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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Cultural literacy around the world

Travelling is the best way to learn about other cultures. When you travel you have the chance to
interact and to learn about other people and the way they live. Whether you travel inside or
outside your country, there are always fascinating cultural aspects to learn from local
communities. Write a 300-word composition where you describe a traveling experience where you
met and interacted with a different culture. Describe their culture, the things you learned from
them and how different they are compared to your culture. Aspects to consider when writing the

 Include a photo of your house and your family.

 Include ideas and vocabulary related to cultural literacy learned in the study material. In the
composition, underline the ideas included. Include at least 3 ideas.

 Use adjective clauses (at least 5 examples).

 Use connectors and punctuation

When I was 22 years old, I had the opportunity to travel to England to finish my medical
studies, while I was there, I learned more about Shakespeare and The Beatles, which is
exciting because the Beatles are a very favorite band. England is a country in the British
Isles bordering Scotland and Wales. London is the capital of this country that is located on
the river Thames and has the Parliament, Big Ben and the Tower of London from the 10th
century, going to the river Thames is a true dream. In the house where I lived there were
paintings which gave illusion to the history of England. The dishes of this country are
Their culture was very interesting. Religion in England is varied there are people who
profess Roman Catholicism, Methodism and Baptists. which is different from my country,
which only professes Catholicism and Christianity. When I was a resident of the hospital
where I would do my internship, I not only learned the British accent but also several
others. people were very kind to me. Those who helped me with my residency were highly
respected and professional doctors, which was very helpful to me. Their families also
learned a bit about my Colombian culture, it was very captivating.
The English greet each other with a handshake (not too strong and not too soft) is the
most appropriate way to greet someone in professional contexts. In a group of friends, it
is normal to give each other a hug, or perhaps a kiss on the cheek, or sometimes two
kisses as in Spain. I really enjoyed the years I was in England, it was an enriching
experience, I also really enjoyed learning about so many countries being in one, Before I
only knew about my culture and also about others but I always wanted to learn about this
beautiful country, the people there They made me have more perspectives than I had
before, I enjoyed it too much.

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