BCG What Really Matters For A Premium IPO Valuation July 2018 - tcm9 196864

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Success in IPOs


By Jens Kengelbach, Uwe Berberich, Timo Schmid, Dominik Degen, and Axel Dickenbrok

This article—the second in a series exploring premium. Among European companies

the practicalities of going public—looks at that went public from 2010 through mid-
what drives a premium IPO valuation. The 2017, 56% achieved a premium valuation,
previous article, “Anatomy of an Ideal IPO although there were wide variations among
Candidate,” dispelled some myths about bar- industries. The remaining companies—al-
riers to going public. most half—failed to reach the average mul-
tiple for their industry when they listed

P lanning for an initial public

offering is a lot like planning a wed-
ding. Some factors that affect success, such
their shares.

What are issuers that achieve a premium

as investor sentiment, are beyond a valuation doing better than their peers? To
company’s control, while others, such as find the answer, we analyzed the influence
the offer price, can only be dealt with of 24 factors in three categories: issuer
shortly ahead of the big day. But many characteristics, operational performance,
others should be addressed proactively and capital structure and financial ratios.
with thorough planning over an extended (See Exhibit 1 and the sidebar, “Study
period. Indeed, new research by BCG finds Methodology.”)
that some of the most important factors
driving a premium IPO valuation are those Our study confirmed that some intuitive fac-
for which preparation should begin well tors, such as strong revenue growth and
before the opening bell rings. above-average margins, are indeed highly
influential. But we also found that some less
Our research focused on the issuer’s valua- obvious factors, including organizational
tion multiple as determined by the offer complexity, leverage, and expected dividend
price on the listing date. If the multiple ex- yield, are equally important. The relative
ceeds the industry average at the time of importance of each factor depends on the
listing, the issuer has listed its shares at a maturity of the issuer’s industry and the
Exhibit 1 | Factors That Influence IPO Valuations
Size Market cap 2

Number of employees

Organizational complexity Number of divisions

Anchor investors Venture capital or private equity backing3


Revenue growth Sales growth in fiscal year before IPO

Profitability EBITDA margin for last 12 months

Leverage Total debt/EV; net debt/EBITDA

Capital structure

Dividend policy Expected dividend yield in fiscal year after IPO

Cash usage Capex

Cash on balance sheet

Sources: Joint BCG and HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management database; BCG analysis.
Note: All measurements showed p-values less than or equal to 0.05 and therefore were considered statistically significant (95% probability level).
Positive impact means that a higher value for the metric correlates with a greater likelihood of achieving a premium IPO valuation; negative
impact means that a higher value for the metric correlates with a lower likelihood of achieving a premium valuation.
Midsize market cap correlates with the greatest likelihood of receiving a premium valuation; for the smallest and largest issuers, the
likelihood of receiving a premium valuations is lower.
For venture capital and private equity backing, the presence of an anchor investor promotes a greater likelihood of achieving a premium

size of the company. Surprisingly, some fac- conservatively, or even at a discount, to

tors that are generally regarded as import- ensure successful share placements.
ant in the IPO process, such as timing and We also found that companies with a
the number of underwriters, appear to have large number of employees compared
little or no influence on the IPO valuation. with their industry peers are less likely
to receive a premium valuation.

The Issuer Characteristics •• Organizational Complexity. IPO

That Matter Most investors seem to have a preference for
We sought to understand which character- simpler organizations. To assess the
istics influence an issuer’s valuation on the importance of organizational complexi-
IPO date. Among the characteristics we ex- ty, we looked at how the number of
plored, three stood out as having the great- divisions influences the IPO valuation.
est influence. In the year before the IPO, issuers
receiving a premium valuation had
•• Size. The sweet spot for IPO valuations fewer divisions (2.8 versus 3.2), on
is occupied by midsize companies, not average, than companies with a dis-
the largest issuers. Midsize compa- count valuation. Companies with
nies—with a market cap of €300 simpler organizations—typically those
million to €1 billion—enjoy the highest focused on a single business—fare
likelihood (64%) of receiving a premi- better in the IPO market because it is
um valuation. The smallest issuers easier for investors to understand their
(market cap of less than €50 million) operations and set expectations for
have the lowest likelihood (45%). The their performance. This is in line with
largest issuers (market cap exceeding the trend toward using spinoffs, carve-
€10 billion) also show a very low outs, and divestitures to give investors
likelihood (20%) of receiving a premi- an opportunity to invest in specific
um valuation, reflecting the fact that divisions, each with its own cash flow
very large IPOs often are priced profile.

