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Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103

Circadian cortisol profiles and psychological self-reports in shift workers

with and without recent change in the shift rotation system
Brigitte M. Kudielka *, Jörg Buchtal, Alexander Uhde, Stefan Wüst
Department of Theoretical and Clinical Psychobiology, University of Trier, Johanniterufer 15, D-54290 Trier, Germany
Received 24 February 2006; accepted 17 August 2006
Available online 13 November 2006

Cortisol profiles including the cortisol rise in the first hour after awakening (CAR) were assessed during shift work and days off (eight saliva
samples per shift). Participants were 102 healthy permanent day and night shift workers (comparison groups) and former permanent day and night
shift workers after implementation of a new fast-forward rota including morning, evening, and night shifts. Results show that the CAR is detectable in
day as well as night shifts. In permanent night workers cortisol profiles appear to be blunted during night work and days off. However, circadian cortisol
profiles are not disturbed in former night workers who recently switched to the fast rotating shift schedule. In contrast, implementation of night work in
former day workers seems to lead to initially blunted cortisol profiles that normalize after a short adjustment period. Results of a psychological
assessment including exhaustion, chronic stress, effort–reward imbalance, and ratings of sleep quality and sleep length are also presented.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cortisol awakening rise (CAR); Cortisol circadian rhythm; Shift work; Night shift; Salivary cortisol; Psychological assessment; Sleep

1. Introduction night shifts and after years of night work experience (Roden
et al., 1993; Weibel et al., 1996; Weibel and Brandenberger,
In industrialized countries, shift work is rather common with 1998; Costa, 2003). Shift work is recognized to be a serious risk
approximately 20% of the workforce being engaged in shift factor for workers’ health. In particular, night work is
work and one third of shift workers working permanently at associated with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases,
night (see Wedderburn, 1992; Knutsson et al., 1999; see Costa, sleep disorders, and may promote metabolic disturbances or
2003). Shift work interferes, at least, with basic biological depression (Tuchsen et al., 1994; Knutsson et al., 1999;
functions, work ability (Folkard and Tucker, 2003), social Holmbäck et al., 2003; for reviews see Boggild and Knutsson,
relationships and psycho-physical health conditions (Costa, 1999; Costa, 2003; Knutsson, 1989, 2003). In sum, possible
2003). Night work causes a mismatch between the endogenous, mechanisms linking shift work with health problems are the
internal circadian timing system and the external environmental mismatch of circadian rhythms (internal desynchronization),
synchronizers, with consequent disturbances of the normal sleep problems (Regestein and Monk, 1991; Spiegel et al.,
circadian rhythms of psycho-physiological functions. Conse- 1999; Vgontzas et al., 1999, 2004), behavioral changes (life
quently, the body repeatedly attempts to adjust as quickly as style factors, stress) and disturbed socio-temporal patterns (for
possible to varying working hours. A complete inversion of the overviews see Knutsson, 1989, 2003).
circadian rhythm is seldom reached, even across successive The adrenal hormone cortisol shows a marked circadian
rhythm with typically lowest secretion during the first half of
night time sleep (quiescent period), an abrupt elevation during
Abbreviations: AUC, area-under-the-curve; CAR, cortisol awakening rise; the second half of sleep, peak levels shortly after awakening
ERI, effort–reward imbalance; HPA axis, hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis; and continuously decreasing levels over the remainder of the
SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; S.D., standard deviation; S.E.M., standard error day, except for stress-related cortisol surges that superimpose
of mean; TICS, Trier Inventory for the Assessment of Chronic Stress; VE, vital
on the normal circadian rhythm (Van Cauter, 1990; Weibel
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 651 201 2981; fax: +49 651 201 3690. et al., 1995, 1996; Born et al., 1999; Czeisler and Klerman,
E-mail address: (B.M. Kudielka). 1999; Kirschbaum and Hellhammer, 2000). The two major

