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Culture Tips
C Culture

Greek Cuisine
1. Most people are already familiar with Greek food.
Some familiar foods are souvlaki, moussaka, feta cheese, and olive oil. However, this is just
the starting point. Greeks have one of the richest food cultures in the world. The Greek diet is
vegetable and meat based, and Greeks consume a large amount of seafood. There is also an
immense variety of rice, potato, meat, and fish dishes.

2. Regional dishes
Many dishes are slightly different in the way they are served depending on the region. The
ingredients can be different, too.

3. Popular dishes
Souvlaki, or “skewered meat,” is one of the most famous and traditional Greek dishes. The
skewered meat is usually served with some pita bread, french fries, and a large piece of lemon on
the side.

4. Seasonal dishes
In Greece, many special desserts are prepared for New Year’s, but the most important one is
vasilópita, or “St Basil’s cake,” inside of which they place a silver or gold coin.

They distribute the cake in accordance to a strict order. One piece is for Jesus, one for Mary,
one for the house, one for the business, and finally for the most senior member of the household
down to the youngest member, including absent members. There may also be a piece of cake for
the cattle and a large piece for the poor. Whoever finds the coin in their piece of cake will be lucky
for the next year.

5. Table etiquette
Tavern or restaurant owners may be very friendly with you; enjoy the hospitality as it might get
you something on the house. People will share food from their plate or from plates in the middle
of the table, but keep your elbows off the table and your hands where everyone can see them.
When invited, the host will usually pay the bill, however, Greeks will always offer to pay for
everything or share the bill.
Family Life

Families in Greece are mainly traditional. Some common things you may hear about families are
that they are big, loud, and friendly, which is true most of the time! The average modern Greek
family consists of a mother, a father, and one or two children. Also, over the recent years, single
parents have increased, thus making families smaller than they used to be. However, it is very
common that families house their grandparents as well as the children living with their parents
until marriage.

As family plays a big role in Greek society, the law requires everyone to register in a family
directory. People having families without being married might not be classified as a family.
Furthermore, marriages are one of the most sacred traditions of Greeks, and it’s very rare for an
unmarried couple to have children. The marriages tend to be religiously performed, and are of
great importance in Christian Orthodox religion.

Work Culture and Economy

The Greek economy thrives in its strong tourism and food companies [for instance, olives, olive
oil, feta cheese, mastic of Chios, crocus (safran), wine, ouzo]. Some well-known companies in
Greece are Aegean Airlines and Blue Star Ferries.

Businesses are mainly family businesses. However, in recent days, there has been a rise in
corporate firms in the market. These family businesses provide a friendlier working environment,
but unfortunately, less standardization in production.

Generational Trends

Generally, the older and younger generations tend to do things differently. The older generation
tends to stick more strictly to the traditional customs. Traditionally, the older generation would
have four children in each family. Eating vegetables and legumes is the norm with the older
generation. And filial piety, hard work, loyalty, and prestige are important to the older generation.

The younger generation tends more to the regular western lifestyle. These days, the younger
generation would have one to two children in the family. Eating fast food also happens more
often with the younger generation. And money and social position are important to the younger

With that said, the number five thing you have to know about Greek society is that the older
generation outnumbers the younger. The average life expectancy in Greece is among the highest
in the world with an average of 77.11 years for men and 82.37 years for women (Wikipedia). The
demographic situation is characterized by low-birth rate, and at the same time, an increase in life
expectancy. The aging society can be explained as a successful result of social and economic
development of our country as well as an improvement of the quality of life. As a result of these
phenomena, people live longer and better and remain active members of society. And another
reason why the Greeks live so long even though they are the heaviest smokers in Europe, is the
Mediterranean diet. The principal aspects of this diet include high consumption of olive oil, beans,
unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables, moderate consumption of dairy products (mostly cheese
and yogurt), moderate to high consumption of fish, and moderate consumption of meat, meat
products, and wine.

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