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How do I design my perfect kitchen?

1. That’s the question, but what does it mean? What are we going to do?

 Define the restaurant production and service processes

 Figure out the best kitchen design according to the required service
 Adapt spaces and machinery to the restaurants necessities
 Carry out activities that are challenging and require thinking
 Use graphic organizers to show ideas
 Engage in activities that develop thinking skills
 Work individually and collaboratively in pairs and in groups
 Explore a variety of multimodal and authentic materials
 Evaluate own presentation, identifying strengths and areas for
 Learn autonomously

2. Which needs should a kitchen fulfill? Choose one of these main types and write
down three characteristics it should have

Restaurant Hotel Catering Banqueting

 _______________________________________________________________________

 _______________________________________________________________________

 _______________________________________________________________________
3. What you need to know before designing your kitchen is right here below, but
before going on, let’s pay attention to the following terms:

To fit in Encabir
Budget Pressupost
Prime Principal
Handling Manipulació
Workflow patterns Patrons de flux de treball
The premises Les instal·lacions
Bulk storage Emmagatzematge a l’engròs
drop requirements Requisits d’entrega
State-of-the-art L’últim en…
Sinks Piques
Queuing Cua d’espera
Ancillary sorting Auxiliar
Double handling Doble manipulació
Paramount Suprem
Steam and moist Vapor i humitat



4. Now, working in groups , define some ideas about how your kitchen should be
designed. We will put them in common with the rest of the class and will prepare
poplet all together.

The following structures will help you to express your ideas during the conversation.

 In my opinion,
 Personally I think,
 As far as I’m concerned,
 Don’t you think that
 I know what you mean
 I get your point,
 I agree,
 I disagree,

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