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Hungarian Educational Research Journal

DOI: 10.1556/063.2022.00130

The characteristics of social problem-solving

among Palestinian adolescents


Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Social Competence Research Group, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary


Received: January 6, 2022 • Accepted: February 21, 2022

© 2022 The Author(s)

Social problem-solving skills are the individual’s way for better social adaptation. Therefore, the study aimed
to investigate the characteristics of Palestinian adolescents’ social problem-solving (Positive orientation,
negative orientation, rational style, impulsive style, and avoidance style) in connection to some demographic
variables (i.e. gender, age, family composition, father’s education, and mother’s education). As an instru-
ment, Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R) was applied to 410 Palestinian adolescents whose
ages (12, 15, and 18 years old). The results showed that the Palestinian adolescents had the highest level of
positive orientation and the least level of negative problem orientation towards solving social-problems. In
addition, the finding showed that there were no differences between girls and boys in positive orientation,
rational style and impulsive style, while females had a tendency towards negative orientation and avoidance
style. There were no differences attributed to age in negative orientation, rational style, impulsive style, and
avoidance style. However, it was found that positive orientation was prominent in 18 years old. There was no
difference in adolescents’ family composition in their dealing with social problems. Also, there was no
difference in solving social problems attributed to the father’s education. However, there was no difference in
negative orientation, positive orientation, rational style, and impulsive style attributed to mother’s education.
However, there was a relationship between the mother who has elementary school and avoidance style.

adolescents, social problem-solving

Corresponding author. E-mail:

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Adolescents are members of society, and as such, they face a variety of issues, including social
problems that arise during their everyday interactions, for which they require effective solutions
(Heppner et al., 2004; Nezu, 2004). These problems could be (i.e. having a difference with your
colleague, or having daily skirmishes with your family member, teacher or friends). However, in
order to deal with these problems, a number of factors must be considered, including people’s
views and attitudes concerning their abilities to solve these problems (this attitude is called problem
orientation) (ibid). Consequently, Individuals’ ability to develop, choose, and implement solutions
to personal problems that arise in their daily lives is reflected in their social problem-solving (SPS)
skills (Aburezeq & Abu Taha, 2018a; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Maydeu-Olivares, 2004; Nezu, 2004). A
social problem (SP) is any problem that arises in one’s life that necessitates a response in order to
receive proper adaptive treatment. However, due to the numerous difficulties, persons confronted
with this circumstance may not be able to receive an immediate efficient solution (D’Zurilla, Nezu
& Maydeu-Olivares, 2004). Therefore, SP solving is the cognitive-emotional behavioral process
used by individuals attempting to solve the social challenges they face in their social context,
especially the experience of major negative interpersonal events (Aburezeq & Kasik, 2021a).
Accordingly, based on many readings and reviewing a number of modern studies, as shown in the
section of literature review, we found that the majority of the researches used Social Problem-
Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R) as the main instrument to measure individuals’ SPS. SPSI-R
was adopted to find relationships between SPS and other aspects such as loneliness, apprehension,
social cognitive-affective aspects, tension, traumatic experience, psychological adjustment, quality
of life, the practice of physical activity, empathy, peace education, attachment, self-esteem, violence,
and academic attainment (Aburezeq & Kasik, 2021b). The current study also used the inventory as
the main instrument.

First: Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R)

In order to measure SPS, D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, Olivares, and D’Zurilla (2002)
created an inventory of 25 items to measure SPS and divided it into: (a) problem orientation,
which is either Positive Problem Orientation (PPO) or Negative Problem Orientation (NPO),
and (b) problem-solving styles (i.e. Rationality (RS), Impulsivity (IS, and Avoidance (AS)).
These dimensions are the focus of our research, and they are mentioned elaborately below.

In PPO, Individuals tend to regard their problems as challenges. They have a positive outlook
and believe that difficulties can be solved. They have a strong belief in their ability to manage
difficulties and a basic understanding that effective problem-solving needs effort and time, as
well as consideration of negative emotions as an important element of the broader problem-
solving process (Nezu, 2004).

