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1.1 Definition of SIWES The student work experience scheme (SIWES) is a

skills training program designed to expose and prepare student of Universities,
polytechnics/colleges of technology/colleges of agriculture and colleges of
education for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation
and most importantly to bridge the gap existing between theory and practice of
engineering and technology, science, agriculture and other professional educational
programs in Nigeria tertiary institutions, hence SIWES is a course of study
designed to enhance students relevant productive skills and employability after
labor and therefore is a major requirement for an undergraduate of the above


SIWES:  Was established by ITF in the year 1973 to serve the problem of lack
of adequate practical skills preparatory for employment in industries by Nigeria
tertiary institutions graduates. The scheme educates students on industrial based
skills essential for a smooth transition from classroom to the world of work.
SIWES training has become a crucial pre-condition for the award of diploma and
degree certificates in specific disciplines in most institutions of higher learning in
Nigeria in line with the government educational policy. The scheme is funded by
the federal government.


SIWES: Brings about a hand-on-the job training in the industries. It creates a
sort of link between theory and actual practice in the field. The aims and objectives
of the scheme as stated by ITF are;

1. To provide an avenue for students in industries of higher learning to acquire

industrial skills and experience in the course of their study.
2. To prepare students for the work situations they are to meet after graduation.
3. To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment’s
and machinery that may not be in the educational institutions.
4. To make transition from school to world of work easier and enhance
students contact for later job placement.
5. To provide students an opportunity to apply his knowledge in real work
situation thereby bridging the gap between college work and actual practice.
6. To enlist and strengthen employers involvement in the entire educational
process for preparing students for employment industry.


SIWES is not only a necessity in my course of study but mandatory, this is

because my course of study as it were, is a field that requires not only a solid
theoretical background but also a very good practical knowledge on the job,
therefore SIWES creates an avenue for this practical knowledge to be acquired.
SIWES makes the theoretical knowledge previously gained more realistic and


What will be the use of constructing without knowing how the structural
elements are designed and how they behave? What is the use of learning structural
analysis when you do not have an idea of how it is applied in practice?, therefore I
decided to work in SCOPE PROJECTS ( a consultancy firm) to learn from first
principle how these theories are applied in practice, how to design and detail, not
only how to design but produce a workable and economic structure.


Ministry of works, lands and infrastructure, No 81, Oyemekun road Akure,

Ondo state. Is a platform of leaning for youngest with promise future, it was
founded in Akure, Nigeria in the year 1970, it is a well equipped civil engineering
and soil mechanic laboratory with modern equipment that is required for the
progress of both the siwes, industrial training and post graduate engineer which are
ready to work to the taste and satisfaction of their client with 100% reliability.
Ministry of lands, works and infrastructure, Akure consists of both mechanical
and civil engineering section and even the other department section such as
building and architectural technology section.

It has about more than 25 professional in civil engineering section on different

department such as planning, project and dualization department that work together
in the ministry. It is location at No 81, Oyemekun Road, Akure. It is place for all
calibers of people with verying background which are willing to acquire skill in
civil engineering works. It is equally a place for professionals who wish to update
their knowledge in civil engineering works such as High way engineering and
Structural engineering works.

Vision: the main vision of the ministry is to serve their client responsibly and
respectively, and to train up young youth which are opportune to education to have
ideas in the area High way and structure works, and giving them opportunity gain
experience on their profession and to be able to establish after they have acquired
the skills.

