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A Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart

Cynthia A. Lowry; William H. Woodall; Charles W. Champ; Steven E. Rigdon

Technometrics, Vol. 34, No. 1. (Feb., 1992), pp. 46-53.

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Tue Apr 24 10:23:38 2007
C 1992 American Statistical Association and TECHNOMETRICS, FEBRUARY 1992, VOL. 34, NO. 1
the American Society for Quality Control

A Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving

Average Control Chart
Cynthia A. Lowry William H. Woodall

Finance and Decision Science Department Department of Management Science and Statistics
Texas Christian University University of Alabama
Fort Worth, TX 76129 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0226

Charles W. Champ and Steven E. Rigdon

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Edwardsville, IL 62026-1653

A multivariate extension of the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control

chart is presented, and guidelines given for designing this easy-to-implement multivariate
procedure. A comparison shows that the average run length (ARL) performance of this chart
is similar to that of multivariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) control charts in detecting a shift
in the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution. As with the Hotelling's X' and
multivariate CUSUM charts, the A R L performance of the multivariate EWMA chart depends
o n the underlying mean vector and covariance matrix only through the value of the noncen-
trality parameter. Worst-case scenarios show that Hotelling's ,y2 charts should always be used
in conjunction with multivariate CUSUM and EWMA charts to avoid potential inertia prob-
lems. Examples are given to illustrate the use of the proposed procedure.

KEY WORDS: Average run length; Hotelling's T' chart; Multivariate CUSUM; Statistical
process control.

1. INTRODUCTION erts's (1988) approach is required using the theory

of multiple time series. For simplicity, it is assumed
With modern data-acquisition equipment and on- that each of the random vectors has the known co-
line computers used during production, it is now variance matrix C. In practice it will be necessary to
common to monitor several correlated quality char- collect data over a substantial amount of time when
acteristics simultaneously. Various types of multi- the process is in control to estimate X.This data could
variate quality-control charts have been proposed to also be used to check the assumptions of independ-
take advantage of the relationships among the var- ence and multivariate normality. Further it is as-
iables. Alt (1984) and Jackson (1985) reviewed much sumed without loss of generality that the in-control
of the literature on this topic. process mean vector is p, = (0, 0, . . . , 0)' = 0.
Suppose that the p x 1 random vectors X,, X,, Multivariate control charts for the mean vector are
X,, . . . , each representing the p quality character- designed to detect shifts over time from this in-
istics to be monitored, are observed over time. These control vector.
vectors may represent individual observations or Hotelling's (1947) multivariate control-chart pro-
sample mean vectors. To study the performance of cedure signals that a statistically significant shift in
the various multivariate control charts, it will be as- the mean has occurred; that is, it gives an out-of-
sumed that XI, i = 1 , 2, . . . , are independent mul- control signal, as soon as
tivariate normal random vectors with mean vectors
p,, i = 1, 2, . . . , respectively. If the independence
assumption is not met, then, as in the univariate case, 2 = X: C-' XI > h , , (1.1)
average run length (ARL) properties of the charts where h, > 0 is a specified control limit. Because
can be greatly affected and out-of-control signals can this procedure is based on only the most recent ob-
become meaningless. For autocorrelated multivar- servation, it is insensitive to small and moderate shifts
iate observations, an extension of Alwan and Rob- in the mean vector. Several alternative procedures