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 2
BCG’s study sampled 497 IPOs at the accounting standards, we separately
ten largest stock exchanges in Europe analyzed four trailing multiples: EV/
from January 2010 through June 2017. To revenue, EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT, and P/E.
control for very small IPOs (mainly The four analyses yielded similar results.
technology and pharmaceutical compa- For simplicity, we focus in this article on
nies tapping the market for seed money), the results relating to EV/revenue.
we excluded IPOs of companies with less
than €5 million in annual revenue in the To understand what influences an IPO
year before the offering. We also exclud- valuation, we looked at how it correlates
ed financial services firms because of the with 24 company characteristics. Those
limited comparability of their revenues characteristics with a significance level of
and margins. 1% or 5% were considered to be influen-
tial. To ensure the robustness of our
We compared each issuer’s valuation analyses, we conducted several statistical
multiple, as determined by the offer price crosschecks, such as multivariate tests.
on the listing date, with the average val-
uation multiple of its peers in the relevant We recorded results for the overall
Stoxx Europe 600 sector index. First, we sample and at the industry level. Our
determined whether an issuer listed at a industry-level analyses sought to under-
premium or a discount valuation relative stand whether the factors that influence
to the industry average. Second, we a valuation are different for growth
calculated the exact magnitude of each industries (such as health care and
issuer’s premium or discount. technology) than for more mature
industries (such as building materials,
To ensure that results were not distorted chemicals, industrial goods, oil and gas,
by differences among companies and and transportation).

•• Anchor Investors. To understand the um valuation: the EV/EBITDA multiple

importance of anchor investments, we for PE-backed companies exceeded that
looked at whether backing by a venture of other companies by 1.6x. Investors
capital fund or private equity firm may have greater trust in PE-backed IPO
influences valuations on the IPO date. candidates because they believe that PE
ownership focuses the entire company
We found that VC-backed companies on growth and value creation. Or it may
have a higher likelihood of receiving a be that PE firms are simply more aggres-
premium valuation than other compa- sive in demanding and achieving higher
nies (78% versus 54%). VC backing ap- multiples for IPO companies exiting
pears to boost investors’ confidence their portfolios. The results varied by in-
that the issuer can deliver on the prom- dustry cluster, however. PE backing did
ises in its equity story. Further, investors not significantly influence the valuation
seem to regard VC backing as certifying of companies in growth industries, but it
higher growth expectations and validat- strongly promoted premium valuations
ing the claims in the business plan and for issuers in more mature industries. PE
equity story. backing appears to help large, mature
companies secure share placement with-
We found even clearer implications re- out having to price at a discount on the
lating to ownership by a PE firm. In the IPO date.
overall sample, PE backing had a statis-
tically significant influence on the likeli- It is clear that investors are looking at an is-
hood that issuers would receive a premi- suer’s characteristics in order to find clues

