breath like, wow, okay. Most
people will breathe when they get in a situation like that. Sometimes
people are compelled to want to read headlines in a paper. Sometimes
people are compelled to listen to the blurbs that a news channel does in
which they’re going to talk about what they’re going to tell you right after
the news break.

There’s a lot of things people are compelled to do. If you happen to see a
member of the opposite sex and they happen to be--something happens a
bit provocative, you may be compelled to look, whether you thought you
were or weren’t, whether you’re 100 percent loyal to your significant other
or spouse or what have you, or not. I mean, looking may not be such an
offensive thing, but if something happens, you’re going to--how can you
help but not look? It’s sort of like, you know, when you drive by an
accident. People are compelled to look. Why does traffic come to a
complete stop? It’s because people are compelled to look, and they go by
and they rubber neck it to see what actually happened.

Now, what am I doing right now? I'm giving you example after example
after example of a compulsion. I’m eliciting compulsion in you. So one of
those has an effect. Are you a guy or gal that wants to look at an accident
when it goes by? You know, when you go by, do you slow down, do you
rubber neck it? Come on, tell the truth. Or, you know, if something
provocative happens, do you look? Do you find yourself compelled to

One of those, some of those, is applicable, and when you think about the
one that is, you know where it’s located, right? You can see the location in
space right now as I talk about it. So, all I have to do is say, the
compulsion location, and you’ll get it. You’ll know right where it is. The
C-location, let’s just call it. And see now, you know right where it is. Now,
I could say to you something non-sensical like, you know, you can put the
words I’m speaking into that location so that you’re compelled to listen,
right? That wouldn’t be--that would be kind of a nice thing to do because
you’re compelled to listen and understand.

Such fun with the brain, isn’t it? Or we could do lots of other things, like
what if we stuck into a compulsion location the compulsion to fail? What
if we stuck into the compulsion location, the compulsion to sabotage, and
then future paced? Sabotage your results in life, to sabotage your--what if
we sabotaged your ability to be positive and put that in a compulsion
location? Will it affect everybody right out of the gate? The answer is, no.
It won’t affect everyone, but it can affect a great percentage. If you’re in
the front of the room, it can affect a great percentage of people that you’re
doing this to. If you’re on a teleseminar, if you’re on a webinar, it doesn’t
matter where you are, you will be affecting a big percentage of people. Try
it and see. Do it for good things, please.
If you’re talking one on one with someone, you can see immediately if it’s
affecting them or not. And if it is, you can keep on. If not, you can change
it to what you need to change it to to make it work. And if they go, well,
no, that kind of compulsion thing--I’m not compulsed like that. And you
go, of course not. Anybody could see that that’s true, that you’re not
compulsed like that, right, because you know exactly what compulses you.
You know what it is. And I mean, you may not be willing in the least to
share or talk about it and I wouldn’t blame you. It’s good enough simply
that you know what it is, and even if you weren’t consciously aware of it,
your unconscious mind is absolutely aware of it now, one of the things
that we want to do is just simply find a location for it, but even that
sometimes, people use that as a reason why they think that this isn’t going
to work, but that’s nonsense as well because your unconscious can simply
assign a location and if I just simply gesture like this--and I can gesture up
at the sky or down at my feet or whatever--your unconscious mind knows
exactly how to do it. It knows the location and that signal simply sets it
off doing its thing. Or I can use a verbal anchor and all I have to do is
lower my voice just a little and your unconscious knows exactly how to do

It knows exactly the power and purpose of compulsions. Thank god,

because it got you to this call today, if you were doing a teleseminar or
you’re doing an event, and that compulsion to become better, to become
more, to become all that you can be, that’s what I’m talking about. That’s
it. And your unconscious mind can absolutely make that a reality for you
right now and it does it so easily just by hearing that particular signal.

So, let’s let that serve us well as we continue on together. And then
continue on. Presto, you’ve got compulsion going on for you. What could
you compulse them to do? Well, lord knows, anything, man. But you
could compulse them to listen, you can compulse them to buy, but that’s
really manipulative and it might backfire a little bit, so I would
recommend things that are a little bit more indirect. Compulse them to
be excited, compulse them to find value, those kinds of things would be
more along the lines of reasonable in my opinion. You can see from the
dark side how powerful this could be and thus would want to be a little bit
careful of that.

