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Dear all,

I am applying for a Chinese government scholarship to study Bachelor in Tele- Communications Engineering.
One of the requirements to submit a study plan essay. Please help me to make the essay hit the nail on the
head and get me that interview!! Thank you in advance. (Yemen is the name of my country)

Academic Background

My name is Hesham Abdullah Lutf Rawas, a 22 years old from Yemen. I have finished high school, I
successfully completed studying high diploma in English language, I speak English very well, and I have
taught English in some institutions, I have prepared the International Computer for Driving License, I have
studied many courses in different sides such as Business Administration, Accounting, Public Relations, and
Client Services also, Marketing. I have some courses in Germany language; I have the Mini Master of Business
Administration (MPA). I successfully finished several courses related to computer like the Ethical Hacker,
HTML, Secretary and Typing; I also got the First Aid course.

Study Plan in China:

Because I have, many courses related to computer and I have the ability to complete my studying life in
Tele- Communications Engineering in China. After completion of my Bachelor's studies, I hope to be able
to take part in maximizing my country's communications research in such fields to benefit its policy
formulation and adjustments. This will contribute to improve the communications life of the Yemeni people
with all countries around the world. I believe that this Bachelor Program will provide me with a solid
understanding of the fundamental tools of communications sides that are employed to conduct rigorous
research of communications issues and communications policies. I hope that I can gain more experience in
communications sides and networks, which will be of a great help in my future career.

Reasons to study in China:

China's heavy investment in education has resulted in provision of high quality education and its universities
have high reputation, which makes a great aspiration to the students and professionals for the better career
perspectives. As someone who is really interest lives in Communications, China being a Tele-
communications life provides the perfect environment for the study and research in Communications. China
will provide me an opportunity to meet imminent researchers in this field and to be part of its research
community will allow me to acquire invaluable transferable skills, which I can learn and apply in my country.

In addition, of great interest to me is China's diverse, vibrant and well-preserved culture. It would be honorable
to learn and live the norms and values of the Chinese people as well as appreciate the great cuisines of China.

In conclusion, I am looking forward to your favorable consideration and I look forward to your reply.

Hesham Rawas
Hesham Rawas

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