0301-0511/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103 93

processes which control the overall diurnal cortisol variation a main focus on the cortisol awakening rise (CAR). Evidence
are the circadian signal generated by the circadian pacemaker has accumulated that the CAR can serve as a useful index of
located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the adrenocortical activity when measured with strict reference to
hypothalamus, and the alteration of wakefulness and sleep time of awakening (Pruessner et al., 1997; Wüst et al., 2000b;
(Van Cauter, 1990; Czeisler and Klerman, 1999). for review see Clow et al., 2004). Sample collection was
In the last years, data has accumulated showing that this undertaken in 118 industrial workers of the same plant shortly
typical circadian cortisol rhythm is altered during shift work, after implementation of a new rapid-rotating shift system in two
especially in night duties. Previous studies in experimental pilot test divisions. This organizational change offered the
short-term shift work (Fujiwara et al., 1992; Goichot et al., chance to compare cortisol levels across shifts and days off in
1998) or under naturalistic conditions (Fujiwara et al., 1992, permanent night and day shift workers with former permanent
2004; Costa et al., 1994; Kobayashi et al., 1997; Munakata night and day shift workers who recently switched to a new rota
et al., 2001) concluded that early morning free and total cortisol including fast rotating early, late, and night shifts.
levels are reduced after only one night of shift work. This is
mainly caused by the absence of awakening-related activation 2. Materials and methods
(Van Cauter, 1990) and by a phase-advancement of the
circadian peak time (Motohashi, 1992). In a controlled 2.1. Study design and recruitment of participants
laboratory sleep study, Weibel and coworkers (1996, 1998)
Shift workers of a globally operating company in the electronic manufac-
monitored total plasma cortisol levels in 10-min intervals in
turing sector were recruited from a plant located in West Germany. Four
permanent night workers during their regular sleep. Despite an different shift groups volunteered for study participation rendering a total study
adapted sleep structure, cortisol levels were abnormally sample of N = 118. Groups were comprised according to the workers current
enhanced during usual day sleep while alterations persisted and former shift schedule. Regularly, workers in this company belong to a night
during work time. Furthermore, the acrophase was almost shift group (permanent night shift workers) or to a day shift group with weekly
forward rotating morning and evening shifts. Night workers work 3 weeks of six
adequately shifted by 6.5 h whereas the quiescent period
consecutive night shifts followed by a week off with each night shift lasting
showed only a partial shift of 3 h and was thus uncoupled in from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (N shift = 8 h). For day workers, morning shifts last from
regard to the day sleep period. 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. (M shift = 8 h) and evening shifts are from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. (E
To date, there are only few studies (including single case shifts = 8 h). Three weeks before study onset the company introduced a rapidly
observations) that monitored circadian cortisol profiles during rotating shift schedule in two pilot test divisions consisting of one former night
and one former day shift group, in the following referred to as P1 and P2. Two
shift work (Touitou et al., 1990; Motohashi, 1991, 1992; groups of shift workers of the regular shift rota served as comparison groups
Fujiwara et al., 1992; Roden et al., 1993; Shinkai et al., 1993; consisting of permanent night shift workers or day shift workers, referred to as
Costa et al., 1994; Lac and Chamoux, 2003). Under controlled C1 and C2. The choice of the particular test divisions was solely based on
laboratory conditions, Hakola et al. (1996) collected saliva organizational aspects; in general the assignment of workers to divisions with
samples in 2-h intervals in 20 shift workers during one the same shift schedule is accidental.
The new shifts followed the above mentioned time points for start and end of
laboratory day and three consecutive night shifts. Although the
working shifts and the schedule was similar to the so-called ‘Metropolitan rota’
pattern of cortisol changed significantly between the work (Costa et al., 1994) with two morning shifts, two evening shifts, and up to three
shifts, there was a very slow and only partial adjustment. Goh night shifts, followed by 1–4 days off. Measurements in all four groups were
et al. (2000) investigated how night duties affected the circadian undertaken about 3 weeks after implementation of the new rapid-rotating shift
cortisol rhythm in military personnel. On a 3-day sortie of a system. P groups were instructed to collect saliva samples at the second day of
each shift during one shift cycle and the second of three consecutive free days
navy ship, 60 male military servants collected saliva samples
resulting in the following sampling pattern MMEENN(N)XX(X)(X) (sampling
every 2 h within two 24-h periods. Beside a wide variation in days underlined, X = day off). The C1 group (permanent night workers)
individual endocrine responses to night shift work, the cortisol collected samples throughout their second day of night shift (night 1) and
cycle seemed to be disrupted in the total group. Lac and additionally during the fifth out of six night shifts in a row and the second of
Chamoux (2004) compared free cortisol profiles in 16-day consecutive free days resulting in the following sampling pattern
NNNNNNXXX, etc. The C2 group (permanent day workers) selected the
workers and two different shift work groups each comprised of
second day of a morning shift week and an evening shift week, respectively, and
eight subjects performing different morning, evening, and night the second of consecutive free days resulting in the following sampling pattern
shift rotas. Night duties induced a consistent change in the MMMMMMXEEEEEEXXX, etc. A summary of the four study groups includ-
cortisol circadian profile with both a displacement of the ing their rotating shifts and sampling patterns are given in Table 1. A second
acrophase and a global flattening of the cortisol profile. measurement could be realized 2 months later in the P2 group (former
permanent day workers) following the same sampling pattern (referred to as
Although, there was a tendency for the cortisol circadian
T2). The other groups did not participate at T2 due to financial and organiza-
pattern to synchronize with altered awakening times, synchro- tional restrictions. Informed consent was obtained from the company as well as
nization was not completed. In a sample of 24 nurses, Hennig all study participants. As incentive, each participant was offered a voucher for
et al. (1998) observed higher evening than morning cortisol two spa entries.
values after the fifth out of seven consecutive night duties in 18
subjects. Accordingly, reviewing laboratory studies Van Cauter 2.2. Sample collection and biochemical analysis
(1990) summarized that the cortisol rhythm takes 5–10 days to
On each sampling day (see above), subjects gained a total of eight saliva
fully adapt to a shift in light–dark and sleep–wake cycles. samples. Samples were obtained 0, +30, +45, and +60 min after awakening to
The aim of the present study was to compare circadian assess CAR as well as +4, +8, +12, and +16 h after awakening to assess cortisol
cortisol profiles between different groups of shift workers with levels during working time. Saliva samples were collected using polypropylene
94 B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103

Table 1
Scheme of different shift groups and rotating shifts in the four study groups C1, C2, P1 and P2

N indicates subjects entering final analyses; M: morning shift, E: evening shift, N: night shift, X: day off, sampling days underlined.