NPO has a group of dysfunctional cognitive-emotional schemas (e.g. low self-efficacy and the
anticipation of negative results), and problems are considered as threats (D’zurilla, Chang, &

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Sanna, 2003; D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee & D’Zurilla, 2003; Maydeu-
Olivares & D’Zurilla & 1995). The following are some characteristics of people who have a
negative attitude about the problem: They see problems as dangers. They do not expect the
problems to be resolved. They have concerns about their abilities to tackle the problem. They are
frustrated while dealing with challenges. They have bad feelings when facing those problems
(Nezu, Nezu, & D’Zurilla, 2012). For the purposes of measuring the NPO among Palestinian
adolescents, Aburezeq and Kasik (2021d) examined the psychometric properties of an Arabic
version of the NPO questionnaire, which showed high validity and reliability.

RS is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes the reasonable, intentional, and methodical
application of effective problem-solving techniques. The problems are considered as a task that
needs to be methodologically resolved (Aburezeq & Abu Taha, 2018b; D’zurilla et al., 2003;
D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee & D’Zurilla, 2003; Maydeu-Olivares &
D’Zurilla, 1995).

IS is a set of restricted, impulsive, rushed, unfinished, and uncaring efforts to resolve problems
(D’zurilla et al., 2003; D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee & D’Zurilla, 2003;
Maydeu-Olivares & D’Zurilla, 1995). It is a method used by some people to tackle difficulties by
attempting to solve them in a hasty or negligent manner. These efforts can be defined as hurried,
limited, and incomplete (Nezu et al., 2012).

It is a problem-solving pattern that is characterized by procrastination, inactivity, reliance, and
inaction. The problem solver tries to delegate responsibility for his or her issue to others
(D’zurilla et al., 2003; D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee & D’Zurilla, 2003;
Maydeu-Olivares & D’Zurilla, 1995).

All the following previous studies used SPSI-R by D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al. (2002),
which is adopted in the current study. In Hungary, Aburezeq and Kasik (2021c) found that there
was a relationship between SPS and PWB; PPO and RS positively impacted PWB, while NPO, IS
and, AS negatively impacted PWB. In Turkey, Yavuz and Guzel (2020) found a positive rela-
tionship between SPS skills and communication skills. Chang, et al. (2020a) indicated that
loneliness was positively associated with NPO and AS and negatively associated with PPO and
RS. Another study by Chang, et al. (2020b) indicated that NPO fully mediated the positive
association between loneliness and anxious symptoms. On contrary, NPO only partially
mediated the positive association found between loneliness and depressive symptoms. In
Vietnam, Nguyen, Tran, and Nguyen (2020) found that elementary students had a low level of
interpersonal problem-solving ability, and they needed the intervention of teachers and parents
as well. Examining the relationship between stress and gastrointestinal symptoms Roy,

