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AECP 111. Chapter 4.

Production and Management of Herbs

Herb Identification

1. Read the articles in the links given below. Copy the following table and fill
out with information obtained in the articles:

Table 4.1. Herb species, their description, requirements and uses

Herb Scientific Descriptio Growth Propagation Uses

Name n requireme

Rosmarinusof Rosemary This herb Rosemary is This is

Rosem ficinalis is a requires propagated commonly
ary culinary water through cuttings, used for
herb that every but can also be dishes like
can grow other day grown from roasted
up to one and must seeds. chicken and
to two be placed is also
meters in in partial recognized
height. shade. for its

Thyme Thymus This type Thyme propagated Used as an

vulgaris of herb, grows through cuttings ingredient in
you can horizontall meat dishes
rarely y, hence and other
encounter the need meals. When
pest to be it comes to its
problems, placed in medicinal
which is a wider benefits,
an container Thyme is a
advantage or area. If Mediterranea
, it gets too n herb that
especially crowded can
if you are due to a strengthen
a pot that’s one’s
beginner. too small, immunity,
it can halt fight cough
their and sore
growth. throat, and
reduce high

Mint Mentha spp. Mint can Must also propagated Aside from its
also be a be through cuttings, culinary
hanging watered purposes, this
plant, but daily. This is widely used
Aguilar can for its
warns that tolerate medicinal
they must full sun, benefits that
be but grows include
maintaine better if reducing
d to avoid exposed stress and
overcrowdi to the sun anxiety. Mint
ng. for at least tea is also an
three to excellent
four hours remedy for
daily. Mint indigestion
can also
be a
plant, but
warns that
they must
d to avoid

Parsle Petroselinum This is Parsley can only be commonly

y crispum frequently grows in propagated used in
used as a vertical through seeds cooking
garnish to position
dishes like and
pasta as it develops
offers a better
pop of through
color in an consistent
otherwise pruning
monochro and
matic dish. harvesting
. Once
they are
cut, you
through its

Cilantr Coriandrumsa Cilantro, a Although This can be Its roots and

o tivum culinary when propagated leaves are
herb, is an exposed through seeds used for
easy plant to full sun, that can take up cooking.
to tend, as they can to six to eight
per the easily weeks for them
gardener. wither. to fully mature
Since its
leaves are
thin and
soft, they
do not
very well.

Basil Ocimumbasili Sweet Expose Basil can be Basil is

cum basil or basil to grown all year popular for its
great the sun for round and culinary
basil, is about thrives well if you purposes and
also an eight propagate them is typically
easy-to- hours a through seeds added to
grow herb. day and rather than pesto.
But regularly cuttings.
Aguilar water
says, Thai them to
basil is produce
easier to quality
nurture leaves.
compared When
to the leaves
sweet curl, this
basil as it might also
is less mean that
susceptibl there are
e to aphids
diseases present. If
and pests. this
the pests
or spray
the plant
with a
of your

Orega Origanumvulg In This is a Oregano can be The more

no are propagatin sun-loving grown through common
g herb that cuttings. oregano with
Jamaican needs thick leaves is
oregano, daily typically
in its watering. consumed as
mother a tea for its
plant, find medicinal
where the properties
green and that can
brown side soothe cough
of the and sore
stem throat.
meets as
this Oregano,
indicates apart from the
where you medicinal and
will cut the culinary gain
stem. that it can
provide, its
plant can also
last for years.

Chevril Anthriscus Chervil is a It is Chervil is most  It is

cerefolium tender, typically commonly propag commonly
leafy, light harvested ated by seed used to
green herb around 10 season mild-
with thin, centimeter flavoured
hollow s tall. dishes and is
stems a constituent
reaching of the French
up to 30 herb mixture
centimeter fines herbes
s tall. The
opposite of
each other
with a triad
of 5 small,

Fennel Foeniculum Fennel is a Requires Fennel is usually Dried fennel s

vulgare perennial, and propagated eeds are often
pleasant- ambient directly from seed used in
smelling temperatur cooking as an
herb with e between anise-like
yellow 15 and spice. Fennel'
flowers. It 20°C (59– s dried ripe
is native to 68°F) to seeds and oil
the germinate.  are used to
Mediterran make
ean, but is medicine.
now found
the world.

Chives  Allium  The chive   They are can be grown Liliaceae

schoenoprasu plant is a a hardy, directly from seed grown for their
m member of drought- leaves which
the onion tolerant are used as
family and perennial culinary herbs.
forms growing to
small bulbs about 10-
from the 12 inches
roots. The tall.
leaves of
the plant
hollow and
and have a
Dill Anethum The plant,  It possess recommended to Dill leaves are
graveolens called dill  branching direct seed used fresh or
weed, is stems and dry as a
60–75 cm fine, soft, culinary herb.
high, fibre-like The leaves
similar to leaves may be used
but smaller which are to make tea.
than arranged The seeds of
fennel, with into an the plant may
feathery open cone be used as a
leaves on and are spice.
sheathing blue-green
foot-stalks.  in color.