tubes (IBL, Hamburg, Germany). Subjects were instructed not to brush their 2.3.3. Maastricht-vital-exhaustion-questionnaire
teeth before completing the first four saliva samples (awakening samples) to Vital exhaustion (VE) is a psychological (not a physical) state, which is
avoid contamination of saliva with blood caused by micro-injuries in the oral defined by mental fatigue, increased irritability, and demoralization. We applied
cavity. Food intake and smoking was not allowed until the first four saliva the nine-item short form (Appels et al., 1987; Kopp et al., 1998) assessing undue
samples were collected and 60 min before each of the remainder samples, tiredness, troubles falling asleep, repeated waking up at night, general malaise,
respectively. Besides these restrictions, subjects were free to follow their normal listlessness, irritability, loss of energy, demoralization, and waking up
daily routines on all sampling days. Subjects obtained detailed oral and written exhausted. The nine-point answering format gives rise to scores from 0 to
instructions handed over personally by one of two coauthors (JB, AU). 18. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.86, reflecting good reliability.
Participants stored the saliva samples in their freezers until completing the
experimental protocol and then returned the samples to the experimenters on 2.3.4. Trier inventory for the assessment of chronic stress (TICS)
site. Perceived stress was assessed by the ‘Trier Inventory for the Assessment of
Salivary cortisol was assayed with a time-resolved immunoassay with Chronic Stress (TICS)’, which was developed in this laboratory (Schulz et al.,
fluorescence detection (DELFIA) to obtain levels of free unbound cortisol, 2004). Subjects have to indicate how often the described stressful situations
the biologically active moiety of cortisol. Intra- and interassay variability of the were experienced during the past 3 months. The 57-items TICS comprises nine
assay were between 4.0–6.7% and 7.1–9.0%, respectively. subscales, namely ‘work overload’, ‘work discontent’, ‘social overload, ‘lack of
social recognition’, ‘pressure to succeed’, ‘excessive demands’, ‘social stress’,
‘social isolation’, and ‘worrying’. Reported internal consistency (Cronbach’s
2.3. Psychological assessment
alpha) ranges between 0.84 and 0.91.
Before saliva sampling, a questionnaire package was administered for the 2.3.5. Effort–reward imbalance
assessment of demographics and health status, sleep, vital exhaustion, perceived Effort and reward were assessed by six and eleven items, respectively (five-
chronic stress, effort–reward imbalance and overcommitment. point rating scales) (all items are provided in Siegrist et al., 2004). Effort refers
to psychologically and physically demanding aspects of the work environment.
2.3.1. Demographics and health status The reward scale focuses on rewards received at work which are offered to the
Information on sex, age, shift work history, number of children, engagement worker as part of a social exchange process in terms of monetary remuneration,
in child care and other extra (non-paid) duties, smoking habits, and acute or social approval/esteem, job security or career opportunities. The ratio of effort
chronic illness was gained. and reward expresses the amount of perceived effort–reward imbalance at work
(ERI). Overcommitment (OC) was assessed by the six-item short form of the
intrinsic effort scale (four-point rating scale). OC stands for a specific individual
2.3.2. Sleep pattern of coping with job demands and eliciting rewards at work designating a
Firstly, the average sleep quality was assessed for each shift separately (M, personality trait. Items assessing overcommitment focus on the ‘‘inability to
E, N, day off). This rating consisted of a one-item question on average perceived withdraw from work’’ and ‘‘disproportionate irritability’’. Internal consistency
sleep quality over the last couple of weeks ranging from 1 = very bad to 5 = very (Cronbach’s alpha) was tested in up to ten different studies (Siegrist et al.,
good, mean sleep duration during a 24 h cycle, and secondly the Jenkins sleep- 2004). For the scale effort, alpha varies from 0.61 to 0.88, for reward from 0.70
quality-index (Jenkins et al., 1988). This scale comprises four items with a six- to 0.91 and for overcommitment from 0.64 to 0.81.
point answering format focusing on the most common sleep problems (‘‘diffi-
culties falling asleep’’, ‘‘waking up during sleep’’, ‘‘waking up having diffi- 2.4. Statistical analyses
culties falling asleep again’’, ‘‘waking up tired). The internal consistency
coefficient was reported to be 0.79. Thirdly, a one-item rating on perceived Crosstabulation, chi-square tests, and UNIANOVAs were applied to com-
sleep quality was given for each specific sampling day. pare groups in respect to demographic variables and health status. One-way
B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103 95