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Schwartz-Mette, and Nangle (2020) explored that there was a link between SPS, stress, and
gastrointestinal symptoms, as having a low SPS resulted in higher stress levels, and consequently
increased the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. Hatam, Abolghasemi, and Kafi (2019)
revealed that while SPS skills increased, RS and AS were improved due to the influence of
empathy training. In Spain, De la Fuente, Chang, Cardeñoso, and Chang (2019) indicated that
weak SPS was connected to stress and was not associated with poorer psychological adjustment
(i.e., greater depressive symptoms and less life satisfaction). Kasik, József Balázs, Guti, Gáspár,
and Zsolnai (2018) exhibited that IS was found among 12 years old; AS was higher among 14
years old; while RS and AS were common among 16 years old. In addition, they found that
Family background had the strongest link to NPO, IS and, AS.
De la Fuente, Chang, Cardeñoso, and Chang (2018) noted that PPO and RS predicted the use
of functional coping strategies, while NPO predicted the use of dysfunctional coping strategies.
In Palestine, Abu Hamda (2017) demonstrated that female students had higher levels of NPO,
while both (female and males) had similar levels in PPO, RS, IS and, AS. In Japan, Sone et al.
(2017) found that there was a positive link between physical activity and SPS as higher SPS could
be more frequently witnessed among participants who exercised regularly. In Hungary, Kasik
and Gál (2016) revealed that parents noticed PPO among their children, unlike their teachers.
Mothers and teachers had considered prosociality are more typical among children, unlike fa-
thers. In China, Fang, Luo, Li, and Huang (2016) demonstrated that there was a significant
increase in positive SPS and decrease in negative SPS in Chinese final year nursing students as
they experienced more practice in dealing with patients and that enabled them to have a positive
orientation towards their SPS. In Hungary, Kasik, Gáspár, Guti, and Zsolnai (2016) showed that
PPO was more usual among 12-year-olds, while NPO, RS, and anxiety were more typical among
16-year-olds. The degree of NPO and AS was higher among those with increased anxiety as
compared to those with lower levels of anxiety. The family structure and parents’ educational
levels were the most profoundly influential in terms of SPS. Kasik (2016) indicated that the
Hungarian mothers’ and teachers’ opinion was, to some extent, similar in all age groups. Fathers
believed that RS and PPO were more typical.
In peace education and its relationship to SPS, Kabasakal, Sagkal, and Türnüklü (2015)
indicated that peace education program increased Turkish students’ SPS skills, and as a result,
the students’ tendency towards violence decreased. A longitudinal study in Hungary by Kasik
(2014) showed that NPO, RS and AS showed increasing tendency with age. However, PPO was
not found to be correlated to age. The mothers’ ratings indicated the same results in the domains
of NPO, PPO and RS. On the contrary, the teachers’ ratings showed that NPO, RS and AS had
an increased tendency. As for the family factors, mothers’ educational level had an effect on
NPO and IS, while fathers’ educational level had an influence on RS in all years. Abu-Ghazal and
Falwah (2014) revealed that the RS was the most followed style among Jordanian adolescents. It
was revealed that males had more levels in the AS. In addition, the RS was mostly adopted
among 16 and 17-year-old adolescents. A positive relationship was found between the ambiv-
alent attachment and the NPO. Lindsay et al. (2011) found that NPO, IS and RS appeared as
unitary factors among British offenders, while PPO and AS loaded on a single factor at opposite
ends. The participants became more positive and less impulsive in their style and orientation
towards SPS. In Australia, Wilson (2011) indicated that the relationship between cognitive
distortions and NPO was strengthened as depressive symptoms and strong links between
cognitive distortions anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms were on one side and NPO

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was on the other side. Siu and Shek (2010) revealed that AS, NPO, and IS were linked to lower
Chinese family functioning. On the contrary, RS and PPO were related to higher family func-
tioning. Furthermore, it was revealed that the highest association was found in AS, which was a
significant predictor of conflicts among the following: Father-daughter, mother-son, and
mother-daughter. In Palestine, El-Ghosain (2008) showed that the students’ ability in both
genders to solve their SP was moderate. In addition, there were no differences between the high
achievers and low achievers in their SPS skills.

The study comes as a response to the lack of studies in the Palestinian library in terms of the
modernity of the results about SPS; the last study that investigated SPS was conducted in 2017
by Abu Hamda (2017). Unfortunately, the quality of research in Palestine is poor relative to
international research (Assaf & Aburezeq, 2018). Therefore, the current study is modern and
comprehensive as it studies more variables in this respect such as (gender, age, family
composition, father’s education, and mother’s education). The previous variables were not
studied altogether in one study in the context of Palestine. In addition, the current study used
three ages (12, 15, and 18); this is new in the Palestinian library concerning SPS. The new
additions in the current study were not included in the only two Palestinian studies about
SPS; (Abu Hamda (2017) and El-Ghosain (2008)). Therefore, the current study addressed the
following questions: (1) What are the characteristics of SPS among the Palestinian adoles-
cents? (2) Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Palestinian adolescents
attributed to their gender? (3) Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Pales-
tinian adolescents attributed to their age? (4) Are there any statistical differences in SPS
among the Palestinian adolescents attributed to their family composition? (5) Are there any
statistical differences in SPS among the Palestinian adolescents attributed to their father’s
education? (6) Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Palestinian adolescents
attributed to their mother’s education?

The area of the study was social psychology as it followed the descriptive approach.

The study included 410 Palestinian adolescents by the use of a random stratified sampling. The
following table showed the sample number and percentages according to the demographic
variables: Gender, age, family composition, father’s education, and mother’s education (Table 1).
The table showed that there was a balance between the number of the two genders; male
(n 5 201) and female (n 5 209). In addition, there was a good distribution of the participants’ ages
as shown; 12 years old 5 124, 15 years old 5 127, 18 years old 5 159. The family composition
revealed that the vast majority of the respondents live with their mother, father and more than one
sibling (N 5 364), while just three participants live with their grandparents. Surprisingly, the
majority of the participants live with a mother or a father who graduated from high school.

