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Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

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The shopping brain: Math anxiety modulates brain responses to buying decisions
William J. Jones a,∗ , Terry L. Childers b , Yang Jiang c
Department of Marketing, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Department of Marketing, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Metacognitive theories propose that consumers track fluency feelings when buying, which may have
Received 15 September 2010 biological underpinnings. We explored this using event-related potential (ERP) measures as twenty high-
Accepted 14 October 2011 math anxiety (High MA) and nineteen low-math anxiety (Low MA) consumers made buying decisions
Available online 24 October 2011
for promoted (e.g., 15% discount) and non-promoted products. When evaluating prices, ERP correlates of
higher perceptual and conceptual fluency were associated with buys, however only for High MA females
under no promotions. In contrast, High MA females and Low MA males demonstrated greater FN400
Math anxiety
amplitude, associated with enhanced conceptual processing, to prices of buys relative to non-buys under
Consumer psychology
promotions. Concurrent late positive component (LPC) differences under no promotions suggest dis-
FN400 crepant retrieval processes during price evaluations between consumer groups. When making decisions
P3 to buy or not, larger (smaller) P3, sensitive to outcome responses in the brain, was associated with buying
Decision-making for High MA females (Low MA females) under promotions, an effect also present for males under no pro-
motions. Thus, P3 indexed decisions to buy differently between anxiety groups, but only for promoted
items among females and for no promotions among males. Our findings indicate that perceptual and
conceptual processes interact with anxiety and gender to modulate brain responses during consumer
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Reber et al., 1998). So-called fluency signals, which are hedonically
marked signals of processing ease (Winkielman et al., 2003), have
Buying decisions are malleable (Schwarz, 2004). Rather than been shown to influence later judgments in which they are non-
holding well defined preferences, consumers often construct pref- integral. For example, a difficult-to-pronounce amusement ride
erences spontaneously using whatever information is available to name (e.g., Vaiveahtoishi) increases the perception the ride will
them (Bettman et al., 1998). Recent interest in neuroeconomic make you sick (Song and Schwarz, 2009 – Study 3). Behaviorally,
methods to study buying behavior underscores attempts to under- the subparts of processing fluency, perceptual fluency and con-
stand the processes by which consumers make these decisions. ceptual fluency have repeatedly been shown as separable if often
For example, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), interrelated (e.g., Cabeza and Ohta, 1993; Lee and Labroo, 2004;
Knutson et al. (2007) showed that excessive prices were linked Whittlesea, 1993). Perceptual fluency, defined as the ease with
to increased insular activity and decreased activity in medial pre- which perceptual processing occurs, has been shown to influence
frontal regions. These findings confirm the positive relationship metacognitive judgments directly. For example, Whittlesea et al.
between perceived price unfairness and negative affect that has (1990) introduced a noise mask to target words in a repetition prim-
been proposed elsewhere (Xia et al., 2004), and are largely consis- ing task and found that when noise level was light, consequently
tent with Bechara and Damasio’s (2005) somatic marking notion making the perceptual features of target words more readily dis-
that our brains map anticipated outcomes of purchases from inte- cernible, participants in an experiment were more likely to falsely
roceptive emotional signals prior to decision making, which then judge such items as having been previously presented.
guide choice. Later work by Whittlesea (1993) extended the influence of flu-
The metacognitive experiences literature suggests that inte- ency on familiarity-based recognition judgments to also include
roceptive signals guide choices as early as perceptual processes conceptual fluency. In this study, Whittlesea demonstrated that
manipulating either the perceptual or conceptual fluency of current
processing such as via repetition priming or semantically related
∗ Corresponding author at: 318 Prentis, 5201 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202-
primes can induce feelings of familiarity. These feelings may or
3930, USA. Tel.: +1 313 577 4466; fax: +1 313 577 4515.
may not be treated as diagnostic to decision making depending
E-mail address: (W.J. Jones). on “the expectations aroused by a current judgment” (p. 1249).

0301-0511/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
202 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