They say that witchcraft is used to get people to do the things that they’re
the most weak about, okay, so if there’s a dark magic attack at somebody,
for example, it might affect those areas where they’re the weakest. So, for
example, if a person is not loyal, then a negative attack might put them in
position of cheating on their spouse. They say that if a person has
problems with drugs or alcohol, then someone attacking them with
negative magic of some sort, and we’ll just consider that to be any form of
negative energy sent at them, it will find the area of least resistance. So, if
someone is trying to do you bad and sending black, negative stuff at you,
then it could be hitting you in the area where you’re the weakest, thus a
great way of combating all of this is constantly look in your life, do a
monthly or weekly analysis, I’d say monthly, yearly at bare minimum, bi-
yearly, I’d say would probably be bare minimum, do an analysis of your
weaknesses. Where are you weak? Where do you know good and well
that you’re compulsed where you shouldn’t be, where you are weak where
you should be strong? And work to shore those up. Run these same
patterns on shoring yourself up and become less weak, become less
manipulatable. Okay?

But let’s just say there’s someone who’s extraordinary with these skills--
you don’t have to be extraordinary, you just have to know them like you’re
knowing them now, and they want to use compulsion or they want to use
something like that to really mess with someone. Well, what if they were
to elicit--let’s say you’re talking to a person who at one time in their life
experimented with drugs, and a great percentage of people have, don’t
you know? A lot of people when they were younger did, and what if you
elicited a time when they did that they recall as being incredibly fun, and
you elicit the sub modalities of that, you get them fully associated into
that, and then you future pace that. What if you even talked about the
weakness that let them know that they shouldn’t have done it but they did
it anyway, and put that into their future as well? And what if you attached
to that a compulsion?

And remember, drugs and alcohol are a compulsion to a certain extent

already, but what if you put a full on compulsion of something else, you
attached that to this, and future paced all of it and it could all be done so
easy and so covertly, and what could happen is, if that person still had
anything about drugs or alcohol, they might well be right back doing them
again. Would that have succeeded in hurting an enemy? Absolutely. It
would have. Be careful, it’s playing with fire. I wouldn’t recommend
doing it.

All right, so therefore, there’s patterns and there’s more, but that’s
sufficient for you to start generating a whole lot on your own that you can
be careful of and be defensive of so as to not hurt you. A lot of patterns
and a lot of ways of looking at these patterns. I want to talk about--

Caller: Kenrick, can I just say something? You saying these are patterns, actually
what you’re giving us are the techniques because the patterns underneath
are the enduring ones we’ve been talking about all the way since the
lessons began, and all you’re giving us, really, is just ways to use those
patterns and showing them operating on certain techniques like using
compulsion and whatever, and I think that is the real strength of this
Kenrick: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Thank you for the distinction. You’re
absolutely correct. As a matter of fact, you know, like I said, it’s not like
the patterns themselves are so all fired different, so to speak. The
patterns can be used for anything positive and beneficial, and everything
else. These things catch you by surprise, like the magician’s patter--
patter, not pattern, but patter--which distracts and, you know, your
attention goes to one side and all of the sudden you realize, oh, my
goodness, the guy’s just pulled a rabbit out of his hat and I didn’t even see
it, and then all of the sudden he does it again and again and again. He
distracts you to the right, you look to the right, he does something to the
left. And it just keeps happening like that, and of course before you can
start to catch on to what he’s doing, the routine ends.

So, yeah, you’re absolutely right. That’s very true.

All right, let’s look at something else and here I’m going to talk about the
uses of ambiguity along with the uses of embedded commands and also
presuppositions. I want to talk about a pattern that--and these are
actually out there, people are actually doing this, okay, they’re--you can
actually find places where people are just suggesting even that you should
do this. Here is one that can be used--it was suggested on a cheating
spouse or a lover. And it’s to induce suicide. I’m going to read you the
pattern, so defend by knowing that I’m not talking to you, I’m talking at
you in this sense, and I want you to listen to the intonation so you can
hear the patterns and realize, as you do that, that these are things that you
should defend against and be alerted to, that if I never showed you these,
then you would probably not recognize it if it actually were happening.

So, I want you to look at, how is ambiguity used? How is ambiguity used?
How is anchoring used? And how are embedded commands used?

I don’t know what’s been going on inside your head lately. Perhaps you
need to do some introspection. Perhaps you need to look deep down
inside yourself, explore the very essence of who you are, and I don’t know
if you’ll notice just how empty you are deep inside yourself, so alone, so
lonely, and when you explore that place, you only find memories of your
failures, your frustrations, your miss-dreams, to the point where you ask
yourself, this is it? This is what I’ve been living for? What an empty life.
These things you do to me, your life in general, only amuse you, but they
miserably fail to address that deep longing inside you, that deep painful
emptiness. That’s why you need to find someone to hurt, to go against,
yeah, name the person, take your own life and examine it. You might find
yourself saying, this is it? This is all I have lived for? And you walk
through life light because you are walking empty and likewise realize just
how empty and meaningless your actions have been. Now I think you
should go deep inside yourself and examine your own motives and realize
that you are hurting yourself more than you are hurting me. It’s sad to see
that you enjoy hurting yourself in such a manner since you obviously got a
thrill by cheating on me, but in reality cheating yourself out of a life filled
with joy and happiness.

