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1 English +

worksheet 7

Name: Surname: Class: 8th

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Date: , 20
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(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

Question words Revise Student’s Book,

p. 39 Workbook, p. 19

1 Match the questions to the correct answers.

a. What do you want to do when you grow up? 1. When I was thirteen years old.
b. How do you meet new friends? 2. It’s Mary’s.
c. When did you decide to become an 3. Because I wanted to buy a new bike.
influencer? 4. I want to be an actress.
d. Why did you get a part-time job? 5. I go to different parties.
e. Whose driver’s license is this?

2 Fill in the gaps with the question words in the box. B:

a. did you do the last exercise? ho
b. A: can I make a call? me
B: In the living room. rk.
c. A: are you making the decision?
B: Tomorrow.

d. A: list is this?
B: It’s mine, I’m making it.

e. is your favourite Youtuber?

f. university do you prefer? Columbia or
g. A: should I study?
B: Because you need a good education.

h. A: did you start playing football?

B: Five years ago.

i. A: are you doing later?

3 Write questions for the following answers. There is one example.
a. What are you doing? I am doing my homework.

b. I did my English test yesterday.

c. Peter is making the birthday cake.

d. He was making a speech.

e. I did the laundry last weekend.

f. She did her hair at the hairdresser’s.

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