Some function of the organization Include : The Ministry of Works is a
Professional Service Ministry charged with the responsibility of providing
Technical Services such has

1. Structural and High way Design software,

2. Construction and Maintenance of State Roads,
3. Provision of Mechanical and Electrical Services.







Electrical Civil dept Arch dept
Electrical Civil dept Arch dept Arch dept Civil dept




2.1.1 definition of structural design

Structural design can be described as a set of methods or tools that are used
to determine safe and economical specifications for a structure, and to ensure that a
planned structure will be sufficiently strong to carry its intended load. structural
component of a building structure are divided in to two part

1. substructure building component: The substructure is that part of a building or

other structure which is below the ground, unlike the superstructure which is
above the ground. foundation, floors, walls, lintel, columns, stair, beam, slab,
damp proof cause, and roof


Basically there are two types of buildings namely;

a. Buildings supported on load bearing walls

b. Buildings supported on frames i.e. framed or skeletal buildings

2.2.1 load bearing walls building: is a wall that is an active structural element of
a building, which holds the weight of the elements above it such as lintel trusses
and roof, by conducting its weight to substructure element i.e. foundation structure
below it. Using load bearing walls building depending on the type of building and
the number of floors, load-bearing walls are gauged to the appropriate thickness to
carry the weight above them.
5 functions of load bearing walls

1. Bears the weight of the house from top to bottom.

2. This wall helps disperse the building’s weight from the roof down to the
3. And its removal could cause the structure to collapse.

2.2.2 framed or skeletal buildings: is a framed structure often used for the
construction of multi-storey buildings. It incorporates a network, or system, of
columns and connecting beams which support the building’s interior floors and
exterior walls and carries all loads to the foundations. The skeleton frame was
introduced in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, and allowed for the rapid
erection of buildings, Advantages of framed of skeletal building

1. It is very easy to teach the labor at the construction site.

2. Frame structures can be constructed rapidly.
3. Frame structures have economical designs. Disadvantages of Framed or skeletal building

1. In frame structure the beam span lengths are usually limited to the
normal reinforced concrete (i.e. generally less about 13 m) otherwise
span greater than that, can cause lateral deflection
2. Frame structure are flexible structure and lateral deflection control the
design process for building with greater than about 4 stories building


Load bearing building Frames /skeletal building

In load-bearing structures, the walls bear In a frame structure, the building is
the load and transfer it to the foundation supported by the frame or skeleton of
structure. the structure, i.e., the posts and beams.
All the walls in a load-bearing structure These framing members connect to one
are provided with individual another to create sturdy platforms that
foundations, which are then connected can hold tremendous weight without
with deeper sub-soil foundations. bending or collapsing while resisting
gravity or any lateral load.

2.4.0 DEFINITION OF FOUNDATION The Foundation is a structural unit that

uniformly distributes the load from the superstructure to the underlying soil. The
foundations of a building are that part of the structure which is in direct contact
with the subsoil. The foundations have to transfer loads safely into the ground
without excessive settlement, movement or damage to the building both during its
construction and throughout its life. This is the first structural unit to be
constructed for any building construction. A good foundation prevents settlement
of the building.


Foundation are divided into two categories,

a. shallow foundation
b. deep foundation

1. shallow foundation: shallow foundation depth is low and it is
economical, it is the most popular type of foundation for lightweight
structures. The types of Shallow foundation are shown bellow
a. Isolated Spred Footing
b. Wall Footin
c. Combined Footing
d. Cantilever or strap footing
e. Raft or Mat Foundation
2. deep foundation: A deep foundation is a type of foundation that transfers
building loads to the earth farther down from the surface. The types of deep
foundation are shown below
a. Pile Foundation
b. Pier Foundation
c. Caisson Foundation
2.4.2 Concrete mixture for foundation design

A mixture of 1:2:3 is used For a suitable concrete mixture, in other for the
foundation to have enough strength to carries the superstructure, dead load and
impose load that is coming upon it. The types of foundation use and types of
mixture use depend on the following factors

1. The soil properties and conditions

2. The type of structure and loading
3. The permissible amount of differential settlement of the soil in that
particular area

2.5 WALL


Columns are vertical members constructed above the ground level. A column is a
vertical structural member intended to transfer a compressive load. For example, a
column might transfer loads from a ceiling, floor or roof slab or from a beam, to a

Columns are typically constructed from materials such as stone, brick, block,
concrete, timber, steel, and so on, which have good compressive strength.
Columns can be of two types.

