Kotr Curriculum August2018

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Super Church LESSON 11

The Anointing Breaks The Yoke

Scripture To Study: Isaiah 10:27; James 5:7; Matthew 5:45,
25:1-13; Luke 4:18-19; Hosea 6:1-3;
Joel 2:23-24; Malachi 4:6
Central Truth:
The fruit of the current revival {former
rain) is how God changes our hearts.
Memory Verse:
Isaiah 10:27, "And the yoke shall be
destroyed because of the anointing.•

I. The anointing breaks the yoke. 4. Heal the blind.

5. Set at liberty those who are
A. Is this verse talking about the bruised.
yolk of an egg? No. 6. Preach.

B. The verse is using the II. What is the fruit of this revival?
illustration of a yoke for oxen.
A. Revival always come in two
C. The yoke represents things that stages.
hold us in bondage like:
1. Renewing the church
1. Sin. {fallow ground).
2. Sickness. 2. Bringing in the harvest.
3. Broken-heartedness.
4. Unforgiveness. B. The Bible talks about the early
5. Poverty. rain and the latter rain.
(Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:23-24;
D. The anointing (power of God) James 5:7)
destroys the yokes of the
enemy. 1. The former rain is for soil
E. Jesus said that the Spirit of 2. The latter rain is for the
Lord was upon Him to: harvest.

1. Preach to the poor. C. Right now we are in the early

2. Heal the broken-hearted. rain. Our hearts are changing
3. Deliver the captives. and being prepared.
Super Church LESSON 11

D. The main fruit of the early rain D. Don't rely on past oil - get
is of the heart. fresh oil - lots of oil.

1. People love Jesus more IV. We need the power of God to

than ever. bring in the final harvest.
2. Our relationship with God
is strengthened. A. We can't do it by ourselves.
3.. Our relationship with others
is strengthened: 1. We need finances.
2. We need laborers.
a. Friendships are 3. We need organization.
restored. 4. We need the power of God.
b. Denominational barriers
come down. B. We are kidding ourselves if we
c. Wehavemoremercyfor think we can do it without the
others. power of God.
d. Our relationship with the
lost ischanged. Weview
the lost as the Father
sees them as lost, not
as sinners.
e. Marriages are restored.
f. He turns the hearts of
the fathers to their
children. (Malachi 4:6)

Ill. Now is the time to buy oil.

(Matthew 25:1-13)

A. lntheparableofthe 10virgins,
half of the virgins didn't get an
extra supply of oil.

B. They took what they had and

they thought their supply was

C. Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit.

It represents the power of God.
Oil was the power source for
the lamps in Bible times.
Today we use electricity or
Super Church LESSON 11

We Need A Changed Heart

Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 11: 19

Materials Needed: A large .box, a mallet, different fruit

(watermelon, cluster . of grapes, strawberries),
plastic drop clothes, and a small table

Preparation: Cover table and floor with plastic drop cloth.

Label box "Heart". Label fruit also with words
like "pride", "unforgiveness", "doubt". Place
the fruit inside of the box. Label you mallet
"Power of God".

Central Truth: When we yeild ourselves to the anointing of

God, we give Him the authority to prepare our
heart by removing those things that shouldn't
be there•

Object Lesson: Now there is some doubt in this heart.

This heart had doubts about what was
(Place the box labeled ''Heart" on table happening. Is this of.God? ,Are those people
with your mallet.) really flowingwith God;orare they just being
goofy'! If this is God, why is He doing this?
Boys and girls, during this revival there
are some• pretty· amazing· things happening, Let's see what God wants to do with the
but do you know why they are happening? doubt in this heart. (Take the mallet and smash
the "doubt".) The anointing breaks the yoke.
They are happening because God is This doubt was a yoke on this person. They
· changing us on the inside. He's preparing our really couldn't enter in because of all of these
heart. There are things that are happening on doubts.
the outside - laughing, dancing, running. But
the best part is what is happening on the inside. Let's see what else this heart has in it that
might keep him from moving with God. (Pull
I'd like to show you how this is possible. out the fruit labeled "unforgiveness".) This
r- This box represents our heart There are some heart had unforgiveness in him. He was upset
· things here that we don't really know that are about what the kid down the block said to him.
there, but God does. (Take the fruit labeled It wasn't very nice, but the Bible tells us to
Super Church LESSON 11

forgive others. Instead of forgiving he was

waiting for the right moment to get him bac1c.

Now he is ready to let God take over. He is

allowing God to show him what he should do
about this situation.

