FoxDavies Mining Flashnote 28.06.22

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Mining Flashnote

28th June 2022

CleanTech Lithium PLC

Key Data
Listing: AIM
Corporate Update – New Greenfields Lithium Project
Ticker: CTL Event
Shares: 79M CTL have applied for 119 exploration licences, covering a total area of over 600km².
Share Price: 23p Coined the Llamara Project, it is located 600km north of their current DLE projects.
Market Cap: £19.51m
12- month target £1.14ps Implications
Cash Balance: US$7.9m TEM geophysics data from prior oil exploration efforts, have allowed management to
Debt US$0.0m identify a completely new Greenfields lithium project within the well-known lithium
Warrants: 4,000,000
triangle. TEM techniques are often used to map/estimate geological structures in search
Av exercise price: 66p
of either a geothermal source and/or aquifer, within aggregate deposits. In this instance,
Options: 840,000
Av exercise price: 30p see Figure 1, lower resistivities have been interpreted to be brine aquifers, with an
Fully Diluted: 84,819,517 approximate starting depth ~200m, a thickness of >250m, which is open to depth.
Asset Location: Chile
Figure 1: TEM profile along line 45 - covering a distance ~5.5km. Magenta colour interpreted to
Price Chart
be the saline aquifer of interest.



Source: CTL

£0.22 The basin is clearly prospective for potential lithium deposition, with crustal halite values
05/04/22 29/04/22 23/05/22 16/06/22
of 3,100 and 2,630ppm Li and surface clay enriched layers with values between 1,800 and
Company Summary
2,400ppm Li. Given that the Llamara project is located within a closed/terminal basin,
CleanTech Lithium (CTL) has a first mover
advantage, acquiring several immature salar with water only lost by evaporation or percolation; it follows that the source of these
basins in their entirety, within a world-class lithium occurrences clearly resides within. This is not dissimilar to CTL’s Laguna Verde
lithium producing district. The collective project, which, until recently, had its entire resource based on surficial lagoonal grades
tenement packages (Laguna Verde and Francisco that have only been confirmed by recent drilling.
Basin) cover >180km2, with a maiden resource of
1.2Mt Li2CO3.
Investment Summary
Approaching three The new land package is enormous, three times the area of their current projects
decades of experience in combined, the acquisition done extremely cheap at <$100k. It has several immediate
commodities, primarily in benefits; if preliminary drilling is successful, it would allow the company to not only
Australia and the UK, increase its resource portfolio, but allow management to drill the Llamara project during
including underground
and surface mining
winter whilst exploration activities adjourn at the other two DLE projects (located at high
operations, exploration, altitude).
corporate finance, mineral economics and as a
resource analyst; for WMC, Outokumpu, Growth in Li-ion battery demand has risen from 18% in 2010 to 77% of the entire lithium
Mincor, DJ Carmichael, WHI Securities, WH market in 2022F. According to Trading Economics, the spot price for battery grade 99.5%
Ireland, HD Capital, Numis, Metalytics, Aegis Li2CO3 (cif China, Japan & Korea) over the past two weeks have averaged 477,550 Yuan
Equities and Smartkarma.
(>US$71-$72k/t). This is despite general market weakness, and lower than expected EV
Gaius L.L. King
sales due to ongoing global chip shortages, which reinforces our view that this structural
For further information please email shortage in lithium is unlikely to dissipate any time before 2030. Disclaimer
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Research disclosure as of 4th April, 2022

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CleanTech Lithium PLC 1, 2, 3, 7

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Fox-Davies Capital Ltd Fox-Davies Capital (DIFC) Ltd.

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