ANOVAs were used to compare awakening times across groups. General linear night shift 13:46  1:34 h (F[3] = 0.39, p = 0.68), and day off
model procedures (GLMs) with the repeated factor ‘‘time’’ (eight saliva
8:31  2:01 h (F[3] = 0.741, p = 0.53).
samples) and shift group as grouping variable (C1, C2, P1, and P2) were
applied to investigate cortisol profiles in each shift (morning, evening, night
shift, day off). To control for sex, smoking, and individual time of awakening 3.3. Comparison of cortisol profiles between shift groups
these variables were entered as covariates (Wüst et al., 2000b; Edwards et al., across shifts
2001; Kudielka and Kirschbaum, 2003; Federenko et al., 2004). Where
appropriate, results were corrected by Greenhouse–Geisser procedure, indi- Within the morning shift, cortisol profiles followed the typical
cated by uneven degrees of freedom. Effect sizes were calculated by partial eta-
squared (h2), expressing the amount of variance explained in the dependent circadian course showing the cortisol awakening rise (CAR)
variable cortisol by the respective effect. Subsequent GLMs focused separately during the first hour after awakening and decreasing levels
on the four CAR and four working time samples. Areas-under-the-curve thereafter (main effect time: F[3.3, 175.5] = 3.28, p = 0.02,
(AUCs) were computed to compare overall cortisol secretion for each shift h2 = 0.06). No differences emerged between the P1, P2, and C2
by Student’s t-tests following the trapezoid formula with reference to zero and
(main effect group: F[2, 55] = 0.81, p = 0.45; interaction time by
accounting for different time spans between samples. GLMs with the repeated
factor ‘‘time’’ and shift as grouping variable were additionally applied to
group: F[6.8, 55] = 0.36, p = 0.91; see Fig. 1A). Accordingly,
compare cortisol profiles within each group. For the C1 (permanent night separate analyses of CAR and working time samples did not
workers), both sampling nights could be entered here. For the P2 group, this reveal any group differences (both main group effects and time by
analysis was repeated for the second measurement 2 months later (T2). group interactions non-significant). The same pattern of results
Additionally, for comparison of the first and second measurement in the P2, emerged for the evening shift (main effect time: F[2.4,
AUCs were compared for each shift by Student’s t-tests. Finally, UNIANOVAs
and Student’s t-tests, respectively, were applied to compare questionnaire data 141.5] = 3.20, p = 0.034, h2 = 0.052; main effect group: F[2,
between shift groups and between shifts within a group. Bonferroni correction 58] = 1.83, p = 0.17; interaction time by group: F[4.9,
of the nominal alpha error was determined to adjust for multiple comparisons. 58] = 1.06, p = 0.39; see Fig. 1B). Again, subsequent analyses
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical software of CAR and working time samples did not reveal any group
package (version 12.0.2; Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results in the text are given as differences (all group effects non-significant). In the night shift,
mean  standard deviation (S.D.); data in figures are presented as mean  stan-
standard error of mean (S.E.M.). the overall GLM revealed a significant main effect group (F[2,
64] = 3.77, p = 0.028, h2 = 0.11) as well as interaction time by
3. Results group (F[5.9, 64] = 2.9, p = 0.01, h2 = 0.08), showing a
significantly flattened cortisol awakening rise in the P2 (main
3.1. Description of sample effect group: p = 0.009; interaction time by group: p = 0.046) but
no group differences during the remainder of the day (main effect
Out of the 118 subjects, 16 reported an acute illness on group: p = 0.83; interaction time by group: p = 0.56; see Fig. 1C).
sampling days, a major chronic disease or regular medication At the day off, result showed a marginally significant main effect
intake and were therefore excluded from data analysis. This time (F[2.9, 181.3] = 2.48, p = 0.064, h2 = 0.039), a significant
rendered a final sample of 102 healthy subjects with N = 26 in the main effect group (F[2.8, 62] = 2.83, p = 0.045, h2 = 0.12) as
P1 (2 excluded), N = 28 in the P2 (5 excluded), N = 26 in the C1 well as interaction time by group (F[8.8, 62] = 2.98, p = 0.003,
(2 excluded), and N = 22 in the C2 (7 excluded). Interestingly in h2 = 0.126; see Fig. 1D). Post hoc analysis excluding the C2 or
the original sample, the C1 and P1 (former/night workers) C1, respectively, revealed that the C1 profile was marginally
reported less health problems compared to the C2 and P2 flatter compared to the P1 and P2 (main effect group: p = 0.11;
(former/day workers) (x2[1] = 0.053). The remaining sample interaction time by group: p = 0.07) and the C2 profile was
comprised 63% men, had a mean age of 40.3  7.3(S.D.) years significantly higher compared to P1 and P2 (main effect group:
and had on average 10.4  4.7(S.D.) years of shift work p = 0.016; interaction time by group: p = 0.03). In the separate
experience with 0–100% night shift duties. Age, smoking, self- analyses of CAR and working time samples group differences
reported engagement in child care, and other extra duties were remained significant (CAR main effect group: p = 0.046;
not differently distributed across shift groups (age: F[1] = 4.6, interaction time by group: p = 0.033; working time samples
p = 0.71; smoking: x2[3] = 0.63, child care: F[3] = 1.2, p = 0.30, main effect p = 0.82; interaction time by group: p = 0.008).
extra duties: F[1] = 0.58, p = 0.63). However, significantly more The following AUC analysis presents crude estimates of
women belonged to the C groups while more men were in the P2 overall cortisol secretory activity during measurement periods.
(x2[3] = 0.023). The C2 has worked marginally shorter in shift Comparisons of AUCs between shifts revealed that on average
systems (P1: 11.2  5.5 years, P2: 11.7  4.9 years, C1 AUCnight shift was significantly smaller than the AUCmorning shift
10.5  4.1 years, and C2 8.1  3.6 years; F[3] = 2.6, (t[40] = 4.75, p = 0.0001) as well as AUCevening shift (t[44] =
p = 0.058). Finally, participants in the P1 and C1 had more 2.99, p = 0.005), AUCmorning shift was significantly larger than
children than P2 and C2 (F[3] = 4.1, p = 0.01). AUCevening shift (t[55] = 6.13, p = 0.0001) as well as AUCday off
(t[55] = 6.97, p = 0.0001).
3.2. Awakening times
3.4. Comparison of cortisol profiles between shifts across
Within a respective shift, awakening times did not differ shift groups
significantly between groups showing the following mean
awakening times: morning shift 4:38  2:03 h (F[3] = 0.17, Within the P1, the main effect time was significant (F[1.8,
p = 0.84), evening shift 8:27  1:29 h (F[3] = 1.6, p = 0.21), 23.4] = 3.52, p = 0.051, h2 = 0.21) while the main effect shift
96 B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103

Fig. 1. Mean salivary cortisol profiles (S.E.M.) in shift groups P1, P2, C1, and C2 for each shift: (A) morning shift, (B) evening shift, (C) night shift, and (D) day off.

