SEATWORK NO. 1 (RIBAS, Kristopher - JD1C) Aug. 6, 2022)

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Kristopher Carlos T.




This American tv-series created by Peter Nowalk is about a group of ambitious law
students and their brilliant criminal defense professors. They become involved in a twisted murder
plot that promises to change their lives. After becoming her admired student in the class, five
young law students are hired by Annalise Keating (the professor). But working for Annelise
Keating isn’t easy as they thought it would be.

I've watched this series for five months, and it’s a cliffhanger. Every episode gives me a
jaw-dropping moment and mesmerizes me with how they solved every case by hook or by crook.
The group of students all have a vast stretch of personalities; this is why they can either work
exceptionally well with each other or very severely. This series really goes into detail about the
hard work it takes to be a lawyer.

What I like most about this series is that it portrays how they help each other to survive in
law school. It’s a perfect example for those having a hard time in law school and, in the same way,
a reminder for a student like me that we need each other if we want to survive this kind of vocation.
In law school, it is essential to be remarkable and show our best to our professors. Still, it is also
important to remind ourselves not to compete with each other but instead help them to survive
throughout the journey.

On the other hand, what I dislike about this series is the unethical scenes they portray. One
example is when Annalise Keating discloses confidential information about an ongoing case about
her client and uses it as an example in the classroom. As taught in our Legal ethics, one of the
basic rules for lawyers is that our clients are protected by attorney-client confidentiality. Without
the client’s permission, a lawyer cannot share the information about the said case. In doing so, the
lawyer may have hurt the client. The series also portrays how they stole evidence, the inappropriate
behavior of the attorney during hearings, and more blackmailing.

As a first-year student, series like this and movies about lawyering are essential to equip
me with the proper etiquette for becoming the best lawyer. In this way, I am fully aware of the
thing I must avoid and the things I need to change in pursuing this vocation. When the time comes
that when I am admitted to the Bar, I will be fully aware of the thing I need to consider to be an
ethical lawyer. A lawyer shall not knowingly make false stamen of fact or law to a tribunal or fail
to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer. I
will end this with this quote. “Lawyers are the priest of justice in the hallowed temples of the law.”

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