June 22, 2022

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Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota 1

$ 00

Northern Light Region

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Our 106th Year • Issue 21

No Wake
Ordinance Lake of the Woods
extended continues to rise
Lake of the Woods County Sheriff County Sheriff’s Office is

Public Boat Ramps,

Emergency Management asking boaters to consider
150 feet from shore to be a no
On May 13, 2022 Lake of wash, no wake zone on all of
the Woods County Sheriff's
Office enacted an emergency
no wash, no wake ordinance
our area lakes and rivers.
One of the main reasons
for establishing no wash, no
resorts remain
on all Lake of the Woods
County waterways. Last
wake zones is to prevent
fragile shoreline from being open, adjust to
week, the Commissioner of eroded by the large waves
the Minnesota Department that are caused by a boat
of Natural Resources ap- when it is passing under

high water levels

proved the extension to Oc- power. Now with the in-
tober 31,2022 or until the creased lake and river levels
high-water levels have sub- boats have the ability to op-
sided. erate under power closer to
Due to the increased lake the shorelines that previ-
and river levels from snow ously were more protected Robert Hopwood
melt and recent heavy rains from the waves caused by Reporter
the Lake of the Woods the passing boats.
Lake of the Woods slowly continues to rise, creeping closer to the
record high it set more than 70 years ago.
The lake’s surface level was reported Monday to be at 1,063.2 feet,
less than a foot below the record of 1,064 feet set in July 1950, according
to the Lake of the Woods Control Board, a Canadian body that regulates
the lake’s water level.


Lake of the Woods rose two inches during the past week, and it is ex-
pected to continue rising this week, possibly by as much as another
three inches, according to the board.
The dams in Kenora remain fully open, according to the board,
which means more water continues to flow into the lake than out of it.
How much the lake rises and when the water level reaches a peak de-

New 988 hotline aims

pends on how much rain falls on the drainage basin during the upcom-
ing weeks, according to the board.
“[Precipitation forecasted Monday night] could temporarily delay
reaching a peak and a return to normal summer levels will likely take

to prevent suicide
many weeks,” according to the board. “A return to more sustained wet
weather could result in a second, higher peak.”

It’s turning into another wet week.

A cold front moving through Lake of the Woods County generated
Robert Hopwood strong thunderstorms and dropped rain across the region Monday.
Reporter More rain was forecasted for Tuesday and later this week, according to
the National Weather Service.
A new three-digit dialing The county’s resorts and guests appear to be adapting to the high
code will make it easier for water and reeling in fish despite the lake’s high water level and the
people experiencing a men- Rainy River’s fast-moving current, according to Lake of the Woods
tal health crisis to reach the If you are suffering from Tourism.
National Suicide Prevention depression or if you have “Despite lots of water, charter boats are running, fishing is in full
Lifeline when it goes into op- thoughts of suicide, help is swing and has been good,” the tourism bureau said in a Facebook post
eration later this summer. available. Monday. “Most boat ramps are open including Wheeler’s Point and oth-
The three-digit number is ers.”
988. It will go into effect Resources and informa- - Wheeler’s Point Public Boat Ramp was a busy place Tuesday morning.
across the country on July tion are available at Hunter’s photo by Michelle Delvecchio,
16, 2022, and will redirect House of Hope behind the
callers to the National Sui- Baudette Public Library at
cide Prevention Lifeline, 110 1st Street SW.
which is (800) 273-TALK
(8255). You also can call a crisis
Unlike 911, which was set helpline and talk with some-

Thrift store
aside for emergency calls in one. The adult crisis line is
1968, the new 988 dialing (800) 422-0045. The youth
code will make it easier for crisis line is (218) 395-0177.
people to contact the lifeline, Or text “MN” to 741741.

prepares for
according to the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health The National Suicide Pre-
Services Administration. vention Lifeline is (800) 273-
The lifeline is a network TALK (8255). Veterans and

grand opening
of more than 200 local and Service members may reach
state-funded crisis centers the Veterans Crisis Line by
that help people undergoing pressing 1 after dialing, as
well as by chatting online at

in downtown
a mental health crisis, ac-
cording to the Federal Com- www.veteranscrisisline.net or
munications Commission. texting 838255. The lifeline
It accepts calls from peo- can be reached by dialing
988 starting July 16, 2022.

ple who need support with
suicidal thoughts, who are
undergoing a mental or emo- If you need immediate
help or if you have a mental Sue Jochim holds her dog Monday, June 20, 2022, at her store,
tional health crisis or who the Lighthouse Thrift Store, in Baudette, Minn.
are suffering from a sub- health emergency, call 911
stance use crisis, according or go to your local emer- Robert Hopwood “I want to be known as a quality store, not a junk
to SAMHSA. gency room. Reporter store,” she said.

The lifeline won’t be Next to the front door is a bench that Furbish
going anywhere. People who call the new he Lighthouse Thrift Store is quietly wanted to rehabilitate. Jochim had it redone and put
Calls to 988 will be di- 988 dialing code will be con- preparing for its grand opening next it there in honor of the lifelong Baudette resident.
rected to (800) 273-8255, nected to a call center week at its new downtown location. Above the bench is artwork created by Shawna
which will continue to oper- staffed with crisis coun- Wendler, who helped Furbish run the Enchanted Cot-
ate during and after the selors, Lake of the Woods tage.
transition, according to the The resale store, which moved from its original lo- Jochim began the store in the mid-aughts. She
FCC. 988/ cation along Second Street NE, has quietly opened, talked the board of Northern Lighthouse Ministries
co-owner Sue Jochim said while getting ready for her into letting her run a thrift shop in Baudette, and
store’s grand opening. they agreed. She started with one room bereft of re-
“If we’re here working and they come in, we just tail accouterments like clothes racks. She had to put
let them shop,” she said. everything on tables.
The thrift store, which opened in Baudette about 16 The thrift store outgrew its space at Northern
years ago, moved into the former Enchanted Cottage Lighthouse Ministries, Jochim said. God has a pur-
store that was operated by Lynn Furbish along Main pose for that space, she said, which doesn’t include
Avenue. the thrift store.
Furbish died on March 14, 2022. THRIFT STORE/
Jochim and her husband, Jim, bought and reno-
vated the store this spring. They made it “beachy,”
she said, with aqua blue walls and a light gray
wooden floor.
“It needed to be bright and cheerful for people,”
Jochim said.
The thrift store is set up like a department store
with areas for women’s clothing, a “man cave” with
men’s clothing, children’s clothing, toys, jewelry, a
media room, furniture, kitchen items and more.
All the merchandise is donated, Jochim said.
She said that people need to have a store in town
where they can find affordable merchandise. For ex-
ample, there’s a need for families to be able to buy
clothing that looks like it came from a store, she said.
And what she chooses to sell must meet her qual-
ity standards.
She is picky about what she puts on her shelves
and hangs on her racks. Shoppers won’t find dirty,
Household goods for sale at stained or ripped clothes with missing buttons or bro- Women’s and girls’ clothes for sale at the Lighthouse
the Lighthouse Thrift Store ken zippers, she said. Thrift Store on Monday, June 20, 2022.

Continuing publication of the Williams Northern Light (est. 1916) and the Baudette Region (est. 1903)
2/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region

Williams to National Night Out event

host Back coming to Baudette
Home Days Submitted gins of the event go back to 1970. At that
time, Matt Peskin was a volunteer with a

July 9
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Au- community watch program in a neighbor-
gust 2, 2022, when our community will hood in Philadelphia. Peskin would often
host its first ever National Night Out event patrol local areas and soon introduced a
at Timber Mill Park in Baudette. newsletter on community successes and
A fun family day is A full evening of activities is planned local volunteer work. While working on
planned in Williams for community members of all ages, in- the newsletter, he realized that new con-
for Saturday, July 9, as cluding a free meal, games for kids and tent for the publication was difficult to
the annual Back Home adults, safety demonstrations, entertain- find. He began to reach out to surrounding
Days takes place. ment, a color run and more. The evening communities for help and noticed they all
The day will start will kick off at 5 p.m. and will run until 8 had local neighborhood watches, but no
with a pancake break- p.m., with a color run taking place from 7- way to connect or even identify other
fast at the Williams 7:30. groups. Almost ten years later, Peskin es-
Senior Center from 8- National Night Out is an annual com- tablished the National Association of
11 a.m. for a free will munity-building campaign that aims to Town Watch, a group that linked all neigh-
donation. promote strong law enforcement-commu- borhood town watches, provided them
The activities then nity partnerships and camaraderie to with resources and gave them the assets to
move to the City Park. make our communities and neighbor- help them stay up and running. By 1984,
Races and games for hoods safer and more caring places to live when the first National Night Out celebra-
8.2022 all ages will start at 1 and work. Many National Night Out tion was held, Peskin and the National
THE 5-8
INBAUDETTE p.m. events are held in big-city neighborhoods. Town Watch had created a large network
this diagnoM•d
11,l.'i 11ilh I\d1•111K·a1Tinonm.
Sti1g1• lh•
i~ A potluck commu- Due to the smaller size of Baudette/Lake of law enforcement agencies, neighbor-
rumntl\ InD1·midji.
In•atm1•nt. nity picnic will be at of the Woods, in addition to law enforce- hood watch groups, civic groups, state and
4:30. Committee mem- ment, organizers have gathered together regional crime prevention associations,
bers will be grilling various businesses, organizations and and volunteers across the United States.
brats and hotdogs for other groups to take part in the event, with The first celebration in August 1984 was a
This black bear wandered into the yard of Donna Thompson
everyone. Coffee and the goal of creating strong connections be- huge event, with 2.5 million neighbors
of Williams on Tuesday morning. It has been a frequent vis-
lemonade will also be
itor at her house this summer. There have been numerous tween all sectors of the community. from 400 communities in 23 states partici-
other reports of bears wandering into yards during the past
furnished. Picnic goers
are asked to bring their
own plates, silverware,
napkins and something
for the potluck.
About National Night Out
While the first National Night Out was
first celebrated in August of 1984, the ori-
pating. Thirty-eight years later, National
Night Out is celebrated in all 50 states, as
well as Canada, with over 16 thousand
communities participating.
A big crowd is ex-

pected so it’s a good
idea to bring your own
tables and chairs. If it continued from page 1
is raining the picnic County Social Services Director Amy Ballard said. The
will be held at the counselors will either handle the call or forward it to local
arena. crisis teams for a response.
Everyone is wel- “Because it is a national response and it’s a huge
come at Williams’ Back change, it will take time to work out the kinks in how calls
Home Days celebra- are received in rural communities like ours,” she said.
tion. Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in Minnesota,
which reported 758 deaths from suicide in 2020, according
to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The
state’s suicide rate was slightly lower than the nation’s
suicide rate in 2020.
In celebration of Minnesotans who live in rural areas experience higher

Sharon Sundvall's
rates of suicide than those in other areas of the state, ac-
cording to the Minnesota Department of Health.
The age-adjusted suicide rate in greater Minnesota was

80th Birthday
u .•r equ1re 17.3 from 2015-2019, according to the health department.
&BIKES That was higher than in the state’s seven-county metro
area, where the age-adjusted suicide rate was 12.2.
£IJ£OCORTIICT: her family is hosting an The new 988 dialing code is another resource to help
Matthew 218-242-9601 Lake of the Woods County residents with mental health
Player's 1-800-815-8293 Open House problems or suicidal thoughts.
at her home on Saturday, July 2nd Last year, Hunter’s House of Hope, a small red-and-
. LAtlS~ from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Please join us!
No RSVP required.
white wooden box in the shape of a house, opened behind
the Baudette Public Library.
It contains suicide prevention pamphlets and mental
health resources for children, teens, adults, the elderly, po-
lice officers, the military and anyone else who needs them.
Your friendship is a gift; It was built in memory of Hunter James Nordlof, a 16-
we kindly request no other. year-old sophomore at Lake of the Woods School who died
by suicide in 2017.

