02teamwork2 Unit3 L2

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3 USE OF ENGLISH # LEVEL 2 Name: .........................................................

Mark: .........................


1 Complete the sentences with the correct words above each sentence. There are more words
than you need. (4 points)
grandparents  wife  grandson 
1 My ................................................................ has a son. He is my ................................................................ .

nurse  musician  firefighter 

2 A ................................................................ and a ................................................................ help people in emergency situations.

stepfather  nephew  parents 

3 Your ................................................................ is your mother’s ................................................................ .

stepdaughter  son  dentist 

4 My ................................................................ is a ................................................................ . He checks people’s teeth.

2 Write the words below next to the descriptions. (5 points)

granddaughter  artist  parents  niece  author  actor  grandparents

nephew  mechanic  driver
1 your brother’s son ................................................................
2 This person writes books. ................................................................
3 This person is in TV programmes and films. ................................................................
4 the mother and father of your mother and father ................................................................
5 This person paints or draws pictures. ................................................................
6 your mum and dad ................................................................
7 This person takes you to places in a car. ................................................................
8 This person repairs cars. ................................................................
9 your sister’s daughter ................................................................
10 your son’s daughter ................................................................

3 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them below in the correct sentences. (3 points)
1 Ellen and her daughter have got two children. .............................................
2 The son washes the floor twice a week. .............................................
3 Kate is her mother’s only husband. .............................................
4 My brother is my parents’ only cleaner. .............................................
5 The singer brought us our drinks. .............................................
6 That waiter has got some great songs. .............................................

4 Complete the words in the sentences. (3 points)

1 My father’s second wife is my s ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .
2 The t ..... ..... ..... g ..... ..... ..... ..... took us to famous sights.
3 The s ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... in the shop helped me find good trainers.


4 My husband’s daughter is my s ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .
5 Tim flies aeroplanes. He is a p ..... ..... ..... ..... .
6 The b ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... sold his company today.


5 Complete the sentences with the words below. (5 points)
@ INTRO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

helicopter  go abroad  traffic light  dry  paints  ride  umbrella

musicians  factory  grandson
1 The opposite of wet is ................................................................ .
2 Your ................................................................ is your son’s son.
3 We produce cars in a ................................................................ .
4 You add colour to a picture with ................................................................ .
5 ................................................................ often write songs.
6 A car must stop at a red ................................................................ .
7 Do you fly an aeroplane or a ................................................................ ?
8 Take an ................................................................ when it rains.
9 You can ................................................................ a motorbike when you’re 16.
10 This year, I want to ................................................................ in the summer – to Canada or to Australia.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was / there were. (3 points)
1 ................................................................ many taxis outside the restaurant last night?
2 ................................................................ a big group of students at the bus stop five minutes ago.
3 ................................................................ any pizza, so we had hamburgers instead.
4 ................................................................ a famous actor at the party last Saturday?
5 ................................................................ many people at the show yesterday – only about 30.
6 ................................................................ some great musicians at the festival. It was fantastic!

7 Choose the correct verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple. (5 points)
1 Last year, I ............................................. to the Kennedy Space Center, and I ............................................. an astronaut. (meet / go)
2 At the concert last week, the singer ............................................. only five songs, and then he ............................................. . (leave / sing)
3 I ............................................. to a great salesperson yesterday. She ............................................. me choose a new laptop.
(speak / help)
4 My grandparents ............................................. for dinner last week. They ............................................. ice cream for dessert.
(bring / come)
5 The author ............................................. a book about his children, and many people ............................................. it. (buy / write)

8 Complete the sentences with correct form of there was / there were or of the verb in brackets. (4 points)
1 My father ................................................................ (work) as a waiter when he was a university student.
2 ................................................................ a good singer at the party last night?
3 ................................................................ five firefighters opposite our school yesterday.
4 My stepmother ................................................................ (cook) dinner last night.
5 I ................................................................ (read) an amazing book last week.
6 ................................................................ any hairdressers in the salon yesterday.
7 The pilot ................................................................ (fly) the aeroplane across the ocean.
8 My grandmother ................................................................ (give) me a beautiful necklace yesterday.


