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Information Technology Revision Notes: DO NOT COPY 


The use of computers in our society
Computers are basically used to make our life easier. What do I mean by that? Computers
are used to store large volumes of data (e.g. in companies, school or university library,
school to store students’ records), manage financial records (e.g. banks, insurance
companies, payroll department and accounting departments), track purchases and sales
(e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, stores), access information from the Internet(e.g.
researching for school based assignment and for general knowledge), communicate with
family and friends ( e.g. Facebook chat, Instant Messengers –MSN, Yahoo & Hotmail, Skype),
monitor devices & machines ( e.g. In a Chemical Plant, Manufacturing Plant) and to earn a
living (e.g. to provide online services such as shopping online).
Computers are widely used because of their ability to process large volumes of data in a
relatively short time with 100% accuracy consistently and store that information for future
use. It should be noted that computers have a number of negative effects, some of which
you will be introduced to during the course.

A Computer versus a Computer System

A COMPUTER is an electronic device that accepts data (input), manipulates data

(processing), holds processed data (storage) and display a result or information (output).

A COMPUTER SYSTEM refers to all the hardware and software working together to process
data. It should be noted that the word computer and computer system is used

1. Functions of a computer system

a. Input – This includes any data or instructions that are entered into a
b. Output – This is the results of processing, which is called information.
c. Processing – This is the manipulation of data.
d. Storage – Saving data or results for future use.

Diagrams depicting the Functions of a computer system

Input Process Output
Input Output
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There are two main components of a computer System

 Hardware
 Software

Hardware components

Hardware is the physical (tangible) part of the computer that you can see and touch. There
are many different kinds of hardware that can be installed inside, and connected to the
outside of a computer. Examples of common hardware components that you will find inside
of a computer are: Motherboard, hard drive and Ram. Common hardware components you
might find outside of the computer are: monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Major Hardware components of a computer system

o Central Processing Unit
o Main Memory Diagram Showing Major Hardware
o Secondary Storage Components of a computer system
o Input Devices
o Output Devices

Input Output
Device Device
Main Memory

Secondary storage

2. Functions of the major hardware components of a computer system.

a. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – Central processing Unit is a computer’s brain
and is a place where data are manipulated. In a micro-computer, the entire
CPU is contained on a tiny chip called a microprocessor. The CPU interprets
and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer; it also controls
the transfer of data between memory and the other devices that make up the

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computer system. The CPU is divided into two main components the ALU and
the CU.
i. Control Unit (CU) – The Control Unit directs and coordinates most of
the operations in the computer. It read instructions; it interprets the
instructions and directs the other parts of the computer to perform
the task. It Control (regulate) the flow of programs and data in and
out of the primary memory. The control unit also regulates the flow
of information to and from all the components of the computer e.g.
The input devices, output devices, disk drives and printer. This
component receives, decodes, and manages execution of data that
flows through the CPU. The CU does not do any form of Manipulation
(processing), it sends data to be processed in the ALU.

ii. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - The ALU is the part of the CPU that
performs all the calculations. This includes arithmetic operation,
comparison and logic operations. Arithmetic operation includes
(addition, division and subtraction) and logical operations include
(reasoning and performing the comparison necessary to make

Other important components

iii. Registers – These are high speed storage location. A high speed
storage area in the CPU used to temporarily hold small units of
program instructions and data immediately before, during, and after
execution by the CPU.
iv. System clock – This is a small quartz clock that regulates the timing of
the computer operation. Each time the clock ticks one instruction is
carried out.
v. Buses - These are the physical materials on which data travels. These
lines are meant to carry information to the different parts of the
Two types of computer bus:
1. System Bus – connects the processor to the main memory.
2. Expansion Bus – Allows the processor to communicate with
peripheral devices.

b. Main memory/immediate Access Storage/Primary storage – Is primarily

used to store data and program temporarily during the execution of a
program (instructions).
c. Secondary Storage – Secondary Storage allows a computer to store
information permanently; therefore it retains programs and data for future
use. Hard disks, CD-ROMS and USB flash drives are common secondary
storage media.

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d. Input devices – allows you to enter programs and instructions into a

computer. A mouse, a keyboard and a scanner are all input devices.
e. Output devices – Output devices convey information to a user. It gets
processed information out of a computer, for example to printer, computer
screen or even to speakers.

Terms to Remember:
 Peripheral devices are devices which are connected to a computer, either internally
or externally and are controlled by the CPU. They add additional functionalities to
the system. Input, output and storage devices may be peripheral devices. Please
note that the motherboard and main memory is not considered to be peripheral

 Bistable device/Bi-stable device is a device that can exist in one of two possible
stable states and allows switching between the two states. A light switch can be
considered a Bistable device it can either be on/off. These devices are the
foundation of all digital electronics.

3. Functions and uses of primary storage devices

Primary storage devices are used by the computer for its own use. Some of these
hold data temporarily while the computer is working on it, while other devices store
data that does not change frequently. Primary storage devices are built from millions
of bi-stable devices. There are two types of primary storage devices: RAM which is
Volatile and ROM which is non-volatile. Volatile storage devices lose their content
when the power is turned off, while non-volatile storage devices retain their content
when the power is turned off.

a. RAM (Random Access Memory) – RAM temporarily holds operating

instructions for the computer (instructions currently being used by the
computer). The data held in RAM is immediately accessed. The content in
RAM can be read and changed while the computer is running if necessary.
However, RAM is volatile.
Examples of the Types of RAMs Available
 SRAM – Static random access memory
 DRAM – Dynamic random access memory
 SDRAM – Synchronous dynamic random access memory

b. ROM (Read Only Memory) – ROM stores the basic input/output instructions
(BIOS) needed by the computer during booting. ROM contains permanent
data and is non-volatile. The content of ROM cannot be changed while the
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computer is using it. The contents on ROM are usually programmed by the

Types of ROM
i. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) – PROM is a blank ROM
chip that is programmable, once programmed with data the contents
cannot be changed. This is an OTP (one-time programmable) device.

ii. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) – An EPROM

chip can be erased and reprogrammed repeatedly. EPROM chips are
erased by exposing the chip to Ultraviolet Light (UV). EPROM does not
last very long.
iii. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) –
EEPROM chips are erased and reprogrammed repeatedly. EEPROM
chips are erased electrically.

4. Units of Storage

Storage Units from Smallest to Largest Units

4 bits 1 nibble
8 bits (b) 1 byte
1024 bytes (B) 1 Kilobyte Thousand 210
1024 kilobyte (KB) 1 Megabyte Million 220
1024 Megabyte (MB) 1 Gigabyte Billion 230
1024 Gigabyte (GB) 1 Terabyte (TB) Trillion 240

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 Bit – A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of storage in a computer
and is the smallest unit of data the computer can process. A bit has a single
binary value, either 0 or 1. The word Bit is derived from the words Binary
 Word – A word is a group of bits that is manipulated by the computer in one
operation (instruction cycle). It represents the size of a unit of information
that is stored in one location in memory.
 Word size – The number of bits in a word is known as its word size. There are
currently word sizes of 32 bits and 64 bits.
Word size is the number of bits that the CPU can process simultaneously.

 Byte – A byte is a group of 8 bits and represents one character. A character

can be a letter, symbol, space or digits.

5. Storage

Computer storage refers to the media and devices used by a computer to keep data and
instructions available for immediate or later use. Storage can be grouped into two
categories: Primary and secondary storage.

Secondary storage (Backing storage, Auxiliary storage, storage)

Storage refers to the media and methods use to keep program, data and information
available for later use. Secondary storage save programs and data permanently, it’s also
called auxiliary or backing storage, and is used to store data and instructions when they are
not being process, secondary storage devices are chosen for a particular use base on their
storage capacity (how much data the media can store), access speed (the time needed to
locate the data and transmit it to the CPU), portability (the ability to be easily removed and
use on another system) and cost. Every secondary storage device or media requires its own

NB: media is plural for medium and is the name given to the physical hardware on which
data is stored e.g. hard disk and floppy disk. The storage device record and retrieve data
from the storage media e.g. floppy disk drive and CD drive.

Secondary storage media may be group into two main types:

 Magnetic media
 Optical storage

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Magnetic media
This is the most common and cheapest way to store data. It includes media such as floppy
disk, hard disk, zip disk and magnetic tape. These types of media use some form of
magnetism to represent bits or bytes of information.

Floppy disk
Floppy disk has a storage capacity of 1.44MB. They are relatively cheap, light weight and
portable, it reads and writes data slowly and is restricted on the type of data that can be
stored due to its small storage capacity. It is also called diskette.

Hard disk
This is usually fixed inside the computer system unit; but there are external hard disks in use
today. The hard drive controls the motions of hard disk which contains the data. Hard disks
have a storage capacity of several GB and continue to increase. They are able to store and
retrieve data quickly. There are Portable hard disks in use today; additionally, most persons
interchanged the word hard drive and hard disk.

Terms relating to Hard disk

1. Seek time (ST): This is how long it takes the read/write head to get to the right track.
2. Transmission time (TT): This is the time taken to read the data and transmit it to the
3. Rotational delay (RT): This is how long it takes, for the data to rotate under the
read/write head.
4. Access time (AT): The time to locate and retrieve data from a storage medium.
5. Tracks are concentric rings on the storage medium. Each track is numbered for
6. Sector is a segment (pizza slice shape) of a track on which data is stored. Each sector
is identified by a unique number.
7. The platter is the part of the hard disk that is responsible for holding data.
8. A cylinder is a set of matched tracks on all platter

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Diagram showing the different parts of a Hard disk(hard drive)

Important Point to Consider

Tracks and Sectors

Tracks are concentric circles on the disk, broken up into storage units called "sectors." The
sector, which is typically 512 bytes, is the smallest unit that can be read from or written to.
Two are more adjacent sectors is called a cluster.

There are two types of hard disk: fixed head and moving head hard disk.

Table comparing a fixed head disk to a moving head disk

Moving-head Disk System Fixed-head Disk System
Moving head-disk system has one A fixed-head disk system has many
read/write head for each disk surface, read/write heads on each disk surface as
which is mounted on the access arm the number of tracks, which are mounted
on the access arm.
The head moves horizontally on the disk The head does not move as each track has a
surface to read or write data. separate head.
Is relatively cheap Is expensive due to the number of fixed
read/write head.

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The moving read/write head moves to the track that corresponds to the data while the disk
is spinning. A fixed read/write head, as you may expect, does not move. Instead, there is a
fixed head for each track. This gives the fixed-head disk the advantage of having a faster
access time. This is so since fixed head disk has a faster seek time.

Magnetic tape
Magnetic tape are suitable for backing up large amount of data, they are slow but relatively
cheap and has a large capacity. Magnetic tapes are erasable and reusable. They store data
sequentially; this means data retrieve in the order which it was stored.

Zip disk
These are able to store between 100 megabytes to 200 gigabytes, they are removable and
portable; they are relatively cheap but a computer must have a zip drive to read these disk.

Optical storage
Optical storage can store much more data than most magnetic media. There are three basic
types of optical disk (CD [R and RW], Cd Rom, and DVD [digital versatile disk]). Optical disk
drives uses laser technology to read and write to and from these disks.

CD R (Compact Disk Recordable)

This stands for compact disk recordable. This disk allows you to write data on to the disk
once using a burner. The disk then become like a cd ROM as the content cannot be changed.
Cd Rs are ideal for storing large volume of data that does not need to be changed. The most
widely available capacity is: 700 Megabyte (MB).

CD RW (Compact Disk Rewritable)

This stands for compact disk re-writable this disk can be erased and reuse, and requires a
burner to write data to the disk.

This stands for compact disk read only memory, this means data on the disk can be read but
cannot be changed or deleted; These disk are best for storing multi-media (graphics, sound
and videos) and software (word processor, games encyclopaedia etc).


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This stands for digital versatile disk; these are able to store up to 17 gigabytes of data which
is the equivalent of 20 Cds. However, the most widely used DVD capacity is 4.7 gigabyte
(GB). They are best for storing full length feature films (movies).

Other storage media

The modern computing industry continues to develop new products to assist the computer

 Flash memory
The technology use with flash memory is based on EEPROM technology, flash
memory it is therefore non-volatile; flash memory is used in many electronic such as
cell phones, radio, games, PDA (personal digital assistance) etc.

 USB (Universal Serial bus)

This new type of flash memory storage device does not have a standard name and
maybe referred to as flash drive, thumb drive, key drive, pen drive etc. They require
the use of a USB port in order to access the data; these small drives have large
storage capacity of up to 32 gigabytes and growing.
6. Comparison of Secondary storage media with respect to portability, speed and
Storage Media Use Portable Speed Capacity
Magnetic tape Backup Yes Slow Up to 1 TB
Floppy disk Transfer information Yes Read / write 1.44 Mb
from computer to data slowly.
Hard disk (fixed head) Stores documents, No Access more Several Gb
files, software. quickly than and Tb
floppy disk.
Hard disk(moving Stores documents, No Access more Several Gb
head) files, software. quickly than and Tb
floppy disk.
Stores documents, Yes Not as fast as Several Gb
Hard disk (external) files, software Internal hard and Tb
Optical disks
- Compact Disk Backup files, Slower 700 Mb
distribute software Yes Access time
Used to store video Yes than hard 17 Gb
- Digital Versatile and backup files drives.
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Flash drive Easy and fast Yes up to
information storage Faster than 64 Gb
Flash memory cards Inserted into devices Yes optical disks. up to
such as digital 32 Gb
cameras and laptops,
provide additional
NB: Memory capacity is always increasing, In the near future flash drive will surpass
64 Gb and flash memory cards will surpass 32 Gb etc.

Sequential Access Storage Media Direct Access Storage Media

Cartridge tape Floppy disk
Magnetic Tape Hard disk
Reel-to-reel tape Compact Disk
Digital Versatile Disk
Flash Drive

7. Terms associated with storage devices

a. Storage Media – These are the physical hardware on which a computer keeps
data and information. E.g. hard disk, diskettes and CD.
b. Storage devices – These are the hardware devices that are used to record and
retrieve data and information to and from storage media. E.g. CD drive and
floppy disk drive.
c. Read / Write head – A read/write head is the mechanism that reads items
and writes items in the drive as it barely touches the disk’s recording surface.
d. Formatting – This is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors, so
that the operating system can store and locate data and information on the
e. Buffer – A buffer is the segment of memory or storage in which items are
placed while waiting to be transferred from a faster device to a slower device.
f. Sequential access – Type of data access in which the storage device reads or
writes data consecutively (one after the other). For example, if a device is at
number one and wants to read number SIX, it will have to read all the
numbers between ONE and SIX in order to get to SIX.
g. Direct access – Direct access, also called random access, means that the
storage device can locate a particular data item or file immediately, without
having to move consecutively through items stored in front of the desired
data item or file.
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h. Device interface – A device interface determines how the storage devices are
physically connected to the computer. Three popular device interfaces are:
i. SATA(Serial Advance Technology Attachment) – This is a hard disk
interface that uses serial signals to transfer data, instructions, and
information and has transfer rates of up to 300 Mbps and higher. SATA
is the newest interface.
ii. SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) – SCSI pronounce ‘skuzzy’, is
a peripheral interface that can distribute data among peripherals
attached to the computer.
iii. IDE-IDE/ATA (Integrated Drive Electronics / Advanced Technology
Attachment) is a general purpose interface used to connect internal
storage devices such as CD-ROM drives and floppy drives.

