ADAVANCE IX-01.11.2020 Final

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Adavance- Class IX


1. An object of mass 20grams is executing uniform circular motion on a circular path of radius 2m with a time
period of 1/2sec. Find centripetal force acting on it
(1) 4.32N (2) 5.32N
(3) 6.32N (4) 7.32N
2. A satellite orbiting in a circular orbit acquires the necessary centripetal force from
(1) Electrostatic force (2) Gravitational force
(3) Nuclear force (4) Magnetic force
3. An 8000kg engine pulls a train of 5 wages, each of 2000kg along a horizontal track. If the engine exerts a
force of 40, 000N and track offers a friction of 5000N, then net accelerating force acting on the system is
(1) 45, 000N (2) 40, 000N
(3) 35, 000N (4) None of these
4. A 30gram bullet is fired horizontally with velocity 250m/s from a 1.5kg gun. If the gun is held loosely in hand,
its recoil velocity would be
(1) 5m/s (2) 4m/s
(3) 3m/s (4) 2m/s
5. A missile of mass(M) moving with velocity(V) in free space explodes into two parts. After the explosion one
of the parts of mass(m) falls vertically down.The other part proceeds with velocity

(1) (2) M m

M m V mV
(3) (4) M m
6. A body of mass(m) collides against a wall with a velocity(v) and rebounds with the same speed. The change
in momentum is
(1) Zero (2) 2mv
(3) mv (4) –mv
7. A body of mass 5kg is acted on by a net force which varies as shown by the graph. The change in momentum
obtained would be


0 2 4 6 8 10 time(s)

(1) 10NS (2) 100NS

(3) 140NS (4) 200Ns
8. A blcok of mass(m) is at rest on an inclined plane which is making angle with the horizontal. The coefficient
of friction between the block and plane is . Then, frictional force acting between the surface is

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Advance Class IX 01.11.2020

(1) mg (2) mg sin

(3) mg sin mg cos (4) mg sin

9. Two masses of 5kg and 10kg are connected to a pulley as shown. What will be the acceleration if the pulley
is set free(g = acceleration due to gravity)



(1) g (2) g/2

(3) g/3 (4) g/4
10. A balloon of weight(w) is falling vertically downward with a constant acceleration a(<g). The magnitude of
the air resistance is

(1) w (2) w 1

a a
(3) w 1 (4) w g
11. A blcok of mass 0.1kg is held against a wall applying a horizontal force of 5N on the block. If the coefficient
of friction between the block and the wall is 0.5 the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block is
(1) 2.5N (2) 0.98N
(3) 4.9N (4) 0.49N
12. A blcok of mass 5kg resting on a horizontal surface is connected by a cord, passing over a light frictionless
pulley to a hanging block of mass 5kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is
0.5. Tension in the cord is (g = 9.8m/s2)

A 5kg

5kg B

(1) 49N (2) Zero

(3) 36.75N (4) 12.75N
13. A lift descending with an acceleration 2ms . What will be the apparent weight of a person of 80kg mass?
(g = 10ms–2)
(1) 640N (2) 72N
(3) 48N (4) 480N

Adavance- Class IX

14. An electron of mass 9 10 31 kg is moving in a straight line path with a velocity of 6 107 ms 1 . The momentum
of electron is
(1) 5.4 10 23
NS (2) 5.4 10 24
(3) 4.5 10 23
NS (4) 0.5 10 24 NS
15. Two objects of masses 100g and 200g are moving along the same line and direction, with velocities 2ms –1 and
1ms–1 respectively. They collide and after the collision, the second object moves with a velocity of 1.67ms–1.
Determine the velocity of the first object
(1) 0.66ms–1 (2) 1.67 ms–1
(3) 2.67 ms–1 (4) 3.67 ms–1