that use additional information from the recent his- In their other approaches Crosier (1988) and Pig-
tory of the process have been proposed. natiello and Runger (1990) found that ordinary one-
Woodall and Ncube (1985) recommended moni- sided univariate CUSUM's based on successive val-
toring each of the p quality characteristics individ- ues of xi and X;, respectively, do not have good ARL
ually with cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts, and us- properties. Observations in varying directions from
ing the covariance matrix 2 to study the ARL the target vector can cause the univariate CUSUM
performance of the minimum of the p univariate statistic to increase in value and result in unneces-
CUSUM run lengths. In practice, simultaneous uni- sarily frequent out-of-control signals for these charts
variate charts are frequently applied to correlated when the process is actually in control.
observations but usually without analyzing the re- In this article, a new multivariate procedure is pro-
sulting ARL performance. posed. This procedure, which we refer to as the
Healy (1987) showed that a univariate CUSUM MEWMA chart, is a multivariate extension of the
chart based on a linear combination of the variables univariate exponentially weighted moving average
can be used in the multivariate situation, if one is (EWMA) chart. In our opinion, this MEWMA chart,
interested in detecting a shift in the mean vector in defined in (2.2) and (2.3), is a more straightforward
only one specified direction. Hawkins (1991) ex- generalization of the corresponding univariate pro-
tended this approach to the case in which several cedure than the multivariate CUSUM statistics in
directions of interest are specified and showed that (1.2) and (1.3).
this method can be more effective than that of Wood- MacGregor and Harris (1990) identified two uses
all and Ncube (1985). of the univariate EWMA statistic. First, it can be
Crosier (1988) proposed two multivariate CUSUM used, under the assumption of independence of the
charts. The one with the better ARL properties is observations, as a tool for detecting when special
based on the statistics causes of variation enter into a system. This is the
usual control-charting situation. Second, the EWMA
statistic is the optimal predictor of the next obser-
vation from a first-order integrated moving average
and process, a simple but frequently applicable model for
processes that exhibit continual drift. In this second
form, the EWMA statistic can be used as part of a
= (Si-l + Xi)(l - k,lCi), if Ci > k,, control algorithm to adjust the process, thereby re-
i = 1, 2, . . . , where So = 0 and k1 > 0. This ducing the mean squared error around the target. In
multivariate CUSUM scheme, denoted by MCUSUM, this article, we discuss only the generalization of the
signals when first use of the EWMA statistic-that is, as a tool
for monitoring the stability of a process. Forecasting
applications of multivariate EWMA statistics were
presented by Enns, Machak, Spivey, and Wrobleski
(1982), Harvey (1986), and Jones (1966).
where h, > 0. Design of MEWMA charts is discussed in Section
Pignatiello and Runger (1990) also proposed two 2, with examples given in Section 3. The ARL per-
multivariate CUSUM charts. The chart with the bet- formance of the MEWMA chart is compared to that
ter ARL performance, MC1, is based on the follow- of some of the other multivariate control charts in
ing vectors of cumulative sums: Section 4. We briefly consider worst-case scenarios
in which the multivariate CUSUM procedures and
the MEWMA chart can be slow in reacting to process
shifts in Section 5. We consider several approaches
and to the interpretation of out-of-control signals from
multivariate control charts such as the MEWMA chart
MC, = max{O, (Di Z - l Di)li2 - k2ti), (1.3) in Section 6. Our conclusions are presented in Sec-
tion 7.
where k, > 0 and In Appendix A , we derive the covariance matrix
of the vector of EWMA's used with the MEWMA
ti=&,-,+I, ifMCi-,>O procedure. This matrix is used in Section 2 to obtain
= 1, otherwise, the MEWMA control-chart statistic. It is shown in
Appendix B that, if pi = p , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , the ARL
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . . An out-of-control signal is given performance of the MEWMA chart depends on the
as soon as MC, > h,, where h, > 0. mean vector p and covariance matrix 2 only through