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Table 1. The distribution of the study sample according to the demographic variables
Demographic variables Classification Number Percent
Gender Male 201 49%
Female 209 51%
Age 12 years old 124 30.2%
15 years old 127 31%
18 years old 159 38.8%
Family composition Mother, father and one child 17 4.1%
Mother, father and more than one sibling 364 88.8%
Mother and her children 16 3.9%
Father and his children 10 2.4%
Grandparents and grandsons 3 0.7%
Father's education Non-educated 12 2.9%
Elementary 33 8.0%
Preparatory 61 14.9%
Secondary 141 34.4%
University 123 30%
Postgraduate 40 9.8%
Mother's education Non-educated 8 2.0%
Elementary 8 2.0%
Preparatory 47 11.5%
Secondary 188 45.9%
University 146 35.6%
Postgraduate 13 2.3%


Social Problem-Solving Inventory–Revised (SPS-I). SPS-I included 25 items distributed into

five factors; PPO (5) items, NPO (5) items, RS (5) items, IS (5) items, and AS (5) items. The
respondents’ responses were 5-point (from 0 to 4) Likert-type as follows: 0 5 Not at all true of
me; 1 5 Slightly true of me; 2 5 Moderately true of me; 3 5 Very true of me; 4 5 Extremely
true of me.

Limitations of the study. The study was conducted in Palestine, Gaza Strip during the school
year 2021/2022, the first semester. The study also considered the geographical distribution of the
respondents as they are not living in one geographical area. It could be said that the sample
relatively represented the whole population of adolescents in the Gaza Strip.

The instrument’s psychometric properties. To validate the instrument, it was applied to 49

Palestinian adolescents before the implementation of this study. After being sure of the validity
and reliability, the instrument was used for the main study. For reliability, Cronbach’s alpha for
the whole items was (0.883); a very high value. Split Half Method revealed (0.791) for the first
part and (0.780) for the second part - (both of the two values were high). Guttman Split-Half
Coefficient was (0.898). In addition, it was revealed that Pearson Correlation Coefficient was
high in all items. We made sure that the Arabic translation of the instrument was reliable
through a certified translator and back-translation process.

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In this section, we presented the study findings based on the study questions as follows:
Answer to the first question “What are the characteristics of SPS among the Palestinian
To answer the first question, we used ranks, percentage, standard deviation, and mean for
the sample of study as shown in the table below.
The table showed that PPO was ranked the first among the Palestinian adolescents as it
represented (22%) of the adolescents’ overall responses to the whole inventory. RS came second
as it represented (20.73%), followed by IS (15.12%), then NPO (14.73%). Finally, AS was
(13.66%). Prominently, the majority of the Palestinian adolescents had a positive orientation
towards solving their social problems.
Answer to the second question “Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the
Palestinian adolescents attributed to their gender?”
To answer the second question, we used the Independent Samples T-Test for the responses
of the sample as shown in the below table.
The table showed that there were no differences between girls and boys attributed to PPO,
RS, and IS. However, the table illustrated that there were differences attributed to gender in NPO
and AS. The mean (1.61) in NPO showed that females had higher levels of NPO than boys
whose mean was (1.33). In addition, the mean (1.44) in AS showed that females had higher
levels of AS than boys whose mean was (1.28). Accordingly, NPO and AS were higher among
Palestinian adolescent girls.
Answer to the third question “Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Pal-
estinian adolescents attributed to their age?”
To answer the third question, we used One -Way ANOVAs for the responses of the sample
as shown in the below table.
The table showed that there were no differences attributed to the adolescents’ age in NPO,
RS, IS, and AS. However, it was found that only in PPO there were differences attributed to
gender. After applying Post hoc, the differences in PPO were attributed to (18 years old ado-
Answer to the fourth question “Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Pal-
estinian adolescents attributed to their family composition?”
To answer the fourth question, we used One -Way ANOVAs for the responses of the sample
of study as shown in the below table.
The table explained there were no differences attributed to the adolescents’ family compo-
sition in NPO, PPO, RS, IS, and AS. That meant that there was no relationship to the ado-
lescents’ family composition in their dealing with social problems.
Answer to the fifth question “Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Pales-
tinian adolescents attributed to their father’s education?”
To answer the fifth question, we used One -Way ANOVAs for the responses of the sample of
study as shown in the table below.
The table indicated that there were no differences attributed to the adolescents’ fathers’
education in NPO, PPO, RS, IS, and AS. It meant that there was no effect to the adolescents’
fathers’ education on their dealing with social problems.