Please see Last Page for Sample Pictures:


8. Uses of various Input devices and media.


Optical mark reader (OMR) Optical mark recognition (OMR) is a
technology that reads hand-drawn marks such
as small circles or rectangles. A person places
these marks on a form, such as a multiple
choice test, survey, or questionnaire answer
sheet. Responses are then directly read into
the computer. This technology uses light to
read relevant marks.
Character readers (OCR) Optical character recognition (OCR) is a
technology that involves reading typewritten,
computer printed, or hand-printed characters
from ordinary documents and translating the
images into a form that the computer can
process. This can then be edited on the
MICR Magnetic ink character reader, this input
device is widely used by banks to read a
special ink contain on cheque. When a
cheque is entered into a MICR it interprets the
characters and sends the corresponding data
directly to the computer for processing.
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Mouse An input device that controls the movement

of the cursor. The cursor moves in responses
to the movement of the mouse on a flat

Joystick An input device that uses a lever to control

movement of the cursor or graphic images. It
is normally used to play games or used with
flight simulators.

Barcode reader A barcode reader, also called a barcode

scanner, is an optical reader that uses laser
beams to read bar codes by using light
patterns that pass through the barcode lines.
A barcode is a series of thick and thin vertical

Scanner A scanner is a light-sensing input device that

reads printed text and graphics and then
translates the results into a form the
computer can process. There are handheld
and flatbed scanners available.

Light-pen A light pen is a light-sensitive device that

resembles a pen; you can move it over the
screen and point at items on the screen to
input data.

Touch terminals It is a special light-sensitive mounted screen

that is sensitive to touch, so you do not need a
keyboard or mouse.

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Pads and tablets  Touch sensitive pads typically contain

buttons and/ or wheels that are
operated with a thumb or finger.
 A touch pad is a flat rectangular
surface which also senses movement
of a finger on its surface. These
devices are usually found on notebook
 A graphics tablet or digitizer is a flat,
rectangular, electronic, plastic board.
Architects, mapmakers, designers,
artists, and home users create
drawings by using a pressure sensitive
pen to draw on the graphics tablet.
Point of sale (POS) In a grocery store, the POS terminal is a
combination of an electronic cash register,
barcode reader, and printer. The system
produces the customer’s bill and reorders
stock automatically.
Keyboard A keyboard is an input device that contains
keys users press to enter data and instructions
into a computer. There are different types of
keyboards in existence.

Digital camera A digital camera is a mobile device that allows

users to take pictures and store the
photographed images digitally, instead of on
traditional film.

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Biometric systems These systems use some part of a person’s

body to uniquely identify them. For example
a biometric system might use a person’s finger
print or retina to identify them and give access
to certain restricted resources.

Sensors They can be used to collect data automatically

into a system. Such as the temperature of a

Examples of sensors and the properties they detect are:

Sensor What it Detects
Temperature Temperature
Light Light / dark
Pressure Pressure (e.g. someone standing on it, weight)
Moisture Dampness / dryness
Water-level How full / empty a container is
Movement Movement nearby
Proximity How close / far something is

Remote control They send data signals each time a button is

pressed using infrared light or radio signals to
operate another device.
Sound capture A microphone is used to record sound; the
sound is then saved as a sound file on the
Webcam A webcam, also called a PC video camera, is a
type of digital video camera that enables a
user to capture video and still images, send e-
mail messages with video attachments, and
live images to instant messages, broadcast live
images over the Internet, and make video
telephone calls.

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Voice response systems A voice response system is a computer system

that responds to voice commands, rather than
input from a keystroke or a mouse. Uses for
this kind of system range from convenience to
necessity to security. A voice response system
would also come in handy for someone who is
physically impaired. With a voice response
system, you wouldn't need to be very close to
your computer in order to access it or give it
commands. As long as you are in earshot of
the PC, it can use its voice response system to
accept voice commands from you in the same
way that it traditionally accepts keystroke and
mouse commands.

: .
Key Terms
Speech Synthesis Speech synthesis is the artificial production of
human speech. A computer system used for this
purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can
be implemented in software or hardware

Pointing devices A pointing device is an input device that allows a

user to control a pointer on the screen. E.g.
mouse, joystick, touchpad, trackball, touch
screen, graphic tablets, and light pen.

key-to-disk system A data-entry system in which information

entered on several keyboards is collected on
different sections of a magnetic disk, and the
data are extracted from the disk when

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Manual and Direct Input Devices

Two general types of input devices are Manual and Direct Input Devices. With
Manual input devices the user must enter are transfer data by hand into the
computer system. While with Direct input devices (automated input devices) data
can be transferred to the computer automatically from a source document.

Manual Input Devices Automated Input Devices

Trackball Sensors
Joystick Barcode reader
Digital camera Magnetic strip reader
Microphone Magnetic ink character reader
Touch screen / touch pad Optical Mark Reader
Video digitiser Optical Character Recognition
Scanner Smart card reader
Graphics tablet Biometric devices
Keyboard / concept keyboard

9. Types and functions of output devices

Output is the processing produce (result) from data; there are two types or form of
output: hardcopy and softcopy.

Hardcopy – This is permanent output since it is printed for you to review away from
the computer. It is the tangible output such as that from the printer or plotter.

Softcopy – This is temporary output. It is the intangible output such as the display on
a monitor, sound from the speaker or signals from a modem.

Human readable – Data that human can understand. If processed data can be read
by humans, it is said to be human readable.

Machine readable – Data that computer can understand. If human beings cannot
understand processed data it is said to be machine readable.

Output Device Type Function

Visual Display Unit Softcopy output Displays text, graphics and
(Monitor or VDU) video information.
Printer Hardcopy output Produces text and graphics on
paper or film.
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Plotter Hardcopy output Produces high-quality

drawings such as blueprints,
maps, and circuit diagrams.

Audio-Output device Softcopy output Produces music, speech, or

(Speaker, headphone, other sounds, such as beeps.
Microfilm Hardcopy output Computer output can be
recorded on microfilm. Data is
printed onto a roll of film.
COM (computer output on
Microfilm). To view the stored
When the output is on rolls it data a special device is
is microfilm. When the output required to read or print it
is on sheets, it is microfiche. (microfilm reader). It is
cheaper to print large amount
of information on Microfilm
than on paper. Can be used
for archive.
NB: Pay close attention to the difference between an output device and there actual output.

NB: Some books consider Microfilm or Microfiche (pronounced Microfish) to be soft copy.
But it is really a Hardcopy output.

Categories of output devices

Output devices may be categorized as display devices, printing devices and audio devices.

Display device
A display device is an output device for presenting information in a visual format. The main
type of display is a monitor.

A monitor is a television like display screen that displays images on the screen. The monitor
is the most common output device and is known as VDU (visual display unit) or VDT (visual
display terminal). A computer monitor is made up of pixels (picture elements). The number
of pixel or dots that makes an image on the screen will determine the monitor resolution
and therefore tell how clear an image is. A monitor refresh rate will determine the
frequency or is the number of times in a second that display hardware draws the data on the
Pixels - These are tiny dots on the screen that emit light. Pixels are also the smallest unit on
the screen, it can be turned on or off or coloured in different shades to form images. The
higher the pixel the higher the resolution will be.

Types of monitors
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 CRT – Cathode ray tube, these are the oldest technology use by monitors, they are
big and heavy.
 LCD – Liquid crystal display, these monitors are thin, flat and light weight. They are a
newer technology than CRT.
 LED – Light emitting diode, these lights acts as a performance base to the monitor
making image quality better.

There are other types of monitors available.

Audio devices

Speaker – A speaker produces sound from the computer. Some speakers are built into the
computer and some are separate; Sound output may be in the form of MIDI (musical
instrument digital interface) file or music from Cds.

Headphone – Headphone present sound output from the computer. They are similar to
speaker, except they are worn on the ears so only the person wearing the headphone can
hear the output.

Printing devices
Plotter- A plotter works by moving mechanical pens across the surface of the paper in order
to produce continuous lines that may vary in thickness or colour, plotters produce very
precise high quality diagrams at a very fast speed and are therefore suitable for engineering
applications. There are two types of Plotters, one where the paper moves (drum), and the
other where the paper is stationary (flatbed plotter). Plotters are way more expensive than
printers. Plotters are mostly used to print large outputs such as architectural diagrams,
maps, car designs and large posters.


The purpose of the printer is to display on paper the information shown on the computer
screen. The quality of what is on paper and how fast the information is put on the paper is
dependent on your choice of printer.

Characteristics of printers

 Printer speed - The speed of a printer is measured in:

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- CPS = Characters Per Second

- LPM = Lines Per Minute

- PPM = Pages Per Minute

 Printer quality - This is determined by the printer's resolution which is measured in

dots per inch (dpi). This determines how smooth a diagonal line the printer will
produce. Thus, to output text or graphics (such as photos) at a high quality, the
resolution would have to be quite high.

There are two types/categories of printers: impact printers and non-impact printers.


With this type of printer, a hammer strikes an inked ribbon on to the paper to form a
character, like a typewriter. Impact printers are noisy and do not usually print acceptable
graphics. They are suitable for printing multiple copies using carbon paper.


 Less expensive
 Can make multiple copies of a document


 Noisy
 The printer quality is poor
 Poor graphics or none at all

Impact printers include Dot Matrix, Daisy Wheel, Line printer and 'Band' or 'Train' printer.

Types of Impact Printers

Dot Matrix

This printer is relatively inexpensive and can print between 100 - 200 cps.
Typically, a character is made up of a dot matrix 5 x 7. The characters are
printed one at a time.

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 Inexpensive
 Can make multi-copy forms.


 Slow
 it has very poor printing quality

Daisy Wheel

This printer operates at slow speeds, less than 75 cps. It is noted

for letter quality and is used extensively for professional word
processing. Characters are fully formed on the 'petals', like
typewriter keys. The petal strikes an inked ribbon to produce a


 Better quality print than dot matrix


 Very slow (will print between 20 to 80 cps)

 Only one font can be used at a time because you must change out the Daisy Wheel to
change fonts
 Cannot print graphics.

Band or 'Train' Pinter

The character set is in a continuous loop of characters. Usually the complete

character set is repeated several times around the loop. The loop rotates in
a horizontal line. There is a set of hammers across the paper. The hammer
for each character position strikes the paper and a carbon on to the right
character on the chain as it goes around.


 It will print up to 3,000 lines per minute.


 Very expensive

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 Very loud.

Line Printers
The line printer is an impact printer in which one line of text is printed at a time. Line
printers have speeds in the range 150 to 2500 lines per minute. Characters are held on a
cylinder which prints a complete line of text during one revolution of the cylinder.


 Very Fast


 Noisy
 Prints only black.


With this type of printer there is no actual striking of the paper. Instead, it uses ink spray or
toner powder, heat and special paper. These printers are more expensive than impact
printers and print faster and silently.


 Quiet
 They can print graphics and often a wider variety of fonts than impact printers.


 They are more expensive

 They cannot produce multiple carbon copies.

Non-Impact printers include ink jet, thermal and laser printers.

Types of non-impact printers

Ink Jet

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The ink jet printer, in comparison to the dot matrix or daisy wheel
printer, has a much faster printing mechanism. Characters are
formed by spraying ink on to the paper. Colour graphics can be
produced by spraying cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink onto the


 It is quiet
 It produces high-quality text and graphics
 It is able to print colour
 It is faster than impact printers.


 Cannot produce multiple copies

 The ink can smear on the paper after printing is done

Thermal Printer

This type of printer uses heat on chemically treated paper to form

characters. A thermal printer is similar in nature to a fax machine that
uses special rolls of paper.


 It is quiet


 It is expensive and requires a special paper to print

 It cannot produce multiple copies of a document.
 Print eventually fades.

Laser Printer

Laser printers are extremely fast and they can produce high-quality
output. They can also print one page at a time. Laser printers work like
a copy machine, using toner(dry powdered ink) and a heat bar.


 Very fast (they can print from 4 to 16 pages per minute)

 The produce high quality printing

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 They are extremely quiet

 They can print colour.


 They are expensive to buy

 They cannot use multiple-copy paper.

Key Terms to Know

Ports – Point at which a peripheral attaches to or communicates with a system unit

so it can send data to or receive information from the computer.

Firewire – Port that can connect multiple types of devices that requires faster data
transmission speeds.

Expansion slot – Socket on a motherboard that can hold an adapter card. An adapter
card is a circuit board that enhances functions of a computer of a system unit and /
or provides connections to peripherals.

10.Describe how data are stored and manipulated within the computer.
Representing numbers as bases
The base determines the number of digits that are available in a number system.
Bases are normally place as a subscript such as 3410, 10102, 728, and 3716
The following are four main types of number systems used in computers:
 The decimal number system or base 10 number system is a number system that
involves ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). This is the number system that is
used by us in our daily lives.
 The binary number system or base 2 number system is a number system that
involves two digits (0 and 1). This is the number system used by computers for
 The octal number system or base 8 number system is a number system that
involves eight digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
 The hexadecimal number system or base 16 number system is the number
system that involves 16 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F).

Types of numbers
- Natural numbers e.g.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0.
- Integer numbers e.g.: -5, -6, 7, 8, 4.

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- Real numbers e.g.: 5, 5.5, 5 ¼, 9.

- Whole numbers e.g.: 1, 4, 7, 8.

 Natural numbers are the set of whole numbers including 0.

 Integer numbers are both positive and negative numbers that has no fractional
 Real numbers contain both whole and fractional numbers.
 Whole numbers are all natural numbers excluding 0.