Lavend Lavandula Lavender p Lavender propagated Lavender is

er lants are grows very vegetatively from an herb that is
small, well in a cuttings or by used in skin
branching wide range dividing the and beauty
and of mother plant. products but
spreading climates, packs a
shrubs with and wealth of
grey-green optimally health
leaves and at benefits,
long temperatur including
flowering es action against
shoots. between 7 fungi, wounds,
and 21°C and anxiety.

Sage Salvia Its long, Sage can usually The leaf

officinalis grayish- be erect or propagated from is used
green grow along seed, although to make
leaves take the ground both cuttings, medicine.
on a and divisions and air
velvety, possesses layering is also
cotton-like a dense successfully
texture arrangeme practised.
when nt of
rubbed woody
(meaning stems with
ground broad,
lightly and elliptical,sil
passed very-green
through a leaves
coarse which are
sieve). arranged
on the

Tarrag Artemisia The Tarragon Tarragon is Tarragon

on dracunculus tarragon grows best usually leaves are
plant is in vegetatively used either
erect with temperate propagated from fresh or dried
slender, climates stem or rhizome as a culinary
often and can cuttings.  herb.
branching survive Essential oil
stems and some light can be
simple frost. extracted from
needle-like Tarragon the leaves and
leaves will flowers.
which are perform
glossy optimally
green and when
very planted in
aromatic.  a dry
location in
full sun.

NOTE: Date of submission of outputs: Not later than May 11 (Tuesday)


1. Look for this one. It is not downloadable

2. This one is the article below
for-your-kitchen-and-maybe-even-profit-from/even herbs and spices that
you can grow for your kitchen (and maybe even profit from)

Published September 26, 2020, 10:30 AM

by VinaMedenilla
Herbs, aside from personal consumption, can also be grown commercially not only
because of their culinary and medicinal benefits, but because these are also profit-
making plants due to high market demand.  

From only growing the common vegetables for his personal consumption to learning
and succeeding in cultivating herbs and spices, Carlo Aguilar, owner of an urban
garden that provides fresh, homegrown, and all-natural herbs called Fresherb,
shared his knowledge in herbs and spices during the third episode of AgriTalk 2020
that was aired on Facebook.

“Herbs are leaves, while spices come from other parts of the plant aside from leaves
like seeds, fruits, and its roots,” said the gardener.

He added that herbs are plants that are used for flavoring and garnishing food due
to their savory or aromatic properties. Oil extracted from herbs is also used for
fragrances. Spices, on the other hand, are mainly used for flavoring or coloring of
food that refers to the seeds, fruit, root, or bark of the plant.

While growing herbs and spices do not require a huge area for cultivation, the
industry provides opportunities to growers both in the local and international setting.
Here are seven herbs that you can cultivate and earn profit from:

Rosemary (Rosmarinusofficinalis)

Rosemary is a culinary herb that can grow up to one to two meters in height. This is
commonly used for dishes like roasted chicken and is also recognized for its
medicinal value. This can boost one’s memory, improve air quality, and can help in
reducing stress and anxiety. 

Rosemary is propagated through cuttings, but can also be grown from seeds.
However, Aguilar said that there are only a few suppliers of rosemary seeds in the
Philippines. That being said, it’s more convenient if you grow them via stem
cuttings. This herb requires water every other day and must be placed in partial
Rosemary. (Image by monicore from Pixabay.)
In terms of fertilizer, Aguilar does not recommend applying synthetic fertilizers to
herbs and prefers the use of animal manure-based natural fertilizer instead. Based
on his experience, when it comes to pests, rosemary is usually attacked by black
mites. If this occurs, make sure to get rid of black mites immediately to keep them
from damaging the entire plant.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Thyme and rosemary are a popular duo in the culinary scene for it has been long
used together as an ingredient in meat dishes and other meals. When it comes to its
medicinal benefits, Thyme is a Mediterranean herb that can strengthen one’s
immunity, fight cough and sore throat, and reduce high blood pressure. 

But unlike rosemary, Thyme grows horizontally, hence the need to be placed in a
wider container or area. If it gets too crowded due to a pot that’s too small, it can
halt their growth. In Aguilar’s case, he sows them in the ground where thyme can
freely grow. 

It also demands full sun and daily watering. According to Aguilar, in tending this
type of herb, you can rarely encounter pest problems, which is an advantage,
especially if you are a beginner.
Thyme. (Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay)
Mint (Mentha spp.)

Mint, propagated through cuttings, must also be watered daily. This can tolerate full
sun, but grows better if exposed to the sun for at least three to four hours daily. Mint
can also be a hanging plant, but Aguilar warns that they must be maintained to
avoid overcrowding.