hhee Bike
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CCaaarr Show
d ayy, July l y 8 thh

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Located on the parking lot of Seven Clans Casino -Warroad

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Event Info cont act::

Furniture Gallery
Store Hours: Monday- Saturday 9-5:30 • 218-634-3111
In the old school at 111 3rd Street NE • Baudette, MN
Northern Light Region Wednesday, June 15, 2022 /3


100° in the Shade

e just got back from our trip to see ahachie, Texas. After loading up on pop, pop-
my daughter Heather and her corn and Milk Duds we settled into our re-
family in Glenn Heights, Texas (a cliner seats in theater #2. Linda took videos
suburb of Dallas). It was a little toasty there. of us to post on Facebook. Somehow she got
The bank thermometer read 100°, a tad bit me with my mouth open and popcorn drip-
warm for the first week of June. To make ping down onto my chest.
matters worse, the local ABC affiliate weath- Since “Top Gun: Maverick” was playing at
erman said the “feels-like” temperature was The Grand there in Baudette, I don’t have to
115°. To get the “FLT” you do some kinda tell you how cool that movie was. If you didn’t Rollin Bergman
mathematical formula with the temperature get to see it yet, I hope you go as soon as you Publisher
and the humidity. We old geezers just call can. Eli sat with his eyes wide open the entire rolly@wiktel.com
that the “heat index.” But, everything today is
an acronym, like LOL, OMG, and GDARP
David two hours. He now wants to drive fast cars for
the Navy.
(Give Dave A Raise Please). (Editor’s Note –
Gosh Darn Another Ridiculous Plea)
JOHNSON Caleb was impressed with the military
service too, but didn’t fancy the idea of hav-
Hey, I read that. johnsondm1313@gmail.com ing his head shaved if he joined the Navy.
Luckily, Heather kept the air conditioning Uh … okay. “Girls may like your hair,” I told him. “But
set at 70° inside her house the entire visit, so Spent quite a bit of time with my grand- they love the uniform.”
we pretty much stayed in most of the time. sons. The elder, Caleb, will be a freshman this Lindaism alert*** Just saw the Facebook
We did venture out every now and then to year. He is in accelerated classes, digs solving page Linda posted. The background photo she
walk the trail along the wooded creek bed. cryptogram puzzles, and wants to go to MIT. used to alert all her friends that we were at Julie Nordine Bergman
Still, it was HOT! (Editor’s additional note: He’s got long, shoulder-length hair. “The girls the movies was “Maverick.” Unfortunately, it Publisher/Editor
How hot was it, Dave?”) love it,” he told me. “They like to play with it was not “Top Gun: Maverick,” but “Maver- julie@wiktel.com
Thank you for asking. in study hall.” ick” the old television western from the 1960s.
It was so hot, I saw a convoy of Army Na- Yup, he’s got my blood. “It did seem a little strange,” she told me.
tional Guard vehicles conducting war train- The younger, Eli, will be a 5th grader. He “I didn’t see any planes, just horses and
ing exercises at the Dairy Queen drive thru. It was top in his class, loves soccer, runs full- James Garner in a cowboy hat.”
was so hot, the kid who does our lawn was speed all day, and is into models of fast cars. Come to think of it, this happened once be-
holding a sign that said “Will Work For When he managed to slow down, we shopped fore. Last year she posted a picture of Con-
Shade.” It was so hot, I saw Satan in Hard- for models of fast cars at WalMart. gress on her Facebook page when we went to
ware Hank’s buying a Yeti ice chest. It was so Linda and I took the whole crew out to see see “Planet of the Apes.”
hot … (Editor’s third, and hopefully final, “Top Gun: Maverick” at the Show Biz in Wax-
note: Can we get back to the story, Dave?)
Sarah Hull

ASK A TROOPER nl2@wiktel.com

Air Bag System Components

uestion: I really liked your recent ar- ponents could injure occupants. Children are
ticle about the dangers of putting at an even greater risk or injury from a de-
your feet up on the dash while driv- ploying air bag. To keep yourself and others
ing and air bags. With the way vehicles are safe make sure you:
changing, can you talk about the other air • Keep items away from any area where Robert Hopwood
bags, like side curtains and such? Thank you. these systems can deploy. Reporter

nswer: Thank you for the email and I • Always buckle up — and insist passen- nlrreporter@wiktel.com
am happy to talk about this. First of gers are belted, too.
all, let me say air bags are designed • Wear lap belts low and snug across the
to work with seat belts to keep vehicle occu- hips; shoulder straps should never be tucked
pants in a safe position during a crash — air under an arm or behind the back — not only is
bags are not effective when the motorist is not this unsafe, it is illegal.
You are right with all the changes in vehi-
Sgt. Jesse • Children under age 13 should always
ride in the back seat.
cle technology. Motor Vehicles are federally
required to be equipped with “Supplemental
GRABOW • In Minnesota, all children must be in a
child restraint until they are 4 feet 9 inches
Restraint Systems” (SRS.) Not all of the safety Minnesota State Patrol tall, or at least age 8, whichever comes first.
features described in this article are standard Michelle Delvecchio
equipment, some may be optional depending • Supplemental Side Air Bag Inflatable If you have any questions concerning traf- Sales/Administrative Support
on the vehicle. Curtains (SABICs) fic related laws or issues in Minnesota, send nlroffice@wiktel.com
Air Bag System Components • Supplemental Knee Air Bags your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Min-
• Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • Knee Impact Bolsters nesota State Patrol at 1000 Highway 10 West,
• Supplemental Side Air Bags Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205. (You can follow
• Supplemental Seat-Mounted Side Air All of these features and advancements in him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him
Bags (SABs) technology are incredible. But again, if people at, jesse.grabow@state.mn.us).
are not belted and seated properly these com- Northern Light Region

Your Community.
212 Main Avenue North, Ste. A
Post Office Box 1134
Baudette, MN 56623
E-mail: norlight@wiktel.com

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212 Main Avenue North • Suite A • Baudette, MN, 56623

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4/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region

from the files of The Northern Light

10 Years Ago (2012) sity of Minnesota, Twin Cities from this Stan Birkedahl
It was announced that Home Health area were: Joyce Ann Hall, Williams, was handing out ci-
Care and Hospice programs, operated by Bachelor of Science, College of Agricul- gars. Mrs.
Health Connect at Home (formerly Lake- ture; Keith Robert Johnson, Baudette, Birkedahl gave
Wood Nursing Service), would be ending Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, In- birth to a baby girl
services in Baudette on or before July 15, stitute of Technology; Robert James June 21 at Trinity
2012. Krauhn, Warroad, Bachelor of Mechani- Hospital.
Baudette celebrated Flag Day in Willie cal Engineering, Institute of Technology. The NL Editor
Walleye Park, where a dedication of the Two L/W County Sheriff’sOffice em- had a new grand-
flag made to the late Dwain Beckel and the ployees completed their probationary pe- son, born June 21,
annual flag disposal ceremony took place. riods and were now classified as “regular” on his father’s
The Lake of the Woods County Board employees of the county. Dispatcher Carol birthday, at Roseau
voted four to one to appoint Chief Deputy Hildebrandt of Baudette and Deputy Hospital. Their
Gary Fish as the Lake of the Woods Robert Paulseth of rural Williams were third boy, he ar-
County Sheriff, following Sheriff Dallas the two employees. rived the morning
Block’s retirement on June 30. Elsie Hooper, 92, of Baudette died June after the Badger
Folklorist and musician John Berquist 14, 1982 at Trinity Hospital in Baudette. Enterprise was
performed before an enthusiastic crowd She moved to the Pitt area in 1907 and had “put to bed.” Mr.
on June 17 at the Lake of the Woods Mu- made her home there since. Among her and Mrs. Les Lock-
seum’s Heritage Festival. survivors were two daughters from hart have a daugh-
Moriah Demers and Taro Maeda ex- Baudette, Dorothy Baade and Nina Lind- ter also. Les,
changed wedding vows on May 23, 2012 in strom. formerly of
a private sunset ceremony on Keiki Cove Betty Jane Wall Carlson died June 6, Williams, is the
Beach in Koloa, on the island of Kauai in 1982, after a lengthy illness. Betty came to publisher of the
Hawaii. Williams in 1950 and was married to Badger newspaper.
Kira Faith Johnson was born May 10, Ernest Carlson. The Carlsons moved from Mr. and Mrs.
2012 to Jessi and Luke Johnson of Warren, Williams to Wausau, Wisconsin in July G.R. Norris (former
Minnesota. 1969. NL publisher) ar-
Keith E. Mitchell, 61, resident of The rived from Sunny-
20 Years Ago (2002) Dalles, Oregon for 22 years, died June 6, vale, Cal-ifornia.
On June 12, 2002, Governor Jesse Ven- 1982. Keith was born in Williams in 1920 They were visiting
tura declared a state of emergency for and married Etna Sorrels in 1940. He is his sister and
Lake of the Woods County, along with survived by his widow, Etna, and numer- brother-in-law, the
twelve other counties in the state, after ous children, grandchildren and other rel- George Hanestads,
heavy rains caused severe flooding in atives. a few days, then photo courtesy of the Northern Light Files
parts of Minnesota. A Flood Emergency A girl, Whitney Elizabeth, was born planned to go to This photo is from Freda Rebarchek’s photo collection. Pictured is
Service Center had been set up in the for- June 13, 1982, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minneapolis. Mrs. Paulson, Nellie Langton, Lucille Johnson, Ruth Aichele, Leone
mer North Star Electric building for resi- Stoeckmann (Kim Ferris) of Baudette. Mr. and Mrs. LaValla, Ruth Wagner, Bullah Wilson, Inna Krueger, Anna Thomp-
dents in the community. A girl, Ashley Ann, was born June 15, Dick Nagle were son, Myrtle Geroux, Ida McGuire and Freda Rebarchek at an NYA
Washouts caused by the heavy rains 1982, to Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols (Deb- the proud parents program.
had left many roads and bridges in need orah Larson) of Baudette. of a new son, born
of repair. County crews were out in full Martin James Rich, son of Peggy Rich June 18 at the Trin-
completing her second year at the Univer-
force, but residents were still advised to of Williams, left for his Marines base ity Hospital.
sity of Minnesota.
use extreme caution while traveling on training in San Diego, California. On June 12, the death of W.C. Bard oc-
Brita Olson attended a stork shower for
county roads as several accidents had al- curred at Wanatchee, Washington. He was
Mrs. Ervin Boyum at Spooner.
ready occurred. 50 Years Ago (1972) born August 22, 1888, in New York state.
Lephone Phrakonekhan, 25, of War- John Irvin Lewis, Minneapolis, son of Mrs. John Gjelhaug passed away at San
80 Years Ago (1942)
road, was injured when she was struck by Mr. and Mrs. John I. Lewis, was among Diego, California. A former Baudette resi-
A son was born June 10 to Mr. and Mrs.
a train near Pitt on June 16 while picking those graduating (College of Liberal Arts) dent, she had been in ill health for several
John Block.
asparagus along the railroad track. She from the University of Minnesota on June years.
The Williams district joined the rest of
was transported to Lake-Wood Health 15. His wife is the former Cheryl McLain
the nation in its drive for scrap rubber.
Center and later to Fargo with serious in- from Williams. 70 Years Ago (1952)
One cent a pound was paid for it.
juries. The VFW bowing team from Baudette Mr. and Mrs. Ted Craig announced the
Pfc. Dan Hall of Quartermaster Corps
Muriel Smith, former teacher at held second spot throughout the Min- engagement of their daughter, Margaret
at Geiger Field, Washington, was one of
Williams and Baudette, passed away May nesota State Bowling Tournament, win- Jean, to Ernest W. Boyer, Jr.
two chosen from his company to take a
23, 2002, in Spirit Lake, Iowa, at the age of ning $290 for their efforts. Members of the Edward Henry Reese, Graceton pio-
special course in brake and tire service
93. team were: Leila Mollberg, Pat Turnmire, neer, died at Community Hospital,
and maintenance.
Jean Josack, Baudette, passed away Marie Olson, Gayle Mayerchak and Baudette.
Owen Traynor, former Williams man,
May, 28, 2002, in Fargo, ND, at the age of Gladys Carlson. Leila was at her best with Lightning struck the Paul McKinnon
and Miss Erva Margaret Douglas, former
90. three games over 200. home, hitting the fuse box in the bedroom.
Williams teacher, were married at Flint,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dally left Bemidji for John D. Anderson, son-in-law of Mr.
Michigan, June 13.
30 Years Ago (1992) Flagstaff, Arizona. He had been Director and Mrs. E.G. Dally, graduated from the
Members of the North Star 4-H club of Data Processing at BSC. University of Michigan, School of Den-
90 Years Ago (1932)
tended to their flower bed under the “Wel- Craig McFarlane, 16, escaped injury tistry, at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Richard Olson of Williams and Miss
come to Williams” sign. They established June 20, when the pickup he was driving Duane Williams, Albin Olson, Roy
Esther Benson of the Graceton commu-
the flower bed when the sign was erected left the road to avoid hitting another car Krull and Jim Spina were all working in a
nity were married.
and care for it each year. and landed on its side. sawmill at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hundreds of people went to Pitt to view
Border conflicts remained gridlocked All four persons who drowned June 14 Bishop Schenk of Crookston confirmed
a freight train wreck near there. Ten cars
with bureaucratic red tape the major ob- in Lake of the Woods had life preservers fourteen children and adults at St.
left the track.
stacle. on. Their boat flipped over in rough wa- Joseph’s church.
Gordon Farel accepted the position
Dennis and Tabitha Ubel of Williams ters and high winds when trying to get Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stodgell and son
with the Lobentz Bros., Highway Con-
completed the Emerging Leadership Pro- back to Adrian’s Resort, where they and Phillip left for Ottawa, Canada, to visit rel-
struction Co.
gram. 18 others were camped. The four were: atives.
Cletus McNeely, who had been teaching
Olav Arsvold, 59, his wife Viola, 49, of A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
school at Hines, MN, and Miss Edith
40 Years Ago (1982) Blanchard, North Dakota, Steene Severt, Clarence Schuh of Graceton, and a fifth
Ramiller, who had completed her first
Karlyn Siggerud, daughter of Mr. and 73, and his wife Borghild of Mayville, child, a girl, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
year at the Bemidji College, returned to
Mrs. Dick Bixby of Williams and Julie North Dakota. sell Johnson.
their homes here.
Nordine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Joyce Anderson from north of Roo-
ford Nordine of Roosevelt, were two of the 60 Years Ago (1962) sevelt left for Girls’ State.
(100 Years Ago unavailable this week)
190 participants from throughout the A baby boy, their second, was born to Joyce Clark was employed as an assis-
State to take part in the Miss Teen Min- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pieper of Williams tant to the paymaster at the John W.
nesota Pageant. June 18 at the Warroad Hospital. Mrs. Thomas Co., in Minneapolis.
Students graduating from the Univer- Pieper is the former Faye Crowston. Janet Gillie was home for a week after