11. Interpret the hardware specifications of a computer system:

If you are going to purchase a computer there are important criteria that you
should be aware of. It is important to know about the CPU, Main memory, Hard disk, Ports,
Expansion Slot, and Screen resolutions etc. Knowing these things will allow you to know
what the computer system can do.
 The CPU or processor: The two main features of CPUs that you need to be aware
of are its speed and type. The two most popular companies that currently
produce CPUs are Intel and AMD (advance Micro Devices). CPUs are also
manufactured by Centaur Technology, Elbrus and Transmeta Corporation.
o Speed: As the ‘brain’ of the computer, the CPU determines how fast
instructions can be carried out. The CPU contains a clock. Each time the
clock ‘ticks’, one instruction is carried out. So the faster the clock ticks,
the more instructions can be carried out. The processor speeds of most
personal computers (PC) are measure in MHz (mega hertz) or GHz (Giga
Hertz). MHz means that it can execute approximately 1 million
instructions per second and GHz means that it can execute approximately
1 billion instructions per second. (Hertz – is the basic unit of
measurement of computer speed, in cycles per second).

o Type: The CPU type determines the type of application for which a
particular type of processor is used. For instance mainframe computer
CPU would be different from a PC CPU. Three main types of Intel
processors are (Pentium, Core and Celeron) and four main types of AMD
processors are (Athlon, Sempron, Turion and Phenom). Intel processors
are little more expensive than AMD’s due to the small difference in
performance. Based on the performance requirement for a specific task
you have to decide which processor you need to buy.

 Main memory: It is important to know the memory capacity, type, word size
and speed of main memory.
o Capacity: More memory capacity indicates that it can hold more
programs at a time, which will improve the computer performance.
Modern PCs, memory capacity is measured in GB.

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o Type: There are two main types of RAM (SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic
RAM and RDRAM – Rambus Dynamic RAM). RDRAMSs are faster and
more expensive than SDRAM, are used mainly for high performance
computers. SDRAMs (also called PC100 or PC133) are more common and
can be Double Data Rate (DDR) RAM, which offers double data transfer
o Word size: This determines the number of bits that can be stored and
processed at a time by the CPU.
o Speed: RAM speed indicates how fast the chip updates the data that it
contains. In modern PCs, RAM speed is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz).
 Hard disk: The two main specifications to note for a hard disk are its storage
capacity and its speed.
o Capacity: The storage capacity of a hard disk determines the amount of
information that it can store for later use. More hard disk space means
more programs and data can be stored. Current Hard disk capacities are
measured in Gigabytes or Terabytes.
o Speed: Hard disk speeds are normally expressed as data transfer rates or
revolution per minute. The data transfer rate measures the speed by
which data can be transferred from the hard disk to the CPU. The rate at
which data can be transferred partly depends on how fast the disk spins.
This spin speed is measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). For example
7200 rpm.
 PORTS: A computer system needs to send and receive information from
peripheral devices. A port is a piece of technology that is used to connect
external devices to a computer system. There are Different kinds of ports such
o Parallel port
o Serial port
o Firewire – Used to transfer video images from digital devices at a very
high speed.
 Expansion slots: These are sockets found on the main circuit board
(motherboard) that are used to insert additional circuit board. They can be used
for adding more memory, graphics cards and other special devices. Three types
of expansion slots are:
o PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) – used for attaching sound
cards, network cards and video cards.
o AGP (Accelerated Graphics Card) – mainly used for connection Graphics
o ISA (Industry standard Architecture) – used for attaching modems and are
not commonly seen on most modern computers.

 Resolution: The display resolution is the number of distinct pixels in each

dimension that can be displayed. It is usually quoted as width × height, with the
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units in pixels: for example, "1024x768" means the width is 1024 pixels and the
height is 768 pixels. This example would normally be spoken as "ten twenty-four
by seven sixty-eight". Monitor size is measured diagonally.

All of the hardware specifications listed above is very important when purchasing a new
computer. Consequently, the brand of a computer should not be the only thing a person
looks for when buying a computer. One should carefully assess a computer using his/her
knowledge of hardware specifications before spending thousands of dollars to buy a
computer system.

12.Distinguish between systems program and application programs:

Software is a collection of programs, procedures and routines which direct the
operation of a computer. There are two major categories of software. They are
System Software and Application Software.

System software:

System software: are programs that control the computer hardware. It enables the
running of the application software and the management of the system resources.
The operating system, translator and utility programs are the three major categories
of system software.

a. The operating system is the core program of a computer. It controls the

hardware and the running of the application programs. OS must be present
on all computer systems for other programs to run. Windows Vista, Windows
7, Linux, Ubuntu, UNIX, DOS, Mac and IOS are examples of OS.
b. Translator or translation programs are used to convert code into a
programming language that the computer can process (binary language). E.g.
of translators are interpreters, compilers and assemblers.

c. Utility programs maintain and protect the operating system. Examples

include text editors, anti-virus software, back-up software, anti-spam and
compression utility.

 Functions of the Operating System

a. File management – The operating system keeps track of the
thousands of files on a computer. It will let you copy, erase, rename
and back up files.

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b. Memory management – optimizes the use of random access

memory (RAM) and allocates areas of memory to different
c. Provides Security – Operating systems provide security features
that require users to log on to a system using a username and
d. Device management – The operating system is an essential
interface between applications and the hardware components of a
e. Input / Output management – The operating system controls the
flow of data from input devices to the processor, and sends data to
the appropriate output devices when needed.
f. Provide User interface –This controls how you enter data and
instructions and how information is displayed on the screen.
g. Process management – The operating system will launch a program
when you tell it to. It will abort programs that are not working

File management

File management describe the method use for organizing files on storage media.
Windows explorer is a file management utility that maintain a directory of each

A file refers to a document that is created within an application. Each file is
given a name by which it may be identified. A complete file name carries two
parts, the name and the Extension. Example “Student.doc” the extension
indicates the nature of the file (that is the program use to create or that will
open that file). In the example “student” would be the file name, while .doc
would be the extension. Files are grouped together and pasted within folder or
directory. Directory allows files that are in some way related to be placed in one
A new disk does not have any folders but a single base position called the root
drive. The root drive will be:
C:\ or (C:/on some systems) for hard drive
A:\ or (A:/ on some systems) for floppy disk
D:\ or (D:/ on some systems) for CD-ROM, DVD etc

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A path is use to locate a file. It is the sequence taken to get to a specific folder or
file. A path always starts with a drive letter e.g.: C:/cxc/unit1.doc where C:\
represents the drive (hard disk), cxc represents the folder, unit1 represent the
file name and .doc represents the extension.

Tree representation of a path:


C:\ Unit1
Data mining ethics
Intro to programming.doc
Grade 10

Written form of the tree diagram above

C:\Unit2\intro to programming.doc
C:\Unit1\data mining ethics
C:\Grade 10\

Application program
Application program: carries out specific tasks for a user, but they are not essential
for the computer to work. If you want to type a letter, you would need to use a word

Some popular Application programs and examples of each type:

Type (software type) Example Associated

Word-processing Microsoft word .doc
Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel .xls
database management Microsoft Access .mdb
Entertainment Tetris, Guitar Hero

Graphics Adobe illustrator, Paint .tiff, .jpeg, .png

Communication Mozilla Firefox, Windows

live messenger

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The main categories of Application programs are: general purpose software,

special purpose and custom-written.
a. General purpose software – these are programs that can be used for many
different purposes and is not written for any specific business or organisation
but can be used or adapted to suit their specific needs. This type of software
is readily available in computer stores and is sometimes called “off the shelf”.
Examples are Microsoft word and Corel Quattro pro.
o Advantages
o They cost less
o Relatively bug free
o Well tested
o Disadvantages
o Might not contain all features required by a user.

b. Special purpose or specialized software – these are programs that are

designed for a specific task/application. Such as accounting, engineering
design, playing games, etc. It may be readily available ‘off-the-shelf’ or it may
be custom-written for the organization. Peach Tree Accounting, Rosetta
stone and Nero are examples of special purpose software.
o Advantages
o Might contain all required features
o Disadvantages
o Can be quite expensive
o Might require special knowledge to use

c. Custom written or tailor-made or bespoke software – these are programs

that are written to meet the specific needs of a particular company or
individual better.
o Advantages
o The software is custom written for just one company therefore
it will contain all the features needed by that company.
o The program has the potential to run faster
o Users can be trained easily and in house.
o Disadvantages
o Maybe expensive and take time to develop.
o May contain bugs (errors and glitches in a computer program)

 Customization – Customization is the modification of a computer program to

fit the exact needs of a user. Often time it is general purpose software that is
customized to meet the needs of a company or individual.

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 Integrated software – Integrated software is the term for a program that

includes all the major types of application (for example, word processing,
spreadsheet and database) and brings them together into a single software
package. Microsoft Office, AppleWorks, Lotus, Corel and Microsoft
o Advantages
o You get extremely good value for money, with up to six
packages rolled into one.
o You have to learn how to use only one package, since the user
interface is the same with all the packages.
o Data can be easily transferred from one integrated application
to another, using cut, copy and paste.
o It does not take up as much disk space as separate
o It takes up less memory than separate applications.
o Disadvantages
o Not all of the features of a single application are included.
Therefore, the integrated software may not be up to the task
you want it for.
o Some integrated packages do not include all of the applications
that may be required.

13.Distinguish among multitasking, multiprocessing and

Multiprogramming - The ability of a computer to execute two or more programs at
the same time, using one CPU (or processor).

Multiprocessing - The ability of a computer to execute programs on two or more

processors simultaneously. The program is distributed over several processors.

Multitasking – The concurrent execution (at the same time) of two or more related
tasks. A group of cooperating tasks is executed simultaneously to achieve a common
goal. Or when the operating system allows the user to perform several tasks at the
same time, switch between them and share information. For example, in the
windows operating system a document can be edited while another document is
being printed.

Terms to know
- Single user – This is where only one person can use a computer system and have
access to all the computer resources at a time.

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- Multi user – This is where many users can access the computer system
simultaneously, each having different access right and share resources.
- Single tasking – This is where only one program can be used at any one time

14.Processing modes
Data can be processed in four ways: batch processing, online processing, real-time
processing and time sharing.
a. Batch processing is when a number of transactions, or jobs, are processed in
one go. The jobs are processed from start to finish, and generally require very
little or no user intervention. Batch processing is useful for a high volume of
transactions that need not be processed immediately. Once a batch job
starts it continues until it is finish or an error occurs. E.g. Generation of:
Monthly water bill, light bills and students reports. Disadvantage (data can
become out of date).
b. Online processing is slightly faster than batch processing. It requires the
computer to be online – connected to a network or the Internet. If data is
time-sensitive, this is a more suitable way of processing it. As soon as
transaction or job occurs, the data is pro cessed or stored and processed a
short time later. It should be noted that there is sometimes a few seconds
delay. E.g. ATM machines. Computers and peripherals are online when they
are connected to a main processor and turned on. Disadvantage (Data cannot
be process if connection to a network is lost).
c. Real-time processing is where jobs or transactions are processed
immediately. It is used when data is very time-sensitive or when users need
immediate access to data. Real-time systems are also online systems. E.g.
Flight simulation, weather services and airline booking systems. Disadvantage
(If connection to network is lost it won’t be possible to process data,
computer must be online or solely dedicated to the task.). Advantage
(information is up-to-date, fast processing time, fast response time)
d. Time sharing is used when a system has more than one user at a time. It
allocates CPU processing time to each user, one at a time. The allocations
change very quickly, so each user never notices that there are times when the
CPU is not allocated to them. Examples are online banking system, University
online database system.

15.User Interface
This controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed
on the screen; allows the user to communicate or interact with the computer. Users
can interact with a computer through a software interface or a hardware interface:
 Software Interface

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There are three broad types of software user interface (graphical user interface,
Command line and menu driven).
a. graphical user interface (GUI – pronounced goo-ee), you interact with
menus and visual images such as buttons and other graphical objects such
as windows, icons, menus and the pointer (WIMP) to issue commands. It
is friendlier to use, even a novice computer user will be able to interact
with this interface.
b. In a command-line interface (cmd), a user types commands or presses
special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions. It is difficult
to use since the user must have knowledge of the code to be able to use
this interface.
c. Menu-driven interface displays options for tasks and action you can
perform by choosing relevant options.
i. Pull-down menus drop a list of options when they are clicked. You
typically find pull-down menus across the top of the screen, in the
menu bar. Also called drop-down menu.
ii. Pop-up menus are usually activated by a right mouse click and are
displayed wherever the cursor is on the screen.


Pop-up menu: is displayed when a

mouse is right clicked Pull-Down Menu

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 Hardware user interface

Hardware interface are made up of the mouse, keyboard, monitor and various
other input and output devices. These types of interfaces work by physical

a. Braille keyboards allow a user to use their sense of touch to type letters
into a computer. Are available for blind users.
b. Touch screen – on a touch screen there is a visual display where a user
presses icons and buttons using their fingers or a stylus. Touch screen
make the input much faster than a keyboard and mouse.
c. Sensors – These capture data and automatically pass it to a computer.
Sensors are useful in providing interfaces for people who cannot use
standard devices such as keyboards and mouse. A user with very limited
movement can use a device with a sensor which they can press with a
finger or a foot, or by moving their head. This makes it possible for people
with physical disabilities to communicate with a computer.
d. Non-visual interfaces: Many GUIs provide sounds as well as graphics.
Sounds can be used to represent actions or to alert the user.
o Speech synthesis – is the production of human speech with the
help of special software. This can be useful for users with visual
impairment to read back documents that they create, or to read
text scanned or viewed on the Internet.
o Voice recognition – is the use of computers with special software
that will accept the voice from the user and convert it to text.
o Braille keyboard.


What is a problem? A discrepancy between the current situation and the desired one.

Finding the correct solution to a problem can be considered as problem solving. Problem
solving involves identifying, analysing and resolving problems using logic, reasoning skills and
analytical skills. There are five general steps in problem solving:

Steps in problem-solving
 Definition of the problem
 Propose and evaluate solutions
 Determination of the most efficient solution
 Develop and represent algorithm
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 Test and validate the solution

1. Decompose a simple problem into its significant parts

 The components are: input; process; storage; output.
 You can use an IPO chart or defining diagram to break a problem into its
components before writing the algorithm. Example: Find the average of three
num1, num2, Read num1, num2, num3 Average
num3 Sum  num1 + num2 + num3
Average  Sum/3
Print Average
2. Variables and constants
 Variables are an area of storage whose value can change during processing while
the value of a constant never changes.
 Identifiers are names that allow you to reference stored values in memory, there
are two type variables and constants.
o Rules for Identifiers:
 Must begin with a letter from the English alphabet
 Can be followed by alphanumeric characters (alphabetic
characters and numerals) and possibly the underscore (_).
 May not contain certain special characters, many of which have
special meanings in Pascal. ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * () + ` - = {} [] : “ ; ‘ <> ? ,
3. Data types (Datatypes) - This indicates the types of data that is stored in a variable,
example numbers or characters. Listed below are the main data types:
 Integers – Whole numbers
 Floating point (real) – Numbers that include a decimal point.
 Characters – Letters of the alphabet, symbols and anything non-numeric. A series
of character is called a string.
 Literals – these are constants that are written literally has itself rather than as a
value, e.g. ‘The sum is’, ‘largest=’. We can use string to represent this type of
4. Algorithms
 An algorithm is a sequence of instructions which rigorously defines a solution to a
 Characteristics of an algorithm

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o Finite number of steps

o Precise
o Unambiguous
o Flow of control from one process to another
o Terminate
5. Representing algorithms
 Algorithms are represented using Pseudocode or Flowcharts. A Pseudocode is a
language consisting of English-like statements used to define an algorithm while a
flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm.
 Uses of flowchart symbols: The six basic shapes are:

Input/ Processing / Decision Start / Stop Connector

Output Assignment (Terminator)

Data flow /directional


N.B: The Processing symbol can have round edges e.g.

