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Unit 6 Eating Well

Important Words
1. balance 2. healthy 3. choice 4. weight
5. passion 6. avoid 7. recently 8. allergic
9. vegetarian 10. religion 11. agree 12. disgusting
13. smell 14. taste 15. hard 16. excuse
17. opinion 18. sweet 19. sour 20. salty
21. spicy 22. diet 23. prefer 24. protein
25. carbohydrate 26. fiber 27. vitamin 28. without
29. terrific 30. terrible 31. awesome 32. awful
1. I ___________________ seeing movies to watching TV. I love bigger screens.
2. French fries are too ______________________. They are not sweet.
3. I try to ___________________ desserts. I am watching my weight now.
4. I have been busy to prepare for my midterm exam __________________. I study hard these days.
5. Lemons and kiwis are __________________.
6. Look at my skin! It’s red all over after I eat seafood. I think I am __________________ to it.
7. To keep ________________ eating habits, you need to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
8. I can’t imagine life ____________________ Internet. Life will become really boring.
9. Cho Do Fu or stinky tofu _________________s really awful.
10. Muslims don’t eat pork. It is against their ____________________.
11. It is difficult to keep the right _________________ of life and work. Sometimes people work too hard.
12. There are many ___________________s when you look for something to eat in Taiwan.
13. Pudding ________________s soft and sweet.
14. What’s your _____________________ about the news? What do you think of it?
15. I used to be 45kg. Now, I weigh 55 kg. I need to start my ___________________ A.S.A.P.

Important Phrases
1. I have a craving for 2. I’d better pass. 3. I have no idea.
4. turn down 5. I can’t stand 6. I am a big …eater/drinker
7. I am not much of a …eater/drinker 8. I’ve cut back on… 9. I am a …addict.
10. I don’t care for… 11. I couldn’t live without it. 12. I’ll pass on…
13. It’s against my religion. 14. It doesn’t agree with me. 15. Please help yourself.
16. I am watching my weight. 17. I am allergic to it. 18. I am avoiding …
1. A: Would you like some coffee?
B: ______________________________________. My doctor suggests I stay away from coffee.
2. I can’t drink milk. ____________________________________. I feel sick after drinking it.
3. A: Do you know how many people are allergic to chocolate?
B: ___________________________________. I need to google it.
4. The children _________________________ sweets because their parents do not like them to eat candy.
5. A: ___________________________________. Just eat whatever you want to eat.
  B: Thank you.
6. __________________________ chilis and pepper. I don’t like spicy foods.
7. __________________________ sugar. I am watching my weight now.
8. I love mangoes very much. I can’t live without them. ________________a mango ______________.
A. S + used to + V 原. / S + didn’t use to + V 原. / (Wh~) + did + S + use to + V 原 ?
1. “I ________ play football when I was a child.” a) use to b) used c) used to d) did use to
2. “Tom ________ slide when he was a little boy.” a) used did b) used to c) didn’t used to d) used
3. A: _____ you _____ with your toys when you were a child? B: Yes, I did.
a) did-used to playing b) did-use to played c) did-used to play d) did-use to play
4. A: ______ Ali and Ahmet _______ fight when they were little boys? B: Yes, they did.
a) did; used b) did-use c) did; used to d) did-use to
5. My mother and I _______ when I was a baby.
a) use to swing b) used to swing c) use to swinging d) used to did swinging
6. Madonna _________ be a ballet dancer many years ago but now she _____ a singer.
a) is; is b) used to; used to c) used to; is d) is; used to
7. “I _______ hiking when I was a child. a) use to going b) did use to go c) used to go d) didn’t use to
8. “We _______vegetables from greengrocer now but we _________ grow vegetables when we lived in the
country twenty years ago.”
a) drink; used to b) buy; didn’t use to c) buy; used to d) play; used to
9.My grandmother _________ wear _______ clothes when she was a young girl.
a) did; expensive b) use to; cheap c) used to; elegant d) didn’t used to; elegant
10. “People _________ by horse before but now they _________ by plane.
a) did travel; travelling b) used to travelling; don’t travel c) used to travel; don’t travel
d) used to travel; travel
11. “I ____________ have a puppy when I was a little boy but now I ___________ a laptop.”
a) use to; had b) used to; have c) use to; don’t have d) did use to; don’t have
12. “We ___________ live in a small house when we lived in the country but we _________ in a flat now.”
a) used did; live b) used to; live c) didn’t used to; don’t live d) did used to; living

B. Negative Questions:
1. Don’t S + V 原 2. Doesn’t S + V 原 3. Didn’t S + V 原
4. Haven’t S + Vpp 5. Hasn’t S + Vpp 6. Hadn’t S + Vpp
7. Aren’t you/we/they/ 2+… 8. Isn’t he/she/it… 9. Wasn’t I/he/she/it…
10. Weren’t you/we/they/2+ 11. Can’t S + V 原 12. Won’t S + V 原
1. a) Haven’t b) Don’t c) Aren’t these films have subtitles?            
2. a) Wasn’t b) Doesn’t c) Hasn’t it often rain here?            
3. a) Didn’t b) Weren’t c) Haven’t you win the competition?            
4. a) Hasn’t b) Aren’t c) Haven’t they got back from the dentist’s?            
5. a) Hasn’t b) Isn’t c) wasn’t he ever been abroad?            
6. a) Haven’t b) Don’t c) Aren’t we going swimming now?            
7. a) Doesn’t b) Isn’t c) Hasn’t the main course ready?            
8. a) Wasn’t b) Hasn’t c) Can’t Rachael stay for dinner?               
9. a) Aren’t b) Wouldn’t c) Haven’t you like living in Provence?            
10. a) Wasn’t b) Hasn’t c) Didn’t Amy take the final exam?            
11. a) Haven’t b) Weren’t c) Aren’t Neil and Elena moved house?                      
12. a) Aren’t b) Don’t c) Haven’t you going to the meeting at nine?            
13. a) Doesn’t b) Hasn’t c) Isn’t there a car park near here?            
14. a) Won’t b) Isn’t c) Hasn’t Ian join the team next year?            
15. a) Weren’t b) Don’t c) Didn’t Tim and Jane at home last night?            

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