When he.does, (smash unforgiveness), we

are allowing the anointing of God to move in
him. Now that we have doubt and unforgiveness
out ofthe way, is there anything else? Let's look.
Oh. Yeah, usually this is in there somewhere.
(Pull out fruit labeled "pride".) Pride can trick
you. Pride tells you that you are okay. You don't
need all of this fanaticism. Other people may
need this, but you are right where you should be.
You have all of God you' need. Boys and girls,
there are things in our life that God wants for us
that we don't know about yet. We don't have
enough of God.

Think about a boy who got born again when

he was ten years old. After he got born again, he
became on fire for God. Now, did God want him
to be born again when he was six years ol\l?
How about when he was eight and nine? The
answer is yes. But the boy didn't know he
needed God until he was ten. God wanted to
know him when he was nine.

Pride will tell you that you have all of God's

power that you need, but that is not true. Pride
will hold you back from receiving from God
more than any thing else. (Take the mallet and
smash the fruit labeled "pride".) Wow, did you
see that pride get smashed? Now this heart can
get all he needs to from God. God now can
prepare this heart for the harvest

Super Church LESSON 11.

Testimony Time

Puppets Needed: Bully, Robby, Sally, Howard

Puppet Skit:

Scene 1
(Weasel is off stage Mt seen. The plwne rings tllld Bully 1111SWers it)

Bully: Hey, Weasel.

Weasel: Hey, what's going on7

Bully: Wbat do you mean,

Weasel: Well, yon know. Everybody at school is talking about some wei!d things happening at your

Bully: Oh, that.

Weasel: You know. You know like shaking and falling down. Yon know. I here there is laughing and
crying. Is all this true Bully?

Bully: I hate to admit it, Weasel. but it's fl11e. But it's all fake. It won't last for long. They are all being
· tricked by some gny name Jose': It's like twilight zone or mass hypnotism all over again, they
will come out of it soon.

Weasel: So, you're not doing any of iL Are you, Bully?

· Bully: No way. I am not and don't you be felling anyooe that I am or I might lay my hands on you, but
not to pray for you. You got !hat.

Weasel: Yeah, Bully. I got it.

(Door bell rings.)

Bully: Hey, Weasel. I got to go. See ya around.

Weasel: See, ya Bully.

Bully: Yeah, yeah, rm coming. rm coming.

(Bully walks to door to open.) 122

Super Church LESSON 11

Robby: Hey, Bully what you doing?

llully: Hey, Robby, I ain't doing nothing. Just hanging around, What do you want?

Robby: All of the gang is going down to the A & Wand we just wondered if you want to come?

Bully: Well, as long as none of you guys start laughing or falling down or something.

Robby: Ob, come on, Bully. We won't


Robby: Hey, Sally. Hey, Howard, what's going on?

llully: Hey, qow's it going.

Howard: Not IO bad.

Sally: Say, Bully. Where have you been7

Bully: Wbat do you mean?

Sally: What have you been up to?

Bully: Ob, nothing. Just, you know, little of this, little of that Keeping busy.

Sally: Well, you've been missing some awesome services at church.

Howard: That's right They've been pretty cool. And bey, Bully, you should come on down. You would
really get knocked around.

Bully: Nobody knocks me around and I mean nobody.

Howard: Hey, bully, I didn't mean some person would knOck you around. I meant God would.

llully: Hey, guys. This stuff isn't of God. It's a big joke. It's mass hypnotism. Why would God want
to knock people down? Make people laugh, and have people acting weird? What is the point of
ll all? Is it necessary? I think you guys are all just potting on a show:

Robby: No, Bully. We are not putting on a show. God is the one who is moving on us.

Sally: Yeah. Bully, The actions are Just showing what God is doing on the inside of us. God is really
making a change in our hearts.

Bully: Ob, yeah. I don't see a difference. What kind of change bas He made in your life , Howard?

Super Church LESSON 11

Howard: Hey, man. The other day I went forward for prayer and tllen God bealed my band.

Bully: Well, what was wrong witll yonr hand. You been praising God too long. And your band get tired?

Howard: No.· My band got broke from bitting someone who talked to.me like you are rigbt now.

Bully: Yeah.

Howard: But God not only bealed rny hand, He's changed my heart.

Robby:. ,. . And.wheo my teacher.prayed for.me that day. ,.I felt-like electricity,flowing through my body and
I just couldn1 stand up anymore and I fell down.

Bully: So you probably stepped on a live wire, Robby.

Robby: It was a live wire, Bully. It was the Holy Ghost. But that wasn't all. The next day I could stlll
feel the power of God moving inside of me, Bully. All day. I just couldn't stop lbinking about
how mucb I love Him. Aud I couldn't w'llit to get home and read my Bible. That wasn't fake.
That was real. I have never felt like I loved God this much before.