the value of the noncentrality parameter A , where ferent matrix in Equation (2.3) to calculate the quad-
ratic form of the MEWMA chart.
A (p' 2-I p)l12. I f r , = r 2 = . . . = r, = r, then the MEWMA
= (1.4)
vectors can be written as
It is much easier to make ARL comparisons among
several multivariate control charts if all of the charts Zi = rXi + (1 - r)Zi-,, (2.4)
have this property.
i = 1, 2, . . . , and from Appendix A we have
C, = {r[l - (1 - r),']l(2 - r)) C. (2.5)
Suppose that we observe X,, X2, . . . in the uni-
variate case-that is when p = 1. The univariate Analogous to the situation in the univariate case, the
EWMA chart is based on the values MEWMA chart is equivalent to Hotelling's x2 chart
i f r = 1.
Z j = rXj + (1 - T ) Z ~ - ~ , (2.1) As MacGregor and Harris (1990) pointed out for
the univariate case, using the exact variance of the
i = 1 , 2 , . . . , whereZ, = p0 = O a n d O < r S 1.
EWMA statistic leads to a natural fast initial re-
Roberts (1959) showed that, if XI, X,, . . . are iid
sponse for the EWMA chart. Thus initial out-of-
N(0, a2) random variables, then the mean of 2, is 0
control conditions are detected more quickly. This
and the variance is ~ 2 =, {r[l ~ - (1 - r)2']l(2 -
r))u2, i = 1 , 2 , . . . . Thus, when the in-control value is also true for the MEWMA chart. Because, how-
of the mean is 0, the control limits of the EWMA ever, it may be more likely that the process will stay
chart are often set at iLuZL,where L and r are the in control for a while and then shift out of control,
parameters of the chart. Lucas and Saccucci (1990) we will assume for chart design and in our ARL
discussed the choice of r and L for the univariate comparisons that the asymptotic (as i -. x) covari-
EWMA chart in detail, although their control limits ance matrix, that is,
were based on the asymptotic form of a,,; that is,
uZ,= [rl(2 - r)]ll'u.
In the multivariate case, a natural extension is to is used to calculate the MEWMA statistic in (2.3)
define vectors of EWMA's, unless otherwise indicated.
Table 1 contains the ARL profiles of several
MEWMA charts for varying values of r. As illus-
i = 1, 2, . . . , where Z, = 0 and R = diag(r,, r,,
trated in this table, smaller values of r are more
. . . , r , ) , O < r , S l , j = 1 , 2 , . . . ,p.TheMEWMA
effective in detecting small shifts in the mean vector.
chart gives an out-of-control signal as soon as This is analogous to the univariate case. Each
MEWMA ARL value in Table 1, as well as those in
Tf = Z,! X i 1 Zj > h,, later tables, was obtained using at least 6,000 sim-
ulations. The standard errors of the estimates of the
ARL's are close to 1% of the estimated ARL. The
where h, (>O) is chosen to achieve a specified in-
appropriate values of h, were also obtained using
control ARL and C , is the covariance matrix of Z,,
simulation. The simulation program used in our ar-
which is derived in Appendix A. If there is no a priori
ticle is available on request from C. Lowry.
reason to weight past observations differently for the
p quality characteristics being monitored, then r, =
r2 = . . . = r, = r. Note that the multivariate CUSUM Table 1. ARL Values for MEWMA Charts (p = 2)
procedures weight past observations in the same way
for each quality characteristic. In this case, as shown
in Appendix B , the A R L performance of the
MEWMA chart depends only on the noncentrality
parameter, A , in (1.4). Of course, the user may use
unequal weighting constants, but then the ARL de-
pends on the direction of the shift, not just on the
value of the noncentrality parameter. If the variables
being monitored are not of equal importance and the
desired ARL performance is such that the ARL should
not be a function of A , then the method of Hawkins
(1991) is recommended. Another possibility, pro-
posed by Tsui and Woodall (1991), is to use a dif-



Table 2. Optimal MEWMA Control Schemes (in-control

value is effective in detecting small shifts in the mean
ARL = 200)
vector. In addition, it is shown in Section 4 that the
ARL performance of the MEWMA charts with r =
.10 compares favorably with that of the multivariate
2 3 4 CUSUM charts. From the ARL results in Table 3
.5 r .06 .06 .06
one can verify that the logarithm of the in-control
h, 7.70 9.80 11.66 ARL is very close to a linear function of h,. This
ARL,,, 26.5 30.0 32.3
fact can be used to approximate appropriate control
range of r .04-.06 .04-.06 .04-.08 limits for other in-control ARL's.
1.0 r .16 .16 .14
h, 9.35 1 1.52 13.34 3. TWO EXAMPLES

ARL,," 9.95
range of r .lo-.20 In this section, we present two examples. The first
1.5 r .24
is a numerical example of the application of an
h4 9.90
MEWMA chart. The second example is on the de-
ARL,,, 5.47
sign of an appropriate MEWMA chart.
range of r .18-.30