from the files of the Baudette Region

10 Years Ago (2012) “Basic In- cabin. A steak fry with all the trimmings
Daniel Alvarez stopped in Baudette dur-
ing his kayaking trip from the northern
stinct’ was show-
ing at the Grand.
100 Years Ago 60 Years Ago
was enjoyed.
Myrtle Rivard was the guest of honor
Robert Miller, Carp man accused of
most point of the United States to the Doc and Phyl- murdering Archie Fenton, was found not- A maintenance at a stork shower at the William Rivard
southernmost point. He was five days into lis Hoffman cele- guilty. The verdict was rather unpopular betterment job home.
his 4,000 mile journey. brated their 48th among Carp residents, who had hoped for would begin on
An obituary was printed for Fern (Mor- wedding anniver- at least a manslaughter charge. Hwy. 11 between 90 Years Ago (1932)
ris) Ebert, 83. sary at Adrian’s Williams and Roo- Ted Jensen, who secured the contract
“The Amazing Spider-Man” was show- Resort. sevelt. Work would to build the new traffic bridge, shipped
ing at the Grand. LeRoy Carlson was installed as Com- be completed in 30 days. several truckloads of equipment to town.
Minnesota State held an orientation for mander at the American Legion in Alden Johnson passed away at the Pio- It was expected work would be completed
the new class of linemen that would start Baudette. neer Home at the age of 81. the next spring.
classes in August. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Engh left for Hop- The first major accident at the fish box
Take a Kid Fishing Day was rainy but 40 Years Ago (1982) kins where they would be honored for plant of George Arnold at the Northwest
105 kids took part. Two juvenile males were arrested for their 40th wedding anniversary during a Angle occurred when Frank Riggin had
Northlake Café had their grand re-open- causing hundreds of dollars’ worth of family reunion. three fingers taken off. Riggen was rushed
ing with new owners Sam and Joe Hus- property damage. The greatest damage Lyle Wood was admitted to the Nopem- to the Warroad Hospital by boat.
bands. They offered $2 burger baskets. was to a railroad signal arm crossing just ing Santitorium the previous week. The Rainbow Café was enlarged and
west of the Co-Op service. A fixed stop improved. The partition between the
20 Years Ago (2002) sign was also stolen off a school bus and 70 Years Ago (1952) kitchen and dining room was removed. A
President George Bush declared Lake cement blocks were stolen from Dodd’s Christ Sunne was awarded a big con- large refrigerator plant was installed at
of the Woods and Koochiching Counties Lumber and were placed around town. tract for the agricultural arts building at the rear.
disaster areas from the flood two weeks Obituaries were printed for Elsie the Roseau school. The building would be Jessie Ildved became the bride of Lloyd
prior. Hooper, 92 and Herbert Wonser, 78. 90,000 cubic feet. Chell, of Lindstrom.
Reed McFarlane was hired as superin- Clifford and Emma Cole celebrated Charles “Buddy” Hickner graduated The Baudette township ball team lost
tendent of buildings, grounds and trans- their 45th wedding anniversary at First from the University of Minnesota. to Carp 6-10.
portation at the school. Lutheran Church. Michael Hackett received word of his
School enrollment was down 25 from Little Bit Country Café, formerly appointment with the U. S. Border Patrol. 100 Years Ago (1922)
the previous year. Barb’s Café, would open the following Friday the 13th was a lucky day for Al- The committee for the upcoming 4th of
A 25-year-old Warroad woman was in week. The café would feature home bert Kopkie. He was lifted into the air July celebration met and decided to post-
critical condition after being hit by a train cooked meals, sandwiches and dinners. from behind by a bull. While in the air, he pone the July 3rd carnival celebration.
two miles west of Pitt Sunday afternoon. “Super Fuzz” and “Chariots of Fire” yelled for his dog who quickly took com- The funds for the carnival would be used
She was reportedly picking asparagus were showing at the Grand. mand of the situation. After seeing no se- for the county division campaign.
while wearing headphones when she was rious injury to himself, Albert took the Florence Franson, eight-year-old from
hit in the head by a railing on the side of 50 Years Ago (1972) bull to town for shipping. Wabanica, died following an extended
the train. The accident was under investi- The Baudette Volunteer Fire Depart- Lightning struck the home of Paul bout with typhoid.
gation. ment was able to save the barn at the Bill McKinnon Sr., hitting the fuse box in the Robert Miller, Carp man accused of
John and Judi Dodds were celebrating Bundy farm, one mile east of Pitt. bedroom splintering it. Peggy vacated the murdering Archie Fenton, was found not-
their 25th wedding anniversary that week- Mr. and Mrs. William Menke would cel- bedroom before the fuse box was hit but guilty. The verdict was rather unpopular
end with a party at Sportsman’s Lodge. ebrate their golden wedding anniversary Paul was buttoning up the windows when among Carp residents, who had hoped for
on July 2nd at Sacred Heart Church. All he received a shock which went through at least a manslaughter charge.
were invited. his arm. John Cornelius, James Koranda, Au-
30 Years Ago (1992) Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Engh would cele- gust Carlson, Anders Ullstrom, Ole Olson,
A final farewell to the old Baudette brate their golden wedding anniversary at 80 Years Ago (1942) Arthur Thompson, Edward Schuh and
School was planned for early July. The First Lutheran Church. All were invited. Federal and state tests showed all cattle Jonas Sundquist all received patents for
school, formerly called Cathcart School, Two couples from North Dakota in the county were free of T. B. their land; the final step in becoming land
opened in 1914 and would close that fall drowned at Burton Island after high Magnus Wessman, Carp boy, joined the owners.
with the opening of the new school just winds caused their boat to capsize. They Army Air Corps and was in training at Andrew Tangbakken accepted the posi-
west of town. had been safe, along with 18 others who Miami Beach. tion of teaching the parochial school at
The Baudette Rotary Club hosted a were stranded on the island, when they A baby girl was born to the Ralph Kop- Bostic Creek.
touring group from the Philippines. decided to try to make it back to Wheeler’s kies at Graceton.
Sister Frances Kempenich would mark Point. Halvor Storla celebrated his 89th birth-
50 years with the Franciscan order the fol- The engagement of Jeri Borg to Vic day. —Compiled by the
lowing month She was Sister hostess at Beckel was announced. An August wed- Kenneth Weeks entertained seven men Lake of the Woods Historical Society
LakeWood Care Center. ding was planned. at a stag party at his Wheeler’s Point
Northern Light Region Wednesday, June 22, 2022 /5