Sally; Bully, you know that I have switched schools and it bas been ban! on me and I have been praying
for God to help me do tills. So, the other day I went forward for prayer and asked for the joy of
God in my life. When our teacher Jayed his bands on me and prayed for me I felt tills joy start to
bubble up inside of me and I slllrted laughing so hard I couldn't stop.

Bully; Are you sure your teacher wasn't tickling you when you're ·eyes were closed?

Sally: I wasn't finished.. The next day when I went t.o school it was easy for me in all of my classes. I
wasn't sad anymore and I met three Cllristians that day. God moved in my life that night through
laogbing, but also gave me three new friends.

Bully: It was probably a coincidence.

Robby: We slill are changed It has been a couple of weeks since we got prayed for and the longer we
stay involved in wllat God is doing we will continue to be changed more and more.

Howard: Hey, Bully. My life is completely turned around ever since tills revival has started in our town.

Sally: Wby don't you come with us next lime t.o church. Yoo know we'll go up with you ro get prayer.·
God can move in your hearL

Howard: I don't know. Maybe. !11 think about it It does seem like you guys have changed.

Robby: Meet us at church this Sunday, and I will go forward wltb you.
Bully: Well, all right maybe. Maybe !11 see you guys in church.

Super Church LESSON 11

Preparing The Soil

Scripture Reference: Mark 4:3-8, 14-20

Materials Needed: A large plastic box of soil, several large rocks,

a watering, can with:a spout, small spade &

Pusb the rocks in the soil, (not very deep), have

a layer of soil on top of the rocks. You want the
rocks to be hidden, so it looks as though you
have just a box of soil. It would be good if you
could prepare this box several days ahead of
time by pouring water on it so it is kind of hard
on top.

Central Truth: Some people's hearts are not ready to receive

·God's Word and the move of the Spirit because
their hearts are hardened like roeks.

Object Lesson: rock. Well let's dig around and get all of these
rocks out of here,·By preparing the soil we
(Place the box on a table in front of the were able to.get rid of these rocks. The rocks
children. Have your watering pitcher handy.) . would have hindered the harvest ofthese seeds
from ever happening;
Boys and girls, I want to plant some seeds
in this soil today. I'm not a farmer, but I do You know God is preparing us to bring in
know there are a few things we need to do to a great harvest. It won't all rest on our moms
prepare this soil for a harvest · and dads. You have a part in this harvest.

This soil is kind of hard. If I were to throw You might say, " harvest of what?" The
the seeds down right now, they wouldn't stand harvest is of lost souls. There are people who
a chance, so I am going to take this little spade need to know Jesus in a big way.
and did up the ground. I'm preparing the soil.
When GodchangesusHegetsustoaplace
(Begin to move the dirt around and pour where our needs are met and we are flowing
the water on the soil) with Him, then we have something to share
with someone else.
Oh, boys and girls, look what I found in
this soil. A big rock. Oh, and here is another 125
Super Church LESSON 11

The Ten Virgins

Scripture Reference: Matthew 25: l-13

Bible Story: the lamp like batteries give power to the

In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us a story about
Ten Virgins; A virgin is a girl or young lady The five foolish virgins were Christians
who has not married yet who thol.lghtthey had enough supply ofpower.
Maybe they were saved and filled with the
· The ten virgins represent the body of Christ Holy Ghost ten years· ago, but they haven't
(Bride of Christ) waiting for the bridegroom to been re-filled. That's what is happening right
return (the second coming of Jesus Christ) · now in this revival. Now is the time to buy oil.
God is pouring out His Spirit and power on
The ten virgins went to meet the bridegroom everyone who wants it
(Christ). Five were wise and took jars of extra
oil for their lamps. Five were foolish and took Why do we need this power? We need
their lamps, but they didn't take any extra oil. power to bring in the harvest We're kidding
ourselves ifwe think we can bring in this final
This would be like flashlights and batteries harvest without the power of God.
are today. Oil was the power source for the
lamp like batteries are the power source for the So go to church as often as you can. Get in
flashlights. If you went camping, you would be as many Holy Ghostmeetings as you can. Get
wise to bring extra batteries in case your . prayed for.as many times as you can, not just
flashlight went out. once or twice. Soak in the presence of God, so
we can be ready to bring in this harvest.
· Back to our story about the ten virgins. At
midnight the bridegroom came. The five foolish
virgins ran out of oil, so they had to go and buy
oil. They missed the wedding.

Thefive wise virgins had extra jars (not just

one) of oil so they were ready and went in to the

In the Bible oilisatypeoftheHoly Spirit.

Oil represents the anointing or power of the
Holy Spirit Remember that oil gave power to


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