2.0 r .34
Example 1: A numerical example of an appli-
h4 10.17 cation of the MEWMA chart is given in Table 4 using
ARL,," 3.53
simulated data from a similar example given by Cro-
range of r .24-.34
sier (1988). The bivariate normal distribution is con-
sidered with unit variances and a correlation coef-
ficient of .5. The process mean is on target at (0, 0)
Table 2 shows the optimal values of r in detecting for the first five observations and then shifts to (1, 2)
shifts of various sizes for in-control ARL = 200. The for the last five observations. In Table 4, the values
simpler Hotelling ,$ chart is effective for detecting of (XI, X,) are the observations, the values (Z,, Z,)
large shifts, so values of A > 2 are not considered. correspond to the MEWMA vector in (2.4) with r =
The value of r is optimal in the sense that the ARL .lo, and the values of TZ were obtained using Equa-
at the shift of interest is minimized for the given in- tion (2.3) with either the covariance matrix in (2.5)
control ARL. An in-control ARL of 200 is consid- or (2.6). The use of Equation (2.5) provides the nat-
ered for p = 2 , 3 , and 4. These results are analogous ural head-start feature for the MEWMA chart. The
to those obtained in the univariate case by Lucas and values of h, were obtained using simulation to pro-
Saccucci (1990) in that smaller values of r are more vide in-control ARL's of 200. The MEWMA chart
effective in detecting the smaller shifts. The ranges based on (2.5) signals out-of-control after the ninth
of r values given in Table 2 are those values for which observation, whereas the MEWMA chart based on
the minimum out-of-control ARL's at the shift of (2.6) signals after the tenth observation. A plot of
interest were virtually identical. In the cases consid- the MEWMA chart based on (2.6) is shown in Figure
ered in Table 2, the optimal value of r does not vary 1. In Crosier's (1988) example, his MCUSUM pro-
much as the number of variables changes. cedure, which also had an in-control ARL of 200,
To aid in designing MEWMA charts, Table 3 shows signaled after the tenth observation. Note that when
the A R L performance of several MEWMA charts the MEWMA chart signals, the MEWMA vector
with varying in-control ARL's. The cases p = 2, 3, elements, Z, and Z,, give some indication of the
and 4 are considered, with r = .1 and in-control direction of the shift. Crosier (1988) made this same
ARL's of 50, 100, 500, and 1,000. Charts with r = point regarding his MCUSUM vector. Further in-
.10 and an in-control ARL of 200 can be found in formation on the interpretation of out-of-control sig-
Tables 5- 10 (Sec. 4). We use r = .10 because this nals is given in Section 6.

Table 3. ARL Values for MEWMA Charts



Table 4. Numerical Example of the MEWMA Scheme

MEWMA MEWMA statistic

Observations vector
T? T?
i X, X, Z, Z, (2.51 (2.61

1 -1.19 .59 -.I2 .06 3.29 .62

2 .12 .90 -.lo .14 3.17 1.09

3 - 1.69 .40 -.25 .17 7.37 3.45
4 .30 .46 -.20 .20 5.26 3.00

5 .89 -.75 -.09 .10 1.09 .71

6 .82 .98 .OO .19 1.28 .92

7 -.30 2.28 .03 .40 5.66 4.37

8 .63 1.75 .04 .53 8.32 6.78

9 1.56 1.58 .19 .64 9.65* 8.20"

10 1.46 3.05 .32 .88 17.21 15.12


Control Figure I . Plot of MEWMA7s Based on (2.6)for Example I .

