Supplier Qualification Questionnaire

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Submit the answers to the questions.


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save the file to your computer desktop and upload it to the application.

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the answers to the questions.

rough each worksheet using the tabs at the bottom of the window and fill out the required information. When complete,
e to your computer desktop and upload it to the application.

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Number Name Answer
1.1 Our Preferred speaking & writing Yes
1.2 language is English,
If Others, please specifydoes your Español
1.3 How many years of business 2 to 5 years
1.4 experience do you have for
Which International Standard are in the IEEE|IEC
1.6 applicable to the type of service
On which International Standard has IEC|IEEE
1.8 your
is the tierdeveloped a deep
level you will 1 tier
1.9 subcontract your scope of
Which of the following high risk work Work in confined space|Work with
1.10 activities you usually perform
if applicable, please provide the on electricity
1.11 procedure
Do confirmto manage
you the high risks Yes
read, understood
and agree to follow all applicable
Number Name Answer
2.1 Does your organization have Yes
2.2 Standard operating
If applicable, pleaseprocedures
provide a copy PROCEDIMIENTO
2.3 of SOPs
If your organization does not have a Yes
2.4 standard
Does youroperating procedures
organizations have a Yes but not certified
2.5 Quality Management
Does your organization System
have ain Partially
2.7 documented procedure have
Does your organization to manage
a Yes
2.8 process to capture requirement
if required, are you capable to Partially
2.10 establish and provide an Inspection
Do you have available tools and Partially
2.12 competent people
Do you have advanced able to perform Yes
2.13 software/tools and competent people
Do you have certified or experienced Partially
2.14 (>5y) project
Do you have managers
a defined ?
process with Partially
2.16 clear responsibility to capture and
Do you have a process to manage Partially
2.18 customer
Does yourchange requests
organization haveduring
a Partially
business continuity plan that
Number Name Answer
3.1 Does your organization have an Yes and certified
3.8 Occupational Health and Safety
Has your organization been involved No
3.10 in prosecutions
If your for breaches
organization in in
is involved Yes
3.11 electric work,please
if applicable, does you havecopy
provide a safety
3.12 the procedure
Are your site workers certified to Yes
3.13 perform high risk activity
if applicable, please provide(like 13.- Certificado de trabajo de alto
3.25 supporting
Do you have a maintenance plan for
evidence (training Yes
3.26 facilities, vehicles,
please provide PPEs
copy and other
of your
3.27 maintenance plan for equipment,
Does your organization have an No
3.28 Environmental Management
Does your organization have System
a Yes
3.29 process to identify risks regarding
Has your organization ever had an No
3.31 environmental-related
Does your organizationviolation,
have a fine,
3.32 procedure for waste management
Does your organization have an Not Applicable
emergency chemical spill response
Number Name Answer
4.1 Does your organization have a HSE Partially
4.3 and
DoesQuality pre-qualification
your organization have a HSE
4.5 and Quality performance monitoring
For poor performing or critical sub-
4.7 contractor do you plan periodical
Do you incorporate the sub-
contractor schedule in you master
Number Name Answer
5.1 Does your organization have an No
5.2 Alcohol and Drug abuse policy?
Does your company recognize and Yes
5.3 meet
Does requirement from local
your organization provide the Yes
5.4 PPE to any employee as
Does your organization have per HSE
a Yes
5.5 process for identifying and
Does your organization have amanaging Yes
5.6 program to ensure compliance
Did you have current or past with No
5.7 judgements, claims,list
If applicable please suites,
and clarify
5.8 any involvement in breaches
Does your company have a writtenof any Yes
5.9 policy and enforcement mechanism
If not relevant, explain why.
5.10 The undersigned understands and Yes
acknowledges that any

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