(F[2.4, 30.8] = 2.01, p = 0.14) and interaction time by shift time by shift p = 0.75). Again, separate analyses of CAR and
(F[5.4, 70.8] = 1.79, p = 0.12) did not reach the significance working time samples did not result in significant shift effects.
level (see Fig. 2A). Accordingly, the separate analyses of CAR For the C2, only the main effect time (F[2.0, 21.8] = 6.04,
and working time samples did not yield significant effects of p = 0.008, h2 = 0.354) reached significance in the overall
shift, though for CAR the main effect of shift approached the analysis (main effect shift: F[2, 18.2] = 0.14, p = 0.84;
level of significance ( p = 0.073). Within the P2, the main effect interaction time by shift: F[4.5, 48.5] = 1.03, p = 0.41; see
time (F[2.6, 44.8] = 3.33, p = 0.033, h2 = 0.16), main effect Fig. 2D). Analysis of CAR did not reveal significant shift
shift (F[2.6, 43.6] = 6.91, p = 0.001, h2 = 0.29) as well as effects, while analysis of working time samples yielded a
interaction time by shift (F[6.0, 101.9] = 3.07, p = 0.008, significant main effect of shift ( p = 0.038) as well as interaction
h2 = 0.15) was significant in the overall analysis, documenting time by shift ( p = 0.036).
a reduced cortisol profile during the night shift (see Fig. 2B).
Also, separate analysis for CAR and working time samples 3.5. Comparison of cortisol profiles in the P2 at first and
yielded significant shift effects (CAR main effect shift: second measurement
p = 0.024; interaction time by shift p = 0.033; working time
samples main effect shift: p = 0.022; interaction time by group: Two months later, the differences in profiles across shifts as
p = 0.015). Comparison of the day off and first night shift in the observed at T1 (see above) has considerably decreased at T2 as
C1 resulted only in a significant main effect time (F[2.3, indicated by the finding that this time the main effect of shift
29.6] = 7.08, p = 0.002, h2 = 0.35; main effect shift: F[1, only approached the level of significance (F[2.3, 27.9] = 2.86,
13] = 0.40, p = 0.54; interaction time by shift: F[2.7, p = 0.067) while the interaction missed significance (F[6.0,
34.5] = 0.08, p = 0.96). Also inclusion of the second night 71.9] = 1.16, p = 0.34; see Fig. 3). Also, this time the CAR
profile as shown in Fig. 2C rendered the same results (main analysis resulted in non-significant shift effects. The separate
effect time: p = 0.017; main effect shift: p = 0.84; interaction analysis of the working time samples revealed (only) a
B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103 97

Fig. 2. Mean salivary cortisol profiles (S.E.M.) in morning, evening, and night shifts as well as day off for each shift group: (A) P1, (B) P2, (C) C1, and (D) C2.

significant main effect of shift ( p = 0.01), an effect that should

be primarily attributed to morning shift cortisol levels and not
to cortisol levels during night shifts.
Comparisons of AUCs between first versus second measure-
ment within each shift revealed that only AUCsnight shift changed
significantly across time (AUCsmorning shift t[19] = 0.35, p =
0.73; AUCsevening shifts t[19] = 1.28, p = 0.22; AUCsnight shifts
t[20] = 3.29, p = 0.004; AUCsday offs t[16] = 1.49, p = 0.16).

3.6. Comparison of self-reported questionnaire data

between shift groups

Vital exhaustion differed significantly between shift groups

(F[3] = 3.07, p = 0.032) with the highest score in the P1 and
lowest in the C1 (mean VE scores P1: 10.1  5.8, P2: 7.6  4.8,
C1: 5.3  5.5, C2: 7.5  5.0). In respect to perceived chronic
stress, mean scores on TICS subscales ‘work discontent’
(F[3] = 3.63, p = 0.016) and ‘lack of social recognition’
(F[3] = 2.69, p = 0.051) were significantly different between
groups and showed the same pattern: highest scores were
Fig. 3. Mean salivary cortisol profiles (S.E.M.) in morning, evening, and reported by the P1 (1.60  0.8 and 1.73  0.9) and lowest by the
night shifts as well as day off for group P2 at T2 (2 months after T1). C1 (1.04  0.4 and 1.15  0.6) while P2 (1.55  0.7 and
98 B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103