 Pseudocode Keywords
 For Input – Read, Input, Get
 For Output – Print, Output, Display, Write
 Assignment operator - 

 Conditional Branching or Selection Statement

IF condition THEN IF condition THEN

Statements_if_true Statements_if true

 Loops or Repetition Statements

o For Loop
FOR variable  start_value to end_value DO
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FOR variable  end_value downto start_value DO


FOR variable  start to end STEP value DO


FOR variable  end downto start STEP -value DO


o While Loop
READ variable
WHILE condition DO
READ variable

o Repeat Loop
UNTIL condition

Control Structures
Control structures determine the execution sequence of statements or
instructions in an algorithm/program. The three main types are sequence,
conditional branching and loops.

Classification of loops:

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 Bounded Iteration (loop): Bounded iteration is the process of

repeating a set of steps or instructions a fixed number of times.
Commonly used bounded iteration is the for loop.

 Unbounded Iteration (loop): unbounded iteration is the process of

repeating a set of steps or instructions until a particular condition
becomes false. Common unbounded iteration statements are while
loop, and repeat-until loop.

Post Test and Pre Test Loops

The loop in which first condition is checked and then the body of loop is
executed, is called pre-test loop. Pre-test loops are: For loop and while
loop. The loop in which the body of the loop is executed and then the
condition is checked, is called post-test loop. In post test loop the body
is executed at least once. Post-test loops are Repeat Until and Do while

Relational Operators <, >, = Less than, greater than, equal to.
Relational Operators <=, >=, <> Less than equal to, greater than equal
to, not equal to.
Logical Operators AND, OR, NOT And, or, not.
Arithmetic +, -, *, / Addition, subtraction, multiplication,
Operators division.

Sample Truth Table

 If both condition is true the result will be true (AND)
 If either condition is true the result will be true (OR)
 Flip the bits (NOT)
A B C A or B A and B Not C NOT(A and B)
1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 1

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There are different values which can be used to represent the

conditions in a truth table, some of them are: T and F; 1 and
0; True and False. Where T, 1 and True would represent a
True condition. And F, 0 and False would represent a false

6. Test algorithm for correctness

A trace table is used to track each variable as it progresses through the
calculation. The trace table consists of variable names (identifiers) as
column heading and values in the cells one row for each pass.

A quick and easy way to test whether your algorithm works is to use a dry
run test, also called desk checking. This is where you substitute values for
variables and follow the instructions in the algorithm step by step to arrive
at a solution. A trace table is used to hold the values during dry run test

7. Top-down design approach to problem solving:

To tackle complex problems, we apply what is known as a top-down design
approach or stepwise refinement to problem solving. This involves breaking
down a problem into smaller, manageable parts. For example, if you were
carrying out the registration of students at school, you might have to break
down this problem into smaller simpler tasks like:
o Entering student information (Data entry)
o Modification of student information
o Searching student information
Advantages of Top down Design:
- Reusability
- Easy to follow
- Easy to maintain

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1. Low-level and high-level programming languages
 Low-level language (Machine or Assembly Language) is machine dependent. A
machine dependent language runs on only one particular type of computer.
These programs are not easily portable to other types of computers.
 High-level language (Pascal, C) is machine-independent. A machine-independent
language can run on many different types of computers and operating systems.
They used words and symbols that are used by humans.

2. Generations of programming languages

 First generation is also called machine language; this is the only programming
language the computer directly understands.
o Programs written in machine language are faster since they do not need
to be converted. They are also harder for human to understand
o Advantages
 Able to be executed very fast by the computer, as there is no need
for translation.
o Disadvantages
 Difficult to read, write and understand by humans as the programs
involve only 0s and 1s.
 Machine dependent, so unable to be used on another machine.
 Difficult to modify or correct mistakes.

 Second generation is also called assembly language

o Assembly language is written using mnemonics (meaningful
o Assembly language must be converted to machine language before the
computer can execute or run the program. An assembler is the program
used to convert assembly language to machine language.
o Advantages
 Easier to read, write and understand than Machine-level language.
 Easier to modify or correct mistakes than Machine-level language.
o Disadvantages
 Slower in execution than Machine-level language.
 Still machine dependent

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 Third generation is also called 3GLs. 3GLs use a series of English-like words to
write instructions.
o Third generation language are procedural languages i.e. the programmer
writes instructions that tell the computer what to accomplish and how to
do it. Example: Pascal, C, java, BASIC, FORTRAN.
o 3GLs languages must be converted to machine language in order to be
executed by the computer. A compiler or an interpreter (program) is used
to convert high-level language to machine language.
o A compiler translates an entire program before executing it while an
interpreter translates and executes one statement at a time.
o 3GLs languages are machine independent, therefore they are portable.
o Advantages
 Easier to read, write and understand than Machine-level and
Assembly-level languages (ALL)
 Easier to modify or correct mistakes than Machine-level language
and Assembly-level languages (ALL).
 Machine independent.
o Disadvantages
 Slower in execution than Machine-level language and ALL.
 Fourth generation also called 4GLs. Are very similar to third-generation
languages, except they are even easier to use. They use English-like statements
and offer extra help through prompts, instructions and wizards. 4GLs are often
used in business because it is fairly quick and easy to train people who are not
computer experts on how to use them.

 Fifth generation also called 5GLs. These are nonprocedural languages meaning
that the programmer states the goal to be achieved, but not the steps required in
order to achieve the goal. Example: Prolog and Mercury
o 5GLs computers will be able to communicate in natural spoken language
with their users. However, they are very complex to design, programmer
must be highly trained. These languages are used extensively in artificial
intelligence research.

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3. List the sequence of steps associated with implementing a program.

 Create Source code
 Compile
 Linking
 Executing
 Maintain Program

4. Explain commonly used terms and concepts in programming.

 Testing – Testing means verifying correct behaviour of a program that is the
program correctly does what it was program to do.
 Execute – Is running a program to see the result.
 Debugging – Debugging is the process of locating and correcting syntax and
logic errors in a program. A bug is an error in a program.
 Syntax – A set of rules defining the structure of statements in a programming
 Syntax errors – A syntax error occur when the code violates the syntax, or
rules of the programming language.
 Logic errors – Logic error is a flaw in the design that causes inaccurate results.
Or when the program does not produce the required results due to the
incorrect logic of the program.
 Run-time errors – A runtime error occurs when the program is being carried
out. It causes the program to stop running.
 Dry run – A method of testing an algorithm by substituting values for
variables and following the calculations thoroughly. Or the process of
manually going through the program looking for errors.
 Test data – Test data is sample data that mimics real data the program will
process once it is in production. It is used to see if the program produces the
required result.
 Source Code - Program written in high level languages or assembly level
language, which is understandable by humans.
 Object Code - Object code is the machine language version of the source
code that is created by the compiler or the interpreter. Object code is used to
execute a program.
 Linking – Linking is the process of combining together individual object code
files to form a single executable program

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 Program maintenance – Is the process of making any modifications that may

need to be made to a developed program to make it suitable for a particular
 Compiling – Compiling is the process of converting source code into object
code by taking instructions as a whole. Pascal Data Types:
5. Declare elementary data types.
o Integer
 Pascal data types
o String
o Integer – used for whole numbers o Char
o Real – for decimal numbers o Real
o Characters - single typed items. such as:
 Digits (0 to 9).
 Letters of the alphabet.
 Special symbols ($, ?, etc).
o String – A sequence of one or more characters, such as a
single word, a code or a sentence. e.g. ‘abc67xy’ or ‘Mrs Joy
Redway’ or ‘West Indies Cricket Board’.

6. Declare variables and constants.

When you write a Pascal program to solve a problem, you have to declare
the type of data you are going to use in the solution of the problem.
Variable can be declared using the following format:
<identifier> : <data type>; OR <identifier>, <identifier> : <data type>;
It may be necessary to initialise a variable at the start of a program, that is,
give it an initial value. For example, if you have a variable called sum, you
may want to ensure that the value in sum at the start of the program is zero.
 In Pascal programs constants are declared before variables. All
constants and variables in a program must be declared.
o To declare a constant in Pascal:
Variable_name: data_type = value; OR Variable_name = value
Pi : real = 3.142; OR Pi = 3.142

o To declare variables In Pascal:

Variable_name: data_type;

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Number : integer;
firstName : string;

7. Manipulating data
 Pascal keywords
o Reading from (keyboard, files etc) – Read() or Readln()
o Writing to computer screen – write() or writeln()
o Assignment operator :=
Arithmetic Purpose Example
symbols or
+ Addition 2+3=5
- Subtraction 10 – 8 = 2
* Multiplication 2*3=6
/ Real division 5.94 / 3.6 = 1.65
Div Integer division 10 div 3 = 3 (the remainder is
Mod Finding the remainder in a div 10 mod 3 = 1

- The / operator can be used with integers or real numbers but always produces a
result that is a real number. The result must be stored in a variable that has been
declared with the real data type.

- The div operator can only be used with integers and the result is always an integer.
It is usually used with the mod operator, which gives the remainder after a div

8. Control Structures in Pascal:

Conditional branching:
IF condition THEN

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IF condition THEN

 Loop: WHILE
Read controlvariable;
WHILE condition THEN
Read controlvariable;

 Loop: REPEAT
UNTIL condition; All the For Loops learned in
Pseudocode can be implemented in
 Loop: FOR
For variable := 1 to end_value DO

 Multiple selection control structures

o AND – <condition 1> AND <condition 2> is only true if
condition 1 and condition 2 are both true.
o OR - <condition 1> OR <condition 2> is true if either
condition 1 or condition 2 (or both) are true.
e.g. if (age > 5) and (age < 12) then

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9. Manipulating data in a list

An array is a group of data items that are all the same type, such as integers.
Or an array is a variable that can store a number of elements of the same
data type.

An array is made up of elements, each of which acts like a separate variable.

Every element in the array has the same name, but they are distinguished
from each other by a subscript or index, which is a number placed in
brackets. All the elements in an array must be of the same data type. The
simplest form of an array is a one-dimensional array. In a one-dimensional
array you can store a finite number of items with the same data type. The
number of items for which you create the array is called the size of the array
(array size).

a. To declare 1-dimensional arrays:

Array_name: array [1..end_value] of data types;

ExamMark: array [1..5] of integer; [array size is 5, therefore can store five items]

b. Reading from and writing to arrays

I. To assign a value to an array
Arrayname[index] := value;

ExamMark [1] := 8;

II. Assessing the contents of an array

Variable := arrayname[index];

III. Writing to array – Placing values in an array involving a loop:

For count := 1 to 5 do
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Writeln (‘Enter the mark for student’, count);

Readln (ExamMark[count]);

c. Traversing arrays – This method of accessing each element of the

array one by one is called traversing an array.
Program traverse-array;
my_array : array[1..6] of integer;
counter : integer;
Writeln (‘each value in the array’);
For counter := 1 to 6 do
writeln (my_array[counter]);

Let us try to understand the concepts of array using diagrams:

Suppose an array called Fruit has four elements and is represented
like this:

Element Banana Orange Mango Apple

Subscript 1 2 3 4

The array is called Fruit; the bottom row contains the subscript or
index. Notice the subscripts are arrange from 1 to 4. You cannot
construct an array with random numbers for subscripts.
The top row contains each array element. There are four array
elements and each one has been assigned the name of a fruit.
Element 2 of Fruit has the value “orange”.

The Size of the array is 4.

10.Write documented programs – Documentation says what a
program does and how it is used. It is the written guidelines
that help program users to operate the program.

Internal documentation

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a. Internal documentation is also called technical documentation.

Programmers write technical guides that may have indexes and
mnemonics used in coding details of how the program was written.
Technical guides may contain diagrams, flowcharts and algorithms to
help explain the program. In Pascal documentation can be written
using the { } symbols. Anything between both symbols will not be
executed by the computer.

b. Mnemonic names, comments in a program, indentation and white

spaces are examples of internal documentation in a program.
I. Comments are used in a program to explain a piece of code
or name a program. Comments are written for the
programmer, they are ignored by the computer or compiler.
II. Indenting statements reveal the structure and flow of the
III. White spaces help to make programs clear and easy to follow.
These are spaces in a program created by indentation and
writing statements on different lines instead of the same line.
IV. Identifiers are used for different items of data in a program.
Good identifiers clearly indicate the nature of the data.
External documentation
External documentation is often called user documentation or user manuals.
User manuals provide installation instructions, operation instructions and
any other technical specifications that a user needs to run or install a

Technical documentation refers to any type of documentation that

describes handling, functionality and architecture of a technical product.

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1. Use terms associated with data communication and networks

a. Data communication is the process of transferring data from one computer
system to another. Data communication is essential for services such as
electronic bill, e-mail, voice mail, facsimile (fax), telecommuting, video
conferencing, electronic data interchange, Global positioning system (GPS),
bulletin boards, online services and the Internet
b. Network – A network is a collection of computers that are linked together, it
allows computers to communicate and transmit data with each other. There
are three types of networks LAN, MAN and WAN.
Advantages of networks:
o Facilitate communication such as email, chat room,
videoconferencing and groups.
o Share hardware such as scanners and printers.
o Share data and information – In a networked environment, any
authorized computer user can access data and information stored on
other computers on the network.
o Share software – Users connected to a network have access to
software on the network.
o Transfer funds - This is called electronic funds transfer (EFT), it allows
users connected to a network to transfer money from one bank
account to another via transmission media
c. LAN – A local area network is a network that connects computers and devices
in a limited geographical area such as a home, school computer laboratory,
office building.
d. MAN – A metropolitan area network is a high-speed network that connects
local area networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or town. Large
University campuses might use a MAN network.
e. WAN – A wide area network is a network that covers a large geographic area
(such as a city, country, or the world). The Internet is an example of a WAN.

f. Transmission media – Are the cables and signalling methods that carry data
communications from one point to another in a network. It can be cabled
(wired) or wireless.

 Wired (cable) transmission media

Cables physically connect computers to create a cable or wired network. The
following are three cable/wired media:
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o Twisted pair is a cheap cabling used to connect computers and

peripherals. It is made from a pair of insulated copper wires twisted
around each other. It does not allow very fast transmission.
o Coaxial cable is more expensive than twisted pair. It is a copper wire
covered in a very thick layer of insulation. It provides faster
transmission speeds than twisted pair. It is used for cable television
and broadband Internet connections.
o Fibre-optic cable is the most robust and efficient cable. It is best for
large WANS and MANs. Fibre-optic cables can be used over long
distances and can carry data at high speeds. The data is transmitted
as light pulses along clear glass fibres instead of as electrical signals
along copper wire.