Because the feeling of familiarity engendered in perceptually or Anxiety-inducing stimuli in general induce disfluency by compet-
conceptually facilitated processing or both is separable from actual ing for attention within fronto-cingulate cortices (Bishop et al.,
memory retrieval, it must be meaningfully inferred as a conse- 2004). Though High MA has yet to be studied elsewhere using neu-
quence of past experience for it to be treated as diagnostic to roscience techniques, behavioral research has shown High MA to
judgment (Whittlesea, 1993). Stated simply, the process by which be entirely consistent with other forms of anxiety (for a review,
either, both, or neither forms of fluency are incorporated into famil- see Eysenck et al., 2007). Extreme avoidance of the object, event, or
iarity judgments is, as Whittlesea (1993) says, highly sophisticated context that brings about or intensifies anxiety symptoms is a hall-
and wholly dependent on considerations of past experience and mark of all anxiety disorders (Maner et al., 2007; Paulus and Stein,
current processing. 2010). Under threat-related processing, anxiety prone individuals
In order to dissociate familiarity-based recognition from rec- also frequently rely on compensatory strategies such as increasing
ollection, Whittlesea and colleagues (Whittlesea et al., 1990; effort and deploying cognitive resources disproportionate to the
Whittlesea, 1993) studied items in which a target was never pre- task at-hand (Eysenck et al., 2007), which may be related to a form
viously presented. Because in these trials no memory trace for the of risk avoidance to committing errors (Paulus et al., 2003).
target was ever created, this allowed Whittlesea and colleagues to Yet, we note that the purpose of our research is not to explicitly
isolate familiarity effects from recollection – i.e., those aspects of describe relationships between emotions and specific ERP compo-
recognition independent of familiarity feelings. Accounts of recog- nents. Indeed, these relationships may be non-specific to valence
nition memory in which familiarity and recollection are considered and contingent on simultaneous appraisal processes (Hajcak et al.,
as distinct factors are typically labeled as dual-process accounts, 2006; Grandjean and Schere, 2008). In our work, we instead draw
and have been investigated widely both behaviorally (for a review, a distinction between emotions and feelings, which we view as
see Yonelinas, 2002) and neurally (for review, see Rugg and Curran, less specific though related to emotion (and sometimes interre-
2007). Horton et al. (1993), citing Bartlett (1932), remind us that lated components of emotion), that represent ongoing monitoring
familiarity and recollection need not be mutually exclusive, and can of internal processes (for similar views, see Pribram, 1970; Scherer,
include additional processes such as judging likeness of a remem- 2004). We argue that process-induced fluency feelings, as mea-
bered object. We argue that consumer contexts (here prices) are sured by event-related potentials, might be utilized as sources of
scenarios which might be replete with both familiarity and recol- information in the non-preference related buying task described
lection aspects. Consumers are accurate at using information about in this paper. Notwithstanding, we emphasize emotional effects
previously stored prices, but they often seem to store this informa- through our simultaneous focus on trait math anxiety. In the
tion as fuzzy memory traces rather than exact price representations consumer behavior literature, Raghunathan et al. (2006) have
(Vanhuele and Drèze, 2002). Thus, this pathway assumes that a demonstrated that anxiety leads to a risk-reduction buying men-
presented price that feels familiar, owing to perceptual and/or tality. Brand et al. (2006) argue that optimal decision making under
conceptual fluency feelings, may be judged as acceptable because risk is characterized by “both cognitive strategies as well as bias-
prices are not typically judged relative to exact prices. At the same ing emotional signals” (p. 1273). Thus, despite our non-predictions
time, aspects of memory associated with recollection might also be related to emotions and specific ERP components, we would predict
engaged during price evaluations because consumers are adept at that High MA renders consumers more susceptible to incorporat-
storing and identifying price ranges (Vanhuele and Drèze, 2002). ing feeling-related information into their choice making. In this
A second pathway by which fluency might affect buying deci- sense, we expect that High MA consumers will demonstrate more
sions is via an affect-as-information heuristic. At least partially, buy versus non-buy differences as measured by ERPs than Low MA
consumer choice is frequently related to affect. That is, consumers consumers.
often buy what they like and reject what they do not like. Though Past ERP studies of economic transactions have shown effects on
the present study is not concerned with preference judgments reward processing magnitude and valence (e.g., Yeung and Sanfey,
explicitly, Reber et al. (1998) showed that perceptual fluency is 2004). To the best of our knowledge no study has directly inves-
affectively positive and selectively enhances positive (but not neg- tigated ERP correlates of buys versus non-buys. However, several
ative) judgments. In the context of non-preference buying, feeling ERP studies which have shown fluency effects guided our thinking.
good might be judged as having previously determined that a price Curran and colleagues have amassed an impressive body of ERP
was acceptable. In this sense, the process is identical to the famil- studies to support dual-process accounts of recognition memory
iarity prediction; familiarity feels good. However, for enhanced (for a review, see Curran et al., 2006). These studies have centered
conceptual fluency, Lee and Labroo (2004 – Study 4) demonstrated on the frontal N400 (FN400) as an index of familiarity. For example,
that it does not necessarily follow that enhanced conceptual fluency Curran (2000) analyzed ERPs to previously presented words, sim-
leads to positive judgments in a product evaluation task even if the ilar words with different pluralities, and new words. Results for a
actual processing fluency aspect itself is experienced positively. In FN400 between 300 and 500 ms varied as a function of familiarity
their study, Lee and Labroo used a negatively valenced conceptual such that FN400 was more negative for new words than for simi-
prime (Lice Shampoo) and demonstrated reduced product evalua- lar and old words. A late positive component or LPC (400–800 ms),
tions of a low familiarity brand of conditioner relative to evaluation was associated with both recollection and recognition, and con-
of a control product (alkaline batteries). In other words, it is pos- versely showed more positive amplitudes for studied words than
sible that enhanced processing fluency can also be associated with for old or similar words. Work by Voss and Paller and their col-
not buying. leagues (e.g., Voss and Federmeier, 2011; Voss and Paller, 2007;
Our study was designed to examine what differences, if any, Voss et al., 2010) calls into question this interpretation of FN400
would be present among individuals that differ in their ability to as a singular index of familiarity. Instead, they contend that FN400
fluently consider prices presented to them. We recorded electroen- might only indicate conceptual processing (Voss and Federmeier,
cephalography (EEG) to study how neural responses, as measured 2011; Voss et al., 2010), and therefore may be functionally indis-
by event-related potentials (ERPs), to the onset of a price differ- tinct from N400 effects (Voss and Federmeier, 2011). In this sense,
entiate buys from non-buys. Our low fluency group, those high in FN400 effects found in prior studies (more positive for familiar
math anxiety (hereafter High MA), was contrasted with a high flu- objects) really indexed reduced conceptual processing. Thus, sub-
ency group, those low in math anxiety (Low MA). Past research jects in these studies possibly used reduced conceptual processing
has shown that High MA results in reduced processing fluency, signals in making familiarity judgments. For N400 itself, there is
though accuracy is often left intact (Ashcraft and Kirk, 2001). precedent for its meaningfulness within ERP studies on arithmetic.
W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213 203

For example, Niedeggen and Rösler (1999) demonstrated increased interest to the present study, Miller and Bischel (2004) found that
N400 amplitude for correct versus incorrect solutions in a multipli- math anxiety impacts females’, but not males’, abilities to complete
cation verification task. On the contrary, correct solutions lead to applied math problems. Perhaps these effects result from males’
a positive component at about 450 ms. Similar to Curran (2000), more selective use of decision inputs, which may render them more
N400 was attenuated when incorrect solutions were related to immune to math anxiety effects.
errors of a small or medium distance from the true answer within In brief, our study complements fMRI work dissociating buys
a multiplication table (e.g., 5 × 8 = 32, the product of 4 × 8). from non-buys (e.g., Knutson et al., 2007), though extends that work
Perceptual priming studies have generally shown that repe- to a different method, examines boundary conditions related to
tition enhances early frontocental positive potentials in a time math anxiety, promotion formats, and gender, all while controlling
window close to the P200 (Schendan and Kutas, 2003; Woollams for numeracy, which is a plausible alternative explanation to math
et al., 2008). Recently, Paynter et al. (2009) demonstrated that a anxiety.
frontal P200 and a frontocentral P300 index a “feeling of knowing”
for arithmetic problems prior to retrieval, which they likened to 2. Methods

