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See Ke © DT WLIO SCee Je IIIa \WIa I ConpITIoNs BLINDED ‘+ A blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. ‘+ Attack rolls against the ereature have advantage, and the creature's Attack rolls have disadvantage. (CHARMED ‘+ A charmed creature can't Attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful Abilities or magical Effects. ‘+ The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially, with the creature. DEAFENED ‘+ A deafened creature can't hear and automaticaly fails any ability check that requires hearing, FRIGHTENED ‘+ A frightened creature has disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls while the source of its fear is within ine of sight. ‘+ The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear. Gnarriep ‘+ A grappled creatures speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. ‘+ The condition endl if the Grappler is Incapacitated. ‘+ The condition also ends ifan effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the Grappler or Grappling effect, such as when a creature is hurled away by the Thunderwave spell INCAPACITATED ‘+ An incapacitated creature can't take Actions or reactions. Invistate An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or 1 Special sense. For the purpose of Hiding, the creature is heavily ‘obscured. The creature’ location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. ‘Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creature's Atack rolls have advantage. PARALYZED ‘A paralyzed creature is Incapacitated and can't move or speak. ‘+ The creature automaticaly fails Str and Dex Saving Throves. ‘+ Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. ‘+ Any Attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet ofthe creature. SKILLS AND ASSOCIATE ABILITIES skill Ability kil Ability ‘Acrobatics Dexterity Medicine Wisdom ‘Animal Handling Wisdom Nature Intelligence ‘Arcana Intelligence Perception Wisdom Athletics Strength Performance Charisma Deception Charisma Persuasion Charisma History Intelligence Religion Intelligence Insight Wisdom Sleight of Hand Dexterity Intimidation Charisma_—_Stealth Dexterity Investigation Intelligence Survival Dexterity Cover Cover Effect Half-cover +42 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws against attacks and effects that originate on the opposite side of the cover ++5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws against attacks and effects that orignate on 1e opposite side of the cover, Can't be targeted directly by an attack or spell ‘Three-quarters cover Total cover, PETRIFIED ‘+ A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagical ‘object its wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance, Its ‘weight increases by a factor of ten, and it stops aging. ‘+ The creature is incapacitated, cant move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. The creature automatically fails Str and Dex Saving Throws, The ereature has Resistance to all damage. The creature is immune to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized. POISONED ‘+ A poisoned creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability Cheeks. PRONE ‘+ A prone creature's only Movement option isto crawl unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. ‘+ The creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls. ‘+ An Attack roll against the creature has advantage ifthe attacker is ‘within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the Attack roll has disadvantage. RESTRAINED ‘+ Arestrained creature’ speed becomes 0, and it canit benefit from any bonus to its speed. ‘+ Attack rolls against the ereature have advantage, and the creature's [Attack rolls have disadvantage. +The creature has disadvantage on Dex Saving Throws, STUNNED ‘+ A stunned creature is incapacitated, carit move, and can speak only falteringly. + The creature automaticaly fails Str and Dex Saving Throws. ++ Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Unconscrous ‘+ An unconscious creature is incapacitated, cant move or speak, ancl is unaware of ts surroundings The creature drops whatever it's holding and falls prone. The creature automatically fails Str and Dex Saving Throws. Attack rolls against the ereature have advantage. Any Attack that hits the creature isa critical hit ifthe attacker is. ‘within 5 feet of the creature EXHUATION Level Effect 1. Disadvantage on al ‘Speed halved Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws ty checks Hit point maximum halved ‘Speed reduced to 0 Death CONCENTRATION ‘You can end concentration at any time (no action required). The following factors can break your concentrationt + You cast another spell that requires concentration, + You take damage. Succeed on a Constitution saving throw to ‘maintain your concentration, with a DC equal to 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. + You're incapacitated or killed + Youre overwhelmed by an enormous distraction, such as a wave crashing into you. Succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to ‘maintain your concentration Daytime ENCOUNTERS 12+ d8 Encounter 12 + d8 Encounter 2 3d6 Barovian 2 1 ghost COTE) 3 Hunting trap 3 1d6Barovanscous > Hint AH ting ap inicest Z aie) 6 Corpse a False trail 7 Hidden bundle 7 Yee 1 Vital 8 Skeletal der 8 Skeletal rider 9148 swarms of bats 9 Trinket 10 146 dire wolves 10 Hidden bundle 11 3d6 wolves 11 1d4 swarms of ravens. 