limit h4 = 8.79 ha = 8.66
depends on the values of p and C only through the
'Out-of-control signal. value of the noncentrality parameter A , which is de-
fined in (1.4). This is true for Hotelling's ,y2 chart
Example 2: The approach we recommend for the because, for a constant mean vector, the values of
design of MEWMA charts is a straightforward gen- ,y? are independent and have a noncentral chi-squared
eralization of the approach presented by Crowder distribution with p df and noncentrality parameter
(1989) and Lucas and Saccucci (1990) for the design A. Crosier (1988) and Pignatiello and Runger (1990)
of univariate EWMA charts. The value of r used presented proofs for their procedures, and a proof
depends on the size of the shift in the mean vector is outlined in Appendix B for the MEWMA chart.
to be detected quickly, and h, is chosen to achieve If the charts did not have this property, then their
the desired in-control ARL. As an example, consider relative performance might vary depending on 2 and,
the case in which p = 2, the desired in-control ARL even for a given covariance matrix, 2, one chart
is 200, and shifts of size A = 1.0 are considered to
might be more effective than another in detecting
be important. From Table 2, r = .10 is a reasonable shifts in some directions and less effective in other
choice for the smoothing constant r. From Table 5 directions.
(Sec. 4) the appropriate value for the control limit
Tables 5-10 show ARL comparisons for p = 2,
is h, = 8.66 if (2.6) is used to calculate the MEWMA 3, 4, 5, 10, and 20, respectively. Each chart is de-
statistic or h, = 8.79 if (2.5) is used. As discussed signed so that the on-target ARL is approximately
in Section 5, it is helpful to use a Hotelling X2 limit
200. The ARL values for the multivariate CUSUM
in conjunction with the MEWMA chart.
procedures were given by Crosier (1988) and Pig-
4. AVERAGE RUN LENGTH COMPARISONS natiello and Runger (1990), respectively. Except for
Hotelling's 2 chart, computer simulation was used
In this section, the following control procedures in each case.
are compared on the basis of their ARL perform- It is clear from this comparison that the Hotelling's
ance: x2chart is the least effective chart in detecting shifts
1. Hotelling's ,y2 chart from the in-control mean vector unless the shift is
2. Crosier's (1988) CUSUM (MCUSUM) based very large. The MEWMA chart using the covariance
on (1.2) matrix in (2.5)-that is, the exact covariance ma-
3. Pignatiello and Runger's (1990) multivariate trix-is more effective in detecting an initial out-of-
CUSUM (MC1) based on (1.3) control condition for reasons discussed earlier. The
4. The MEWMA chart with the covariance ma-
trices in (2.5) used to calculate the statistic in (2.3) Table 5. ARL Comparisons for p = 2
5. The MEWMA chart with the covariance ma-
trix in (2.6) used to calculate the statistic in (2.3) MCUSUM; MCl; MEWMA (2.51; MEWMA (2.6);
x2; kl = 5 0 , k2=.50, r=.10, r = .lo,
A h, = 10.6 h2 = 5.50 h0 = 4.75 ha = 8.79 ha = 8.66
For the cases in which the mean vector is off target,
it is assumed that the shift has occurred prior to the 203. 200. 200.

application of the chart. Steady-state ARL compar- 31.3 25.3 28.1

9.28 7.76 10.2

isons would be helpful in comparing performance 5.23 4.07 6.12

under delayed shifts in the mean vector. The ARL 3.69 2.59 4.41

comparison is simplified because it can be demon- 2.91 1.89 3.51

2.40 1.50 2.92

strated that the performance of each of these charts



Table 6. ARL Comparisons for p = 3 Table 8. ARL Comparisons for p = 5

MCUSUM; MCl; MEWMA (2.5); MEWMA D 6 ) ; MCUSUM; MEWMA (2.5); MEWMA 12.61;
2; kl=.50, k2=.50, r=.lO, r = .lo, x2; k, = 50, r = .lo, r = .lo,
A hl = 12.85 h2 = 6.88 h3 = 5.48 h4 = 10.97 h4 = 10.79 A h, = 16.75 h2 = 9.46 h4 = 14.74 hd = 14.56

.o 201. 200. 200. 202. 200. .o 200. 200. 201. 201.