perceptual fluency. Whereas familiarity attenuates FN400, the sub- 2.1. Participants
jective feeling of knowing amplifies P200. Conceptually, this raises
an interesting question. Because fluency refers to processing ease, We utilized data from thirty nine introductory business students (17 female;
it follows that less (not more) activation of conceptual knowledge mean age = 21 years, SD = .84) who volunteered for extra credit and were paid $10
plus a chance at up to $20 extra based on relative accurate buys from a set aside
structures implicated in enhanced FN400 and N400 effects should
fund (range = $2–20; mean = $7.59). Due to excessive artifact, we excluded EEG and
be present (Voss and Federmeier, 2011). Kotchoubey (2006) has behavioral data from one Low MA male participant. Prior to recruitment participants
argued that functional differences underlie positive and negative were unknowingly prescreened for math anxiety from sections of undergraduate
ERP components such that negative ERPs may reflect mobilization business courses using the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS; Hopko et al.,
of cortical resources and positive ERPs reflect consumption of these 2003). We recruited for volunteers with high and low scores on AMAS out of a
sample of 709 administered students. For High MA consumers, we recruited only
resources.1 Because fluency should be positively marked, it follows those participants deemed to have clinically significant or pathological math anx-
that disfluency should be less so, which may indicate that enhanced iety scores as recommended by the scale developer, which is at or around ∼32 or
negative ERPs such as N400 are effortful (Holcomb, 1993) and may 1.5 SD or greater than the average sample mean (D. Hopko, personal communica-
be associated with a subjectively more negative experience. Indeed, tion, October 25, 2010; cf. Hopko et al., 2003). Sample characteristics were: High
MA AMAS M = 35.29, SD = 5.60; Low MA AMAS M = 12.33, SD = 3.00. Seven Low MA
research by Garbarino and Edell (1997) indicates that when effort
females, 11 Low MA males, and 10 each High MA females and males were held out for
is required the subjective experience of negative affect occurs. further analysis. All participants were right-handed, English speakers with normal
Unlike previous research on the neural consequences of buy- or corrected to normal vision, and none had neurological or psychiatric disorders.
ing, we controlled for numeracy ability. Theoretically, High MA can Participants gave informed consent before taking part in the study.
be concurrent with and reciprocally interconnected to numeracy
2.2. Stimuli and procedure
deficits (Hembree, 1990). Highly numerate individuals have been
shown as less susceptible to numerical biases and to have better We developed a stimulus list of products and their images familiar to the popula-
calibrated affect expectancies when making numerical judgments tion studied. A total of 50 products were used twice. Critical stimuli included product
(Peters et al., 2006). To test boundary conditions of buying effects prices and a “Buy?” stimulus. To include a range of overpriced and underpriced items,
we developed prices by first identifying price category midpoints from a local, pop-
under demanding cognitive conditions, we further included a con-
ular retailer. Within conditions, we applied 10–34% markups/discounts to half of
dition with percentage price promotions (e.g., 15% off), a widely the midpoint prices each without replacement to arrive at final price stimuli. This
used marketing tactic. range reflects research on price differences that consumers are adept at identifying
Also unlike previous research, we explicitly take into account (Hoch et al., 1994). For the price promotions, we further added promotional stimuli
effects of gender. Anecdotal evidence in the popular press from (7–33%), which we used twice each with random assignment. We excluded 10% as
it is processed with distinct ease. While we displayed final prices under no promo-
self-styled “neuromarketers” indicates that neuromarketing con-
tions (e.g., $12.14), we displayed the equivalent of final prices under promotions for
sultancy firms have obtained data demonstrating that women are the promotion condition (e.g., $13.13, 20% off). Displayed prices ranged from $.90
neurally more sensitive and aware of prices than men (Karlinsky to $198.39.
and Patrick, 2011). If true, these findings echo other findings One week before the experimental session, participants completed a numeracy
observed from research on gender selectivity theory (Darley and scale (Lipkus et al., 2001) and retook AMAS (retest r = .91, p < .001) by web survey.
Retesting of AMAS was done to substantiate the initial scores, which were collected
Smith, 1995; Meyers-Levy, 1988; Meyers-Levy and Maheswaran, within a larger prescreening study given to a college wide subject pool. Conversa-
1991). According to this theory, males are selective processors that tions with participants during debriefing suggested to us that participants either
rely on a limited set of details whereas females are comprehensive did little to connect the online survey to the laboratory portion of the study and/or
processors that consider a broader variety of information cues, both forgot about the survey at the time of the lab session. In addition, participants were
briefly shown the product stimuli and asked to provide absolute reference prices
readily apparent and subtle, when making decisions (Darley and
and assessments of their confidence in these prices via a Likert scale anchored at 1
Smith, 1995). The increased sensitivity of women to prices might – “Not very Confident” to 5 – “Very Confident”. Due to a scheduling issue, this data
present itself as a systematic tendency to encode more prices and was unavailable from one High MA female.
to elaborate on prices with greater frequency (cf. Meyers-Levy and The experimental session was run in blocks of all no promotions or all pro-
Maheswaran, 1991). Gender differences for math anxiety are well motions. Block order was counterbalanced across participants taking into account
group and gender. For both conditions, participants completed four practice trials
established with women tending to exhibit math anxiety more so to acclimate to the task (Fig. 1). Participants were instructed to evaluate the prices
than men (Hembree, 1990; Hopko et al., 2003; Miller and Bischel, presented to them and then to make choices. Because participants would not have
2004). However, these differences seem to have less to do with enough time to ascertain exact answers we asked them to estimate after-discount
ability and more to do with social factors such as gender stereo- prices within the promotion condition. Past research has shown that consumers
do this spontaneously (Morwitz et al., 1998). We instructed participants that they
types (Eccles and Jacobs, 1986). The relationship between math
should only buy if they felt they could not get a better deal elsewhere locally rel-
anxiety and math ability generally is unclear, though math anxi- ative to the screen offer. Each trial began with the name of the product presented
ety concurrently seems to reduce willingness to take math courses, for 1000 ms and then an image of the product for 2000 ms followed by the price of
which affects acquisition of math skills (Ashcraft, 2002). Of specific the offering presented for 4000 ms (hereafter Price). A stimulus featuring the word
Buy with a question mark (hereafter Buy) followed Price and was presented for
4000 ms. For the Price and Buy stimuli presentation, we used fixed timing intervals.
Fig. 1 provides a pictorial overview of the task. Past research indicates a differ-
ential response to collection of reaction time latencies and/or time pressure as a
See p. 56 of Kotchoubey (2006) for a discussion as it relates to N400. function of math anxiety (Faust et al., 1996; Tsui and Mazzocco, 2007). Though
204 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

Fig. 1. Illustration of the experimental task. Shown is a sequence for the promotion condition. Substitute no promotion as shown in figure. Each trial began with the name
of a product followed by its image. Stimuli of interest came thereafter including an offer price (labeled as Price), then a stimulus requesting that the participant decide on
whether to buy or not (labeled Buy), and finally a response stimulus. Answer choices for the response stimulus varied pseudo-randomly whose order was unknown to the
participant. Pseudo-randomly determined stimulus onset asynchronies of 100, 200, or 300 separated stimuli of interest. A cross fixation separated trials. Significant effects
are denoted with asterisks.

