Research Work Plan

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Research work plan

Despite the fact that I don't have a fixed idea of the plan for my research paper yet. I know I would
like to work on Nietzsche.

The superman in Nietzsche's work

Nietzsche's philosophy is characterized by two features: the fight against idealism and the quest
for a higher type of man. The word by which Nietzsche refers to his ideal is the "superman". It
appears during the Thus Spoke Zarathustra period, is eclipsed for a while, and reappears in the
writings of the late period, particularly in Antichrist and Ecce Homo. At each stage of this route,
the context in which the concept is embedded highlights its different characteristics.

Thus, three works of Nietzsche will be essential to me, namely Ecce Homo, The Antichrist and
Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

I- The superman conception in Nietzsche’s work

In this first part, I will return to the superman evoked in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Antichrist
and Ecce Homo. So make three parts, each dedicated to one of these three works. It would
undoubtedly be wise to classify them in order of publication in order to understand the evolution
of his thinking

A- Thus Spoke Zarathustra

- The thought of the superman and the eternal return
- The thought of the superman and the last man
- The thought of the superman in thus spoke Zarathustra

B- The Antichrist
- the critique of the notion of progress
- modern man and renaissance man
- the conception of the superman in the Antichrist

C- Ecce Homo
- The superman concept in Ecce Homo
- Human idealism
- Darwinism and the concept of superman
- The heroic conception of the superman

II- The Nietzschean superman: a singular being or an example for all?

- The will to power

we will have to come back in this part to the notion of the will to power.

The will to power is a notion that designates the fundamental goal of all drives: to increase one's
power. For Nietzsche, the human being is the set of his or her drives hierarchically organized in a
more or less stable manner.

If all knowledge is interpretative and if all interpretation proceeds from the will to power, the
activity of knowing must necessarily reflect the intimate principle of the will to power, which is to
overcome oneself infinitely. What will be the modalities of this interpretation? What new
definition of truth will be associated with it?

- What mean to become a superman

Faced with this reactive morality, man, in order to become superman, must practice the "great
contempt": contempt for happiness (in the sense of the resignation of the Stoics), for reason
(understood as moral consciousness in Kant), for virtue (in other words, for the disposition to the
good, which is merely obedience to morality
- The moral

The Superman must despise reactive morality, despise happiness, despise reason, despise virtue,
despise justice, despise compassion

Nietzsche's morality is based on the figure of Dionysus, God of intoxication, on dance, spontaneity,
art, play, childhood, the valuing of the body and creation.

More than a list of values, Nietzsche draws up the qualities necessary for the superman, notably
immanence. Indeed, morality no longer comes from a beyond, but from man himself.

I'm not sure what the plan is but it's an idea of a plan I'd like to work on. I have also provided you
with one of my papers that I did on Nietzsche "The Antichrist".

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