First FS - Writing - AK - Test 1

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B2 First for Schools

Sample Test 1

Writing sample answers

Please note the sample answers given here show just one of many different approaches.

Part 1

Question 1

Sample answer:

Many teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games. Is it true that they should spend less
time doing this, as some people claim?
First of all, it is debatable whether teenagers spend too much time on these games. Many play them
after coming home from school, before they do their homework. Or they play for an hour or two before
going to bed. Some teenagers may indeed play for hours on end at the weekends, but most of us don’t.
I believe that computer games can teach their players various useful skills. On a physical level, they
can help improve hand-eye coordination, for example. Contrary to popular opinion, not all games are
violent war games. Many are based on interesting ideas and can teach facts as well as organisation
skills, for example a game that involves creating and running a theme park.
Moreover, teenagers need to be able to relax, and computer games are a good and entertaining way
of doing this. Of course, some people do get addicted to these games, but generally speaking, in my
opinion, this is not the case.

Part 2

Question 2

Sample answer:

The Bead Shop!

Have you ever been to my favourite shop, The Bead Shop? It’s amazing! It’s a tiny shop in the town
centre, in a little street in the old part of town. It only has a small shop window, and a small sign
outside. Enter through the little door, and inside you’ll find – well – beads, and a different world! Beads
of all shapes and sizes, every colour you can possibly imagine, made of glass, wood, plastic and many
other materials.
I love it not just because I love beads, as you may have guessed, but because the people who work
there are so creative. They spend their days in the shop designing necklaces and other jewellery, and
are always happy to share their ideas and help inspire customers.
It’s hard to think of anything that could make this shop better. Perhaps it would be nice if it were just
a little bigger, but for me, it’s wonderful as it is.
This shop is a perfect place for everyone, including teenagers like me. You can get great ideas there for
presents, even if you never wear necklaces or jewellery yourself.

1 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

B2 First for Schools Writing Sample Test 1 Sample Answers

Question 3

Sample answer:

We must do more to protect the environment! Human beings are harming the planet every day, and
although governments need to take responsibility, so do we, as individuals, in our daily lives. As long as
there are facilities for this, we can do simple things like recycle glass, cans and plastic bottles. Or we
can do even simpler things, like always switching the lights off when we leave a room. We must do this
because our planet is in danger.
Where I live, young people are taught about the environment at school, and we are careful not to use
too much paper, for example, and always write on both sides of each sheet, so that more trees are
not cut down than necessary. I cycle to school, like a lot of my friends, and that helps to cut pollution.
One thing that people should be more careful about is saving water. It’s not a good idea to keep the
water running the whole time while you are brushing your teeth, and the same applies to having a
shower. If we all do what we can, it will make a difference!

Question 4

Sample answer:

Chris ran towards the edge of the lake. It was the first time she’d been there with her new friends, who
like her, were all staying near the lake on holiday. Suddenly, someone shouted: ‘Look, I’ve found a boat!’
Two words were painted on the side of the little wooden boat: Borrow me!
‘Let’s go to that island!’ Chris said, and everyone agreed. It didn’t take them long to get there and it
was easy to land. The island was covered in trees and plants, but there was a clear path leading away
from the shore.
They all walked along the path through the little jungle and up a hill. At the top of the hill, they were
amazed to see a young man. He looked very happy and was eating a sandwich. ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘have you
come to rescue me?’
‘Are you OK?’ Frank asked. ‘Yes! I came over to the island with a friend this morning and decided to
stay when he went back in the boat. I asked him to find someone to come and get me later today –
and here you are!’

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 2

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