precluding the collection of reaction time latencies, our use of fixed time inter- heretofore). Follow-up tests incorporated a Bonferroni adjust-
vals strengthens the conclusions we can draw by ruling out time pressure as an ment. We analyzed reference price confidence via an analysis with
alternative explanation for our results. Following these two critical stimuli, we pre-
Math Anxiety (MA: High vs. Low) and Gender (male vs. female) as
sented a pseudo-randomly varying yes/no response stimulus for 500 ms, which was
used to dissociate the expected motor response from potentially contaminating the between-subjects factors. A significant main effect of gender (F(1,
buying decision. A 1000 ms fixation of a centered cross was used between trials. 1604) = 24.51, p < 001) and a MA group × Gender interaction effect
Participants were asked to blink and move their eyes only when the fixation, prod- was noted (F(1, 1604) = 11.26, p < 001). The main effect of gender
uct name, or product image appeared on the screen. Pseudo-randomly determined resulted because males had greater reference price confidence
stimulus onset asynchronies of 100, 200, or 300 ms separated stimuli of interest.
(M = 3.81, SEM = .03) than females (M = 3.57, SEM = .03). Follow-up
analyses to examine the interaction found that Low MA females
2.3. EEG recording and ERP analysis
(M = 3.48, SEM = .06) demonstrated lower levels of reference price
EEG was recorded from 32 Ag/AgCl electrodes (<5 k) using a linked-mastoid confidence than High MA males (M = 3.73, SEM = .05) and Low MA
reference including two electro-oculogram electrodes and amplified with a band- males (M = 3.89, SEM = .04), but not High MA females (M = 3.48,
pass of .1–100 Hz and sampled at 1000 Hz/channel. Off-line analysis followed SEM = .06, p > .10). Low MA males demonstrated greater reference
removal of eye movement and blink artifacts (>± 75 ␮V). Each averaging epoch
lasted 4.2 s, including a 200 ms baseline before the two critical stimuli, was offline
price confidence than High MA females (p < .001) and High MA
filtered at .1–30 Hz, and baseline-corrected. males at a marginally significant level (p < .10). High MA females
EEG data were averaged separately for trials in which participants chose yes and High MA males did not differ with respect to reference price
to buy or not to buy. We focused our analysis on the Price and Buy stimuli. As a confidence (p > .10). No effects were noted for an analysis of the
rule, we required a minimum of 10 trials per epoch. Post-artifact rejection, actual
accuracy of consumers’ reference prices defined as a percentage
epochs contained an average of 21.71 trials (SD = 6.99) under Price and 21.55 trials
(SD = 6.61) under Buy. Between-group epoch sizes were statistically identical. Bad deviation of their stated prices relative to the actual price.
electrodes were treated as missing data, which only reduced the number of channels We also analyzed buys (yes vs. no) via a 2 (MA: High vs. Low) × 2
for interpolation of topographic maps. Statistically significant effects are reported (Condition: no promotion vs. promotion) × 2 (Gender: male vs.
for Price at P200 (200–300), FN400 (300–500), and a late positive complex (LPC; female) × 2 (median split of reference price confidence: high vs.
400–700). For the Buy decision, we reported results for P200 (200–300) and P300
(300–500). We quantified P200 and FN400 using five anterior electrodes centered
low) linear mixed-model analysis. Significant effects were found
at FCz (Fz, FC3, FCz, FC4, and Cz). P3 was quantified using FCz, C3, Cz, C4, and CPz. for condition (F(1, 3670) = 17.58, p<.001), gender (F(1, 3670) = 5.13,
Finally, LPC was quantified using five posterior electrodes centered at CPz (Cz, CP3, p = .024), and an MA × reference price confidence interaction (F(1,
CP4, CPz, and Pz). 3676) = 6.13, p = .013). The condition effect found that no promo-
tion trials (M = .62, SEM = .01) lead to more buys than promotion
3. Results trials (M = .54, SEM = .01). For the gender effect, males (M = .60,
SEM = .01) were more likely overall to buy than females (M = .56,
3.1. Behavioral results SEM = .01). Finally, follow-up analyses of the interaction effect
showed that High MA consumers were less likely to buy under low
Behavioral data was analyzed via constructing linear mixed confidence (M = .55, SEM = .02) than Low MA consumers (M = .60,
models with numeracy as a covariate (used in all analyses SEM = .01; F(1, 1242) = 4.07, p = .04). For High MA consumers, a
W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213 205

marginally significant trend was observed such that high confi- 370) = 41.93, p < .001, p 2 = .10). Significant buy versus non-
dence (M = .60, SEM = .01) lead to more buys than low confidence buy effects were shown for Low MA females under no promotions
(M = .55, SEM = .02; F(1, 1835) = 3.78, p = .052). as well as for High MA females under no promotions and pro-
motions (see Fig. 2). For Low MA females, non-buys (7.39 ␮V)
3.2. ERP analysis lead to larger P200 amplitudes than buys (5.34 ␮V; t(34) = 2.97,
p = .04, d = .50) under no promotions. In contrast, High MA females
Mean amplitudes and component latencies were analyzed using demonstrated larger P200 amplitudes to buys (7.38 ␮V) relative
repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs). When appro- to non-buys (5.82 ␮V) under no promotions (t(54) = −2.92, p = 04,
priate, the Greenhouse–Geisser correction was applied. Data was d = −.30), but larger amplitudes for non-buys (7.72 ␮V) compared
collected using amplifiers by Neuroscan (Neuroscan, Inc.) and pro- to buys (6.12 ␮V) under promotions (t(54) = 4.11, p < .001, d = .44).
cessed using Neuroscan software. Given advantages of fractional Past research indicates that P200 is susceptible to effects of
approaches to ERP latencies over peak measures (e.g., Woodman, degree of familiarity (Caharel et al., 2002). In other words, in first-
2010), component latencies were calculated using the full dura- half trials it is possible that P200 effects are due to decreased
tion at half maximum amplitude (FDHM), which we implemented familiarity with the perceptual features of the stimuli rather than
on our averaged files imported into EMSE software (Source Signal by a rapid assessment of price evaluation feasibility. Given this
Imaging, Inc.). This value reflects the difference between the half possibility, we conducted additional exploratory analyses of the
maximum amplitude values from the component tails. P200 by constructing epochs for trials within the second half
Our within-subjects factor (Buys) was buys versus non-buys. of price trials only. Results of this analysis again found a sig-
Between-subjects factors were math anxiety group (MA: High vs. nificant Buys × MA × Condition × Gender interaction effect (F(1,
Low), promotion condition (Condition: no promotion vs. promo- 370) = 14.70, p < .001, p 2 = .04). Follow-up analyses confirmed
tion), and gender (Gender: male vs. female). As noted previously, effects for High MA and Low MA females under no promotions
we predicted a priori that High MA females will be most likely (High MA: Mnonbuy = 6.12 ␮V vs. Mbuy = 8.01 ␮V, t(49) = −3.69 ␮V,
to monitor changes in their physiological state and to incorporate p = .005, d = −.39, Low MA: Mnonbuy = 7.13 ␮V vs. Mbuy = 4.47 ␮V;
these changes into their buying decisions. Also noted previously, t(34) = 4.57, p < .001, d = .60). Interestingly, we also observed a sig-
we included numeracy as a covariate in addition to subject-level nificant effect for Low MA males under promotions (t(34) = 4.57,
effects. Thus, we expect significant four-way interaction effects of p < .001, d = .45, Mnonbuy = 6.54 ␮V vs. Mbuy = 4.07 ␮V). Under pro-
Buys × MA × Condition × Gender throughout. Conceptually, this is motions Low MA males behaved similarly to Low MA females under
similar to predicting a MA × Condition × Gender interaction effect no promotions, at least for second-half trials, which we accept only
of a difference wave analysis of buys versus non-buys. However, tentatively. This result for Low MA males suggests that as Low MA
our analyses utilize the original buy and non-buy dependent mea- males become more familiar with the price evaluation task, per-
sures due to known reliability issues with difference scores (for a ceptual processes become increasingly diagnostic for them with
review, see Peter et al., 1993). Thus, we explore the presence of respect to decision making. The absence of such effects during this
Buys × MA × Condition × Gender effects via planned comparisons time window among High MA females for promotions (t(49) = 1.89,
testing of the MA × Condition × Gender combinations across buy- p > .10) likely indicates that P200 effects owe to stimulus decoding
ing levels. processes. In other words, the P200 effect might reflect the initial
Given the complex design of this study, and for clarity of hypoth- shock value of the promoted prices for High MA females, but noth-
esis testing, we omit discussion of effects of the omnibus tests of ing more. We did not observe P200 latency effects for Price either
practical insignificance (Kirk, 1996). Grasso and Simons (2011) con- for the main analysis or the exploratory analysis.
sider partial eta square values of .05 a small effect, .1 a medium
effect, and greater than .2 a large effect. Cohen (1988) described
partial eta square values of .01, .06, and .14 as small, medium, and 3.2.2. FN400 – price
large effect sizes, respectively. However, others have emphasized As expected, a significant Buys × MA × Condition × Gender
caution with interpreting partial-eta square values because the interaction effect emerged (F(1, 370) = 38.65, p < .001, p 2 = .10).
measure is directly impacted by sample size (Murray and Dosser, The interactive effect of Buys × Condition was also meaningfully
1987). Our approach was to report all significant results whereby significant (F(1, 370) = 12.03, p < .001, p 2 = .03). Planned compar-
significant planned comparisons were demonstrated for effects of isons demonstrated significant buy versus non-buy differences
interest. We also report all meaningfully significant effects, which for Low MA males under promotions and for High MA females
we define as those demonstrating partial-eta square values of at under both promotions and no promotions (see Fig. 3). For Low
least .03. In addition, we report Cohen’s d for follow-up tests calcu- MA males, buys (M = 1.33 ␮V) were less positive than non-buys
lated based on means and standard deviations. As others have noted (M = 2.75 ␮V, t(54) = 3.14, p = .02, d = .35) for promotions. Likewise,
(Kirk, 1996), Cohen’s d provides a true effect size measure relative among High MA females, buys (M = 2.01 ␮V) were less positive
to variance accounted for measures such as partial-eta square. Post than non-buys (M = 3.04 ␮V; t(54) = 2.91, p = .04, d = .34) also for
hoc and planned comparisons applied the Bonferroni adjustment promotions. In contrast, for High MA females buys were more posi-
for the number of tests. Reported p-values reflect this adjustment. tive (M = 3.78 ␮V) than non-buys (M = .95 ␮V; t(54) = −7.17, p < .001,
Significant interactions with the buy versus non-buy dependent d = −.68) under no promotions.
factor in the presence of the four-way interaction are explicated by We observed several FN400 latency effects. Effects
reference to the planned comparisons. In order to provide infor- were noted for MA (F(1, 370) = 15.26, p < .001, p 2 = .04),
mation about the magnitude of buy versus non-buy differences, MA × Condition (F(1, 370) = 9.78, p < .002, p 2 = .03),
planned comparisons are reported in the form of paired t-tests with Buys × MA × Gender (F(1, 370) = 9.78, p < .001, p 2 = .03), and
t-values and significant differences derived from the full model (cf. Buys × MA × Condition × Gender (F(1, 370) = 6.06, p = .014,
Howell, 2009). p 2 = .02) factors. Overall, High MA lead to delayed latencies
(M = 402 ms) compared to Low MA (M = 386 ms). Among the High
3.2.1. P200 – price MA, no promotions were delayed (M = 411 ms) relative to pro-
Significant effects were noted for Buys × MA × Condition motions (M = 392 ms, p = .005), which was significantly different
(F(1, 370) = 11.97, p < .001, p 2 = .03) as well as for the than Low MA under no promotions (M = 380 ms, p < .001) and
Buys × MA × Condition × Gender interaction effect (F(1, promotions (M = 389 ms, p = .001). Planned comparisons testing for
206 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

