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o help — fast.

Questioned was the dwarf goat’s to cast your ballots in the race that Parade on Sunday, Sept. 25, at 9 a.m.
Blue” on his appetite for office: “Are you willing to features eight viable candidates. To help guide voters, the Fetch
eat weeds throughout the village of
table, AmosAlbuquerque Journal Voting runs through 5 p.m. page sent out questionnaires to each
- 09/23/2022 Page : B006
es as I palpated Corrales for the next year?” Saturday, Sept. 24. Each vote costs $1, candidate. Here are the responses.
ded abdomen.
ly withdrew a ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blood. A quick
owed no sign of
oning with an Angelcake Patron
CON topped the Breed and age: Dwarf Nigerian
Breed and age: Cat, 9
goat, 6 months
min K1 injection Campaign slogan: “Spreading the
ary nurse, and a love one cake at a time!” Campaign slogan: “Goat Vote for
mate blood loss Patron!”
tarted warming Notable accomplishment: Being a
foster mom for kittens at the animal Notable accomplishment: I’m a
n. Speed matters great ambassador for all goats. We
isn’t always shelter.
are very smart and love to make friends.
sed away in front What politician — past or present — do you resemble
and why? Queen Elizabeth II, because she has a royal What politician — past or present — do you resemble
nd comforting attitude. and why? I have been told I look a lot like George Cloo-
s part of being ney. I think it’s the eyes!
exceptionally Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
what reason? For meowing too much and letting her Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
years in practice.
voice be heard! what reason? Getting in my mom’s way when she’s get-
I shared my
ting my dinner out. She needs to hurry up!
ikely cause of
r questions began
of my mind: George Peanut
e free-living
Breed and age: Quarter horse, 24
70s Placitas, was Breed and age: Heritage believed
un loose? Would Campaign slogan: “In George We to be corgi, Chihuahua, Italian
se? Trust.” greyhound and Jack Russell terrier,
The real about 2½
Notable accomplishment: George
avior problems, was a Blue Ribbon winner in “West- Campaign slogan: “Go Nuts! Vote
Zoom ern Pleasure” competitions in his Peanut for Corrales Pet Mayor! He
my website, youth. keeps his eye on the ball!”
What politician — past or present — do you resemble Notable accomplishment: Peanut’s goals and accom-
and why? George bears a striking resemblance to Abe plishments in life are to remove all squeakers from all
ncy-trained Lincoln. toys as quickly as possible! He has probably set some
records. Often it takes him only minutes to destroy a new
nd via groups on Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
ach week, he shares toy.
what reason? George gets scolded regularly for getting
p bring out the into things. He’s extremely curious (Curious George!) What politician — past or present — do you resemble
ople. Sign up at no
and will upend anything in his pen. He’ll go through your and why? He has his own look and personality — but
m. Post questions on
ol or by mail to 4000 pockets looking for treats and will find creative ways to has been known to dress as Batman and Superman, and
erque, NM, 87109. pull his fly mask off. to wear a “Chile Cape” promoting red and green.
Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
what reason? Peanut has never really been scolded. He
Mila has always just been a good dog.
Breed and age: Pure-bred oil field
mutt (blue heeler variation)
Campaign slogan: “Bark Loudly
and Carry a Big Stick!” Breed and age: Shepherd mix, 9
Notable accomplishment: Once
ate an entire gopher (likely deceased prior to eating). Campaign slogan: “I am all ears
and will give you SAGE advice.”
What politician — past or present — do you resemble
and why? Regrettably for her owners, Mila resembles Notable accomplishment: I passed
Donald Trump due to 1) her loud bark, 2) her sturdy build, Puppy Kindergarten with flying colors!
3) her love for French fries and hamburgers, and 4) her What politician — past or present — do you resemble
affinity for nipping kitties rear ends. and why? I guess some would say I resemble President
CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for Obama because of my ears, but that’s what makes me a
what reason? Most commonly “punished” for poach- good listener.
Princess has a
oyally good time ing cat food, rolling in horse poop and cow patties, and Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
chasing pole chasing coyotes in the bosque. what reason? I am scolded daily for harassing the cat —
oys, but quickly but he starts it!!!
egains her
composure once Otis
hey’re put away.
Breed and age: Mini Juliana pig Twix
The tabby mix,
12, warms up with Campaign slogan: “Vote for the Animal type and age: Guinea pig, 1
a few respectful Boar, make Corrales Soar!” Campaign slogan: “The Village
pets and head is not a Village without Twix as the
ubs. If you’d Notable accomplishment: Keen
ability to never stop eating! Mayor!”
ke to provide
Princess a castle What politician — past or present — do you resemble Notable accomplishment: Emo-
o call home, and why? Why William Howard Taft, of course, for obvi- tional support animal.
he’s at the ous reasons. What politician — past or present — do you resemble
Eastside shelter. and why? He resembles the future pet mayor of Cor-
D No. A1850331. Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
rales, Twix.
what reason? Roaming off our property to eat way too
many of the neighbors apples! Sentenced to a timeout in Have you ever been scolded/punished and, if so, for
astside or “piggy jail” aka the indoor kennel! what reason? Nope, he is perfect.
ew and/or adopt
gov/pets to see
elter locations.

September 23, 2022 1:43 pm (GMT -6:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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