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Answer to the sixth question “Are there any statistical differences in SPS among the Pal-
estinian adolescents attributed to their mother’s education?”
To answer the sixth question, we used One -Way ANOVAs for the responses of the sample
of study as shown in the table below.
The table indicated that there were no differences attributed to the adolescents’ mothers’
education in NPO, PPO, RS, and IS. However, differences were found in AS. By doing post hoc,
the direction of the differences told that the adolescents whose mothers had the elementary
school had AS.

The study aims at exploring the nature of SPS among the Palestinian adolescents (male and
female) in connection to some demographic variables such as gender, age, family composition,
father’s education, and mother’s education. Surprisingly, the results show that (88, 8%) of the
respondents live with their parents and have more than one sibling in the family. Further-
more, the majority of fathers’ and mothers’ education is secondary, and followed by a uni-
versity degree. These figures could help to know the demographic variables affecting their SPS
(Table 1).
The first question is a general question to identify which orientation (PPO or NPO), or style
(RS, IS, and AS) is mostly followed by adolescents. The results in Table 2 indicate that the
majority of respondents (22, 3%) have PPO towards solving their problems, followed by RS (20,
7%), while AS (13, 6%) is the lowest among them. These results correspond to the following
studies: The results of Kasik and Gál (2016) reveal that parents noticed PPO among their
children. Fang et al. (2016) demonstrates that there is positive SPS among the sample. Abu-
Ghazal and Falwah (2014) reveal that the RS is the most followed style among Jordanian ad-
olescents. Results show that PPO ranked first SP, this means that the Palestinian adolescents are
characterized by the following according to Nezu (2004): They have a positive outlook and
believe that difficulties can be solved. They strongly believe in their ability to manage difficulties
and realize that effective problem-solving needs effort and time. In addition, RS is found the
second-ranked after PPO. These results show more explanation about the Palestinian adoles-
cents’ SPS; they have a reasonable, intentional, and methodical application of effective problem-
solving techniques. They see problems as tasks that can be methodologically resolved (D’zurilla
et al., 2003; D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee & D’Zurilla, 2003; Maydeu-
Olivares & D’Zurilla, 1995). However, as AS is ranked the last, it defines the nature of the
Palestinian adolescents as they: Do not put off their dealing with a problem, or have others solve

Table 2. The mean, percentage, and rank of sample responses to SPS-I

Factor No. of items Mean Std. Deviation Percentage% Rank
NPO 5 1.4727 0.95210 14.73 4
PPO 5 2.2356 1.05413 22.36 1
RS 5 2.0732 1.00518 20.73 2
IS 5 1.5122 0.83896 15.12 3
AS 5 1.3659 0.82207 13.66 5

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it for them (D’zurilla et al., 2003; D’Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivare, et al., 2002; Jaffee &
D’Zurilla, 2003; Maydeu-Olivares & D’Zurilla, 1995).
The second question measures if there are differences between males and females in their
SPS. In Palestine, which is a third world country, females have oral communication appre-
hension (Abu Taha & Aburezeq, 2018, 2019), and this is why the results in Table 3 show that
there are no differences between girls and boys in PPO, RS and IS, while females have NPO and
AS. The girls negatively think of their problems and they avoid them lest the confrontation and
communication with others. These results are similar to the results found in the Palestinian
study of Abu Hamda (2017) who demonstrates that females had higher levels of NPO, and
shows that (females and males) have similar levels in PPO, RS, IS. However, the results of this
question contradict Abu-Ghazal and Falwah (2014) who state that males have higher levels in
the AS.
The third question examines if there are differences in SPS attributed to age (12, 15, or 18
years old). The results in Table 4 illustrate that there are no age differences in NPO, RS, IS, and
AS. However, it is found that PPO is prominent at 18 years old. These results contradict Kasik,
József Balázs, et al. (2018) who exhibit that IS is found among 12 years old; AS is higher among
14 years old; while RS and AS are common among 16 years old.
The most essential element influencing behavior of one’s problem-solving during childhood
and adolescence is family structure (e.g., Grusec & Davidov, 2007). In addition, the family
structure has the most impact on SPS (Kasik et al., 2016). According to Keltikangas-Järvinen
(2005), the development of SPS is also substantially influenced by family interactions (e.g., between
parents and children, between children themselves). As a result, the family’s composition is crucial.
The fourth question investigates the differences in SPS attributed to family composition (i.e. living
with mother, father and one sibling; living with mother, father and more than one sibling; living
with mother and her children, living with father and his children; living with grandparents and
grandsons). However, the results in Table 5 indicate that there is no difference in adolescents’
family composition when dealing with social problems.
The parents’ educational levels are extremely influential in terms of SPS (Kasik et al., 2016).
Therefore, the fifth question seeks to know if there are differences in SPS are attributed to fa-
thers’ education. The answer in Table 6 shows no differences in solving SPS attributed to the