 Wireless transmission media

In a wireless network, devices are not physically connected to each other.
Examples are:
o Radio signals – Are the most common form of wireless transmission.
They are used as the main means of communication for cell phones
and also in many small LANS. Satellites enable radio signals to be sent
across the globe quickly. Data is transmitted from an earth station by
radio up to a satellite in stationary orbit then directed back down to a
receiver station.
o Microwave transmission – Uses a signal with a shorter wavelength
than radio. It can be used over distances of up to 50 km, but it cannot
get round or through objects in its way.
o Infrared radiation is short-wave electromagnetic radiation. It can be
used to transmit data fairly quickly over a short range. To use infrared
communication, each device must have an infrared port, the infrared
ports must be in line of sight and they must be fairly close to each
other, usually within 5 metres.

Wireless Networks
o Bluetooth technology allows devices to connect to each other
automatically. Bluetooth-enabled devices can transmit radio signals
within a short range. It can establish a connection with another
Bluetooth enabled device (another device that can accept a responses
in the same range).
o Wi-Fi Is a wireless protocol for data transmission that is used in LANs
and for internet access. Wi-Fi allows data to be transmitted quickly
between connected devices. Wi-Fi enabled devices do not need direct
line of sight to communicate with each other.

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g. Hotspot – A public place where users can access Wi-Fi network and gain
access to the internet or network resources.
h. Modem – A modem (modulator / demodulator): A device that connects a
computer to a telephone or cable television network and allows information
to be transmitted to and received from other computers. This device
converts signals from analogue to digital and vice-versa. The word modem
derives from the word Modulator and Demodulator. Modem is both an Input
and Output device.
i. Bandwidth describes how much data can be transmitted at a time. The
greater the bandwidth, the faster information can be sent and retrieved. Or
Bandwidth measures the capacity of a communication channel. The larger
the bandwidth, the more signals can be sent. The channel with the biggest
capacity is usually referred to as broadband. Three bandwidth are outlined
I. Narrowband – This has a small bandwidth that can transmit only 10 –
30 characters per second. It is used for telegraphy and is not used
anymore. Or a term used to describe a technology that provides
bandwidth that is less than or equal to that provided by ordinary
telephone lines. That is, 64 kilobits per second or less
II. Voice band – This can transmit about 1000 – 8000 characters per
second. It is used on telephone lines. Transmission can be fast for
small amounts of data, but it can be fairly slow for large amounts of
data. This can carry voice well.
III. Broadband – A transmission channel which can transfer large volumes
of data at high speed. This allows up to hundreds of thousands of
characters to be transmitted per second.

j. Communication modes / Data transmission modes

Data transmission is described by direction flow; direction in which data is
able to travel. The data transmission modes are:
I. Simplex - data is transmitted in one direction only. E.g. radio, baby
II. Half Duplex - data is sent and received but not at the same time E.g.
Walkie talkie.
III. Duplex(full duplex) – data is sent and received at the same time E.g.
Cell phone.
k. Broadcast transmission – This is the transmission of data to all connected
stations (computer) simultaneously (same time).
l. Point-to-Point transmission – This is the transmission of data from one
computer directly to another computer or device.
m. Protocols – Are set of rules that regulate the transmission of data.

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n. Line-of-sight communication means that there must be an unblocked direct

line between the workstation and the transceiver. If a person walks within the
line-of-sight while there is a transmission, the information would need to be
sent again. This kind of obstruction can slow down the wireless network.
o. Scattered infrared communication is a broadcast of infrared transmissions
sent out in multiple directions that bounces of walls and ceilings until it
eventually hits the receiver. Networking communications with laser are
virtually the same as line-of-sight infrared networks. Transmitter and receiver
antennas in visual contact with each other.

2. Distinguish among Internet, intranet and extranet

o Internet – The Internet is a public network that connects millions of
computers across the world. It is sometimes referred to as the Net. It is a
WAN and the largest network in the world. It is made up of smaller networks.
o Intranet – This is an internal private network that uses internet technologies.
Or an intranet is a private network that belongs to an organization, and is
designed to be accessible only by the organization’s members, employees, or
others with authorization.
o Extranet – Is a portion of a company’s network that allows customers or
suppliers of a company to access parts of an enterprise’s intranet. This is
usually facilitated by the Internet.

3. Explain concepts associated with the internet

a. Electronic mail (e-mail) – This is the transmission of messages and files via a
computer network. To send and receive e-mails users must have an e-mail
address. E-mails are normally stored on a mail server. E-mails can contain
attachments or files; some files that can be attached to an e-mail are: photos,
sound clips, documents and other files. It should be noted that viruses can
be transmitted through e-mails and Spam mails are regularly received. It is
faster to send an email compare to traditionally mail; it’s cheaper and more
convenient to use. One email can be easily sent to multiple recipients.
However, parcels cannot be sent over email and emails cannot be sent to a
person without an email address.

b. Newsgroups – This is an online area where users have written discussions

about a particular topic. Users are able post questions or share their opinions
on a particular topic. And other users are able to read and respond.
c. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) – This is a way of communication over the Internet
via instant text messages. Users can log into a chat room and interactively
participate in group discussions, messages are instantly viewed by users.

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d. Telnet – This is a way to connect to a remote computer over a network.

Telnet allows a person to control a computer from anywhere around the
world without actually sitting in front of the computer. Persons can use
telnet to connect to a network from remote locations.
e. Protocol – A set of rules and procedures that govern communication and data
transmission among devices on a network.
f. File Transfer protocol (FTP) – This is a set of rules that permits file uploading
and downloading with other computers on the internet. It is used on the
Internet for a number of purposes, including uploading web pages to a Web
g. Upload – This is the process of transferring a file from a personal computer to
a server or mainframe.
h. Download – This is the process of transferring a file from a server on the
internet to a local Computer system.
i. World Wide Web (WWW, web, w3) – This is a worldwide collection of
electronic documents. The World Wide Web is commonly referred to as the
‘Web’. The Web was originally developed to help physicists in Geneva,
Switzerland, exchange data and research materials quickly with other
scientists. Many people believe the internet and the World Wide Web is the
same thing, but this is not so. In fact the web can be thought of as a large
subset of the Internet.
j. Web browser – This is an application software that allows users to access and
view web pages. Examples of popular browsers are: Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
k. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a set of rules that defines how web
pages are transferred on the internet. Or a protocol which is used to request
web pages and web page components, over the Internet or other computer
l. Hypertext Markup Language or Extensible HTML (HTML / XHTML) – This is a
special formatting language that is used to create web pages and multimedia
documents used extensively on the World Wide Web.
m. Website – This is a collection of related WebPages, usually include a home
n. Web Page – A document on the World Wide Web, consisting of an HTML file
and any related files for scripts and graphics and often hyperlinked to other
web pages. Or a Web Page is a file that can be displayed on the World Wide

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o. Blogging – blog is a contraction of web log. It is a personal web page that is

used as journal or log. The person who posted entries is called a blogger.
Some blog entries allows readers to leave comment.
p. Web server (webserver) – A computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages.
Or a computer that stores websites and makes them available on the
q. URL – Each page on the World Wide Web has a unique address called the
Uniform Resource Locator (URL). E.g. is the URL for the contact page
on a website. The URL consist of several parts:
 http – This part tells the browser to download the file using the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Different protocols can be used such as
 www - This part is the server on which the website is being stored. It
doesn’t have to be a www server.
 – this part is the domain name for the website. Domain
names are purchased from a domain name registrar.
 Viper – this is a folder or directory in the root folder.
 contact.htm – this part is the name of the file. In this case, the
filename ends in .htm so it must be a web page.
r. E-commerce – Buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.
s. E-learning – this is a type of computer-base learning. Students are able to
stay at home or someplace else and take classes offered by local schools or
foreign schools.
t. Pod-casting – This is a form of audio broadcasting using the Internet. It can
be downloaded from the web using a web feed. RSS is the most common
type of web feed.
u. Bulletin board – This is a central system on the Internet that allows people to
post messages about a subject.
v. VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a protocol which governs the
transmission of voice over the Internet. VoIP is also known as IP Telephony.
w. Client – The term client machine refers to a user's computer that is connected
to a network and accesses another computer, called a server, to request
various kinds of resources, to save data or to run certain programs or perform
certain functions. Sometimes the term "client" is used interchangeably with
client machine, but client is a less specific term that can also refer to a
computer application rather than an actual computer.
x. Peer – is one single computer used to communicate with other computers
y. Search Engine – This is a software or facility on the internet that allows for
the searching of specific information; Google, Yahoo, and Bing are examples.
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4. Describe measures to secure data and maintain data integrity

Software Restrictions:
a. Passwords – This is a private combination of characters associated with a user
name that allows access to certain computer resources, only persons who
know the password will be able to gain access.
b. Encryption – This is the process of encoding data and information to an
unreadable form.
c. Virus protection – this locates and deletes virus on a computer system. A
virus is a computer program that has been created in order to cause damage
to computer systems.
d. Firewall – A firewall is software or device that defends the weak points in a
computer network to prevent hackers from gaining entry. It also blocks
access to certain websites.

Physical access Restrictions:

e. Biometric systems – This is a system that takes in data about a person’s body
parts or features. And can be used to restrict access to facilities.
f. Guards and locks – A security guard to help prevent theft or damage to
computer equipment. Locking windows and doors and securing the premises
with an alarm system can help prevent theft of computer equipment,
Physical data, such as documents, can be locked away in a safe or a locked
drawer to prevent them being stolen or viewed by unauthorized persons.
g. Fire/water proof cabinets – A fireproof cabinet is a cupboard or storage area
that does not get burned by fire or damaged by heat. A waterproof cabinet
protects its contents from being damaged by water.

Protecting Computer Systems from power cut:

h. A surge protector can prevent power surges from damaging a computer.
i. A voltage regulator in a power supply, controls voltage fluctuations so they
do not damage a computer.
j. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) uses a battery so a computer
continues working if the main power is cut unexpectedly.

Maintaining data integrity:

Data integrity refers to the quality and content of data and ensures that
Information is accurate, up to date and legitimate.

Listed below are ways to maintain data integrity:

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k. Archiving – This is the process of backing up data that is no longer used on a

regular basis.
l. Backup and recovery procedures – Backup data regularly. Store a second
copy of the data files and programs away from the computer using secondary
storage media. This can be used to restore a system if the original files are
damaged or not available.
m. Propriety data and software – Proprietary software is software owned and
controlled exclusively by a company. A company will therefore take measures
to protect its proprietary software, including legal and business measures.

B: APPLICATION AND IMPLICATIONS of Information and Communication


5. Outline ways by which information can be misused

a. Violation of privacy – Data protection laws generally state that personal data
must: Be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully, Be held for specific
purposes, Be relevant and adequate, Be accurate and up-to-date, Not be kept
longer than necessary, Be made available to the individual concerned and
provision made for corrections. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in
violation of privacy. Monitoring persons without their consent is also a
violation of privacy; computer technology have made it easy to track or
monitor persons.
b. Propaganda – Computer technology can be used to spread forms of
propaganda, which are political ideals and beliefs that are publicly announced
or advertised. Propaganda may also be used to attack opposing political
parties’ beliefs and causes. These are designed to encourage you to think in a
particular way and to hold a particular opinion. It may include false
information, or it may give an unbalance version of events.

c. Software piracy – This is the illegal copying and distribution of software.

d. Computer fraud – This is the use of computers to carry out fraudulent
e. Electronic eavesdropping – Electronic eavesdropping is eavesdropping on
data using electronic devices. Eavesdropping is listening to a conversation
that you are not part of without the speakers being aware that you are
listening to them.
f. Industrial espionage – Espionage is spying to gain information that can be
used to further a purpose or that can be used against the party being spied
on. Industrial espionage is when businesses spy on competitors to learn
business secrets.
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g. Surveillance – Computer surveillance involves the use of computer

technology to gather data from the user or their computer without their
h. Storage of inaccurate information – This occurs when incorrect data is
entered into a system, or data is accidentally changed or modified, or people
make what they think are valid changes but the changes corrupt the data
stored. This can contribute to lock of data integrity.
i. Identity theft – is where someone uses another person’s personal details to
carry out transactions and other activities in that person’s name without
his/her knowledge.
j. Credit card fraud – This is the unlawfully use of another person’s credit card.
k. Phishing - is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames,
passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by
masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

6. Describe appropriate hardware and software to meet the particular needs of

a given application:
You are required to research the relevant hardware and software used in the
following areas:
 Business Example: Area - Education
 Industry
 Science and technology  Teachers
 Education o Use word processors to
 Law enforcement prepare exercises and notes
 Recreation o Use presentation software for
 Music demonstration
 Gaming
o Multimedia software,
You should know the difference between
simulation software to aide
open source vs. Proprietary Software.
students learning
o Use Printers to print

7. Describe current and emerging technology trends

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a. Expert systems – This is software that can take in data and return a diagnosis
or predict an outcome by doing a simulation. Expert systems are used to
solve problems. Expert systems are very reliable because they cannot make
biased or unsound judgments, but they have to be kept up to date with the
latest information. Expert systems are available in different fields such as
medical expert systems in the Medical field.
b. Robots – Robots are machines that carry out given tasks. Robots are normally
used for dangerous jobs or jobs that require tasks to be repeated. Robots are
used to assemble cars and in manufacturing industry. Advantages of these
devices are: they do not complain, do not take breaks, do not go on strikes
and requires no salary.
Disadvantages are: robots are expensive to set up initially, there might be a
down time when being repaired and they can replace Humans causing
c. CADD – computer-aided design and drafting (CAD) software that assists
engineers to create technical drawings and blueprints.
d. CAE – Computer-aided engineering(CAE) this is technology used by engineers
to help analyze plans made by CAD and simulate technical designs to see if
they will work properly in real life.
e. CAM – Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology that uses
computers to control robots which carry out manufacturing tasks.
f. Telemarketing – This is advertising and selling products over the telephone.
This can occur over the internet.
g. Teleconferencing – This is conducting meeting over telephone or the internet.
This can include video of each participant in the meeting, this is called
videoconferencing. It reduces the need to travel to other cities or

7. Assess the impact of Information Technology on job skills and careers

o Loss of jobs
o Retraining
o Efficiency
o Telecommuting
o Creation of jobs

Computer use and technological trends

In today’s societies computers are used by almost all organization and individuals. These
organization or individual have different needs in terms of software and hardware.
Consequently, given the diverse technology available, there isn’t any ideal computer system
that will suit the needs of everyone.
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In this section we will look at some of the different software and hardware requirements
different groups or sector would use:

Business and office environments

Office workers use a number of different software and hardware to complete daily task.
And it is mandatory that these workers be computer literate.