1.57  0.9) and C2 (1.23  0.6 and 1.30  0.5) were in between. Table 2
Self-reported average sleep hours in a 24 h cycle for all shift groups in each shift
The group effect for the TICS subscale ‘social isolation’
approached significance (F[3] = 2.52, p = 0.064) with higher Shift Shift group Mean  S.D. F p
scores in the P2 (1.29  0.9) and C2 (1.28  0.9) than the P1 Morning P1 5.43 h  1.2 3.54 0.035*
(0.77  0.6) and C1 (0.94  0.6). All other mean scores of TICS P2 5.42 h  0.9
subscales did not differ between groups (all F below 1.2, all p C2 6.16 h  1.0
above 0.30). Mean scores of the ERI scale ‘reward’ was highest Evening P1 6.57 h  1.2 5.87 0.005*
in the C1 (47.6  5.4), lowest in the P1 (42.3  7.0) and lay in P2 7.35 h  0.8
between for P2 and C2 (44.0  6.4 and 44.3  9.1), however the C2 7.45 h  0.6
group effect was only marginally significant (ERI reward: Night P1 6.72 h  0.9 6.45 0.003*
F[3] = 2.29, p = 0.084). Mean ‘effort’ scores did not differ P2 5.98 h  1.0
between groups (F[3] = 1.2, p = 0.31). Therefore, a group C1 6.96 h  1.1
difference for ERI (effort–reward imbalance) approached Day off P1 6.98 h  1.2 3.97 0.011*
significance (F[3] = 2.04, p = 0.11). ERI ‘overcommitment’ P2 7.81 h  0.8
was significantly different between groups (ERI OC: F[3] = C1 7.09 h  1.3
C2 7.82 h  0.9
3.34, p = 0.023) showing the following scores P1: 12.14  3.3,
P2: 12.24  3.8, C1: 10.17  2.7, and C2: 13.19  3.2. p < 0.05.

3.7. Comparison of self-reported sleep data between shifts not at the day off and not between shifts within the P1. Results
across shift groups are summarized in Table 3 presenting F and p statistics for
comparisons between shift groups within each shift (columns
Concerning shift specific average sleep ratings, only two 4–5) as well as for comparisons between shifts within each shift
significant results emerged out of the eight ratings. In the group separately (columns 6–8). GLM procedures comparing
evening shift, the Jenkins score was highest (indicating lowest shift groups during each shift were rerun to test for a significant
sleep quality) in the C2 (6.61  2.0) and lowest (indicating impact of day specific sleep quality on cortisol profiles. In none
highest sleep quality) in the P2 (3.58  3.2) while the P1 scored of the comparisons significant differences could be observed for
in between (5.90  4.6) (F[2] = 4.70, p = 0.013). Also, the one- the variable day specific sleep quality.
item sleep rating during the night shift differed between groups
(F[2] = 3.02, p = 0.055) with better sleep in the C1 (3.87  0.9) 3.8. Comparison of self-reported questionnaire data in the
in contrast to the P1 (3.36  1.1) and P2 (3.20  1.0). However, P2 at T1 and T2
if these comparisons are considered as multiple comparisons,
the results should only be interpreted as trends (adjusted alpha In regard to the psychological scales, the P2 reported a non-
for 4 or 8 comparisons is 0.013 and 0.0064, respectively). significant increase in effort–reward imbalance (T1: 0.60  0.04
Average hours of sleep in a 24 h cycle differed significantly and T2: 0.65  0.04; t[22] = 1.56, p = 0.13) due to a marginal
between shift groups across all shifts as summarized in Table 2. increase in ‘effort’ (T1: 14.0  3.6, T2: 14.7  2.7; t[22] =
Reported day specific sleep quality, as measured at sampling 1.50, p = 0.16). For the TICS, only mean scores of two
days, differed significantly between shift groups in all shifts but subscales showed marginally significant differences between T1

Table 3
Self-reported day specific sleep quality
Shift Shift group Mean  S.D. Comparison between Comparison between shifts within each group
groups within each shift
F p Group F p
Morning P1 2.57  0.98 4.53 0.015 P1 4.28 0.014*
P2 3.25  0.70
C2 3.22  0.88
Evening P1 3.15  0.99 3.820 0.027* P2 2.50 0.080
P2 3.81  0.63
C2 3.50  0.79
Night P1 3.50  0.58 6.381 0.003* C1 1.50 0.23
P2 3.23  0.91
C1 3.96  0.68
Day off P1 3.23  0.87 1.565 0.21 C2 3.40 0.09
P2 3.59  0.80
C1 3.67  1.09
C2 3.85  0.69
p < 0.05.
B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103 99