I See by the...
County History Part 1 Northern Light Region
Lindsay Marshall, Director could be written into the news- Vacation Bible School
LW County Museum paper who would publish the
Vacation Bible School will be held from July 18
letters. One letter with a sug-

s we near the county gestion published in the
to 21. Age 3 years to Kindergarten: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
centennial anniver- Baudette Region tossed out the 1st through 6th grade: 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Children
sary, I thought it ideas of Lake-Woods County must be potty trained or attend with an adult. This
would be important to share and Baudette County. The au- year children will be learning about God’s endless
the history of the separation thor of this letter felt the love for all through music, reading, crafts and fun!
from Beltrami County in the name, Lake of the Woods To register your children or volunteer please
next few weeks. This week we County, was too cumbersome email calista@baudettelutheranparish.org or call
will cover the basics and then and had too many words. 634-2064
dive into a few topics more in In June 1922, 500 visitors
depth in the weeks to come. were expected to turn out for a
Compared to the entire his- meeting held at the Grand Mental Health Crisis
tory of the area that today is Theatre to discuss the county Phone Numbers
the state of Minnesota, the division proposition. Two-hun- Northland Counseling: 218-283-3406; Text MN to
concept of counties is rela- dred-fifty delegates were se- 741741; 24-hour Mobile Crisis Hotline: 800-422-0045.
tively recent. We will start at lected to represent the
1849, when the first map shows different areas of the county at
the state divided into nine this meeting. At this meeting, AA Meetings
counties. The majority of the delegates would decide AA Big Book meetings are held every Monday
northern Minnesota is divided whether the area should move night at 7:30 p.m. at First Congregational Church
into Itasca County and Pem- ahead with steps to get the in Baudette. Call 612-803-2984 for more informa-
bina County. The area of the county division proposition, tion. Step Traditions AA, Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at
present Lake of the Woods the name of the new county First Congregational Church. Call 612.709.0107 or
County is split with more of would be settled, new commis- 612.281.2118 for more information. AA meetings
the land being in Itasca sioners for the county would are held every Monday night at 8:00 p.m. at St.
County. By 1855, many of the be elected and the boundaries Joseph’s Catholic Church in Williams. AA meet-
counties closer to the Twin for each commissioners dis- ings are held every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the
Cities had organized. Beltrami trict would be drawn. Commissioners Room at the Govt. Center. Alco-
County was created in 1866, al- By July 1922, petitions were holics Anonymous meets every Tuesday and Fri-
though a bit smaller than it is circulating asking for separa-
today. Lake of the Woods area
day evening at Cornerstone Assembly in Baudette
tion from Beltrami County and
was still split between Itasca
A map of the state of Minnesota, circa 1860. to have Baudette be the county at 7 p.m.
and Pembina counties. By 1878, Pem- been happening for years prior to the seat of the new proposed county. The
bina County changed its name to Kitt- actual separation. In May of 1922, it
son County. Beltrami County extended was reported that Baudette officially
petition needed to be in the hands of
Governor Preus before August 7 in
Lake of the Woods Food Shelf
north, gaining the area of present Lake backed the county division. The name, order to be submitted to voters at the Distribution
of the Woods County. In 1894, Roseau Lake of the Woods County, received general election November 7th. June 23, July 21, August 18, September 22,
County was created, adjusting the many test votes at the meeting. Other We will pick up next week on the October 20, November 17, December 22
boundary of the western portion of suggestions had included, Cloverland, timeline of how the county came to be Food distribution starts at 2:00 p.m. and runs
present Lake of the Woods County to Spruce, Clover Leaf, Wanda, LaV- organized. If you want to visit the mu- until 4:00 p.m. in Baudette at the Lighthouse 106
be as we know it today. Finally in 1922, erendrye, North Beltrami and North. seum, we are open Monday – Friday 10
The newspaper, however, noted if any-
2nd St. NE. Please come to the west end by the
Lake of the Woods County was organ- a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. – 2
ized. one had any suggestions they thought parking lot. To apply for the food shelf you must
Rumblings of a county division had would be better, these suggestions bring in proof that you live in Lake of the Woods
county. For more information contact Sue at 218-
634-3275. Day of distribution 12-4 call 218-634-3295.


Create Time and Space

Friends Against Abuse offers free advocacy
service for victims of Domestic/sexual assault &
general crime. We offer 24 hr crisis line, help
w/orders for protection/restraining orders, med-
ical & court advocacy, safety planning, presenta-
Kelly Brevig stance, firearms should be removed tions on domestic/sexual assault, bullying,
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nger can strike when we or safely secured under lock and contact Tonja 218-634-3233 office located at 406
least expect it. A seem- key. Trigger locks can be utilized as Main St W. Baudette.
ingly personal attack can well as gun cabinets or other safe
release adrenaline in the brain and storage. Ammunition should be
put one’s body in overdrive. The kept separate and inaccessible.
mind instantly prepares for a po- Medications that are no longer
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as pain receptors diminish. Breath- the Sheriff’s department. All other
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rate quickens. Since the dawn of box with restricted access. Over the
man, survival has depended on in- extreme depression or thoughts of counter medications can be rationed WI-FI
stinct and adrenaline. Adrenaline suicide, the same brain chemistry with a minimal amount available as
prepares us to fight, to run, and occurs. The emotional control center needed.
sometimes freeze, guarding us takes over, robbing power from ra- It is easy to think that a crisis like
against a range of predators. tional decision making. As the brain suicide doesn’t apply to us. Just like Open 11a m -12:30p m Meals open to ALL
Anger is just one emotion that ar- is flooded, sensible choices cease to we prepare for any other emergency ages! Call one day ahead, 634-1633, for
rives with a flood of adrenaline and exist. The question is, how can we in our lives, so should we be ready to reservations
cortisol. It is difficult to think clearly, buy time for the amygdala to calm help a friend or family member in a
down and for the pre-frontal cortex
$5-$8.40 su donation 60 & over
as the brain is taken over by the time of emotional distress. The
emotional response center, the to take over? amygdala, when called upon, is Un der 60 $8.40
amygdala. The amygdala’s mission is Time and space are paramount in ready to react without reasoning. We
times of personal crisis. Fortunately, DINING DELIVERY A .
to react and to do it quickly. When need to be prepared to step in and
this happens, we need a little help there are many ways that we can in- “be the pre-frontal cortex” for a
tervene safely and even save lives. Fri, ~
from our pre-frontal cortex. This is friend until they can regain control. ~
the part of our brain that helps us One of the best ways to help some- We need to be willing to listen, ques- Tue, ~
reason and make logical decisions. one regain control is to listen. Being tion, and to find them help. It is Wed, ~
The pre-frontal cortex is the part of able to vent, especially in a non-judg- never too late to care and create time Thur, ~
the brain that keeps us from hitting mental setting, can provide an in- and space.
“send” on a snarky email that was credible release. When we get things Please contact one of the follow-
written in haste. The cortex engages off of our chest, especially intense ing agencies for resources or assis-
and slows us down when we really emotional pain, we can restrain im- tance:
want to react to road rage, and helps pulsivity and provide hope. This lis- •LakeWood Behavioral Health,
us hold our tongue when we are in tening approach also works when 218-634-3491
an extremely provocative situation. someone is feeling suicidal. Asking • LifeCare Behavioral Health, 218- Main Street • Williams • 783-7039
It buys us time to negotiate with the someone directly, “are you thinking 463-4732 $6.00 members, $7.00 non-members
amygdala and make a reasonable about suicide?” helps to clarify and • Lake of the Woods County Social
choice based on our emotional reveal any hidden secrets. Services, 218-634-2642
needs, a perceived threat, and our Another technique in saving lives • Northland Counseling, 218-283-
overall best interests. by suicide is to put some barriers in 3406
When someone is experiencing the way of impulsive acts. For in-

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Check out the calendar at www.nlregion.com for upcoming events & meetings !
6/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region


“...a black bear at his bird feeder...”

Guess we can stop complain- Hout wedding were Laura and and Eva Slick and Kay came up June 13th was Marj Hancock's
ing about cold weather! Summer BIll Rosenberg, Jenny Knutson, on Sunday the 12rh Besides birthday. Linda Babnik treated
is here! Katie Self and children Conner, cooking over an open fire and Marj, Iva Balitewitcz and Barb
Andy Lystad had a busy night Danny, and Riley, Brian and An- visiting Robert, they drove Mickelson to lunch at Ballard's.
one day last week. Andy heard drea Rosenberg, Madison, Is- around looking for wild life. Barb brought a birthday cake. In
some noise so looked out to see a abelle, Alexander and Arla, Bill Monday afternoon Linda Hansen the afternoon, Lee, Yvonne and
black bear at his bird feeder. He and Dana Heikkla, Bill and visited the Slick girls. Tuesday Joe Hancock and Terry Perusse
got his shot gun to make some Randee Heikkla and Evelynn. morning coffee guests of Marj visited Marj. Marj had supper at
noise and scare it away. More The Slick farm was full of ac- Hancock were Kay, Mary, Eva, the Babnik's that evening.
noise a little later and here was a tivity also, starting June 10th. Carla, Linda Babnik, Lee Han- Wednesday Iva was over for a
very big black bear. Andy's shot Arriving the 10th were Mary cock and Terry Perusse. visit with Marj. Thursday visi-
gun jammed so he grabbed his
rifle to scare the bear away. Be-
Chambers, Sarah, Werner and
Nora, Carla Danielson, Brian
Linda Eileen Olson was a coffee
guest of Marlene Eiynck on Mon-
tors at the Hancock home were
Stan and Linda, Lee and Terry.
fore the night was over, he also
had a bobcat and a racoon at the
Danielson, Jarad and Kristina
Danielson and Beckette, Emily HANSEN day afternoon. Sunday, May 19th,
Eileen and Linda Hansen played
Terry was a Sunday morning
breakfast guest of Stan and
bird feeders. None of them have Danielson and Nolan Hanson. lindabellhansen@hotmail.com Hand and Foot and enjoyed Linda for Father's Day. Marj was
been back since. They all came for the Slick/Huot lunch with Marlene. a supper guest of the Babniks on
Evie Slick's home was a busy wedding and to visit Robert Slick Father's Day visitors of Russ Sunday.
place the weekend of June 11th. at the Care Center. Kay Slick had and Chris Hansen were Todd, That's it for this week!
Here for the Megan Slick/Jesse flown in from Portland, Oregon Elaina, Andy and Ally Higgins.


“...tending to our garden ...”