Okay, isn’t that a fun pattern? That is a very nasty one. Okay? Take a
deep breath, smile, laugh, do a big belly laugh. Remember, I told you, it’s
always easy to break these things apart when, A, you know they’re coming,
so that’s why I tell you they’re coming, and B, if you ever find yourself in a
position where you know someone’s doing some garbage like this to you,
you can just go, ha, ha, ha--that’s just really funny. This is really funny.
There are idiots in this world that that’s going to affect, but I’m someone
whose mind is so secure and so absolute iron tight, that I can go inside
and introspect all I want and I find wonderful, joyful memories in my life,
friends and family that help me to just feel phenomenal about who I am
and where I’m going. Thank you so much.

But now if we just go back and look at this pattern, let’s go back and look
at some of the ambiguities. First of all, anybody have any comments on
that pattern? It kicks ass, doesn’t it? Everybody still there?

Caller: It is lethal as a pattern. If you hook them, it’s lethal.

Caller: Yeah, I’m looking for my gun right now.

Kenrick: All right, let’s look at the ambiguities. I don’t know what’s going on inside
your head. It’s an ambiguous statement and it’s a command to go inside,
all right? So what we’re doing is we’re driving them inside as opposed to
being aware of what’s going on externally. Perhaps you need to do some
introspection. Okay, again, it’s ambiguous. What type of introspection?
But the command is, do some introspection. So, it’s inside--let me read
the commands only. Inside, do some introspection, look deep down
inside yourself, you’ll notice, so alone, so lonely, explore that place,
failures, frustrations, and miss dreams. This is it. Miserably fail to
address. Take your own life. This is all, empty, go deep inside yourself,
enjoy hurting yourself out of a life.

Those are the commands. Frigging miserable, aren’t they? Okay, so now
let’s look at ambiguity. You’re starting off by telling them you don’t know
what’s going on inside your head. It’s a pace, it’s also ambiguous.
Perhaps you need to do some introspection. Again, it’s ambiguous. What
type of introspection?

You need to look inside to see who you are. Well, if you’ve caught them
cheating then that’s all making sense. And then you’re saying just how
empty you are and if there were any conflict there, you could say, well,
and of course that’s true because you wouldn’t be cheating, you wouldn’t
be trying to fill some other need that you probably haven’t even been able
to figure out what it is.

And then when you explore that place, what place? What you’re doing is
you’re pinpointing a place inside their head where failure, frustration, and
miss dreams are located. Again, we’re talking about location being a very
key, key, key sub modality, and you’re going to do that to the point where-
-a giant ambiguity--to the point where? To what point? But the giant
ambiguity, to where this is it. And so now we’re beginning to point the
ambiguity at something, which is emptiness, an empty life. Then you’re
reversing things. These things you do to me, your life in general, only
amuse you, but they miserably fail to address that deep longing inside

So, again, you’re using confusion to show that they’re all messed up
inside. Now, if they’re already in pain because they’ve just got caught
cheating or whatever, then that is--that can be incredible. This can be--
this could be devastating. Then it goes to, that’s why you need to find
someone to hurt. Again, it is ambiguous, who? To go against? Who?
And then you say, yeah, for example--I won’t name any name--yeah,
name, take your own life and examine it.

So, then you’re miserably failing to address that deep longing, you need to
find someone to hurt so take your own life. And there’s the ambiguity
there in that statement, take your own life is the same as kill yourself, but
when you say take your own life and examine it, all of the sudden that
command is, at the conscious level, makes sense. It’s like, okay, but at the
unconscious level they get very clearly what you’re saying, and then you
might find yourself saying, this is it? This is all I’ve lived for?

If you wanted to strengthen it you could say, just to go out and cheat, get
caught, and then what? And then the emptiness, and the emptiness sets
in even deeper. Obviously there is an emptiness and so that pace is what
makes this so powerful, and likewise realize just how empty and
meaningless your actions have been. So, again, you’re now showing them
that their actions are both meaningless and empty, at least as it reflects on
what’s going on. You’re causing dramatic confusion within them, and
then you’re saying to go even deeper inside yourself which they will just to
get away from your language if nothing else--and examine your own
motives and so they have a reason to go there--and realize you’re hurting
yourself more than you’re hurting me--but the minute you’ve said that
they go, well, I guess I am hurting--if I’m hurting you maybe I am hurting
me, and then you say, it’s sad to say you enjoy hurting you, enjoy hurting
yourself, and you’re commanding them to enjoy hurting themselves. And
in that confusion they could then take that to be real.
All right, the pattern is truly amazing and not very nice. Let’s look at
another ambiguity, and this one is based on paranoia. And it’s like just
because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not really after you. Now,
to someone who has flights of paranoia, even that statement can have
quite an impact, and the fact is, is that paranoia is a pretty powerful
pattern. We all have degrees of paranoia. It’s pretty easy for me to prove
that, just drive along and watch what happens when a police car pulls up
behind you and turns on the lights. Maybe they’re just trying to get
around you and they have an emergency, but for a second, you’re
paranoid as to whether or not they’re coming after you.

