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Build up a business plan to sell one product of Vietnam to a new abroad market.

need to promote your business to other groups and find at least two partners to join
your business in the new market. The smaller the total shares you give away, the
better the deal.
Max: 15 min./ group
( Language: English for presentation & Vietnamese for Q&A)
Bán nước mía sang nước Đức
Presentation Day: 14 July 2022
Task 1 (Ex1): choose the product, and choose the host market (targeted market),
express the culture of your targeted market creatively (free form) (Duy và Ngọc Anh)
( chọn sản phẩm và chọn thị trường chủ (thị trường được nhắm mục tiêu), thể hiện
văn hóa của thị trường mục tiêu của bạn một cách sáng tạo (biểu mẫu miễn phí)
Culture of Germany by Hofstede model:( Duy)
Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of
institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is
distributed unequally.
Germany is in the top 35.Co-determination is relatively broad and must be taken into
account by management. Face-to-face and participatory meeting and communication
styles are common, control aversion, and leadership is challenged to demonstrate
expertise and is best accepted when based on it.
Individualism the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its
The German society is a truly Individualist one (67). Small families that focus on
parent-child relationships rather than aunts and uncles are most common. Have a
strong belief in the ideal of self-actualization. Loyalty is based on personal
preference for people as well as a sense of duty and responsibility
A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven
by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the
winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout
organisational life.
With a score of 66 Germany is considered a Masculine society. Achievement is
appreciated and soon demanded because of the school system
Uncertainty avoidance:
The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or
unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these
Germany is among the uncertainty avoidance countries (65);
Long-term orientation
This dimension describes how every society has to maintain some links with its own
past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future,

Germany’s high score of 83 indicates that it is a pragmatic country.Germany's high

score of 83 shows it is a country of enforcement. In Guiding societies, we believe
that truth is very contextual, foreground, and temporal. They can easily demonstrate
application communication adapting to changing conditions, strong propensity to
save and invest, save and maintain in the work to achieve results.

Indulgence:the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulse

The low score of 40 on this dimension indicates that German culture is Restrained in
nature.People with this orientation perceive that their actions are constrained by
social norms and feel it is somewhat wrong to indulge in self-indulgence.

-Product : white sugar cane

-Main market: Germany
This is good news for the agricultural industry and sugarcane farmers in Hoa Binh
province. White sugarcane products eaten fresh before being exported to the
German market have passed extremely strict quarantine requirements, ensuring the
best quality standards. As a result, the reliability of investment enterprises and
consumers for Hoa Binh sugarcane in particular and Vietnam's sugarcane in general
will be increasingly multiplied.
+ And Hoa Binh province has many suitable lands to develop sugarcane with
outstanding quality compared to other provinces. Sugarcane is grown in all localities
in the province, mainly concentrated in Cao Phong, Kim Boi, Tan Lac, Yen Thuy, Lac
Son districts. main in the province
As a result, sugarcane is considered a tree of hunger eradication, poverty alleviation,
improvement of people's lives, promoting economic development and contributing to
social stability in the province.

White sugarcane is selected and carried out 2 stages of preliminary processing,

removing 100% of the tips, shaving the bark, cutting into 35cm pieces, packing into
PE bags (vacuum) weighing 2.5kg/bag and freezing, closing 10kg/carton, quality
assurance according to export standards. The packing of white sugar cane is carried
out in accordance with the requirements and types of goods, ensuring the EU's food
safety standards. The delivery and receipt is guaranteed to be done on time as
requested by the partner.

Positioning in the world market: Vietnam's sugarcane industry in general (including

sugar cane and fresh cane) Vietnam is facing many difficulties in terms of sugar
exports, while sugar imports continuously reach "records". " in terms of output.
Therefore, this will be a new and right direction to solve the problem of production
profits for farmers, as well as "open up" the path of exporting agricultural products
for Vietnamese enterprises.
In the context of global integration, new generation free trade agreements (FTAs)
have been signed, requiring Vietnamese agricultural products to be improved in
quality and branded in order to position themselves in the domestic market. and
international. The branding for agricultural products has great significance in
affirming the quality and enhancing the value. Agricultural products after being
branded are often 2-3 times more valuable than unbranded products. Therefore, the
first thing businesses must be proud of and confident about is the product, the
stories behind the brand to make a difference and attract consumers.