(a) Architectural columns

(b) structural columns.

(A) Architectural columns: A column in architecture is a vertical pillar or post

which transmits through compression, the weight of the structure above to
other structural elements below. Columns could support a roof or beam, or
they can also be purely decorative. The term column applies especially to a
large round support with a capital and base; and it is typically made of local
stone, marble, granite, or in some fashion with that appearance. A column
has three main parts of its structure: the base, the shaft and the capital.

The base is usually round or square shaped.

The shaft is the main part of a column, it may be smooth, fluted (grooved), or
carved with meaningful designs.

The capital is the top of the column; it could be of simple design, but usually
elaborately decorated to display its meaning. The capital of the column is
important as its function is to provide support to the upper section of a building.
constructed to improve the building's aesthetics

(B)structural column takes the load coming from the slab above and transfers
safely to the foundation. structural columns are used to model vertical
load-bearing elements in a building. Although structural columns share
many of the same properties as architectural columns, structural columns
have additional properties defined by their configuration and industry

Structural columns differ from architectural columns in behavior as well.

a. Structural elements such as beams, braces, and isolated foundations join

to structural columns; they do not join to architectural columns.
b. structural columns can be create by manually placing each column or by
using the At Grids tool to add a column to selected grid intersections.
This is for structure when design in software


Lintels are constructed above the wall openings like doors, windows, etc. These
structures support the weight of the wall coming over the opening. Normally,
lintels are constructed by reinforced cement concrete. But in residential buildings,
lintels can be either constructed from concrete or from bricks. Lintel are of
different types which is listed below:

1. Concrete Lintels: Concrete lintels are one of the most common types of
lintels used in construction. The reason why concrete lintels are often used is
that they are able to support heavy loads and larger spans. Other are
2. Timber lintel
3. Stone lintel
4. Brick lintel
5. Steel lintel and
6. Reinforced brick lintel

2.8 BEAM design

Beams are usually horizontal structural elements that carry loads perpendicular to
their longitudinal direction. It’s a rectangular object of 225 by 300mm which
should not more than 5meters long and supported at both ends. Beams are used to
support the weight of floors, ceilings and roofs of a building and to transfer the
load to a vertical load bearing element of the structure. Sometimes bigger and
heavier beams called transfer beams are used to support the cumulative weight of
stacked walls or other beams and transfer the load to the supports. The normal
reinforcement use to design is y16 of primarily bars and y10 or y12 for the syrup


A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings, consisting of

a flat, horizontal surface made of cast concrete, Slab may be supported on walls or
beams or columns. Slab supported directly by columns are called flat slab.

Steel-reinforced slabs, typically between 100 and 150 mm thick, are most often
used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner mud slabs may be used for
exterior paving. Slabs could be simply supported, continuous or cantilever. In two
way slab the corners may be held down by restraints or may be allowed to lift up.
Materials use for reinforced concrete slab is as follows: steel reinforcement,
concrete(cement, aggregate and water) in some other way round admixture may be
added to the mixture of the concrete.

2.9.1 placement of reinforcement for concrete slab

Structural reinforcement is typically placed in the bottom portion of the slab

thickness to increase the slab's load capacity. Most structural slabs-on-ground have
both top and bottom layers of reinforcement for controlling crack-widths and
increasing load capacities. Thickness of the slab is decided based on span to
depth ratio specified in IS456-2000. Minimum reinforcement is 0.12% for HYSD
bars and 0.15% for mild steel bars. The diameter of bar generally used in slabs are:
6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12mm and 16mm. The maximum diameter of bar used in
slab should not exceed 1/8 of the total thickness of slab. Maximum spacing of main
bar is restricted 300 mm whichever is less. For distribution bars the maximum
spacing is specified to 450 mm whichever is less . structure slab for upper floor has
both bottom and top bars but the top bars normally lay on the beams which most
not less than 30% of distance between one beam and another beam


Formwork is a temporary or permanent molds, which hold the poured concrete in

shape until it hardens and achieves enough strength to support itself. Formwork
can be classified in many ways:

 Type of material used

 By the concrete element supported
 Removable or permanent

Formwork has a fundamental role in concrete construction. It must have enough

strength to bear all the loads present during casting operations, and must then hold
its shape while concrete hardens.