16. A sample contains 2 substances which do not have uniform properties. This sample is
(1) An element (2) A compound
(3) A heterogenous mixture (4) A homogenous system
17. Mercury & Bromine are 2 elements which exist in the liquid state at room temperature. 2 other elements
which become liquid slightly above room temperature
(1) Helium, Xenon (2) Gallium, Chlorine
(3) Gallium, Caesium (4) None of the above
18. If a solution is pentanormal, the normality of the solution is
(1) 0.5N (2) 0.2N
(3) 0.1N (4) 10N
19. Out of molality(m) and molarity(M), which is independent of temperature?
(1) m (2) M
(3) Both m & M (4) None of the above
20. The number of gram equivalent present in 0.4g of NaOH (Na =23, O=16, H =1) is
(1) 0.4 (2) 40
(3) 0.01 (4) 4.0
21. Molarity is defined as number of moles of solute which are present in
(1) 1kg of the solute (2) 1 Litre of the solution
(3) 1kg of the solvent (4) Moles of solute & moles of solvent combined
22. Find the mass of Na2CO3 present in 100ml of 3M solution. (Na=23, C=12, O =16)
(1) 0.3g (2) 106g
(3) 31.8g (4) 40.2g
23. Gram equivalent mass of the solute can be determined by using the formula,
Gram equivalent mass = molar mass/z, here Z reprents–
(1) Basicity of an acid (2) Acidity of a base
(3) Total positive charge on cation (4) All of the above
24. 7.4g of KCl is disolved in 100g of water. The molality of the solution is
(1) 10m (2) 0.1m
(3) 1m (4) 100m

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25. The molarity for 10% w/w aqeuous solution of H2SO4, if the density of solution is 11g/mL is
(1) 100M (2) 0.011M
(3) 11.2M (4) 98M
26. The normality of NaOH solution containing 50.0gm NaOH in 5.0 litre solution is
(1) 1.25N (2) 40N
(3) 0.25N (4) 5N
27. A solution in which any other liquid instead of water acts as a solvent is called
(1) Universal solvent (2) Aqeous solution
(3) Non aqueous solution (4) None of these
28. All the compounds can be divided into 2 categories such as
(1) Organic compounds (2) Inorganic compounds
(3) Biological compounds (4) Both (1) &(2)
29. The elements arsenic, antimony& Astatine are all
(1) Metals (2) Non metals
(3) Metalloids (4) All of these
30. Choose the pair of metals which are poor conductor of electricity
(1) Gold, Silver (2) Copper, Alumnium
(3) Tungsten, Gold (4) Iron, Mercury


31. Myelin sheath is present on

(1) Cell body (2) Dendrite
(3) Cyton (4) Axon
32. Pseudostratified epithelium is present in
(1) Trachea (2) Urinary bladder
(3) Alveoli (4) Nephron
33. Commercial jute fibres are obtained from
(1) Intercalary fibres (2) Xylem fibres
(3) Phloem fibres (4) Parenchyma
34. The tissue composed of living, thin walled cells made of cellulose is
(1) Parenchyma (2) Collenchyma
(3) Sclerenchyma (4) Vessels
35. Nissl's glanules are made up of
(1) Ribosomes (2) Enzymes
(3) Vacuoles (4) Vesicles
36. A tissue is made of
(1) Cell with similar structures but very different functions
(2) A group of cells that perform similar functions
(3) Cells with dissimilar structures & functions
(4) Same type of cells which form organs
37. In gymnosperms sieve cells are associated with

Adavance- Class IX
(1) Albumenous cells (2) Companian cells
(3) Guard cells (4) Sieve plates
38. The epiderms of root lacks
(1) Cuticle (2) Stomata
(3) Guard cells (4) All of these
39. Cell wall of scelernchyma are rich in
(1) Cellulose (2) Pectin
(3) Lignin (4) Hemicellulose
40. A fatty substance deposited on the walls of cork cells is
(1) Cellulose (2) Pectin
(3) Lignin (4) Suberin
41. The tissue, which is composed of flat cells that line body cavities is
(1) Columnar (2) Cuboidal
(3) Ciliated columnar (4) Squamous
42. Maximum intercellular substance is found in
(1) Connective tissue (2) Nervous tissue
(3) Epithelial tissue (4) Muscular tissue
43. Mineral found in red pigment of human blood is
(1) Mg (2) Fe
(3) Ca (4) Cr
44. Blood platelets are
(1) Nucleated (2) Lobed nucleus
(3) Non–nucleated (4) Nucleus is very small
45. A nerve is bundle of
(1) Ganglia (2) Dendrites
(3) Synapse (4) Axons

46. If x < –1 , then which of the following expression holds?
(1) x x2 x3 (2) x x3 x2
(3) x 2 x3 x (4) x 3 x x2
2 2 2 2
47. The expression a b c a b c a b c b c a equals to
(1) 4 ab bc ca (2) a b2 c2