Task 2: Construct a human resource management strategy to manage multicultural

staff in your company in host country (ppt) (Khánh)
Choosing Managers:
management option according to the method of a Third nation country .
The manager we were going to choose was from Denmark.
The reason I chose that and because:
Germany and Denmark share a border, both are countries with a long history of
formation and development
Another reason why I decided to choose Danish management is because the
working cultures of the two countries have many similarities:
respect working time: work, play, or have many long vacations but do not affect the
quality of their work
Another interesting thing about Danish bosses is that you won't have to worry about
their reprimands and complaints about the way you work. they will let you be
independent and autonomous in your work.
The cuisines of the two countries also have certain similarities
Ages: 35-45, have at least 3 years of working experience in management

The company's HR strategy

Mission strategy and core values:
Mission: to bring to the market the safest and most quality thirst quenching products
Core values: truthfulness - fairness - listening
Corporate culture:
Enterprises always listen to opinions to continuously improve valuable products and
enhance the value of the brand continuously.
Comfortable working space, no constraints, everyone has equal rights and opinions,
leaders will only observe and give advice when you have difficulties. This will break
the gap between employees and leaders, employees with employees, new people
with old people to promote the development of the company.
There is a suitable salary policy according to your mode and only your device
Human resource training policy: to ensure stability and solidity in the company, we
offer the following elements:
+ Recruiting human resources with at least 3 years of experience in the fields we set
out: marketing, sales, ...
+ Tuition support for employees who need to improve their professional skills
+ Organise meetings, chats, meals to improve communication skills as well as learn,
hone and acquire skills and experiences
Remuneration policy for employees: with the goal of retaining employees
This is the HR strategy that most companies/enterprises apply to create long-term
engagement with employees:
- Ensuring income and benefits for employees.
- Timely reward individuals/files who can contribute to the company. Discipline
against individuals / groups that adversely affect the company's reputation.
Recruitment strategy, company's human resources
To have an excellent staff, our company human resource recruitment strategy is also
extremely attractive to talent:
+ Employees are trained abroad
+ Rejuvenate human resources to create new effect changes
+ Practice both professional skills

Task 3: Presentation to promote the working environment of your company in the

host country, the purpose is to attract local people to apply to the enterprise( Việt và
Các yếu tố cơ bản để tạo nên một môi trường làm việc lý tưởng( phân tích gắn liền
với đất nước chủ quản)

- An ideal and comfortable working space to increase creativity and promote

employee performance
- If you have financial resources, you will be mentally strong. A company with good
benefits, competitive salary, attractive bonus, regular salary increase attracts all
employees to join the company. Salary, bonus and welfare regime is probably the top
concern of each person when deciding to choose a certain job.
- A professional working environment cannot fail to mention an open working style.
The openness at work helps employees feel comfortable, so they can maximise their
creativity and work better.
- Enhance business value from within
- Value equality, no favouritism
- Listen to employee input
- Superiors always enthusiastically support and create favourable conditions for
employees to work in a dynamic working environment, so that they can develop their
full potential.
- Corporate culture is very important to retain talent for the future of the company, as
well as attract talent from the beginning. As long as the workplace is welcoming and
there are plenty of opportunities for future advancement, young people can defy the
pay gap and accept job offers.
- Each team member must draw close to each other, motivate each other and want
to stick with the organisation, manager and employer for a long time if the new hires
want to integrate quickly into the workplace. A set of guidelines on cultural policy,
treatment and welfare systems must be created. Employees will give their best if
they feel at home at work and their colleagues like an extended family. commitment
and commitment to the mission.

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