So, it’s not hard to elicit paranoia. And here’s a pattern that’s actually
published, you can--people are actually using this. Here it is: Did you
ever wonder what people do behind your back? I mean, you never know
what people think of you, do you? You can guess, but they can hide it by
trying to shield you from the painful truth, or maybe just not wanting to
reveal their intentions right now and waiting for the right time to attack
you, destroy you, but maybe not. Maybe everybody likes you and no one
plans to hurt you. Maybe you’re safe, and then again, maybe not. While
you breathe, here, now, you realize the real truth. You can trust no one
because they will betray you. It’s just a matter of time. You can trust no
one. Looking into the eyes of people you know for a long time or have just
met, you see the reflection of the sun in them and you realize you can’t
trust them. You can trust no one. They will betray you, it’s just a matter
of time, remember?

Now, when you heard see the reflection of the sun, you can--whatever it is
that’s happening, you look at them and see the reflection of the nighttime
if it’s night or in the daytime, if it’s day, or of the streetlights if there are
streetlights. All that is, is an extra pace. And all you’re really doing is
you’re using confusion to invoke an ambiguity and a bit of commands to
invoke paranoia, so the real way to invoke paranoia is ask people about a
time when they felt paranoia, and that’s really what this pattern does.

Now here’s one that is famous so I included it because it’s famous and,
yes, this really is used. I’ve had it used many times on me. As have many
people if they’ve studied in the realm of things that we’ve been talking
about. And so here’s a way in which it’s used: Hi--whatever your name
is--this is--whatever my name is. I just want you to know that even
though we had plans and you didn’t show up, there’s no hard feelings
firing at the ends of every synapse. What would that--feel it now--because
it goes against my grain to suggest anything that would be a huge pain in
the neck. It’s the kind of thing that could cause a person to throw up their
hands in agony and just want to lie down and die, and the more you try to
make it go away, the more it keeps coming back stronger and stronger
than ever before.
It’s called the migraine patter. And there’s variations of it, but it has been
demonstrated in trainings and in conferences and in all kinds of things.
Why? Just to kind of make a funny joke, but let’s put it another way, let’s
say that you actually had an effect on that, let’s say that you were kind of
sitting in a neutral state, noodling along, listening to whatever is
happening, off in your own world a bit, when this was demonstrated.
That’s not so hard to believe, is it? I don’t think so. And all of the sudden
you began to feel your head hurt a little bit. Okay? Now, there’s a little
confusion going on, why is my head hurting? Ow, my head hurts, but the
guy’s still talking or the gal’s still talking, and what could happen? Now
these suggestions, whatever follows, you know, where ever the train of
reasoning is headed, could just sink in because you’re too busy trying to
figure out what’s going on and the pain that you’re having. So all that
could just be sinking in. Then they could get rid of that pain as easily as
they started it.

You’ve seen pictures, you’ve seen images of people being choked to death,
right, and just before they pass out, the guy let’s go of their throat, right?
The person goes--and everything feels good again, right? So, see, you can
get rid of it as fast as you put it in, but in that short few minutes
afterwards, it could be really having an impact, and what if you use that in
combination with a few of the others--the other paranoia pattern or
whatever? So, watch these kinds of things. And here’s the thing to watch
for, here’s the best defense to this. If people start talking very--with a lot
of ambiguity and commands, then look at where is the emotion heading
you? If the emotion is negative, watch out. If people start talking about
ending everything, okay, well, then watch out. It’s really important that
you look to see what’s going on and whether or not it’s going to happen or
not, you know, what’s happening.

So, that’s something that is really--you’ve got to watch. If you feel

negative in any way, shape, or form, you’ve got to ask yourself why. If you
feel paranoid for any reason, if your head hurts, you know, listen to what
people are doing. That should be a giant help for you.

