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Alamia, Yousuf Azhar M.

January 20, 2022

12 – STEM Badillo ISF122 Lesson 1 – Action

Activity: Walking the Talk

Leadership Values How the value translates into personal leadership behavior
Integrity As a student leader, ever since I stepped into elementary, I
believe integrity is the fundamental value of a leader. I have
shown integrity through 2 simple ways—being honest and
genuine to my beliefs and practicing what I preach. Being
authentic to myself can be demonstrated by following my heart
—an example is that when deciding on a topic for a research
paper, I had to ask my group if we could change the issue to
something more interesting. We did change it that became a
triumphant paper for the whole group. Practicing what I preach
can be directly seen when I ran for the student council and
promised the students that I would make sure to address the
problem about discipline in school. The school became a better
place, in which I was awarded a leadership award.
Positivity Positivity can be translated into behavior not by toxic positivity
but by proper optimism. Positivity can be shown during
struggles and success. During struggles, a leader should be
promoting optimism, like when my research group was
bombarded with questions and criticisms, and I told my group
that everything would be all right and immediately thought of
how to overcome and revise the paper. With my positivity, the
group became optimistic that became a steppingstone to our
group’s success. During our success in having excellent scores
and feedback, we celebrated by congratulating each other and
spreading positivity throughout the day. Simple things like
being happy and praising each member will promote positivity.
Excellence As a leader, excellence can be shown when you make the best
out of your group. In my case, I can deliver excellence through
my problem-solving skills and by setting challenging goals to
make the group perform at its best. Problem-solving is one way
to show excellence—like when there was a problem in the
research group with our Chapter 4 when my groupmate could
not do the chapter due to personal reasons, I immediately
stepped up and volunteered to do it. After I finished the chapter
and was passed, we got a high grade that led the group to
excellent grades. As a leader, being a role model is also
essential by setting challenging goals and high standards for
the group to guide the group into excellence. I had to show that
my output was excellent, encouraging the group to do the
same. During our whole research paper, I taught my group
mates how to do their part better. Having an excellent output
helps make an outstanding member.
Accountability Accountability can be stemmed from the integrity value that a
leader must-have. Responsibility can be shown through being
honest and owning to one’s mistakes. As a leader, honesty is
also an essential aspect of being accountable for all things that
the group will encounter. Being honest on feedbacking and
accepting shortcomings in the group is one way to show
accountability. When I assign tasks to a member, and they do
not do it properly, I give honest feedback because it will affect
the group and would be my fault, as I can be held accountable
for the mistakes of my groupmate. Owning up to one’s
mistakes can be challenging, too, as it takes guts to do it
honestly. It can be shown when I neglected the group because
the deadline was still two weeks later. The group did not do the
best, which I immediately owned up to my mistakes by
apologizing and promising that we would do better next time.
Credibility As a leader ever since, I can say that I am a credible leader
with all of my achievements. Credibility in leadership can be
shown by having all the values mentioned here, such as
integrity, positivity, excellence, and accountability. Concretely,
credibility can be established when I used actions with words
when we did the research paper. I was focused on the group’s
goals—achieving a good research paper. We successfully
completed that with grit and perseverance. Credibility can also
be shown when I treat people with respect. Having to be
credible means that I am trustworthy. With that, when I treat
people with respect, like when the research group was
downhearted, I did not scold the group. Instead, I respected
their feelings and waited for the surface to clear up.

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