2.10.1 Requirements for Good Formwork

Although there are many formwork materials, the following are general
performance features to meet the needs of concrete construction:

1. Capable of withstanding dead and live loads.

2. Retaining its shape with adequate props and braces.
3. Joints must be leak-proof.
4. If formwork is removable, the process must not damage the concrete.
5. Reusable material.
6. As lightweight as possible.
7. The formwork material should not warp or distort.

When selecting formwork it is important to consider the type of concrete and the
pouring temperature, since both affect the pressure exerted. Also, formwork must
be capable of resisting the loads of wet and dry concrete.

Formwork requires structures such as poles and stabilizers to avoid movement

during construction procedures, and these are called falsework. To ensure high
quality when working with concrete, a qualified workforce and adequate
supervision are necessary.


The following sections provide an overview of some common formwork materials.

1. Timber Formwork: Timber formwork was one the first types used in
construction industry. It is assembled on site and is the most flexible
type,bringing the following advantages:

 Easy to produce and remove

 Lightweight, especially when compared with metallic formwork
 Workable, allowing any shape, size and height
 Economical in small projects
 Allows the use of local timber

However, before using timber its condition must be checked carefully, making sure
it is free of termites. Timber formwork also has two limitations that must be
considered: it has a short life span and is time consuming in large projects. In
general, timber formwork is recommended when labor costs are low, or when
complex concrete sections require flexible formwork.

2. Plywood Formwork: Plywood is often used along with timber. It is a
manufactured wooden material, which is available in different sizes and
thicken sses. In formwork applications, it is mainly used for sheathing,
decking and form linings. Plywood formwork has similar properties as
timber formwork, including strength, durability and being lightweight.

3. Plastic Formwork: This type of formwork is assembled from interlocking

panels or modular systems, made of lightweight and robust plastic. Plastic
formwork works best in small projects consisting on repetitive tasks, such as
low-cost housing estates. Plastic formwork is light and can be cleaned with
water, while being suitable for large sections and multiple reuses. Its main
drawback is having less flexibility than timber, since many components are

4. Metallic Formwork: Steel and Aluminum: Steel formwork and steel

hardware is becoming more popular due to its long service life and multiple
reuses. Although it is costly, steel formwork is useful for multiple projects,
and it is a viable option when many opportunities for reuse are expected.

The following are some of the main features of steel formwork:

 Strong and durable, with a long lifespan

 Creates a smooth finish on concrete surfaces
 Waterproof
 Reduces honeycombing effect in concrete
 Easily installed and dismantled
 Suitable for curved structures

Aluminum formwork is very similar to steel formwork. The main difference is that
aluminum has a lower density than steel, which makes formwork lighter.
Aluminum also has a lower strength than steel, and this must be considered before
using it.

2.11 STRUCTURAL DESIGN SOFTWARE: structure design software is the

software use to design building, bridge and culvert with their detail in paper
format. It is done by architect, and civil engineer. There are different types of
structural and High way design software which are:

1. Autodesk AutoCAD: This is the software use to draw the floor plan, roof plan
and elevation of a building with its full dimension

2. Autodesk revit: This is the software use to design the exterior and interior design
of a building in architectural term

3. Lumion: This is the software use to render the work of Autodesk revit for it to
be more attractive

4. Civil 3D: This is the software use to design road


this is the act of taking the measurement of road such as the length of the road and
the width of the road. Standard Road Lane width varies from 2.7 to 4.6 m (9 to 15
feet). In india according to Indian Road Congress (IRC) standard width of single
Lane road is about 3.75m wide and for 2 lane road it is 7m to 7.5m wide.