Some possible software requirements for business are:

—General-purpose software such as Microsoft Office.
—Web browsers and e-mail programs.
—Accounting software.
—Customized software to suit a particular company needs.
Businesses have the option of using open-source software or proprietary software.
some probable hardware requirements:
— Microcomputer
— Telephone
— Printers and scanners
— Fax machines.
— Modems/Routers to connect to the internet

Manufacturing and industry

Factories and production plants use computers to manufacture goods. Computers can
control robots in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).

Car manufacturers use CAM and robots to assemble cars. The hardware
requirements of a manufacturing organization are the robots as well as a
server and microcomputers. The software will be specialized software or
custom made software to control the robots and instruct it to complete
given task.

Science and technology

Computers are almost always used in science and technology. This industry relies heavily
on expert systems which are used to solve complex problems. Expert systems are also
called knowledge-based systems, because they work by comparing inputted data against a
large database of information. Here are some examples:
—Weather stations use software and hardware to predict weather.
—Laboratories use software and other equipment to analyze blood and tissue samples.

The hardware requirements could be powerful microcomputers or even a server that can
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process data and store a lot of information, as well as sensors that can gather the data.

Schools and other educational institutions use computers in several ways:
— Software can help students understand a subject better. Some software can simulate
science experiments.

— Software is available for disabled persons and hardware such as Braille keyboard
to assist blind persons. Screen readers reader can also be used to read out the text on a
computer screen to visually impaired students.
— Persons can attend school or classes from the comfort of their home
—Students can do research on the Internet and put together projects.
— Database can be used to store information on staff and students

Here are some hardware requirements:

—PCs and possibly a server
—Printers and scanners
—Speakers, microphones, projectors and other peripherals.

Here are some software requirements:

—General-purpose software which can help students completes projects.
—Educational software that allows Teachers to create timetables and other
administrative tools.

Law enforcement
Law enforcement agencies use computer technology to help them investigate
crimes and settle cases faster and more efficiently. The names, photos and details of
criminals are kept on databases.
Here are the software requirements:
—database management systems that can store information on criminals.
—software that can collect forensic evidence and analyze DNA.
—Software for monitoring, such as phone -tapping software or
software that the police use to track vehicles and people.

Here are some possible hardware requirements:

—microcomputers and servers
—scanners and printers
—fax machines.
—Biometric systems

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Recreation and gaming

Computer technology is not only used for work, in fact a lot of computer users use
technology to pursue hobbies or play games.

Here are some recreational pastimes where people use computers:

—displaying and editing digital photos.

—surfing the Internet.
—playing music and putting together their own personalize playlists to play on a MP3 or
MP4 player.
—using the internet to listen radio.
—editing and creating videos they can burn on to DVD.
—playing a variety of realistic-looking games that cover sports, combat, strategy, driving,
flying and many other themes.

You will need the software for your chosen recreation. For example, to edit photos you will
need photo-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop.

The hardware requirements also depend on what you want to do:

—For gaming and anything involving graphics and photos, you need a personal computer
with a high graphics card.
—To print out photos, you need a colour printer.
—To burn CDs and DVDs, you need CD and DVD writers (burner).
—Games may also require joysticks and other peripherals such as a steering wheel.

The music industry uses computer technology for a range of tasks. Computers are used to
create sound tracks or even edit previous music. Studios use computers to modify the
quality of music, and add sound effects. Most music software at large music companies is
custom-written, but there are programs such as FL Studio 11 which music professionals can
purchase in stores. Some hardware requirements are computers and servers to run the
software and the recording and editing equipments.

Engineering and design

Engineers use computer-aided design (CAD) to help them develop technical drawings that
are used as blueprints. These are often three- dimensional and can be controlled in a
number of ways. Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) is similar, except it can also
produce two- dimensional drawings (drafts).
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Computer-aided engineering(CAE) is where engineers use computers to help them analyze

plans made by CAD, These programs can simulate technical designs to ensure they will work
properly in real life, which is an important advantage.
Engineers need personal computers with good monitors to create drawings. They need
graphic tablets, plotters and other printers. They also need CAD and CAE software.

This section considers how people use computer technology to do

their jobs and how computer technology affects them.

Computer skills
Nowadays staffs are expected to have some sort of computer skills, which they will need
to do their jobs. Job advertisements often specify exactly what skills are required.

Office employees must be able to:

—use general-purpose software, such as spreadsheets, to carry out administrative
tasks and compile documents
—Access and use a database
—use a web browser and send/receive e-mail
—use software that handles accounts.
Teachers are expected to:
—use computers to prepare class notes, exercises, tests and slides for presentations
—use interactive whiteboards and other interactive tools
—use computers to assess and mark students' work
—set up computers and software to perform simulated experiments or demonstrations.

Engineers normally complete complex tasks and are required to use computers for
assistance. Engineers need to be able to:
—use engineering software, such as CAD and CAE software
—use plotters
—design computer systems for what they are doing, such as systems to control
machinery design.

Medical staff tends to have very hands-on jobs, because they are dealing with patients
and medicines. But medical staff also:
—access and modify patient records stored in databases
—use equipment to monitor patients' health and to perform surgical procedures

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—use software to track medical inventory, patient admissions and patient discharges
—use databases and the internet to research symptoms and see the latest medical

The movie industry is increasingly using computers to create and edit movies. People in
the movie industry use:
—animation software and graphics editing software
—special effects software.
—Sound effects software

Professional musicians and music producers may:

—record music on to a computer
—edit and modify music and sections of music using software
—create synthesized sounds
—Create or edit sound effects.

Mass media workers are journalists, reporters, photographers and anyone else who
contributes to the widespread availability of information and news. They should be able
—use word processing software
—combine photos, text and graphics using desktop publishing and graphics
manipulation programs
—use the Internet to carry out research and publish items.
—take photos and use a computer to edit and publish items for newspapers
Law enforcement workers range from police officers to trained investigators in forensic
labs. And need the following basic skills:
—access database records, such as the details of known criminals
—scan in biometric data, photos and other information that can be used
to solve and prevent crime
—use basic forensic equipment, such as software that performs DNA analysis

Impact of computers in the workplace

Loss of jobs
Computers now do a lot of work that was once done by people. Robots and machines can do
difficult tasks, dangerous and repetitive tasks without losing concentration, getting tired or
complaining. Computers have made many office workers redundant. Now people send e-
mails instead of using the post. As computers are used more and more in the workplace,
people with few computer skills may be replaced by people with many computer skills.
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Technology in the workplace requires employees to be trained how to use some software
and computer systems. They need to be retrained if the software is updated or replaced
with other software. To keep up with the latest technology, people need to be trained at
work, at school and in tertiary education. Training is often costly and time consuming.
Training materials can be expensive and the business loses productive hours from its
employees. But properly trained employees can do their jobs better and will not struggle
with unfamiliar programs and software.

Computer technology allows persons to work from home instead of travelling to work. These
workers are usually people that need few meetings with clients or colleagues. Many writers,
editors and computer programmers work from home. They need to have a computer and
internet access, and they may be able to connect to the office network remotely. A person
who works from home saves on travel time, travel costs and contribute less to Global
Warming. Working at home is less stressful than working in an office and there is no need to
wear office clothes. But there is very little social interaction and there is the possibility of
being lonely. Additionally, it is very difficult for managers to monitor employees who work
at home.

Improve Productivity
If used correctly, computers in the workplace can improve productivity and contribute
positively to the goals of the company.

8. Describe the roles of various personnel in computer-related professions

a. Programmers – They create, revise, test and debug computer programs.
Programmers write code for a wide range of programs from business
software to games. Programmers are normally competent in a wide variety of
programming languages.
b. Systems programmers – they design and write systems programs. System
programmers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of hardware.
These programmers produce software which provides services to the
computer hardware.
c. Systems analysts and designers – They interview users to gather
requirements, gather the information to create or modify a program, break
the solution into components and communicate the exact requirements to
the programmers. They review manual or computerised system to find
solution. They define and design the computer software and hardware
systems. Work with programmers to develop and test the system. Analysts
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often produce the documentation that accompanies a program and

implement the programs on the user’s computer. They assist in the training of
d. IT managers – Mangers oversee and coordinate the work of programmers
and analysts. They ensure that everyone does the work they should, that
deadlines are met and that a budget is met.
e. Database administrators – They create, design schema and maintain
databases. They control people’s access to the database. They monitor, test,
troubleshoot, and keep the data up to date databases as they grow and
f. Network administrators – They set up new networks, add and remove users,
monitor resource use over a network, and ensure that all users have the
necessary software and hardware. They carry out all necessary maintenance
of the network.
g. File librarians – They store, achieve and retrieve data, as well as controlling
the distribution of data. File librarians normally works in the data library and
keeps track of the tapes and disks that are stored and logged out for use.
h. Computer technicians – They assemble and fix computer problems. Some
can also fix peripheral devices and at times lay cables to printers and phone.
i. Computer engineers – They design computer configurations/hardware and
determine the cabling and power requirements for a network. They also
develop computer chips. They design processes for the manufacturing of
computer parts.
j. Software engineers – They work on the overall design and creation of the
software systems, similar to an analyst. They use mathematical and scientific
processes to develop software.
k. Software testers – They test all aspects of a program using test cases. They
try to find bugs in a program and make sure the program is doing what it is
suppose to do.
l. Webmaster – They put a finished website online and look after it. They make
sure it works properly and update it when necessary. They monitor web
pages and the traffic they receive and respond to external inquires regarding
web operations. The webmaster can also be the web-developer.
m. Web-developer – They create websites for the Internet and other interactive
services on the web. A web developer is also a webmaster.
n. Software trainer – They teach people how to use software. They explain and
demonstrate all aspects of the software that the trainee needs to understand.

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o. Multimedia artists and graphic designers – They combine computer skills

with artistic flair to create computer graphics, adverts, animations and other
forms of multimedia.
p. Electronic data processing auditor - closely examines data processing
operations to guard against loss through mistakes, carelessness, or fraud;
brings problems to the attention of managers or authorities.
q. Data communication specialist - Designs, implements and administers
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and complex Local Area Networks (LAN)
such as Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN) and Wireless Local Area Networks
(WLAN) and provides technical advice to Local Area Network (LAN) support
staff on complex issues involving network design, configuration, security, and
r. Information technology consulting (also called IT consulting, Computer
consultancy, Computing consultancy, technology consulting business and
technology services or IT advisory) is a field that focuses on advising
businesses on how best to use information technology to meet their business
objectives. In addition to providing advice, IT consultancies often estimate,
manage, implement, deploy, and administer IT systems on businesses' behalf,
known as Outsourcing.


1. Distinguish between data and information

Data Information
Data is raw facts and figures that may not Information is the usable result you get
make much sense on their own, such as a after data has been processed, when the
series of digits entered into a computer. digits that were entered have been
processed into a form you can understand.
Data is raw material for data processing. Information is data that has been processed
Data relates to fact, event and transactions. in such a way as to be meaningful to the
person who receives it.

Components of information processing

Information processing refers to computer-based systems that takes in data and generate
information. It is also when a machine or processor interacts with the outside world and acts
on the input it receives.

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Information processing has many benefits that make our lives easier and more efficient:

 It makes a lot of tasks easier and faster. Such as online bill payment or cashless store

 A lot of data is stored during information processing. This data can be accessed quickly
and easily by authorised persons.

 Multiple tasks can be performed with little or no human interaction. Information

processing contributes to automation of tasks.

 With information processing information is easy to pass along and stored. It facilitates
easy access of Information and analysis. This means that trends can be spotted faster
and people can share ideas on how to improve processes.

 Once an information processing system has been set up, it is often easy to maintain.

 Overall security can be increased due to less human intervention with the actual

There are some disadvantages to information processing.

 It can be very expensive to set up initially because of the hardware, software and
technical requirements.
 Depending on the system, it can be expensive to maintain.
 Hardware and software must be replaced and kept up to date, and specialists are often
needed to operate these systems.
 Some jobs may be lost as a result of computerisation.
 Some staff must be trained or retrained.
 Face-to-face interaction between staff may be reduced.

We are very reliant on information processing systems. When they fail or do not work
properly, it can cause disruption and disorder. For instance if an automatic teller machine
(ATM) is not working, people will be unable to withdraw money.

Control systems
A control system is a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands, directs or
regulates the behaviour of other device(s) or system(s). They are widely used in our
everyday lives:

 Household appliances use control systems to sense when they should start operating,
how they should operate and when to stop.
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 Traffic lights are programmed to control the flow of traffic. Many traffic lights also
contain sensors that can tell when there are cars waiting at a red light and change it
to green.
 Alarm systems use heat and motion sensors to determine whether an intruder is in
a room.
 Thermostats sense when the temperature is below a set value and switch the
heating on. They switch off when the temperature reaches another set value.

Key Terms
Control system
Control system use computer to control machinery and robots.

Automation system
Automation system Are a straightforward type of control system in which tasks are carried
out automatically.

Process control system

Process control systems are a type of control system used in manufacturing in which
actions are changed depending on feedback from sensors.

Forms of information processing

Commercial information processing
In business and commerce, information processing is important to keep track of
transactions and records. Shops use point-of-sale (POS) systems and bar code scanners to
read prices on items and keep track of stock. Businesses use databases to store records
about customers, employees and suppliers. Payroll systems are very important to calculate
employees' salaries and print pay slips. You can do banking at ATMs without entering a bank.
Electronic banking is a very useful information processing system. Many banks offer an
internet banking service, which allows you to conduct many transactions from your bank
account over the Internet. You can also do an electronic funds transfer (EFT). EFT transfers
money from one account to another without using cash or cheques. Many people pay for
purchases at shops using their bank cards. This is a form of EFT. The customer's card is
inserted into a POS terminal and funds are transferred from the customer's bank account to
the shop's bank account.

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Industrial information processing

Information processing is a very useful and important tool in manufacturing and production
industries. Computers automate tasks and do them more efficiently and effectively than
humans. They control robots to package products or assemble cars and electronics.
Electronic circuit boards are often assembled using computer systems.

Scientific information processing

Expert systems help scientist process data. Here are some more examples of scientific
information processing:
—Weather forecasting systems collect weather data all over the world and use the data
to predict weather patterns.
—Health-care professionals use automated processing systems to keep track of patient
records, they also use robots to perform heart and eye surgery.
—Laboratories have machines that can read and process data from samples. For example, a
machine can analyse a blood sample and find its blood type.