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 3
about the company’s intrinsic ability to cre- •• Above-Average Margins. It goes
ate value. An IPO candidate must take sev- without saying that companies with
eral steps to determine the characteristics margins above their industry average
that matter most given its industry context are more likely to attract a premium
and address them before the IPO date. First, valuation. Underscoring the importance
it must identify which investor groups to tar- of having strong margins, we found that
get and determine their expectations with earnings significantly influence IPO
respect to key characteristics. It can then en- valuations in all industry clusters.
sure that its equity story addresses these Companies with above-average EBITDA
topics and mitigates investors’ concerns. For margins have a much higher likelihood
issuers with a complex structure or multiple of achieving a premium valuation than
business models, it is especially valuable to those with below-average margins (80%
present a convincing and reassuring discus- versus 37%). We also found that mar-
sion of company characteristics. Very large gins have a statistically significant
companies can use a convincing equity story impact on the size of the premium or
to rally sufficient demand, so that they can discount. For companies with above-
list their shares without pricing at a dis- average margins, multiples are 0.76x
count to support share placement. higher than the average of their respec-
tive sector indexes. For those with
below-average margins, multiples are
Strong Operational Performance 0.46x less than the sector average.
Over Time Makes a Difference
Unsurprisingly, strong revenue growth and Realizing above-average margins and reve-
above-average margins promote a premi- nue growth is challenging and requires
um valuation. But investors are not short- hard work and a disciplined approach in
sighted. They want to see a convincing the years before the IPO. When planning
track record for sales and profits leading up for a public listing, the company should be
to the IPO, ideally starting two years before even more diligent than usual in preparing
the offering. and executing a sound business plan. The
plan should support the company’s growth
•• Strong Revenue Growth. Companies ambitions with detailed initiatives and
that post double-digit revenue growth place special emphasis on the areas that
in the years before the IPO are more the target investor groups care about most.
likely to have a premium valuation than A stringently executed business plan pro-
those that experience a lower growth vides the basis for a strong financial sec-
rate. Companies with above-average tion in the equity story and boosts inves-
revenue growth in the year prior to an tors’ confidence that the company’s
IPO are twice as likely as other issuers ambitions are supported by a credible
to experience a premium valuation. Fur- track record. It will also help executives de-
ther, IPOs that receive premium valua- liver against expectations once they are in
tions achieve a 10% higher growth rate the glare of the capital markets after the
in the first and second years after their IPO.

Because issuers are not able to disclose Capital Structure and Dividend
their forward-looking business plan in Policy Are Also Influential
most jurisdictions, the pre-IPO revenue Because capital structure and other finan-
development needs to provide investors cial ratios offer important insights into a
with sufficient assurance that the com- company’s setup and establish expecta-
pany can sustain its growth in the years tions for future investment returns, they
ahead. An IPO candidate’s equity story strongly influence IPO valuations. Howev-
should reflect its revenue development er, we found that investors’ expectations
and show that historical growth has are often determined by the maturity of an
been driven by strong fundamentals. issuer’s industry.

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 4
•• Leverage. In the prevailing environ- date are more likely to receive a
ment of low interest rates, it has premium valuation. When capex levels
become even easier for companies to are high, IPO investors have higher
take on debt to finance operations and expectations for the company and see a
corporate development. However, IPO greater opportunity for market disrup-
investors still seem somewhat skeptical tion, especially if the company is in a
about high levels of debt financing. For growth industry. Cash and capex levels
issuers with a premium valuation, the are less relevant for companies in
ratio of total debt to equity is 19%, mature industries and thus have less
compared with 24% for those listing at a influence on valuation multiples. (See
discount. The leverage ratio that Exhibit 2.)
investors regard as favorable depends
on the issuer’s industry. In growth To optimize their capital structure for an
industries, lower leverage correlates IPO, companies need to make a variety of
with a higher likelihood of receiving a difficult decisions and tradeoffs. For exam-
premium valuation. Investors are less ple, if target investors expect a high divi-
likely to punish highly leveraged dend yield, the company might need to re-
companies in mature industries, duce capex and accumulate cash on its
however, where higher debt-to-equity balance sheet for higher payouts. The ap-
ratios are more common. propriate tradeoff between reinvesting
cash and paying dividends can theoretical-
•• Dividend Yield. Although investors will ly be made shortly before or after the IPO
not receive dividends until months after date. However, if the payout strategy is not
the IPO date, the expected dividend consistent with the issuer’s historical pro-
yield has a significant impact on IPO file and business plan, investors will ques-
valuations. In our overall sample, a tion the substance of the dividend and in-
lower dividend yield one year after the vestment strategies. To make a convincing
IPO correlated with a higher likelihood case to investors, the company’s IPO-
of premium valuations. For issuers with adjusted capital structure and payout strat-
premium valuations, the dividend yield egy should be reflected in its business plan
one year after the IPO was 2.1%, com- one to two years before the IPO.
pared with 3.4% for those with a dis-
count valuation. However, the same
relationship did not hold at the industry Some Factors Have Surprisingly
level. In mature industries, issuers Little Influence
earning a premium valuation had an Several factors that are seen as important
expected dividend yield, on average, of considerations in IPO planning and execu-
3.8%. For their counterparts in growth tion have little or no influence on achiev-
industries, this figure fell to 1.6%—an ing premium valuations.
indication that investors usually favor
growth companies that use their IPO •• Timing. Global equity markets general-
proceeds to finance expansion rather ly enjoyed a positive run during the
than to pay out dividends. In some period covered by our analysis (2010
mature industries, including industrial through mid-2017). But market perfor-
goods, oil and gas, and chemicals, a mance and IPO activity experienced
higher dividend yield correlated with a significant swings over those years. To
higher likelihood of premium valuations. gauge the impact of the variability, we
analyzed whether the year of the IPO
•• Cash Usage. IPO investors favor issuers correlates with the likelihood of achiev-
that put their cash to work (using it to ing a premium valuation. Although the
grow the business, for example) over likelihood of a premium valuation
those that sit on their cash. Issuers with varied from 43% in 2012 to more than
balance sheets that show low cash 60% in 2011 and 2017, the effects are
levels and high capex on the offering statistically insignificant. However, we

