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2A 107 QUIZ 2 postpartum

1. The nurse wants to prepare Leana to assess her own health after discharge. Which statement by
her would make the nurse worry that she needs added information?
a. “I know about Lochia; I’ll use tampons just like I do for my periods.”
2. A nurse is caring for a postpartum client who is 16 hours postdelivery. A student nurse is
assisting with the care. The nurse evaluates that the student needs more education about
uterine assessment when the student is observed doing which of the following?
a. Gently palpating the uterine fundus
3. While assessing the fundus of a multiparous client 36 hours after birth of a term neonate, the
nurse notes a separation of the abdominal muscles. The nurse should tell the client:
a. To remain on bed rest until resolution occurs
4. Which of the client should the postpartum nurse assess first after receiving the morning shift
a. The client who used one peri-pad during the night
5. The nurse is performing massage of the client’s fundus 2 days postpartum. What assessment
finding should prompt the nurse to contact Leana’s primary care provider immediately?
a. Client’s uterus does not become firm when massaged
6. At a postpartum checkup 11 days after childbirth, the nurse asks the client about the color of
her lochia. Which of the following colors is expected?
a. White
7. A primiparous client, 48 hours after a vaginal birth, is to be discharged with a prescription for
vitamins with iron because she is anemic. To maximize absorption of the iron, the nurse
instructs the client to take the medication with which of the following?
a. Orange juice
8. The postpartum nurse is assessing the client who is 1 day post vaginal delivery and notes that
the fundus is at umbilical, and the client has moderate lochia on her peri-pad which intervention
should the nurse implement?
a. Continue to monitor the client
9. While the nurse is caring for primiparous client on the first postpartum day, the client asks,
“How is that woman doing who lost her baby from prematurity? We were in labour together.”
Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most appropriate?
a. Explain to the client that nurses are not allowed to discuss other clients on the unit.”
10. The nurse is caring for a multiparous client after vaginal birth of a set of male twins 2 hours ago.
The nurse should encourage the mother and husband to:
a. Relate to each twin individually to enhance the attachment process.
11. A nurse is assisting in the delivery of a term newborn. Immediately after delivery of the
placenta, the nurse palpates the uterine fundus and finds that it is firm and located halfway
between the client’s umbilicus and symphysis pubis. Which action should the nurse take based
on the assessment findings?
a. Document the findings
12. A primigravid client gave birth vaginally 2 hours ago with no complications. As the nurse plans
care for this postpartum client, which postpartum goal would have the highest priority?
a. The client will demonstrate self-care and infant care by the end of the shift
13. At 6:00AM, the nurse assesses the fundus of a postpartum client who had a vaginal birth at 30
minutes ago and finds that it is firm. The nurse then asks a student nurse to assist the client out
of bed for the first time. Blood begins to run down the client’s leg when she gets up, and the
student nurse immediately calls the nurse bleeding is correct?
a. Explain to the client that this extra bleeding can occur with initial ambulation
14. The nurse is caring for a G 3, T 3, P 0, L 3 woman who is 1 day postpartum following a vaginal
birth. Which of the following indicates a need for further assessment?
a. Temperature of 38.6 °
15. A client is in the first hour of her recovery after vaginal birth. During an assessment, the lochia is
moderate, bright red, and is trickling from the vagina. The nurse locates the fundus at the
umbilicus; it is firm and midline with no palpable bladder. The client’s vital signs remain at their
baseline. Based on this information, the nurse would implement which of the following actions?
a. Report the finding to the physician
16. While the nurse is assessing the fundus of a multiparous client who gave birth 24 hours ago, the
client asks, “what can I do to get rid of these stretch marks?” which of the following responses
would most appropriate?
a. “They usually fade to silvery-white color over a period of time”
b. She looks directly at her infant’s face and talks to him
17. In response to the nurse’s question about how she is feeling, a postpartum client states that she
is fine. She then begins talking to the baby, checking the diaper, and asking infant care
questions. The nurse determines the client is in which postpartal phase of psychological
a. Taking hold
18. Focused assessment after vaginal birth during the first 24 hours?
a. Every 4 hours
19. Focused assessment after vaginal birth during the first hour?
a. Every 15 minutes
20. A postpartum client, who is 24 hours post-vaginal birth and breastfeeding, asks a nurse when
she can begin exercising to regain her prepregnancy body shape. Which response by the nurse is
a. “Simple abdominal and pelvic exercises can begin right now”
21. The postpartum client asks a nurse if the stretch marks (striae gravidarum) on her abdomen will
ever go away. Which response by the nurse is most accurate?
a. “Your stretch marks will fade to pale white over the next 3 to 6 months”
22. An adolescent primiparous client 24 hours postpartum asks the nurse how often she can hold
her baby without “spoiling him”. Which of the following responses would be most appropriate?
a. “Hold him as much as you want to hold him”
23. The client is 1 day postpartum, and the nurse noes the fundus is displaced laterally to the right.
Which nursing intervention should be implemented first?
a. Massage the client’s fundus for 2 minutes (not sure po)

Newborn Quiz 1

1. Activity – arms flex weakly

a. 1
2. Pulse – no pulse detected
a. 0
3. Within three minutes after birth the normal heart rate of the infant may range between:
a. 120 and 160
4. Respiration – respirations are slow
a. 1
5. When performing a newborn assessment. The nurse should measure the vital signs in the
following sequence:
a. Temperature, pulse, respiration
6. A newborn’s five-minute APGAR score is 5. Which of the following nursing interventions will you
provide to this newborn?
a. Some resuscitation assistances such as oxygen and rubbing baby’s back and reassess
APGAR score.
7. The primary critical observation for APGAR score is the:
a. Heart rate
8. You’re assessing the five-minute APGAR score of a newborn baby. On assessment, you note the
following about your newborn patient: pink body and hands with cyanotic feet, heart rate 109,
grimace to stimulation, flaccid, and irregular cry. What is your patient’s APGAR score?
a. APGAR 6
9. Appearance – color is normal throughout
a. 2
10. You’re assessing the one-minute APGAR score of a newborn baby. On assessment, you note the
following about your newborn patient: heart rate 130, pink body and hands with cyanotic feet,
weak cry, flexion of the arms and legs, active movement and crying when stimulated. What is
you patient’s APGAR score.
a. APGAR 10
11. The expected respiratory rate of a neonate within three minutes of birth may be as high as:
a. 50
12. You’re assessing the one-minute APGAR score of a newborn baby. On assessment, you note the
following about your newborn patient: weak cry, some flexion of the arm and legs, active
movement and cries to stimulation, heart rate 145, and pallor all over the body and extremities.
What is your patient’s APGAR score?
a. APGAR 6
13. Appearance – abdomen is pink, but feet are blue
a. 1
14. Respiration – respirations are normal rate and full
a. 2
15. A nurse in a newborn nursery receives a phone call to prepare for the admission of a 43-week-
gestation newborn with APGAR scores of 1 and 4. In planning for the admission of this infant,
the nurse’s highest priority should be to:
a. Connect the resuscitation bag to the oxygen outlet
16. Activity – legs flex weakly
a. 1
17. Grimace – baby has no reaction to stimulation
a. 0
18. A newborn has a strong cry and actively moving his blue extremities when stimulated. Vital signs
are P140, R48. What is his APGAR score?
a. 9
19. Pulse – heart rate is 105
a. 2
20. Grimace – baby makes no response to stimulation
a. 0

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