Sources of Data
To create useful information from data, you must get that data from a suitable source. Data
can be captured using machine-readable or human- readable documents.

source document
A source document is one that contains data that is going to be inputted into a computer
system for processing. Source documents are human-readable, which means that a person
will read and enter information into that document. The best example is a form, which may
be a hard copy or electronic copy. A form contains spaces and blocks that allow a person to
enter relevant details. The data is then entered into a computer. Forms are used for surveys,
censuses, opinion polls, applications and market research, among other things
Turnaround document
A turnaround document is a machine-readable document that has some
information printed on it by a computer but has more information added to it by a
human. It is then fed back into a computer to transfer this newly added
information. These documents serve two main purposes. They
 To verify the accuracy and completeness of information that has already
been entered.
 Update information already entered with additional data.
Examples are utility bills, such as water bills, with the perforated section that is completed
by the customer and then used as input.

Data Capture methods

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Data has to be captured before it can be processed. Data from source and turnaround
documents must be entered into a computer. This can be done using direct methods
or indirect methods. Direct methods of data capture are when a computer uses sensors or
peripherals to capture the data directly from the document. Turnaround documents are
designed for direct data capture. Sample direct data capture:
 optical mark recognition
 magnetic ink character recognition
Indirect methods of data capture are when data has to be taken from a source
document and physically entered into a computer. A person called a data capturer, or
data entry clerk, types everything on the document into a computer. It does not
require direct input technology but it is error-prone and quite time-consuming.

Information retrieval and management

Information Retrieval
When data stored on a computer system is searched and the relevant information is found.

Information management
This ensures that all data is input accurately, stored correctly, retrieved easily and output in
a way that provides useful information.

Validation and verification

You cannot assume that all data entered and used by computers is accurate. Humans can
make mistakes and it can be very easy to enter incorrect or inaccurate data when you are
tired, in a hurry or simply by accident. This may cause a program to malfunction or cause
incorrect information to be stored about someone or something. Imagine you applied for a
passport and the data entry clerk entered your birth year as 1903 instead of 1993. Your
passport would say that you are over a hundred years old.
Software and hardware can cause data errors. If software is faulty, it may corrupt or delete
data. If hardware is not working properly, it may cause a computer to malfunction. If you are
in the middle of working on something, the data may be lost. If there is a problem with the
hard disk, saved data may be irretrievable.
Computers, electrical faults and faulty cabling can cause transmission errors, which is when
the data received by a computer or system is not the same as what was sent by another
Human errors during data input can be accidental or deliberate:

—Accidental errors are errors that are not made on purpose. The incorrect birth year on the
passport was an accidental error.

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—Typographical (transcription) errors are the typing errors that persons make when
they hit the wrong key. E.g. qather (father)

—Transpositional errors happen when we enter numbers or characters in the wrong

order. E.g. wnet instead of went.

—Transmission errors occur when data is sent from one computer to another. The
data received by one system is not the same as that transmitted by the sender.

—Deliberate errors are errors made on purpose, usually for gain or to cause disorder. To
get a bigger loan, someone may enter false information about their salary on a loan

There are two ways to prevent data errors caused by humans: data verification and
data validation.
Data verification
Data verification takes place when a person checks to make sure that data has been
correctly keyed into a computer system. This type of check does not guarantee the
inputted data will be correct, since the source document might have inaccurate data.

Data validation
Data validation checks are carried out by a computer system when data is entered. It
checks the input data for errors before it is processed.

Data verification
Data verification ensures that data entered into a computer contains no errors at all. It is a
very thorough way of making sure the data entered is correct. Two methods of data
verification are double-entry and proofreading.

Double-entry is where the same data is entered twice, sometimes by different people. If the
data differs between the two entries, it does not get processed. It can be expensive and
time-consuming to use this method, but it does ensure very accurate data capture.
A simpler example of double-entry is when a program asks you to retype a password,
perhaps when you set up an e-mail account. When you type, the screen shows only asterisks
(*) so that no one can see your password. But this means you cannot see whether you have
mistyped any characters. Without double entry, if you mistype a character when you set up
your password, the password in your head will not match what you told the program and
will be rejected when you type it correctly. Double entry asks you to type the password
twice and accepts the password only if the two versions match. It is possible to make the
same typing mistake each time. Then the password for the program will still be different
from the password in your head.
Proofreading checks the data entered against the data on the original source document, the
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person entering the data reads the source document and check, that it matches what he or
she has entered into the computer. Sometimes a second person will check the entered data.
This is very time-consuming.

If you have to enter large amounts of data from documents into a computer, it may be wise
to proofread the data you have entered. It is easy to make mistakes when you have been
working on the same task for a long time.

Data validation
Data validation uses a variety of checks to make sure that data is as accurate and
complete as possible. It does not check the complete accuracy of data, but it does help
ensure that fewer mistakes are made. If data does not pass the checks, the program may
return an error or the field will not be filled in. The checks compare the user-entered data
against a rule. The check depends on the type or nature of data that is entered. Here are
some Data Validation checks: Range checks, Reasonableness checks, Data type checks,
Consistency checks, Presence checks, Length checks, Check digits, Parity checks.

Range checks
A range check ensures that numerical data entered fall within a specific range. If you are
entering times of the day, you may need to check that the values for hours cannot go higher
than 24. If someone enters 25 hours by mistake, that value will not compute.

Reasonableness checks
Reasonableness checks ensure that data is reasonable— not completely unrealistic. If you are
entering salary information into a payroll system, a reasonableness check will ensure that you
do not enter extra zeros by mistake.

Data type checks

Data type checks also called character checks ensure that the right type of data has been
entered. They ensure that only numbers have been entered or that only symbols and letters
have been entered. For example, a field that captures the age of person may have a character
check that rejects the input of letters or symbols.

Consistency checks
A consistency check compares the contents of two or more fields to make sure that they

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make sense. For instance, if you enter a person's year of birth and their age in separate
fields, a consistency check will ensure that the two fields correspond with each other.
Consistency checks can be used to make sure that false or dishonest data has not been

Presence checks
Documents and forms have required fields and optional fields. A required field is one that
has to contain a value whereas an optional field can be left blank. A presence check is used
to ensure that the required fields contain data.

Length checks
A length check determines whether the entered data is the correct length — the right
number of digits. Area codes and phone numbers usually have a fixed length. If a number
is entered that is longer or shorter than this length, the program will return an error.

Check digits
A check digit is an extra digit added to the end of a code, this extra digit is calculated from
the other digits using an algorithm. Barcodes and other number sequences include a
check digit.

Parity checks
Data transmission sometimes corrupts 1s and Os by changing a 1 into a 0 or a 0 into a 1. One
change can be detected by adding a parity bit. In an odd-parity system the parity bit is set so
the total number of 1s in a bit pattern is an odd number. In an even-parity system the parity bit
is set so the total number of 1s in a bit pattern is an even number.
Suppose you want to send 10011 using odd parity, there are three 1s, there is an odd
number, so the parity bit is 0. You send 100110, which consists of data 10011 and parity bit
0. Now suppose that one data bit is corrupted during transmission so the receiver gets
100010, which consists of data 10001 and parity bit 0. The received data contains two 1s, so
the parity database bit should be 1. The parity check would detect that a data bit was
corrupted during transmission.

File organisation and access

Files need to be organised so they are easily accessible and easy to update when
necessary. People and organisations capture and store a lot of data. A database is an
organized collection of data. Viper Manufacturing is a large company that uses a
database to keep data about all aspects of the business. The database has several
—A file is an entire set of data. For example, Viper Manufacturing has a file in its database
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that contains information about all its suppliers. A file can be a collection of as many
records as needed.
—A record is a collection of fields found in a file. Each record in Viper Manufacturing's
file refers to a supplier.

—A field is a piece of data contained in a record. Each record in Viper Manufacturing's

database contains fields with information about the supplier's name, address, type of
product they supply, payment details, and so on.

File organization and access methods

Sequential and serial

Sequential file ordering is where records are stored in a logical order. Records can be
arranged according to name, date, size or any other field. In an office environment, many
records are kept in sequential order, such as employee details, payroll information and
customer records. It makes sense to sort them in sequential order, such as alphabetical
order, so they are easier to understand if you have to view a large number of records at
Serial file ordering is similar to sequential file ordering, except the records are not stored
in any order. They are simply stored one after the other as they are added, similar to new
items on a to-do list. This type of ordering is often used to capture transactions as they
occur during the day. This is useful because it provides an easy way to go back and check a
transaction. They may be reorganized into a sequential order after they have been checked,
processed or backed up.

Sequential access means accessing records one by one in the order they are stored until
the right one is reached. This type of access is used with sequential file ordering. It can be
slow if there is a lot of data to go through, but it is very effective for accessing, viewing
and modifying records in large batches. Serial access works in the same way - the records
are read one by one in the order they are stored until the desired record is found.

Random file ordering and access

Random file ordering, also known as direct access file ordering, is where files are stored
in any order. The computer maps where all this data is stored so you can immediately
access it when you search for it. This type of file ordering is useful if you want fast
access to records, or if you want to store data that is unrelated or does not need to be in
any particular sequence.
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Random access, or direct access, allows you to access the record you want without
having to go through any others

Index sequential file ordering and access

Index sequential file ordering uses an indexed file to store records. In other words,
records are stored in this file in sequential order and a set of indices (think of an array)
are used to refer to each item stored in the file. Each record can be accessed via its
index number, This file ordering is a combination of sequential and random file ordering
and is used when records need to be sorted in sequence but individual records must be
quickly accessible.
Index sequential file ordering uses both types of access to search for records. Sequential
access is used to go through each record, and direct access is used to find a specific record.
For example, Viper Manufacturing keeps a file with supplier records. To be able to
place an order with a supplier, that supplier's individual record must be accessed - this
requires direct access. At the end of a financial quarter, Viper Manufacturing prints out
an ordered list of all supplier information so it can do a financial review. This requires
sequential access.

Using methods of ordering and access

The way that records are stored and accessed depends on the types of record, what they
are used for and even the form of storage. For example, a bank may store data about its
daily transactions using magnetic tape, which stores data using sequential file ordering.
Therefore sequential access is used to access those records.
A school will have a record for each student, stored on a file. Each student's record must be
accessible to review or update information, but all records must be printed out at the
end of each school year to allocate students to new classes. This type of setup would
benefit from direct and sequential file ordering, so index sequential file ordering and
access is probably the best system to use.

Ordered and unordered files

Ordered files Unordered files

Sequential file Direct access file
Index-sequential file Random access file
Serial file

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1. Difference between copy and cut: cut deletes what is selected but stores it on the
Copy stores a copy of whatever is selected on the clipboard. Past put onto a
document a copy of the last item stored on the clipboard.

2. Mail merge –this is a feature that allows a person to type a document and send it to
multiple recipients.
 Two main parts to mail merge:
i. Main document (primary file) – contains the document or letter which
should be sent to each individual recipient. It also contains merge
ii. Data source (secondary file) – contains the personalised information
for each recipient, that would vary in each document, such as names
and addresses.
3. Formatting and formatting features
Word processing allows you to format the text and the document. You can apply
different styles to your text and the change the layout of you document. This helps
to make your document look neat and professional.
a. Character formatting
i. Character formatting can be controlled using the Font group on the
Home tab. Listed below are a number of character formatting you can
apply to your text:
 Bold – makes the text thicker
 Italic – pushes the text into a right slant
 Underline – draws a line underneath the text
 Font types and Font sizes. (Fonts are the different
character styles you can apply to text, such as Arial,
Times New Romans and Comic Sans Ms)
 Case Change (upper case or Lower case)
 Highlighting and text colour
 Superscript and subscript. (Superscript character is one
that is raised above the normal line. E.g. 4th. th would
be the superscript). (subscript characters are placed
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below the normal line. H7. 7 would be the subscript)

b. Document formatting
i. To change the appearance of a document there are a number of
features you can use. A number of document formatting can be
controlled using the Paragraph group on the Home tab. Some of these
features are listed below:
 Justification – refers to how text is align. There are four
main types:
o Align text left – lines up text with the left margin and
the text on the right is ragged (text on right can vary in
o Center – lines up text in the centre of the page, left and
right sides are ragged.
o Align text right – lines up text with the right margin and
leave the left side ragged.
o Justify: lines up text with left and right margin, no side
is ragged.

 Line spacing – This is used to change the spacing

between lines of text.
c. Header – this is text that appears at the top of every page in a document.
d. Footer – this is text that appears at the bottom of every page in a document.
e. Page break – This ensures that selected text will start on a new page.
f. Margins – A margin is the space between the text and the edge of the page.
There are four margin on a page (left, right, top and bottom).
g. Orientations – Arrange a document so that the text runs across the length of
the paper (landscape) or across its width (portrait).
h. Indent – This is a space between the edge of the margin and the text.
i. Footnote – This is a reference inserted at the end of the page containing the
reference mark.
j. Endnote – is text place at the end of a document or the end of a section.
k. Word wrap – is when text is automatically carried forward to the next line
when one line is full.
l. Character - this is any one symbol, number or text.
m. Default setting – are the original settings set by a software package.
n. Tab –short for tabulation, which is the process of lining up text under fixed
points (tab stop).

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o. Spell check – word automatically underlines spelling mistakes in red, so you

can correct them as you type.
p. Grammar check – word automatically underlines grammar mistakes in green,
so you can correct them as you type.

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Common shortcut keys: ctrl + e center align

ctrl + a select all ctrl + l left align
ctrl + s save ctrl + r right align
ctrl + c copy ctrl + j justified
ctrl + x cut ctrl + p print
ctrl + v past ctrl + b bold
ctrl + f find dialog box ctrl + i italic
ctrl + h replace dialog box ctrl + u underline

1. Presentation – is a talk to an audience that can be supported by a slide show.
2. Slide show – is a sequence of slides that can be used in a presentation.
3. Slide – a slide is a single ‘page’ that can be shown on a screen to an audience.
4. Uses for presentation software (such as Microsoft PowerPoint)
 Enhance public speaking
 To deliver lectures
 To present projects and reports
 To effectively present sales and marketing ideas
5. Wizard –is a short program within a software package that asks the user basic
information and then creates a complete document or slide show.
6. Thumbnail –is a small version of an image that is also available in a full size version.
7. Title slide – the first slide in a slideshow.
8. Placeholder – a box that holds an individual item, such as a block of text, on a slide.
9. Slide layouts – this deals with how text and other graphics are arrange on the slide.
10. Template – this is a document written in a software package that can be used over
and over again for a variety of purposes.
11. Slide master-is a special slide where you can create your own design. Your design is
then applied to all the slides in your slide show.
12. Speaker notes – are notes that do not display on a slide. They are only visible to the
person who controls the computer for the presentation.

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Views of slides
 Normal view – display three panes (the outline pane on the left, the task pane on the
right and the notes pane under the slide pane.
 Slide sorter – shows thumbnails of all the slides. If you want to change a slide order,
delete a slide, etc, you can use the slide sorter view.
 Slide show view – displays the slides full screen as they will be seen in the
 Notes page – displays a document with the slide at the top and the notes from the
notes pane underneath.