Fig. 2. Event-related potentials (ERPs) at FCz are shown in the top two rows for females and males, respectively, for the Price stimulus. The time window corresponding to
the P200 interval is shown shaded. Buy outcomes are shown in red and non-buy outcomes are shown in blue. Bottom two rows show topographical maps of differences
waves for the shaded interval (Buy minus Non-buy). Columns from left to right indicate the promotion condition then no promotion condition for High MA consumers and
then for Low MA consumers. Significant effects are denoted with asterisks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of the article.)

the four-way interaction revealed significant buying differences among High MA males under no promotions (M = 500 ms, p < .001,
among High MA males under no promotions only (t(49) = −4.72, d = .71) and promotions (M = 506 ms, p < .001, d = .62). Finally, LPC
p < .001, d = −.69). Non-buys elicited faster latencies (M = 394 ms) latency was delayed for Low MA females (531 ms) relative to Low
than buys (M = 431 ms). MA males (494 ms, p < .001, d = .58) under promotions. Thus, the
only significant within group difference for promotion type was
3.2.3. LPC – price observed among Low MA males.
A significant Buys × MA × Condition × Gender interaction effect
was observed (F(1, 370) = 12.97, p < .001, p 2 = .03). Planned com- 3.2.4. P200 – buy
parisons revealed significant differences for Low MA males, Low MA For the Buy stimulus, significant effects were obtained for
females, and High MA females all under no promotions (see Fig. 4). a Buys × MA × Gender interaction (F(1, 370) = 12.64, p < .001,
Low MA males exhibited larger buy amplitudes (M = 2.61 ␮V) than p 2 = .03) as well as a significant Buys × MA × Condition × Gender
non-buy amplitudes (M = 1.32 ␮V; t(54) = −4.08, p < 001, d = −.36). interaction (F(1, 370) = 6.57, p = .01, p 2 = .02). Planned compar-
In contrast, Low MA females demonstrated larger amplitudes to isons relegated this effect to Low MA males under promotions
non-buys (M = 5.82 ␮V) than buys (M = 4.38, t(34) = 3.06, p = 03, (t(54) = −3.40, p = .008, d = −.43). As per the price stimuli, we again
d = .56). Interestingly, and like Low MA males, High MA females re-epoched the P200 in an exploratory analysis designed to test
demonstrated larger buy amplitudes (M = 5.06 ␮V) compared to the veracity of the P200 finding relative to the second half of trials.
non-buy amplitudes (M = 2.67 ␮V; t(54) = −4.59, p < .001, d = −.38). However, we were unable to support this finding as a result of this
No significant latency differences were observed with respect to analysis. We did not observe P200 latency effects for Buy within
buying. However, we observed a MA × Condition × Gender interac- the main analysis or exploratory analysis.
tion effect (F(1, 370) = 14.62, p < .001, p 2 = .04). We explicated this
interaction so as to gain insights into the individual difference fac- 3.2.5. P3 – buy
tors affecting consumers’ price evaluation processes. Among Low As expected, a statistically significant Buys × MA ×
MA males, no promotion decisions (M = 554 ms) peaked later than Condition × Gender interaction was observed (F(1, 370) = 7.76,
promotion decisions (M = 444 ms, p < .001, d = .84). Interestingly, p = .006, p 2 = .02). We also observed meaningfully significant
LPC peaked later among Low MA males under no promotions than effects for Condition (F(1, 370) = 54.20, p < .001, p 2 = .13), Gender
W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213 207

Fig. 3. Event-related potentials (ERPs) at FCz are shown in the top two rows for females and males, respectively, for the Price stimulus. The time window corresponding to
the FN400 interval is shown shaded. Buy outcomes are shown in red and non-buy outcomes are shown in blue. Bottom two rows show topographical maps of differences
waves for the shaded interval (Buy minus Non-buy). Columns from left to right indicate the promotion condition then no promotion condition for High MA consumers and
then for Low MA consumers. Significant effects are denoted with asterisks. Double asterisks denote a significant latency effect. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