and T2 with a slight decrease in ‘social overload’ (t[22] = 1.7, work schedule in pilot test divisions. Additionally, we had the
p = 0.10) and ‘excessive demands’ (t[22] = 2.0, p = 0.06) from chance to repeat the cortisol sampling in the P2 (former
T1 to T2. As to the average sleep variables (sleep quality, hours permanent day workers) about 3 months after reorganization in
sleep/24 h) only a marginally significant improvement of average order to investigate the impact of duration of exposure.
sleep quality in the morning shift (T1: 2.6  1.0 and T2: Before resuming the study results, it is important to consider
2.8  0.8; t[22] = 2.0, p = 0.06) and a significant worsening of major limitations of the present study. Analyses are mainly
sleep quality (Jenkins score) in the night shift over time was based on cross-sectional data (except P2) not allowing for any
reported (T1: 4.1  3.2 and T2: 5.1  4.0; t[20] = 2.7, causal conclusions. Unfortunately, due to operational reasons
p = 0.014). All other comparisons remained non-significant we could not start data collection before onset of the pilot
(all t below 1.2, all p above 0.20). While the day specific sleep period. Furthermore, ambulatory saliva sampling always relies
ratings within the P2 differed marginally at T1 (F[2.5, on the subjects’ motivation and accuracy. Adherence to
48.2] = 2.50, p = 0.08, see Table 3), this trend disappeared at sampling procedures and given sampling times is crucial
T2 (F[2.8, 49.8] = 0.18, p = 0.89). Also, reported day specific (Kudielka et al., 2003; Broderick et al., 2004). Unfortunately,
sleep quality in the night shift differed only marginally between we did not have the chance to control for sampling compliance
T1 and T2 in the morning (T1: 3.2  0.7 and T2: 3.6  0.7; as by electronic monitoring. Although 102 subjects entered the
t[22] = 1.7, p = 0.10) and night shift (T1: 3.9  3.2 and T2: analyses, group size should at best be considered as medium-
3.6  4.0; t[19] = 1.7, p = 0.11) and did not change over time for sized. Lastly, we wonder whether the psychological assessment
the night shift and day off (both t below 0.2, both p above 0.85) was possibly subjected to bias due to motivational processes.
The implementation of the new shift rota in the test divisions (P
4. Discussion groups) seemed to be a major issue for management and
workforce and subjects were certainly aware of their status as
The present study investigated free cortisol profiles across study participants. This might have impacted significantly on
shifts in four different groups of shift workers namely the questionnaire data (see below).
permanent night and day shift workers (with weekly rotation) The main findings regarding the cortisol data are the
and former permanent night and day shift workers across fast- following: Firstly, during the morning and evening shift, all
rotating morning, evening, night shifts, and days off. Sampling groups showed the typical cortisol increase after awakening and
started directly after awakening in order to account for the decreasing levels thereafter. The circadian cortisol profiles did
cortisol awakening rise (CAR) which typically takes place not differ between fast-rotating former permanent night and day
during the first hour after awakening (Pruessner et al., 1997; workers and weekly rotating day workers. It might be
Wüst et al., 2000b; for review see Clow et al., 2004). While speculated that both former weekly rotating day workers as
there is still an ongoing debate on the psychoneuroendocrine well as former permanent night workers adapted relatively
significance of the CAR, recent studies have indicated smoothly to the new fast rotating work schedule in respect to
significantly altered CARs in subjects with health problems normal cortisol rhythmicity. Secondly, the typical awakening
(Kudielka and Kirschbaum, 2003) as well as various conditions effect could also be observed during the night shift although
related to psychopathology. For example, the CAR was shown former permanent day workers showed a reduced CAR
to be positively associated with perceived chronic stress compared to both groups of workers which had worked night
(Schulz et al., 1998; Pruessner et al., 1999; Wüst et al., 2000a; duties already in the past. It seems to be striking here that the
Schlotz et al., 2004) and depressive symptomatology (Bhag- P2, the group with no long-lasting night work experience,
wagar et al., 2003, 2005; Pruessner et al., 2003). On the other showed the most unusual CAR and that these group differences
hand, a reduced CAR was, for example, found to be related to could not be detected during working time (samples 5–8; see
low sleep quality in primary insomnia patients (Backhaus et al., Fig. 1C). This finding underlines the value of the awakening
2004), burnout symptomatology (Pruessner et al., 1999), samples in contrast to the remainder samples. Within the P2, a
chronic fatigue syndrome (Roberts et al., 2004), posttraumatic comparison of the cortisol profiles across shifts also certified
stress disorder (Rohleder et al., 2004; Wessa et al., 2006) and that the night shift profile was significantly attenuated (see
early loss experience (Meinlschmidt and Heim, 2005). Fig. 2B). This effect was not found within the P1 who had
Furthermore, in a recent sleep laboratory study, we could worked night shifts before; their cortisol profiles did not differ
demonstrate that the CAR is a genuine response to morning significantly between shifts (see Fig. 2A). It might be
awakening that is distinct from the circadian rise in HPA speculated that adaptation to the new rota was most challenging
activity in the morning hours (Wilhelm et al., unpublished for the P2 since it included for the first time night duties.
data). Interestingly, at T2 the attenuation of the night shift profile was
A further strength of the present data is that cortisol has been much less pronounced and cortisol profiles across shifts
sampled during each (existing) shift, and that profiles can be differed only marginally (see Fig. 3). It appears that the cortisol
compared between shift workers still engaged in the old rota profile during night shifts had almost normalized in the P2.
(groups C1 and C2: permanent night and day work) and those Accordingly, in the above described study by Lac and Chamoux
who recently switched to the new rota (groups P1 and P2: fast (2004) greatest disturbance in salivary cortisol was also
rotating morning, evening, and night shifts). This comparison observed during night shifts, in particular for the slower rotating
was made possible due to a recent implementation of the new group, resulting in blunted cortisol patterns during night shift
100 B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103