12 1d4 berserkers 5036) or 1 wereraven ruid an i Irraventorm (sos) "3 yuand2d6 wig 12146 dire wolves 14 2d4 needle blights 13 3d6 wolves 15 1d6 werewolves in 14 1d4 berserkers pest fen EES 16 36 zombies 16 146 werewolves in LZ SEmCTONS hhurman fore 18 148 Strahd zombies 17146 scarecrows 19 18 108 Strahd zombies 20 191 willo'wisp 20 1 revenant Powers CHECK i Neutral Good PCs, Crimes or Acts NPCsor NPCsor NPCsor Family, or of Violence Monsters Strangers Friends Innocents Assault, Unprovoked — 1% 2% 3% Assault, Grievous 1% 2% 4% 6% Betrayal, Major 1% 3% 6% 9% Betrayal, Minor — 1% 3% 6% Extortion = 2% 5% 8% Lying - - - 1% Murder, Brutal 3% 6% 10% Murder, Premeditated 29% 3% 6% = 10% or Nonbrutal ‘Theft, Grave Robbing — 1% 5% 7% Theft, Major = 1% 4% 7% Theft, Minor = = 3% 6% Threats of Violence — - 1% 2% Torture,Routine 4% 7% + + Torture, Sadistic «10% 2+ + + — No powers Check is required for such an action, 4} These acts almost certainly draw the attention ofthe dark powers, NIGHTTIME ENCOUNTERS SANITY SAVE TRIGGERS pc 5 8 10 2 5 20 25 Horrific Scene Signs of violence (a drying pool of blood, a splintered door, etc) A decaying body ‘A scene of pain or suffering (a beggar ravaged by disease) A freshly slain corpse scene of terrible agony (torture, involunta fearon " Ascene of evil, cruelty, and madness Maliga paradigm shift SANITY Save DC MooiFiers Modifier Conditions 4 4 a) 3 2 2 #2 8 8 +4 4 ‘A loved one is participating in the scene The victim of the scene is a despised foe Hero posesses a strategy proven tobe effective against this threat oe ° Hero has overcome or endured what is happening alread) inthe past (but not inthe past day) A fiend orally is participating in the scene Hero has faced and thwarted a similar threat in the past 24 hours Hero is in an open area (able to run away) Hero posesses a strategy they believe to be effective against this threat Hero is below half oftheir hit points Hero is incapable of running away Hero has faced and been defeated by a similar threat in the past (but rot in the past day) A friend or ally is clearly in danger from the scene Hero has filed a Sanity check prompted by a similar scene within the past 24 hours Hero is below a quarter oftheir hit points Hero is inadvertantly or unwillingly responsible for the scene A loved one is clearly in danger from the scene Faiture or SANITY SAVE Failure Margin| Crit Success 1s 610 was 16+ Crit Fail Effect Hero gains Inspiration Sanity -1 Short-Term Madness Long-Term Madness Indefinite Madness Short-Term + Long-Term Madness HABE MARKS OF HORROR “he flowing ips can ep make his aventura cing experience e forgo layers eed focus THe UNKNOWN ‘+ When it seems the characters have everything under control, gust ‘of wind suddenly blows out their torches. ‘+ Before a monster appears, take a moment to describe the odor that preceds it, the eeries sound it makes, or the weird shadow it casts, oor Pons Oster Poot FORESHADOWING ‘Before characters encounter a monster, hint at its presence with clues such as claw marks, gnawed bones, and bloodstains. ‘+ Whenever characters sleeps, give a character prophetic dream where they see something yet to be encountered. AGE ‘+ Take time to describe the rotting timbers of buildings, the faded and ‘moth-caten clothing of Barovian peasantry, the worn ridden pages of ‘old books, and the rust found on iron fences and gates. ‘+ Someone gazing into a mirror, or other reflective surface might see ‘an older, more decrepit version of themselves. Licut ‘+ Take the time to describe the occasional scene of beauty, such as pretty flowers growing atop a grove. + Make sure the heroes have contact with NPCs who are honest, friendly, and helpful PERSONIFICATION ‘+ Imagine darkness as a silent crowd that follows the heroes ‘everywhere and stares at them while they sleep. + Imagine trees as towering giants that stand idle yet ever watchful as the heroes face their perils alone, Stores coo co Cee roan) ree rd co coat ‘Acayavostholt Giron) 6S Peed ad | pers ee + Ina given encounter area, choose one objector feature to describe {nsome detail Ie should not be important. + Allow the hero who has the highest Pas cor smell something only they can percieve Perception to see, hear, Dea) ro ead Cosmetic SPELL MODIFICATIONS Spelleasting in Barovia is subject to many cosmetic changes, which are ¢ oe ess ee COMMON FEATURES “Alarm: The caster hears a seream. Unless stated otherwise, the following rules apply to doors, secret Bigby’s hand: The conjured hand is skeletal doors, and locks in Barovia, Find Familiar: The failiar is undead and is immune to turn undead. ‘Doors. A woexlen door can be forced open on a DC 10 Str check, or Find Steed: The siced is undead and is immune to tum undead DC 15if the door is barred or reinforced somehow: Increase the DC by 5 Find the Path: A child's spirit appeas to quides the castes. if the door is made of stone, or by 10 if made of iron. Decrease by 5 if Fog Cloud: Misty, harmless claws form in the fog. made of glass or amber or if the door is weakened such as by rot Gust of Wind: A ghastly moan accompanies the spelk ‘Secret Doors. If there are obvious clues to a secret door's prescence, Mage Hand: The summoned hand is skeletal such as scratch marks on a nearby wall a character with a passive alas: 1 Sais ot Nine TSE re Lae oF lo) perception of 15 or highemotices the secret door: Otherwise, finding Phantom Steed: The stced resembles a skeletal horse. the door requires a succesful DC 15 Perception check. Rary's Telepathic Bond: Characters linked together by the spell canit Locks. A creature proficient in thieve's tools can use them to pick a shake the feeling that something is telepathically eavesdropping, ‘ypical lock with a succesful DC 15 Dex check. A typical padlock can be Revivify: A creature restored to life by a revivify spell screams upon broken by smashing it with a bludgeoning or slashing weapon and regaining consciousness. succeeding on a DC 20 Str check. ‘Spirit Guardians: The spivts appear as ghostly & skeletal, Wall of Stone: A wall created by the spell has ghastly faces sculpted into it

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