N.B. All the formatting features that is available in Microsoft word is also available in
Microsoft PowerPoint (font size, colour, etc).

If there is a STAR on a slide it means some form of transition effects has been applied to the
slide: An example is shown below. The star is usually shown near one of the corner on the


1. Some reasons for creating website:
 Advertising a business
 Selling products and services
 Providing information and awareness
 Providing educational content
 Networking and sharing information
 Administration

2. You should design your website with the intended audience in mind: think about the
colour you will use, layout and the language used.

There are four important features to consider when you design a website:
i. The number of pages needed
ii. The content of each page
iii. A site map – (a graphical representation of all pages in a website and how
they link to each other)
iv. The layout of each page
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3. Home page – This is the parent page where all other pages link to.
4. Index page – is the first page that is downloaded when a visitor goes to a website.
The index page may or may not be the home page.
5. Web authoring tools - a program that helps you write hypertext or multimedia
applications. Authoring tools usually enable you to create a final application merely
by linking together objects, such as a paragraph of text, an illustration, or a song.
Tools that do this are called WYSIWYG tools (what you see is what you get). Example
web authoring tools are Microsoft FrontPage 2003 and adobe Dreamweaver.
6. Hyperlinks – is a piece of text or part of picture that you click and it takes you to
another web page or section of the web page. Hyperlink text is normally coloured

Publishing and maintaining websites

 IP address (Internet Protocol address) - is a unique identifying number given to every
single computer on the Internet. Like a car license plate, an IP address is a special
serial number used for identification. E.g. or
21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A. IP address are harder to remember ;
consequently Domain names are used for websites

 Domain name- this is basically a website’s address, such as To

publish a website on the internet, you need to have your own domain name. Domain
name is the main part of a URL. E.g. would be a URL
and would be the domain name.

o Domain names can end with any of these:

 .com – for a commercial business
 .org – for a non-commercial organisation
 .edu – for education institutions
 .gov – for government organisations

N.B.: There are a number of other endings that are available. A quick Google search
for “top level domain” would return other types. Domain names ending can also
identify in which country a web site has been registered, e.g.: – for sites
registered in Jamaica, – for sites registered in Barbados.

 Domain name server (DNS) – Are server(s) that assigned domain names to websites.
DNS allow persons to find a website by translating Domain names to IP addresses.

 Web Host – A company that gives you some space on the internet to publish your
website. Sample hosting companies are: godaddy, fatcow, LIME and

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 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - is a standard network protocol used to transfer files
from one host (computer) to another. FTP is most commonly used to download a file
from a server using the Internet or to upload a file to a server (e.g., uploading a Web
page file to a server).

1. Definition of spreadsheet: a spreadsheet is a table consisting of cells (rows, column
locations) that hold accounting or financial data and simulates the traditional physical
spreadsheet; it captures displays and manipulates data.

Spreadsheets can be used for:

 Storing and calculating accounting information
 Calculating financial information
 Creating and updating inventories
 Creating graphs and chart
 Performing analysis
2. Use appropriate terminologies commonly associated with spreadsheets:
a. Workbook – is another for spreadsheet. It contains at least one worksheet,
any contain several worksheets

b. Worksheet –a worksheet is a single page in a spreadsheet file.

c. Cell – The intersection of a column and a row. It is referred to by its column

letter and row number.

d. Cell Address – a cell address identifies a single cell in a worksheet. E.g. B23,
where the letter indicates the column and the number indicates the row.

e. Active Cell – The active cell is the cell that has the current focus. i.e. If you are
typing something, the cell in which the data is appearing would be the active
cell. When you click into a cell on the worksheet the edges become
highlighted with a bold, black line.

f. Range – A range identifies a rectangular block of cells on a worksheet.

Example of a range is B5:D10, the : sign means to. There are two basic types
of ranges, adjoining range such as, (B5:D10). And non-adjoining such as
(B1:B10,D1:D10), non-adjoining ranges are separated by a comma.

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Some facts
In spreadsheet a cell can contain one of three types of
date/information: Label (text), value (number) or formulae.

g. Label – In spreadsheet, a label is text entered into a cell that explains the
contents of other cells.

h. Value – The data entered into a cell in a spreadsheet is referred to as a value.

i. Formula – A formula carries out calculations, using the values held in one or
more cells on a worksheet, and displays the result in another cell. Users
create formula from scratch. Formula my also contain functions.

j. Function – This is a predefined formula. Here are some popular functions


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k. Cell reference - Each cell in a spreadsheet has an 'address' that describes its
position in the worksheet. The address is made of two parts: its row position
and its column position. This address is called the 'cell reference'. Example of a
cell reference is A12.

l. Cell referencing - To reference the value stored in a single cell, enter its cell
address as a function argument. For example, to have the data in cell B1 appear
in another cell, enter =B1 into that cell.

m. Absolute addressing – An absolute address always refers to one specific cell and
is not adjusted when the formula is copied to another cell. Example of absolute
addressing ($A$1 + $A$2)

n. Relative addressing – A relative address is used in a formula; the formula is

adjusted automatically if the formula is copied to another cell. Example of
relative addressing (A1 + A2).

o. Mixed reference - is a combination of relative and absolute cell references.

Example of mixed reference ($A1 + A2).

p. Template – A template is a worksheet that is already prepared with the

appropriate formulae programmed in, and formatting and layout already

q. Row and Column title – A title can be the heading of a row or a column of data.
Titles are useful to navigate your way around the worksheet. Titles usually
identify the type of data stored in a row or column.

r. Record – Records are rows of data where each cell, called a field, contains an
item of data relating to the record.

s. Title locking - If you've entered descriptive titles in the top rows or left columns
of the spreadsheet, you can lock them so that they remain in view when you

3. Format a spreadsheet
a. Text formatting – all the formatting features available in Microsoft Word can be
applied to text in a spreadsheet. Such as text alignment (left align, center, right
align and justify), borders can be applied to text and cells.

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b. Numeric data formatting – there are a number of formatting features that can
be applied to number values in a spreadsheet. Listed below are some examples
of such formatting features:
i. Comma separated format (1,000,334)
ii. Currency and accounting format ($9.00)
iii. Percent (23.7%)
4. Sort a spread sheet
a. To sort means to arrange data in order. Spreadsheet can be sorted in ascending
order (A-Z, 1-9) etc, and in descending order (Z-A, 9-1) etc.


Formula Error Messages

####### Means that the column is not wide enough to display the value. Or if there
is a negative date or time in the cell.
#DIV /0! Formula is attempting to divide by zero
#NAME? Excel does not recognize text in a formula.
CIRCULAR The formula is referencing itself.
#VALUE! Occurs when the wrong type of operand or argument is used


Data can be stored in manual databases and computerized databases. Examples of manual
databases are: Phone Book, patient information at a hospital, library catalogues, Filing cabinet,
and national voter information.

Disadvantages Manual Databases Advantages of Manual Databases

Data is often duplicated If there is no electricity, access to the
It is time-consuming to retrieve records database will still be possible
Inconsistency of data
Data cannot be shared easily
Requires large amounts of physical storage

advantages of computerized Databases disadvantages of computerized Databases

Information can be retrieved faster in ad hoc They are time consuming to design
situations using queries.
You can design and create your own queries Initial training is required
with minimum knowledge of databases
Less errors and increased consistency as data Suitable hardware and software are needed
is standardised to run the program.
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Data duplication is reduced They can be expensive to buy and maintain

Security of data is increased Computer breakdown can cause files to
become in accessible or corrupted.
You are able to present multiple views of
data using report features.
It is easy to make backup copies of the
Related files can be linked together.

Database management systems (DBMS) are computerized databases that were developed to
make the storage and retrieval of information faster and easier. DBMS stores data in a
structured and organized way; this contributes to faster retrieval time compare to manual
databases. DBMS requires less space than manual databases. Examples of DBMS are: Microsoft
Access, Corel Project, Lotus Approach and Oracle.

1. A database is an organised collection of related data. Database is sometimes called a

repository of information.
2. Use terminology commonly associated with a database
a. Entity – An entity is an item in real world that is represented in a database. For
example, a school database may contain data about different entities like
students, teachers, library etc.
b. Attribute – The individual properties of an entity are called its attributes. An
attribute is represented by a field in a database. For example first name.
c. Tuple – The details about a particular entity is called a tuple. A tuple is
represented by a record in a database.
d. Relational database – A relational database is a database that contains more
than one table, with tables sharing data by having a link (relationship) between
e. Relationship – the linking of tables and files to share record, etc.
f. Column – A column is a specific category of information that exists in a table.
For example, in a
student database, Surname could be a category, Age, Sex, Address, etc.
g. Row – A row of data is the collection of all the columns in a table associated with
a single occurrence.

Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 Row 1, Column 1 Row 1, Column 2
Row 2 Row 2, Column 1 Row 2, Column 2

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Row 3 Row 3, Column 1 Row 3, Column

h. Table – A table is a collection of records, made of a set of rows and columns.

The information you enter into the database will be stored in a table. In a
relational database, tables are also known as “Relations”. A table has a specified
number of columns (field), but can have any number of rows.
i. Records, tuple and row are considered to be the same thing in a database.
While field, attribute and column are considered to be the same thing in a
j. Field – A field is a single column in a table that stores data. A field is sometimes
referred to as an attribute.
k. Record – A record is a collection of related fields. It contains a single row and
many columns. In relational databases, records are also known as tuple.
l. Reports are used to present the information retrieved from table(s) of a
database in a presentable manner so that it is useful and appealing to the user.
Reports can be created using queries or tables.
m. Form – Forms allows database users to type data into a database using specially
designed templates, rather than straight into a table.
n. File – A File in terms of database is the group of records that make up a
database; The whole database is a file.
o. Data type or field type –the data type or field type determines the type of data
that a field can store. When a database is designed, all the fields are set to
accept a particular data type. This helps check for the wrong type of data being
entered and makes sure the data is stored as efficiently as possible. It also means
it will be sorted correctly.
The four main types of data types are: Alphanumeric/text fields; Numeric fields;
Logical/Boolean and Date field.

 Alphanumeric/text fields - a field of this data type will accept both

numbers and text.
o When to use - if you want to enter text or a mixture of text and
o When NOT to use - if you want to store only numbers or only
dates. You can enter numbers or dates into text fields but they
would get sorted as if they were words and could not easily be
used for any calculations.

 Numeric fields - a field of this data type is used to store numbers.

Number fields are used to store numbers because:
o the data will be sorted correctly (i.e. the numerical data 2,3,20,30
would be sorted as 2,20,3,30 if it was stored in a text field)

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o validation rules such as range checks can used (i.e. range checks
such as BETWEEN 10 and 20)

There are two types of numeric field you need to know about:

o Real - used for decimal numbers such as 3.4, 3.1427 and 6.0 etc.
Real numbers can be formatted as currency (i.e. £5.67) or to a
fixed number of decimal places (i.e. entering 3.1427 into a real
number field formatted to two decimal places would mean it
appeared as 3.14)
When to use - if the field is going to be used to store numbers
with decimal places such as 'height', 'length' etc.
o Integer - used for whole numbers.
When to use - if the field is only going to be used to store whole
numbers, i.e. 'number of children', 'car doors' etc.

 Logical/Boolean fields - a field of this data type will only let you enter a
'Yes' or a 'No'. This may be as text (YES/NO or TRUE/FALSE) or as a
When to use - when you only need to store something as 'true' or 'false'
or store whether something exists or does not exist.

 Date fields - a field of this type stores days, months and years. Date fields
can display the date information in different formats such as the full
name of the day/month (28th August 1961) or the numerical versions
When to use - for any field which will be used to store date information.

Examples of data types available in Microsoft Access:

Alphanumeric Numeric Date Logical/Boolean

Text Currency Date/Time Yes/No
Memo Number

p. Field description –A field description describes what is in the field. This

description is displayed in the status bar when you select the field on the form.
q. Field size – field size determines the amount of information (in characters) a
field can store.
r. Table structure – A table structure is a plan that shows the names, data types
and the field sizes of fields in a table.
s. Primary keys – A primary key is a field that acts as a unique identifier for each
record in a table.
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t. Candidate key –A candidate key is a field that could possibly act as the primary
key for a table.
u. Alternate key - An alternate key is any candidate key that is not the primary key.
Alternate keys
are sometimes referred to as secondary keys.
v. Composite key – A composite key is a primary key that consists of two or more
fields together.
w. Foreign key – A foreign key is a field in a table that has been linked with the
primary key field of another table.
x. Query –A query is a database feature that allows you to display records that
meets a particular criteria, or to display the records from tables.
y. Calculated fields - Calculated fields are a special type of field. The value of the
field is not stored within the database record, but is instead calculated or
computed based on the values of other fields within that record. The calculation
is called a formula. This formula can consist of values from other fields,
constants, and the results of functions

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Important diagrams you must know

Network Cables
Twisted Pair Cable Twisted Pairs
Coaxial cable

Fibre Optics

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SATA Cable

IDE Cable

Electric signals which run through

cables are called signals. There are
two main types of signals, Digital and
Analog signals. The diagrams above
show how both signals look.

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Miscellaneous Topics
LAN Topologies:

The word topology means ‘arrangement’, so when we talk about the topology of a network, we
mean how the different parts are arranged and connected together.

There are three common network topologies...

Bus Network

In this type of network, a long, central cable, the ‘bus’ is used to connect all of the computers
together. Each computer has a short cable linking it to the ‘bus’.

A bus network…

 Is cheap to install (just one long cable)

 Can be quite slow since all computers share the same cable when communicating
 Will stop working if there is a break in the central bus cable.

Ring Network

In this type of network each computer is connected to a loop of cable, the ‘ring’. (If you took a
bus network and connected the ends of the bus cable together, you would have a ring

A ring network…

 Can cope with a break in the ring cable since all computers are still joined together (it is
now a bus network)

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Star Network

In this type of network every computer is connected to a central device. The device passes
messages between computers.

At the centre of a star network you might use a hub (cheap, but slower) or a switch (more
expensive, but faster).

A star network…

 Is quite expensive to install (you have to buy lots of cable and the central device)
 Is very fast since each computer has its own cable which it doesn’t need to share
 Can cope with a broken cable (only one computer will be affected)
 Will stop working if the central device breaks
 Is the most common network topology

Open source vs proprietary software

The term open source refers to software whose source code — the medium in which programmers
create and modify software — is freely available on the Internet; by contrast, the source code for
proprietary commercial software is usually a closely guarded secret. Open Source allows users to
change and improve software and to distribute it if they want to. While propriety software is sold with
the notion that the seller retains ownership of the software and the buyer purchase only the license to
use the software.

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