(F(1, 370) = 23.42, p < .001, p 2 = .06), a Buys × MA interaction (F(1, to non-buys (M = −1.91 ␮V; t(54) = −3.62, p = .008, d = −.61) under
370) = 41.03, p < .001, p 2 = .10), and a MA × Gender interaction promotions.
(F(1, 370) = 14.92, p < .001, p 2 = .04). Condition effects were driven A gender effect was observed for latency (F(1, 370) = 17.55,
by larger overall no promotion amplitudes (3.19 ␮V) compared to p < .001, p 2 = .05). Follow-up analyses found faster latencies among
promotion amplitudes (.90 ␮V) (see Fig. 5). Gender effects were females (M = 387 ms) than among males (M = 398 ms).
driven by larger overall amplitudes among males (2.84 ␮V) relative
to females (1.25 ␮V). The MA × Gender interaction resulted from 4. Discussion
High MA females who demonstrated significantly smaller P300
amplitudes (M = .42 ␮V) than High MA males (M = 3.23, p < .001, Our emerging understanding of the neural network underly-
d = −.65), Low MA females (M = 2.08 ␮V, p = .003, d = −.38), and ing buying behavior has largely emphasized activations in brain
Low MA males (M = 2.46, p < .001, d = −.45), respectively. We regions using fMRI, which typically does not capture neural
explicated the Buys × MA interaction by reference to the 4-way responses within 1 second. We used electrophysiological mark-
interaction. Among males, significant follow-up tests for buying ers of consumers’ price evaluations and buying processes to show,
effects were confined to no promotion conditions. For Low MA for the first time, differential neural activity between buys and
males, non-buys (M = 3.50 ␮V) elicited larger amplitudes than non-buys within 200–300 ms. Behavioral results indicated that
buys (M = 2.53 ␮V; t(54) = 3.88, p = .002, d = 38). We observed females, particularly Low MA females, felt less confident in their
opposite-pattern effects for High MA males (t(49) = −2.93, p = .04, reference prices than males. Females also bought at lower rates
d = −.44, Mnonbuy = 3.49 ␮V vs. Mbuy = 4.93 ␮V). With females, sig- than males. Despite this, math anxiety status and gender did not
nificant follow-up tests were confined to promotion conditions impact reference price accuracy. In a similar vein, past research
only. Interestingly, we observe the same pattern of amplitude dif- has found that men are often overconfident in the area of financial
ferences within females under promotions as among males under decision-making, and therefore our study extends previous find-
no promotions. That is, Low MA females elicited larger P300 ampli- ings to the area of consumer decision-making (Barber and Odean,
tudes to non-buys (M = 1.59 ␮V) than buys (M = .04 ␮V; t(34) = 2.38, 2001). Notwithstanding, High MA consumers were less likely to
p = .02, d = .48) under promotions. High MA females, on the other buy when their reference price confidence was low as compared
hand, demonstrated larger buy amplitudes (M = .12 ␮V) relative to Low MA consumers, and less likely to buy under low confidence
208 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

Fig. 4. Event-related potentials (ERPs) at CPz are shown in the top two rows for females and males, respectively, for the Price stimulus. The time window corresponding to
the LPC interval is shown shaded. Buy outcomes are shown in red and non-buy outcomes are shown in blue. Bottom two rows show topographical maps of differences waves
for the shaded interval (Buy minus Non-buy). Columns from left to right indicate the promotion condition then no promotion condition for High MA consumers and then for
Low MA consumers. Significant effects are denoted with asterisks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of the article.)

than high confidence. No promotion formats positively impacted for buys under no promotions for High MA females, but larger for
buying likelihood for all groups. non-buys among Low MA females also under no promotions (and
Our ERP results demonstrated differential sensitivity to neu- for Low MA males under promotions in our exploratory analysis).
ral processes during buying for a group that should process price Trying to understand these effects, we look to Paynter et al. (2009)
information relatively less fluently, High MA consumers, compared who found a similar frontocentral P200 to arithmetic problems that
to a more fluent group, Low MA consumers. Fluency effects also became more positive as a function of problem familiarity. Payn-
interacted with promotion condition and gender. We interpret the ter et al. interpreted their P200 findings as indicative of enhanced
effects obtained during Price as possibly related to differences in perceptual fluency, which their subjects presumably used to infer
processing fluency (i.e., perceptual fluency and conceptual fluency) whether they felt like they knew the answer to the arithmetic prob-
and recollection which may vary due to math anxiety, promotion lem. Accordingly, when subjects felt like they knew the answer to
level, and gender factors. Similar to others, we interpret P200 as a the problem, they initiated a retrieval attempt. Perhaps, a similar
marker of perceptual processing, FN400 as a neural signature for process is operating within our High MA female group for no pro-
conceptual processing, and LPC as indicative of recollective pro- motions, which we discuss further below. Opposite effects among
cessing (e.g., Rugg et al., 1998). Component differences emerging Low MA females are intriguing and challenge this interpretation.
during Buy likely characterize the actual buying process itself. Dif- Voss et al. (2010) reported a frontopolar P170 that was more posi-
ferences during Price, on the other hand, reflect the dynamics of tive to novel versus repeated visual stimuli, though they also note
processing the numerical information that feed into the buying the atypicality of this finding (cf. Schendan and Kutas, 2003). Unlike
decision. We address each of these separately below. that study, our experimental paradigm did not employ a percep-
tual priming manipulation. So, while it is still possible that Low
4.1. Price effects MA females utilized perceptual fluency signals in assessing non-
promoted prices, an alternative and more plausible explanation is
Differences in P200 for Price lend credence to the notion that for Low MA females P200 indexes a form of selective attention.
that processing fluency is utilized as a source of information by Carretié et al. (2001) demonstrated larger P200 magnitude when
consumers largely automatically (Schwarz, 2004). P200 was larger additional attentional resources were deployed to negative versus
W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213 209

Fig. 5. Event-related potentials (ERPs) at Cz are shown in the top two rows for females and males, respectively, for the Buy stimulus. The time window corresponding to the
P3 interval is shown shaded. Buy outcomes are shown in red and non-buy outcomes are shown in blue. Bottom two rows show topographical maps of differences waves for
the shaded interval (Buy minus Non-buy). Columns from left to right indicate the promotion condition then no promotion condition for High MA consumers and then for
Low MA consumers. Significant effects are denoted with asterisks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of the article.)