The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is defined as a list of brief descriptions and estimated
quantities. The quantities are defined as estimated because they are subject to
admeasurement and are not expected to be totally accurate due to the unknown
factor which occur in civil engineering work. The objective of preparing the Bill of
Quantities is to assist estimators to produce an accurate tender efficiently and to
assist the post contract administration to be carried out in an efficient and cost-
effective manner. It should be noted that the quality of the drawings plays a major
part in achieving theses aims by enabling the taker-off to produce an accurate bill
and also by allowing the estimator to make sound engineering judgments on
methods of working




Site clearing: Site clearing process of cutting and gathering all cut vegetation,
stumps, roots and large stones. All these should be removed from the work area.
When conditions are dry enough, the clearing can be completed by starting a fire,
which should be carefully kept under control. Gather cut vegetation and burn it.

Foundations: this is one of the most essential substructures on which a building

stands. It is beneath the ground soil and the ground on which it rests is called
foundation bed. Foundation transfers the load from the structure constructed on it
to the soil.

Columns: this is a vertical structural compression element that bears loads mainly
in compression and transfers it to the foundation. It usually transfer loads from
superstructure to the foundation

Beams: This is a horizontal structural component that mainly carries vertical

loads. Its deflection mode is originally by bending. It transfers loads imposed along
its length to its endpoint to columns and foundation. The forces applied to the
beam cause shear forces and bending moment inside the beam that induse
internal stresses, strains and deflection.

Lintel: A lintel is a type of beam used to support the above wall when openings
like doors, windows, or A lintel is a type of beam (a horizontal structural element)
that spans openings such as portals, doors, windows and fireplaces. It can be a
decorative architectural element, or a combined ornamented structural item.

Formwork: Formwork is temporary or permanent molds into which concrete or
similar materials are poured.

Concrete slab floor: A reinforced concrete floor is one that is made from a slab,
which is a flat plate made of concrete, that has both surfaces parallel to each other
and inside has steel beams that support the structure.

Beme: Bill of engineering measurement and evaluation (BEME) is a document

which lists all the items necessary for the complete construction of the works.

Bridge: A structure built to span and provide passage over a river, chasm, road, or
any other physical hurdle. The function required from the bridge and the area
where it is constructed decides the design of the bridge.

Culvert: A culvert is a closed conduit or tunnel used to convey water from one
area to another, normally from one side of a road to the other side. Typically
culverts are box shaped, round or elliptical in cross section.

Poker vibrator: The hand held poker vibrator is used for compacting concrete by
removing air in the concrete thereby increase the strength of concrete. The poker
vibrator is used in conjunction with a drive unit which is attached to the part of the
spindle which sticks out of the drive unit motor housing.

Chapter four

4.0 conclusion and recommendations


My industrial training at Ministry of Lands, Works, and Infrastructure, akure, ondo

state give me opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with student from other
institution of higher learning. It also helped me work and relate with people from
different religious, ethnics, education and social background. The industrial
training also exposed me to the more practical aspect of the theories and practical I
have studies in the school


For the Ministry of Lands, Works, and Infrastructure, akure, I recommend that they
should put more effort to place more equipment in the laboratory for student to
learn from. I also recommend that organization should be more willing to accept
industrial training student for the attachment. Finally, the institution shuld ensure
that all the student are visited during industrial training .

For ITF in order to assit the ITF in achiving its objective, the following point are
strongly recommend:

 Devising a new strategy that would ensure traning in new skill and
modern technique in conformity with challenges at hand.
 Increasing the number of area office and should be evenly spread across
 Effectively bearing a proportion of the direct cost of no-the-job and off-
the-job training of the traines by continuously reviewing the allowance in
proportion with the economic reality that obtains at that time

A. V. Hore et al., (1997) Construction of building component: superstructure and
substructure building component design to Euro standard, second edition, A.V.
Hore, J.G. Kehoe, R. McMullan and M.R. Penton. Page (114- 127)


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