.5 130. 32.7 33.5 28.5 31.8 .5 145. 37.2 34.3 37.7
1.0 52.6 11.2 10.1 8.64 11.30 1.0 68.1 14.0 10.2 12.9
1.5 20.5 6.69 5.66 4.47 6.69 1.5 28.5 8.25 5.18 7.63
2.0 8.8 4.70 4.00 2.84 4.86 2.0 12.4 6.20 3.28 5.49
2.5 4.4 3.83 3.17 2.08 3.83 2.5 5.99 4.94 2.34 4.32
3.0 2.6 3.17 2.63 1.62 3.20 3.0 3.31 4.04 1.80 3.59

ARL performance of the MEWMA chart based on sided CUSUM chart. For example, consider the
the asymptotic covariance matrix in (2.6) is very sim- EWMA chart with a = 1, r = .05, and control limits
ilar to that of the two multivariate CUSUM's. We +- .4189 recommended by Lucas and Saccucci (1990)
recommend using the covariance matrix in Equation in the situation for which the in-control ARL is 500
(2.5) to calculate the MEWMA statistic. If the proc- and a shift in the mean of .5 is to be detected quickly.
ess is initially out of control, then the ARL perform- Then, if the process is actually on target but Zi=
ance will be very good. If the process is initially in - .3, we must have Xi+, 2 14.08 to obtain a value
control but later shifts, then the ARL values for the of Zi+, o ver the upper control limit. Thus, if the
MEWMA chart using (2.6) suggest that the MEWMA EWMA statistic is on one side of the center line when
chart will react as quickly as the multivariate CUSUM a shift in the other direction occurs, the result may
charts. be a delayed detection of the shift. This problem can
Again, it is important to emphasize that there are be partially alleviated by using a Shewhart rule in
two implicit assumptions in ARL comparisons based combination with the EWMA chart, an enhancement
on the noncentrality parameter such as those in this discussed by Lucas and Saccucci (1990).
section. First, it is assumed that any shift from the The same type of inertia problem can occur with
in-control mean vector, regardless of the size of the the multivariate CUSUM charts and with the
shift, is to be detected as quickly as possible. Second, MEWMA chart. The multivariate CUSUM proce-
it is assumed that a shift to p = p1is to be detected dure of Pignatiello and Runger (1990) can, at least
as quickly as a shift to p = p2 if pi Z - ' p, = theoretically, build up an arbitrarily large amount of
C - l p2; that is, the ARL is a function of the inertia. Thus a Shewhart-type rule should be imple-
noncentrality parameter A. If these are not reason- mented by using a Hotelling x2 control limit with the
able assumptions in a practical application, then a charts; that is, a signal occurs if the multivariate chart
more general approach to the definition of "in con- signals or if Xi 2-' X i> h,, where h, > 0. Crosier
trol" and "out of control," such as that discussed by (1988) mentioned such a rule to be used in conjunc-
Woodall and Ncube (1985) and Mohebbi and Hayre tion with his multivariate CUSUM. The use of the
(1989), is required. If directions of shifts of interest Hotelling's x2 limit does not, however, completely
can be specified, then we recommend the approach solve the inertia problem because, if inertia has built
of Hawkins (1991). up, then a sequence of relatively large shifts from
the target vector that does not trigger the x2 chart
5. INERTIA PROBLEMS may still not result in an out-of-control signal from
the multivariate CUSUM or MEWMA component
Yashchin (1987) pointed out that univariate EWMA of the combined procedure.
schemes can have "inertia" in reacting to shifts in If the Hotelling x2 limit is used with the MEWMA
the mean relative to other charts such as the two- chart, then there is a trade-off between protection
Table 7. ARL Comparisons for p = 4 Table 9. ARL Comparisons for p = 10

MCUSUM; MEWMA (2.5); MEWMA (2.6): MCUSUM; MCI; MEWMA (2.5); MEWMA (2.6);
2; k, = .50, r = .lo, r = .lo, 2; k,=.50, k2=.50, r=.10, r = .lo,
A hl=14.86 h2=8.15 haz12.93 ha = 12.73 A h l = 2 5 . 9 1 h 2 = 74.9 h o z 5 . 4 8 hd=22.91 hr=22.67