(3) 2 a b2 c2 ab bc ca (4) 4 a
b2 c2

48. Remainder when a 2 b2 2 ab bc ca is divided by a b 2c is––––

(1) a + b (2) a–b
(3) 0 (4) ab
49. Factorize x 8xy3

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2 2
(1) x 1 2y 1 2y 4y (2) x 1 2y 1 2y 4y

2 2
(3) x 1 2y 1 2y 4y (4) x 1 2y 1 2y 4y

1 1
50. If x a b and x a b , then–––––
x x
(1) ab =1 (2) a=b
(3) ab =2 (4) a+b = 0
51. Find the values of P, Q, R from equation P a 4a 3 Q a 3 R a2 2a 1 3a 2

11 5 11 11 5 11
(1) P ,Q ,R (2) P ,Q ,R
4 2 4 4 2 4
11 5 11 11 5 11
(3) P ,Q ,R (4) P ,Q ,R
4 2 4 4 2 4
52. If y–2 and 2y–1 are the factor of ky 2 5y r then:
(1) k = r= 0 (2) k = r = –1
(3) k = r= -2 (4) k = r= -3
53. If x is zero of the polynomial f x 6x 3 11x 2 kx 20 then k =
(1) 18 (2) –18
(3) –19 (4) 19

54. If ax 2 bx c is exactly divisible by both 2x 1 and 3x 2
then b =

(1) 3c (2) 4c
(3) –4c (4) –3c

55. If a–b = 4 and ab = 45 then a 3 b3

(1) 600 (2) 601
(3) 602 (4) 604
56. Find the remainder when 31 is divided by 3
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) None of these
57. Find the remainder when 30 is divided by 7
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3
58. Find the remainder when 16 is divided by 17
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3

Adavance- Class IX

1 1
59. If x 4 then find x 2
x x2
(1) 8 3 (2) 8 2

(3) 4 3 (4) 9 3
60. Factorize 8a 3 2a 2 b 15ab2

(1) 4a 5b 2a 2 3ab (2) 4a 5b 2a


(3) 4a 5b 2a 2 3ab 2
(4) 4a 5b 2a 3ab

Directions(61 to 65): According to the relevance of three elements in each question, choose the sets of
elements which exactly fit in one of the diagrams marked(A), (B), (C), (D and (E)

61. Crow: pigeon: Bird

(1) B (2) C
(3) A (4) E
62. India : Earth : Jupiter
(1) D (2) A
(3) E (4) B
63. Music : Rhythm : Dance
(1) D (2) A
(3) B (4) E
64. Cells : Tissues : Organs
(1) B (2) A
(3) E (4) D
65. Televisions : Computer : Typewriter
(1) C (2) D
(3) A (4) E
Direction (Q. 66 to 70): The following questions are based on the diagram given below

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(1) Rectangle represents males (2) Triangle represents educated

(3) Circle represents urban (4) Square represents civil servants
66. Whos among is following is an educated male who is not an urban resident?
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) 9 (4) 11
67. Who among the following is neither a civil servant nor educated but is urban and not a male?
(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 6 (4) 10
68. Who among the following is a female, urban resident and also a civil servant?
(1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 10 (4) 13
69. Who among the following is an educated male who hails from urban area?
(1) 4 (2) 2
(3) 11 (4) 5
70. Who among the following is uneducated and also an urban male?
(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 11 (4) 12
71. What letter should should replace the question mark?

(1) U (2) A
(3) K (4) 1
72. 17 (68) 28
11(22) 14
49 (?) 9
(1) 56 (2) 105
(3) 147 (4) 63
73. 24 (7) 67
53 (6) 25
82(?) 35
(1) 11 (2) 10
(3) 9 (4) 8

10 SRG
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(1) 185 (2) 68

(3) 78 (4) 93


(1) 22 (2) 26
(3) 28 (4) 30

76. 9 8 73 6 4 26 7 3 ?

(1) 25 (2) 52
(3) 21 (4) 12


(1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) 9

51 11 61
64 30 32
35 ? 43

(1) 25 (2) 27
(3) 32 (4) 37


(1) 20 (2) 40
(3) 45 (4) 60

17 5 40
11 13 26
29 5 ?

(1) 55 (2) 87
(3) 95 (4) 144

* * * * *
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