positive stimuli. In the same sense, the perceived negative valence promotions among High MA females for non-buys might operate
of the price stimuli (i.e., “bad” price versus “good” price) could similarly to the typical N400 incongruity effect (Kutas and Hillyard,
account for the P200 difference among Low MA females. Nonap- 1980). The consumer compares the price to her internal reference
pearance of similar P200 effects for other consumers might indicate price, which if rejected is reflected in an N400 mismatch effect.
that buying decisions for them are made further downstream. Reduced amplitude for buys might indicate that a price that is con-
Arithmetic fact-retrieval models (e.g., Siegler, 1988) support ceptually easier to process is more likely to be bought. Thus, it
Paynter et al.’s P200 interpretation, which we likewise attribute to would appear that High MA females utilize both perceptual flu-
our finding among High MA females under no promotions. These ency and conceptual fluency in judging whether to buy under no
models proffer the idea of confidence criteria that must be met promotions. No effects for FN400 noted for other consumers under
before an individual will attempt to retrieve an answer to an arith- no promotions might indicate that a conceptual fluency assessment
metic problem or resort to a backup strategy such as informed is not part of their decision making process or at least that such
guessing, writing out a problem, etcetera. Theoretically, High MA assessments are not supported by conceptual fluency processes.
females could set higher retrieval confidence criteria than their Low The resource allocation interpretation proposed by Paynter et al.
MA female counterparts when evaluating non-promoted prices as (2009) additionally implies opposite decision-making styles under
a compensatory mechanism given felt comfortableness with this no promotions among High MA versus Low MA females. We specu-
format (LeFevre et al., 1993). As noted already, this process may late that, absent promotions, High MA females may seek to confirm
critically depend on a perceptual fluency assessment. This effect is whether a price is acceptable whereas Low MA females may seek
borne out in the behavioral data such that High MA consumers are to reject the acceptability of an offered price. Recent research by
more likely to buy when confident in their reference prices. Further Dutta et al. (2011) supports the notion that consumers sometimes
enhancing the plausibility of this interpretation, High MA females adopt different decision styles when evaluating price information
compared to Low MA females show differential FN400 responses as a function of their regulatory focus. Indeed, states such as anx-
under no promotions (more positive to buys). Given the dual- iety are well known to invoke a systematic processing bias (Clore
process perspective, High MA females possibly attempt to integrate et al., 1994), and adoption of a confirmatory decision-making style
the price offered within the context of the product presented before by High MA females may be part of this bias. If true, this leads to
making a decision to buy, which may be supported by a conceptual the prediction that High MA females should conduct a more robust
fluency assessment. Consequently, increased amplitude under no memory search for accepted prices (i.e., buys) whereas the reverse
210 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

might be found for Low MA females. Indeed, the amplitude data for (e.g., related to multiplying or computation) to arrive at that price
LPC under no promotions finds just that. The LPC is larger for buys might be construed positively and treated as diagnostic to their
relative to non-buys among High MA females under no promotions, buying decision accordingly. This is not to say that the subjective
but larger for non-buys relative to buys for Low MA females. This experience of effort is hedonically marked. Rather, among High MA
indicates that Low MA females might carry out a more robust search females who chronically experience negative affect under numer-
for conflicting price information and compare the outcome of that ical processing, this may signal for them an uncommonly tolerable
search to the offered price, which results in a larger non-buy ampli- level of that state. Curiously, we also observed a latency delay for
tude. The decision-style explanation also provides a reason for the buys compared to non-buys among Low MA males. Thus, FN400
lack of FN400 differences among Low MA females in that reject- amplitude for Low MA and High MA females, as well as latency
ing a price may less critically depend on familiarity processes that delay for High MA males, may all be indicative of these consumers
rely on conceptual fluency. In fact, one should expect the price not using conceptual processing feelings, possibly experienced as
to feel conceptually familiar as the strategy goal is to retrieve the effortful, to infer the quality of the post-promotion price.
more familiar reference price. For clarity, we surmise that High MA
females under no promotions assess whether they can retrieve a 4.2. Buy effects
reference price for an offer price, appraise whether the price feels
conceptually familiar to them for the product, and finally search the When making buying decisions, High MA females exhibited
contents of memory in an effort to match the offer price to a refer- increased P3 amplitudes under promotions whereas Low MA
ence price. For Low MA females, we put forward that they initially females exhibited increased P3 amplitudes for non-buys also under
assess whether they can reject an offer price before conducting a promotions. Under no promotions, this pattern is observed for
memory search to authenticate the rejection, which results in a males such that for High MA males buy amplitudes are larger than
larger LPC to a rejected offer. non-buys, but for Low MA males non-buys are larger than buys.
In our introductory discussion of gender selectivity theory, we Significant differences were not present for females under no pro-
pointed out that females often process comprehensively, relying motions or for males under promotions. From a selectivity theory
on a broader variety of information cues when making decisions, perspective, females might emphasize promotions at this stage due
whereas males gravitate toward more selective processing. These to increased cognitive demands associated with evaluating pro-
effects are largely confirmed under no promotions with the excep- motions whereas males might emphasize no promotions as they
tion of LPC differences among Low MA males. LPC was larger are more selective processors disinclined to reconsider metacogni-
for buys relative to non-buys under no promotions for Low MA tive aspects of evaluating promotions. FN400 effects were observed
males, an effect identical to that observed among High MA females. for males under promotions and ERPs delineate several differences
However, Low MA males may experience numerical processing for females under no promotions. We note the striking similari-
differently than High MA males such that they are more metacog- ties in the scalp distributions of these parallel P3 findings. For High
nitively aware of numerical processing dynamics such as price MA participants, the scalp distributions appear to be frontocentral
retrieval. Under promotions, we again observe similar ERP effects for females under promotions and for males under no promo-
among Low MA males and High MA females with respect to FN400. tions. For Low MA participants, the scalp distributions appear to
This is consistent with the view that High MA females would be be central-parietal for females under promotions and males under
the most biased toward a comprehensive processing style, perhaps no promotions.
owing to an anxiety bias and their gender role. This is also consis- The P3 component may therefore be a P3a-like potential for
tent with the view that Low MA males are more metacognitively High MA consumers (hereafter P3a), which might indicate greater
aware of numerical processing dynamics, which they utilize in their reliance on rapid motivational and emotional factors.2 For the Low
decision making. MA group, the P3 is probably a P3b, indicating a qualitatively dif-
FN400 effects also bear directly on the interplay of conceptual ferent process. We address each of these possibilities in tandem
fluency and buying. As discussed earlier, FN400 has been proposed as follows, though a bit of clarity is first required in relating our
to be generally related to familiarity (Rugg et al., 1998) or specif- High MA findings to the P3a literature. In assessing the extant lit-
ically related to conceptual processing (Voss and Paller, 2006, erature on P3a, Polich (2007) argues that “the P3a, novelty, and
2007). Under promotions, our results are more consistent with the no-go P300 are most likely variants of the same ERP that varies in
idea that FN400 is indicative of conceptual processing, at least for scalp topography as a function of attentional and task demands”
buys. Greater FN400 (less positive) was observed for buys under (p. 2134). Novelty and no-go P3 relate to specific operationaliza-
promotions for both High MA females and Low MA males. For High tions of P3 in two- and three-stimulus experimental paradigms of
MA females and Low MA males, this might signify that to the extent the oddball task to distractor stimuli (for a discussion, see Polich
that these consumers activate a semantic processing subroutine for and Comerchero, 2003). As we did not employ these paradigms,
price promotions this is inferred as beneficial and increases pur- we will instead emphasize the purported function and neural
chasing. Thus, it would appear that FN400 may vary as a function underpinnings of the entire class of P3a subcomponents, which
of shopping task demands. Possibly this reflects an initial attempt largely results when a demanding stimulus commands frontal
at identifying the post-promotion price via computation. Work attention (Polich, 2007; Polich and Comerchero, 2003; Polich and
by Zhou et al. (2006) identifies an anterior negative component Criado, 2006). Citing Desimone et al. (1995), Polich and Criado
within a similar time window (N300) that became larger when (2006) propose that P3a may be subtended by neural changes in
subjects invoked multiplication routines. Our subjects may be anterior cingulate function when new stimuli replace the con-
incorporating elements of multiplication into their decision strate- tents of working memory. Paulus et al. (2003) demonstrated that,
gies when they ultimately buy. If true, this finding echoes recent compared to low trait anxious individuals, high trait anxiety indi-
work on the “instrumentality heuristic” (Labroo and Kim, 2009). viduals are more risk-avoidant with respect to committing errors
In brief, the instrumentality heuristic refers to the notion that, in and subsequently are more likely to activate an anterior cingu-
the absence of a goal, effort decreases subjective evaluations. In late/medial prefrontal network during decision making even when
contrast, when pursuing goals effort leads to enhanced subjective
evaluations. Under promotions, the consumer is presented with
a goal of identifying a post-promotion price, and therefore the 2
We thank Christopher Paynter for making this suggestion and for other helpful
effort enacted via engaging conceptual processing subroutines comments on this paper.
W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213 211