Happy anniversary to special grees about 30 minutes. and rocks brought in to protect ding for Karleen’s sister Carolyn.
friends, Walter and Judy Storey We have been busy tending to them. Two of Carole’s great grand-
on June 25th. and to her sister, our garden and keeping up with Donna Pederson, Emily Pars- daughters, Abby and Millie spent
Mary and Kip Nelson on the the lawn mowing. With enough ley, Kevin and Paula Fish, Kevin a couple weeks with her. They
same day. Have a wonderful time moisture it’s growing pretty fast. and Dianne Bjorneby, Steve and helped out with chores and were
celebrating together. On Tuesday night we attended Sherry Nelson and Jack loaded such good company. They at-
Happy birthday to a special and I helped with the lunch at up their Rangers and headed to tended summer camp at the LOW
sister, Carla Smith on June 26th. the Flag Day flag burning at the the Rapid City, South Dakota school for a few days which they
Love you. Have an awesome day. Roosevelt Legion Hall. Such a area for some fun trail riding. loved. The Nordine families
Celebrating birthdays this nice ceremony to properly dis- Marlin The country was beautiful and pooled their goods and had a
week are Wes McFarlane, Joyce pose of the worn flags. I’ve been the trails were fun except for the very successful garage sale on
Claypool, Ione Symes, Abby Hop-
kins and Bruce Streich. Trust
busy making rhubarb/straw-
berry jam for the last week. On
RAVNDALEN one bad rocky spot. Steve had
the mishap of taking a tumble on
Friday and Saturday. Abby and
Millie had a lemonade stand
you will all have a wonderful day. Wednesday morning I rode to some loose rocks and landed on which was a big hit.
Happy anniversary to Gene Warroad with my sister Rosanna Prayers and sympathy to Gor- his face. A trip to the ER for After meeting friends at Taco
and Marilyn Bitzer on June 27th. Sorrels for our monthly dinner don’s family. xrays showed he had fractured Tuesday at the Wilderness Bar &
Have an awesome day. out at Daisy’s Garden. The neigh- David Jewell enjoyed a BBQ at three bones in his eye socket. We Grill in Williams Walter and
Happy anniversary to Tom borhood bear hasn’t been here daughter Sue and Irv’s in hope you heal fast and com- Judy headed to Roseau to the
and Mandy Lane on June 29th. since that bear was killed west of Baudette on Father’s day along pletely Steve. After seeing some Four Seasons Senior Center
Have an awesome day. Williams. In the meantime he de- with daughter Kim Shaw. He had beautiful scenery and putting on where Walter and the Highway 11
Early Thursday morning we stroyed three of our bird feeders. a wonderful time, awesome food over 300 hundred miles the trav- Ramblers played for a dance.
received a call from Ronda to let I joined our coffee group for and NO bugs! elers arrived back home on Sat- Lois Lystad visited Storey’s one
us know that Kevin’s mother, breakfast on Thursday morning. Les and Mary Pat Baldwin urday, the 18th. Donna’s day.On Friday Walter and Judy,
Linda Doyle had passed away un- That night Bob and I attended packed up their camper headed granddaughter Lindsey was Shelly Lein and Harvey headed
expectedly at her home in Cava- the Back Home days meeting in south to Sandstone, Minnesota to happy to have grandma home to Grand Forks where they
lier, ND. at the age of 74. Such Williams. Final plans were made her sister Carol Will’s last Satur- and was her Saturday overnight stayed for the night. They met
sadness for her family, her hus- and it’s a go for the Saturday fes- day. They helped Carol’s grand- guest. Steve and Jack stopped to Shelly’s daughter Allison for
band, George, Kevin and Ronda tivities and picnic. The senior daughter celebrate her visit Donna on Sunday. supper and everyone helped
and family, daughter Kristi and center will be serving up a pan- graduation. After spending two Leland and Phyllis Hendrick- Shelly celebrate her birthday.
her husband Jeff, and Kristi’s cake breakfast to get your day days with Carol they were on the son attended the celebration of Happy birthday Shelly! On Satur-
family, and her siblings. Our started. All are welcome. I road again to Pryor Lake to visit life for Mary Bourman on Friday day they all headed to Moorhead
love, prayers and sympathies to worked at and attended the me- Les’ cousin, Cecil and Vergie An- at Zion Lutheran church in War- where they attended the funeral
all. Kevin and Ronda and their morial service at the Roosevelt derson for a couple days. On road. Phyllis attended and helped for Judy’s brother Mike Erickson
family were in Florida at Disney- Legion hall on Saturday for Gary Tuesday they kept an appoint- with the memorial service for who passed away after a lengthy
world at the time. Lindgren. Prayers and sympa- ment at the Vet’s for their dog. Gary Lindgren on Saturday in illness. Harvey was one of the
Our sympathies and prayers thies to his family. That night we The pooch received a good re- Roosevelt. After church on Sun- nephews serving as pallbearers.
to Wally Geisenhof’s family on treated Pastor Rachel Johnson port. They joined friends Bill and day Leland and Phyllis took in It was a military service with the
his passing last week. A memo- and Mark and Louise Schreiner Liz for lunch that day.On the annual Father’s day picnic at Color Guard. Our prayers and
rial service will be held on Satur- to the fish fry at Morris Point. Of Wednesday they headed to the Lutheran church in sympathies to his wife Becky and
day at the Roosevelt American course we finished it off with an Alexandria where their grand- Clementson. This year marked their family, Judy and Walter
Legion. old fashioned ice cream cone at kids, Owen and Hallie Jo Bald- the 116th picnic and Leland has and their family and all the sib-
My treasured recipe this the LOW campground. Scott was win from Holt and Tate Dale been at 74 of them. lings and their families.
week comes from Mrs. Alvin our Father’s Day dinner guest. from Roseau were competing in a Rosanna Sorrels and brother Mark and Louise Schreiner
Ravndalen. Later in the day we delivered pre-state Trap Shoot. They Wade Sorrels took a leisure drive motored to Bemidji last Thurs-
Blueberry Pie meals to Christopher and Rox- watched the shoot and visited over to Bemidji on Thursday and day. Louise picked up her new
2 1/2 c. blueberries ( fresh or anne, Tiff and the kids, and with the Aaron and Wendy Bald- did a little shopping. They en- glasses, which are really nice,
thick canned) Leroy and Tawnee and the kids. win who were there too. They all joyed the nice ride and good visit. and Inga had a follow-up appoint-
1 c. sugar Happy 1st anniversary to a received trophy’s and awards. Last Monday Carole Nordine’s ment at the Vet’s after her recent
1/4 c. flour special couple, Connor and Tay- They headed home on Friday. visitors were Marlene Otto from surgery. All is well and she was
1/8 tsp. salt lor Pfeiffer on June 20th. Love Les and Mary Pat attended the Montana and Karleen Mattson pretty tickled to get the cone off
2 tbsp. butter you. Hope you had an awesome memorial service for her cousin, from Roseau. They had a wonder- on Sunday. Louise attended bible
1 tbsp. lemon juice day. Gordon Huerd in Roseau on Sat- ful catch-up visit and good time study on Wednesday.
1 recipe plain pastry Steve and Charlotte Chris- urday morning. Later that day together. Pete and Marlene were AN ANGEL SAYS.......when
METHOD: combine the blue- tiansen dined at Rock Harbor they visited Randy and Dianne guests of Leroy and Karleen in things feel overwhelming, re-
berries, sugar, flour salt and Lodge for supper on Father’s day. Turner at the Turner cabin at Roseau while in the area. They member.....one thought at a
lemon juice. Fill 8 inch pastry Steve attended and was part of Long Point. They also checked attended the funeral for Chancy time.....one task at a time.....one
lined pie pan. Dot with butter the Color Guard memorial serv- their cabin at Long Point. Be- Cole Jr. in Warroad. Prayers and day at a time.
and adjust top crust. Bake in hot ice for Legion member Gordon cause of the rising waters both sympathies to his family. On Sat-
oven 450 degrees for ten minutes, Huerd at Helgeson’s Funeral cabins had to have sandbagging urday Pete and Marlene, Leroy
then in moderate oven 350 de- Chapel in Roseau on Saturday. and Karleen attended the wed-


“...celebrated Father’s Day ...”

One evening last week, Mari- and went so well. What a fun Forrest Sorrels visited Marsha and Jen Wilmer's for Father's
lyn and Roger Erickson had two night. Gwen’s cousin, Loren Carl- on Thursday night. He has the Day. They all enjoyed a good
bears visit their place. They son and his wife Virginia of Com- potatoes all planted. On Friday, meal on the deck.
walked around the house and stock surprised them and joined Marsha and Margaret went to Company at Dennis Wilmer’s
yard for half an hour. On Friday them there as well. Saturday, Baudette shopping and for lunch in honor of Father’s Day were
morning, a bear came up on the Ashley Walz and children visited at McDonalds. Madie Draper vis- Shelly & Ken Rostad, Susie and
deck and looked in the terrace with Gwen at her home. Ash- ited grandma Marsha later that Tim Rostad, Josiah, Nicole and
door. ley’s husband, Justin was work- day. Saturday, Marsha was out Rosie Rostad, Amanda Preston
Stella Matelski also had a bear ing so he was unable to come. weed whacking and got eaten up and family, Ashley and Tate Hoff
at her place. There are so many Suzi Sorenson, Vayda Cook, Lib- by the mosquitoes. There awful and Nicky Rostad. Lunch con-
of them around.
A memorial service will be
erty Johnson and Bryce, who all
live with Gwen, enjoyed the visit
Nancy this year with all the water
standing around. Marsha visited
sisted of grilling hamburgers
and salads. It was an awesome
held for Wally Geisenhof on June
25 at the Roosevelt Legion Hall at
as well.. Gwen’s rhubarb is grow-
ing too fast to keep up with. If
CRAIG with Chrissy Draper this week as
well. Rodney called Marsha from
family time.
Bill and Kay Adams enjoyed a
1 p.m. Wally passed away at the anyone would like to come and jndeerfrogfarm@wiktel. com Arkansas and said it was 88 de- visit from daughter Paula Hau-
age of 83 on June 14th. He will be pick some, give her a call and you bers, attended the Bridal Shower grees, while in Williams it was 95 gen. She had surgery and felt
missed by all that knew him, he can pick it. She has made some for LuAnn Ferrier and Troy degrees! Alcia Draper helped good enough for the drive. She
was a great guy! sauce with pineapple and apples. Weaver, who will be married plan the Grandma's Marathon came Wednesday and stayed
Last weekend, Connie and Dave Cassi visited with Memo- soon. for Saturday June 18, in Duluth. until Friday. Thursday, they cele-
Tom Petrauski of Nashwauk and rie Toft at Roseau. He enjoyed a Brenda Nelson and some Cards of condolence can be sent brated Father’s Day and Paula's
Gwen Sorenson of Williams ribeye steak at the Algoma on friends enjoyed Kick’n Up Koun- to Tonja Draper Jonassen at 4514 birthday by dining out at the Wil-
drove to Clearbrook and at- Friday night. try music festival in Karlstad. West Aster Dr. Glendale, Arizona lows. The food was great.
tended a beautiful wedding at Grandpa Buddy Mans went to Marsha Draper got her lawn 85304. Sending you many Thank you to Patty Johnson
Seljord Lutheran Church, where Duluth to his grandson (Pam’s mowed last Monday and planted prayers. and Ruth for putting my air con-
Gwen’s nephew Glenn Olson and son) Jack Spencer’s high school 6 rows of potatoes, peas and cu- Last Thursday, Margaret ditioning in just in time before
Debbi Pagel, both of Clearbrook, graduation. Jack is quite a bit cumbers. Tuesday, Marsha got a Wilmer enjoyed such a nice visit the heat wave. Afterwards, we sat
were married. This is the little taller than grandpa. Buddy re- call from her old friend Jody with Corky Ravndalen, Corky’s on my new deck in the back visit-
country church Gwen was raised cently went to his grandson’s Mauer. It’s always nice to hear son Mark and his friend Joe at ing.
in. It has been closed quite a few wedding in Montana. from old friends. Daryl and the Warroad Senior Living Cen- The event we all wait for will
years now and is being used for Brooke Demary visited her Stepanie Hanson called to see ter. It was Mark's birthday, so be here soon— the Roosevelt Flea
special occasions. It was so spe- mom Sandra Demary and how Marsha trip to Arizona was. they all gathered around Corky Market is July 3rd and 4th. There
cial for her being there again. grandma Gerry Anderson on He said they were in a tornado visiting and having cake and ice is something there for everyone.
The bride and groom rode in a Sunday in Bemidji. She had been watch and sitting in the base- cream. Saturday, Margaret’s son Always remember that your
one-horse buggy being pulled by to a friend's wedding and visited ment. Thursday, Marsha went to Dave came over to her place and present situation is not your
Gwen’s nephew, Gunner Olson, her cousin Jake Demary and kids Roseau. She is so proud— her fixed the garage roof. He stayed final destination. The best is yet
driving his John Deere tractor. in Elk River. granddaughter Jasmine was and had supper with his mom. to come!
The reception and dance were JoAnn Ferrier and daughters awarded the Region volleyball On Sunday, Margaret, along with
held in the old Clearbrook Crystal Ferrier and Sherri Sipe, Coach of the Year 16U Division Jim and Sue Dexter from Black-
school. Everything was so nice along with other family mem- award. Congratulations Jasmine! duck, were invited over to Dave