Table 70. ARL Comparisons for p = 20 recent observation-that is, the one that produced
the out-of-control signal. The univariate EWMA sta-
MCUSUM; MEWMA (2.5); MEWMA (2.6);
x2; kl = .50, r = .lo, r = .lo, tistics are calculated as part of the MEWMA method,
h h, = 40.0 h2 = 24.70 h4 = 37.32 h4 = 37.01 however, so we recommend using these values to
decide whether or not a particular variable has shifted
away from its target. Because this diagnosis is not
performed until after an out-of-control signal from
the MEWMA chart, the user is free to choose a
decision criterion without affecting the false-alarm
rate of the MEWMA chart. The MEWMA vector in
(2.4) gives an indication of the direction of the shift
against inertia and the quick detection of small shifts but does not provide an accurate estimate of the
in the mean vector. This is because the MEWMA current process mean vector.
control limit h, must be increased slightly once a x2 In Example 1 in Section 3, the MEWMA vector
limit is used to maintain the desired in-control ARL. is (.32, .88)' when the MEWMA chart based on (2.6)
The smaller the x2limit h,, the greater the protection signals. The corresponding z scores based on the var-
against inertia and the more h, must be increased. iance of the univariate EWMA statistics are 1.39 and
At this time ARL tables are not available for the 3.84, respectively. Thus there is somewhat weak evi-
design of MEWMA charts with the Hotelling x2 limit. dence that a shift in the first variable has occurred
We have found, however, that one can maintain the but strong evidence of a shift for the second variable.
desired in-control ARL, say ARL,, by increasing the Recall that in this example there was a shift in the
value of h, by 5% and using a value of h, such that mean of both variables to the mean vector (1, 2)'.
the probability that the x2 limit is exceeded is 11(5 . We also recommend, like Doganaksoy et al. (1991),
ARL,). This is only a rough rule of thumb. Of course, ranking the variables in terms of the evidence that a
as an alternative one could use simulation to select shift in the mean has occurred.
values for h, and h, and then to evaluate the ARL As a graphical method, the polyplot approach of
performance of the combined procedure for various Blazek, Novic, and Scott (1987) is particularly help-
shifts in the mean vector to see if it is satisfactory. ful, although we recommend that the T 2statistic used
6. INTERPRETATION OF OUT-OF-CONTROL in the polyplot be replaced by a more effective
SIGNALS MEWMA statistic.
The interpretation of out-of-control signals from
multivariate control charts can be quite difficult. For Our ARL comparisons indicate that the MEWMA
example, if a multivariate chart signals due to the procedure can perform better than the multivariate
joint effect of two or more correlated variables, the CUSUM procedures of Crosier (1988) and Pigna-
univariate charts on the separate variables may not tiello and Runger (1990) when the process is initially
even signal. This topic was discussed by Alt (1984), out-of-control and it performs roughly the same if
Chua and Montgomery (1991), Doganaksoy, Faltin, the shift in the mean vector is delayed. Inertia prob-
and Tucker (1991), Jackson (1985), Murphy (1987), lems can delay reaction to a shift when using mul-
and Pignatiello and Runger (1990), among others. tivariate CUSUM or MEWMA charts, so Hotelling's
Jackson (1985) and Pignatiello and Runger (1990) x2 limits should always be used in conjunction with
recommended monitoring the individual variables a n d these charts to help to prevent such delays.
or the principal components with univariate charts. We have given some guidelines on the construction
Alt (1984) and Doganaksoy et al. (1991) also rec- of MEWMA charts and on the interpretation of out-
ommended examining the individual variables but of-control signals. Additional work in both of these
used Bonferroni limits for the univariate charts. The areas is now in progress.
Bonferroni limits used by Doganaksoy et al. (1991)
are less conservative than those recommended by Alt ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(1984) and thus more likely to indicate that a par- The research for this article was partially sup-
ticular variable is out of control. ported by a grant from the ALCOA Foundation. We
We recommend monitoring the principal compo- are grateful to the editor, the referees, and the as-
nents if these are interpretable. Otherwise, we rec- sociate editors for making many helpful comments
ommend monitoring the original variables using joint and suggestions on earlier versions of this article. We
univariate charts. All of the methods that have been also thank Brian Jackson, a graduate student at Texas
proposed thus far classify individual variables as being Christian University, for his assistance with the com-
in control or out of control based on only the most puter simulations.



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