All right, I want now to go to another one that is incredibly powerful and
can be used for things--for a number of things. It’s talked about in the
world of seduction a lot and it’s to manipulate and control somebody and
make them more or less a love slave. While most of the seduction
patterns in this world are about getting, you know, a woman into bed or a
guy, this is aimed at controlling the person once you’ve started a
relationship with them or you’ve actually gotten them into bed. To that
end, I find this exceptionally destructive and therefore present it to you so
that you can defend against this kind of thing should anyone try it on you,
and to certainly be able to analyze this so you can understand the
persuasion ramifications it has into all kinds of areas in your life.
This creates a sense of fear and anchors that sense of fear and it’s a
specific type of fear, it’s a fear of loss. So this pattern begins after you’ve
had sex with the person and the ideal setting is your--you’ve completed
this act, you’re in bed, and you’ve set things up so as the person feels that
you’re the person of their dreams. You know, they’re extraordinarily
satisfied, for an example, and believe this to be an extraordinary
experience and you an extraordinary person. And so here’s the pattern.
I’m going to read it to you as it was written.

Sweetheart, what’s over there? And you point to the door. And she’ll say,
you know, that’s a door. You say, yeah, I’m a real positive person but can
you imagine? I mean, you don’t know what could happen from day to day
when you think about it in your mind. I mean, what would happen if I
walked out that door and the door closed, and as the door closed, it
slammed shut, and no matter what you did you could not open the door
and you knew that you would never be able to look into my eyes again and
you’d never be able to hear my voice again, and you’d never be able to feel
my touch again?

At about that point she starts saying, well, I don’t like this door business
at all, at which point you could reassure the person and say, okay,
sweetheart, you’re right, you really shouldn’t think about the door and you
really don’t have to think about the door--which, by the way, simply
reinforces all that--so you go back to doing whatever you were doing
before you started with that, and then you could continue by saying, you
know, a terrible thing happened the other day. My friend was hit by a
truck. I mean, it was awful. By the time they got him to the hospital, he
was dead. I can’t believe it, you know? It’s almost as if--it would be a
horrible thing, you know, when you think about--and then you point to
the door--that no matter, even if you were to get that door open and you
were to search, you could never find me again. Whereupon the person
could start freaking out, and you could calibrate at that point, you know,
how much more you need to ratchet it up, but you could say, you know,
you will never be able to see me again, never be able to hear my voice
again, never. You’ll never be able--I mean, all the fun that we had
together, all those great times we had together, walking along the beach,
hand in hand in the moonlight, we would never be able to do those things
again, and even if you were to open that door, you would search and you
would never find.

At that point the person could be in great emotional pain, maybe saying,
hey, I don’t like this door, let’s stop this stuff. What are you trying to do,
upset me? And you say, oh, no, I’m sorry. I was just saying these things--
just saying them like as they pop into my mind, okay? So, return again to
doing what you were doing before all of this started and put the person in
a good mood, and then you could go back to the door again and say, you
know, still, you know, about life’s tragedies, I mean, I just keep thinking
how--and at this point when you just start with that you’ll be able to see
that it’s starting to make her feel extremely uncomfortable. And you want
to create that sense that you can walk out and she would feel terrible for
the rest of her life, that is if you were to use this pattern.

You want to anchor that response, so then the person could get up, and
she’ll say, well, what are you doing? And you say, well, I’m just going to
go to the bathroom. So you go to the bedroom door and you slam it,
which will absolutely freak her out. Then open the door back up and say,
oh, I’m sorry. I’m just playing with this door again. You know, you really
shouldn’t think about this door now, and you really don’t want to think
about this door now.

Now, what you’ve done is you’ve anchored the sense of loss and pain to
the door. And you can trigger it whenever you want to, and people use
this pattern. It blows me away, but if you want to create a love slave, I
guess this is one way. But I mean, what you’re really doing is you’re
hurting yourself because is the person with you because they’re scared
crapless? Or are they with you because they love you? And I don’t know
about you, but it’s like when I was first asked by Paul Ross--Ross Jeffries
is his pen name, his real name is Paul Ross, but when he asked me, you
know, what would you do if you wanted to get rid of a boyfriend? What
would you do? I said, well, I wouldn’t. I’d go find another girl. He goes,
yeah, but if you really wanted to get rid of the boyfriend. I go, but I
wouldn’t. He goes, I know, I know you wouldn’t, but let’s just say you
really wanted to. I go, but why would I want to? Why would any one girl
be so important that I would want to get rid of the boyfriend? I mean,
why not just go find another girl? He goes, okay, so it’d be real easy to go
find another girl, but if you just for whatever reason wanted to get rid of
the boyfriend, what would you do? I said, well, I’d do this and I’d do that
and I’d do the other thing. And about a month later here comes his new
course on the boyfriend destroyer pattern. You know, literally the exact
words out of my mouth what I said to do, and I felt bad, I felt like that was
a complete misuse of what I had been trying to tell him but I soon realized
that that was life.