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 5
Exhibit 2 | The Impact of Cash and Capex on Valuation Multiples Varies by Industry

Capex/sales1 Cash/total assets1

(%) (%)
40 30



0 0
Impact and Basic Consumer Consumer Health Industrial Oil and Technology Telecom Utilities Overall
significance materials goods services care goods gas sample

Capex/sales Positive Positive Positive Not Negative Not Not Positive Not Positive
*** *** ** significant ** significant significant *** significant **
Cash/total Not Positive Not Positive Positive Not Not Negative Not Negative
assets significant ** significant *** ** significant significant *** significant ***

Capex/sales Cash/total assets

Sources: Joint BCG and HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management database; BCG analysis.
Notes: Positive impact means that a higher value for the metric correlates with a greater likelihood of achieving a premium IPO valuation;
negative impact means that a higher value for the metric correlates with a lower likelihood of achieving a premium valuation. Statistical
significance is expressed as: * significant at p<0.1, ** significant at p<0.05, *** significant at p<0.1.
Based on last 12 months’ financials on the IPO date.

observed a greater likelihood of higher innovative companies usually receive a

valuations for offerings in periods that great deal of favorable attention, they
landed within the so-called IPO win- do not appear to perform better than
dow—that is, a combination of high their less innovative peers with respect
forward P/E multiples (a multiple of at to premium IPO valuations.
least 13x on the IPO date) and low
volatility (less than 20% in the 180 days
before the IPO date) for the Stoxx The Deliberate Journey
Europe 600 index. (For additional to a Premium Valuation
information about the IPO window, see An IPO candidate cannot address all the
the first article in this series.) factors that influence a premium valuation.
It is not practical—or even advisable—to
•• Number of Underwriters. Underwriter completely overhaul a company’s setup,
selection is important to an IPO’s strategy, and financial structure leading up
success. For example, a company may to an IPO. Nor is there a single initiative
choose to engage multiple underwriters that will serve as a magic bullet to guaran-
to improve access to specific regions and tee a premium valuation. Instead, the com-
investor groups. However, we found that pany must find the appropriate middle
the involvement of multiple underwrit- ground. It should thoroughly review the
ers does not have a statistically signifi- key drivers of a premium valuation and pri-
cant impact on the IPO valuation. oritize the factors to address on the basis of
impact and feasibility of implementation.
•• Innovation. Using R&D expenditures
as a proxy, we found that an issuer’s Putting in place a sound and stringent busi-
pursuit of innovation—at least as ness plan to promote superior growth and
expressed through high R&D spend- margins is a no-regrets move. The plan is
ing—does not significantly affect its IPO crucial to promoting a high share price far
valuation. Investors appear to give beyond the listing date, because it guides
equal weight to the potential upside of investors’ expectations and sets the stage
stronger revenue growth and higher for the company’s capital markets commu-
operating margins and the downside of nications for many quarters going forward.
higher expenses. Although the most Determining the value of other adjust-