Aside from its culinary purposes, this is widely used for its medicinal benefits that
include reducing stress and anxiety. Mint tea is also an excellent remedy for
indigestion. Different varieties of mint are peppermint, spearmint  (Menthaspicata),
chocolate mint (Mentha X piperita), and lemon mint (Monardacitriodora).
int, a popular mint variety that is commonly used in cooking. (Image by Manfred  Richter
from Pixabay.)
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Parsley, another Mediterranean herb, can only be propagated through seeds. Once
they are cut, you cannot regrow them through its cuttings. Parsley grows in vertical
position and develops better through consistent pruning and harvesting.
Parsley. (Image by ErdaEstremera on Unsplash)
This is frequently used as a garnish to dishes like pasta as it offers a pop of color in
an otherwise monochromatic dish. According to Aguilar, flat-leaf parsley is preferred
by his chef clients because it’s more tasting as compared to the curly parsley that is
normally used as a garnish, too. He added that this herb is a breath freshener, “This
is the reason why parsley is garnished or added to meals, so that you can eat them
after finishing your meal.”  

Cilantro (Coriandrumsativum)

Cilantro, a culinary herb, is an easy plant to tend, as per the gardener. Although
when exposed to full sun, they can easily wither. Since its leaves are thin and soft,
they do not tolerate heavy rainfall very well. But Aguilar says, “If you put them in soil
(considering the right conditions), they’ll grow easily.”  This can be propagated
through seeds that can take up to six to eight weeks for them to fully mature. There
are different varieties of cilantro and for Aguilar, he prefers the culantro variety. In
watering cilantro, it must be practiced daily too.
(Image by ReStyled Living from Pixabay.)
Its roots and leaves are used for cooking. Presently, cilantro is priced at P350 per
kilo in the market. The demand for it becomes low after it has matured and
developed flowers, Therefore, the gardener advises not to wait for its flowering
stage before you harvest and sell them.

Basil (Ocimumbasilicum)

Sweet basil or great basil, is also an easy-to-grow herb. But Aguilar says, Thai basil
is easier to nurture compared to the sweet basil as it is less susceptible to diseases
and pests.
. Image by monicore from Pixabay.
Basil is popular for its culinary purposes and is typically added to pesto. Basil can
be grown all year round and thrives well if you propagate them through seeds rather
than cuttings. Expose basil to the sun for about eight hours a day and regularly
water them to produce quality leaves. When leaves curl, this might also mean that
there are aphids present. If this happens, manually remove the pests or spray the
plant with a pesticide of your choice.

Oregano (Origanumvulgare)

Oregano can be grown through cuttings. This is a sun-loving herb that needs daily
watering. The more common oregano with thick leaves is typically consumed as a
tea for its medicinal properties that can soothe cough and sore throat. And there’s
also Jamaican oregano, that is more often used for cooking. Oregano, apart from
the medicinal and culinary gain that it can provide, its plant can also last for years. “I
have oregano that it’s already five years since I planted them. Even after countless
harvests, storms, and intense heat, they still thrive. I don’t even use fertilizers,” said

In propagating Jamaican oregano, in its mother plant, find where the green and
brown side of the stem meets as this indicates where you will cut the stem. Plant the
cutting into your container with a potting mix that is composed of 1:1 ratio of
carbonized rice hull and vermicast. Put it in partial shade for one to two weeks and if
it thrives, most likely, roots have already grown. For propagating the more common
medicinal oregano through cuttings, cut the stem by counting the third node from
the top, replant it in your container, wait for one to two weeks and check if it has
developed roots.

 Look for the brown and green side that indicates the place where you will cut the stem
for propagation.

 For cutting the medicinal oregano, make sure you cut them on the third node. (Photos
screen captured from the webinar on herbs and spices.)

Growing tips for herbs 

After nine years of gardening, this gardener would like to impart his insights and tips
to any growers who would want to plant herbs and spices as well. Here are some of
his techniques:

Most of the herbs are sun-loving, which is why gardeners must place them outdoors
so they can acquire enough sunlight that is vital to their growth. But if you bought
herbs from high-terrain areas like Baguio and you will continue tending them in an
area with hot weather such as the metro, Aguilar suggests to let the herb
acclimatize to the new environment first. “Let the plant adjust to the climate you
have at home by placing them in partial shade for at least one to two weeks before
exposing to full sun.”
Secondly, in terms of maintenance, cutting some of the herbs’ branches (except for
cilantro) weekly is great as it promotes growth and enables the herbs to produce
more branches.

Many herbs, excluding sweet basil, rosemary, and sage, are pest-resistant. If
there’s any presence of pests, Aguilar says that you can apply mild pesticides to get
rid of them.

For any growth of flowers in your herbs, cut them right away, otherwise, the plant’s
flavors will start to deteriorate. As per the gardener, the flowers are indicators that
the plant is ready to produce new seeds and die.

These are just some of the herbs and spices that can provide a stable income to
many. Aguilar, a former corporate worker who is now a full-time farmer, shares in
his previous interview  with Agriculture Monthly, that through urban agriculture, he
earns the same profit that he used to receive as an employee, while pursuing his
passion for farming.

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