So, anyway, that’s the power of these things. This is anchoring done at its
most destructive. This is not nice, and I present it to you so that if anyone
were to ever start that kind of nonsense with you, you could immediately
recognize what’s happening and put an end to it right off the bat. Okay?

So, I’m rather shocked that people actually put these kind of things out
there, but they are, so therefore you should know about it so you can stop
it from being done to you. Anybody have any questions about anything
I’ve talked about so far?
No? All right. I’m going to talk about one that was run on me. I believe
this one to be about the worst that exists, one of the very worst anyway.
Let me preface this by telling you that there was a time in my life when I
was engaged in a big project, I was the trainer to the largest business--
how do I put this?--I created the material that was used to do one of the
largest business examples of NLP where there was a major application of
it in a banking environment and in all of this there was a lawsuit, and it
was offered to me at the time that if I would use what I would be taught,
that I would--that I could be taught some things that would normally
never be taught. Of course, I wanted to hear them, so I agreed, and then I
was taught some pretty devastating things.

One of the things I was taught, as I heard it, I was in absolute shock
because it had been done to me. Thank god it wasn’t done with horrible,
malicious intent, it was more done jokingly, but it still messed me up for
about six months and I couldn’t hardly feel like I knew who I was as a
result of this.

Well, the reason I’m bringing this up now and teaching it is because I
actually have a lot of calls and people telling me that they have actually
been exposed to this, and as people would tell me, look, something
happened in a training. I don’t understand it, but I don’t feel like myself
anymore and I don’t know what to do and I don’t know what’s wrong. Do
you have any ideas? Well, yeah, I’ve got some ideas and all I have to do is
talk to them for about two minutes and I’ll know exactly if that pattern
was run on them and the minute I find out that it is, oh, my god, I realized
that this is what happened to me.

So, I do want to say, everybody changes in this world and I believe that
everybody deserves salvation in one form or another, and I don’t mean
that religiously so much as I mean everybody deserves a second chance.
And to that end, I’ve found that the people that were responsible for some
of these destructive things have certainly become people that I’m much
more comfortable with these days and have changed things quite
considerably, but then again, sometimes the ability to deceive at such a
powerful level can be a bit overwhelming and people can revert to
negative ways or perhaps there’s something bad that happens and a
person feels the need to defend.

So, with that, those caveats, I’ll explain the pattern. Start with the pattern
I talked about earlier, what’s something that’s no longer true but used to
be? You want to anchor that. So, what’s something that’s no longer true,
but used to be? Now, you could also do any variation of a massive
confusion, that would create massive confusion, what is it that you’re not
thinking about right now? That would be a lesser powerful thing to do, it
would have a lesser length to the effect of it, it would be a little bit kinder
to the person. If you actually elicited the what’s something that’s no
longer true but used to be, it would be devastating.

So, once you’ve elicited and anchored the what’s something that’s no
longer true but used to be, or what is it you’re not thinking about right
now, then you want to either elicit or talk about the person’s values for
their life. So you could talk about--you could do it directly or indirectly.
You could say, you know, what are the most important things about life to
you? You know? Maybe it’s love, money, recognition, knowledge, I don’t
know, and they go, yeah, you know, love and recognition and knowledge,
yeah, these are important to me, power and money, yeah. And all you
have to do is start talking about their values and firing that anchor,
pointing to where it’s no longer true but used to be.

If you do that, and you go through their values, you’re talking about their
values, while firing that anchor, what happens is, you will scramble their
brains. They may well not be able to defend against that. If ever you’re
asked the question, what’s something you’re not thinking about right now,
I would highly advise, be very careful because the person is probably
trained and knows a lot and you want to quickly measure your ability with
theirs and if you feel that you’re out gunned, simply turn and walk away.

And if they go--and if you’re really good--now let me show you some
things you can do, so I say, what is it you’re not thinking about right now?
And let me give you a couple things you can say in response to that? Go,
I’m not thinking about that? And they go, what? You go, that. They go,
well, which is that? And you go, yeah, you don’t know, do you? They go,
no. Say, so therefore--and then anchor it. You just got them.

Or, you know, they go, what is it you’re not thinking about right now?
And you go, your question. I’m not thinking about your question or you or
anything that that could lead to, and they go, what? You go, yeah, I know,
you don’t really know what it is, right? And you’ve just again turned it
back on them. Or, you can just laugh at them and go, nice try. Get a life,
and walk away.