Subscribe to the Northern Light Region today! Call 218.634.2700 or visit www.nlregion.com.
Northern Light Region Wednesday June 22, 2022 /7

OBITUARIES Coleen R. Norris, 60
James P. Menke, 97 Coleen Rae Norris, 60,
died on Thursday, Decem-
James Philip Menke ber 2, 2021, at her residence
passed away on June 3, 2022. in rural Thief River Falls,
Jim was born in Warroad, MN, surrounded by family.
Minnesota, on Jan. 10, 1925, Her Celebration of Life
to William and Rose Menke. Service will be held at 1:30
Jim was inducted into the PM on Friday, July 1, 2022,
IIHdetttLutht!ln Parish,(UCAJ WIiiams Colnmwity (hatch, WllliMIS U.S. Army at age 18 and was with Pastor Birgitte Simp-
Simpson Pairor JohnJohnson a PFC in Headquarters Co. son officiating, at the Carp
118~14-17« 3rd Battalion, 5th Infantry Hall, 6023 County Rd 1 SW,
Arn llltht!ln, Balldttte PittCOlllfflMity Cllurdl, Pitt
Sunday 9:30a.m.
Regiment of the 71st Divi- Baudette, MN.
Pasto! Tom K'i/11111111an
W111Anb l.ldhtrM, IIU~ 218-634-2650 sion. His division arrived in The visitation in honor
Sunday 8:30a.rn. S111day 10:lSam. LeHavre, France on Feb. 6, of Colleen will be held
OetMIIIHnluthtr1n, CI-..U. 1945. In a period of 92 days, from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM
Sunday 11a.m. lllldOld Chlpe~llllldette they marched — fighting a on Friday, July 1, 2022 at
9:45a.m.Brtaklng Brud large part of the way — 1060 the Carp Hall in Baudette. nephews affectionately
lletlllthem Lutheran (1!10),
S.dette 11a.m.Family Bible Hour miles while capturing over In lieu of flowers, me- knew her as “Auntie
Seveath'llly llllldette 80,000 prisoners of war; the morials preferred to the Coco.” Nothing made her
218-63+2806 Ad'lenllst,
bulk of them the hard way. his workshop. He loved
Sunday9urr. l/J/11$
Hop1rocd. Comm1Jniry ouot«hDltte1or
doing woodworking and American Cancer Society smile bigger than when she
They liberated Gun- shared stories of her
made many things for all or offer a random act of
ltthanylatbtr1n(ElCA), Wlltllms lot/Ktarm, Parr or skirchen Lager concentra- grandchildren.
his family and friends. He kindness to others.
Pastor/lad,tlltR1MM 72M84-970J tion camp along the way. She had a green thumb
also loved dancing, when he Coleen Rae (Hancock)
218783-~32. Saturday 12:lO p.m. His unit pushed farther east and could grow ten-pound
Sunday 10:451.m. could still manage to do it, Norris was born on Janu-
than any other U.S. Army tomatoes, then make the
COfflffltone Auemblyof ~ Bliudette and loved playing his polka ary 3, 1961 to Chub and
unit. Jim received a Bronze best salsa you’d ever
Mt.Cmlltl(EICA), RoelMlt Porr« /lkl!«d8talie1g records. Marj Hancock in Baudette,
/'GJtor Johnson Star, plus numerous other tasted. Coleen had a way of
Jim and Verna had four Minnesota. Coleen idolized
218-4422031 !unday10-JO a.rn. medals. developing strong bonds
children: Joanne Havel her father and revered her
Sunday 8:30a.m, After the war, he re- with people of all ages, cul-
Enngtliulc.. 1111ntChurdt, llludlttt turned to Baudette, Min- (Mike Paramo), Rita Bal- mother. She relished her
Arn Cathalk~rishes Parror Ooug Mason lance (Steve), Bill Menke memories with her sib- tivating long lasting friend-
nesota, where he worked at
R/tl,trilndllw/Jbd•Ota<011JomtS Luttvrlk 218-634-1B17 (Karen), and Randy Menke lings, cousins, and friends ships. She will be
Baldwin's Shoes and met
21&-634-2689 (Baudette) Sunday 9'JOa.m. (Nancy Andrich); four as they played on the farm. remembered for her roar-
Verna Wilmer, and she
218·JS6-117$ (Wanoad)
grandchildren: David and She developed a strong ing laugh, generous spirit,
oflht Uvi"' Water, worked at Agnes's Cafe.
SacredNtlft, lalllltttt Churdl lalllltttt
Jaimie Havel, Mike Bal- work ethic from a young vibrant personality, and
Sunday Mus10:30a.m. Pam1t Ma,yI ti' Gros They got married on April
lance, and Sara Morrow; 10 age as she marched in the compassionate heart. Her
WIIII.Jms 218-634-2135 22, 1947, and moved to Ore-
great-grandchildren and footsteps of her dad. She laughter was truly conta-
5aturday afttmoonMan-4:.30 p.m. Suni!ay 10a.m. gon in 1951. In 1953, Jim
SLMary's. W1rr0id one great-great grandson. graduated from Lake of the gious, but she wanted her
started working for Todd
Satuiday Mrinq Mass 6 p.m, .BordeEnngtlbl FraCh.cll,80t4tr Many thanks to care- Woods High School in 1979 kindness to be just as con-
Construction and eventu-
Sllnday Mass&30a.ill, POS{OIMa,tMast
givers Melissa, Kristeen and and held on to lifelong tagious. She would have
ally went out on his own. He
built many houses in Dou- Cyndee for all their help friendships from child- given the shirt off her back
RllllyRlwrRegional Plrlsll Sllnday 9a.m,
United ChurdlofO,rtst glas County, with the bulk along the way. There will be hood. to a stranger in need. She
PostD1KmGttr WO/Shi'! D/r«tory /~lingsarrpoitfd Wttk/y of them being in the New- a private family service. We After graduating high was truly an angel on
715-4954861 frtt of CMrtJltotffl houi:a of WMhip. If ton Creek area. After retir- will always love and miss school, she followed her earth and will be dearly
Arn (011grt91tlollil, BaUNltf yaull//keJIOOfSadlkdorrama~updareta
ing, he spent a lot of time in you, Dad. heart to Anchorage, missed.
&30a.m. existingNsrings,p/Mt cwrtactt~Northtm
Alaska where she met her Coleen’s health began to
UnitedCongregaClonlll, Ilg/IIlllglonat l lB-634-1700
soulmate, Wes Norris. In decline but you’d never
1982, the couple welcomed know it because she never
their first child, Travis wanted others to worry
Stephanie Rebarchek-Spooner, 37 James. Five years later, the
family celebrated the addi-
about her. Her mobility
slowed but her love flowed.
Stephanie Ann Re- tion of their second child, She put others before her-
barchek-Spooner, 37 passed Katrina Rae. self right up until the end.
away suddenly on June 7th, Coleen brought up her She had an aggressive
2022 in Phoenix, AZ. family in the same commu- form of cancer that took
Stephanie was born on nity she was raised. She her within weeks of her di-
May 16th 1985 in Orlando, spent many years working agnosis. She died peace-
you might not know FL to Tammy Rebarchek. as a dietary aid at Lake- fully at home surrounded
Stephanie grew up in MN wood Care Center. She by those that loved her
we have life, home, She married Justin Spooner loved the residents and her deeply. Her son was hold-
in 2016 in New Brighton, colleagues dearly. She en- ing her hand as she took
auto and business MN and shortly after they joyed volunteering in her her last breath on earth.
relocated to Williston, ND community and cheering Coleen is preceded in
insurance. now you do. to build a new life together her children on with their death by her beloved father
following Justin’s work- activities. Chub Hancock; niece
place accident they relo- Trudy Mollberg; great
simple human sense cated to Phoenix, AZ in
Coleen and Wes had an
adventurous spirit and niece Baleigh Mollberg;
2019. moved to Rangely, Col- her grandparents Dorothy
Stephanie enjoyed spend- Randy Rebarchek
(Wyoming) and Wesley orado after their youngest Overland, Leroy and Velma
ing time with friends and left the nest. While in Col- Epley.
family, making crafts and Bernard (MN) grandpar-
ents Peggy and Zalo orado, she developed deep She is survived by hus-
gardening. friendships with kindred band Wes Norris, son
Stephanie is survived by Bernard (MN) nieces,
GREATER INSURANCE her husband Justin nephews and several spirits. She poured her Travis (Casey) Norris,
cousins. heart into her work at daughter Katrina (Erik)
SERVICE OF BAUDETTE Spooner, sons-Nevaehyous,
Eagle Crest Assisted Liv- Tharalson, grandson’s
Zachariyis, and Demetrius, Stephanie made friends
110 Main Street W, Baudette wherever she went, with ing. After ten years in Col- Tucker, Chase, and Tegan
step daughters- McKenna Norris, and Henrik Tharal-
218-634-2685 her bubble personality. She orado, the couple moved to
and Alyssa, mother Tammy son, mother Marj Hancock,
will be greatly missed by Crosby, North Dakota be-
Greaterins.com Rebarchek-Jurgens siblings Nadine (Darwin)
everyone that knew her. fore settling down in Thief
(Wyoming), half-brother- Hanson, Linda (Stan) Bab-
No memorial services River Falls, Minnesota to
Kody Loken (ND) uncles nik, Lee (Yvonne) Hancock,
will be performed. be closer to family.
v#uto-Owners. She could not be more Sandra Rose, and Terri
INSURANCE loving of her children’s (Jeff) Matthis, many
LIFE· HOME· CAR· &USINESS spouses, Casey and Erik. nieces/nephews, extended
She was a very proud family, and friends.
Regional obituaries and death notices mother and even prouder Condolences may be
sent at www.johnsonfuner-
grandma to her four
can be found at beloved grandsons. She alservice.com.
www.nlregion.com formed special relationship

U TO with her siblings in adult-
hood. Her nieces and

Auto Repair • Tires

The role of compassion
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Josiah Hoagland A difficult dilemma for any Chris- tual discipline as it is an expression

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DIrector of Mission, CHI LakeWood
tian is to live a life of congruence, to
practice what you preach and to au-
thentically live out the teachings of
of the Christian faith.
Jesus compares offering compas-
sion to those in need to directly of-

Baudette n James 1:27 we read, “Reli- Jesus. According to James, the way fering compassion to him. In
SNOWPLOW gion that is pure and undefiled that we authentically live out faith Matthew 25:40 we read, “And the
218-634-1636 before God, the Father, is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their
and theology is by the tangible ex-
pression of meeting others’ needs. In
King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say
to you, as you did it to one of the
www.johnsonbaudette.com affliction, and to keep oneself un-
stained from the world.” There is an
Acts 2:45 the early church is describe
as thus, “And they were selling their
least of these my brothers, you did it
to me.’” The word compassion is de-
inextricable connection between possessions and belongings and dis- rived from a Latin word meaning, ‘to
faith and compassion. The truest ex- tributing the proceeds to all, as any suffer with.’ By offering compassion
pression of faith in God is to become had need.” This is not meant to be to those suffering is to accompany
a compassionate presence in the an indictment of the church today— them in their suffering and to feel
lives of others. It can be easy to di- that they are somehow not living up some of the pain they are experienc-
vorce compassion from theology— to the ideal of the early church, but ing. By stepping into this space, we
those times when we express rather it is an invitation into a life are embodying the theological prin-
intellectual ascent to the things of giving, freeing, and joyful way of ciples that we believe.
Northern Light Region God but simultaneously abandon a being. To give compassion to those
friend in need, or neglect an impor- around you is not so much a spiri-
tant relationship.