9 Correct the mistakes. (10 points)
1 His nephew find a job last week.


2 Were there a good film on at the cinema?


3 She puts her photographs on social media last night.


4 Dan teaches my brother to ride a bike last year.


5 There wasn’t any cars in the car park.


6 Tom and I hike around the lake yesterday.


7 There were an artist in the town square.


8 There weren’t some nurses in the room with him.


9 The taxi driver drived us to the restaurant last night.


10 We chated online last week.


10 Complete the text with the words below or the correct form of the
@ INTRO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
verbs in brackets. (8 points)
an  there weren’t  their  there was

Harley-Davidson is a large company in the USA. They 1. ................................................................ (make) many motorbikes every
year. In the summer of 2018, 2. ................................................................ an unusual job offer at the Harley-Davidson motorbike
company. They 3. ................................................................ (want) people to ride the company’s motorbikes around the USA.
Candidates for the job wrote 4. ................................................................ essay to show their communication skills. Only eight people
got the job! The company 5. ................................................................ (give) them riding lessons and then the riders wrote about their
experiences on social media. What was the reason for the job offer? It was the company’s 115th anniversary, and
they hoped to make 6. ................................................................ motorbikes more popular. In the past, the roads were quiet, so 7.
................................................................ many motorbike accidents. At the moment, the motorbike company 8.

................................................................ (try) to find creative ways to promote their motorbikes.


3 STANDARDS ASSESSMENT # LEVEL 2 Name: .........................................................

Mark: .........................


understand relevant details • understand specific information

1 Read the blog. Then complete the sentences. (10 points)

I’m so excited. I finally got my driving
licence. Before now, it was impossible for
women to get a licence here in Saudi
Arabia. We took taxis everywhere and we needed
permission from our husbands, fathers or sons to
travel alone. We still need a man’s permission for
some things, such as going abroad. There were many
restrictions for women but things are changing now.
15th September at 12.30 pm

Wow, Maryam, that’s great news! Here in Manchester,
many women drive and men don’t do anything without
their wives’ permission. Ha, ha! I took some driving
lessons when I was 18 but I never passed my test. When
we go out, my husband always drives us. I really want to
learn to drive, but I don’t feel very confident about it.
Carla 25 minutes ago

That’s terrific, Maryam! I can’t imagine life without my car.

I live quite far from the city in a small town in Texas. There
aren’t any trains or trams here. I learned to drive when

I was 17, and when I finished school, I became a bus

driver. Now, I’m studying to be a mechanic, and I want to
open my own business.
Lynda 40 minutes ago

1 In Saudi Arabia in the past, women travelled everywhere in .................................................................................... .

2 According to Maryam, women in Saudi Arabia still need a man’s permission to
.................................................................................... .
3 Carla can’t drive because she never .................................................................................... .
4 After school, Lynda was a .................................................................................... .
5 At the moment, Lynda is learning to become a .................................................................................... .


2 Answer the questions. (10 points)
1 Why is Maryam happy?


2 Where is Carla from?


3 Who usually drives Carla?


4 Where does Lynda live?


5 What does Lynda want to open?



Task 1: An E-mail
give information related to an event

Write an e-mail to a friend about an event you were at.

Include the following:
a the reason for the event
b who was at the event
c your opinion of the event

Task 2: A Blog Post

give information related to everyday activities • describe personal experiences

Write a blog post about your day. Include the following:

a your activities
b who you were with
c any unusual news or experiences
d how you felt


understand main points • understand relevant details

1 Listen to the conversation between Mandy and Luke. Complete the sentences below. (5 points)

1 0Luke left his house at ............................................. yesterday.

2 In the end, they took a ............................................. to the restaurant.
3 Luke’s grandparents waited for them for ............................................. .
4 Luke ordered a ............................................. at the restaurant.
5 Luke ate ............................................. at home.

2 Correct the words in bold in the sentences below. (5 points)


1 0There was a problem with Luke’s grandfather’s car. .............................................

2 They took the car to the restaurant. .............................................
3 They arrived at the restaurant at 12.45. .............................................
4 Luke’s grandfather wanted to eat pasta. .............................................
5 It was sunny when they left the restaurant. .............................................


exchange information • express opinions

Have a conversation. Ask your partner questions about a family event to complete the chart.

Questions Your partner’s answers

Type of event
Reason for event
Your opinion

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