All right, another thing you can do is you can respond to the question by
saying, well, it used to be that you could remember what is no longer true
but now you find yourself simply stuck to that experience of what isn’t
true. Yes? They go, uh--you anchor. And tell them, if I ever catch you
doing that again, I’ll fire the anchor I’ve set with you, or better still, you
could future pace failure in their life and suggest that should they ever
attempt to actually use that pattern on anyone, they’ll immediately
remember this strategy, and then run them through what will happen if
they ever try to use the pattern, how it will simply work on them.
And you’ll have set up something rather nice for humanity because you’ll
have stopped one of these idiots from running these patterns. I don’t
really recommend you do that. You’re really kind of fighting fire with fire,
and it’s better to fight fire with water or ice. You know, remove the
burning substance, and that would mean the minds of the people they’re
playing with including your own. So, laugh heartily when you hear
something like this and realize that you’re dealing with a true asshole,
someone that’s really trying to screw people over, and you’ll just have to
wonder what would motivate someone to do something like that and then
leave, but this is one of the most negative patterns that exists for the use
of the dark side, and having explained that, you will now be able to defend
yourself very handily.

So, it’s nice to know that you can defend yourself and it’s nice to know
that these patterns exist and it’s nice to know that there’s some very useful
ways of structuring the information that you’ve been getting to your
advantage to be used for good things. All of these patterns, as was so
rightly pointed out, are really patterns that have just taken on a very
negative way of looking at things. And so if we readjust ourselves to the
good use of this kind of thing, then we can have a great deal of fun with
these patterns and benefit ourselves hugely and enjoy our lives. So, I
think that that’s a really good reason to know them and to know the
patterns that are underlying them, but an even greater way of
understanding all this kind of stuff is to just look at its greater
implications in persuasion in general.

Caller: Question for you. How would you actually use this in persuasion versus

Kenrick: Use which?

Caller: The last one, the last one would be a very powerful way to use it--if you,
Kenrick, were using it in persuasion, how would you use the last pattern
that you just ran through in persuasion?

Kenrick: I would not. There is no reason to use that pattern. What I’m suggesting
to you is that your ability to persuade will be enhanced by understanding
the limits of what’s possible and until this pattern was presented to you,
you probably had no idea of what was possible like this, or maybe you
heard the pattern somewhere else and you wondered what made it work,
and now that you know, you think to yourself, wow, so if I were to use any
of these parts, any of the strategies, I could easily use the something that’s
no longer true but used to be, and then put objections there. That’s how I
would use that part of it, or what is it you’re no longer thinking about
right now, and I could anchor that and again put objections there. They
tell me something I don’t want to hear, I put it there. I could put it at any
objection that I want to, I could preframe it, I could say, you know, some
people might say, well, it costs too much, and then I’d fire that anchor and
say, you know, but somehow it just leaves their mind because they see the
value, they recognize that there’s so much more value here than the
money, that just goes away. I don’t know why.

But I know why because I fired the anchor. So, you could put it there for
objections of any kind and disappear the objections and that would be a
really good use of it provided again that you know that those intentions
are worthy of getting rid of. Now, in my opinion, there absolutely is a
reason--I mean, money is a real objection. If a person genuinely doesn’t
have the money, and you disappear that so they feel like they can go ahead
anyway, well, maybe they’re giving you their food money, maybe that’s not
really appropriate. But there are times when it is appropriate when it’s
just simply a smoke screen and you know it’s a smoke screen, you know
good and well they’ve got the money they’re just saying they don’t right
now. Nobody has the money for things that they don’t find are very
important to them, but I would not use the actual pattern itself to destroy
somebody’s values, I would not do that. That’s not appropriate. There’s
no way to turn that into something appropriate in my view. Does that
answer that for you?

Caller: Yes. Thank you.

Kenrick: Okay, great. Perfect. Well, such fun, we have covered such an inordinate
amount of information. We really have. Everything from the way in
which the rapport can be had with the unconscious, ways of using a wise
and knowing look, pacing and leading to deepen a person’s altered state,
strategies that--of energy, ways to jump inside people, ways to preframe
things to get people to accept our point of view without even any kind of
resistance whatsoever. We’ve talked at length about interrupting peoples’
patterns, learning to look for patterns, I gave you tons and tons of ways of
dealing with patterns and working with them, we talked at length about
cleansings, how to cleanse ourselves energetically, mentally, physically,
from people that are sending negativity at us. I wish, you know, I may at
some later point actually do a whole course on just the energetic aspects
of all of this because really I could have talked for six lessons just about
that or many more, but we talked at length about how to cleanse ourselves
so that if someone were to have sent something like these things at you,
you would be able to figure out how to deal with it, and you can certainly
start cleaning yourself up, your mind, your energy, your life, and
everything, by running through these cleansing patterns. We talked about
the different laws--the law of elegance, the law of imagination, where the
imagination is supreme, how to externalize resistance in the classic
hypnotic test that people do. There’s so much that we worked with,
learning to get people to try to do things, to presuppose failure. We talked
about the law of overload using nominalizations and that kind of thing,
the principle of distraction to implant suggestions and amnesia, the law of
seeding to grow suggestions, ways to drop in suggestions, I mean, ways of
making persuasion work for you elegantly and ways of detecting when
people are doing it to try to hurt you.