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MEMBER FDIC Qf'll"'-Jgft Riverwood Bank.com
8/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region

e ting beautiful sm
miles forr over
ve 35 ye
Nuisance bears: What Offering
e the most
m up-to-date dental

you can do
techniqques in a relaxed,
dly atmosphere
Implant Services • TToooth Removal • Root Canal Treatments
Orthodontics/Braces • Te Teeth Cleaning • ZOOM!® TTeeeth Whitening
Minnesota Department of able reason to shoot a bear.) Toooth Colored or Silver Filliings • Dentures • Removable Partial Dentures
Natural Resources Before you shoot a bear, ask yourself if Kid Fr
you have taken all of the necessary precau-
Sometimes a bear that causes problems tions to prevent the situation and if killing FAMIL't=.
must be killed. The DNR only kills bears the animal is your only solution. Call your
when they have been determined to be a DNR Area Wildlife Manager to discuss the DENTAt:-
public safety threat; this happens on aver- situation.
age fewer than six times per year. When a bear is shot by a property owner
Can I shoot a problem bear?
Homeowners and farmowners kill the
it should be reported as soon as possible to
a conservation officer (DNR’s TIP Line, 800- 218 386 1048
majority of nuisance bears, which is al- 652-9093, is available 24/7) so the meat can 301 South State Av
Avenue • Warroad, MN • www.lakefamilydentalmn.com Drr.. Michael E.
E. TThhiele Drr.. Mark B. TThhiele
lowed in state law. This option can only be be salvaged. By law, it must be reported
used if the bear is causing significant prop- within 48 hours. The property owner may

Thanks for reading the NLR!

erty damage or creating an immediate dan- not keep the bear. Bears are the property of
ger to people or animals. (Destroying a bird the State of Minnesota.
feeder or unsecured trash cans is not a vi-

Dining & Enter tainment

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Bar & Stop outt and

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seee us this summer!
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ved until 11am
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Northern Light Region Wednesday, June 22, 2022 /9

Williams Gardeners host

successful Wild Flower Tour
This year’s prize winners were Jenn
Knoll, Mason Knoll, Rosemary John-
son, Becky Dawley and Jayden Walz.
Just a reminder, please don’t dig any
wild flowers but most especially the
Lady Slippers. The Show Lady Slipper
is Minnesota’s state flower and is one
of Minnesota’s rarest wild flowers. Its
population is endangered by wetland
drainage, ditching, herbicides use on
Submitted roadside areas, road side construction ,
and by illegal picking and uprooting.
The media room at the Lighthouse Thrift
2022 was a success for the Williams Since 1925 this rare wild flower has
Store on Monday, June 20, 2022, in Baudette,
Gardeners in terms of people coming been protected by Minnesota state law.
out to see the wild flowers…we had Remember they take up to 16 years to

Thrift Store/
families, new wild flower enthusiasts produce their first flowers, so love
and loyal followers. them, take lots of pictures but please
The Williams Gardeners were able don’t dig!
to find and mark 51 wild flowers rang- continued from page 1
ing from Pussy Toes to Flag Iris to When the Enchanted Cottage at the cor-
Showy Yellow Lady Slippers. ner of Main Avenue and Second Street be-
There was not a trace of the Pink came available, the Jochims bought it.
Showy Lady Slipper, although her fo- “It’s nice to have everything in a store,”
liage was found in the park and other instead of having it spread out over multi-
places. She is certainly taking her time ple rooms and areas, she said.
this year thanks to Mother Nature. The Lighthouse Thrift Store relies on
Blueberry Hill has an abundance of volunteers to help run it. Jochim is working
wild flowers. Hundreds of blue berries with seven volunteers now, but she said the
are flowering and making berries… store could use more help. Volunteers usu-
Wild Strawberries, Spreading Dogbane, ally work for about four hours a shift.
False Lily of the Valley, and Wild Roses Money raised by the store goes towards
to name a few. Northern Lighthouse Ministries and the
Anyone wanting to take the self- Food Shelf, which provides food for those
guided tour can simply follow the who need it.
markers starting at Lady Slipper Park “I don’t run a thrift store because it]s a
in Williams and ending at Blueberry moneymaker,” she said. “I run a thrift store
Hill west of Williams on Highway 11. because there’s a need in town.”
The Pink Showy Lady Slipper is The thrift store’s grand opening will be
sure to show up soon! Markers will be Saturday, July 2, Jochim said. They plan to
up for the next 7-10 days. Brochures serve shoppers with cookies and a bever-
and maps are available by calling 783- age.
2091. The Lighthouse Thrift Store will open
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. And on Saturdays, it will be
open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LW School will return to normal operations

of food service program in 2022-23
Submitted June 30, 2022. Families meals. Applications • Return to con- longer be allowed.
will need to fill out a cannot be posted or gregate meal dining Only reimbursable
Lake of the Woods Household Applica- distributed prior to only. With the return meals served in a con-
School Food Service is tion for Education July 1, 2022. to operating under the gregate dining setting
returning to normal benefits to qualify for • If you haven’t re- School Breakfast Pro- can be claimed.
operations for the SY free or reduced-price ceived your F & R ap- gram (SBP)/National • When you re-
2022-2023 school year meals or pay full price plication by July 18, School Lunch Pro- ceive your 2022-23 F &
for the School Break- for student meals in 2022, please call Cece gram (NSLP), federal R application, please
fast Program (SBP) SY 2022-23. at 218/634-2725 ext. regulations require fill it out and return it
and National School • Applications for 1503. that all meals served to Lake of the Woods
Lunch Program Education Benefits • Full price stu- must be provided in a School, Attention:
(NSLP). will be mailed the dent meal prices will congregate meal set- Cece Charlton, P.O.
• All households week of July 5, 2022. be available after they ting only. Grab/go or Box 310, Baudette, MN
that received free Households will need are approved at the curbside meals in- 56623
school meals for all to re-apply to receive June 27, 2022 School tended to be con-
students is expiring free or reduced-price Board Meeting. sumed offsite will no A bench that was restored in honor of Lynn

I!®t-J (, OluKa;
REEf ~
llll'PII R·

a ' ,(HydroFlask heYdude •


9AM-4PM 218-634-2088
10/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region

Popular insect repellant plants
Homeowners choose plants for
their properties based on a number
of variables. Some may be into grow-
ing their own foods, while others de-
• Basil: The aroma of fresh basil
is enough to compel any gardener to
make a place for it in their garden.
But there’s more to fresh basil than
can prevent it from bullying its way
into other plants’ domains.
• Lemongrass: Lemongrass is a
tropical grass that’s so fragrant it’s Bacon-Wrapped
Steak Bites
sire their gardens to be an its scent, as the Farmers Almanac often used in perfumes. Lemongrass
awe-inspiring mélange of bright col- notes it can be used to repel mosqui- contains citronella, which many
ors and alluring scents. There’s no toes and moths. people associate with repelling mos-
• 2 tablespoons barbeque seasoning (such as
wrong reason to plant a fresh gar- • Lavender: Fleas, flies, mosqui- quitoes. A potted lemongrass plant
den, but some plants offer extra ben- toes, and moths are not fans of this can repel these unwanted guests, KC Masterpiece®), or to taste
efits, such as repelling insects. aromatic and colorful member of keeping them away from decks, • 2 pounds beef tips, trimmed
Insects can be a nuisance and a the mint family. Bees tend to be porches and/or patios all summer
threat to individuals’ overall health. drawn to lavender, a durable plant long. • 1 pound bacon, strips cut in half
According to the American Acad- that many garden centers recom- • Chrysanthemums: The Farmers’ toothpicks
emy of Family Physicians, insect- mend in areas prone to drought or Almanac® recommends using
borne diseases are viral and hot summers without much precipi- chrysanthemums, which repel a Rub barbeque seasoning into beef tips until meat has
bacterial illnesses that develop from tation. range of insects from bedbugs to an orange hue, 3 to 5 minutes. Cut beef into 1-inch
insect bites. Mosquitoes, sand flies • Mint: Mint is another plant that fleas to ants, as border plants cubes. Wrap each beef cube in a bacon slice and se-
and fleas are some examples of in- is instantly recognizable for its around a home. That’s because they cure bacon slice with a toothpick. Heat a skillet over
sects that can pass on disease. Fever, aroma. But mint lovers may not re- contain the natural insecticide medium-heat. Working in batches, cook wrapped beef
chills, headache, and muscle sore- alize that it’s also great for keeping pyrethrin, which can serve as some- tips in hot skillet until beef is browned all over and
ness are just a few of the more com- ants at bay. Mint also can be used to thing of an insect-repelling bound- bacon is crispy, 5 to 10 minutes.
mon symptoms linked to repel mosquitoes, but gardeners ary around a home.
insect-borne diseases. with no experience planting mint Insects are unwanted guests
Cook's Note:
The good news for avid gardeners should plant it in pots. That’s be- around a home each spring, summer
Touch your left or right index finger to your thumb gently. Now feel
is that certain plants can help repel cause the Farmers Almanac notes and fall. Certain plants can help
insects and provide the additional mint is an especially aggressive repel insects and serve as an eco- the muscle just below your thumb's knuckle. Can you feel how soft
benefits like fresh food and aesthetic spreader that can quickly take over friendly alternative to insecticides. that muscle is? That is how soft your sirloin must be to
appeal that so many people love. a garden. Separating mint in pots appropriately season/tenderize it.

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___ KingCrossword
5 Clothing pro-
8 Greet
12 Well-read
14 Celestial bear
15 Beatles drum- t---t----1----
mer before
Ringo Starr
17 Occupation,
for short
18 Straw hat
23 Printer's blue
25 Talkers' mara-
thon S E D A RA P ML B S P R R R
28 Bankroll 49 Disarray 9 "I smell -!" 33 Light-headed
29 North African 50 Toronto's 10 Cruise stop folks? (F I R E W O R K S) Q O S T N L
capital prov. 11 Hideaway 34 TV audience
30 Josh 51 Artist Bonheur 13 Baseball stats member
32 Doctor's 19 Lummoxes 36 Some wines J S C l NC 1 P 1 G F D S C A
order DOWN 20 Hardly any 37 Line of fash- rind the listed words in the diagram. They run in all
34 Trellis climber
35 Missing
36 Mature, as
1 Swiss peak
2 "Sprechen -
Opera set in
38 Verifiable
39 Monet's sup-
WeeklySUDOKU directions forward, backward, up, down and diagonally
Unlisted clue hint: U S FLAG NICKNAME
fruit 3 Addams 23 Is able to, old- ply Barbecue Concerts Liberty Sparklers
37 Small porches cousin style 40 Inky stain Baseball Crowds Parades Speeches
40 Spelldown 4 Weak 25 "Recognize 43 Charged bit
by Linda Thistle Carnivals Fairs Picnics Uncle Sam
41 Ms. 5 Folk singer my voice?" 44 Id counterpart Ceremonies Fireworks Reunions
Brockovich Joan 26 Omit 45 "Mayday!"
42 Oater setting 6 TGIF part 27 Fork prong 46 Former Delta
5 3 1 ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

47 ·- Lang 7 Gradually 29 Sporty car rival

Syne" 8 Compas- roof 7 9 5
48 Pokey sionate 31 Lion's home
© 2022 King Features Svn<l.. ]nc. 9 1 8 7