work. Thirdly, at the day off the C1 (permanent night workers) (P2 and C2) reported health problems. This could (partially)
showed a similar cortisol profile than during night work; explain more favorable scores in the C1. Furthermore, former
compared to the other shift groups this profile was slightly permanent night workers (P1) reported lowest reward (and
reduced (see Figs. 1D and 2C). The group difference cannot be therefore yielded marginally higher effort–reward imbalance)
ascribed to different times of awakening. This finding might especially compared to current permanent night workers (C1).
reflect reduced cortisol synchronization during days off in Maybe, our former night workers felt more stressed-out by
permanent night workers. Since this effect did not emerge in reorganization of their working, family, and social life, maybe
former permanent night workers currently performing fast because they lost an ‘‘elite’’ status among peers, and probably
rotating shift work (P1), it might be speculated that such altered disapprove the loss of the night shift premium and other
circadian adaptation can be readjusted in relatively short time. advantages (e.g., incentives, less control by management during
However, the present data is cross-sectional and does not allow night, etc.). Costa (2003) argues that ‘‘shift workers sometimes
for causal inferences. The observation that the C2 had relatively do not report their health troubles completely, or even deny
high morning cortisol levels are a little bit puzzling and difficult them, because they are more afraid of losing the economic
to explain. At least, the typical morning increase emerged and benefits associated with shift and night work’’ and that ‘‘shift
the profile was not flattened as in the C1. Within the C2 the work may be well accepted by people who are able/willing to
overall shift profiles did not differ significantly (see Fig. 2D). use daytime hours or off-duty periods to comply with other
Finally, the present data nicely reflects both major regulatory personal/family needs’’. Interestingly, workers in the P1 and C1
inputs on cortisol curves. As outlined above, the two major had significantly more children than the P2 and C2.
processes which control the overall diurnal cortisol variation While self-reported average sleep quality did not differ
are the signal generated by the circadian pacemaker (SCN) and between groups for most comparisons, average hours of sleep in
the alteration of wakefulness and sleep (Van Cauter, 1990; a 24 h cycle differed significantly between groups for each shift
Goichot et al., 1998; Czeisler and Klerman, 1999). In this study, (see Table 2). Results of sleep length are relatively plausible
timing of the major cortisol rise was significantly determined by (see Akerstedt and Torsvall, 1981). For the morning shift,
the sleep-wake cycle, namely time of awakening. Nevertheless, shorter sleep was reported for the two pilot groups who for the
the cortisol secretion differed significantly between shifts first time were engaged in fast rotating shifts all around the
documenting circadian regulation. As expected, overall cortisol clock. During evening shifts, the day and former day shift
secretory activity was lowest during night shifts compared to groups (P2, C2) reported longer sleep times compared to the P1
morning and evening shifts and higher during morning who just started working day shifts. During night shifts, longer
compared to evening shifts and days off. sleep was reported by the groups with night shift experience
The questionnaire data is difficult to interpret since (P1, C1), while during days off this pattern was reversed. Day
responses might have been biased by motivational factors. specific sleep quality differed significantly between groups in
Although the management never claimed that introduction of all shifts (except the day off) and seems to parallel sleep length.
the new rota in the entire company would be based on the study In the morning and evening shift, reported sleep quality was
results, on site we gained the impression that at least some lowest in the P1 (no day shift experience) and was higher in the
participants might have assumed that their responses could P2 and C2 (experience with rotating morning and evening
impact on the company’s decision. Beside others, Smith et al. shifts). In contrast, during night shifts permanent night workers
(1998) have emphasized the importance of shiftworker had the highest sleep quality, followed by former night workers
participation in shift rotation redesign. However, the present (P1). Interestingly, within this group the highest sleep quality
questionnaire data is not necessarily biased. First of all, vital was reported during night shifts. In contrast to awakening time
exhaustion, chronic stress, and the effort–reward scales appear (Wüst et al., 2000b; Edwards et al., 2001; Kudielka and
to indicate that the P1 (former night workers now engaged in Kirschbaum, 2003; Federenko et al., 2004), the CAR was not
fast rotating shift work) had in general the most unfavorable shown to be affected by sleep duration in healthy subjects with
scores especially in contrast to the group that still works on regular sleep in earlier studies (for review see Clow et al.,
permanent night shifts (C1) who reported the most favorable 2004). However, HPA axis regulation can be affected by
scores. In accordance with Wilkinson (1992) one might experimentally induced total sleep deprivation, sleep restriction
conclude that permanent night work is preferable to rotating or sleep disturbances (Vgontzas et al., 1999, 2003, 2004).
shifts. However, as in other cross-sectional studies comparisons Based on such findings, researchers should bear in mind that
between permanent night workers (here C1) and the former day systematic and pronounced differences in sleep duration across
shift groups might also, at least in part, reflect a process of self- different shifts might contribute to the cortisol circadian rhythm
selection, called the healthy worker effect (Costa, 2003). The in shift workers.
effect describes the tendency that the fitter and healthier For the P2, we can also report data at T2. The (non-
workers stick to night shifts while others who were unable to significant) increase of effort–reward imbalance (due to
cope had already switched to other schedules. Accordingly, in marginally higher effort) over time might be attributed to the
the Lac and Chamoux (2004) study, shift workers in the slow additional burden of ongoing night shifts. Furthermore, average
rotating rota had the best health and fitness scores among the sleep quality for night shifts worsened significantly. Interest-
three study groups. This reasoning might be also consistent ingly, even the day specific sleep quality for the night shift (no
with our observation that significantly more day shift workers change over time) did not correspond with the cortisol results
B.M. Kudielka et al. / Biological Psychology 74 (2007) 92–103 101

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