the chance of committing an error is low. Fjell et al. (2007) showed stimulus-related process differences as evidenced by an underlying
that P3a habituates more rapidly for high sensation seekers; the P3a difference while Low MA consumers demonstrate response-
converse may hold true for avoidant-seeking high anxiety types. related differences as evidenced mainly by an underlying P3b
It is well known that P3b is associated with memory updating difference is unclear. One possibility is that High MA consumers
processes (Polich and Criado, 2006). Kok (2001) puts forward that ruminate over their decisions to buy, thereby emphasizing stim-
P3b represents an “event categorization” decision when a stimulus ulus over response-related processes, perhaps owing to an error
is matched relative to an internal representation. Larger P3bs are avoidance tendency. In contrast, Low MA consumers are more
elicited for improbable events whereas smaller P3bs are observed inclined to act and therefore P3 might reflect both the closure of
under difficulty (Donchin, 1981; Kok, 2001). P3 effects (and appar- their decision cycle and response preparation. On the other hand,
ent locus) lend additional credence to the suggestion that High P3 effects within High MA females seem to be at least partially
MA and Low MA consumers differ with respect to their consumer accounted for by an overlapping contingent negative variation
decision styles. Our view that High MA consumers seek to con- (CNV) and specifically for non-buys. It is well known that frontal
firm buys is consistent with the finding that P3a is larger for buys CNV is associated with response-related processes and is larger
versus non-buys. High MA consumers possibly seek to confirm buys for negative or threatening stimuli (Carretié et al., 2004). Perhaps,
because they are risk avoidant with respect to committing errors CNV indexes preparation of the rejection response for High MA
(Paulus et al., 2003). Already mentioned, this is consistent with the females.
behavioral data that High MA consumers are more likely to buy
when reference price confidence is high and is supported by the 4.3. Summary of results
avoidance-tendency literature (Paulus and Stein, 2010). Increased
P3a for buys thusly might index the affective salience of buying In summary, our results indicate that math anxiety, promo-
for High MA consumers. Quite possibly, P3a reflects the allocation tion format, and gender combine to influence consumer purchase
of additional frontal cortical resources (likely anterior cingulate) processes. For High MA females and Low MA males, stronger
when High MA consumers override their tendency to avoid buy- conceptual activation (FN400 effects) under promotions was asso-
ing decisions predicated on quantitative assessments of an item’s ciated with buying; for High MA males, a similar effect is observed
price. such that FN400 latencies are delayed for buys.
The decision to buy by Low MA consumers may well stem from a The reverse effect also occurred for High MA females under no
reject decision style. For this group, the dominant buying proclivity promotions with non-buys presenting larger FN400 than buys. LPC
may be to buy. This is consistent with the notion that buying is nor- amplitude was larger for High MA females and Low MA males
mally a default mode, which does not occur when painful (Knutson under promotions, which we attribute to recollective processing.
et al., 2007). In this sense, the P3 that they exhibit might represent We have argued that these effects might be due to a bias to engage
an updating of the dominant response to buy of which not buy- in comprehensive processing among High MA females and a greater
ing would reflect an update. Alternatively, larger P3bs to non-buys sensitivity among Low MA males to the processing dynamics of
could reflect the demands of the task. Because the task is to buy, quantitative reasoning relative to other males. Unlike High MA
and not to avoid buying, it may be that P3b codes the improbability females, Low MA females demonstrated larger LPC under no pro-
of the offer price. A larger P3b is generated to non-buys when an motions for non-buys. We hypothesized that this may be due to
offer is perceived as probably not a good buy. the adoption of a decision style which seeks to reject offer prices
Moreover, the decision style view confirms work by Polezzi whereas High MA females may assess prices via attempting to con-
et al. (2010) who found that P3 amplitude is most sensitive to firm them. Differences between High MA and Low MA females
risk proneness in situations where one has a preference for taking emerged at least as early as P200. Based on past research, we
a risk, which varies individually. In their study, participants who interpret P200 as indicative of perceptual processing. High MA
showed a risk preference in a low-risk gambling task also showed females demonstrated larger P200 for buys and Low MA females
larger P3 within that task relative to participants that showed a demonstrated larger P200 for non-buys, possibly reflecting the ini-
risk preference in a higher-risk task; the converse was true for tial stages of alternative buying strategies. Under promotions, we
those with a risk preference in the high-risk task under high risk. observed identical P3 patterns such that High MA females exhib-
Unlike that study, the present study shows that P3 can be associated ited larger amplitudes for buys and Low MA females exhibited
with inter-individual variability within the same task as a function larger amplitudes for non-buys. We observed this same pattern
of response type. Also interesting, Polezzi et al. found P3 effects among males but under no promotions. Apparent anteriorization
over both anterior and posterior regions. However, and unlike our of P3 among High MA may indicate greater reliance on emotional
study, these authors emphasized participants P3 responses to both and motivational factors when making buying decisions. There
gains and losses. Reminiscent of others (Yeung and Sanfey, 2004), appeared to be a more posterior P3 for Low MA, which suggests
Polezzi et al. found that P3 s were larger for gains versus losses. that these consumers do more to integrate available information
Furthermore, these differences were amplified for the participants when making decisions to buy or not buy.
with a risk preference within the low-risk task and significant
only frontally (but marginally significant over the posterior). Thus, 5. Concluding remarks
Polezzi et al. (2010) demonstrated P3a sensitivity and larger P3a
amplitude among a lower risk-seeking group when they take risks, Using fMRI, Knutson et al. (2007) investigated the neural con-
though we again note the effect is topographically widespread as sequences of buying (Knutson et al., 2007). In the present study,
in the present study. To the extent our High MA consumers avoid we explored individual differences in neural correlates of buying
making purchases, their buys might be akin to taking risks and our with ERP. Apart from our method being more sensitive in time,
findings are therefore similar to those of Polezzi et al. (2010). our work extended Knutson et al. (2007) by taking into account
In closing this discussion section, it is worth considering math anxiety, promotion format, and gender. Additionally, while
whether the P3 findings we observe are associated with response- Knutson et al. utilized a preference buying task, we instructed par-
related processes. Verleger et al. (2005) contend that P3b may be ticipants in our study to buy when they felt that the offer price was
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initiation; however, P3a may be selectively driven by stimulus- anterior insula and medial frontal cortex play key roles in shaping
related processes. Why High MA consumers would demonstrate buying behavior. Insular connections with frontal cortex, especially
212 W.J. Jones et al. / Biological Psychology 89 (2012) 201–213

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