Table 3. Independent Samples T-Test differences in gender's responses to SPS-I

Factor Gender Mean Std. Deviation T. value Sig.
NPO Male 1.3397 0.86625 0.007 Sig
Female 1.6109 1.01768
PPO Male 2.1263 1.06992 0.603 Not Sig
Female 2.3493 1.02782
RS Male 1.9895 1.01056 0.897 Not Sig
Female 2.1602 0.99459
IS Male 1.4163 0.80403 0.309 Not Sig
Female 1.6119 0.86456
AS Male 1.2871 0.75261 0.006 Sig
Female 1.4478 0.88301

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Table 4. One -Way ANOVAs differences in age responses to SPS-I

Domains Source of variance Sum of squares Df. Mean square F Value Sig.
NPO Between groups 2.068 2 1.034 1.142 0.320
Within groups 368.686 407 0.906
Total 370.754 409
PPO Between groups 11.035 2 1.034 5.064 0.007
Within groups 443.445 407 0.906
Total 454.480 409 1.034
RS Between groups 3.811 2 1.906 1.894 0.152
Within groups 409.434 407 1.006
Total 413.245 409
IS Between groups 3.366 2 1.683 2.408 0.091
Within groups 284.513 407 0.699
Total 287.879 409 1.683
AS Between groups 1.291 2 0.645 0.955 0.386
Within groups 275.111 407 0.676
Total 276.402 409

Table 5. One -Way ANOVAs differences in family composition

Domains Source of variance Sum of squares Df. Mean square F Value Sig.
NPO Between groups 3.562 4 0.891 0.982 0.417
Within groups 367.192 405 0.907
Total 370.754 409
PPO Between groups 7.348 4 1.837 1.664 0.158
Within groups 447.132 405 1.104
Total 454.480 409
RS Between groups 4.671 4 1.168 1.157 0.329
Within groups 408.574 405 1.009
Total 413.245 409
IS Between groups 4.268 4 0.891 1.524 0.194
Within groups 283.611 405 0.907
Total 287.879 409
AS Between groups 2.423 4 0.606 0.895 0.467
Within groups 273.979 405 0.676
Total 276.402 409

fathers’ education. These results contradict (Kasik et al., 2016) who confirm that father’s edu-
cation influences adolescents’ SPS.
It is noteworthy that mothers’ education is one of the main determinants in solving SP (ibid).
Accordingly, the sixth question investigates the differences in solving SP attributed to mothers’
education. Table 7 clarifies that there is no difference in NPO, PPO, RS, and IS attributed to
mothers’ education. However, there is a relationship between adolescents who have a mother
finished elementary school and adolescents’ AS.