We talked at length about sub modalities, anchoring, in particular tonight

the no longer true that used to be, and something that’s absolutely true.
We talked about compulsions, we talked about all manner of compulsions
including ways of compulsing people to have fear, to have sense of loss, as
well as how to do a full on mind scramble and how people will do that to
you and you can avoid it, now that you’ve heard it you’ll be able to avoid
it. So there’s a tremendous amount.

Let me tell you what I'm most happy about. I’m most happy for
everybody that’s participated in this program, you have huge defenses just
knowing how this works gives you giant defenses to this material. That’s
number one. I have to say thank you to the teachers that taught me,
whether I wanted to be taught or not, whether I agreed to be a subject in
their teaching or not, you know, because it brought me to the point of
being able to help others today to not have to experience the negative
effects of this stuff, they can be free of it, and that can be true for each and
every one of you and I think that’s reason enough to have participated in
this program, if nothing else just to make sure that you’ll be free of this
kind of negativity.

But there’s a deeper and better reason, and that is, because you’re starting
to understand a much more advanced level of persuasion, a much more
advanced way of understanding the dynamics of how these patterns work,
and you’ll find way after way, you’ll find strategy and methodology after
strategy and methodology, and you’ll find tactic after tactic that you can
bend to the positive now that you know more about the limits.

I’ve always believed that in order to understand patterns you have to

understand their positive and their negative, their good and their bad, or
you don’t really understand the pattern, and so to that end, I think this
course has accomplished those things. You certainly have the ability to
see and hear and feel things that you couldn’t have done before and if you
practice with this, listen to this a lot, you will have a much deeper
understanding of very, very advanced persuasion skills and strategies,
things that I’ve not talked about in my other courses. Things that you can
only learn by embracing this dark side, if you will, and understanding the
limits of the patterns.

So, to that end, it’s sort of like before this course you didn’t know maybe
some of the extents of what’s possible, nor did you understand how far
certain patterns could be used or how far they could be pushed. But now
it’s like there’s lines drawn in the sand and you know that up to a certain
point it’s probably a really good use of the skill, and beyond that, you’re
probably really messing with people in ways that you shouldn’t. So I hope
that that good side of you, that honorable side, that just side, that part of
you that wants the best for everybody involved, I hope that it is
responsible for setting those limits and those lines and thus brings out the
positive and the good side of all of this. But I’m not so stupid as to realize
that there are times when we need to defend ourselves. You know, the
biggest things governments are afraid of is an armed population, more
over is an armed population that sees through the nonsense that a
government tries to do. That’s why arms are important and it’s why you
should never give them up if at all possible, and yes, that’s my opinion,
and take it or leave it. But my belief is that the only way to stop tyranny is
to maintain the ability to defend one’s self, therefore I would say that that
holds true psychologically as well. Pick a pattern or two that you know
isn’t going to--you know, you don’t need to go so far as to use a suicidal
one, we’re not trying to permanently end somebody, but pick a pattern or
two that can have an interruptive effect and if anyone is coming at you
very, very negatively, trying hard to hurt you, well, maybe it would be
appropriate to use some defense to that, maybe it would be appropriate to
reach out and do something that would cause them to think twice before
they came at you again.

I’ll never forget my step father when I was a little boy, he was a marine
drill sergeant--ex, he left and became a lawyer and was extraordinary as a
lawyer, and he said to me one day that I was feeling threatened by another
little boy in school and he said, you know what you do, he said--and he
demonstrated how if they came running at you, well, you put your foot up
in their chest and you fall on the ground on your own back and you kick
with your foot at the same time and it sends the other person flying. He
said, and when they land on the ground you jump up and you run over to
them and you hit them as hard as you can and you look them in the eye
and you say, remember the pain you’re feeling right now, and if you ever
touch me again all that will happen is this pain will become debilitating
and you’ll never, ever be able to do it again. Don’t ever touch me again.
Do you understand me? Feel this pain and realize that you should never,
ever touch me again. And when--I never forgot that lesson. He’s right.
Think of all that I learned in that one little lesson and that you now know
as well.

Sometimes, you know, you just got to put a stop to people and you have a
lot of ability to do that right now and I hope that you use it very wisely and
with great intelligence. And with that, let’s bring this to a close and it’s
been wonderful having you folks involved and I look forward to
interacting with you in the future and I hope this has been absolutely
refreshing and enjoyable and has helped you to see things in new and
wonderful and powerful ways.

Until next time.

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