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 6
ments, such as divesting business units to to fulfill its ambitions for strong revenue
reduce complexity before the IPO, requires growth and margin improvement.
a deeper assessment.
2. Prepare. At least six months before the
To juggle the varied (and potentially con- IPO date, the company should focus on
flicting) factors affecting the IPO’s success, compiling a strong equity story so that
the issuer should establish a detailed time- it can proactively address investor
line and project plan 15 to 24 months be- concerns, promote investment high-
forehand. The plan should comprise three lights, and present a strong financial
phases. (See Exhibit 3.) section. To lay the foundation, the
company must set a target for its capital
1. Conceptualize. At least 15 months structure and ensure that the envi-
before the IPO, the company should sioned post-IPO payout strategy is
conduct a comprehensive IPO readiness consistent with its overall business plan.
check. Beyond a basic assessment of
potential gaps in the operational setup 3. Execute. During the six months leading
(for example, the ability to produce up to the IPO, the company should
sufficient financial reports), the readi- devote its attention to avoiding
ness check should review factors that late-arising obstacles. In addition to
can strongly influence the IPO valuation. preparing the required documentation
In particular, the company should and obtaining approvals, the company
determine whether any of its character- must define and communicate its
istics (such as organizational complexity dividend policy and fine-tune its equity
and business model) could raise con- story and financial information. It is
cerns with investors. If required, the crucial to deliver on financial goals
company can take a variety of mitigation during this period and take measures to
actions, including specifically addressing avoid any slippage.
the concerns in the equity story, adjust-
ing the setup or business model (by
reorganizing divisions, for example), or
divesting business units. The company
also needs to put in place a strong
O ur study shows that multiple factors
influence whether an IPO lists at a
premium valuation. No IPO candidate can
business plan that extends past the IPO control each one in an optimal way. But ev-
date and launch the initiatives required ery issuer can improve its chances of

Exhibit 3 | The Journey to a Premium IPO Valuation

• Conduct an IPO readiness check • Prepare required documentation
• Take actions to address investor and obtain approvals
concerns • Fine-tune equity story and deliver
• Establish a business plan and launch on financial goals
initiatives to improve revenue and • Begin active communication with
margins analysts and investors

–18 –16 –14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0

Month IPO date

• Understand the investor universe and expectations
• Develop a strong equity story
• Set targets for capital structure
• Align dividend policy with the business plan
Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 7
achieving a premium valuation by identify- thorough and comprehensive planning well
ing the most important factors in its indus- before the IPO date. Strong IPO candidates
try context and addressing them through are made, not born.

About the Authors

Jens Kengelbach is a senior partner and managing director in the Munich office of The Boston Consult-
ing Group. He is the global head of M&A and the leader of the BCG Transaction Center. You may contact
him by email at

Uwe Berberich is a principal in the firm’s Düsseldorf office. You may contact him by email at

Timo Schmid is an associate director in BCG’s Munich office. You may contact him by email at

Dominik Degen is a knowledge expert and team manager in the firm’s Munich office. You may contact
him by email at

Axel Dickenbrok is a consultant in BCG’s Munich office and a doctoral candidate at the Chair of
Financial Management at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. You may contact him by
email at

The authors are grateful to the Chair of Financial Management at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
Management, especially Bernhard Schwetzler, Benjamin Hammer, and Heiko Hinrichs, for their valuable
insights and support in the preparation of this article.

Founded in 1898, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management was the first business school in Germany.
Currently, HHL is one of the country’s leading graduate schools, offering a variety of academic executive
programs for different graduate degrees, including MSc, MBA, and PhD. The Center for Corporate Transac-
tions, headed by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler (academic director) and Dr. Benjamin Hammer (executive
director), is HHL’s major research unit in the field of mergers and acquisitions and private equity. It is de-
signed to bring together scientists of HHL and its research partners working in the areas of corporate fi-
nance, accounting, law, and game theory to analyze and discuss problems in corporate transactions. For
more information, please visit

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with offices in more than 90 cities in 50 countries. For more
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The Boston Consulting Group | What Really Matters for a Premium IPO Valuation? 8

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