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Table 6. One -Way ANOVAs differences in father's education

Domains Source of variance Sum of squares Df. Mean square F Value Sig.
SPS_NO Between groups 1.802 5 0.360 0.395 0.852
Within groups 368.952 404 0.913
Total 370.754 409
SPS_PO Between groups 6.655 5 1.331 1.201 0.308
Within groups 447.825 404 1.108
Total 454.480 409
RS Between groups 4.373 5 0.875 0.864 0.505
Within groups 408.872 404 1.012
Total 413.245 409
IS Between groups 5.127 5 1.025 1.465 0.200
Within groups 282.752 404 0.700
Total 287.879 409
AS Between groups 4.604 5 0.921 0.864 0.505
Within groups 271.797 404 0.673
Total 276.402 409

Table 7. One -Way ANOVAs differences in mother's education

Domains Source of variance Sum of squares Df. Mean square F Value Sig.
SPS_NO Between groups 10.220 5 2.044 2.290 0.045
Within groups 360.534 404 0.892
Total 370.754 409
SPS_PO Between groups 6.238 5 1.248 1.124 0.347
Within groups 448.242 404 1.110
Total 454.480 409
RS Between groups 3.792 5 0.758 0.748 0.588
Within groups 409.453 404 1.013
Total 413.245 409
IS Between groups 6.471 5 1.294 1.858 0.101
Within groups 281.408 404 0.697
Total 287.879 409
AS Between groups 10.290 5 2.058 3.124 0.009
Within groups 266.112 404 0.659
Total 276.402 409

The study investigates the characteristics of Palestinian adolescents’ SPS in relation to some
demographic variables (i.e. gender, age, family composition, father’s education and mother’s
education) by the use of SPS-I. Proper statistics methods are used to study the relationship
between the demographic variables and SPS (i.e. PPO, NPO, RS, IS, and AS). The results show
that the Palestinian adolescents have a high level of PPO, and a low level of NPO, which is a
good indicator. In addition, their RS is second-ranked factor; this shows that they have

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12 Hungarian Educational Research Journal

effective SP techniques. In contrast, they have a lower level of AS as they do not delegate
responsibility to others. The findings show that there are no differences between girls and boys
in PPO, RS and IS, while females have higher NPO and AS. There are no differences in NPO,
RS, IS, and AS attributed to age. However, it is found that PPO was prominent at 18 years old.
There is no difference in adolescents’ family composition when dealing with SP. Also, there is
no difference among adolescents in solving SPS attributed to their father’s education. How-
ever, there is no difference in NPO, PPO, RS, and IS attributed to their mother’s education.
However, there is a relationship between the adolescents’ mother who finishes elementary
school and AS.
The study sometimes goes in line with the results of some previous studies and sometimes
goes against the results. It can be said that the Palestinian adolescents, like other adolescents,
have special characteristics of SPS. This study is a comprehensive study as it targets a big
number; 410 Palestinian adolescents, equally distributed between males (n 5 210) and females
(n 5 209). In addition, it targets the beginning of adolescents’ age (12 years old), the middle (15
years old), and the end (18 years old). Furthermore, it addresses all types of family composition
(mother, father and one sibling; mother, father and more than one sibling; mother and her
children; father and his children; grandparents and grandsons), and addresses father’s and
mother’s education (elementary, preparatory, secondary, university, or postgraduate). These
demographic variables show the comprehensiveness of the study.

Implications for further research

The study is limited to the Palestinian adolescents in the Gaza Strip, and the ages (12, 15, and
18). It will be highly recommended that future studies be conducted to investigate SPS among
the other parts of Palestine (i.e. The West Bank and the diaspora, especially those who are in the
refugee camps in the neighboring countries). Other different ages could be used (i.e. 13, 14, 16,
and 17 years old). It will be a good idea if more demographical factors are investigated (i.e. the
achievement of adolescents at school, or their parents’ financial situation).


Khalil Aburezeq: A Ph.D. researcher at the Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged,
Hungary. His research interest is in social and emotional education. He got his master’s degree
from the Islamic University - Gaza. His master thesis targeted human rights education in the
English language in school textbooks. The future research targets social and emotional learning
in the English language and the development of social competence.
László Kasik: He is an associate professor of social and emotional education at the Uni-
versity of Szeged (Hungary), and head of the Social Competence Research Group at the Uni-
versity of Szeged. His research interests are varied in the field of education, educational
psychology and social psychology. Research areas include the development of social competence;
coping, social problem-solving and avoidance among adolescents.

Conflict of Interest and Ethics: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of any kind with
any person or institution. The authors got permission from the university, the Ministry of
Education and a consent form from each child under 18 years.

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The authors extend their thanks to the Palestinian Ministry of Education and the participants
for facilitating the implementation of this study.


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