8 2 6
9 8 1 7
8 4 1 Deadline for submissions to the
Northern Light Region is
Monday at noon.
7 8 4
3 6 5
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each small 9-box square contains all of the forutr f{OHft,.Ourexpertscanhelp
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12/ Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region


You Needn’t Worry $ 500 Visa * Keep your crisper drawer

About a Thing gift card clean by lining with fresh
with one newspaper. It will absorb
At Oakwood Homes in Karlstad, year signed smells and liquid, and can
the lawn is mowed, the flowers lease. be easily replaced.
planted & the weeds are pulled!
* If it]s garage sale time, try
Available Now— this trick: Wrap a picture
1 Bedroom Apartments Badger School parents Falls will be shutting down for the time
being, Koochiching County’s Emergency frame tightly with tulle.
Then you can hang ear-
2 Bedroom Townhomes address homework Operations Center reports.
rings from the tulle. Maybe
3 Bedroom Townhome The crest at Rainy Lake should not be
load concern taken as an ‘all clear’ sign for the Rainy someone will think it]s so
Badger School parents Taylor Baier River and Lake of the Woods, however. All cute that you]ll sell the
and Kristy Kjos came to the June 13 the water presently flooding Rainy Lake frame, too!
will make it through to Lake of the Woods
board meeting to address a concern
in coming weeks. * When your cut-up fruit is
they had: heavy homework load in a
about to expire and you
specific grade. The board listened, but —Northern Light Region don]t think you]ll be able to
didn’t take any action related to this (Baudette, Minn.) eat it in time, just freeze it
concern at this time. for smoothies. Lay it out in
Oakwood Homes After speaking to the board members,
Baier handed them a pile of papers to show Over in the a single layer and pop it in
the freezer. When it]s
Washington Ave, Karlstad, MN them an example of one week’s worth of
DW JONes MANAgeMeNt frozen, you can put it in a
homework that her child had. She men-
zipper-top baggie for easy
218-547-3307 MN Relay TTY 711 tioned how she had sent an email about
this a couple weeks ago, but wanted to
Diane Gregerson storage.
www.dwjonesmanagement.com address the board in person.
Say it ain’t so!
Speaking by phone from her office at the * “Do you have a lot of cof-
“I just didn’t want to hide behind a
Roseau County Courthouse on Tuesday, fee mugs? Maybe it]s time
computer and make it that I’m just com-
May 31, Roseau County Treasurer Diane
For Rent For Rent plaining,” Baier said, “because I’m just to show them off! My
Gregerson fielded questions like a bookie granny has so many coffee
taking bets on a winning horse. mugs from trips and that
She felt very uncomfortable addressing
She’s a winner herself.
this issue, but wanted to address with the she got as gifts. My daddy
Northwoods Commons, Westside Manor, Baudette And now she’s leaving.
board the “extensive stress” she and her put up five long shelves on
Baudette “I started in ’79,” she said about her 43
child felt this past school year, referencing
years in the same department.
one wall of her kitchen.
homework. She asked that this issue be
Diane laughed at the remark that she They are the perfect place
looked into.
was just a child barely out of high school to line up and display all
back then. the mugs, and each one has
—The Tribune a story, which is fun to
“Yeah, I went to a year of tech school,”
(Greenbush, Minn.) hear.” -- F.E. in North Car-
said the 1978 Roseau High School graduate.
Her age was guessed in the late fifties. olina
Lake continues to rise, “Try 61,: she asid.
She served under the late Jack “JC” * “I have three girls and one
crest may be reached in Stone, later a Roseau County Commission- bathroom, so there]s no
er and the former all-time favorite owner way anyone gets ]ready] in
coming weeks and barkeep at Stoney’s Bar, a legendary front of the bathroom mir-
Lake of the Woods continues to rise and joint with great characters, the best being ror. Instead, all the girls
stood at 1063.2 feet on Monday, according to Mr. Stone himself. have a hanging shoe rack
the Lake of the Woods Control Board. That She has this great laugh that warms up on the back of their door
level is over the 95th percentile level for a room like a sun lamp. for makeup and hair sup-
this time of the year but short of the peak .
set in 1950 of 1064 feet.
plies, and a mirror on the
—Roseau Times-Region wall.” -- P.W. in Oregon
~ The dams in Kenora remain fully open
and no additional actions can be taken
“Creating Better Living.” to limit lake level rise, the Control Board District 564 approves * Stubborn stains in the toi-
reported Monday. let? Try dropping in a few
The lake rose 2.5 inches over the past contract with denture tablets before
going to bed, then scrub
week and is above the 2014 level of 1062.29
which caused property damage in the
Dr. Paula Henry and flush in the morning
The Board of Education for School Dis-
trict 564 approved the contract, as negotiat-
The Control Board expects the level Send your tips to Now
Tell Them You of the lake to continue to rise 2-3 more
ed, with Dr. Paula Henry. Henry will serve
Here]s a Tip, 628 Virginia
Saw It In The as the District’s superintendent of schools
inches in the coming 7 days, depending Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
“Creating Better Living.” ROADRUNNER
on the rainful received across the region.
effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
Donita Stepan resigned as superin-
If the weather is favorable, a peak may be (c) 2022 King Features
ADS! tendent of schools this spring to move
reached by the end of June followed by a Synd., Inc.
her mother closer to the Twin Cities and
gradual drop. Return to normal summer
closer to her family. That set off a search
levels will likely take many weeks and will

for a superintendent. The District received
be delayed should there be a return to wet
only four applications for the job, and
weather, theControl Board reported.
after interviewing three of the candidates,

TREE SERVICE Rainy Lake crested

paused the search and began the search
for an interim superintendent. Minnesota
School Boards Association recommended
NOW SELLING FIREWOOD on Monday, National Henry, and following an interview with the
Cut and Split! Guard sent home
School Board, they decided to offer the job
to her. Monday night, June 13, the Board
• Tree Removal The Rainy Lake Gazette newspaper of Education approved the contract with
• Planting and Spading reported Monday that Rainy Lake crested Henry as negotiated.
• Insured • Loader/Bucket Truck Monday on social media. The National
• Stump Grinding and Clean Up Guard will end its mission there, the Ga-
zette reported Tuesday.
—Thief River Falls Times
TERRY GAMACHE • GRACETON, MN The community has a stockpile of 100,00
218-783-8956 or 218-368-7376 filled sandbags for the community and
sandbagging operations in International

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arrival of a deadly heat
wave that would go on to
Beltrami County, Minnesota
kill 380 people. On July 13,
New York alone reported LAND AUCTION
211 people dead from the
excessive heat.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM
* On July 10, 1925, in Day- 78.39 TAXABLE ACRES± • 1 TRACT
ton, Tennessee, the so-
called Monkey Trial begins
with John Thomas Scopes,
a young high-school sci-
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law. The law made it a mis-
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Open Positions Kittson
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All Rights Reserved rights commission activity, or any othtr characteristic protected by applicable federal. state Of local laws:
14/Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region


Lake of the Woods School ISD #390

June 27th, 2022
Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 PM
ITV Room
Board Meeting Agenda
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New Website: www.nlregion.com

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Northern Light Region Wednesday, June 22, 2022 /15

The Lake of the Woods High School band and choir went to Memphis and Nashville June
7-12. Students started off with a clinic at the University of Memphis music department
where professors worked with each group for approximately an hour. They spent the af-
ternoon at Graceland, The National Civil Rights Museum, and Beale Street, wrapping up
the evening with the meal at the Hard Rock Café. In Nashville they spent time downtown
taking in CMA music fest events. Each group did a half hour performance at the Country
Music Hall of Fame followed by a tour. We loaded the bus and headed over to RCA’s Studio
The Bears baseball team at the awards banquet held June 14, 2022. Front row, left to right:  B for a tour and each group had the opportunity to record two pieces in the place were
Coach Don Krause, Logan Sathre, Evan Paschke, Ronan Ivall Back Row: Wyatt Shaw, Elvis and other music greats have recorded. On Friday, students spent the morning learn-
Brady Zemke, Waylon Johnson, Charlie Eck ing about Nashville on a bus tour of the city with lunch and free time at the farmers market.
In the afternoon they visited the Opryland Hotel followed by an amazing dinner at Paula

Bears Baseball wrap up season

Deans. The finale of the trip was a show at the Grand Ole Opry with a tour of backstage.

with awards banquet

The Lake of the Woods Bears baseball Wyatt Shaw-Junior
team celebrated a successful season with Waylon Johnson-Junior
a banquet June 14. Brady Zemke-Senior
A number of awards were presented to Evan Paschke-Sophomore
the team members and coach, Don
Krause: Northland Baseball Conference Assis-
tant Varsity Coach of the Year
Northland Baseball All-Conference Don Krause
Logan Sathre-Senior
Ronan Ivall-Junior All-Section 8A
Charlie Eck-Junior Logan Sathre-Senior
Ronan Ivall-Junior
Northland Baseball All-Conference
Honorable Mention Courtesy of Tiarra Shaw

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16/Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Northern Light Region


Sponsored by The Ladies of the Moose. Located at The Moose. Sponsored by the LOW Woman of Today. After parade on Willie
Walleye Hill.


Same day registration opens at 7A Race time is at 8:30A BINGO 3P-5P
Registration takes place at the Wells Fargo intersection and Sponsored by the LOW Women of Today. Located at the Ameri-
starting line will be near there. Finishline in downtown Baudette can Legion Club in Baudette. Proceeds go to Post Prom Party.
on Main Ave.

FLAG CEREMONY 11 A - 11 :30A Sponsored by Lake of the Woods Brewing Company. Located on
Sponsored by The American Legion Post 217. Located on the Main Ave.
Willie Walleye Hill. Sierra Castle will be performing.

LOW COUNTY MUSEUM OPEN Located on the Rainy River. Sponsored by the Baudette Rotary
July 4 from l 0A - l P.Join us for a medallion hunt starting July 1. Club. Purchase bobber tickets from any Rotary member or at
Look for clues on their Facebook page and museum front door. Border Bank and the VFW.


Open at 11A and continuing throughout the day and evening
along Main Ave N. Downtown Baudette. SPECTACULAR FIREWORKS DISPLAY 10:15P
Displayed over the Baudette Bay. Best viewing at Willie Walleye Park.


Sponsored by The Ladies of the VFW Post 723.


Face Painting 11A - l P. Gaga Ball, Kiddie Toys, Pools.
Bouncy Houses and Water Wars located on Main Street.

FACE PAINTING 11 A - 1P & 3:30P - ?

Williams Potato Day Committee.


Touch of Magic.


Located on Main Street Stage.


Participants line up at the CHI LakeWood Health to the
Catholic Church no later than l : 15P.No pre-registration
required. Parade route will start at that point and run down
Main Street.

Pre-register by June 30 by calling Rachel Krohn at 218-434-0352.
Parade will line up along 5th Street SW in front of CHI
Lakewood Health Center/Baudette Arena. The entire parade
will run down Main Ave.


_.__ Adrian's Resort Ballard's Resort Machine
""'fCHI Lakewood Coca-Cola Ronnings
Border Bank Cyrus Resort Royal Dutchman
Imagine better health.• Howard's Oil Erickson Timber Products SandPieper Design Inc.
KQ92 LOW Foods Sjoberg's Cable
LOW Brewing Company Wild 102
LIBERTYSPONSORS NorthernLightRegion Northern Sports &

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